Lebanon Expiess. OITY OFFICIALS. MAYtIK M. A. MILI.KK. RKUIKDKi: M. l H.I-HK. TRK.AHIlU.iili J A. KOBKKTB. MAKNHA1-. J. W. JIOliflAN. I ED. KKLUISBBtlCiER, ' N. 8. UAUUiKIBH. Citv Council meeuioii the ttwt .aiui:third 'Tiiei-tlay evriiiii!s of each RMth. One of theihardest notiHuioritfcft un trffhieil nurse to give op is that beef tea in a valoaUi&Jiatriment. The waeut as sertion of a writer in Tiie Amaricaa -.meet that thousands of mk iperaons . have been atierved to death beef . tea : is only a etuoniingap of wbatpbyaiojaae rand expert nurses have been trying to .wimpreas apoaoe minds of the laityifor gnxne time. Beef tea is. a stimulant, slight and .evanescent, bet to "live on beef itea," which has beau the shibboleth many a sickroom, -m impoaaible. And The -iLencet furtheraconnBeU that if it most dull be made ma need to perform ite (very limited savvies, to remember that, 4Uke plain toe, ,it should never be boiled. TCtat method f making contribateaji easitive vicethat of indigeetibilitjr. VlieonBt ftkerbraoke'a Hnaaor., Hubert Lowe feecame the recognked .ananthpiece of .sardonic humor, and thereby obtained more than bis share of trsestionable notwiety. Many of his tapmed stories, are obviously adapbv A fanner friend who met him in Lon don is said to haw accosted him with the remark: "Dont yon remember me? I need to know yon in Australia," and to nave met with the ttebuff, "Yes, and when I meet yon again in Australia I hall be happy to know you." But this is a mere -ho of George Belwyn's re mark under like circumstances, "I shall tie pleased to renew our acquaintance when we meet again in Sath." Quar terly Review. Where He Found Oei. "He who can conceal his joys is great er than he who can hide his griefs," said Lavater. This is the only ground we have for thinking Lavatir may have been a great poker player in his time,-omer-viUe Journal Senator Proctor's Quarry. Senator Proctor is the owner of one of the most valuable marblequarries in the country, and bis home at Proctorville, in the Green mountains, possesses a beauty unrivaled in mountain districts. His eldest son is manager of the works. Borne idea of the value of these quarries and the enormous amount of work per formed can be estimated from the fact that there are 15.000 names on the pay rolls of the company, and the village of Proctor is made up entirely of the em ployees. There are 600 cottages in the village beautiful little two story dwell ingsthat are rented at $7 per month and always kept in the most perfect repair. The drives in and around the neighborhood are solidly macadamized by the hard marble sittings from the mines, and one may drive for miles over the picturesque roads on a roadway un exampled for smoothness and freedom bom dust Washington Post A Dgfac ' VUioa. Judge John Stone, a pioneer settler of Livingston county, Ho., and for several terms a member of the county court, died at Ctice on Wednesday, aged 8a JJe had been anconsctorja for some time MEpre death, but Saturday night roused ad sata Wert son, Samuel of Kw- . cat-sis -rs a, W srenld not speak. 8tmday a telegram tame announcing the tatter's death at the hour when his dying father saw him. at his bedsia&-Chicao Record. Dlol tU forter of Sleeping Car-Ymr berth Is the top one, lady. Passenger What df you take me for, bundle of old fahmed dry goods that m want to put vntof sight on the top 4m - Porter of fiaeptef Car-No, madam, ey an a&fel, who ought to be as sax aiaspossibU.-BotonGst Buy boots and show of Bead, Peacock .Co. 4uy your graeeries at Peebler's, and 4m money. When you want to boy aeult of eloth- 4Rg-you wlH save awney by getting flat Bach's. How to make the "mighty dollar" 7a lone ways Oo to Baker's and toy your boots and shoes, that have ebeaa eut down to bard times prices. Oend yew name and address to ead Peacock A Co., Albany, Oregon, nt numtion the EKPBB8S. they will Mll you fashion heat free each attentb. There will be services in the Cuav torlaod Presbyterian Church on the oeooud and (Mirth Sundays In each telh, at tl a. in. and 720 p.m. VI. V. MflU-E,Pastor. rCoal Watte. The great quantities of antbraoiteeofl! wasted by the unsuitable methods resort ed to in .preparing it for market is the subjects. complaint by Mr. Harris, the head official of the Lehigh Coal com pany. These, operations, he says, sresult in reducing,A.,large proportion of the. coal to sizes ..toe small for couimerciul purposes, the peroentage of waste from, tlus source averaging as high asJJO pvr cent of .the .coal hoisted from .the col-i lieriea, this,ihawaver, having been.sointt-i what diminished in recent years by the utilization of the smaller sizes of ooal. , He thinks that this process rescuing coal from nthe waste heaps is destined to go muchifartuer in the more general use of ooal in finepnrticles. He believes that it may not .be going too far to .as sume that improved methods of mining and of preparing, ooal may insure ithe use as fuel oue-half the coal nowsre maining, ao (that itmay be reckoned that there are still .not far from ,000,009,)0 tons of anthracite-available before the beds will he wholly exhausted. The present annua .consumption of anthra cite is about 4Q,OQP,0OO tons, and this consumption haefotsanie years been is creasing at the tste.oitf per cent per an num New York Sun. At the awtrlnwtel Oflee. Agent Now, aJease ,state what con ditions you reqmns on lihe part of the lady. Suitor A pleasant interior, 80,000 (marks dowry, domestic training and (H lisiae gloves. Agent May I ask whyiyou fix upon lithe last named condition? Suitor Well, yon aee,.aifew years ago lliwon six pairs of ladies' flares, 8r size. .in n exhibition lottery, and yon can't expect me to throw tbeuawtt, aelfen l')Ma' RUTeit A'Xexaa clergyman, about ie be ap pointod chaplain of the penitentiary, preached a farewell sermon to hjs con gregatinn, which had treated him rather badly, fie created a sensation by select ing the fallowing text, "I go to pr.jare a place for you, so that where I uiu ye ntiy be also." Texas Sittings. A UiUlnetlon. "Would yon like to read the newspa per?' "No, thank you. I haven't my glasses, snd I cannot see without them." "Heaveus, that's strange! The mure glasses I use the lets I can see." firhalk. The Kalt Hub. Various sanitariums and private hos pitals are using "the salt rub," and it is becoming so popular that some Turkish bath establishments are advertising it as a special attraction. It is just as good for well people as sick ones, is the most refreshing of all the baths and rubs ever invented, only excepting a dip in the sea itself, and is matchless in its effect upon the skin and complexion. With all these virtues, it is the simplest, most easily managed of all similar measures, and can be taken at home easily. Put a few pounds of coarse salt, the coarsest yon can get, sea salt by prefer ence, in an earthen jar, and pour enough water on it to produce a sort of slush, but not enough to dissolve the salt. This should then be shaken up in bandfuls and rubbed briskly over the entire per son. Of course it Is better to have it rubbed on by another person, but any one in ordinary health can do it for her self or himself very satisfactorily. This being done, the next thing Is a thorough douching of clean water, preferably cold, with a brisk rubbing with a dry towel The effect of elation, freshness and re newed life is felt immediately, and the satiny and increased clearness and bright Bess of the complexion swell the tettt man; i If0 of the salt rob. New York World. Aa Brrar I iMtaatiea. The ancient Church dedicated 'to the pious memory of St. Helena, who, tra dition eeith, went to "Jerusalem, my happy home" and found the true crejat Belland, Is comfortable hour's walk from Bodmin town. The rector, a good sort of a fellow, had a touch of the rheumatism awhile since and was rec ommended the waters at Bath. So there he went But Saturday came round, and no "supply" for Sunday's pulpit could be found. At the last moment, however, and aft er the rector had been wired o return, a worthy cleric named Bmtth, Who d eosoe to sVrimta aawttaesa to aa sise ease, volunteered his erv ices as locum ten . Bo aantto telegram dispatched in haste to Bath to stoythe nrralid from eomrKgbsck. H was hand ed in at the Bodmie'omcesnd readthus'. "Smith has gsM to BeBand. Toe story where you ate. When the mvmmt tey'hsWded Iha MSilirf salsl fBTU WIJ"-I a NV att oUm w ewd, letter tew it eye mi sead wilhwtoaisham-s ' "Smith hasgoofto Heilaod yea stop when you am'-HIiMiaB'AdvieeT. SMMsyla'iVMus. : Bad Boy (gleefotly-f had tbesMM thb miasm Oeoi B-rgo is thatf Bad 94f-m n ther put cotton t ae earLAod now I Wt hear 'er when m ealOeda News. Alfasslsll, A 9mmtMSmt wrsetltog wHh tba IneUeb tajBTWre rendered a text M j krwe, "11e heat lswujf,butiU-M( DALGLEISM EVERETT, -nDKAIiUKS IN I Furniture & Hardware, Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Flow Battings, R -AIXO-- TV"indow,,loorN, Builders' Hardware, &c, &c, LEBANON, KE JON. BARBER SHOP de-st Shaven, Hair Cut or 8liani)xio at BORUM & KIRKS' Shavingf Parlor. SEXT DOORTO KT.tWAltLES HOTEL. Elegant Battihs. Clifldren Kindly Treated.1 Ladi Hnir Dressing a SHjdulty. OOPYRIOHTe. etaJ ror inrnrmiuon sna rree Hindbook wrtw tfl Ml'.NN & 10.. 1 BluljtllWJT. NIW V.iUlt. Olilelt baruu for seounoK patenu tn Amtries. Krerr natent Takrn out bf ue ts brought before Ute puotio Dr e nouee siren free ol eaaise In toe Lnreert tTirwlatlon of anr irtmtlf!e piper to the morui. tipleiitiidlr IlluicrateO. No irtelllHeat iti,-m itimilil im) vrlthttut, tt. Wek)T. S;t.tHI a Tf.ar: Slusix Dion the Aildrew ilUNN A OUe, PuiJUaiUiM, atil Broadway, Self XoiJiaty. 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE niJt'rip. Do yos our them? When ntxl In need try s pair. Bast In the world. If yos vstt s Ins DRESS SHOE, mtde hike later! Ityta, Wt say t6 to U, try ay $3, 13.S0, 14.00 er i Shoe. Tkey It equal Is cittern auto lad leek US' wear ttmll Ifyooeliatoeuaoeiljelnjrarfeotaear! e eo by oirekulig W. I, Ooiglti Sheei, Nine ui rice tamped en the betttn, look for It wheayoe btry. WtMawuui,aiieeasss aojaey HIRAM BAKER, LEBANON, OB. TJ dWOAVgATt, HI k Tt TRADE MARKS, fiaijr DISIQN PATENTS, 5.00f"V3.00 4.00! 50 3.501 la.,l42-00 2.25X1 I i I.rS MENT WHY ARE YOU J t3 . t'MOWY t ve a relief mmi m In yoof It uoitnoo ot l!eCTa -ami vHallty vrkiesi ita strength aad vigaclll(eU can er neasy nato. ;g Br. Msxteaesaecuic -r after all ether soasMts tsttlly, aad (reaa safol m wm mw t .im el.ii eteenle hattrff made Into a belt so as to Be easily worn aunng won or at ZynSlilmkVmti $5.OO0. It h- sa AtlSFti ELTRkT C O., i72 First St., Keep Your Eye Open For X BARGAINS, -h Leader Iqi Low HIRAM BAKER, The Leading Dualer In Dry Goois, Ladies' Cloaks, Boots and Shoes Gives -Great Bargains at Imb Well-Filled Store. Ladies1 and Gents' Furnishing Goods. s' and Men's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Groco Crockery, Tinware, Etc. LEBANON, - - ' - OREGON. Albany Collegiate Institute ALBANY, OREGON. liill Term IJoj - A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers, ESTATE DIPLOMASTO NOKM A L ( III A DU ATESJ Enur DfipartmontH nf Htudy CollcpHte, Nnrnml, I?winoHB, Primary, Type-Writing and Shorthand are taight. For uutnlnguo ttddntsu Rev. ELBERT N. C0NDIT, A. M., President. A. H. CRUSON ! Paper Hanging and Graining. rSHMUZ H . .1 nY M SlXCaESSS3.IMtH3RysGENERAli IllHEALTH .t.- -mum mJ - ww. in, ... ..i t.i.1. 1 - or br etceea, or ipoir, yoo may bare aodoly trainee yoor systtaot aerve tetc sJeetriettr-l t "- 1 Ten kie- or lack ol Ions. If yoa rsplscs Into year drsia4, hi are teauirsd tat tifer evs strtafth, yoa will remove (as came, and health, taw at once and ia a astarsl way. This la oar plan sad trsstnuet, and we g-rsntse a 5. ,pBd lot ear luunrawa ranpaisH, 11, i Belt Is r-Mriwrlnvttrt, as we have resterea tnosssnos ro romiB oeuu u .. S bllcd,aibesaonhylnad throsfbout this Stats, who wooia risaiy S wheat we heve Krone letters basriof ttstuaony to tbelr rtcc ry after using onrTBelt. DR. SRNDEN ELBCTRIC BELT The Plac( for Bargains n Sitii!ili' 13, WEAK ? .. Ml,.er r--wf t) SuSFfilldUHT ruru ' ' - 'gggi,:,. .. .1 , Uun AOtriFRII IToTPH A KID O IFFFDI UK PtYt MFDUm K riFPii IfV .FMINAI WFAK- j nWTI 1M'WWa aVS-Wlle' It see. ------ tvircc t nCF HbAlKl IMtDnTFNf Y QD AMUtVin Pufi IMATIM I.AMF ialVW I A'trUlI IVVfl s llsWI'M Ji - Wtf KinwcvTDni iri PC WFDVni KK1FCC eaerre .fill evnnetire. Ver turl, snfferen -- - , 1. t . ..:,t . MnvtnjMi th nmri aWntleeL vj 1 . , ei .v jumunn, j..-., ., biprsveed EWrie tlu.pe.wr,, tbe PORTLAND, ORECOtt. W mm.t wroranw news.