H. T, KIKKPATMCK, PublLh.r. LEBANOX.. . ; OREGON OCCIDENTAL NEWS. Cause of the Explosion on the Collier San Mateo. BAB DIEGO AND PIKE NIX BOAD. Man in British Colombia Colliery Agree to the Preposition of the Management. Tacoma claims a population of 62,329. Ban Diego's Fruit Exchange has been incorporated. All the creditors of the Tacoma Expo sition are called into court November 28. A franchise for an opposition ferry at Vallejo has been granted by the Trus- The amount of sugar ontpnt of the Chino factory for the season is 16,100,000 pounds. The counsAl of Chris Evans, the ban dit, have applied for a continuance of we case. , Foray weather has interfered with raisin-curing in the South, Hot weather u wanted. The Butte (Mont.) Council refused to confirm the appointment of a negro on the police force. The relations between the Arizona Oa sette and the Territorial Judiciary are somewhat strained. The railway employee of the South are finding it difficult to handle the tramps that infest the freight trains. The Victoria surveyors who looked into the causes for the explosion on the collier 8an Mateo declare it donbtlees originated in the exposure of the gas generated from the coal to the dame of a lighted lamp. A gang of forty or fifty bunco-steerers, flim-nammere and snre-thing men have infested Tacoma several days and com mitted a number of robberies upon un suspecting countrymen, whom they in duced to visit down-town resorts. Manv of the men came over the Northern Pa cific from Chicago, where they operated during the World's Fair. They are now on their way to the Midwinter Fair at Ban Francisco. Little if anything is being done to ward getting the steamer New York off the rocks at Point Bonita. Information is not given out readily, and along the water front there are few who know ex actly what steps the Pacific Mail officials propose now to take. As the vessel has settled solidly, there is no likelihood of her ever being pulled off. She will have to be raised and floated. Pumps will be kept on board, and will be ready for wora at any time. The Corvallie Times says: There is a possibility, if not a probability that the 118,000 of Agricultural College funds on deposit in the Job bank at the time of the suspension will be wholly lost. It will be remembered that shortly after the bank passed into the bands of a re ceiver in order to secure the college claim an attachment was placed on the Sropeny ny treasurer ouijuey. xv miw evelopa that the attachment was irreg nlarlv issued, and if so. the college will be without any claim whatever to the funds on deposit wnen toe bank sus The new cruiser Olympia, on her first trip, established her position as queen of the United Btatee navy. The ship made a maximum speed of 21.26 knots, and averaged slightly under 21 knots on a run of 68 knots, with a heavy sea and a strong head wind. As the Olympia was only expected to make 20 knots, her builders are very happy over the trial, and think that when the of ficial government trial is made she can be forced up to 22 knots. This would give the Union iron works a bonus of (400,000 for exceeding the speed re quirement. The Clement grammar school at San Francisco, containing 700 young chil dren, was discovered on fire during the school hours the other day. The chil dren marched out in an orderly manner when the alarm was given, and there was no panic. The fire was in the garret, and was extinguished before much dam age was done. Miles Baird, a fourteen-year-old pupil of the school, was arrest ed on the charge of arson. He confessed that he had started the fire in the garret to see how the pupils would get out of school in case of a real fire. Young Baird has always had a mania for set ting buildings on fire. At San Francisco in the case of the TfnitedStates vs. Frank L. Wilson Judge Morrow of the District Court has granted the motion of the defendant to quash the indictment charging him with send ing obecene matter through the mail. Exp-eesiong complained of were written by Wilson at. Lakevilie to a friend in San Francisco. Judge Morrow surprised the United States Attorney and the postal Inspectors by his interpretation of the statute governing nidi cases. He decid ed that a personal letter, securely sealed, containing obscenity is not indictable even if it passes through the mails. He interprets the law to refer only to manifold, stylograph, printed copies or similar publications. Numer ous courts have held that written letters containing obscenity are included in the meaning of the statute, and such eases have been punished by fine and impris onment. District Attorney Garter an nounces that he will appeal this case to it, higher court. j BUSINESS BREVITIES. In Japan 343,662 cotton spindles are twining. Last year 1,376 vessels were built in wis country. A revival of Mississippi river com- uierce la wxpecieu. Virginia produce annually 2,600,000 Dusneis oi peanuw, Electric railroads, now so common, are not yet ten yean old. Carnegie has a new steel casting that woigus succy-iour ions. It cost the government $2,423,622 to ieea ine regular army last year. The operating expenses of the rail roaas last year were riw.WIMm, Cane Colonv. South Africa, has tOO.. uuu,uuu invested in Htate railroads. The ovster beds of Chesaneake Bav give employment to su.uuu persons, One beekeeper of Reno. Nov.. shinned ou,wu pounus oi noney to at. Louis, Eiffhtv million dosen Docket handker chiefs were sold in this country last year. The first consignment of corn ever sent u fiurope irom Mexico is about to De snipped. Maronette. Mich., with a nrmnlatinn of 12,000 people, pays only $1 per 1,000 leec lor gas. ine total number of employes in the service of railways in this country last year was 02l,?lD. Near St. Louis 400 acres have been given up to raising willows for a willow. ware manufactory. Two cotton mills in Shamrhai are ex. clusively in Chinese hands and founded on (Jninese capital. Two-thirds of all the cotton duck nro- aucea in we woria is maae wttmn twen. ty miles of Baltimore. The young cotton-seed-oil indnstrv has scored a vearlv record of 1. 000.000 oarreis, representing J..SUU tons of seed. There are 110 women lawvers in the United States, and eight have earned the right to practice before the Supreme unn. They do say that Lower California. where land is verv chean. is as well adapted for lemon culture as the (1,000 an acre groves oi Blcily. By the sale of their lands to the United States government some of the Indian tribes are worth from (6,000 to (10,000 per capita, man, woman and child. A Chicago building society has in. creased its capital from (6,000,000 to (50,000,000, declares the National Loan Herald. Present assets are (1,600,000, It is estimated that the richest of civ ilized people is the English, with (1.236 per capita. In France the average is said to be (1,102; in the United States (1,020. A flourishing new Baltimore export industry has been started by ex-Senator Henry G. Davis that of shipping West Virginia coke to the silver-mining regions oi jnexieo. About boo to 1,UW bolts are used in a single freight car, and about 1,000 are required for a first-class passengercar, in addition to the 800 required in two good six-wheel trucks. Upon a recent purchase of 10,000 tons of raw sugar, not more than two weeks' supply, the American Sugar Refining Company will net, it is estimated, a profit of (236,000. The tenth census shows that 23,010,000 inhabitants of the United States are supported by agriculture, 11,520,000 by manufactures ana io,ua;,uuu ny com merce. One hundred years ago the United States Imports aggregated (31,000,000; to-day, (866,361,421. One hundred years ago the exports were valued at (2U,1W, 000; to-day, (847,608,024. There are patents for making paper rrom sawdust ana shavings, Irom this tles and thistledown, from tobacco stalks and tanbark. It is said that there are over 2,000 patents in this country cover ing toe manufacture of paper. Over 3,000,000 women are earning in denendent incomes in this cunntrv. There are some 2,600 practicing medi cine, 6,000 managing postofficee, 276 preaching the gospel, and in flew York city alone 27,000 of them are supporting weir n us bands. PUEELT PERSONAL, The Emperor of China is studying French and German, and will take a course in law. Jeweler L. Hartenstin of Fottstown. Pa., has a 04-year-old watch that. has never missed a day. J, 0. Henries of Charleston, 8. 0.. is the only ex-Confederate in that State who wears the iron cross of Prussia for valorous service in the Franco-Prussian war. Dr. Samuel F. Smith, the author of "America," passed his 86th birthday last week at his home in Newton Center, Mass., near Boston. He is active and alert, and feels the burden of his ad vanced age little. Mme. Adelina Patti recently told a re porter for an English paper that people nave a perfect mania tor asking ner to adopt their children. ' She is constantly receiving otters of babies hundreds, she should say, in the course of the year. Her last one was a pair of twins. In view of the annual Increase of vis itors to Egypt an important addition has been made this season to the number of first-class hotels in Cairo. The Ghesireh Palace Hotel is intended to surpass in size and splendor its well-known rivals Shepheard'e and the Continental. British vessels landed a party near Eiode Janeiro in order to obtain a sup- ?ly of sand for holystoning the decks, he men approached an old Brazilian govern men t powder magazine, which was guarded by a detachment of President Peixoto's soldiers. The latter, seeing a number of seamen digging, believed they belonged to the rebel war ships, and, acting under orders, blew up the powder magazine and killed and wound ad several of iha British eaiiorf. - i EASTERN MELANGE. American Protective Associa tion Increasing. THE SMALLPOX IN INDIANA, The Sender of a Challenge to Fight a Duel Sentenced to the Pen itentiary In Alabama. The New York telephone girls have ueen vaccinated. Chicago proposes to eettle right down to Dusiness now. A sixth bridge is to be built aoross the Ohio river at Cincinnati. The State tar levy for Illinois has been made. It calls for (2,600,000. The Salvation Armv has onened a ten oays' campaign at uaiveston. Dengue fever in a mild form has made Its appearance at Sherman, Tex. The Viking shin has started on its trip from Chicago to New Orleans. Gold quarts, assaying (46 a ton. has been struck in Northern Minnesota. Quebec is being ravished bv virulent typhoid ever caused by bad drainage. The Indiana Buoreme Court has knocked out the saloon screen ordinance. The driveways of Central Park. Now York, are to be lighted by incandescent lamps. The smallpox epidemio continues with out abatement in the infected regions in Indiana. The present fad in New York is said to De the answering oi dinner Invitations in rhyme. Arrangements are being made to win- ter an immense number of Texas cattle in Mississippi. World's Fair stockholders nrobablv win receive a dividend oi to per cent on their investments. The American Protective Association is reported to be growing rapidly in northern Indiana. A secret order known as the Pension era' Protective Association is beini or ganized in Illinois towns. Claims nnder the Missouri diseased stock law threaten depletion of the sur plus in the Htate Treasury. A large number of silver dollars not made by the government have been put A company has been formed at West Plains, Mo., with ample capital to de velop the onyx of Douglas county. Gail Hamilton is still working for the liberation of Mis. Maybrick, imprisoned in r.ngianu tor poisoning her husband. An Alabama inrv ha mnyicted the sender of a challenge to fight a duel. He will nave two years in the penitentiary. A pauper census of the State of Min nesota shows in June last there were 6,384 paupers, against 4,869 the previous year. Captain Anderson is desirous of pre senting the Viking ship to this govern ment, it to be kont permanentlr at the capital. Louisiana sugar is being marketed rapidly, and the result is considerable relief already in the financial situation in that section. Revenue officers have decided that North Carolina distillers must pay tax on three gallons of whisky for every bushel of corn used. During the fishing year lust closed at Gloucester, Mass., fifty-seven fishermen have been lost, and ten vessels, valued at (60,000, have been wrecked,, Governor Le we ling of Kansas has ap pointed Mrs. Eva Blackman a member of the Topeka Police Commission, vice a Populist member whom he removed. The number of paid admissions to the Columbian Fair during the 170 days that it was open to the public was 21,477,218, being an average of 11,984 per day. Senator Sherman's real estate holdings at Washington are rated on this year's tax list at (400,000. He is about the heaviest individual taxpayer at the cap ital. It is understood that the United States Supreme Court will be asked to order the naturalisation of a Chinaman, with a view of testing the anti-Chinese legis lation. Brooklyn officials intend establishing a squad of police to protect pedestrians from the danger of the trolley cars. A similar squad does duty on Broadway, new It org. Cornelius Vanderbilt paid (160,000 for the old Seventh Regiment clubhouse in order to pull it down and make a flower garden on its site for his new Fifth-avenue mansion. ' The President has appointed Colonel George B. Ruggles to be Adjutant-General of the army with the rank of Brigadier-General, to succeed General Will iams, retired. About 260,000 photographs were de- troved at the Postoftice Department in Washington on the 28th ultimo, They represented the accumulation in the dead-letter office since 1874. A suit has been instituted at Madison, Wis., which involves Governor Peck, Attorney-General O'Connor and other State officers in an attempt to get at the State funds In the Treasury. The Minnesota Legislature has passed an ordinance declaring poolrooms public nuisances and making owners of build inns rented for poolrooms and their fre quenters guilty oi a misuemeanor. The Snnreme Court of the United Statee has directed the courts of Utah to proceed in conformity with the act of the last Congress in disposing of the as- i eiieated Mormon Church property. I FItlJM WASHINGTON CITY. There are rumors that Voorhees will Introduce a free-coinage silver bill at the opening qf the regular session. Voor hees declined to talk about the matter, but It is pointed out he has always been a silver man, and that he declared dur ing the debate on the repeal bill that he was no less a friend of silver than al ways. At any rate it is thoroughly un derstood the silver question was not shelved by the passage of the repeal bill. On the contrary, the silver men say the fight has only begun. When Congress assembles they propose to keep It well to the front in connection with every great issue between the parties from the utriu w we repeal oi tnereuorai elec tion laws. Every stage of the tariff dis cussion will be punctuated by pertinent queriee by the silver men tending to prove that it was demonetization of sil ver and not the McKlnley tariff which caused the financial depression. Indeed, it is intended that the silver men shall act as a body of obstructionists, as did the Parnellitee in Parliament, till silver shall receive a hearing. Although Congress amended the Geary act so as to allow Chinese six months more in which to register, it adjourned without making an annronriation to carry out the provisions of the act. The uuairman oi me committee on Appro priations had couniiance of the necealtv of the Treasury Department's need of money to carry out the law, and It is Erobable that, if the urgency deficiency ill had passed, a clause appropriating enough money at least to begin opera tions would have been inserted in the bill, As it is. registrations under the act will not begin until the appropriation is made. Meanwhile the Treasury Depart ment will make all its preparations, and so soon as the money is available it will be prepared to assign its officers so that they can begin the work at once. The bureau has assurances that an effort will be made to get the bill through in the early days of the session, so that the work of registration will not be Ion? de-1 (erred. It is said that all Chinese now in the country, approximating 100,000, can be registered in sixty days, if they promptly take advantage of the oppor tunity. Secretary Gresham has received a dis patch from United States Minister Baker, who was on board the steamer Costa Kica at Amapala when fired on by the Honduras authorities because the cap tain of the vessel refused to surrender a refugee from Honduras on board as a passenger. The dispatch fully confirms the press reports of the firing on the United States flag. While the ship was in the port of Amapala the authorities demanded the surrender of Poleraro Bo nilla, who was recently concerned In the revolutionary movement against the Honduras government, The captain de clined. After the ship had received her clearance papers and while she was leav ing port six or seven shots were fired to bring her to. Minister Baker was on board at the time. Whether the shots were fired directly at her or in front Is not stated. The matter was discussed at a Cabinet meeting. Captain Dow, who was in command of the Costa Rica, is the same captain who harbored Bar rundia, who was killed on his ship sev eral years ago bv the Guatemalan au thorities. It has been established that a political refugee who is a passenger, as Bonilla was, cannot be taken from the ship on which he is. The chance pres ence of the United States Minister on the vessel in this case is not considered to make any difference in the diplomatic aspects of the case. Nothing could be learned of what reply was sent Minister Baker or what steps are proposed to be taken in the matter. The United States steamship Alliance sailed tlte other day from San Jose to Acajutla in Salvador, Whether this movement was occasioned by the incident was not stated at the department. flliBflJlY v FURlUTUflE 7 GO. H. R. Hyde, A FULL Furniture OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION AND ALL KINDS OF Cstrpets! Csirpets! We make a specialty of UNDICItTA ICING. Calls nimwured niirhk or tlay. Baltimore Block. Albany, Or. W. F. 11KA1I, I'.-twIiloilt. (IKO. f KIMI'SIIN.VUH-I'ivllilullt. J. 0, H'lirrailAN.Seoretiwr 1, I,. COW.tN, iiwi lirer. u, A. JI1I,NKU. ' ,. Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company OF ALBANY, CAPITAL STOCK. IIOAICU (r HOO.B.S.KTBAHAN. 'h cf Jm'fmot 8uirune Court. Hon. J. W. OtmiOK. Hanktr. II..D. .1. K. WKATIIKItl'dHtl. Atliiril)'-Sl Uw ). 0. WU11HM A N. Kmi Onlull-I. No two Blip's. Ibrw (oiiriiu. tlilny m l ,lav d,,,., , ). ',d Herohami' FA u pol.oU. ThrrarntKwid M.rcM.l.' Iiiinii. onipnn. , ,he full ',i "t l.t nmmiut liwrad. t nitMrlh-ni lo in ,.,ilul .fk roirn.M of It. nwr,. m roliaiilstai f J? nraliallit.. iurui, pliynlninii. unl nmliaiiH. Uw laiswl u.uu lulrf k. T.i,,.u i.jl! ..?!! WlllllllielU) tAllff I. ml Cnnil'Ml) tlm I2U.0O& Ratlfioat'onB of the extradition treaty between the United States and Sweden and Norway have been exchanged. It will go into effect in thirty days. The annual report of L. Lowrie Bell, the Second Assistant Postmaster-General, shows that the total expenditure for mail transportation was (43,507,0117, and of th 1b amount (6,768,818 was on account of star routes and (25,720,606 on account of railway routes. The re port shows that there are now in opera tion : Star routes 18,860, mileage 26, 850; railroad routes 2,520, mileage 1IW, 052; messenger routes 7,206, mileage 20,030. The increase In the number of j routes during the year was 980 and in ine lengtn oi routes 6,241 miles. The increase in the annual rate of expendi ture was (2,262,266. During the last fiscal year the railway poetofllce can were subjected to 408 train accidents, most all of which resulted In loss of life or serious injury. Ten clerks were killed, 66 sorlouBly injured and 116 slightly in jured. Commenting upon the facte, Mr. Bell says : " The department Is permit ted to care for the injured, but no au thorized relief under the existing stat utes can be extended to the people left behind by the gallant fellows who go down to death whilst performing their duties. The day death enters the oar the pay of the clerk ceases, and at the very time help is moft needed the heart broken family becomes too often an ob ject of charity. Various methods have been suggested whoreby relief could he extended without material obligation from the government, and I trust the present Congress can lie prevailed upon to adopt some one of the proposed plans. If such a nioasure of relief wars nut inb. effect, it would promote the service, and the direct ImneUt that would be induced by it would be great." EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route -or Tint- SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Kipnm tralalwtv fortiaud dally: :W r. K IU .PorllViiU...Arj 8:26XlL I0: P. h. I'T ..Albany Ar, :n a.m. 10:1ft u.r Hun Krriiirtipn. U. 7:00 r. m. The ubove irulim mop lit all itrttluua from Porilmul to Albany iiicinijiv; nlo Tunirmit, fUuNld, llalaey, IlnrriabiirR, Junction City, In lnjf, Kngene and nil itiiliouu (ruin Komuuk to Aililuiiu lnclukiva. Kotfbunt mall rtaUr: n-W a. n. Lv Purtiuui) -.Ar. i Hi r. h. ViAb r. H. I.v Albany Ar. 12:W t. M. j:60 f. M Ar Uoit'biirg I,v. 7:00 a. U, lHlpMttipTTrtrii1iii--rliiUy(t-pcitfHiinflay). I:2U r. u, I.v Albany Ar. It 21 a. K. !i:iw p. m, Ar. Uimuou,., I.v, V W a. h. 8:10 a, m, I,t ....Albany Ar. r. :00 . M. Ar Lebm l,y. '2 ft. p. , Dluiiijr Curt an Ogrian ltuuu. PULLMAN JIlirriCT BLEKFBlttt AND wHund'tllMi 8lfliliiir (Jura Attaahad lo All Through Trttina, WIGHT BI1MC IIIVIHION. BMTWMII POHTLAHD AH1 COHTALLJ. lUlHrnln --tUllyjexoipt Hmiday): 7:8fl a. h. 17v.."l'irtliiijil.,"..7..Ar. I A:98 a.K. l.':lt r. H. Ar i:()rvlli.,,I.,l,v, l;00 p. m. At Albdiiv and Oorvatlli connect with trahu oi Oregon hid tic railroad. Kjmrwm trahi-rtallv fesrept Hniiday): I lv I'ortltinil Ar. i 8 '2f a. h. I Ar...,Mi'Mlinivllk,...,v. ' f;b0 i. U. THROUGH TICKETS SKK&S ul Kurof win he obtained at lowwt rat tna I A. BeiinfU, agent, lbannn. K. KOKW.KEt. Matiaiw. 1. P. ROOICHH. A ant. 0. r. A Paw. A rait. Proprietor. LINE OF OREGON. SBOO.OOO DIUROTOK8. Hon. J. I. ROWAN, '. r. RKAIl. F..n llWcliwii. I). II MIINTKITll. H.,,1,.1,., . f.8lIIWIN,Kliu,1i,i,t, '