The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 24, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL VII,
NO 39.
Ono your K H
(If paid In itdvain, II IKj per year,)
tlx monilw ,. I
Throe, months AO
lnglo copuui
Secret Sooletlee.
MIUNON 1,(11X11!, NO, 47, 1, 0. O, F.-Mmits
trrrt Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, II
.alec p. m. .jk.i.nn.n.a
ukahi .mm lowie. no. . t o. O.T.-
UmiIm at I. 0. 0. T Hall tint aud third Wudmaa-
jXRA o lUilxiK, No, 44 A. F, 4 A. M.-MwiUi
BturUy evening, on or bofom trw (till tnnm tn
Mub muiun.
E. K. Rashack. W. M,
F. .,
Honor lnmf Vti, 88, A. O, IV W, Met tvery
TUBMIHV Weiling-Al H. A. K. riUll.
1)K, J.B.XkiLHTNBY, M.W.
C. A. UUN. Itm.
IIk'l HlHiniHt Camp. H. 10 mv itVOiiwin
BoHHOFVUfH. Ml'Ul IHtl Jt- K. HhII, YiAlIllUl()ll,
Or,, iwwy HrtHirduv tm'ttitw, uxfttpl thu third
Btur4Af'0ft'h minith.itJtwtiiiR the third Fri
day iitHtciul. All lirotrim uf (he Horn, of Vfti
eniHnH frtmrudi'iiifthi''i. A. tt.Oft cordially
Invited to'mr.ot witli Uh (Jump.
C. Jl. Jlo WillE, Cuirt.
A.ORAIM.M., Flrrtfxft.
A. F. .
Attorney at Lasv:',
lOnllei'tlnns cvrelrwmtlit and rnrefiil attrition.
Will prurliw 111 u tlm uim.'Oi Hi' llio stun.
ok,-ov: nftftirsTNEYS 1IH1CK.
Lkiwhwh, Ohucion.
Weathcrfori & Ctimberlala,
If. if JilLTEV,
Attorney -iLaw,
John 3kl. toMKS,
WiBl practice in f I tls'ourts at the stale.
Be finer jntl';ll on
Albany, Oijdh,
EeaSn Stoves, CosiStosic,
St. Charles Hotel,
Ooraat Main and MmM MmM,
BOD THOEPSOX, Proprifitot
First-Glass in all Apartments.
Jgpanial aktentlon paid toj'wm- ,
' : , merclnl nieu. . 1 -
Ilminl and Lmlgiug, per 4LR, Jil to
; per wot-1, H.Wtofti
A. Ktailllns f-cnmitlon.,
chapter iiu
Mr. Lund had a widoa. afatrr who
was still living In her oi l homo, and
with Borne persuasion he induced her
txi return Ui Nebraska, wtoh hha. Mr. ;
Lnndhada two-foW Whject ta view,
lor In III" sister h e TOMihaventonTj;
(mid house-ke per Id a loring guar
dian for bis oh ild, and. wit this ar
rangement h& couM also provide a
good home 'Air the daughter of Mr.
It was a jojtful 'heart that Ur.
Latimer r'jcelwd ttiia gtwd Dews. His
emotions had bebiuyed '-hliu. It told
to plain ly of tSaelorribla buttle; he wan
fighting. It was indeed a great tacri
Bee to I dufirtwrt nf the society of his
enly cliild. Bitt this ke would under
go, for the. love of woman, regardless of
the fu tune weTfiire of tils daughter. No
wonder Mr. "Latiiw rejoiced In the
good fortune lie haduiiet, with in ilnd
Ing a. mmfortuble home tor his child.
LIUittdid ke tliinli though when he
underwent'the ttpinU'H uf.purtlng with
Ills beikived child, -when he had to re
move the little arum that were en
twined uliout hk neck, liy force, and
leave hor weeping, with a broken,
bturt Jlttle did he think when he lust
heard those criea of ugony tbtit aluioet
tore hiHiheui't utringH aHUuder, that he
was parting with her perhapa forever.
If he uould have seen what wan in store
for bin child, In future, II he could
have mien the great trouble that was to
be here, if he could have ueen the still
greator trouble that i yet to come to
thiKonce bright, Inuocentaud loveable
littie Edna, his courne uiigbt have
been ditt'erent, but probably not, aa the
j love if wouiun iH a great power, she,
j with her great magnetic force, will
draw Mian unto her regardless of the
power of other ties, and an i ton often
the ease only to spurn advances of af
fection in after years.
It living just after the great financial
ptuile of 1878, Mrs. Young, Mr. Lund's
sister, -wus .unable .to .dispone of her
homestead, consequently Mr. Lund,
j with the additional expense oil his
haudt, soon found that he would be
unaJjlc to.maintaiu his daughter at a
hoardlng.Bchool as was hie desire. To
add to Jill) already troubled mind, be
was forcibly reminded of Uncle Ned's
predictions, .when hesald, "Mar's Jack,
yo' alio' jjwhie ter hev iter shell out
deut hlneya. Missus Ader doue got
Mafe Mac tied hard iter her apurn
strlii1 an' little Edner won' nebcr git
er-nactt' h um Jier par ter buy er pet
coon," While Mr. Latimer had, ou
condiUuu, settled a small. farm ou lils
daughter, .there was no available
meajis. The. farm would barely pay
its own .tanes, and has Dot uutil tbil
day been of any benefit to Edna Lati
mer, and may never be, as the ooudi
lionn stipulated In the conveyance from
Mr, Latimer to his daughter were vlo
lated . J will hereafter give the condi
tions specified, In the deed, and uianner
in which little I'.dnu disobeyed its
While Mr, Lund owned ooubicerable
property' ,iu Kentucky, he was not able
to realiwon It, aud to make natters
worse late jiurcuaaete of his Nebraska
farm wene not able Ao meet the pay
ments, la eouseo.ueuee of which Mr.
Lund wtmoonipelledio take the farm
back. This left him in a bad fx,
The wily pm Cream uf Tartar Powder.-No Auimoui.jNo Ahiui
Used in MMioas of Hpmes 40 Years the Standard
flnancia'ily. These conditions sorely
trouble d Mr. Lund, as his highest am
bition was that his daughter should
react), the highest accomplishments,
butti In literature, music and art. The
narelatlnn that had Just dawned upon
torn was another thorn in hl side; it
was that the education and care of
Edna Latimer was thrust upon him.
But he, with bis great, manly heart,
grasped the situation manfully and
resolved that his own daughter should
not have any advantages over his pro
tege. After Mr. Lund looked the situation
thoroughly over and had discussed the
pros aud cons with his sister, it was de
cided to advertise for a competent
tutor, and have the girls educated at
borne; so In a few days the following
appeared In a Chicago paper:
WANTED A competent teach
er, to teach two little girls at home.
One who understands music and
art preferred. Address, J, Lt'NI),
, Nebr.
fNOTE. 1 copied the above advertise
ment from the paper in which it was pub
lished. I told you attlieeommencenient of
this story that 1 would have to go into de
ntils. It may seem that the closing of tiie
foregoing chapter would have no bearing on
tiie cuse, tint wait and see. 1 promised that
1 would boil this story down, and the short
ness of the chattels prove that 1 am doing
all I can to faltill this promise. 1 was sev
eral years gathering these facts, but I nro-
rise to tell it in less time. If'I seem tedious
will have to ask you to bear with me. if
I fail to interest you, dear reader, it will lie
for lock of ability and not for the lack of an
interesting Btiliject. I am not a novelist and
cannot druw on my imagination, conse
quently I have to confine tn vself to facts as
they appear on my note-book. x-Ietxc-
;To be Continued.
Ad1 Hook Containing at tiie Nasby
Letters for One Dollar.
"In answer to a general demand from
all parts of the United States, the
Toledo Blade has published In one vol
ume, cloth hound, all of the "Nanny
Letters" ever written by the late 1).
II. Locke, omitting perhaps a few un
important letters on local or forgotten
topics. Only a few of these lettei-s
were ever published in book form.
Everybody has read some of them, but
w ho has read all of them? The book
contains over 500 large pages, aud all
the Nasby Letters written during a
period of twenty-five years; also a por
trait of D. R. Locke from Ids last pho
tograph. It would sell at one dollar
or more, but will never be placed nn
sale. One hundred thousand copies
are now being prluted and bound, and
one copy will be sent post-paid by mall
free to every person who this winter
remits one dollar for the Weekly Blade
ou year. Everybody invited to send
for specimen copy of the Weekly
Blade, which will give a full descrip
tion of the book "The Nasby Letters."
The Toledo Weekly Blade is the best
and most popular weekly newspaper
published in this country. It has the
largest circulation of any weekly news
paper, and goes W every State, Terrh
tnry and nearly every county uf the
Union. Only one dollar a year, includ
ing the above mentioned bouk free.
Send postal to The Blade, Toledo,
Ohio, for a free specimen copy of tbe
paper. . Send the addresses' of your
frieeda also.
B. S. Roberts, agent for the Albany
Bteaui Laundry, now sends clothes
down twice a week Mondays and
This communication did not reach ns
till just at we were going to press last week.
Political outlook.
Sensational poverty:
Development of the! riftwn town
Mumps have closed the jaws of a
few and we fear they are made on
the "Alliance plan" for the masses.
The only jaws to escape are "tbe jaws
of death" (and a few family jaws).
The birch or (s)witch hazel is once
more wielded by Prof. Jackson, M. D.,
in the new tabernacle erected last sum
mer under the auspices nf Elder
The Hon. James Brown gave a free
entertainment in the form of a magic
lantern show, last week, to the elite of
this place. He has many pictures that
are easily recocnized one bears a
strong resemblance to Lebanon's ac
commodating P. M.; another to the
Waterloo Kecoroer at his duties.
There seems to be a strong feeling In
Dist. 66 of burning a prominent county
official in effigy. His arduous duties
cause him tn make four changes in
said district in less than a year. Pro
vided tiie other districts are favored
with his aid in like manner, school
teachers will be above par next year.
The judges and clerks of election
have been appointed by the Town
Council, and the first Monday of De
cember fur and votes will fly for official
and honorary offices in Waterloo.
Waterloo is original if nothing else.
One of our esteemed denizens wrote to
prominent public servants throughout
the state, informing them that 15 fam
ilies in our town were in a starving
condition, aud praying for assistance,
A gentleman of Salem responded by a
Wells, Fargo order for 115.00; but here
the beautiful ends and the hog crops
forth; instead of catering to the wants
of said 15 families he spent it for purple
and tine linen to grace his own long
The mystery deepens as regards the
factory ghost. Those posted claim tn
have seen a shadowy form flitting to
and fro among the spindles, and
vaguely hint at strange noises groans
and screeches (emanating from the
jacks no doubt). Mr. H. performs bin
duties as night-watch, and a smile
passes fleetlngly over his countenance
at mention of his ghostship.
Saturday night the "Consolidated
Waterloo Ditch, Milling, Power, Elec
tric, Gas, Motor, and Bankrupt Co."
hold their first meeting, to elect a pres
ident and directors for the ensuing
year. Work will commence next
week (maybe), Mr. C. Bruce has been
engaged to board tbe bands who can
not find lodging at the "Soup House."
Mr. C. Oakley is Improving in
health. Mr. Fairbanks is suffering
with typhoid; while we learn as going
to press, Miss. R. A. Gross has con
tracted the same dread fever. It seems
we are to be visited with all foreign
and domestic diseases. Had we
thought of this, we would not have
Joined the great army of corre
spondents, as the gifted are persecuted
and prosecuted first.
There has been quite a rattling of
dry (and green) bones since the new
marshal (A. Shepherd) took the helm.
An exodus occurred, one Hod. being
among the first to go; be is supposed to
be on "Camas Flat," digging spuds for
Elder Wayback. Our featier-wejght
is with him, while Sullivan once more
is seep about .town. The changes, in
real life here equal J. Brown's pano
rama of past events.
6. A., we know the writer of that
serial. ,
C. Bank.
A a VaplMaa.t SMroh.
"What are you waiting for?" said
one nf our local lawyers the other day
to an Indian who had paid him money,
"A receipt! What do you know about
"8'poM tnaby ine die; me go to
beben; me And the gate locked; me see
'Poetle Peter; he say, 'Jem,, what you
want?' Me say, 'Want to get in.' 'You
pny 4. that monsy''' VVhatajdo I
haii 110 lueejp'f; bab to Imnt all over
hell t find yon." He got hi. receipt.
"jou Appeal. 1
Oat ,rwpiper geta Homesick.
Hail I have stayed at homo I Wouliijrtot .
be so miserable now. 2 have had sweet ,
memories awakened hi a most unexpected!
manner. Oh I it I only had the price of
ticket I would soon be rambling about over
my old stamping grounds in South HaroliiUW
01,1 "J!'r..y I can see everything
now. There is the mill-pond, shaded by
weeping willows and maiden cane; there ia "
ineoid log scnoolhousc where I learned mj
"a-t, abs" and advanced on to "baker, 1
horseback, banquet and publication ;" there
is the old church where, in my mother's
arms, I first heard the gospel expounded;
there is the old log church down at the
quarters, where Prince Duke Alexis (carte)
that because he wore long side-whiskecj)
often pictured out the great Celestial abode
to his "Dear bredderin and slsterln."
I have been a pretty regular attendant at
church ever since the earthquake at
Charleston, and it was per foroo of habit
that I recently attended the Salvationist
meeting, and it was then and there that I
was nn fnrpihlv wmlnnH nf tha itao, flint
tambourine Oh ! it looked and sounded soi"
natural; it reminded me of the many hap'
py moonlight evenings I spent among tltf
happy inhabitants of the quarters, There
wasPrince Duke Alexis, too, in all his glory,
with his flowing side-whiskors, speaking at ,
the top of his voluminous voice, saying,
"Cum er-long, my circumverted sinnahj
dar's room fer yo1 an' dor's room for me;
urcss ue iirur anu empnasizing nis utter- ,
ances with wild gestures. j'
Had 1 have left then I might have Viecn 1
able to dispel the sudden spell of homesick- 1
ness which hadcomeuponme;butIstayeJ(
hoping for relief ; but alas ! when the curtata
again rose the climax was almost reached.
The grand walk oround was commenced,
and it did look so natural I My emotions
were observed, and mistaken. . I could
plainly see the happy dusky forms keeping
time with the tambourine, which was play
ing "chicken in a bread-tray." The song
completed my misery, it reminded nTd'Ar '.
miicu 01 tnetavonie old song 1 heard so
often in the old church down at the quar
ters. It run like this, sung In 6-8 time, I lie
lieve. O ! den cum-er-lonfl de'r sistah. ;
Den cum-er-long dc'r sistah.
O ! den cum-er-loiig dc'r sintah,
An' don'tyo' want tergo.
'An' don' yo' see dat starry cro'n,
Wid er-gr'at long white rol hawg down,
An' er-gol'en slipper 'poo yerfoei
To wa'k 0' Jordin stru t.
There is no question but what the Salva
tionists have made mariy souls happy, many
of whom who had never had the pleasure 01
a formal introduction to their Jesus', hut
they have made at least one very unhappy,
but I am going to have relief i 1 have to
take up a collection.
Mr. W. E. Chandler and Mis Clam
B. Read were bound together in th
holy bonds of wedlock, Inst Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock, at the resident
of H. . Kirkpatrick, in this ally, In
the presence of a few invited guests,
Hev. D. T. Summervllle, nf the M. B.
Church, officiating. Mr. Chandler Is a)
plumber aud tinner, and at pn-seiit has)
charge of the mechanical dcpuilmenl
of this trade for the firm of Simpson,
Houston Co., cf C'nrvallla. Ha (
workedseveral yesrefoy Hopkins Bma.
nt Alhknn HI.. B, . ' , .
... ......... j. ..,0 miuttj uuuiv IW
Tlllnu !... !. I ,1.. j- .
AiaiuutD,. uui iic tun jiveii in mis valley
for the past fl veyear , Mr. -1 handles,
is a young man of more than ordinary
ability and sterling iniaWles, nod hi
sure to make hie mark in life. TT19 !
bride Is a daughter of W. C .item), r Al
bany, and a slst.r ui Av, y, R.j, eli4
of Albany's leading and richest cltl-
sens. She li also a member of 1 5. trsj
at Read. Pesefwtb An,, di,
, ... ... v.... , u navci .
lady and makes friends wheicwr etfii
goes, and Mr. Chandler is certainly to
be congratulated on wimilmj tb. fearl
and hand nf such an estiin&bUt kuly
for a help-meet through hfc. They
left Monday evening u, tbe Iraha tot
Albany, whw wrriago will ,
..... iln twwuirev lovortaajlsk
They both have (uany frlendfe
over the eouiitrjl, who Jul),. In eaispra,
lug their heat whe? Inr thoir lujar
happiness. The ItaPKM e3tfeii(aoa.
gratuUttont. i i
jBtht ''