The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 17, 1893, Image 1

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1 lf .
i 1
V 9
Lebanon, Oregon, November m, m,
NO 38.
One yew ...
(If pftidiniwlvanop
fti montliN ,
'. Three mnntliH ...... -
lugle ooplos "
..... .,-.v.iaoo
ii Ifcfjwr ytiar.) f
V..W -.-..'I M
n Zl-L A.A.W.!.-G.
. V.C.iprmuiOh.lrol'y. , II
W AKI.'tiBBWU town, NO. njL 0. 0. !.-! !
Hwtnt l. b.o. r iwil OM andTtitiid Weilne
s.n.NifiaawoN.s. a. ;
lI,Iitt?8AI,TMASl8ll,Hi(ll,j . j ,
),n ti IlHin'Mo, 44 A. r H.-Mmii
VaWuMity evQufnff;Mn or baton tho lull uwoii to
i wh nwith.
.t..uat.'W.'H, !
. i V. - MlLLEa.He.eC. 1
: '..Nftor IB, A. At!.". Mectmirr
-nwMay evonlw; at . A. tt.Ulilll.
Da. I. A tancTNBt, M.W. 1
'tV'A. ZlllK.tVie.
'tl'LllKHWl flAW, ft. "W 1IIV OfOltMie'
)J01'VltT'!-1viK InO.A. b. Hull, Ulmmu
Or., every Wutiirtlay eveiii(r.ri eejit the errtr;l
' MtunUv orw.Tli month, nui'tknn tli third Wi
.'.ydfcy iaHtead. . AH lirmnnrtt'iu ihe Holltt or Va
'''OtUnH and rirtuleMirtbf'(i. A. H. are uuiuliCy
. Invited lo Maul with Us-flami).
i" ,VIIWo Tol'K, tU
. ' A. CKAIWI., FIthI Seitt.
Attorneys at; Law, ;!;
OolleMlfm't civt'ii T'otmirt mid currfnl fltimlmi,
win p wllci' in nil thi- mmrt nf lur-.
H". It El LYE V.
. R. WfTA TT,
Attorney -it - Lmv,
John M.SSom&rm,
Will niK;tii:e in all the auiirtH of the tiLt:le.
Be Wmv and Call mi
Albany, Oregon,
leatingStoYes, CookSloves, &c.
SI Charles Hotel,
Cormir 1 aid. Nherrcim HininUv
BHD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Glass in all Apartments.
Special attention paid lo Com
meiviui mull.
Mould and Lodging, per duv, 1'l to i
$2; per wool. J4.50 to j'li ' j
Siitndup! What have you o ay why
tint sentence of a 'ChrWIian community
shmuld not lie pronounced vpsn youT Ni fu
ll!; to say, ha I WoH, I i not surprise' , U
1jhe at'lileiioc o( HmX- JiolJe workf A tor
tke Lord, and ( cartisllaii mmmuiiity in'
ffineral, thai yn dhoulilnt your in ),.
If juilhuiimlty ndury tlrf tnitl anato-1
miy In a pile of "nattrn," there til remain!
Vmtll your imtUrf (?) timm, C'odhopiwr,'
seea fit to extricate 'you. y ( -
Itianot Hecemary to uiention tlw groaa
inimlt vim have ail'iiml a pu rely reli(tiom
and tioil-fmmip peiirLe. You think von;
have doneaniuAhinguanful lunny snd iw
doubt you sret Iwkind .your mhjerabte
oldcartacid daurkre in. your aleeve orer
your on pcrflly. Twi think you oampiill
the woolrvorflur eywfi,;iii .trj'ing -to tiwkke
believe ttUatyeu wewjiteply impreiiiied;irlth
the senawni, 'heuwerybody knows ttat
y(iurar.ii(tleii nounns; but A peoeMn.
(iinioiMll&Hilkniy. '.It would Ik weU for
you ftoMOdk'forgivem'Mi for youj ovm ikk
tHhteH. 'but.leok i'trruolhiuK at our Ilundfi;
'you oari fro to the devil, ' atril thr5 be
'daraniK'l. W? tm?e ;rnore woKtiy isuhjects
'to'w(nk'fur,Hd tlie. ood thai (a beiiifl done
ia inanifi'Ht. TjKiiifyour HlanK 'phraie, we
aa,e'1nll!e(4ip,liaettreraljobs, ;W'e ran cite
.u lla onf who baw beeu'n liie-lone; infidel,
and 'hat always Mken ajeat yrido in -apply-'itifi-a
profttiie tpii'iot to every Ke'ntenoti he
juttonfftl; lint miwithe armie of tlie idemied
Lord in Uwu. htm. He tokl tas trum kin own
ilijwtfhat In' wiws vomitly vjullled out, proies
j!oiially,,:V'Rn errand of nierey and whs
;inrieurly.w wh'le day outin tljeflSid ruin,
.i aud 'while he met with dixaKter niion top of
j dwiwter.;be aever oiuso imed a vile -epiilu't
.'liiorSiudiwvy desire cn do so. -
we dfK't'flxpect you to reply to thin, -if
oou nhouid attempt ruch a thing ymur arm
I Uliuld.TOiuie paralysed, and your tonga.
wWiera! In ywiv shttiderouii.tpoutli. It b'i
ywv biatideroua.i
mpriiijiu! thaiinyone wonldi; read nueli . u'
takittiUKhimeKiiriuti ofshnijfiiund with the
y-lp oM;,ni the. writer will endeavor to re-
T.haili: tiod our pood work is Mill iroing
j mt' vnu i,re "'" only devil, .of iur
s.iiwvivim;, ifui id tuiiun ni; in our nuae.
Keep on, youui; man, old mull, or woman,
or w.hower yuu umy he. Keep on, 1 miy,
on fluv broad rood which you are now twiv
eliuftjind you w'II eventually hind in the
ImtioinU'ic pitiof hell.
trfKl hdp tlwue wiio want help, is Abe
earneat pmyerofone who i nlcaned to be
Oregon Will trow.
WIeiihepft!goii exhibit, with It
many 'blue. ribbons, returns from Ch.
eago, it w proposed to huvc some of the
followiiic .expressions 011 thorn, 8aysu
"OreHu, U10 lunid of big red appkm,
beat the world at Chicago."
"The world .knocked out by Oregiw
at tlie would ' .fair."
"Crops uevuc.faU In Oregon."
"Oregwn all wool and a yard
"Gram nwu, euery uionih in th
year in Oregou."
"Kortuuee in, hops in Oregon."
"Prune i-uieers in Oregon get rich."
"Oregon JVjtlL, lish, forest und farm
products (ouk ilist prizes ill the world's
"Oregon gnuii the best on curtb and
the biggest yields."
'Oregon is the home of the prune."
u cyclones. u vrouon.
"No bli.Miids ilow In Oregon."
"Two bites 1.0 cherry in Oregon."
"Lands cheap in Oregun."
"Oregon litw m,m luhahltuiiui'"
-"So cold winter or hot summers In'i(on."
Blder (V) Wayback.
The on 'y Pure Cream 0 (Tartar foder.-N0 Aunnonia; K0 A l,:,
Used v,i .Millions of HoW?s-,io Years the Standard.
'soma VPnlng. In California.
FliKgNO CO,, Oil.
PfTMli!l.-PBKS8. i
' 'Some UiAign herein California would
-a1vinili'te Webfoot and luaku him
glare with wonder.) ;
HfigBlr. Frt'SDO county are fattecxl
'O'raisiwt, I lia .aeen several nun-
flred hed of awine, In the last few
days; timt'wene rafted on alfalfa and
then flattened for market on raisin
graprsrand on liothlnit else, not a
pmnidof grain of any kind.
: Therprincipal grain It Egyptian corn,
which yields atiundAirily, making from
60 to?!flO hnabels per a4re on Irriguted
land. There is not aj acre of vinett,
fruit, alfalfa or any ptfcer crop (except
wheat) but what U Irrigated; and witli
outflrrigutlou this entire county, for
wo hundred miles,-from Lathrop to
Bar.erfleld, would tie nothing but a
barren desert, ; ' "'
ii'armers will deliver grapes Mus
cats, Muscatels, Mission or Beedlets
at all the depots on the railroad, at HO
per ton, or cent per lb. Raisins (dried
WubciIs) are si'llinif' here at 2 cenlH
pvr lb. and are boxed or sacked ana
delivered at 3 cento per lb. Any well
cultivated vineyardi five years old,
will yield from ten twenty Ions of
iTaisin grapes per aora, but it requires
the lalrer of one man all the year to
cultivate leu acres, and then lie uiu.-t
have help in gathering time.
The principal mpujy crop is tlie
raisins, though (hera ijsome income
from green fruit, tnlimls, ornnges,
alm "ma , S.,r'f ' 18 8 sllw',fii
Plver,' ahd Is the jiriiicipal feed for all
an)ma;:vJt.yiei(hiflj'e cropB a year,
and Aoffwwo to fonrions per uere at
ea iettlng...;,U iiitifi-d largely in
Alt gf.) Waty iw-Tywtuit1 is' both grain
and hay for work-horses and milch
Farming land, unimproved, brings
from $30 to $00 per acre. Vineyards,
orchards and all well improved ranches
are worth from $100 to $500 per acre.
Very few farmers own more than forty
acres, and the most of them twenty
acres or less.
Public schools have reached us high
a standard, and have us much system
here, perhaps, as anywhere in the
United Hiatus. All nli,w,U In tl.l
county begin on the same day of tlie
snme month, and all of (hem continue
36 weeks in tlie year. Teachers get
better pay than In most of the stales,
but it is moredifficnlt to get certificates
here than In most states.
Tlie great misfortune of this county
If, that a large majority of the people
are hopelessly in debt; it is said that
two-thirds of all the farms are mort
gaged for all they will bring. Interest
is high; "money tight" uiirl "hard
times," Is the doleful sound Hint greets
our ears.
There is Utile or no ruin in this great
81111 Joaquin valley from January to
January. It is, Indeed, a land ol sun
v()nc day last week a muu waa pass
ing down Main street, olid all at once
I disappeared into Baker's Dry Goods,
JJoot and shoe store, where he fell into 1
Baker's low prices and was lost U all.
Wlieu you want to buy asuit of cloth-
fug you will save money by getting'
it ut Basil's.
On more your ccTrespondent
knocks for admltance to the news
columns of the Exprkss. We have
numerous happenings In Tennessee,
that never come to light, out In the
world, and we feel awful slighted,
when we miss a chance of "getting into
print." Please give Tennessee a chance
to redeem herself again.
Hops have nearly all been disposed
of, and the few who are still holding
theirs are almost afraid they have
missed it hy not selling earlier.
Between 2000 and 3000 bushels of po
tatoes will be (he output this year.
Grubbing is going on at several
places. Russell and Fuller have a con
tract from P. L. Vvallace to clear 12
acres. T. P. McRnight is also getting
ready 20 acres for hops, with Clyde
at the wheel, doing the grub act 25
acres will be put in to bops on ihe
Hansard place.
Thirty-three pupils are enrolled at
Dist. 102.
E. E. Munsey and C. H. Hart at
tended teachers examination last week,
in Albany, closing their schools during
their absence.
Dame fiumor makes a very poor
Bccond when she has to compete with
the average Tennesseean; for he can
scent a wedding further than she dare
try. If any doubt it, let him try to
bring a new wife into the settlement.
A numerous assortment of horns, bells,
cans, etc., are kept constantly 011 hand
and will be used at the slightest provo
cation. Two good charivaris have
lately enlivened the district at
8 ink's and Leedy's both joyous oc
casions long to be remembered, by
those most concerned. Let the good
work go on.
Mr. Rollins is building on the land
boualit of B. liurtenshaw.
Mr. J. W. Gee has several boarrferH,
who are working on the new house
across the way.
Grandma Cumtning is quite poorly.
Her eye-sight is fulling fast. The uiicht
f one eye is entirely gone.
Tlie Misses Cox spent last Saturday
and .Sunday at home.
Mrs. Caldwell and Bright EyeB made
a flying trip to Lebanon Sunday.
Mr. A. Ide and family have not
moved to their new home yet, but ex
pect to in the near future.
Tlie old neighbors of Uncle Jake
N"u limn will lie pleased to bear of his
Mr. J. Gee had a fine young horse
die last week.
F. M. Bramhpton visited friends
hew, Hunday; alno Rev. Norton.
Floy Cummings nnd little son, Wil
lie, came up from Albany, Tuesday.
Flunk Winkler has a band of 140
head of tine sheep.
Our muds are in bad need of repair.
CattltMmn, or buyers, are through
the nei'liborhH)d quite ntten of late.-
Lclianged Every Week.
Oats 24c
Hny-$0 per t.
Flour $0 1)0 per sack.
Chop $1 26 per cwt.
Bran HOc per ewi.
Middlings $1 00 per owt.
Potatoes oOr.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, 7c.
Onions 2c.
Keei Dressed, 4c.
Veul .(tii&V,
Pork iliessed. 0.
Hums l,"i(n)17 per lb.
Shoulders 12c,
Hides loe per Hi.
Oeese $ti per dose.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens 3 00(;4 00. ; .
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Kurgs 27c Terdoa. ' .
P.. liter 20c pr lb.
i ides Ureen, 2(ii3e; dry. He.
Come in for ob work.
County Court.
Application of 8mith Cox et at for '
county road, granted and viewers ap- '
Resignation of J. C. Simpson & jug-'
tire of district 15 was accepted. Riey
She! ton appointed. -
Edward Kainford was sehimiceii to re"-
form school on complaint of Chas. Bam-
Bill bt Glass A Prudhomtoe, $21 50,
Bill of Geo Gearhart, $500, continued; r
also bill of P J Smiley.
Fees in state case and grand jury fees
allowed. -
HRnker.niii Mn Oallowav ........f 00
O P Cohhow, aUl Hail fiimi'ly....... ft W
G C Cooley, aid MraC'lark GW
Phoebe A Henrleroii, aid 10 &
W E Havafte, aid Cox fHinilv 10 Oft
Q F Crawford, aid Mrs Robert! 8 03.
W H Wallace, aid Mre Kitta... 10 fl5
B White, aid Knworthy'B 10 i ;
W BGIrtBH, aid R Kemp . 10 Q0
M Anderson, aid Hackenbury fi , I
Henderaou familv of Mweet Home... 15 fO :
Mtb Hinus and Mrs Taylor 17 ' V
Mrs JohiiHon 10 CO
MrsTavlor , 1ft 00t
Harriaburff LumberCo 27 75 " :
Btnte vb Frank Pn ncan 41 $
StnteVH WongTa! -v....... 0
Htnte vb Frank Darby ? 8fl fa " ',
(ilHHs fi Prudhomme, stationery T;t ;
R M Wiide, roadH and bridKea DM
W H Templeton, bounty 2 TiO
Snntiani Lumber Co, roadB 1 W
U Ci Hnvne, roads and bridges 1R iH) 1-
Cavt'ndr& Cnlder.. .. 2Qi)
Electric Light Co .. CO
Matthews & Washburn, c h ft) .
Albany Furniture Co, neet poor 'IS 00
R W MfweH, roads and bridges T 40 ;
R Sylvester & Co, roads , . 4 W
StatevsJ FSinipwou SO
Statevs Hamniell h rA i
Graham ii Hhaw, roads and bridges:...: 24 00
G F Russell, eujit W 15 ,
O Blnek, bouutv 2 niy
E T T Fisher, surveyor 7 50
J D Wigle, roads 7 "fl
, 11 j Kizer, roads and bridges . 15 00
F M Kizer, roftds nnd bridges 3 00
I Hopkins Bros, court house I 75
ut n yuu, acm poor 9 m
Htnte vs Sadie Toole , M rfi
Htate vb Chas Millern , J? fy
K F Crow, keeping paupers ';0 A
Johu Usher, janitor J12 ft)
C C Jackson, fees . X, 00
Mrs J J Davis, poor... Ifi (V)
Fortmlller & Irving, eottin fl 7
G F RusHeil.supt ; ) 9i)
N P Payne.uid poor 4 0
W C Davis, acct or . tfi Ai
Henry Lyons, aect poor. 7 W
Jhh Kolwrts, rebate tax ; . fH
J O Drinkard, roads js i)8 .
Jerry Hay, acct roads V )!i
State vs J H Marks.. , R'W
State vs J H Marks 22 90
Fees on application nf Cams for arrest or
S W and V Kohk ft 00
C C Jnckwoii, fees 1'. ..... W- 3
R F ( 'omier, roads J) ft)
FK Crosby, court house
John Schmeer, mads I! 0()
N 1' i'aviie, fees. . , ., r. ;,.:', 2
Klistubeth ))nl)orn, aid 0 CO
Albany Furniture Co, aid poor I rt)
TriteB & Miller, roads ?. ? t
Examination Kd Martin, insanity tft M ;
1' J Smiley, printing
C Uatts, printing 2 00 -
E TT Fisher, acet nrnr . CK
Train & Whitney, printing SO 01) 1
Kimsey A Daviti, iniscellaueoiiH , mi '-' 1
A J B levins, aecl roads 4 r )
W Fl)eakins,NseKflor IfiW
J W Pugh, fees Jfi ( ,
J N Duncan, aect poor p 4V ;i
Brice Wallace, salarv SJ V
Wm llunibaugh, feea , fl (
J N Duncan, salary m to) 1
Wm Farley, acet poor,,., & ft , ' I
J F Ruerer B fit)
C C Jaekson, fees tj 0i) 1
The county bas but a limited amount
of funds on hand now and all warrants. i
except those lor poor, are stamped "not
paid for want of funds." The?
probably be paid about next March.
, There are soveral candidates out tor
City Marshal. '
Dr. I. N. Smith, formerly of tins
place, was married In Mora, lust week.
Two families of emigrants arrived
in Lebanon Wednesday, from Pendle
ton '
Mr. Bilyeu, of Seio, was in the city
this week, visiting his brother, J. 0
Rev. Bryaus und wife are still con- :
tinuing I heir meetings here with mum
A.'C. Hough, an attorney at law, has
about decideil to open a law office in
Nine sticks nf jiant powder we ro
found last Monday, In tlie hole) barn,
by the nii.rsllill . :
E. Goan and wife, of 8eJo, were in
Lebanon a few days this week, attend
ing the meeting.
My furm of 274 acres, which is lo
cated 5 miles west of Lebanon, is for
lease for three years, provided the per
son will buy my stock and farming
Implements, which I otter at a harpniii.
Albert Umi'Iihey,
Lebanon, (n .
Buy your groceries at Pcebler'i., 6V
save money.
I -.11
I '3
.1 '