The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 10, 1893, Image 1

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One yesr ao
i(ir nul.l In luSvitrirc, f rwT yew.)
Rl mr.Mli. - 1 l
Tims. bkuiiIiw . '
lnulo iHijiich ,.. ........... 0
Secret Societies.
" iiHANHMXllKiK. Kfl. . 1. ft. (I. F.-K
tver fntiiMu) evciillwiil '-Id PVlt' H!. l
0',M.t.u,. lijUWIU,
W. C.PKTBRSliS. Scl'v.
reAHl.Knivm U'l'ilC, NO. fl..I. (l. r.
Mwlsat I. ll.u. r"Hil liM mirt llmil Willm
Ulu o 1iKii:. So. '.( . F. A. !.-
fl,uir,luyettQtiiii,uiirlstfui'i' the full minti lit
etxli eiuiitti. ,, - u
K K. HaMMAIV w. M,
F. . Miur.u. See.
Honor lxiiHif. N.i. as. A. (), V. w.- MMmry
'iTuiiwlny evf liiiisj Hi i. A it. Hull.
lis. J.S. vouitsti, M..
:. a. BAM, hoc
Ufi. Uvim ("'. Ko. ) wvViHiWK
SoNHorVr K M-'ct IiHt.A. K. 1UU ltmlinll.
(Jr.. I'vorv SulimlHy ivi'iilim. i'S-n its' llnrd
HMiintav "b I'm li iimlii.ccilni: U 1MM l;n
4av nisteat.. All liii.'lir of ihMH-w "''''
eriiilH wi! .iumile("'f tlx A. K. M. twUiilly
mviuKi hi, :-vo
A. Canuu.. Firm Setf.
Attorneys at Law,
tttu:s ra: a miked.
Oollii-iio't.v.ft j.rtmit'l n.l tiiw-fd! iit'oiitlim.
Villi jmit.lm ll. al! IV. i'..'.ir..Clln"tnm.
.."SU nv' it'-' -'
JtHAjcM. OiiWKis.
Waailerford 4 Ibamtolain,
r.jf BiLxm,
J. U. WXJIT1.,
Attorney- at-law,
Be Sure and t on
Albany, Ore gon,
HeatingStbYes, CoolLtss, &c.
Learn Telegraphy.
Address, ,
.1. c. Heymour, f
Oregoinaii Building. '
POUTI.AKi), (MS.'-
St. Charles Hotel.
Guroer Main and Sherman atrwsla,
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments.
Special attention paid to Com
mercial im ii.
Board ami Lodgim.-, JHT day. $1 to
$2; per wl. H-1'"1''
Double Tlmulisjltvln!.: irij.
Oreivm's jovvi n -r li n r'ilu la!' a
time In' llii' fiUTl'ii'S in il lu liia
(li.'inidtcri'.tl'i iiiaiinur "r . lw 'pun l his
anniiiii iliunlissiiviiiB irnii!im.'iUun.
Tlif thiruravi.i mad" Itit'.ipaely In-
U'lVslll.g l)V i-t- Tv.Vt'f' li'l' In Ih : ! lu'linll
ol'(MnKftK " 4h ! v 'C iji.tlr.n. nml
hi (v ili" f'HI iiint In not. lily did
not wait f.vri'K vi'lainl'n prtwlamalinn
in lit- i-vui-d Sil, lut apfi'dnUid the
fi.urili inrtwitJ of tliu fcii-t Tharadny in
Tlw ruwcOttiiiutiiiii rcuds as follow:
I d iKtirtiv apiiuiiil Hie tViwrth
Tliur.'tiiy i IIih priwni iiionih m a
da,v of 'J hniiki:ivin toHlniiyhty (tod
lor ill" blcMi.iipi M lias lHNt(iwt'itiipoii
tliiw cwrtintMiiMA-allii duriiitf ihi" tcvv lit
j'ml'. tind hit liidet'd liiru iniwt
WiH'tin-fitl'Iootir !uk' and tialimi. and
yi't u Jiwt-aiid ill-ailviHii couirrension
1 U'Ktr-.iMtK'll. liaviiiK lliwif gold aloiK
full .lf-i!ii! wmiiKt innui'.v, imsHodwarfi-d
and imralvxt'd hiiMiiwua thai Uie liftun-
Utnuf J'luvidt'nw are now Unied to
huirdredd of lliitunaiHlaf penile with
in tin- untiiiiiiil doiiiaiu, ulio are nil
only without employment, but art1 aln
without Ihe im-aiis of priK'uriiiK food,
ntawut, or ibrlter. While, therefore,
the K'opie of Urexoa remrii thankN to
od fur Hin oimIiics, 1 do nioi-t earii
wtly refntiiiieiil tliai thfy mIiouM de
voutly implore Him to di--po'e the
(iRwidetit and the n:yrfHs of the
r.MitHd jStati-w to wriiiwJie r utoration
ofilviirart full h'K'd tender money, in
ait-ordiaiee with the policy of tlie
fiUlier of llie repulilie, w hereby our
imiUKtriea may he re'.'ived, and the
hoiKwt toilers of Ihe lai'rt limy procure
Uieir daily breii'l. no', u iiIuim, hut at
the reward of their ii.ttor,
liite at I lie capllol, Saiem, Oregon,
Noivinber 1st, isii:)
AtUisfc i). W. Ml'lil lllK,
Keeretiiry of Mate.
An insiic-i.flhe Orepiiiian, prior to
Ihr )ubllentiou if the President's
.proclamation, coinineiited on Pen
uoyer'a action am f"lltm:
Not isatinfied with Idling llie pieHi
deutiT Ihene United Slalea to mind
'liia own husinesr), Oregon's etimabk
I governor haa, figuratively xpenking,
: given. Grover Cleveland another alap in
: the far by ixsuiug a ;roclaiuatioii to
' the eff ect that the fourth Thuteday of
; the ureHent mouth alulS be the day for
' all giHid Oregoniaua to.give thauka for
, everything, excepting the passage of
the silver repeal bill. The fact that
custom and courtesy refiuired (Jovernor
Peiiiinyer to wait for (lie president's
priH-'lamatloti lafore issuing his own,
had tin weight with Oregon's inde
pendent governor. Theothei ttatesof
the Uniou will celebrate Thanksgiving
on tlie date proclaimed by the presi
dent, wfcich (if he follows established
precedout) will be on the Inst Thurs
day of hls month, the ,'Mih. Pen
noyer'B 'fhauksglviug will fall oti
Thursday, Novt iulier Si, one week In
advanoe,of the other states, and Ore
gon will (have the proud distinction of
being alitwd of the world in something
else Iwsides big red apples. Governor
Peuuoyer's proclamation being consti
tutional .and law in this state, the
Murdi r prise eornlval will take
place at the exposition build inn on the
eyeniug of Weduesday, November 22,
tbe eve ef Penuoyer'B Thanksgiving
Bach Is not .selling his clothing at
.8t, but still yu can get a better suit
Uterefor less mouty than anywhere
' Thei.v Pure Creaia of Tartar Powder.-No Aunuonio; No Alum.
Usf.rJ is Millions of Ilu-oiesjo Years the Standard.
lil.lM- nit.ybaci. ie To ?hnrrti.
Taut M'lltihiy aftoniiMin, a wok alio, 1
wai.o;i: iii in y tilil Itwilin' ynUttiies imo
my wiijfti'. , ami Ir.viu" to tinker out how
inncli I was im-in' ihe hnsieil U'hanoii
Bnnk on a. y !eiiuit at' $13.51). 1 had ahout
Mvcreri tiie. Til-boaftl of ny upon witii
timers, wlica Kutra Clo.lliOt'r, wlio had
iH'fii up to lrftninon, roile as o aive me my
mail. 'What is llie news fip lo I.ebumn,'
says I. "Oh. notlHiii,' iiiiicli,"' !iiys he, ''ex
cept there be a revival mt one of tlie
churche!." -Well, that town neoilt it pnivor
flil bud,1 says I. l never a,v .such a town,"
sayi lw; -I liotm tell to-itay, tliul the
t'onniil hail lo have tlie'ieciric lipiits raised
fiO feet li'.Khi'r, M keep the folks from stealhi'
the 'lectrieity," soys lie. 'You don't ','
Buycl.'imt whoa arunmn' the revival'' "Oh.
a couple of Sarvation Army fellers," says
lie, "and they do say, they make a heap of
noise ." 'How Ioiir he they coin' to stay,
EzraT "Until they take Lebanon fur the
I.orii. ii they say." 'Well, I puess they
! didn'. sine up the job before they .ackled
' ii,' iys I. 'lie the Iievil bad staredV says
j 1. "Xota hit," says he; "they are startin'
! anotliersai'jon," and he rude off, while I
-vent on loadiif and figurin. I couldn't a;et
tiiat reiivai out of my mind, until I made
up my tniiid to go np and see tlie it "take
Leluuion for the Lord," that very evening;
so i neat- i was al lliecinircli rather early,
and watclied the jieoplecomefc in until the
house was jftmaied fuIL They had a song
service first. Bro. Turner, a mighty giswl
nian, assisted tlie quire, by selecting the
songs as fust as thev could sing 'cm. 1 was
mightily interested in that quire. Their
sinking was all sharps and Huts, for they
did not have time for rests. There was a
couple of tellers en the hack seat, who iis
sistcd then, mightily by sinirinf; a tenner
duet, for a!ieti one was high the other was
lty and by tlie preaching bean, so I
listened with all the ears that I had; and
wliec he was done 1 never felt so mean in
all my hie. 1 didn'i. know pettier 1 whs
an id'! s'lvisl'.iT-soak," a 'r.rffdilcnci' r.jan,"
or an honest (Sod-fcariu' Cli ristian, who had
been tryin' ail his life 'to do unto others as
he would have them do to him' (except of
course when I am tradin' horses). Well. I
always knew there was a lot of louglis
around Lebanon, but from the way that
feller preached, all the men are drunkards
or dead-beats aul all the women harlots or
I can't sleep sound any more for.thinkin'
ol that sermon. Heemed to me it was meant
for the scum of the earth, and 1 guess it
was. Maybe that's the way they carry on
revivals down in Frisco, but we don't do
that way down to Camas Plat. Hoc ins like
sinners have to be ripped up the back hi
order to convert them uow-a-days. but
beer-garden experiences in a sermon don't I
do no good, is the opinion of
Elukk W a viiai k,
Of Camas Flat,
Kzecutrla Notice.
Notice it hereby given to all whom It
may concern that I have been duly appoint
ed Executrix of the last will of T. E.Streitli
off, luteof Linn County, Oregon, deceased, by
the Hon. County Court of said county, and
tiiat I have Hied my bonds as such execu
trix, and that the same have been duly ap
proved by said court ; therefore all persons
having claims against the estate of suid de
cedent are hereby notified and required to
present the same to nie with the proper
vouchers at my residence in the city of Scio,
Oregon, within six months from the dale
hereof. Sahah Jahb Abbott,
Dated this 13th day of October, 1893.
How to make the "mighty dollar"
go a long ways Go to Baker's and
buy your hoots and shoes, that bave
bees cut down to hard times prices.
We have been enjoying some good
w eather of late (Oregon weather).
The loads are all but impassible at
present; the streets tire ill poor condi
tion, having been summer-fallowed
during the summer. They present a
fnir exemplification of the softness of
llie "Dads" who rule or ruin a place.
There Is some talk of a 50-bbl. flow
ing mill here, hut Hrst the community
is asked us usual lo furnish everything
and let some one take all the "Toll."
Why not combine and dig rlitch and
build mill by a joint stock company.
The Ditch Co. have been disposing
of considerable slock of late, and are
jubilant over the success of their plan;
work will soon commence, when wo
predict a steady growth for ours, the
best town in the valley. '
F. A. Oleason gave a public exhibi
tion according to the Marquis of
Queensberry rules, minus the ropes,
last Saturday. A case of aggravation
no doubt.
The science of dancing, as developed
by the average Watcrlooite, consists in
a few vigorous hops, preceded by a
hasty stamp; said stump can be heard
a distance of seven blocks. The good
old days of smooth dancing have de
parted (from here at least), and ill its
stead we have something that cannot
be described; a kind of cross between a
barrel factory and George San ford's
machine shop:
J. H. Turoin informs us he expects
better times, and is slocking ud in an
ticipation of the coming holidays. May
Ills success equal his zeul in assisting
the town by his advice and money.
No petitioner is sent awav empty
J. G. Gross still remains at the old
stand. The hard times lias made its
impression on his smile, but otherwise
he and his store are unchanged; trade
and boarders follow him to the Fail
View house, and be is content.
Jus. Harbin, the W. D. Co.'s fore
man, lias uti affection of the heart. As
he was once cured of a similar attack,
his friends entertain strong hopes for
bis recovery.
A soup house will be open for the
unfortunate, on and after Nov. 15,
1883. The "Waterloo Legion of
Honor" takes this way to provide for
its members.
Ofallthedry speeches in the last
decade It bus been our lot to hear, was
one delivered in the church by tlie Hon.
Steen. It consisted of an extract from
the Orcgonian, interspersed bv a few
of Kork's old anecdotes, fo think
that the average man will be persuad
ed by such an urator is preposterous,
Waterloo will vote as ever unless they
produce something other than tin
arithmetical progression or a simple
problem In compound Interest. Inter
est does not frighten the average Ore
gonlan he Is used to it.
A New Year's edition of the "Water
loo Dissector" will be issued. Copies
can lie obtained by addressing H. W.
Parker or leaving orders at tlie drug
store. It promises to be something
good in its line, a bird's eye view as it
were, of Vvaterlonand its citizens, their
aims and deeds for the past 12 months,
interspersed by pen pictures of the
"City Fathers" and legal luminaries
of tlie burg. There may be an exodus
shortly after from this place, but "our
gain will be someone1! loss," an old
Waterloo proverb.
C. Rank,
Changed Every Week.
Oats 24o
Hay JO per ton.
Flour 10 00 per sack.
Chop 11 26 per cwt.
Bran 80c per cwt.
Middlings $1 00 per cwt.
Potatoes 50c.
Apples Dried, Sc per lb.
Plums Dried, 7c.
Onions 2c.
Beef Dressed, 4c.
Veal 4()5c
Pork I hessed, 0,
Hums lo17 per lb.
Shoulders 12c,
Bides 15e per Ih.
Gccse ft! per don.
Ducks $4 00 per doz.
Chickens $3 00(i;4 00.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Kggs 27c 'ier doz.
I! Iter 20c pr lb.
. ides Green, 20j(p; dry, lie.
NO 37,
tii'.rrrr i t i:t.
!,clmiioii und SuMiam Caiuil Co vs 8 P'
Co: I'oi'ti'iucd.
II Ammermuu vs i'uriiicrs and .Merchants.
ins ' o, recove'i ti i;;oi:ey ; settler,-
..ry .dino.ic.nju.lgincut J, niM.:
UK 'id:ll:,Mi1!,H';Sn.itl,,",livorce;
V IS Dci.Iiiuh vs I, A Woodlc ct ul, fore
closure f mortgage (two cases); continued.
(J I. Culavun vs School Hist No 22, recov
ery of money ; judgment (or plaintiff for
and defendant for cosls.
IltlrrislittrgWutci' Power Co vs Ella and
W F Memlenliall, to condemn right of way;
nonsuit on motion of plaiutif!'.
FirstSational Bank of Portland vs I.inn'
Co National Bank, recovery of money; con-'
Untied. ' . .
Archie Gardner vs Wni Locma el ny In
quiet title; Judgment for plaintiff.
ranmeNcB vs Jos V Self, divorce; grant
ed without costs and name changed to Fan
nie Schmidt.
Annie Vulgamore vs Arthur T Vulga
more, divorce; continued. f
Frank Zimmerman vs John on.eW-h tn
set aside attachment and for damages; con
Lizzie Blakely vs Chas A I!liikelv.divorce:'
H P and Mary .Miller vs I N and L A
! Woodle, recovery of money, attachment;
J continued. ' . '
Cruson .t Menzies vs H Wilson, recovery
I of money, attachment; referral to II 0
! Watson and continued.
I Cruson & Menzies vs Wilson & .Chase, re
covery of money, attachment; referred to
1 H C Watson and continued.
i liichurd A ilutlierfurd vs Hannah E
Rutherford, divurce; noiisu.t on motion .if
W J Bruce & Co vs Wilson Ai Chase, fore
closure of Hen; referred to H C Watson and
Kerrigan A' Humphrey vsthe Evangelical
church of Waterloo etnl, foreclosure of lien:
W E Harden vs Wilson & Chase, recovery
of money, attachment; referred to II 0 Wat
son and continued.
L E Blain vs 8 J Liles, recovery of money,
attachment; judgment.
Bcttie C Crow vs Lemuel J Crow, divorce;
continued. "
W A Schooling vs E E t'pmeyer at ux ;
OA Whitney vs J L and Bettie Orow;
Milton Hule vs Bonk of Oregon el al, fore
closure of mortgage; motion to strike out
part of complaint sustained; judgment 'as
per stipulation.
State vs Dr. J. I). Bponogle; continued.
The time of tlie court was taken upother
wlsc in lieurllig motions, until its adjourn
ment. Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that, by authority
of an order issued out of the Comity Court
of Linn County, Oregon, on the 2nd day ul
October, 1883, 1, as administrator ol'.the es
tate of John M. J. Loveall, deceased, will,
on the 10th day qf November, ISM, at the
hour of two o'clock p.m. of said day, on
the premises, Bell at public auction to the
highest bidder, fur one-half cash in hand
and balance in onii year's time al tui per
cent interest per annum from date of sale,
secured by first mortgage on the property
sold, the following described real estate, be
longing to the said estate: Begimiinn at a
point seventy-eight (78) rods north of the
south-east corner of Richard and Louisa
Chea He's Donation Land Claim, Notifica
tion No. 2309, Claim No. 65, in Linn County,
Oregon ; thence south aeventy-eigli I (78) rods
to the said corner; thence west eighty-one
(81) rods; ihence north eighty (W)) reds;
thence in an easterly course eighty-nne (81)
and a fraction rods to the place of begin
ning; containing forty acres in Linn Coun
ty, Oregon. Sale to be at the residence ul
tlie deceased, situuied near the siiuh-east
corner of tlie above described premises.
Jambs Habvey I vi'Aia
Administrator of the estate of John it. J.
Sam'l M. Uabukii, Atty. for Adininist'r.
Lebanon, Or., Oct. 6, 18113.
A Han Lost,
One day last week a man was puss
ingdown Main street, and all ut once
disappeared into Baker's Dry dwiis,
Boot and Shoe store, where lie fell into
Baker's low prices mid was lust fo all,