The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 03, 1893, Image 8

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    Lebanon Express.
City Council mwu on the tint and third
Tuesday evenings of each montii.
Dr. 8eooe;le Again At Liberty.
A telegram from Fresno, Cal., to
which plaue Dr. Simiiogle, the Browns
ville rnvisher, had Bed, contains ft story
of how the stupid authorities of Fresno
alb well the wily doctor to escape after
the sheriff of Linn county was on the
way after Jilm witlt a requisition frnui
the governor for his arrest The dis
patch says: Dr. J. D. Sponogle, of
Brownsville, Oregon, was arrested ou
a telegram received from Sheriff Jack
win, of Linu county, Oregon, charging
Ihe doctor with rape. )unogle has
been here about a week, and Bays It
was bis intention to locate here, hav
ing sent bis effects to Fresno in ad
vance. The prisoner apieared before
judge Holmes this afternoon on a wril
of habeas corpus. It was asked thai
defendant be discharged on the
grounds of illegal arrest, as no officer
has a right to arrest a man from an
other state merely ou a telegram from
an officer In that state. The judge
dismissed the prisoner, and be walked
out of court a free man. The sheriff
arrived from Oregon this evening, but
so fur all search for.Sponogle has been
fruitless. He is accused of committing
oriminal violence upon Mrs. Wyatt, ol
Brownsville. Hue was bis patient, and
he committed the crime wbile visiting
her professionally. Bponogle left town
immediately thereafter. Spouogle's
story is that the charge is a scheme of
Mrs. Wyatt's husband, to whom he
owes $190 and w ho wants to get bilu
back to Oregon on that account.
Bee "Work on The Side."
J. E. Adcox, the Watchmaker, will
use bis spare time to your benefit. See
"Work on The Side."
A good light second-hand buggy ant
harness for sale at a bargain. In
quire at the Expbehs office.
All persons know'.ng themselves in
debted to M. A. M Hler will please call
auu settle at once.
Uiu guiu or saver uiuue iuto new
rings, plus Olc, Htuuy's.
ii you waul to gel uioe (resh areuu
go to reeuicr's.
Oats, hay, bran, ulioyt, and aii Kinua
Ol teeu, at fcttuler'e.
'. 1. CuiUiuii Co. iiave just it
ceiveu a huge euipuiein of ijutu coiu
atuves auu mugte.
11 yuu nuve ttuy Jiiuu of painting or
paper-lmugiug lo ue uoue, uou't tail tu
can ou Jf.Ji.Aeisuu, tutpaiuter. riri
class work, at iiaru Uuie prices. Leave
orueis ul b. M. Uouaca's grocery.
becretary of .Asnculiure ilurtou is
being "roasted" by the grangers and
the populists because iu a recent ad
dress he said: "Aniuug the most dan
gerous aud iusktiuua foes that the
American farmer had lo contend with
are the granges aud the alliances. The
tiroftssioual fanner is always a menace
to the practical farmer."
You can get better cabinet size pict
ures at Crawford & Paxtnn'a in aii.o.
ny for f 1 50 per dozen than at other
gallrieafor any price. Our work is
guaranteed. Permanent gallery es-
1 nn -
uiuijsiieu tor m years, .no poor work
allowed to go out. Come and see us.
Albany, 1st street. Next door Masou
ic Temple. ,
Mew Shoe Hhop.
Having opened una shoe and renair
nop in iietianou, 1 respectfully solicit
share of your patronage. I warrant
all my work to be flraMlass, and make
specialty of fine work aud ladies'
shoes. M. D.Vauohan.
Executrix' Hotloe.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern that I have been duly appoint
ed Executrix of the last will of T.E . Htretth
olf, late oflinn County, Oregon, deceased, by
the Hon. County Court of said county, and
that I have filed my bonds as such execu
trix, and that the same have keen duly ap
proved by said court; therefore all persons
having claims against the estate of said de
cedent are hereby notified and required to
present the same to me with the proper
vouchers at my residence in thecityof Scio,
Oregon, within six months from the date
hereof. Babah 3ivi Abbott,
Sated this 13th day of October, 1883.
-Hew Tetfeeie WaeMIre Watekua to F
toes TbeUr 14mm ud MlUioas.
Then are . now four time as many
watchmen and detectives along Fifth
avenue ia the vicinity of the residences,
of the money kings as there were a few'
months ko and before the anarchistic
element became noisy. So said one of
the watchmen I found guarding the new
million dollar palace of Cornelius Yan
dcrbilt. Be told me that the owners of
palaces aloug Fifth avenue have uot
been taking any chances in letting an
archists piace bombs under their front
Stoops. He estimated that at least 500
new watchmen have secured employment
since the anarchists began their recent
noisy meetings on the east side. It was
his fond hope that the reds wonld con
tiuue their barougne, as it gave employ
ment to a good uiuuy "dayceut feilerg
who ueeded a job powerfully bad."
"Since this recent anarchist talk and
racket on the east side we have done a
laud office business," said the manager
of a detective bureau. "We have sup
plied over 100 men to wealthy but timid
New Yorkers within the past few mouths.
One of the odd things about the rich
men of Gotham is that they pretend to
never fear trouble from the poor chisses.
I know one of the wealthiest men in the
city whom I have provided with watch
men and special detectives for different
"The day after the arrest of this hm
ma Goldman, the anarchist, he called at
the office and employed five men to guard
bis million dollar home up in Fifth ave
nue. I asked him if he feared the anarch
ists. " 'Oh, no, not at all,' said he. I am
afraid of burglars, and 1 have recently
imported a lot of valuable plate.'
"Well, after I furnished him the men
one of them came to me aud said he
called tip the entire force of watchmen
and said he had reason to believe that
the anarchists intended blowing np a
number of mansious along Fifth aveune.
and that his residence was among the
number. He ordered the men to not
wait to arrest any one whom they
thought a suspicious character, but to
shoot them down and be wonld stand
the consequences, besides rewarding the
"He was so nervous about anarchists
that he used to get np in the middle of
the night and saunter out himself to see
whether the men were all trn post or
not. Yes. he belongs to one of the fam
ilies of the largest millionaires in Nev
York, but I am not at liberty to divulge
his name. I merely mention him to
show you how nervous our millionaires
get whon there is talk of mob violence
or a bomb plot.
"1 have no doubt but that they have
some very good reasons for anticipating
trouble at tiie present time from the an
archistic element in the city. There is
generally some crank willing to be made
a martyr of for any cause. I have no
hesitancy in saying that I believe some
one of these anarchists who have been
made so much of in the newspapers will
use the deadly bomb on some capitalist's
home in the near future. He will expect
and be prepared for arrest, and death it
self will have no terror for the crank if
his fellows will only proclaim him a
martyr for the cause." Jiew York Herald.
VICTIMS tar lAAftina.
.ynohers and Lynohins.
The report of the killing of many
lynchers by the military force called out
in Virginia shows that there is one region
in the south alive to the importance of
this, and with the resolution to teach the
bloody lesson that we fear alone can be
effective. Unfortunately, however, even
in this case the display of resolution was
only transitory, and the lynchers claimed
their victim within 24 hours. But while
all this is said it would be wrong to
omit a word as to the ununited charac
ter of the portion of the population ot
the south with whom these lynchers nn
dertake to deal. Nothing can ermw
their act, and it is a fearful mistake in
every point of view. But the disregard
of life on the part of many of the colored
men of the south and the savage passion
they evince mother respects are social
evils that call also for serious attention.
In addition to the crimes against women
there, it is a terrible fact that there are
negroes who murder constantly for
money, even in small sums, and appear
entirely destitute of moral sense. One
has to be in the south to know the ex
tent to which this prevails; few at the
north realize it. There is a call for mis
sionary work among this class that is
louder than that which comes from any
other heathen on the globe, and the more
intelligent colored people themselves
may well turn their attention to it
Boston Herald.
Bound More Merely Then by Morphine
er AdoeeoL
"Is the cocaine habit growingr
"I ahould say it was. Why, about six
years ago cocaine was 85 cents a grain.
There was none of this widespread habit
then. It has all grown up in recent years.
How thedrugcan be purchased at retail
at 8 cents a grain, and three or four drug
stores in this city sell it to its victims in
quantities to suit. Most of the reputa
ble drug Btorcs will not do this, notwith
standing the fuct that the trude is very
profitable. They don't care to have such
s class of customers about thein. But
the habit grows and grows and grows."
"Is it very degrading?'
"Dreadfully so. Now, here is a liyno
dornuo syringe I recently took from a
West Point graduate, the sou of au old
general of tlie army. When he was
brought here, I added it to the collection
there in the case. Look at that syringe!
The point of the needle has been broken
and filed down, because the victim
couldn't get money enough to buy a new
one. Why, it's enough to poison a man's
entire system to inject that dirt iuto his
blood. But this West Pointer told me
the hist time he used the syringe he took
a penknife and gashed his arm uud thun
stuck the syringe iuto the wound. That's
the condition they got into."
"What is the effect of cocaine?"
"It has a local effect of numbing or
paralyzing the tissues immediately
around the place where the injection is
made, so you can cut those tissues with
out the patient's cnwrieucing the slight
est pain. So it is used in suuiil surgical
operations. But in addition to the local
effect it has a general effect of exhilara
tion. People under its influence can do
a great deal of work and go without
sleep. But the effect wears off in about
aqunrterof nu hour, requiring additional
injections to maintain it. Morphine, on
'the other hand, has an effect lasting from
six to eight hours." Interview With a
Physician in San Francisco Examiner
The Lombard Investment Comitenv'.
Troubles Ouly Just (lectin.
Now that the Lombard Investment
company has passed into the bauds of
receivers, its methods and the way in
which it was excluded from doing busi
ness in Massachusetts will be interest
ing to the timtiy people who have had
dealings with the former concern. Be
sides investors in New England mm;y
mortgages also were taken in England
and Huiiaud, and the consul general of
Holluuil in New York bus been in re
peated communication with Mr. J. Rus
sell fteed, the stute conimissiouer of
foreign mortgage corporations (foreign
meaning merely outride of Massachu
setts) regarding the iuterests of Dutch
mortgage holders in this much adver
tised company.
AU summer there has ueeu au effort
to find trustworthy men among thnxe
interested who would Like hold of the
corporation and make the best of its as
sets for the benefit of the holders of the
mortgages. About $;I2.0M),(IIH) in guar
anteed mortguges are now in the bunds
of purchasers from the company on
wluch the company hud a contingent lia
bility. It is the belief of Mr. Kced that
up to the day the company was put iuto
the hands of receivers it might have
been continued if the right men could
have been found to go into it.
Mr. M. B. Whitney of Westfield. who
has held the presidency of the company
since tho forced retirement of the Lom
bards, regarded himself as an ad interim
incumheut, put there becuuse he woa
acceptable to both sides, and he did not
wish to hold the place permanently.
But as the necessary men were not
forthcoming the receivership was
brought about, and now it is likely that
the business of closing np these compli
cated relations, where so many persons
and subordinate companies are con
cerned, will not be ended for several
years. Boston Transcript.
Dublin's Mayer end City Polities,
The lord mayor is fine looking, about
SO years old, rather stout, has curly hair
just turning gray, mutton chop whiskers
and mustache, a ruddy face, and wore a
dark suit. He is here as the guest of
Chicago and the fair commissioners.
Said he: "I have visited your city two
or three times heretofore and admire it
greatly. I had hoped to call upon your
mayor today, but we got in too late. Mo,
I have never bad the pleasure of meeting
Mr. (iilroy, though he came from County
Donegal, so I am informed, while I was
born in an adjacent county. I presume
politics do not figure to any great extent
in your municipal governments queried
the lord mayor innocently. New York
Dullness In the Theatrloal Business.
In theatrical affairs at present the ex
tremes of adversity do not meet; but, ou
the contrary, they lie a whole continent
apart. California aud the New England
states are the hoodoo vicinities this year.
In the small towns of New England the
situation is deplorable. Thirty dollars
were the gross receipts which several
good combinations have earned in towns
of from 10,000 to 25,000 inhabitants. In
fact, many of the local managers are can
celing their dates in sheor despair. After
all, it is the local manager who is the
biggest loser in a front of this sort. The
manager of tho combination usually geta
as his share 80 per cent of the gross re
ceipts. Out of the remainder the pro
prietor of the theater has to pay the ex
penses for light, fuel, ushers, etc. The
theatrical manager cuts down the sal
aries of his company, but the lessee of
the theater can't adopt such methods
with his coal and gas bill.
Whet Cfaeuneey M. Depew Reeds.
The sum of the whole matter is that
the railroad man as a rule takes all the
newspapers, reads about everything
there is in each of them, acquires a fac
ulty for doing it very rapidly, and then
peruses the leading editorial in the paper
of opposite political faith to tone him
up and the one in the journal of his own
faith to tone him down. No practical
journalist knows more of what is in a
newspaper than a practical railroad
man. New York World.
Keep Your Eye Open Fo
Leader I
v ? js n i
Low MjmBi
Prices, mik
. The
The leading Dealer Iti
Dry Goods, Ladies' Cloaks, Boots and Shoes,
Gives Great Bargains ot his Well-Filled Store.
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Beys' and Men's Clothing, Hats, Cas, Gloves, Groceries,
(. rockery, iimvare, hte.
Albany Collegiate Institute
Infill Term Hegrim Sopleiiibor 13,
A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers.
Eour Departments of Study Collegiate, Normal, l.usincBs, Primary.
Type-Writing and Shorthand are taiiglit. For tsiitnltiuc address
Rev. ELBERT N. C0NDIT, A. M., President.
Great Clearance Sale!
Owing to the general stringency of the money market
and low price of grain we will make a
Sweeping Reduction
nn nil efMwk. Wft nutftn ImtiinefiS and will save vmi mnhftv.
O 4
Buy While Prices Are Low.
Read. Peacock & Co.,
Lebanou, - - Oregon.
What Is the condition of vouri? Ii vour hair drv.
harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a
lifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed or !
brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? ,
Ia It Arv ne In e hmitffH mmlitlAn 9 If tluB ere Bum. nl
your symptoms be warned in time oryou will become bald, i
SkookumRootHair Grower!
tawtaitiroDtieeil Reproduction If not an mcI
rettwrcb. KnowltdKe ot Ue dlactwea of tbo hair anil tcalp led to the riltwov- l
ery of bow to treat ilium. ',Hkookiiiit"oODin!tunettltormlDalanroi)s. It i
unots.Dye.buta(ifligtitrniijrooo.iuit and tr.mmng Topic Hy stkmuiatinR ,
the folliciw, it (t Jaliing hurt imrw dunUrutf and yrom haxr ou ii
L . t" Kp the sKalp oltnn, bMlthy, ant. tret from trrltatlnir
1 (be use of Skookum 8km tiuap. IHlstroyi jjtiitwtKo inaacia.v
i ii your uruKui.L cannot BucmT you "abu a 1 rear in
I prepaid, on rpwiiitol price.
pr Jar; r (or 12.50,
'"Bfrrf AwMt, Kaw York, N, Y,
om haw on bald J
rlaar ernptioni, by
o ne, and wn will forward
lie i 6 for 90.UU. ttottp, five.