HOLY LAND. This It the Mirth tip walked on; tint alone That Asian rntmtry t l wml ntalai Tlit not alone the far Jmlttmn plain, Mountain ami rlverl l,o, the nun thai shone On dim nil I n w now on tint when day In pone The mntin of (.ailliw utinitm forth tumid And HffhtMntir path mm Mm, mi hihIIw chain Of years and Komiwt make the round world on. The air we breathe, he HrJbd-tbe very air Thai look thtt mold awl muHlc of his high And elike speech. Mini then shall moril With haaethnnirhi from lltofver mured sky Coll with fnnl iIwmJ ihe irrnutiil wtiuraon he laid In hely duaih hi pale. Immortal head I -Khiltan. Hmwu Milder. THE GLADSTONE IU(i. i had broakfaatMt with the colonel at hill club, one of threw dreary, lurge m tablinhuionte which ri'iuind yon of an overcrowded uemetery. wbore the lown ra of the land get rich on their divi dends. Outside it wan rainy, damn and misty; inside the nieiuliers were regard ing each ol her with disdain and calcu lating what effect the humidity of the atmosphere would hare on the varnish of their patent leather boots. "ttaupnae wo get out of thin," ald the Colonel hriuttjr a he mganind the street from the broad clnb window. "Where tor mid 1. "Pans," he aaid laconically. "Done." aaid 1. And then the bag waa ordered to be parked and the journey began. We left Waterloo station and we were trying, like old aailorn. to transform a railroad compartment into a comforta ble miiolting divan. It was then 1 Brat noticed the colonel's (Had stone tag. It had been rationing ieacfnlly in tlie rack above my head, and I threw tt down in fiopi of nmng it for a pillow, Some how it slipped and fell to the floor. "Look out!" Raid the colonel. "U yon dropped that bag a year ago that way I wouldn't have given tnnch for your chances of living: no, nor mine either." 1 Raw then there waa a history in the bag, and aaid. "Why?" "It iira't a long story, but may keep yon awake. JU tell yon aliout it When 1 left the army and returned home from India I waa not very well off. 1 had Mudicd explosives in the eaat and tome one at the club recommended me to a French company which bad been formed about the aume time to perfect anew ex plosive which, they were aasured, would be favorably considered by the war -office. The salary waa good and the subject iuterosting. to I accepted their offer. "1 established my laboratory outside of Versailles and went to work with a will. In my (speriments, however, 1 found myself all at once out of nitro glycerin, which 1 needed absolutely. I wrote to the company. No dynamite to be had. Then 1 went up to the French war offioe and saw the secretary, fie was sorry, so very sorry, but at the present time, in the disturbed state of the country, etc., be regretted that it would not tie in his power to furnish nitroglycerin to private persons. How over, he would do what be could, and he gave me a letter to Colonel Majendie, chief of explosives in London, who, be aaid, would surely honor my request. "That night I took the club train to London, and next momiug at 10 o'clock found me at the chief's office. 1 pre sented my letter and staled what 1 wanted. The chief regarded me with suspicion (yon must remember it was during the dynamite scare in England), and the more 1 explained the less he be lieved me. Variona officers were intro duced, one after the other, for no other purpose. 1 believe, than to take down my personal characteristics as a profes aional dyuamiter. "At lust the chief said that, in accord ance with articles so and eo, sections this and that of the office rulea. be would be reluctantly compelled to refuse my request "Then J got tired, "1 told the chief I wanted the explo sive and meant to get it. 'But you can't,' said he. i will,' aaid 1, 'and carry it through London too, whether you like it or no.' 'We'll see,' aaid Ma jendie. 'You will see.' aaid L aud 1 left him. "That night wben 1 walked home to my chambers 1 felt rather discouraged. There waa ten pounds of nitroglycerin which 1 must have, and Lord only knows how many people Majendie might put in the way of my securing it 1 wan dered about London aimlessly for a week, and at last, when just about to despair, luck turned. Near Birmingham 1 heard a company had been formed to work a mine and used explosives, 1 took the next train from London and went there. There waa a little village near the place, and from it 1 drove out to the works. 1 shall never forget it When 1 got to the mine 1 met a hungry looking man, who asked me roughly what 1 wanted, 1 aaw be waa the per son 1 was after. , " 'Come one aide,' 1 aaid. " 'Yon urn dynamite heref " Tfaj, for explosives.' " 'Do you want 20T "'Yea.' " Thon get me ten pounds of nitro glycerin if you can.' "1 gave him the money and he pot tt In his pocket. " 'Wait here,' was all ho aaid. "That evening 1 drove back to the lit tle country hotel with my treasure is the ttlatistone bag. 1 put it in the room, locked the door and slept outside, for I knew the fumes of the nitric acid wonld escape through the bag. In the morning 1 got np early and took the train for London with my precious cargo, At London it took but a short time to rush into a compartment of the Paris express, which was just departing. "Here my real tremble began. I put my precious bag on the frame in front of me. The carriage was crowded, and 1 began to doze after the train started. Suddenly I looked np. A fellow pas senger had seized the bag and was about to throw It to the floor to make room for some of his own luggage. Luckily I seized it in time, if i hadn't well, I wonldnt hare been here now to tell the story. "After the train had progressed half way to Dover one man in the compart ment aaid: 'D n this railway semes. Here 1 got a headache, the tim in my life, through the ventilation.' Another also complained of a headache, and by the time we reached Dover there were seven very' ill men in the compartment "1 was ill. too. but 1 knew the cause, tt was the fumes of nitroglycerin. "At Dover as we got on the boat there was another uarrow e ape. A stupid porter seized the Gladstone hag and tried to balance it on his bead. I res cued it in time "We got aboard the boat at Calais all right and I sat pensively watching thai infernal bag. which rested quietly, as if it had not been tilled with dynamite enough to blow up the ship, within ten feet of me. The passage, thank heaven waa smooth, but I felt pretty well done np. I left the bag and walked down into the cabin thinking of the custom bona? officers who were awaiting us on the other side. At last 1 saw a man an in terpreter, a Frenchman and I decided to make him help me. 1 sat down In the cabin and began to weep it isn't hard if yon know how. He said, 'Does monsieur require anything? I looked np. wijied away my tears and told him my sorrow. "It was to the effect that my wife was dyiug in Paris. She had telegraphed me. and 1 was about to soothe ber lat moments by my presence. He became immediately interested and begged me to cheer up. I agreed to do so on condi tion that he wonld join me in a bottle of champagne, which he did gladly. An we walked 1 slipped two Napoleons into his hand and said: "Now, 1 want to get away quick on the first train. I've nothlnK but a satchel and don't want to be detained by the customs house at Calais. Can yon ar range matters? He swore that he would and kept his word. When the boat landed my satchel was carried trium phantly ashore on the shoulders of my friend, the interpreter, aud 1 passed the customs bouse without a moment's de lay. "And so we went to Paris the Glad stone bag. tilled with nitroglycerin, and myself and in course of time arrived at the (tare de Nord. I hailed a passing cab and directed the driver to my ad dress, but cautioned him to avoid the rough streets on the journey. Like all Parisian hackmen. he did just the oppo site till 1 stopped him. 'My friend,' aaid 1, 'do yon know what's in that satchel yon have between your legs on the box? Well. sir. there's enough dynamite to bluw your whole outfit to the devil, and if you don't drive quieter the chances are against you Von never saw a more careful driver after that in your life. "Finally, 1 arrived at my rooms, and the next day got up early (tor I was be ginning to get i' f raid of that internal satchel by this lime myself) and went to Versailles, where 1 stored the stuff safe ly in my laboratory and exploded it at my leisure. "1 wrote to Majendie in London after ward, telling of my success, and re ceived a short reply saying that I ought to be in juil this minute. "Funny, isn't it, these English of ficials have no sense of humor?" And here the colonel lit another cigar, while i watched the Gladstone bag re flectively, Philadelphia Times. I.ti Corners to Church to New Clothes. The following notice has wen district! ted in the pews of a Massachusetts church: "It may not be inappropriate to call the attention of the audience to the bad habit they have fallen into of watching people who oome in late, especially those who have new clothes. These late comers are modust people and ft must be a serious an noyance to have their raiment made a sub ject of remark. They wear it unconscious ly and prefer that you would not notice them. The Sunday services are at 10:30 and at 7:30 for the benefit of all who desire to spend an hour in worship, but for all those who have recently visited the tailor and milliner and dressmaker the morning service begins anywhere from 10:30 to 11, and the evening service at 7:50. For the benefitof the very tardy ones the announce ment is hereby made that the benediction will be the only portion of the service in which they are respectfully invited to par ticipate. " Exchange. Black Bucks of India, The black buck of India Is a very grace ful animal, weighing between thirty aud fifty pounds. The hide of the male, when full grown is of inky blackness on the back, while the belly is as white as snow, the oontrast being very striking. The horns are black and spiral in shape, and in length average about eighteen inches, al though they have been known to reach twenty-six inches. The animals are usu ally found in herds, and are difficult to ap proach on foot, as the bucks toss their heads in the air from time to time In a very graceful manner, and some of them are almost sure to detect any attempt at stalkiug.-8t Nicholas. THt FOUNTAIN BEAD Of 8TKKNOTH When we recollect Mint the atomaeh In the Brand laboratory In which food a transformed rnw the weretlons which furnish vliror to the nyirtem after entering and enriching the blood; that ft Is in short the fountain head ol strength, ft Is essential to keep this Important supplying machine In order and to re lore It to activity wheh It becomes Inactive. This ffosleuer'a Hlomarn Bitters does most effectually, season ably, regulating and reinforcing digestion, pro moting in action of the liver Slid bowels. HtrehgtH'anri quietude of the nerves depend In great measure upon thorough digestion. There is no nervine tonio more highly esteemed by the medical fraternity than the Bitters. Physi cians also strongly commend It for chills and fever, rheums tlim, kidney and bladder trouble, stck headache and want of appettte and sleep. Take s wlneglsssful three times a day. " Isn't there something the matter with the feet In this poem?" said the editor, "sir," re plied the haughty man who stood by his desk, " I'm s poet, not s chiropodist," KIUMKV TKOUHLE. Some most excruciating pain comes from derangement of the kidneys. This is the testimony of Senator Henry C. Nelson of New York as to the value of ALtcocx's Posies Piastres in such oases: "On the 27th of February. 1883, 1 was taken with a violent pain in the region of the kidneys. I suffered such agony that I could hardly stand up. As soon as possi ble I applied two Auoocx's Poaocs Plas ties, one over each kidney, and lay down. In an hour, to my surprise and delight, the pain had vanished and I was well. I wore the plasters for s dsy or two as a precau tion, and then removed them. 1 have been using Allcock's Porous Plastkbs in my family for the last ten years, and have al ways found them the quickest and best remedy for colds, strains and rheumatic affections. From my experience I believe they are the best plasters in the world." BaAnnasTH's Pills tone np the system. The young man who works in a furniture manufactory Is constantly " turning over a new leaf." DEAFNESS CANNOT HE CUBED By local applications, as Ibey CADnot reaeb the diseased portion ol the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies, liealness fs caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imneriect hear ing, and when It Is entirely closed deainess fs the result, and unless the inflammation can be usen out and this tube restored to Its normal oomtitlon, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by rautrrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the muoous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any rase ot deafness (caused bv catarrh) that esnnot be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure, bend lor cir culars, free. F. J. CHK.NKV i CO., Toledo, O. fn?" sold by druggists; T5 cents. 0.V THE OVTSIDE- Uiat Is the best plaos to keep the huge,old fashionod piii. Just as soon as you get it itmdfi, it begins to trouble you. What's the use of suffering with ft, wben you can get mors help from Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pellets I These tiny, sugar coated granules do you permanent good. Thsy act numtr ana natur ally, and there's no reaction afterward. Con stipation, indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and perma nently cured. They're the smallest, the easiest to take, and the cheapen for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money fs re turned. You pay only for the (mod you get Nothing else urged by the dealer, though they may be better for him to sell, can be "just as good" for you to buy. I I' This Trade Vtrktiootbebtst WATERPROOF COAT gKX1 In the World, ' A J. TOWER, BOSTON. MASS. Rushing -INTO THE GREAT SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY. Dm KnatneUne more Polish ; no dust, no nnell. Tit Guni for breakfast. 21 Years of Pain I iraffered with ecsema or salt rheum, tn iuch terrible agony at time that I could not walk about the house I had o many failures with medicines that when a friend urged me to take Hood'i Bttnaparilla, I hesitaed. but finally took It, The hoped for benefit was noticeable at the outset, and 1 hare taken twelve bottlea, I am completely well and feel like a new woman. I can't thank or praise Hood'i SarBsparllla nongh for what It haa done for me. Has. Josephine Bo tci, 18 Davison Street, PeekaklU, M. Y. Be sure to get Hood's because Hood'sCures The wine men of Washington, Idaho, Oregon and the West are Securing Free Land in Alberta, The best fanning land in America. Bee what American larmers say ol It: copy of their testi mony, with man, HKNT FREE. Arldreu L. A. HAMILTON. Land Commlssionfir. WlnninctT- D. McNICOLL, .. P. A., Montreal, or any agent of Mia i..siisujuni rarinc nun way. Tree I jones' -THE- CASH Buyers' Guide STORE. ThbBctbrs' QcidsIs published the am of each monlb. It is IssHed in the Interest of alt consumers. It (rives the lowest cssb quotations on everything in the grocery line. It will save yon muney 10 consult 11. Mailed Iree to any address on aDDlicatlon. Don't he without it. It costs you nuirihiK to net it. It quotes whole- Dmc pneen uirm-i tu uut consumer. MeUUOU tuts paper. Address JONES' CA8H STORE, ISO Froot Street, . Portland, Or. Hood's Pills acteasily.yet promptly snd efflcleutiT, on the lirersnd bowel 25a r . i satf:wixsu.a Bets, loots., and ll.ODper Bottle? Ouaoeataduw. Thb Ors.it Ootraa iCuiIspromptly cura w vuiera iiuu iougn, roup. store Throat, Hoarseness, whoopioa Cough and Aatama. For CoasumpticD it nas no rival: bas cured thousands, and wfll cuai Too If taken In time. Bold by DniKgltui on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use bHILOH'g BELLADONNA Pl.A8TliR.26o, H!L0H'S CATARRH 'remedy; TlavevuuTjktarrh? ThU iwnvviv1 in in ran. teed to core you. Price, 60 ct. Injector free. wlcf&i W6 Bokinp Ponder When in Portland be Bore to take in the greatest novelty at the Exposition, We snail bake biscuits and cake every afternoon and evening on our pretty Jewel Gas Stove. Everybody cordially invited to have a biscuit with us and see the wonderful rnerita of Gold West Baking Powder proved by actual work. CLOSSET&DEVERS, PORTLAND, UK. INGUBA TOKSon IwrALLKSirr. Beet make. l-owwt iric. tiend for OHialoiEiia. DR. GUNffS IKFBOTXS , LIVER PILLS A MO PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A movement of the boweli etvob Ut to daommtt tor health. TbeMplIlitupplywfistuioariMmUoiuto make It regular. They oure Bosdaobe, bright, th Bym and clear the Complexion better than eoa metlaa. They aot tnfldly. neither gripe nor aioken as other ptlla do. To oonvlnoe tou of their mertta we will mall Mmplfj free, or a fall box for M oenu. BolA iwiwlun. Uo4aiL9 Med. Co, f tuUdeipiUa. V . SOCIETY BADGES A. FKLDENH RIM ER, Leading Jew eler ef the Pacific Nortbweit.keepea large itock of all SECRET SOCIETY BADGES on hand. Beat goods at low est flgurw. Budget made to order. Brooklyn Hotel 201-212 Bast St., Sai Fnnclui. Thin favorite hotel la under the nanarement Of CHAKMCH MONTGOMERY, and la aT good 11 not the beat Family mil BuaineM Mea'i HoUl la San Franciaco. Home Comforts! Cuisine Uneicellad! FlrsMlaia service snd the highest standard of respsclablllty guaranteed. Our nam MnikX (X tvrpamd lor ntatntu and eomfort. Board and room per day, H.iS, 11.60, 11.76 and 12.00; board snd room per week, 7 to lli; single rooms, too tori. Free ooach to and from hoteL mm DOCTOR 3 n . THE GREAT CURE -FOB- INDIGESTION -AMD- CONSTIPATION. Regulator of the Liverand Kidneys A SPECIFIC FOB Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia And AH Other Blood and Skin Diseases. It la a positive care for all tboae painful, deli cate complaint and complicated troubles and weaknesses common among our wire, mothen and daughters. The effect fa Immediate and lasting. Two or three dosea of Da. Pabdkk's Rbmedt taken dally keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneya act ive, and will entirely eradicate from the iretem all truces of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, or any other form of blood disease. No medicine ever introduced In thla country has met with auch ready aale, nor riven auoh universal satisfaction whenever uaed as that ot Ujl. Fabdkk'r Rehkdt. This remedy haa been uaed In the hospitals throughout the old world for the past twenty live years as a specific for the above diseases, and i t b aa and will cure when all other so-oalled remedies fail. Send for pamphlet of testimonials from those wbo httve been cured by Its use. Druggists sell it at $1.00 per bottle. Try it and be convinced. For sale by MACK & CO., 9 and II Front 8t, San Franolsoo. Hercules Gas Enoins (GAB OR GASOLINE) Mad for Powsf or Pumping Piirpasis. The Cfasepest Reliable Gas Koalas oa u Hartst, Our or EHosmaM For N Implicit? tt Beats the World It uHa Itself from a Reservoir. No Carburetor to get out of order. Mo Batteries or Electric Spark. ft rets with a Cheaper Orodp of Qasollne thaa aoa whr JCnglue, SBHD rOB OATALOOOI TO PALMER & REY, MANUFACTURE 406 tmm Strat, San f ram, fist PORTLAND. ORBOOM. EOCENE. Is s Special brand of Burning oil, whtch w manufacture expressly for FAMILY UHK. IT 18 A PKKfECT ILLUMINATOR. IT IK HIGH riKK TBHT. IT IH or UNIFORM QUALITY, We guarantee ft to be the highest roastBLB OBADB Or ILLUMINATING OIL, Ask for ft. 8TANDARD OIL COMPANY. MASQUERADES, PARADES, II A tiATsM H THKATKIVAM. Everything in the above line. Costumes, Wigs, Beards, Properties Opera aud Play Books, etc., furnished at greatly reduced rates and In supe rior quality by the oldest, largest, bestreaowned and therefore only reliabU Theatrical Supply House on the Pnrile Qtmt. Correspondence so licited. Goliwtbin 4 Co., 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell street, also K22 Market street, San Francisco. We supply a(( Thmttrt on the Voat, to whom we re speeuully refer. FRAZEIt AXLE GREASE BestintheWorld! Get ths Genuinel IBINK WOOLBBT, As-sat, Portland, Or. HAVE YOU GOT PILES XTGHINQ PTLB8 known by mtMstoM) lika perapiraUan, oauan Intenaa lu&tur When warm. Thia form and BLIND. BXtllHDWU or PttOTKUDING FILM T1ELD ATONCK TO DR. BO-SM-KO'S PILE REMEDY. WW oh auta diraotly on parta affwladj abaorba tumora, aUara I to hi na, efft fnJ a pormaaientourtj. Prlea ooo, Dnigaiarul nail. Pit. Bownko.f h.ija,) yJ J nO IIIIUOI ftllltn Cnnrum. C nino. ninuun a syrup - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING FaraalabraJllMaaxtaU. Oeata a twttl, N. P. N. U. No. 516-8. F. N. U, No. I IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. iBTABTl n.unw la , ... urirTu a 5 5.WTT ',J o iSt.Xr "T pieasur. tuts BJ tn. ma. St KiSai; , nnomio was reus irom saomoassol SiiS iT " JfJ!7 ounjost dot cured eutlr.lt of 1OTLAMM ATOBY EHtr. sUTLSSI wtuu tos beat doctor I ooula set 414 Sla V food. Youn fs irauioaa. OLD BY TOTJB DHI,Vs