The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 03, 1893, Image 1

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NO 36.
One your....;
(If tml.l tn tiilvnfiee, si fwyur year.)
H moult,-. ' (J
Tims; month ....... .......... j
Secret Societies.
YrSANOS LIUWiK. NO. . 1. II. . F-MwtJ
w mlarrHy fWilliMltt "(W I't'Tiown Hall, nl
TPAKl.UFBF.rf UWffl, NO " ' O- " T.
Br, .! i o a r Hull liw i i"M
! ""'" "f Til IWkMOS. N .
pou.m H.U.TMAHSH. wry
LFU o l'WiK. No. A. A. M.-'lt
tetania? .renin, iin or lielor, the Ml' m"1
'""",n- E.E.!1am..-k.-.M.
r. .Mm...
Hiwnr Mr, Nr. . A. 0. V. W.-Mem. .very
.Ti.)-.vl,nM j;aj M.W.
C. A. Zaiis. Uw.
rir'i Mriwn Cp. T"o. 1" tmr f 0f
CorVirrTjL. to. A. K.H.U. Ifl
Or., every Saturday ri-eulnn. ',hJ?
trdv iitiwS mnnlh. mwilng ihe ihlrrl Fr -dv
Inrtrad. All Inr.thers "1 thr ra tit V I
53"f II"' . A. H. cordially
to"""1 w lti",! M , Ca,l.
Attorneys at Law,
Collfc:tl"lv,T,,r,im.; ll r..ful '""'1'"
Will inoci.iw lit i thv worn uflws sua,
-iri 'a. ;n ((,ntTsrv' mum.
liKBAKON, OHiail'N.
WeatberrorS S Ctamberlain,
IT. .ft MILT EC,
J. . WATT,
Attorney-at- Law,
k But and Call in
Albany, Oregon,
Learn Telegraphy.
Add rem,
.1. '. H-ymui
Ori'gor.ian iluikliag.
St. Charles Hotel,
Curlier Mniii awl slu.Tir.n Slrwla.
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments.
Special "Mention paill to Com
mercial llHrll. !
Butti-'l anil Lo,li!ih, per (lay, tl U
2; per werfc M- '
CrttrPBr. Mnynr ,r,..hitilril.
Curler H. Harris, n, niaynr nf Ohi
uiftn, wmi i-h 't mid killed last Saturday
attiiut 8:2-i . m. Mayor Harrison lind
hut u time previously returned
fiuni the festivities nf "Mayor' Day"
al the fair. Tin- ilwr Ml ran, ami
when n servant openrsl tlietlni'n inuti
ruslterl into ilic rnnui and hied four
shuts at Mr. Harrison, three of t l.eni
taking rfTert. One si, altered Ihe lefl
linnil, another into the lower
rij-'li! nide of llu- aUlonicu, making a
wound Ilia! would have Iren mortal
willilii a few ilays, mid the third en
tend Hie client slightly aliove the
heart, this wound lieinp Ihe Immediate
caum of his death, which occurred
witliin twenty niinutea after the shoot
ing took place.
The elioolltiK was done hy a crazy
pjper carrier, who went directly to a
mar police Htatiou and gave himaeif
up. When asked Ilia reason fwrKliool
lug Mr. Harrison lie said the Mayor
had piouiised to appoint him corpora
tion counsel, and had failed tn do ao.
The personal friends of Ihe de4ii
mayor, the city officials, and the curi
ous crowded agaiust each other in a
wild endeavor to learn if the slory
which had spread like wild-fire
through the city was true. An Im
mense throng gathered and Ihe labor
ing men who had stopped on their
way home, added voices to the sub
dued threats of vengeance, for Mr.
Harrison was popuiar with the masses.
The streets were wsjn filled for blocks,
and the officers as lliey looked out of
the station windows uh the sea of
angry faces became alarmed for the
safety of their prisoner, and it was de
cided to remove him to Ihe central
station in the city hall. Ill the mean
time the tidings of the murder swept
like an electric shock through the city.
Bulletin were i oted in prominent
down-town places and about them
eager throngs surged and struggled.
The newspHier nflices were besieged
; hv eager questions, and down-town
i business for a lime was at a standstill.
farter H. Harrison was born near
Lexington, Ky., Feb. 15, 1825. He
graduated from Yale in 1 84.1. After
graduating in law in 1'cuuNylvaitia
I aud traveling abroad for two years lie
settled in Chicago in 1855, ami invested
In real estate and became wealthy.
He was elected mayor of Chicago in
1879, '81, 'Ki, '85 and '93. In 18K4 lie
was tile democratic candidate against
Oglesby for governor of Illinois. After
couipleliug Ins fourth term as mayor,
he made a trip around the world and
i wrote the "Kace Willi the JStin." In
18SHI lie visited Alaska ami the National
I park, and his book, "Summ. r's Out
! lug," was added to his liteiury fame,
j In 18H0 he purchased the Chicago
j Times, which lie edited until lie was
elected mayor last April and which
3us sons now own. He was married
n 1855 to Bupley Preston. Hhediid In
Europe in 1870. In 1882 lie married
Marguerite fleams who died In JRN7,
inn." he was lo have been married on
jXov. 7th to Minn Anna Howard, of
Kew Orleans.
.At the time of his death he was a
candidate for United States senalor.
Miss Annie Howard, fiancee of Mr.
Harrison, wa In the house at the time
tiie fatal shot was fired. In accordance
with the wounded man's request she
The oa'y Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
unstil oui-c summoned, and W'as pres
ent when Ihe end came. Miss How
ard's grief was pitiable.
The ceremonies at the world's fait on
Monday were changed from n Joyful
celebration, as had been previously
planned, to memorial ceremonies.
It is probable that Patrick E. 1'ren
dergast, Ihe assassin of the mayor of
Chicago, also chel Ished designs upon
Ihe life of the governor of the state. It
is letvrned that only u few days ago.
Prendeigast was in search of Governor
Altgeld, and for some reason was des
perately anxious to see him. Last
Friday Prendergast called at Ihe gov
ernor's office. The governor was very
busy and had given orders that he was
not to be disturbed. Prendergast, after
pleading in vain to he allowed to see
Gov. Altgeld, departed, apparently la
boring under great disappointment.
It Is also staled that Prendergast had
become much annoyed by the silver
question, and had written threatening
letters to a senator; also that Presi
dent Cleveland might have been the
victim, had he been within the 3rauk's
Another Outran !y Unlitn Men.
Whkelinq, W. Va.. Oct. 29. There
has long oeen bad blood between the
union aud non-union glass-workers at
Wellsburg, and when the glass works
broke away from the union two weeks
ago this ft-ud was intensified. Anions
the non-union men recently employed
was Hugh Gordon, of Philadelphia.
Yesterday morning the mouth-pieces
of all the blow-pipes at the Riverside
works wi re scoured and washed, for
fear thai some nf Ihe union men might
have attempt, d to carry out Jie
threats Ihey have made feboul uing
poison. After Ihe ainrrW4iii. the
men did not repeat the precautionary
measures taken in t lie morning. Hugh
Gordon was Ihe first man to put his
blow-pipe to li its mouth. He threw it
down and ran to a water tub, his
inoulh seeming to be full of liquid tire.
The w ater seemed tn make the burning
j worse, and the first swallow carried
the burning fluid into his thioat 'iiid
stomach. Doctor atler doctor was
called. None of them gave any relief
until one resorted to heroic measures
and by the use of n dangerous drug
neutralized the action of the acid, but
two glnotly holes had been eaten
through Gordon's lower lip, and all
the exposed uieiiibiaueouH surfaces ate
so ilillamed and swollen that the lower
lip is turned inside out over the chin.
The mouth, palate, tonsils u",l lining
of the tliioal and passage to the stom
ach are nearly eaten away. Gordon
will probably die. The doctors are un
able to determine what acid or acic's
were used In the blow-pipe, as the
effects are so much more severe tlmn
I anything they have ever known and
j th11 usoul smtidotes are of no use. Two
1 other non-union workmen were also
badly burned, but neither of them are
j In a dangerous condition. Charles
j Urady, an ex-unlon employe at Iliver
j side, was arrested last night, !"'! there
, wus no evidence on which tohoidhlm.
Hay if you want your watch, clock,
j or Jewelery repaired and haven't the
! cash, bring us farm produce, "Any
thing goes" except pole eats r badg.
I era. at Hardy's.
SiAle v Thos KorMiiuii, larceny in a
ilweHint:; plead iruilty ami wua Hi'iiteiicwl
to three yearn in tlip jKMiiteniiary,
Stale vsj Tl'ojiat, larceny; plead guilt y
and vu 8fii,eiicetl to two months in tl.o
county jail.
Linn Cumity Snlional hank vs (ieo W
(Hid Joh .' .Smith, recovery of money; con
tinued on motion of plumtifl'.
J X Kiceet al vs W It Smith et al. parti
tion; ileeree. and K T T Fislier, 11 R Powell
a-id U P Warmoth appointed referees to
make 'partition.
W 8 Henham vs L A Woodle et al, fore
closure of mortnajt.'e; demurrer overruled
with leave to answer.
Will A Link vs V H Maple, recovery of
money; verdict lor plaintiffs for $248.0fi.
Ilarrislnirn Water Ditch Co vs Martha It
Schooling, recovery of money; verdict for
plaintiff! in the sum of $156.
Mary llercaw vs John W Bercaw; di
vorce ; default as to defendant.
Lizzie Hlakely vs Chas 8 Hlakelv, divorce;
default an to defendant.
James Nanny vs Louisa A Settlemier et
al, partition; decree acconlingtoagreement.
Mrs A C Moder vs H F Pound et al; ap
peal dismissed.
S K Youi.g vs L B Knox, recovery of mon
ey, attachment; settled.
Price (V Kouson vs L 1( and A S Knox, re
covery of money, attachment; settled.
Mitchell, Lewis A. Staver Co vs L li and A
S Knox, jr, recovery of money, attachment;
Sarah J Klder et al vs J A McBride et al,
partition ; continued.
iiaiTibhiirg Lumber Oo va li Bashaw, re
covery of money, attachment; continued.
FT Whiicum vs Eugene Bashaw, recov
ery of money, attachment; continued.
Kranklin Cole vs Amanda Cole, divorce;
divorce granted wiihout costs.
(j W Munkers vs Farmers und Merchants
ln Co, recovery of money; continued.
A V Gordon vs C V Watts etal, recovery
of money, attachment; default and judg
ment against J W Watts.
J 0 Writsman vs W M Bolin et al, fore
closure of mortgage.: decree of foreclosure.
1 Saitmarsh vs 11 B Miller etal, to reform
deed; continued.
C V Iee vs Jus Weddie, recovery of mon
ey ; continued.
Si'liciturs Loan it Trust Co vs Win and S
. J Hawket al, foreclosure of mortgage;
loiin Dodge vs P W Morgan; possession
personal property; verdict for plaintiff,
Deyoe A Iiohson vs Frank Wood; recov
ery money, attachment; referred to J C
Powell and continued.
(.'has Koht; k Co vs It J Baker, recovery
of money, attachment; settled.
N 8 Brown vs Alex and i F Harrold, re
covery of money, attachment; default
agaiust 0 F Harold, continued for service
on Alex Harold.
Wadhams A Co vs I B Ileani, recovery of
money, attach nent; judgment for plain
tiff. J A Crawford vs I Beam; recovery mon
ey, attachment; default and judgment,
Itose-itield, Smith it Co vs I B Bani; re
covery of money, attachment; judgment for
Maston & Davis vs (J W Purcifud; recov
ery of money, attachment; settled.
Channesfl A: Sloper Bros vs D C Shepherd
et nl, foieclo:-ure of lieu; decree granted.
C W Cushin;-; vs W 8 Phillips; recovery
of money, attachment; continued,
KCathervs.1 M Williams et al, recovery
of money, attachment ; tindings for plain
tiff. Lyiiiu Zeyss vs Ed Zryse, divorce; divorce
granted, plaintiff to piy costs and given
custody of minor child.
Margaret A McCoy vs Samuel Anderson,
recovery of money; default ami judgment.
ilihler, Shore & Hoh'redyo vs Thomas
Large, sr, recovery of n onoy, attachment;
settle 1,
State vs C Baker and F t Pliwlps, larceny
(four counts); eoiitinucj.
W H Hurtles vs A Vnlgamore, recovery
of money; jiniiiiuent.
M A Maple vs C (.' Jackson, possession of
personal properly; continued.
FleekeuMeni .v Meyer vs F L Kieselal;
recovery if money; judgment.
Milton Hale vs Hank of Oregon, Jay
Blaiu und W 8 Thompson, foreclosure;
motion to strike out part of complaint sus
tained. Jului D V aj-som was convicted of assault
upon H I. White at Hitrrishurg, und sen
iteoced to jwy a line ol'flUf and the costs of
the pros'jciUion.
Frank Dujicjiii. found guilty of assault,
tiis Jioi-d fr) mid cooiiiiitted until paid.
Lebunon ami Hantiam iJanal Co v p
R I', possession of petfonut property; eon
State vs tuong fid, hticeuy; motion for :
new trial overrule! ; eenlenced lo the penl.
teitt'ary for two year.
C II Stewart etu! a W J Bruro et al
verdict for plaintiffs for the recovery of $1800
worth of lumber and $L damages.
Harnsl-urg Water Power Co vs Kiln and
W F Mendendall; to condemn rlghtof way;:
oon suit on motion of plaintiff.
First National Bank of Portland vs Linifc
Co National Bank; recovery of money; con
tinued. The grand jury returned "not true bills'
hi the following cases: Mrs Sadie Toole for
assault with a dangerous weapon, Chas Mil
herncharued ivitli abduct. iigPottiaBpaight,. ,.
John W Marks charged with larceny, amf
J T Sheffield charged with the same crime..
The grand jury submitted the following
report. We, the grand jury of the circuit conrt of
Linn county, Oregon, for the October term,
181)3, would respectfully submit the follow
ing report: We have examined the books
of the sheriff, clerk and treasurer, and fin
them kept in a neat and orderly manner.
We have also examined the jail, and it is
kept as neat as the construction 'of -thtf
building will permit. We find it has lie
been the custom in this county to colcfc
trial fees in advance. Wc rcconunei.dliat
hereafter the trial fee be paid in accomplice
to the provisions of the statute,
(Signed) Ji F Childs foreman, J N Gal
braitli, W E Crawford, 8 P WillianiEon, R
C Far well, C L Shaw and E E Taylor.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given thai, by authority
of an order issued out of the County Court
of Lum County, Oregon, on the 2nd day of
October, 1893, 1, as administrator of the ea
tateof John M.J. Loveall, deceased, will,
on the 10th day of Novemoer, ia, at the
hour of two o'clock p. ni. of said day, on
the uremises. sell at nuhlic auction tn tba
highest bidder, for one-half cash In haatti
and balance in one year's time at ten flier
cent interest per annum from date of sale,,
secured hy Hrst mortgage on the property
sold, the following described reol estate, be
longing to the said estate: Beginning at a
point seventy-eight (78) rods north of the
south-euft comer of Richard and Louisa.
Chea lie's Donation Laud Claim, Notifica
tion No. 2309, Claim No. 65, in Linu County,
Oregon ; thence south seventy-eight (78) rod a
to the said corner; thence west eighty-one
(81) rods; thence north eighty (80) rods;;
thence in an easterly course eighty-one (Hl
and a fraction rods to the place of begin
ning; containing forty acres in Linn Coun
ty, Oregon. Sale to be at the residence of
the deceased, situated near the sout h-east
corner of tlio above described premises.
Jamus Hahvicy Lovbail,
Administrator ol the estate of Joliu :L J.
Sam'l M. Oakland, Atty. for Admmist'iv
Lebanon, Or,, Oct. 0, 1H93.
(.hanged Every Vu'elt.l
Oats 24c
liny lift iter toil.
Flour $0 fid per stick.
Chop $1 25 per ewt.
Hrnn 80c per ewt.
Middlings 1 00 p.-r ewt.
Potatoes 60!.
Apples Dried, He per lb.
Plums Dried, 7c
Onions 2c,
Beef Dressed, 4c.
Veal 4(riioo.
Pork Dressed, 0.
Hams 15IT per lb.
Shoulders 12c.
Bides 15o per lb,
GeeHe $6 per doz.
Ducks $4 00 per
Chickens 3 0G(,4 00.
Turkeys 10c per lb,
Eggs 20c er doz.
Butter 20c p"r lb.
Hides Green, 23o; dry, 6c.
A Man Loit,
One day hvt week a man wait imp
ing down Main street, and all at once
disappeared Into Baker's Dry Good,
Boot and Shoe store, where he fell info
Baker's low prices aud was lost to uIL
These hard times we want to save e
we caa, but of course we have to uu,
still you will Bavesomebv irpuimrvnnrr
groceries at Bach's.