The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 27, 1893, Image 1

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One year.... - 00
(IT aui In wlmjiiT, Jl fie ;er year.)
Hli month-..
Thrno immth. ,...,......,..... - - W
lusle cinleK.,.(.......-.....
Secret Societies.
USii' J.OIr;K. io47. I.O. 0, T.-Meeti
etrn Saturday eveuliu! at Odd Fellom. Hull, at
.'dock ,.. u. A.A.KHH.S.O.
W.C.PETKItSOK, Hsnl'y.
PKARI.REHKnCA UirsiK, NO. )7. 1. 0. 0. F.
MotSmSh .. F Mu.ll flr.t Mid llltrd Weill!.
day eveniiw. of .'' 'it,ntl5a80S, S. (i.
COLLI t SAl.TMAIUW. seot'y
Lnu o Loiam. No. 44 A. F. A . M.-Mi't'l
Saturday evenlrus , onorlielnre liio mil Bin m
F. . MlLl.Bi, Sec.
Hormr Lnlwr, No. 3. A. 0. V. W'.-Mcl every
Tuesday ovelujiK at 11. A. H. Hull.
' lln. 1.8. UltllTHl'V,, M. .
C. A. ZiUK. Iter..
(Ifl, Mr.KK rar. No. 1 i.ri' ofonr.
Sos.orVKT'a.-Meel tnli.A.. Hall bet
Or., every satur,lay -Ti-lim(t. eicei't "I11.""''1
Saturday otoaoli moiuli. ww H' "l "r
dv inrteart. All lnwhrr. of ilieHmia or V l
erans anil emitale. the K- eordlally
Invited to meet with the ram,,
A. Cbadai.1. Find Meet.
Attorneys at Law,
Ciilte'tiom.irlvfnF"tn't '' """l'1
WW praeUVe I- all lee Mitti of the atate.
' Lebanon. Oregon.
leatttrM 4 Cbamberlaln,
J. E. wr.iTT,
Attorney- at - Law,
Se Sure and Call on
Albany, Oregon,
HeatingStoYes, CookStoyes, &c.
BEfiT :.O0DS.f
Learn Telegraphy.
jr. t Hcym-.
Orogoman Building,
St. Charles Hotel
Corner Main and Sherman Street,
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments.
Special attention paid t" Com
mercial uieii.
tyierd and ,"!;.!
2; per wild. S I .511 1
p-.r Jay, Sd to '
Council Prooeedlnes.
Council met last Monday evening in
pursuance to adjournment, all Hie
members being present except Council
man Dtilgleish.
Home bills Unit were on Hie table
were brought up, lull owing tn the
committee not reporting on Hi m they
were laid nver until the next tegular
By motion an electric light was or
dered to lie plaeed in the north end of
tiiwn, near Mr. Kilea's property.
In compliance with a petition pre
sented at the lust meeting a cross-walk
was ordered put across the road near
Mr. Wassoui's residence.
By motion a new cross-walk was or
dered put in from the corner of M. A.
Miller's property to the corner of C.
H. Kalstou's property; also one across
Main street from C. W Cobb's proper
ty to the Beald property.
R. 8. Roberta was present and asked
the council to pass an ordinance to li
cense fish peddlers at the rate of $2.5(1
per week. The petition, was referred
to the committee.
By motion ail city taxes were ordered
to be declared delinquent oil and after
the 10th of November, and the street
commissioner authorized to pro
ceed to collect the sume according to
A communication from the insur
ance union was read, stating that they
had a man here looking over the town,
and made several suggestions. The
communication was laid on the table.
The Mayor suggested to tfae council
the advisability of dividing the town
into wards, and electing six council
men instead of four, letting three go
out each year.
The council then adjourned to meet
next Tuesday evening, Oct. 81.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given thai, by authority
of an order Issued out of the County Court
of Lmn County, Oregon, on the 2nd day of
October, MB, I, as administrator of the es
tate of John M. J. Loves!!, deceased, will,
on the-Uth day of November, 18HS, at the
hour ef -two o'clock p.(m. of said day, on
the premises, sell at public Auction to the
highest bidder, for one-bslf cash in hand
and balance in one year's time at ten per
cent interest per annum front date of sale,
secured by first mortgage od the proierty
sold, the following described! estate, be
longing to the said estate : Heirjnmng at a
point seventv-eight (78) rods north of the
south-east comer of Hie-hard and Louisa
Cbea lie's Donation Land Claim, Notifica
tion No. J9, Claim No. 66, in Linn County,
Oregon ; thence south seventy-eight (78) rods
to the said corner; thence west eighty-one
(81) rods; thence north eighty (HO) rods;
thenoe inan easterly course eiglity-one (81)
and a fraction rods to the place of begin
ning; containing forty acres in Linn Coun
ty, Oregon. Bale to be at the residence of
the deceased, situated near the south-east
comer of.tbe above described premises.
James Hakvkv Loveall,
Administrator of the eUite.of John M. J.
tiAM'j. M. Uablaho, A tty. (or Administ'r.
. Jab-anon, Or., Oct. 0,1893.
There will be services iu the Cum
berland l'rehyteriau Church on the
second 4)(l fourth Sunday iu each
month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.
W. V. McUKK, Pastor.
Old gold or silver made into new
jrings, pins &c, at Hardy's.
turf RICE.
The only i'mc Cream of Tartar Powder. Ne Ammonia; No Alum.
LW; in MiNions ef Homes 10 Years the Standard
CIltCI'lT tOCRf. j
The following grand jury was empan
eled : 1J F Childs, W E Crawford, C L I
Shaw, John Galbralth. F P Williams,
R C Farwcll, E E Taylor. B F Childs
was appointed lorenmn.
Cases were disposed of as follows :
State vs Jus Bannon, burglary j con
tinued. State vi J J Brannin ; continued.
J J Porter et al vs John Elder et al,
partition; continued.
Toplitz 4 Co vs Mary Cougill : con
tinued. ti J Branner vs Mary Cougill j contin
ued. Mooney, Valentine 4 Co vsMary Cou
gill; continued.
Capital National Bank vs W F Crosby ;
continued bv consent.
T P Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith &
Riinkle; continued pending garnish
ment. i
Assignment of Geo W Smith ; contin
ued. J C Goodale vs Serepta M Hansard,
foreclosure of lien; continued.
J M Brown vsA FGooch, foreclosure;
S K Nothinger et al vs T A Morris et
al, damages; continued,
J I. Cowan, trustee, vs Serepta M
Hansard, foreclosure of lien ; continued.
Senders 4 Sternberg vs L Houston ;
Sarah M Shields vs P C Harper 4 Co;
L J Houck vs VV J Vernon, partition ;
Assignment of AlbertinaKriesel ; con
A R Read vs C J Fletcher ; nonsuit on
motion of plaintiff.
Jessie Wilhelm vs Henry Wilhelm,
divorce; continued.
Enoch Cyrus vs W B Cyrus, partition,
Allie A McPherson vs M S McPher-
Bon, divorce; continued.
Assignment of Oregon Metallic Paint
Co, continued.
John S Herrin vs Gep Renfro, attach
ment: continued.
E B Ear vs E W Aclilson, recovery o!
money; settled. '
W J Van Schuyver & Co vs Huston 4
Miller; continued for service.
L E Blain vs Henry Watson, recovery
of money; settled.
J W Brown vs Joel Vail, recovery of
money; nonsuit by plaintiff.
E J Willoughby vs J M McCullyet al,
continued for service.
City of Albany vb F L Such; settled.
Alliance Trust Co vs J L Hollida; con
tinued. W H GoltravsThos and W J Morgan,
recovery of money; judgment against
Thos Morgan and "dismissed at to W J
Lang 4 Co v J B Thompson, recovery
of money, attachment; settled.
Assignment of Bank of Oregon; con
tinued. D M Osborne 4 Co vs 8 P and Sarah
Barger : decree of foreclosure.
C T Craft et al vs Jacob Ledgerwood
et al ; sale confirmed.
W H Hartiess vs A Vulgamore, pos
session of personal property ; judgment
for plaintiu'.
H B Moyer vs A S and Delia McDon
ald, foreclohure of lien; Bettled.
R L Sabin vs Swan Bros, recovery of
money; settled.
California Vineyard Co vs Carl Ben
der ; judgment for plaintiff.
B Gobi vs G W Keeney ; judgment for
plaiutiil'. ,
Furtiuiller 4 Irving vs H H Cole;
judgment for plaintiff and order to sell
attached property.
Alsey Hay vs J E Clark et al ; judg
ment for plaintiff and order to sell at
tached property.
H M iieail, receiver, vs J E and 0'
Clark ; judgment for plaintiff for $75 at
torney fees and otherwise in pritycd for
iu complaint and order to sell attached
J E iiayncr 4 Co vs A Croft, recovery
of money, attachment; judgment for
plaintiff. -.
l.inn Co National Bank vs C G Buik
hurt; nonsuit.
l.inn Co National Bank vs F A iintl ('
it littrkhart; nonsuit.
Linn Co National Bank vs .1 0 Bhu-
noil aiiC G Bui'k!iar; geniea.
If L Saliili vs Geo Finley ; judgment
for plaintiir and order to sell attached
R L Sabin vs Finley 4 Brandon ; judg
ment for plaintiff and order to sell at
tached property.
X E Y Faulkner vs W T Caldwell and
F L Walker, recovery of money; settled.
D M Osborn 4 Co vs T J Montgomery,
Assignment of 1 Beam; continued.
W B Donaca vs Marion and Sarah J
Leach, foreclosure; settled.
Ladd 4 Bush vs J 0 Johnson et al ;
Francis Bellinger vs A C Watkins and
N Price ; judgment against Price.
Oregon Mfg Co, Limited, vs C P Burk
hart; sale confirmed,
D M Osborn 4 Co vs T J Montgomery
et al; settled.
SNickelshurg vs Geo Finley; judg
ment for plaintiff and order to sell at
tached property. . .
Spaulding Mfg Co vs J L Cowan as
Bank of Lebanon, recovery of money,
attachment; judgment for plaintiff and
order to sell attached property.
Linn County National Bank vs C G
Burkhart; nonsuit.
Francis Bellinger vs A C McCully and
N Price ; judgment against.
City of Albany vs subscribers to the Alba
ny wagon bridge (four cases), recovery of
money ; d.smissed.
W H Donaca et al vb C C Uackieman et
al, foreclosure; default as to C C and Carrie
John Sehlosser vs George and Annie Hen
dorson, recovery of money; default and
State vs Doug Wassom, for assaulting R
L White; jury's verdict, "assault with a
dangerous weapon." Will be sentenced
The grand jury ret.irned indictments
against Thos. Kessham, the burglar ho
stole a watch from tne residence of H J
Hopk.ns. Kessham will plead guilty , and
ask for the mercy ol the court.
The grand jury also relumed an indict
ment against John Thomas for larceny.
Linn County National bank vs Q W and
Job 0 Smith, recovery of money; continued.
Joseph Sumuierville, a pioneer resi
dent of Linn county, wbo emigrated
to Oregon from Illinois in 1851, died at
his home near Harrisburg on Monday
evening, Oct. 23, 1893, at the advanced
age of 78 yean. He had been ill for
several months. He was a man of ex
cellent worth and was much esteemed
! by all who knew hint. He leaves a
i ,tr.. .... u.......i .iiuH.n A
bis death.
From all points of the northern and
eastern states great crowds of unem
ployed workingmen are hastening to
San Francisco, lured there hy the an-
i nouncement that workmen are wanted
in connection with the mid-winter
fair. Mayor Edlert said a few days
ugo, "The authorities of the northern
and eastern states are using Ran Fran
cisco as a dumping ground for idle
uien nnil all sorts of schemes are ar
, ranged tn snip them out. San Frnn
' Cisco lus more unemployed now than
she can care for, and I hope the papers
will coriect the stntement that the
rnllioad people in Montana and else
, where are circulating."
Perhaw fome of our readers would
; like to know in what respect Chamber-
Iain's Cough Remedy is hotter than
! any oilier. We will UU you. When
this remedy i l.ikeu us so in ns ii cold
liitw been contracted, and bt-'fore it has
become sett led in the system, It will
counleiiiet llie effect of tin cold and
' greatly lessen i severity, and It is tile
only reiuidy thai will do this. Tt acts
in peii'ecl harmony Willi nature and
aids nature in relieving the lungs,1
opening the secretions, liquefying the
j uiueiiH nnil causing its expulsion from
llie air cells of the lungs and restoring
' the sv.ilom to a strong and healthy
eonililioii. No other remedy In the
market possesses these remarkaliic
properties. No oilier will cure a cold
i so quickly. 'or sale by M. A. . Miller,
1 Druggist,
NO 35.
One of Zar Purrish's little girls is
quite sick, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gore pre both, .quite
sick this week.
If you want (o get lilce rrcsli bread
go to Peebler's.
W. C. Peterson and family are visit
ing In Albany, this week.
Oats, hay, bran, chops and all kinds
of feed, at feebler'. '
Mrs. L. Foley visited her sister in
A lhany, a few days this week.
F. L. Carman 4 Co. have just re
ceived a large shipment of Gold Coin
stoves and ranges.
"It. is reported there is to he a wed
ding at the St. Charles Hotel next
Tuesday evening.
Mr. Crosier, who lived across the
river, died at his home, last Saturday
morning, with typhoid fever. He was
quite an old gentleman. i
We have heard of many kinds .of
trumps, but Lebanon hud a new kind
one day this neek. It was a cat ttiut
rode out on the brake-beam in regular
hobo style.
E. E. Montague and family were in
town this week, visiting old friends
and relatives. Mr. Montague returned
yesterday, but his family lemained for
a longer visit. t
Say if you want your watcb, clock,
orjewelery repaired and haven't the
cash, bring us farm produce. "Any
tiling goes" except pole cats or badg
ers, at Hardy's.
G. W. Crtison and wife are to have a
glass wedding at their residence, to
night (Friday), It being the fifteenth
anniversary of their marriage. Only
a few old friends are invited.
The latent Oiegon Poelflo rumors are
that the Southern Pacific will make
an effort to absorb the entire plant. A
counter rumor has Jim Hill figuring
to get his hands on the sume property.
The world's congresses are over.
The last session of the last congress
waB held to-day. There will be several
evening addresses and lectures, but the
regular congresses ceased with the
real estate men.
It Is now reported that there will be
no compromise in congresH that silver
Ib defeated, and that a vote wi be
taken on the repeal measure In a few
days, which Is sure to result In a victo
ry for Wall street. '
E, W. Enoe, representing the Eve
ning Telegram, was in Lebanon two
days this week, in the interest of that
paper. The Telegram is a good, live
newspaper, democratic in politics, and
we are glad to report that he obtained
several subscriptions while hero.
The Willamette Congregational As
sociation Is investigating certain
charges of immoral conduct filed
against Rev. C. L.'Corvvin, late pnstor
of the Suleui church of that denomina
tion, by members of his congregation.
It js reported that some former citizens)
of Lebanon are c-mifected W'tli the
scandal. . . ,; . . .
A filial ticciiletu happened about two
miles west of Philomath hist Buttirduy,
resulting In the death of David tJiu'id.
The team he was driving bicnnic un
manageable in some uminier nnil ran
away. The wagon cnpsizwl nnil tho
unfortunate driver was crushed under
the loud in such i terrible ii.annor
that lie never regained eonsi limsmws.
He wus about l yours of ngo and
leaves a wife ttnd four small children
in destitute cii'ciitustnnceH.
Ingenuity Is rampnrl. among the Or
egon lawyers. A HnlenV mini was
acquitted of horse slenlliig upon the
theory advanced by his oounso) that he
was only stealing a ride, tirul now a
Pendleton attorney suggciita that nu
employe can't be convicted of larceny
in a store If he took the money homo
in accordance with eiistnm mvl,t
brought it back. Meanwhile the imm
who steals a loaf of bivi-.d "jies Up'
for three years. Orernniuit.