The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 20, 1893, Image 5

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Lebanon Express.
"He Keil Our Hni.t.
The editor of the KxruKHH wishes lo
impress the fact upon the minds nf
those w ho are behind on r-u(iiTiil (or
and otherwise, that lie need every
cent flue linn. W have IsiiTowod
money from year to year in order H
nntiuuc our business, liefore we would
Insist upon It from those who mve us,
but pay diij' I now near at hand, and
we shall la wnipcllcd to either collect,
orBicriflec what we have winked fur
these ninny years. Thc amounts doe
us me small, taking them severally,
and yoti would not miss the ino.iey,
but put these amounts together and
they make several thousand tfol
liirs. Will or will not nur friends help
us out by paying up?
JTfAddit.iimrd locals on first page.-TH
Come In for )ob work.
Fresh bread at Zahn's.
W. J. Clay was In Albnny yesterday.
Buy boots and shoesof Head, Peacock
A Co.
We warrant all work done by us,
at Hardy's.
Fresh pics, cakes and bread at
Poehler's grocery store.
We are glad to report Mm. Funk
able to be around again.
H. Baker Is now agent for the cele
brated Douglas shoe.
M. A. Miller now haa a complete
line of drugs and stationery.
M. I). Vaugban spent Sunday In Al
bany, with some special friends.
Call at F. L. Carman's, and see the
fine line of stoves and ranges.
Cash paid for produce at Pechler's
grocery store; highest market price.
Pumps and plaj dowu to Albany
prion. F. C. Aveks A Co.
Ed O'Nell and W. C. Peterson were
in Albany yesterday, on business.
J. S. Courtney M. D. Physician,
Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon,
Get your baby ready for the opening
day at Boyd's gallery, next Tuesday,
Oct. 24th.
All persons know ng themselves u.
debted to M. A. Miller will please cull
and settle at once.
The patent medicine couiuiuy that
has been in our city for the past week,
left for new fields yesterday.
If you want to get value received for
your hard-earned money, call at
Baker's and buy your boots and shoes.
Bach is not selling his clothing at
cost, but still you cau get a belter suit
therefor less money than anywhere
Hon. E. R. Skipworth and family,
of Eugene, were in the city the first of
the week, visiting Mr. Skipworth's
These hard times we want to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
atlll you will save some by getting your
groceries at Bach's.
A. Humphrey bus rented Ihe Holt
property, and moved to Lebanon. He
intends going Into business here this
winter, and is thinking of opening a
feed store.
Bend your name and mldresa to
Bead Peacock 4 Co., Albany, Oregon,
and mention the Exi-hesb, they will
mail you a fashion sheet free each
Married, at the residence of the
bride's parents, near Scio, Linn oouu
ty, on Oct. 16, 18113, Noruiau Long and
Minnie McDonald, Rev. R. Sperry of
ficiating. C. A Zalin was out again this week,
teaching candy-making, etc., in Hal
sey, Harrisburg and other towns on
the Southern Pacific, and met with
good success.
Preaching at the Baptist church
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sundry school at 10 a . m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
C. R. Lamar, Pastor.
If you have any kind of painting or
paper-hanging to be doue, don't fail to
call on P. E.Nelson, the painter. First
olass work, at hard time prices. Leave
orders at B. M. Donaea's grocery.
Cora M. Case haB Instituted proceed
ing to secure a divorce from E. C. Case.
She alleges cruel and inhuman treat
ment and desertion, and asks adlvisioii
of the property. H. D. Norton Isattor
ney for plaintiff. Junction City
Great clearance sale at Read; Peacock
; (V.V
' 1' o- whnol supplies call at Smith's
; drug tre,
I W. B. Donaea visited Portland la-t
j Buy your groceries ut Peebler's, and
save money.
I Asa Baker won In Albany this-week,
j on business.
If you want lo get nice fresh bread
go lo Pcehler'a.
Mis. Joe Mayer spent Sunday with
relatives in Albany.
The Champion Mill flour is the best
in the market. Try it.
D. F. Slurtevant's sister, from, Wash
Ingloii, is visiting him!
Deputy Dist. Atty. Wyatt was in Ihe
city Tuesday, on a state oase.
A treat reduction in prices of goods
ut Read, Peacock A Co.'s.
When in need of hardware, tin, cop
per orrjraiilte ware, goto F. L. Carman
& (i. '
Winn you want to buy a suit of cloth
ing you will save money by getting
it at Bucb's.
F. L. Cai man & Co. have just re
ceived a large shipment of Gold Coin
stoves and ranges.
The confectioner's art, making cream
candies and other confectionery, is
taught at Zaliu's More.
Baker is yet in the lead In low prices
and good goods. Prices mu-t corre
spond with what farmers have to sell.
Benjamin Bros, have received a
large lot of new goods, which they
Invite their customers to call and in
spect. Kay If you want your watch, clock,
or jewelery repaired and haven't the
cash, bring us farm produce. "Any
thing goes" except pole cats or badg
ers, at Hardy's.
M r. Burtenshaw and wlfe who have
been visiting their old home in Ham
den Junction, Ohio, and also the
woi Id's fair, returned home Wednes
day. They report having had a fine
Licenses have beeu issued for the
marriage of Jerome Williams and Lillie
D. Chambers, Edward Beesoii and
Hulila Warner, G. G. Belts and Kate
Bcesou, Jas. H. Gray and Mary W.
A Utter rejeived by Dr. G. W. Mas
ton from James J. Charlton at Silver
Clly, New Mexico, brings the glad in
telligence that lie is still improving in
health, having gained twenty pounds
l.i weight since he went there.
Miss Blna West, Supreme Record
Keeper of the Supreme Hive L. 0. T.
M., Pon Huron, Mich., will be here
the first of November, to lecture and to
organize a Ladies' Maccabee order.
Another notloe will be given later.
The postoffice department lias de
cided that a letter is not the properly
of the person to whom it is addressed,
and consequently its delivery may be
countermanded by the sender, if he
can prove that he did send it. Ex.
A ft w dins ago the First National
bank of Eugene ordered from beSan
Francisco mint f 100 in dimes. Imagine
their surprise when they opened the
package and found it contained $1,000
worth, a mistake having been made.
All parties indebted to Crusou A
Menzies for twine, will take notice that
one cent per lb. and interest will be
added after Oct. 1. These are the con
ditions we will have to comply with
and we don't wish to slight our custo
mers. Last Sunday evening while Hon. E.
R. Skipworth was attending the ser
vices at the Southern Methodist
church, some sneak thief stole an
eight-dollar umbrella from him, which
be had left In the vestibule. Mr. Skip
worth has oue advantage in the mat
ter, mid that Is, If he should find the
thief he cau prosecute bis own case.
I N Bostwick, of Lebanon, arrived
Sunday, and has Bpeut the past week
vislliug old friends and looking over
bis former stamping grounds. Mr.
Bostwick is permanently located lu
Linn county, but says If he could dis
pose of Ills land there, he would return
to Crook county and engage either In
cattle or sheep raising. Ochooo Re
view (Prineville).
Rev. E. P. Henderson , the aged pio
neer teacher and preacher, of Eugene,
died last Friday afternoon at two
o'clock. He was not considered dan
gerously 111 until just before his death,
and even then it was hoped he would
recover. His last illness was rheu
matic fever, which afterward compli
cated with heart trouble and caused
his dealli, as his old aje, 75 years,
I rendered him unable to resist acute
Mr. Joe IQuin, of Albany, was hi the
city yesterday.
Work haa again been resumed on the
Excelsior factory.
Born, to the wife of H. B. Lewis, on
Oct. 19, a 10 lb. boy.
The Salem Statesman says the price
of hops is advancing.
Ally. Stowe drove to Sweet Horn
Wednesday evening.
Attya. Garland and Homers were in
the ooiinly-seut, this week.
Circuit court convenes in Albany
Monday, with a docket of 1(7 cases.
T. C. Feebler and A. G. Williams re
turned Home from a deer hunt the first
of the week.
R. Hull has squash in Ills store
window, that weighs 60 His. How is
that for a squash?
Messrs. Stowe, Keebler and other,
who were deer hunting in the moun
tains, returned home Tuesday.
UTs.Roberts, agent for the Albany
Steam Laurdry, now sends clothes
down on Mondays and Saturdays.
There was a trial before Justice Elson
yesterday, in which R. G. Hinsrjd
sued Eugene Ulm for the posse-siou of ,
a cow. The case was decided in favor
of Hansard.
Grand opening day at Boyd's gal
lery: All UibieB under thiee years- of
age will be photographed fkee next
Tuesday, Out. 24th. Don't forget the
Geo. Buhl left Tuesday for Portland,
where he will spend a few days attend-
ing the exposition and visiting friends. j
(.'hug. Stokes is helping Mr. Bach dur
ing Ills absence.
In a double wedding at the Revere
House In Albany, October 18, 1893 Mr.
J. L. Bartholomew, of Lane county,
and Miss Bertha White, of Linnicoun-
ty, were united ill marriage. Also
John F. McDaniel and Miss Nellie A.
Purdy, both of Linn county, G M
Weimer, pastor of Christian church,
FranltSiddall, the Philadelpk-iasoap
man, is-oredited with saying:. "I have
confined my advertising entirely to
tiie newspapers. The man, who does
not read a newspaper does not use
soap." This is the opinion of oue suc
cessful business man, wbo-bas proven
the benefits of judicious newspaper
M. C. C. Hackleman left Tuesday
for Astoria. She will visit a couple of
days In Albany and Portland, on hei
way down to Astoria, where she will
spend a few weeks visiting her sister,
Mrs. Wright. She will then go from
there to Lob Angeles, to join Mr.
Hackleniau, where they will make
their future home. '
At Corvallis Friday, Judge Fullerton
of the circuit court, issued an order di
recting the unrestricted sale of the
Oregon Pacific railroad property by
the sherifTon or before December IS.
If report are true there will be
some lively bidding on the road at the
approaching sale und the road will be
sold this time ithout fail.
Rey. N. J. Bryans and wife, Evan
gelists, are in our city, holding meet
ings in the South Methodist church.
Both are flue speakers, and have had
a good house every night. We hope
tbey will do much good while am ng
us. Their meetings in Albany and
Eugene resulted in many conversions
and additions to the different churchi s.
Last week some sneak thief entered
the residence of Wm. MarkB and stole
a purse with about $9 in it. Mac Wiley
discovered the thief and exchanged
several shots with him, but did not
capture him. Friday Mae had a search
warrant sworn out, and with Consta
ble Morgan went out and searched the
house of John Marks, which resulted
in bis arrest. Marks was brought into
town and on Saturday brought up be
fore JuBtice Elson, but not being ready
for trial was given until last Tuesday
to make preparation. On Tuesday he
waived examination and was bound
over to appear liefore the grand jury.
It is reported that the evidence
against bim Is good.
Thi Eugene cannery has completed
the work of drying prunes for the sea
son of 1893. The product dried
amounts to about 25,000 pounds of the
article ready for market, the green
fruit amounting to about 118,000
pounds. At Dr. Sharpie's dryer we
are reliably informed there were 60,000
pounds of dried prunes, or 220,000
pouuds of green fruit. In one day the
Dr. turned out four tons of dried fruit,
and he is oonlident that with proper
furnaces he oau easily dry five tons per
day. The eanntry will probably make
a short run canning corn before it per
manently closes down for the season.
This has been a very poor year for
caunpries. Nearly every one of these
institutions will lose money this year,
Eugene Guard. , .
I Thursday morning, Oct. 12, Mrs.
I .In in cm Harris, residing ill Benton
i fenny, a few tt-iiles from Albany, had
washed her face and was reaching for
a towel when she fell lo the floor and
expired almost instantly. The cause
was In-art disease. Mrs. Harris was 35
yeat of age ami was highly estnemed
by her neighbors.
It seems to us that It would he ;i good
Ideu for the city council to pass an or
dinance making it a finable offence to
ring the church bell longer than one
minute at any one time. The way
some of the ringers have, of ringing
the bell for ten, nr fifteen minutes at
one time, has grown to be a nuisance
that should lie abated.
Charles Millbern, all employe of the
Oregon Pacific company in this- city,
was arraigned- liefore Justice L. M.
Cfrl yesterday on a charge of abduc
tion. The alleged crime consists In
having enticed away from her home
Miss Pirtia Spuight, Ihe 14-ycur-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Keorge
Spaight. Mlllhern waived examina
tion, and was lield in $100 bonds, wbLh
he gave, to await the action of the
grand jury. Albany Herald.
"During my term of service in the
army I contracted chronic dianrimea,"
says A. E. Bending, of Halsey, Ore
gon. Since then I Have used a great
amount of medicine, but when I found
any that would give me relief they
would injure my stomach,, until
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy was brought to my
notice. I used it and will say it Is the
only remedy that gave me permanent
relief and no bad results folluw. For
sale by M. A. Miller, Druggist.
The funny man of the EugeneGiiard
got off the following at Junction City's
expense. "We are told one oEJuueiiou
City's-ynung men has undoubtedly u
very bad case of lovesick tiesa. A few
days ago he called on the bdy love of
his choice, and informed her of the
state of his affections, and that he
couid not live without her; that unless
she-reciprocated with him exclusively
he would take strychnine and commit
suk-ide. To prove his assertion he
pulled a phial out of his- pocket and
paured part of the contents into bis-
hand. The horror struck maiden was
equal to the occasion. 'Hold on !' she
exclaimed,' 'I will get you some water
and it will not taste so bad.' "
Mrs. Sadie Toole, wifc of Wm. Toole,
who lives on a farm near Albany, was
arraigned in Justice Curl's court yes
terday on a charge of "pointing a fire
arm fit a human being." The com
plaining witness was L. O. Hiatl. It
appears that youiig Hiatt had some
difficulty witli Mr. Toole on account of
some cattle having got out of the field,
and threatened to whip the latter.
Mrs. Toole procured a pistol and
went gunning for the man who
was going to whip her husnaud,
and for her display of firearms was
placed under arrest by Constable C. G.
Burkhart. She waived examination
and gave (100 bonds for her appear
ance before the grand jury. Herald.
As will be remembered by our read
ers some months ago Elizalieth Jordan
mysteriously disappeared from the
residence of her brother, near Dexter.
The case excited the community and
there were some who unhesitatingly
claimed foul play and designated W.
E. Jordan as the party responsible for
the lady's disappearance. The talk
has now brought out a suit for slander
and damages, W. E. Jordan being the
plaintiff and Joseph Parker defendant.
The amount of damages asked by
the plaintiff lo $22,500. The case wiil
come before the next term of circuit
court and no doubt will be hotly cou
tested by both sides. The result of
tliis case will probably decide the fate
of some others in that neighlairhood.
Eugene Register.
The suit brought against the town
of Sclma by the Mongolians who were
turned out by the mob was not entire
ly unexpected. It has, however, come
in a different form from what was an.
tlcipated. Tile Chinamen, if the com
plaint is correctly reported, claim no
damages for personal abuse or for prop
erty destroyed, but ask the town to
make good to them money, clothes
and jewelry stolen. They will have to
prove to the satisfaction of the jury
tbat they lost any clothes or money.
Their property was damaged but they
have ouly their own testimony that
they did not do some of the destroying
themselves. We do not see why or
how the towu can be any more respon
sible for the thefts than they would he
for any other house-breaking. The
action of Ihe mob is by no means Justi
fied and the town might lie II able for
property destroyed by them, but we
think it going just a little too far to ask
pay for fictitious sums of money
claimed by the Chinese, to have been
stolen. Sclma (Cal.) Irrigator.
Council Proceedln-cs.
Council met last Tuesday evening In
regular meeting. All the memliera an
swered to the roll call escept Council
man Dalglelah.
The minutes of the loabtwo-meetings
were read and approved.
The committee who wcro to look Into
the matter of having the cross-walks
put In across the railroad track, made
a verbal report, and after discussing
the matter for some time It was decided-to
drop the cross-walk business
for the present,
Quite a long etltloii was presented
by Mr. O'Nell, asking for an arc. light
near Mr. Wassom's residence. Another
petition was read, asking for a light
near Chus. Stokes1 residence. Another
petition was read, asking for a cross
walk across the street near Mr. Wassom's-.
All these petitions were re
ferred to the committee.
A new cross-walk was ordered put
In across the street, at Judge Miller's.
The propriety of moving the arc
light from the Judge Miller's
to the corner at J. W. Menzies' was
discussed, but dropped for the present.
By motion an arc light was ordered
to be put in at the cross street at the
Baptist church.
W. C. Peterson, of the fire depart
ment, was present arid made a report
of the condition of. the department.
He reported that the company badly
needed six hundred feet of hose. The
council discussed the propriety of buy
ing new hose, and;decided to postpone
it for the present. The bills from the
fire company, ameunting to (8.2.5, were
read, and by motion the rules were
supeuded and tile bills allowed and
ordered paid.
The council Hhen adjourned until
next, Monday evening, Oct. 23.
Hiram Baker is now selling all of
his suits of clothing at actual cost. Call
and get a bargain.
A good light second-hand buggy and
harness for sale at a bargain. In
quire at the Express office.
How to make the "mighty dollar"'
go a long ways Go to Baker's and)
buy your hoots aud shoes, that have
been cut down to hard times prices.
Now is the time toBelect your winter
millinery. Call at the Ladles Bazaai
in Albany, where you can have the
choice of the largest new stock and
best styles ever shown in the valley.
Prices to suit the times.
Mike Sexton, who for several years
lias filled Ihe position of section fore
man on the Niagara division oil, the
O. P. In a very workman-like manner,
was recently for some cause removed
from the position. Sexton blamed 0.
J. Mulcahy, father of Supt. R. E. MuW
cahy, for the loss of his position, and
met him on the train last Monday and
beat him in a shameful manner. Sex
ton's friends regret very much that
he so far forgot himself as to assault
and maltreat a man too old to defend
No wonder time is represented bb
haggard and worn out; a watch keeps
time, the chorister beats time, the
clock strikes time, the cars run on
time, the foreman lays out time, horses
run against time, people threaten to do
things if they get time, at a prize fight
they call time, soldiers mark time,
criminals serve time, few can spare
time, everybody now and then tries tn
kill time, and perhaps your subscrip
tion tn this paper Is behind time; if so,
please save time, by paying up this
The good people of the north-east end
of the city have been much annoyed
for a long time by petty thieving. Bits
of harness, fat chickens, ducks and
turkeys, vegetables, oats, and things
too numerous to mention, have beep
stolen. The Injured parties have a
strong suspicion as to who is the thief,
aud a vigorous prosecution will follow
him to the Jail, Tbey mean business,
and the unlucky thief that falls In their
hands will fare badly.
County Judge J. N. Duncan and
Commissioner J. W, Pugh huve beeu
over to see the Sanderson wagon
bridge, which is again threatened with
destruction by the changing of the
Santlam's channel, The recent flood
washed away about fifty feet of the
bank, and the river threatens to leave
the biidge out on dry land, The river
cut just this caper a few years ago, and
the bridge was built twice its original)
length to cover the new ohanuel. The
bridge has already cost about (ilO.flOO
and the county officials are debating
whether it will be cheaper to keep fol
lowing up the changing channel or
tear the bridge down and rebuild it at
some point where is a more permanent
channel. Herald.