The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 20, 1893, Image 3

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as his rider, and a great deal better if
his rider haimened to be A OTAfin hnnil
And now. as 1 Ailid hnra nl
wore on top of the cut bank Nome twenty
feet above the road. Alnno- n-Mrh H.nt..,1
little Uoldy, lifting her sriiill voice in
uinniiiuuu oi rapa iiacx, k .rating and
crashing along in hot pun.,,! of a big
Texas steer that had broken away from
ueueatn tne branding Iron, wild and
eavaxee with nain and wild m,.
savage for the rough hazing given him
oy tiuu auu umger.
The round tin had been wnrlrinir that
morning half a mile away across the
i ,f H.rjtTif lis nan inut ri. l - i
saying, as he pulled the saddle from off
uib urea norse:
'I'll throw thin tmtn Tnha ar.A
over to the ranch for dinner. It's only a
coupie or inues; i u be back before you
are fairly at work."
And BO. With fain nftot fchmorn Avar hi
arm ana Bib right leg curled around the
Domtnel of the uuidl
"(J TKfiFT? " muscles, he galloped his fresh horse
a.vux,. . nasuy up tne slope from the Cottonois,
i"1"" uib i;uuu, uusgomen nairea oaby,
ijiuie uoldy strolled leisurely along running toward him, with arms out-
nte smooth strip of road which runs Matched, crying, "Papa Jack, I tomed
DfU a fhii ..m .,.L J i .i n nl" a .1 i i. i .
Be mnnol walk, hit nAmmi an..
numing m known or books or meat
Bo In ibe wonkast or itie weak
And baa nut streiiirth to bold a pen.
He ha no (metal, and itrf purse.
Nor evur yet IiuhowikiiI a imnny,
Bill luu more rlnlim than hla nurse,
UuoaiiM) tie wants nut any,
lie ruins hla iiarents by a cry.
And liolij thtira captive by aimfltt
A dtmpot atnmg Uirouvrh Infancy,
A kins from lack of guile.
He Ilea upon hla bark and orows,
Or looks Willi if rave eym on lila mother;
Vi out can ho mpaur Bill I HupiKwe
'l'bey uiidomuiid each otlior.
indoor anil nut, early and late,
There In no limit to hla sways
For. wrapt In baby rolnw of atate,
Mb KovurniKiilaht and day.
Kluaiw be takes a rlirhlful doe.
And Turklike haa hlaalaveatodraai bltat
Hl auhlwia Iwml botore bliu tooi
1'ui one of Ilium, Uod bleaa blm.
I strin
under the cut hank dntm tn th.
of the Cottonois, thinking to herself how
ucuuluui everytnmg was, and how
strange it was that all her Mends should
conspire to keep her shut np in that
niuoiuy rancn Douse back under the
wiwn sucu strange and delightful
nuKi i;a strange ana delightful " u"uu couiee t
places were to be found just on the out- Jim anii "'nicer,
aide of It. "t4rit hwvo,
to Wider And behind har nnl
few rods, coming at full charge, head
uowu, eyes roiling in their blood full
Sockets, maddened hv
tare, and wild to attack something the
oig iexa steer, which had slipped down
a blind coulee under the very eyes of
ucaveusi cneu tne ratber as
The auu was hio-b fa th t,inntaa. the full snraifWnno nf t.h. ai.rM v.
northern sky; bnt the soft breeze, "P "Ureat heavens! I can't
wureu cauie tauen witn the spicy breath n""" 111 iodbi and voice and spur and
"i""". nftiibijr mum mv goiiieu curls o put as meir worK. and lean-
nnder the brim of the old sun hat and mS forward in the saddle the man
iMIllUMui Itji n.u.,.. I . I krr,nt nll kn - 1. 1. .
,w uwuuu; ueat, "fvugM an mo Btreugm mai was in
The Short Season of mttnniw hi,, him tU the tajik of nririTiir em tViu ntiivnnl
was at its height, and lilies and wai T"" nore was a good one, and he ran
nowers were being crowded by golden- weu' "riding to his full reach, sides and
ut u,i 1.1... ..ii j - a..i l .i
u uio urn spiaes oi tne yucca, uu unanug wim me sudden strain,
while the sagebrush exhaled, under the and "oon Secked with the flying foam
heat of the buu. that pungent odor that trom niB mouth, which mingled with
mtitififli. ,. r ni.i ki r, . . ttA L.l 1 A i .., . .
wuu0 7vu v, um now iMtgianci gar- u,wn uiawn uj tne maaiy onven
dens, shut in by picket palings and 8l,ur" 0 bit rider. But in vainl The
filled with beds of sage, thyme, rue, lav- chance was too great, and Jack Ford-
nam closed bis eyes and his senses
reeled at the thought of the horrible
uiuig wnicn ne saw that be was power
less to prevent.
Meanwhile Jim had missed his steer
enderaud all the aromatic herbs our
grandmothers knew and valued yet is,
withal, a wild, sweet perfume quite dit
tinctly its own,
j uui uu tue level wmcb iwu"iiiibjijii ubu xuissea ms steer
topped the cut bank at the right lay the "'"8 ""ar the edge of the bank in
fnnrMHu n ..-..! J . t,iaDn.. U I 1 .
u. ,uo Auieiope mountains, uionMi". uearuwoiuys crj at tne eight
rising and rounding against the dark of nCT approaching father, and peering
blUe Of the flkV. Wllilu nn tka nl.A- OVflr tmlr in tho aitn.,i. .. 1
" vmioi slue II v n,uUUH t a giuuce.
they fell as graduallv into the tilnin Measnrinit from his coimi nf
low. Between ran the road along one relative position of the actors in the
ui wow teuges wuich, forming the top B0Bne wow, be wheeled his horse and
oi one and base of another group of galoped back a few yards, then head
lulls, wound its way down into the
canyon oeiow, and was gladly accept
ed as a highway "ready to hand" by
the dwellers in these mountainous re
gions; and upon this wild trail the little
maid, having slipped away from her
mamma, who was busy in her own room
wrmug teiiera, ana the housekeeper,
who was deeply absorbed in the uianu-
inciure oi uuiuerry jelly In the kitchen,
had Set out nnon her truirula
"Papa Jack! Pam .I,-W" h a-,,,. ...
the top of her clear little voice, as she
wanuerea on, "ttoiay's comiu to wide
on big toby along wid you, Papa Jack!"
The prairie dogs came out and eat on
iue roois or tneir bouses and chattered
back at her: a bitr "rattler" miimi ,;,
self into a few lazy coils and then sank
uaca uuuer me protecting shadow of a
greasewood; a lynx cat, stretched in a
crevice uf the ledge above, opened his
ing him toward a point which would
urmg nun rjerween the child and the in
furiated animal, which m runit,.
Bearing her. he gave a significant shake
fcu uie unuie.
We've trot to do it. fiinror " Via ;a
'UoOdbv. Old boV." Rtld itraiirkt .
boot me ooeaient creature sped and
horse and man came hnrlitur rjti.
a crash that put au effectual stop to the
career oi tne orate below, which, recog
nizing its old adversaries, turned aud
aed down the valley of the Cottonois.
A minute later Jack Pm-riVm a,,n
himself from
with difficulty dragged his half con
scious friend away from the carcass of
poor ijinger, whose - neck had been
oroaen in me desperate leap.
' 'Jim!" he cried. ".Tim ni,t muni a
you know what yon've done? Vou've
aavea ner rrom those horns and hoofs,
A Mvaterv.
A fat mart with a kmipi, n.nii,.t
briskly Into a Main street restaurant and
" at. inn miicii counter. The mnn
who was presiding over the section of the
tone Hints Which, It Followed, Will Be
Found Qnlto Advantageous,
The following la
. " , , , . wuu was presMimg over the section of the
young singers and would be singers counter at which he wtt ambled over to him
which have hnen rfwoivwl finm nna fl sml uttiA "U'nllti
which have been received from one of
Boston's well known musicians;
Start under the right instruction. It is
rar better to besin ntrht in middle life
than wrontr in vouth.
Study everything carefully, for "what's
worm uoing at au is worth doing well.
Cultivate refinement, in ollthiniKi TV.
tastes, inclinations and tendencies of the
singer, whether refined or coarse, are un.
avoidably made manifest in the inter.
nretation of the music she
ft.eep up with the events of the world
and wiid. "Weill"
'Well?" rpnwitwl tut man
'Wfltclini' wimf.l"' auitaA tU maU,,.
"Gimme a niece of armln nin nri iaDa
of milk."
'Hain't trot anv annlfl nip. air ' '
'What kind of pie have you Rot?"
'Cocoanut pie and lemon pie, sir."
'Gilnmn ft nitW) nf Inmnn nia
The Waiter WPTlt. JUVUtt anil MtnnnJ .U1.
a slab of dark brown pastry and a glass of
llliliL OillB Ull IK. I llfl fnr. mnn bowoA AfV .
piece of the pie and transferred it to his
iiiuum. jx pmneu iooK came over nis face,
buthegnljiedthepie down and beckoned
i , . . , . but he inihiet
music live in ,; .tafc J: r Whatkindofpioisthatr
- niuo ueaeKea
Concentration is the secret of many a
singer's success.
Sing everything as the author wrote
it. tor one snouia ne as truthful in mnair.
as in histnrv.
Plan your mode of living and hours
roreanng, sieepingandexercising accord
ing to the manner in which they affect
your singing.
Throw your whole soul into your sing-
ihkT. Live in the ermo VrhilA .nn aim it
The sympathy and interest of an audi- Tl
ence are most frennentlv imined hv tVi d
'What, kind iliH vnn nAi BrAj
me waller.
"Lemon Die."
Well, sir, that must be lemon pie, then. "
nui it am i lemon pie."
'Ain't lemon nip. airt"
"Not by a darn sight."
urc It ain't lemon pie, slrf"
'Of course I'm sure "
'That's fnnnr. air "
'Nothina funnv about It. WVint. Vin nt
The waiter leaned over the counter and
in a noarse wbisner. "ConfidentiaMir
ence are most frequently gained by the . u m noarse wmsper, "Confidentially,
sincere, soulful and truthful rendorino- sir' 1 have tried to work that pie off for au-
of a selection. I p : PlnePPl. pieplant, peach and prune,
Cultivate animation, warmth f snirit " " ' ".u 11 c f. Jem0I
and crilorin. in r.n. . " Z uan,ra " 1 Know wnat 11 ""."-Buffalo Ex-
rn jUUi ouufjo. preBS,
D 0
Tram vourself to be cnn hA onrl
cuueciea wnen singing.
Sine Without notus wbpn nnsniblA Vnn
can produce better dramatic effects and
uuiu your auaience Detter oy so doing.
Don't trv to studv minrifi. .rt tmA m.
euce an ax me same tune,
and do that well
A New Hamlet.
Thp Rnmrnpr rAv haA flninliail
Bn. mih iiiuoucu iici BVUCU-
nle fnr t.hfti-yminAirm onA enr Anttrn n tkin U
She was looking a "little like Marius among
vuc i urns woen ner aearesi rnena came in.
"What's tba mutter?" vru tU nninh- j.
Select ana ouirv.
I've just completed my want list for the
m uu uiat weii. x ve just completed my want list for
Don't', thin lr nf Tnalrinnmnai. I SUmiTIPr." shn mnllawl lianilinr. It- fn
ffioointi nnlau tt,, V,....,. il I "GrftcioUH mp." PYcinimaA (ha ntUa :-1
diuary talent for it. The musical pro- IooklnK "over, this ought not to make
fession is alwavR t-mwfaA with I011 ?ere 8 Bowna and gowns, and
. i uw, buu moves ana nunarwis of thmtnt
linn' fhinlr if mn1r;n.n,..n) I i .
Y " "l0ftlll6 muoii; j uur pro- lui. are wo loveiy ror any use.
fession unless you have plenty of money
to mve yourseii tne
Don't think tbnt. trfiinmo'
and technique of the voice only is suf-
uciuut. i ue proiessionai singer anould
COniltemomi1. und inrmrniv V-,.,, n
The fair DORtuwinr nf it. nil niokul nM
"Yes," she said, "It is all just like the
piay or "Hamiet'with Hamlet left out."
"HOW do VOU mpfttlf" Rfirl r Via hit
opened wonderingly.
w nere's tbe man?" sighed the first girl
counterpoint and harmmiv-
Utm't tbink the life of a succeflsfnl
singer is easy. The more successful the
Free Press.
Two Irish Bull.
Two prime Irish bulls were recently found
n. 3. m, KT """" x "'"V
r, ,. , isnxuvm. ims is tne nrst: borne ladies
Don t make a practice of humming. It went to the Irish house of commons to hear
reS the Voice. ft nn.rtinlor !at..,ta ,,.l.:nl. I j x-l.
half shut eyes aud blinked sleepily at manl T1 bly! don't you understand?
hert and the soft wimi iuii,inii, u Think nf her niiitVior .rt.
' -"".u.ujllHVUaU "...v., W.UI, OUUUI uie,
the tops of the big pines that stood ev- old ma". What is it? Your leg? We'll
erywhere among the hills, caught up nave yn ' bed in the house aud the
the refrain "Punu .loflrl" best dnctrtr in tVio fiinn, .n
, --i"-- -- iiwij-iiim,
And so the words came just in time tnd, can t you speak to me?"
to the ears of Jim, who was hazing a Jim opened his eyes, and his friends
iuug uomea steer back to the bunch "w manly tear was standing in
which wa being held for the work of 9aon 01 tuen.
the round up, half a mile away on the "Never mind the leg!" he cried: "it's
Jim was a cowboy of the Crescentont- troit Fre P
A I il.l..i , I
ii. aim viuiuy s papa s ngnt band man,
and thouith he was whHt .liulr hVwii.u..,
sometimes called a "sulky brute." no
uetter cowman ever colled a rope or be
strode a broilrhn. Jim r.Via noma k..
which his "few and far between" letters
came addressed to the Orcana postoffioe
was "Charles Arthur Stakes," but a
cowboy must needs be rechristened into
his rough calling, and since Charley, a
good name, aud one well liked among
the boys, was ruled out of court by the
taw Hint ueiongea to mm or right, be
was called Jim, and the name suited
the man, and the uutn answered to the
name ana no one demurred thereat.
. Jim and bis horse Ginger were worth
mpre on the "round up" than any other
two boys or three pouies on the Cottonois
or the Bijou, and Jun knew it as well as
everybody else on the river. He had
more than once been ottered "big money"
to take charge of some rival outfit, but
in 11 i. . .... . .
curuuaiu nau picaea mm up years be
fore aWaV SOUth OH the I hniulian ttrVin
he was dead broke bucking against his
juck at taro in Jule Howard s "Place"
in the Old Adobe Walls, and they had
staid together ever sinr.ii flint nA ttn.A
Dinger was the pride of Jim's heart,
uie very appie oi nis eye. jno common
broncho, but a clean hnilt litt.ia mno.
tang, with a record as a cow pony
vrougw rrom tne wua uexas country
where Jim found him. What he wouldn't
0.0 at Jim's command you might be cer
tain that no horse could do. Rear till
you a swear he was bound to fall back
ward and crush his rider; walk at a nod
poor old Ginger I'm thinking of I" De-
The Ceremonial Itaa at Thu.
Since the wnrlriwirla rlieriioinn ti...
uw.,slvu vl tuo
tobacco habit its earliest and perhaps
original use nas Deeu m a great meas
ure overlooked. thn ul.r,t:
" vHwii(;iia
juuenca smoaing ana us kindred prac
tices were not mere sensual gratifica
tions, but tobaCCO Was recnrrler! Bn
herb of peculiar and mysterious sancti
ty, and its use was deeply and intimately
lubci wuveu witu uauve nirnta nrni mm.
With reasonable rArtnintv tl,a .tnn
. H ,w V'lr3
mav be considered ah nn milium... .1...
use of which was originally confined to
uie onest. meaicme man. nr mmiKw tn
whose hands it was a means nf mnrln.
uicution between savage man and the
unseen spirits with which his universal
doctrine of animism invnutivl aum i.
v.wu VIBIJ vir
jectthat came under his observation.
oiuiiiar to ims use oi tne pipe was its
emnlovment in the trAfltno.t- r.f it
1 j - - ........ .. . v. morviK,
which in savage philosophy is thought
w ue tue wura or evil spirits. John
tiawinns in popular Science Monthly,
HIkU Prloea For a Vlalln
A violin dated 17VU AnA aaiA l
- " - -wv MM WIUVB
been made by Btradivarius inhisnine-
nein year was sold in London lately
for 800. Dnrintr thA In.f on an.a
violin has changed hands three times, on
the first occasion being bought for 400
auu ou me secona ror itusi iAnn
ill r i ... . .
. --- .....i urn iiauy fu courtroom) What a
from Jim into a adma mrl lir,l I , . '. .
, vng.j Miunwvua iw&iug villain tne prisoner
wmk an eye at the man behind the bar, isl I'd be afraid to get near him
andasforoows-holding, driving, haz- Her Husband-'Sh! That isn't the
uiaorctittjng. quthekuew it as well Drisoner: it's the judge. Truth.
tires the voice.
Don't nractjee Inn? At. A tima aerumial
ly if you are just beginning. It is much
oener to practice little and often.
Don't eat iust before RinoHntr. 1U.
meal several hours before and a light
stimulating retreishment just before you
nug are U1UCU uetter.
Don t drink wme for a stimulant. It
is not only drying to the throat, but is
too strong a stimulant A person needs
to ueespeciaiiy sen composed when singing.
Don't indulcre in mnnnm-icma o,
catchy originalities in rendering your se
lections. & natural manner and sincere
BUlKim? are much nipauintr anA A.
mrauie. nostou dournul,
uuuocu. wiuiuuus uiuear
a particular debate, which happened to be
put off till next day. Sir Boyle Roche said:
"Indeed, ladies, I am very sorry for your
uiBttpuitment, out wnyuiun't you come
tOmOrrOW" ThA IUmilt la m.jta
........ .a u.w aiiujju.
of recent incidents in the imperial parlia-
urem. ine nouse oemg one day remark
ably quiet and silent. Sir Boyle got uo and
airl. "U-,D-i T i..-j
A .pa&B hi umir au
honorable gentleman, who always sits be-
u.uw mo. is perpetually lauguing in my
face: I tnnvp Mint. Iu.ffi v,a ia,.nt..
, ..t.w. ub uwgUB tl. UIO
any more he will be pleased to tell me
nun. ue u laugmug atl " -all Mali Ua-
A Natural SuDnoaltlon.
Detective Anrl wVllnll nf imi.r.
uo you suspect oi tasing the money?
Business Man (thoughtfully) Well,
there's the bookkeeper, hehasanewsuitof
c.cijr una; iue casDier anvesa
better horse thap I can afford; the pur-
A Meat! Lot of llriilerrniinia.
fmenf , ,,it ,.1 TlT .1 DOtm t0an 1 Cal1 ""' tbe PW
. . v e J men :iui mis: cnasmg agent wears four big diamonds;
"1 nave nsn snmo fn-inir.iTruivtannn.:it. I i 1... , ..... ,
-ircuwn witu twvur uieia uasa wire wno goes In
grooms who have failed to pay me any-1 society-so I guess you had better accuse
thing. One man came to me one day
auu asaeu me now mucn 1 charged. I
told him that We chnnrp,! nntViir, v....
he could give me what he liked. I mar-
neu nun, ana ne promised to pay me.
but never did. Not lnnir After. onti,-
coupie, wnonaa been sent by the others,
came m, ana 1 marnea tliem, the groom
promising to give me a fee. but nnt.hw
came of it. Some time after there came
still another couple who had been sent
bvtheDreviousone. The u-mnm liio
he was dead broke. I told him how the
others had treated me, but he promised
faithfully to pay me in the future, and I
tied the knot. That has been some time
ago, and he has not yet fulfilled his
promise. 1 nave uaa a good many such
that miserable ragamuffin of a private sec
retary, noooay nas seen him have any
thing new in twn voun ol ti'o
a roruuuty mat ue s playing the races.
Another minister in this ritv .,..
"The onlv fee that I rnnnmW .nt t
have received was after I had married a
man who was well able to have given me
a rood one. I do not think ha
blame, however, for I have always sus-
pectea tne best man as having appropri
ated it for his own services in the affair."
Baltimore Herald.
Great Severity.
A verv estimahlfl wiiinw hoi nn
nearly heart broken. She was confiding
uvr .ruuuiea oue uav to an 0111 Ann tninteii
-t 1
"I Am afrAld. " SiaiH har trianA n.l.n.
are not firm enouirh with .film. A i
un tne contrary, I am sometimes afraid
.un. 1 tun tuu uanui."
Whv. what have vnn vp itnnatn
"Oh. I haven't dnnn nnvtVitna v.... T
- - j W wm. u.1.
InlVI In - a
muauu w uiui a groan aetu.
"What have von aiiiilt"
MWbv. I V.RVM ULiA I.TiKnl j
' , wvut uuuui KM
.ucrBi?Tvrbuiug9. 1 outn s uompaniou.
Dread Ida the PnturA.
A little ffirl won MMmtli, tnnnA ;
bitterlv on her tant.h hlrt.hHnir un,
quoBtionod, she announced between sobs
the cause of her tears, "I am ten today
(sob), aud it's only thirty years more (sob)
to forty, and then I'll have to die."
Foorchildl 'When she is forty she will
say, "Ten whole years before fifty, and
that la lint An very nIH " TVia i.,tAlA
( youth is not more certain than the tol-
wuuueui age, new lora limes. '
He Do vnn knnw that. tlia tv,tnno
think so trivial thaw .iumw.n.ant.-.H
capable of breaking a man's heart?
She Why, certainly. That's about all
the fun there is in them. Truth.
Vn In Rulnm.
Dudely Canesiicker-I met your charm
inff dauahtor At. a minuK. 1...11 .
" o -" uwfc.wiu mwuv
months ago, and I have been hunting for
uer ever since. At last l have found out
where she lives. I love her better than life
itself. Without her life has no charms for
me. t an 1 see her?
Mrs. Mulligan Naw. Today is washday.
-Texas Sittings.
How Some 8iiihimiureH Were Convlneeil
-of Ita ItiiKoiitleinanlliioaa.
"I never rend accounts In the newspapers
of the pranks of collitge boys in 'halting'
the freshmen," naid a white haired, rosy
faced Old Ww Vnrtifii. In thu n..ninH t
big athletic club the other night, "but my
........ ,t,ciu,m uui; to n caKiiig scrape 1
BOt IDVAelf into in mt, uolu.l ,1...,. I II...
sophomores, I was particularly Intolerant
i"""icni iihivii luoresoor course than
the seniors.
"We had been strictly forbidden by the
Jaculty to do any hazing at all, under pen-
niy hi expulsion, aim so we could, not get
together more than half a dozen adventur
ous souls who were willing to take the rik
in order to punish the freHhmen properly
for daring to live and presuming to come
to the college at all. We hml to do the
thing quietly, so after all the lamps were
out we Would steal from our rooms, meet
in the corridor and then make a descent
on some lonely freshmen and 'do him up'
without any unnecessary fuss.
"We hail nnemtAH mu,,ouuriillv
three men, only one in a night, and were
enjoying the sport thoroughly. The fol
lowing night it became tile turn of a long,
rawboned, quiet, bashful youth from
Maine, who had little or nothing to wiy to
anV One. Anil whnu nnlp , unnn....l I..
- V"V c .wrciuwi t,u oi-
tO keep Ins hands and feet out of sight.
We anticipated some rare sport with him,
and I remember now the haughty feeling
with Which I RtrmlB mm hlu lu,,lnk..ui
at the head of our gang after we had pried
uis uuur upi'ii witn one goon twist or a real
burglar's 'jimmy.'
"The other men. hu.l .rflnc,Dlln ..... 1
B,,1j uj.cim
under their bedclothes or risen trembling .
in their nightgowns and asked piteously to
be let Alone Thi, U,,;.,., ; .1''..
- : "l j.mipeii uu. .
of bed, however, as if glad to meet aa He
m uot a worn, ne made not a sound, as
he moved about in the dark, but. oh niyt
how he did 'swat' usl never before expe
rienced such fiendish strength as that fel
low seemed to have. We were not familiar
with his room. And it. wMimB.1 tjvVu.f1.11
furniture, against which we stumbled and
over and under which he knocked us in t he
darkness with thn nral.iamn un.l rn..A n.
triphammer. He seemed to have a cat's
sight and be knew the room thoroughly,
and the way he 'lammed' us was so unex
pected that we got confused and lost our
.ctwiiiuK iu irj iuk to get out 01 tnat In
fernal room again.
"I don't hplipvc nno nf ,,D V,t V. 1
., , , llllu uul;K 4
know that after 1 bad caught a terrific
right hander on the tip of my nose, which
HflDt Dll. hMiklFIIIHl mrw an lln l- , '
, " nunnuiuj tlllUlur
coal scuttle, I kept on my hands and knees
n..A ..t.l.l ..i .. .... . .
ouu wttuiuiai oout in a Dunn search for
the door, with the blood pouring into my
mouth aud over my shirt front.
"He hit iih with Riita lllru i.n i
chairs at us, he kicked us, when we went
down. With his hnr tnaa n-hlnk ... I ...
--, .., ..,(, ocuiucil AM
hard as iron; he jumped on our stomachs
.. .u urc.n unuie tougo ny running nare-
font nn his nutiva .t,m..ln I 1 L-
-mugij uviH;iiea, ue
maU eil US. he nullaH mil. hoi. L.
scratcheil us. he loosened our teeth', he
broke our noses, he joggled our most in
ternal nrvunu ho nttnl,. .lnn.n...n i ...
e. . -uwi.j uciuuiltllKeu. us,
this whirlwind from Maine, and when at
last we all got out of bis horrid den, more
alive than dead, and had had time to col
lect our shattered senses and make a hasty
estimate of our cuts and abrasions, I said:
" 'The Moini. fpllnis mm,. k....n ... i
boys, and left a gorilla in his bed Instead.'
"n.. .1 , ,
. u... we uearu tnat vicious '
freshman call out with a mocking laugh:
'NOW BO to !wl lit.tlnnian . i
u,i vuiiio ajfuau
some other night when you're rested.
lum uraiu it ueaps or run.
"But We had llppidiirl t.hnt. tha inn. .n.
unmanly, anyway, and not the proper sort
of thing for young gentlemen to engage
m. .icw iora tnuune,
The Aocoinmodatlng Lightning.
"Humnht" aaiH tha llrrV,tntn .n L.
flashed through the skies. "What's that
sign on tnat country house?" (Reads.)
iorent. Am i ll take the hint."
And he did so. Exchange.
Another Entanglement.
First Fly-Will you marry me?
Second Flv Alasl I CAnnnt. 1 am
on this paper. Truth.
Inveatments In Frecloaa Stones.
It is just thirty-three years since the
writer was assured by the great Indian
jeweler of that day, a man full of experi
ence and representing large capital, that
there wma mm final Itmj. ,k. ....i.. .
7 ..u... uu .ue vnme oi
diamonds and rubies. "Noone," ho said
remained ix the world who would give
more thn .10,000 for any single stone."
"They won't do it," be said, the "they"
meaning princely purchasers generally,
"not if I could produce a ruby as large as
a roc's purir. Thntr htivn homtn tn l.:i. .1
. ' ' w vuma ui
The wealth nf tvnt-M hua
. . UW1 llllll-HQVU
SmCe then annaniAllr t.ha waultV. f 1
dividuals- .b then was worth a rlAr
five millioi ; . decree whfrh wU hUNn
recofirnize: .- . .m Khnnhl .tin v,., ...1.1
, , ,,u Du,,( u(),a Bt.ui
that the man who would give f 100,000 for
a single stone would, that is, pay 4,000 a
year for tbe pleasure or possessing a useless
article, usually invisible both to Its pos
sessor and the world, could not be ills-
Rovenirl ThA ttiillir.,,unaD UA I. t .
. .. .......uu,.,,ba nau uuuuuie uju
enltlfhtened Anil thn nrlnnca l
liijiji f.mD, cuu nrueu
childlike, too solicitous of reputation for
suuu ocubo. Mjnuon spectator.
Biding the Children,
A ticket AKAminar antanal . k
. V..-...VU a uuiiiunrf
saent wherein a rAnAr.thlv Aa,...i 1..1.
was comfortably seated. He did not notice
a long, flat package lying on the opposite
seat,.covered with a traveling rug, and a
newsnAnpr oAtvlaanln t.v.Hnn. .... i.
- r -r" -.uu ULI 1., aim
he probably would huve left the compart
ment oblivious of its existence had not a
Dair of sweet, nret.t.v mm nunj .1. .
: : ' 1 "j rpvni u.01' .ue
top and in a cautious tone the owner of
vuciu luuuireu:
Mamma, has the man gone yet?"
The artful mnthar iv.nfi,aaln ovihi. j
-7- .m.IJ CAUlOllieit
that her child was only three and entitled
to travel free, but curiosity Impelled him
to further investigation, and a robust young
girl of apparently ten revealed herself.
London Tit-Bits,
Husle at a Female College.
Smith college claims to have the finest
biological laboratory in the country, and
her fire proof chemical laboratories and
electrical experimental halls can hardly be
surpassed anywhere. The music school.
which umiitA t.ho at . ..'
o uug.ct, UI J1UA, U. 10 IIS
graduates, Is one of tbe distinctive features
.u, tio.icKo. ,c occupies a superbly
eauinned hniMin tv.q .nnn ...... '
, rI . .wnwau uie prac-
t oe rooms are scientifically padded, so that
thn uinnH. ... 1. .. ... . T
"-y" vuurou organ, vionn, piano,
mandolin, guitar, 'cello aud of the human
voice never interfere with each other and
mingle in inharmonious bedlam.-Cor
New York Times.