The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 20, 1893, Image 2

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    The New Bread
As endorsed and recommended by
the New-York Health Authorities.
Royal Unfermontcd Bread is peptic, palatable, most
healthful, and may be eaten warm and fresh without
discomfort even by those of delicate digestion, which
is not true of bread made in any other way.
To make One Loaf of Royal Unfermented Bread :
i quart flour, i teaspoonful silt, half a teaspoonful sugar,
a heaping teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder, cold boiled
potato about the size of large hen's egg, and water.
Silt together thoroughly flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder; rub in the
potato; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly into a stiff batter,
about as soft as or pound-cake; about a pint of water to a quart of flour will
be required more or less, according to the brand and quality of the flour
used Do not make a stiff dough, like yeast brend. I'our the batter into a
greased pan, 4 H by 8 inches, and 4 inches deep, filling abuut half full. The
loaf will rise to fill the pan when baked. Bake in very hot oven 45 minutes,
placing paper over first IJ minules' baking, to prevent crusting too soon on
top. Bake immediately after mixing. Ho not mix with milk.
Ptrftct nittm mm it hid rntr mli Mr Rmd Bahnf Pmirr, beam it is It 1
nlrftmdtriMiiitick Mr mgmtmls an fnpmi m ta gm tkat otmtmww
The best baking powder made is, as shown by analy
sis, the "Royal." Its leavening strength has been found
superior to other baking powders, and, as far as I know,
it is the only powder which will raise large bread perfectly.
Cyrus Edson, M. D.
Com'r of Health, New-York City.
Brcadmakcrs using this receipt who will write the result
of their experience will receive, free, the most practical cook
book published, containing 1000 receipts for all kinds of
cooking. Address
"It's nigh on thirty year er more
Since Hannah left her raotaer.
An we agreed that she an 1
Could house with one another.
An all these yearn of married blraa
That 1 nave shared with Hannah
Save none 10 prove the difference
Twill roan an woman's manner.
Jfow Hannah has her garden beda
An tend her plants and posies.
While I weed out my turnip plot '
An hue my eariy rosea.
Then Hannah baa her cata an dogs.
Her piill an pet canary, '
: While I think mora of useful beasu
Ter keep ue farm an dairy.
We're both contented with our lot,
J let her have her parrots.
She never minus thai 1 prefer
The turnips, beeta an carrola.
For in this life the pretty things
j Ar- put besitie the common.
And that's the reawm why a man
W as made to love a woman.
-HSan Antonio Express.
When Her Mother Was m GlrL
The betrothal of Princess Mary of
Teck recalls the days when the Duchess
of Teck vu a girl 1 remember well
bow she was the heart and soul of all
the gavetiee at the Castle of Mecklen-borg-iitrelitz,
even at the. age when she
had hardly entered into her teens. She
was a lovely girl, but a romp and tom
boy of the first order, from whose prac
tical, though innocent, jokes nobody at
the castle wua safe. If all the caudle
in a room went suddenly out, or If
ghostly iorms ajnieared to visitors on
their war to their bedrooms, Princess
Mary was sure to be at Ihe bottom of
the plot.
One winter evening stands out espe
cially in my memory. A party of chil
dren were frolicking about the castle.
Princess Mary the brightest and gayest
among them. They were playing about
5 the corridors, and 1 have a very vivid
recollection of seeing the princess rush
along in wild haste, pursuing one of her
visitors. Suddenly her hair, which was
held np at the back of ber head by an
arrow shaped ornament, came down and
enveloped her aa in a shower of gold. I
never saw such lovely hair aa that of
, the Xrachess of Teck when she was a
girl. As she Sew along, with flashing
eyes and burning cheeks, she twisted
the mass of hair into a golden coil,
dashed the arrow through it and van
ished into a gallery.
She was a favorite with everybody, a
girl of remarkably surmy temper, and
even her tutors and governesses were
always on her side, though they con
fessed that she was "a fair handful
Cor. Pall Mall Gazette.
A Matter of Locality.
First Tourist (to companion who has
just cracked a very senseless joke) Do
yon call that wit?
Second Tourist Certainly.
First Tourist Well, I don't
Second Tourist But yon forget we're )
in England now.
First Tourist Oh, yea! Sure enough!
Beg pardon. Ha! ha! ha! hal-Trnth.
a 1
A Bare Animal.
: in, tu . Mi lviwveri in
W hi,n,lrla of thousand of vears old. in
the American Museum of Natural History.
The relic, according to paleontologists who
have read lta history, is the only one of .his jphh, Press
herd who escaped mutilation by the croon- j
diies and alligators of bis time when he
-was deposited after death to a lake which
existea m noutn iraaow near wua m uvw
tsteammmtn io-near wn .now,
tne Pins Ridge Ladian reservation. tana -
A Daring Klder.
Miss Ethel Chase Sprague, the grand'
daughter of Chief Justice Chase, is a re
markable horsewoman, both, graceiui
and fearless.
She rode at a memorable paper chase
by the Cross Country clnb of Now fork
not long since. The roads were in a
bad condition and several of the best
riders fell out Near the end of the
chase the way seemed impassable from
the ditches and the gullies and the
swollen creeks. Bock creek had risen
high from the long rains. The woods
were heavy and many branches broken.
MisB Sprague on Star was in the lead.
"Take care, AIiss fc.thell Do take care,
Kiss Sprague!" shouted the nearest to
her. "Look out for that fallen tree:
On plunged Star and his fearless mis
tress. Ber head struck a branch, but
with a steady rein she guided Star
through the thicket in safety, her head
laid on his neck and her hat and veil
caueht in the tree. The last ditch
jumped, and bareheaded and scratched
the slim girlish figure dashed in at the
finish. A dozen men sprang to escort
the victor to the breakfast room, where,
flushed and merry, she received the
prize, a handsome scarfpin set in rubies
and pearls. Pew iorg letter.
Hflfaras Conine Barely.
Tell it not in truth, but milady this
season has discarded the cnmhersonie
petticoats, and even the separate dress
lining, the latter being attached to the
skirt itself, like the lining of a jacket
This is better than any divided garment
ever invented. The long, clinging skirt
is perfectly comfortable, and the limbs
are as untrammeled as they ougnt to be,
consistent with femininity. A short eider
down skirt, coming just below the knee,
gives warmth and protection, it would
seem that dress reform is really begin
ning inthenghtdirectionbyredncingthe
quantity of the manifold undergarments
that ladies used to wear and substitut
ing well fitting warmer clothing in
their places. One by one snrplns gar
ments are dispensed with, until we have
succeeded in obtaining really comforta
ble apparel. ban Francisco Argonaut
Household Inventions.
Eighteen different kinds of folding
beds were patented dunng the past year,
a patent trap to eaten vvrnun was
evolved; six schemes were devised to
hold bedclothes on kickers; seven bed
lounges were produced; seven invalid
chairs and nineteen different ways of
rolline np a shade were duly patented,
and innumerable devices for hanging
curtains, sweeping carpets, stretching
Garnets, cleaning carpeu have been
anmrjed into the patent office like coal
through a cellar shoot Philadelphia
Lady Aberdeen's Part la the World's Fair.
Lady Aberdeen, who is creating no
end of excitement in the social circles of
New fork, wears her ban- Battened like
the coiffure of the ancient tgyptn
Bhe has igenial Irish face, with a straw-
J .fflnn wm NilA IS fat
bftrrv and cream complexion. She is to
i iuporintend the exhibition of Irish man-
! nfmrtures at the World's fair. The Earl
! nf Aberdeen, ber husband, is what worn'
j m call a errand man. He stately, well
i nn. nn . chivalrous in manner.- Pbil-
i jhe earliest newspaper was published
j yenic6 nj cUed a Oazetta, from
. M th coin for which Rwaa
1 - (
Through Lack of sanitation and tit Peo
ple's Peculiar Habits.
A plain storv of the conditions that
prevail in India for the spread of the
cholera was related at the New Cen
tury club by Dr. Puuline Root of the
Woman s Medical college, who has uvea
for eight years in southern India Dr.
Root began by describing the conditions
under which people live in southern In
dia, in order to show exactly what cir
cumstances generate the cholera. There
Is absolutely no sanitation there as wo
have it Drainage, with the exception
of a fever breeder in the way of an open (
sewer, is unknown. In the vilhtge peo
ple live in low rand huts, where all the
family conirregate in 0110 room, the di
mensions of which are likely to be 4 feet
by ID or 12 feet As there are no out
buildings at all. there is no way in which
persons can protect themselves against
the cholera if it once appears in such a
household. Sometimes, if the well rang
dry, stagnant water must be used. A
high caste personage wiu not allow a
low caste to use Ins well.
Conunouly people go to the river for
water. As the water is frequently not
on the snrfaco, a "tub" is dug in the
river bed and the water allowed to col
lect. At this tub or at the well all the
functions of bathing are performed.
First the jar is filled and the water being
dashed over the person soon trickles back
to its source. In the case of certain re
ligions enthusiasts, water is poured over
the body 50 times. Next the seely, the
single piece of silk or cloth which is worn
as a garment must be washed. This is
dipped into the pooL r inally the jar is
refilled and carried home. The quality
of the water by the time the jar is re
filled is promising indeed when cholera
is in the air.
In these river tubs the clothes are
washed. The cattle are taken there to
drink. Dr. Root said that in sending a
man to the river to fetch wulor there w
never any certainty that he wbuld not
fill his jar with the water standing in one
of the pools instead of digging a fresh
hole. The very cleanliness of tho people
and they are extremely clean tends
to the spread of cholera because their 1
method of bathing is so unintelligent
In southern India there is always more
or less cholera. It is often prevalent aft
er a certain religions festival of the
the marriage of two divinities which is
celebrated by an eucanipmeut in the
river bed for four or five days.
As for facilities in curing for the sick
in India, Dr. Root graphically showed
how forlornly poor these are by describ
ing her experience in the house of the
vice president of the municipality of
Madua, a wealthy man, who arrayed
himself resplendently when he came to
ask her to visit his wife, thus showing
his solicitude for his wife's condition.
Undoubtedly he meant to do the best he
could for the sick woman, for the doctor
found her in a room adjacent to her hus
band'sa position of honor. The wom
an was badly crippled and only able to
crawl down from her cot Beyond play
ing with the children and polishing the
jewels nothing relieved the monotony of
her day. She was entirely nncared for.
A hole in the wall for refuse was cleaned
only once a day. The woman died of
blood poisoning. And this is the way a
sick person fared in one of the better
Usually a sick person is placed in a
room that is reached from the honse by
crossing a court and passing through an
alley. The alley usually has black
slimy water in it The room is 7 feet
square. In the court are often found
the cow, chickens and a number of per
sons. No wonder that under such con
ditions cholera spreads like wildfire.
But cholera is alwavs brought. It never
starts of itself .Philadelphia Ledger.
A Cartons Cloak.
A novel dock is now being exhibited
by the Watchmakers' union in London.
It is of wood, beautifully carved and
stands six feet in height The case is a
perfect fort in miniature, and instead of
a bell and striking hammer the hours
are announced by a bngler, who emerges
from a door at one side of the fort and
blows the call to assemble and march.
Almost instantly doors open on all
sides. A regiment of automatic sol
diers, six abreast, march out wheel to
the left stop a few seconds to "mark
time," and then march through another
part of the fortress to the barracks.
These marches and countermarches oc
cur each hour.' If they come out to an
nounce the hour of 1 o'clock, one soldier
fires his tiny gun. At 2 o'clock two sol
diers fire their pieces, increasing with
the hour until the twelve leaders hre
their guns, the rear ranks bowing then
beads and pointing with then- bayonets
toward the dial of the clock. Chicago
Press. . . .
On Bag-unant's Colonels.
Amour the strange- fatalities of the
year there are none more noteworthy
than thosesnrronnding the colonelcy of
the Twenty-first infantry. In leas than
a year the regiment has suffered the loss
of three colonels Morrow, O'Beirne and
Conrad. We trust that the fated three
break the spell, and that Colonel Jewett
will continue in command until his re
tirement, March 81. 1898, Army and
Navy Journal.
The pickle industry near Pittsburg has
anuiueu euuiuivw iur"' - i
A ... HMmrt n,,! ITh.
largest suipment in tuu, u. ...
recently left Pittsburg for a lUnsas City
firm. It filled eighteen refrigerator cars
and included over ejtru.vw picKiea.
Couldn't Uulleel with a Glut.
It is astonishing how history repeats
Itself. For centuries wo have been try
ing to perfect the laws so that no trace
might lie left of "the good old rulo, the
riinple plan, that he may take who hue
the right, and he may keep who can."
Still we are a long ways from the mil
lennium, and every ouce in awhile some
worthy eitiion relapses to the fondal
principle of trying to punch the head off
1 creditor when he fails to observe the
stored traditions of steamship day. An
ixaaperated Market street tailor way
laid a frisky advertising agont the other
evening on the steps of his boarding
tonne and collared linn.
If yon dont pay me that bill this in-
ttaut I'll club the life out of you," said
the victimised tradesman. The adver
tising agent cast an anxious look around
ind there wasnt a soul in signt every
one was in the crowded dining room.
Bis resolve was Instantly taken.
Come right into the parlor and I'll
rive it to von. he said, with a smile,
and the man with the bludgeon released
his grip on his collar and followed him
until the swinging doors of the dining
room flew open and the astonished tailor
stood confronting tho staring crowd.
Do anr of you ladies and gentlemen
know this man?" listed the agont The
boarders glared over their knives and
forks and shook their beads. "1 thought
not 1 found the fellow out m the cor
ridor trying one of the doors with a
ikeleton key. and I guess ho s tne man
that's been robbing the hat rack lately."
The positive resistance and declarations
of the creditor only made his cam worse,
and when the help got through dusting
him with bis own clubthe ashman would
have hesitated to pick him np from the
sidewalk. San Francisco Chrouicle.
A Black Cat In a Courtroom.
Toward the close of the trial of M. F.
Korr.of Crawfordsville, Ind.. for forgery,
an incident occurred which, while amus
ing, demonstrated that the average
American still believes in the efficacy of
"signs.'' During a lull in the proceed
ings a strange black cat, with fierce,
ilarimr eves, appeared in tne doorway,
sausing a solemn silence to fa!! over the
assembly. It paused, looked about, and
ilowly swishing its tail to and fro ad
vanced toward the space between the
prisoner and the jury's box. The si
lence became oppressive, ana tne juuge,
lawyers, jnnrrsand prisoner craned their
necks and with open months gazed at
the creature.
Would the apparition approach the
prisoner to be touched?" if so the man
was lnuocont and would be treea.
After standing aa if transhxed for sec
onds it approached the prisoner, who
with a superhuman effort stretched
forth his hand and touched the glossy
fur. Immediately the cut gave a joyous
"meow" and disapiiuared. All were con
vinced that Kerr would go free. He was
acquitted. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Five Oreat Men,
An artist should consider facts about the
masters of his profession calmly and
thouuhtfullv. He mar reach valuable con-
clusiuus about himself. A certain musical
coruimser of much talent and popularity-
we will call him Smlthkins bus a happy
appreciation of his own work, asbls friends
all know.
Sohutlilr does he estimate Smlthkins'
compositions that some of his friends were
much startled the other day when he said
gravely, "Did you ever notice that the
names of all ihegreatcomposerB begin wt,
"M"' ejaculated his astonished audience.
"Yes. M," said the composer. "Mozart,
Mcmluliwnhn. Meyerbeer, Musikovraki and
Mel" Youth's Companion.
'Ho Hard Feeling."
At the Chicago university there will
be four quarters, each consisting of two
terras six weeks in each term. A stu
dent will be allowed to choose any two
terms in the year for his vacation.
Parisian thieves recently succeeded in
stealing and getting safely away with
an entire honse and its contents. The
building was a two story frame struc
ture. .
Unspoken thoughts are like unborn chil
dren. They cannot come into the world or
on ttescene of human sction till theyare
London devours every year 400,000 oxen,
,m,,a .., nm i wm nn ha
ttmit iantmmbi and 9,tt,()l gallons of
Keal llaliiw III tlta Wood.
The two pretty little I'hiltlron of Dimd
Wistner. or figured 111 the
role of the "Unlit in the Wood" a few
davs ago, but were rescued before the
birds had occasion to cover them np
with leaves. They suddenly took it in
their heads, while playing in the street,
to make a Pilgrimage, and set out with
no further preliminaries than the prince
in the fairy tales. They came at last to
the road at Perkasie. several miles
away, but still were uuweary, and kept
on their journey over tne nuis. v uuuer
ing farmers gaped at them as they
The little ones soon struck the woods
and wandered around among the trees
until dusk deepened into evoning, when
they composed themselves oomplacentlj
for si nut ber beneath the overhanging
branches. Meanwhile the frightened
father had spread the alarm and was
fast on their heels. He traced his babes
to the woods, whore be awoke them,
and took them home with hini hal'
frozen Philadelphia Record.
milder, Urltiftnr 11111 LtTer Dlneiuci Dropsy
Ormvel wid Diabulw ire curo4 by
Ciitm Hr.jrhl'N niMiiM, Rfltentlnn or Non-re-
tnittlon 01 tnnfl, ftuu iu me suii, uuwm m
Cam. Intemiwrtrwe, Nerroon DlneMen, (itjiiertl
Ciinf BHInmncM, Headache, Junnrti. Hour
htumaati, liyptip-ii, Coimup-tton and 1'Ltea.
f I a AT aNI'Eoii the Kld-rrs. I Iver
and Bawrls, TiMitorlllK them to a heslthy ac
tion, and I'l KI'iMwhen sll other medicines
fail, liundrudt have been saved who have been
Siveu up to die by lrleuds and physicians.
HOLD BY ALL liBtOlilSra.
( SA y aa. ,,,.,,
: .wt mrtrtiv.
SBVESA1. buttles of Swift's Specific fS.S. SI
enbreiy cleaated my system of contagious
bawd poison of tin very worst type.
W u. b. Loom is, blueveport, La.
I HAD SCROPtl.A 111 ISSl, and cleansed my
system entirely from It by taking- seven
bottles of S. a. b. 1 have not hnd any symu
tumsslnce. C. W. Wilcox.
Spartanburg, S. C
. Treallse on lllood and fikin Diseases mailed
free. bwirr brsciric Co Atlanta, Oa.
Ttistice of tbe Peace, Georee WU-.
kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co.,
Minn., makes a deposition concern
ing a severe cold. Listen to it. "In
the Spring of 1888, through ex
posure I contracted a very severe
cold that settled on my lungs. This
was accompanied by excessive night
sweats. One bottle of Boschee's
German Syrup broke up the cold,
night sweats, and all and left me
in a good, healthy condition. I can
give German Syrup my most earnest
TbaTnaS Mirk Is on the seal
In the World I I
N, P. N. V. No. 614-8. F. N. TJ. No. m