The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 20, 1893, Image 1

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    ' ' " ' ..... . ' '
Olio year..... m
(If rnilil In iuU'uim. SI Su pur soar.)
Six month,. l j1
Three auiiitlm ,
liigli' eoplei, -
Secret Socletlea,
""tKBANON -rnxnUlSO. 47. j. 0. 0. f-rt
wore Bntnnlny wmilm: t 01 PollrrWH flail, nt
v'okffik P. u.. A.A.KB(Si,S.G.
W.AItl.ltHr.KCCA LOIKilR, NO. 0. F.-
MeeWall. 0 0. F Hull Una and ;uiiril wisimw
V " """" NIPKWISf.N. S. G.
Ul'b.S- A. F. X M.-MeeU,
glMinUvrciiliw, oiiorlwtorvtM Hill moou m
uhmowtt.. ' j,,,,.
F. . 1IU.KB. Bws.
Jli,nr'ljiliK. No. , A. 0, 11. ,-Meotn avery
Da, I . S. OdtttTNKY, M. W .
C. A.'S.llK, Hoc
HI.M Mkiihis own'. No. W Bit ofO'iaim
mm Vbi-h.- Inu,. Hull, IfWimii.
Or., muf smiiM! I'vmin. mur the tMM
BMuidkV oroKorianmh. niltlr; the Ihlril frt
dv .ks'umll. Ail brother ,r,r the Hnn nl V
..mwnuKlMiiiwtei.iirtlwfv A H.are cordially
'" " K w. Cunt
A".K.rj,ii.u Brt Pi'in
Attorney at Law,
ed!Otlim.ineiirpid twin.
iinicaee III tlnta'elllirtii nl tlie sum.
ormii: isit:in,.'KV'iiBiiicK.
letHerlord MhamterlalB,
Attorney-at- Law ,
Be Sura andCall on
Albany, Dgon,
HeatiBfiStoes, CookStos,4c.
best tmw.js
Learn Telegraphy.
AddreM, i
OniKOiiian Blliiig, j
St. Charles Hotel,
Comor Mw ami Sherman StreoU,
BUD THOWSOS, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments.
Bpoolal ntteiitlon pnid to Otu
llll'l'oilll uiuit.
Bourd mid Lottuliiir, fut day, tl to j
$2; fioi- week Hi ... ,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given tine, bv authority
of an order Issued mil of the County Con
(if Linn County, Orcein, on the 2nd l"y(
Oololier, MIS, I, as iidudrdsirntor of tl
lute of Joins M. J. hovcull, deceased,,
or. the Will dtty of Nnviwcr, 18!, i, tlie
hour of nvo o'clock p. Bi. of sunl ,ny, n
Ihe iirctcises, sell al (Mblii! iiue'jm, , ilie
highest bidder, for 'Wic-hidf c 4sh in hund
and balance in one .year's li'a iten per
cent hiterosl jicr aiii.uiii fro m dlite '0f sale,
secured by tirstinortjrnge on lire tinoperty
sold, the following described veal -estate, be
longing to'thesaid estate: lioijhrning at a
point seventy-eight 178) rods nowii of the
HouliMiatit oftrner of lUdiard -iMitl Louina
ClHsajleSi'DunaUoii Laiui t'laiffL, Notilica
tian No. iJSW), Claim Nu.A5,'iii Iinn County,
Dragon ; llroneeHuuth Heventy-elit (78) rods
t& tlie ail corner; tiienee went eitity-one
Kl) nHltf; ibenee north ei(j(lHty (HO) rodu;
liiotieeiih au easterly oourue'eiiiiiity-one (til)
and a fraction roils Ui tlie ulaee of begin
iiiuw?eontaining forty aurwt in Unu Coun
ty, Mrr-goo. Huk u he at tfie ruHidenec uf
tUelfeeaiied, Bituautd nuu the tioutli-east
eorner of the above dermribed ireiuioeii.
Jahbv Uamvky Loveall,
Adniinintrator ol tlie.lwtate of John M.J,
rjAH'i,iM. (.iABi.Awii, -Atty. for AdmuiiHt'r.
Uliuiion.Ur., Oct. , J ma
In tin- !trciutt Uuurt uf Uiu Kttiteol' Orttui
tlif lluuiitv nl Liiiu. IiuIiUiil' Utilis at Allmuv.
btuut tit Uriiiu, Ctuuly ol Uun, h h, U . B.
Itouucu. J.M.tH!liltiuU. A. KuburlH, 'l'ruitujes,
C. C. Hack lemma mtA nrrle Hncklumau, hlH
Wile, Jwitw Wliito, Uvmjy Dtaiunliutlur kJ. L.
UuuM, tloiiif? biiMliiewf mik'.r Hip Arm mdui and
Htylfol UtaU'iiJioHtir, JiiuiKi Co., T '. Cruiidull
duliiK biidtit'iw itiKlttrtitt; lirm nanio and Mtj'te ui
T. P.druiidallACk)., WorrotiKm, Wmxlrufi. Prult
(Jo ft wiriwrntioa, jhI IS. SteiubtTKW, Duft'iid
atiW. Tii T. P. Crnudall, doing buHliieuK under the firm
name und Htylif T. IF. CraudaU & (;o., Gamn
mm, WmKlruff, Pratt 4k)., a coriitwatiuu, -and N.
attiiliberger, of mid daft'iictntiiK.
In the Name ur ibe tate til Oregon :-Y cm are
hereby reauired to ttmar and aiiHwer llie eoiu
lalut Hied attitmt ytui in the above entitled Hult
Dy the tint day of tlte ayrni ot the. nald (art, next
follow imt Uie explratluu of the publieatiuu ol tl)i
HUHiUHDiH, to-wlt: hy Uie fourth Monday tif Octob
er, ittuit. the name leiug the ld day of October,
IWS. and If you (all no to ammer, for waul thyru
of, the plal nt iflit willpply to the court tor the
relief demanded in Hie comulalnt, UMvlt: For
jlidgniettt aftaluiit uild defendant C. C .Hackle
inau, for WW.0a, mid interest thereau at tlie
rate of 10 per cant imr annum from the a&th day
of July, 1WK1, audtla) lurther eumrf riU.OO at
torney fee and for their comU and -diHbume-moniM,
and (or a dwiree for the foreeltwuK of their
iiiorlKaife, anaKaiit.all said defendauu, on tlie
l'o)lowihKdeM!rilMid,reale)ttate; nituaiadin Linn
tounty, HlaU' of Owmuii, to-wit; Lotoue (1), two
', threw (il), (ouriJj, flve (&), ii (ftj.wveu (7),
ulifliKKi. nine m. ten (101. Block ft. six (lit.
I In J. M. tUalnum'nlnurth addition Wllw Towuof
Lelmnon, and for the reformation
ot said iHHtffKe ana ttu Mia
teal eirtate he the proeeednof aald Hale
applied iu nUrfarttlon of said Judgment, and
timt the claioanaid.tiiterwrtHof all ak) defend
ant are niiliKeUeKi.and Junior to platuttffit mort
RKe and for muita 4her relief an to Ute ouurt may
Noem meet and equitable,
Thl8 ptiblieaUoii ;in made by order f Hon.
Geo. H, Burnett, Jtudge of the above -entitled
rourt, dulj- made at .tlie lWth day of Attoist
and tiled on ilte Wad dayf AuKUNbttw. ' .
Sam'l M. (.AHi-fD and Btowk Ai Homj.hh.
Attya. funHaiutitl'H.
You mu get better oabitiet ukae )lct
uree at Crawfopj A Puxton's it) Alba
ny for $1 90 wr doien than at other
gallrlw for anj orloe. Our .work is
guaraotved. Pwmaiient galltrry ee
tablUhud for S3 yearn. No poor .work
allowed to go out. Corue aude us.
Albany, let etrout Next door Munon
ic Temple.
Couiiueuolug tMedueaday, iiejit. Hh
atid on eaub Hou4uy, Wediieaday.and
Friday to and tMludiiig Friday, 0ot.
27 tli, tlie 8. P.tlu. will have on eale
.excurslou tiokvta, Lebanon to Portland
aud return, at $U0 eaoh, wliieli will
Liuclude admlaslou in the Northern Pa-
,oUlc Industrial Ejipoaltlon. Tickets
..ace limited to 10 daj from date vt sale
j.for return passage.
Old gold or sliver made Into uevi
jUxtti, plus Ac, at Uandy's.
i neawiy rure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
UsrsfJ m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
A Sheriff Kiied.
Tliis nrtoriioim nt 2-M n'elnck the
criintjv ulllaiice committor filed their
wniplalnt liainsl Slx-riff Xnland.
Tliey allege that tlie (tlierifT has beeu
allowed warrants to lli(i nmounl of
$U,SSS.2R, sitioe Noveniter 1, 1802, Mid
that they aro fmailulent and made
wilh Ute Intent of eheiitinir and de
frauding the county, and were made
In colluHinii with Judge Fixk and
County OomniJiwioner James Parker.
The eomplaint aks t lint the county
treasurer, Fmiik Reiiner, Ije restrained
by an order f the court from paying
the said warrants. The complaint oov-'
ws 89 pages of type-written manu
script. James F. Amis, John Burnett
and L. Flint, appear as attorneys fur
plaintiff. H. C. Perkins makes affida
vit to the truthfulness of the covi
plaint. The plaintiffs, besides asking
for the Injunction restraining the pay
ment of the warrants, ask for their
costs and disbursements.
Sheriff Noland will meet the matter
iu tlie courts fearlessly. The charge
that Judge Fisk and County Cotnmis
sioner'Parker are In collusion to de
fraud the county will not be enter
tained a moment by any one acquainted
with these gentlemen, and we believe
is a damnable one and unwarranted
and unjust in the extreme.
To show to what extremes the com
mittee go in their charges ttgaii st.
Hheriff Nolaud, the complaint alleges
thai he has not performed auyservic s
whatever since Nov. 2, 1892, but what
un of a fraudulent nature. In a nut
shell, the whole cause of eomplaint
arises from the fact that Mr. Koland
has compelled the payment of delin
quent taxes and charged for it Eu
gene Guard.
A HeaTj-Welglit.
From a Special Dispatch to the Boston Herald.
Providence, R. I., Sept. 27, 1898.
Rhode Island's champion fat man,
George Walker, who died In the vil
lage of Rockland, Bcituate, Monday,
wrHl be buried to-morrow. He was 42
years of age, weighed 613 pounds and
measured 72 Inches around the waist.
The casket and box to aU it were
made to order, and 500 feet f lumber
were consumed In their manufacture.
The pillow for the bead and shoulders
required half a bale of excelsior. The
eoffln is 7 feet S inches king, Z fret 7
'Inches wide and 28 incites deep.
Walker's wife weighs less (ban 100
1). L. Fry, who works on this paper,
and formerly lived In that section,
was quite well acquainted wllii Walk
er, and says that when In good health
Walker weighed nearly 000 pounds.
Ham Bernardino, Cal., Oct. 14. At
the eily hall in the presence of the so
ciety of pioneers this afternoon, I be
venerable bridegroom, Judge N. P.
Earp, was married to Mrs. Annie Alex
ander. Judge Earp Is 80 years of age
and ifather of the celebrated Earp boys
whO'Were engaged In so many bloody
encounters with ruffians in Tomb
stone's palmy days. The bride is 80
years younger than ber husband.
There iwlll be services in the Cum
berland fresbyterlau Church oil the
second aed fourth Sundays in each
mouth, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
W.V.McGek, Pastor..
20, 1893.
"Tramp, Tramp, Tramp."
Iiiist Friday evening the train sldi
tracked three cars hero for May &
Senders. About tlie time the train
pulled nut 0. L. Morris saw a tramp
crane out of one of the cars; he was fol
lowed by another, and another. Mr.
Morris commenced to count, and he
kept on counting until 27 had come
out of the three cars. But all did not
look like tramps; some were well
dtvssed and carried a valise, and there
is no douiit that half the number were
amply able to pay their fare had they
been inclined to do so. Harrishurg
Tramps are still giving the Southern
Pacific railroad company and the peo
ple of Southern Oregon much annoy
ance. A report from Knseburg says
t lint every freight train from the north
brings in a large number of tramps.
The city gave 65 of them a Sunday
dinner. Monday morning when the
soutli-bouiid overland arrived they
rushed I" and took complete possession
of one of the conches. This was too
much for Conductor Huff, and he sum
moned Night Watcbuan Wright, and
villi the trainmen proceeded to put
them oft. A lively scrimmage fol
lowed, but the touristo had to get out,
one of them being badly injured hv a
brakemau's lantern coming In contact
with his head, and several others
bruised. Later on the freight carried
them all out of town.
Last evening's (Saturday) overland
when she pulled into fealem looked as
if she had about as many tramps
aboard as she had passengers. The
blind-baggage and the tender was sim
ply one mass of men, nearly forty,
some of them (so thick were tbey) hav
ing their hands full to hold on. A few
were obliging enough to allow the
fireman to operate the water tank, but
the majority of then, stuck right to the
train as If they feared, were they once
off, they could not have gotten on
again. They were a desperate and
hard-looking lot of fellows but Salem
was lucky and tbe entire outfit went
on through. It was rumored here yes
terday that when tbe morning freight
train pulled into Gervals yesterday she
was loaded wilh about fifty or seventy
live tramps. Or course they were kind
enough to allow the necessary switch
ing to be done. When this was finished
and the train made up the tramps
were neatly given tbe slip. The train
Instead Of pulling out as usual, backed
up a short distance, under a guise of
switching, and then the engineer
opened up the throttle rnd when she
went past tbe gang of tramps iu wait
ing she was traveling at a fearful rate
of speed, such that bad any of them
attempted to board ber tbey would
have been sent to their Maker in
double-quick time. The Information
says that they were so angry at being
fooled that they swore vengeance to
the community at large. Nothing con
cerning any violence by them from
Oervals has been received. States
man. Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know in what respect Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is better than
any oilier. We will tell you. When
tills remedy is taken as soou aa a cold
has been contracted, and before it has
become settled in tlie system, It will
counteract the effect of the cold and
greatly lessen Us severity, and it is the
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in perfect harmony witli nature and
aids nature in relieving the lungs,
opening flie secretions, liquefying the
mucus and causing its expulsion from
the air cells of tlie lungs and restoring
the system to a strong and healthy
condition. No other remedy in the
market possesses these remarkable
properl ies. No other will cure a cold
so quickly. For sale by M. A. Miller,
M. A. .Miller carries s
of naJuteundoils.
complete line
NO 34.
, Soiiarllle Hems,
More new sliulciils at ilie ieuiinnry.
Still there ar" visitors to the "bod
Rev. Mr. l'lowuiaa preach' s here
next Sunday.
Rev. Mr. MeUee preaches next Sun
day morning and evening, at Lebanon.
Dr. Prill is getiiuir along well with
his book-keeping til.M, at the Semina
Our district school is still Increasing,
and we feel sure of its success under
the management of Mr Lou .lacksou,
who ia energetic and pushing, aside
from his ability.
Dr. D. M. Jones begins to lecture,
this week, on physiology, at the Semi
nary. We are sure lh Doctor will AH
the student with enthusiasm and in
struct him well in that brunch of
study. The Doctor lias a hue skele
ton which is invaluable in the study of
the human frame-work.
Many of the citizens agreed Sunday
to put in next Saturday getting wnooj
for the Cumberland Presbyterian
church. Toe ladies agreed to furnish,
a good dinner to all who will help. A -good
time is anticipated by all. Din-'
ner will be set at tlie Seminary as there
are ample conveniences there, such as
seats, tables, etc., and Mrs. Mctiee'a
kitchen furniture, etc.
The Way an Editor Pleased Dr. TntnmKe.
The Cincinnati Enquirer publisher
with religious regularity the sermons
preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage. On a
recent Sunday Dr. Talmage took the
1 story of the life of Jephthah as a text,
' and delivered an Inspiring discourse.
The following Monday the sermon wao
published in the Enquirer, under the
annexed headlines: '
Jepli The Old Freebooter Al an
Early Age He Was Forced to Rough
It-He Held Op the End of His String
in Great Shape And Soon Sewed Un
tile Gates of Twenty Cities On Hia
Return From Victory He Kept a Prou-'
i. TT- IX . - .
idc tie juubi nnvri lice uie r irsi. rersttip--Seen
in His Door He Looks Holy
Horrors It Is His Fair Daughter gut
Jephthah Was a Man of His Word an
the Beautiful Young Uirl Was Slain.
Dr. Talmage was so pleased that lie
wrote to the religious editor of the En
quirer complimenting him on the
effort. Ex.
New flhoe Sfkutf.
Having opened up a shoe and repi
shop In Lebanon, I respectfully solielk
a share of your patronage. I warrant
all my work to be flrst-elass, and make
a specialty of fine work and ladies'
shoes. ': . if. D. Vauuhah.
A Man fjoRt.
One day last week a ni in was past
ing down Main street, and all al once
disappeared Into Baker's Dry Goods,
Boot and Shoe store, where befell Into
Baker's low prices and was lost to all.
Changed Every W.'eV.
Oats 24o
Hay f6 per Urn.
Flour $0 90 per sack.
Chop $1 25peret.
Bran 80c perewt.
Middlings $1 00 per owl.
Potatoes 60e.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, o.
Onions 2o.
Beef Dressed, 4c. '
Veal 45c. !
Pork Dressed, ii.
Lard 17.
Hams 1617 per lb.
Shoulders 12c.
Sides 15o per lb.
Geese 16 er loa.
Ducks $4 00 per do.
Chickens 13 (Rl(.i;4 Oil.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Eggs 20c -lei'dim.
Better 20c p-r lb.
Hides Green, 2(,iWc; dry, Sc..
rlie above is what tlie people 011 this
oast are very anxious should be en
acted in earnest, , , . ,