The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 06, 1893, Image 1

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    ..... i ' . r . 'f f ' '
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One ynnr .......
(ir paid In advance, ill li pur year.)
Bit mouths i W
Three monili .. .
Ingle copies . 06
Seoret Booletles.
I,KIIANON WiFkIK, NO 47, I. 0. 0. r.-
everv HnUiriliiy evening l Odd Fellows HU, t
o'clock p.m. A.A.XEIK.N.G.
PKARI.HErlWTA I.OIWIE, NO. 47, 1.0. 0. P
Mecuati. ).-P "a" lln niu;thtrd wwlnw-
""" '''hN!(,KEKB0N, . G.
Uba n IjnixiK, No. A. F. 4 A- M.-MeMs
fclimlv.viilrig,i)norbolorctli8 full inoou in
whmoalfc. e.k.Ha.W.,
F, .MlU.K8.BM,
Hosor Lome, No. 3. A. 0. VJ. W .-Moots ovory
ir..luv Avi.iilua m (1. A.R.Hall.
" ' llu. I R. (UlUI
li. A. ft. nan- w ...
IIB. J. B. CoUllTHBY, M, W.
C. A. Zaiik. Iteo.
or'i. Memos !ap, No. 1. my oroiiBm
taasor VKr's.-Mcul III 0. A. K. Hull, "-obanon.
oTevo'y "trdny evening, oxco ,,t lie third
atunlay of umili month, mwtliiii the third fr
illy Instead. All brothers nf the Hons of Vet
erans mill I'omriidwul Hit' M. A. K. are cordially
luvltcd u, ut Willi the (jump. ()
A. chadau, Finn Hew. ,
Attorneys at Law,
Collections given prompt finrt own'1 ntt-nlioti.
' Lebanon, Oukoon.
Weatherford 4 Chamberlain,
r.jS B1LTEV,
Attorney- at - Law,
Be Sure and Cull on
Albany, Oregon,
HeatingStoves, CookStoYfis, &c.
Learn Telegraphy.
J. C. Beym"'
Oregonian Building,
St Charles Hotel,
Cornor Main and Sherman Street!,
ckbanon. oiuaaow.
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments,
Special attention paid to Com
mercial men.
Board mid Lodging, per day, $1 to
.2; per week $4.60 to tli
Administrator's Notice.
Notice in hereby given thai, by authority
nf au order issued out of tlic County (Jourt
of Linn County, Oregon, on the 2nd luy of
October, 181)3, 1, u administrator of tlie e
tuteof John M. 3. liveall, deeeiwed, Kill,
on the 10th day of Novumner, 1898, at the
liniir of two o'eloek p. m, of raid day, on
Uie preniiKen, aell nt public auction to the
higbeat biililer, for one-half cauh in hand
and balance in one ycur'H time at ten per
cent iutnreat ier ainiuni from dute of Bale,
aecureri by first mortgage on the proierly
Bold, tin- following (ienmbuil real estate, be
longing to the said etute: Beginning at a
laiint Bcvontv-eight (78) rodaj'iorth of the
southeust cornor of Kiehard and LouiBa
Cliealle'a Donation Laud Claim, Notifica
tion No. 2.H09, Claim No. K5, in Linn County,
Oregon ; thence south seventy-eight (7B) rod
to tlie aaid corner; tlienee west eighty-one
(81) rods; iheuce north eighty (80) rods;
tliemx in an easterly course eighty-one (81)
and a fraction rods to the place of begin
ning; containing forty acres in Linn Coun
ty, Oregon. Hale to be at tlie residence of
tlie deceased, situated near the south-east
corner of llio above described premises.
Jahbh Hauyey Loveam.,
Administrator ot the estate of John M. J.
Bam'j. M. Uaulanh, Atty. (or Administ'r.
Lebanon. Or., Oct. 0, 18113.
Ill Hie Cln-iiil Ouurl of tlie Mate of Orejrou. for
tin- dimity ot Linn, holding tcrmi, at Albany.
Hlnlo ol' imiKim, Oomity of Linn, s s, V. B.
l)ouiu:a. J. St. Heltlo ami J. A. Uolierts, Trustees,
C. Hacklenian and Currle Hiicklemau, liis
wife, Isaw: VVlille, Henry ilelluiiliotttjr A- J. I,,
tlaiu,, (iuiiih' bnsiucMi under tlie llrm niune and
style of liMtuiuliotltir, Haas it (Vi., T P. :raudall
doing bilMiuufcs under tlie lirni name and style ol
T. P. Crandall A Co., UarmtHiui, WiHidrufi'. Pratt
(t a cor)Hiratlou, and N. Htelnburgcr, DuRjitd
alits. To X. P. (.'ritndall, doing lalHluesn under the llrm
name and style ot T. P. Cranilall & Va., Garrot
wili. VVoiKtnitl', Pratt Co., a corporation, aud N.
HteinlM'rger, of said (loleiiilMiils.
In tin- Nairn; or the mate ot Oregon: You are
hereby reuulred to apjiear and answer the com
plaint tiled agailiflt you in tlie above eulitled suit
by the tlrsl day of the leriu ortlie said Court, next
Itillowhig the expiration oi the publiuatiuu of this
summons, lo-wil: bv the fourth Monday of Octob
er, IMIlK, the same being the i!:kl day of October,
Islia. and II' you tall h lo answer, for want there
of, the iilalutllls will apply lo the court for the
relief oemalidvd In the complaint, to-wit: For
Judgment against said defendant ('. Hackle
man, for &IS8S.IJb, aud lnlerest thereon at the
rate of 111 jsir cent, per anuinii from the 2.rth day
of July, 1HU:, and ttio iurtiier sum of S-Jfill.lKI at
torney's lee and for their costs and disburse
incuts, Bud lor a decree tor the foreclosure of their
mortgage, us against all said delendalils, on the
following described realestute; situated bi Linn
County, hlate ol'On' Lot" otic (I), two
'.!. three IH), four (I), live l-'i), sis (til, seven (7),
eight (K), nine (U), leu (111), Block No. six (ti),
in J. M. Ualston's fourth addition to the Town of
Lebanon, and for the reformation
of said mortgage and thai said
real estate be sold. aud Uie proceeds of said sale
applied In satisfaction of said judgment, and
that the elairas and lularesls of all said defend
unls are subsequent and jutiior to plaintiffs mort
gage and for such other relief as to the court may
seem -moot- and equitable.
This jiublieatiou Is made by ordor nf Hon.
(Ico. H. lturnett, Judge of the above eutitled
court, duly made on the lllth day of August 1S9H,
aud lllet) on the &.'iid day of August tsutl.
isam'i. M. tlAULAttn and btowk A; Hour.its,
Attys. for Plaintiffs.
You oau got better cabinet sine pict
ures atCrawford & Paxton's in Alba
ny for (1 50 per dozen than at other
gallriee Tor any prion. Our work is
guaranteed. Permanent gallery es
tablished for 83 years. No poor work
ul lowed to go out. Come aud see ue.
Albany, 1st street. Next door Mason
ic Temple.
Commencing Weduesday, Sept. 27tb
aud ou eacb Monday, Wednesday and
Friday to and including Friday, Oct.
27th, lh 8. P. Co. IU have on sale
exouralon tickets, Lebanon to Portland
and return, at $6.60 eaoli, which will
include admission to (he Northern Pa
cific Industrial Exposition. Tickets
are limiUad to 10 days from date f sale
for return passage.
Old gold or silver made Int new
ings, plus Ac., at Hardy's.
' The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No A lum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard
Rcholl'a Ferry Iromi.
Harvest Is about finished. The
threshers finished their lost job in this
vicinity the 27th ult. Every one be
speaks an average crop, but price of
grain low.
Scholl's Ferry wns well represented -at
the county' fair at Newherg this
There is considerable improvement
going on in town.
Mr. J. Sutherland building an ad
dition to his dwelling.
We also have a blacksmith shop Just
completed, J. Sutherland proprietor.
L. E, LaRue has just finished a cow
stable, and has a carriage shed undei
The "Church of God" have about
completed their church, which will be
dedicated Oct 20. Its situation Is on
the corner of Main and 3rd streets, op
posite the business place of LaBue &
Hop growers have finished picking
their hops, and report a good yield and
also a good nut-look for their sale.
Some have been offered from 17 to 20
cents, but think to get more.
Mr. Kpidell has just finished hauling
lumber, preparatory V) building him
self a dwelling on his farm near town.
There are alBO several large barns
under construction -or iust completed,
which looks very much as if farmers
were preparing to live notwithstanding
the cry of "Hard times."
J. I). Bowell tore down the old drug
store and moved it to Hillsboro.
Horses in this vicinity are afflicted
with distemper.
Dr. Patterson is Scholl's Ferry's resi
dent M. 1)., but there is no sickness in
town at present.
Onion mowers bud to -rush to get
their crop in the diy before the recent
duui p weather caused a second growth.
How is This?
Something unique even in these
days of mammoth premium offers, it
Is the latest effort of Stafford's Maga
zine, a New York monthly of home
and general reading.
The proposition is to send the Maga
zine one year for one dollar the regular
subscription price; and in addition to
send each subscriber fifty-two com
plete novels during the twelvemonths
one each week.
Think of it. You receive a new and
complete novel by mail, post paid,
every week for fifty-two weeks, and in
addition you get the magazine once a
month, for twelve months, all for oue
dollar. It Is an offer which the pub
lisher can only afford to make in the
confident, expectation of getting a
hundred thousand new subscribers.
Among the authors of the coming
series are, Wilkie Colling, Walter Bes
ant, Mrs. Ollphant, Mary Cecil Hay,
Florence Marryat, Authouey Trollope,
A. Conuii Boyle, iiss Braddou, Cap
tain Marryat, Miss Thackery and
Jute Verne. If you wish to take ad
vantage of this unusual opportunity,
send one dollar for Stafford's Maga
zine one year. Your first copy of the
magazine and your first number of the
fifty-two novels (oue each week) which
you are to receive during the year will
be sent you by return mail. J .' by
P. 0. order, registered letter or ex
press. Address
H. STAFFORD, Publisher,
Stafford's Magazine,
P. 0. Box 2264,
New York, N. Y.
Please mentlou this paper.
Tb Deed of s Lunatic.
From Albany Herald.)
Yesterday (Monday) morning a man
named Perry McQueen, who lives near
Crawfordsville, came to town and
wanted to see some of the attorneys
who have in charge the legal business
connected with the settlement of the
estate of his deceased father-in-law,
Frank Malone. He first went to the
court house and began talking with
Recorder E. E. Davis. He flourished
a big sixshooter and said he wanted to
-see Mr. J. K. Weatherford. Mr. Davis
Davis told him that Mr. Weatherford
had gone East, and said to him that
they were all peaceable men about the
court house, and particularly opposed
to any display of firearms.
McQueen then went down on First
street, and by mistake entered the
office of Dr. Mackey in search of Mr.
H. H. Hewitt, whom he said he. want
ed to consult about the settlement of
the estate. The doctor told him that
Mr. Hewitt wus not there, but Mc
Queen, who was as crazy as a March
hare, imagined be was in an adjoining
room, the door of which he tried and
found locked. He drew his revolver
and told the doctor be had better pro
duce Mr. Hewitt, and the doctor pru
dently left with alacrity in search of
McQueen next stopped in at Wells
Fargo 4 Co.'s office, and flourished the
pistol, threatening vengeance upon the
men who be imagined were trying to
"cheat him out of his birthright."
When the agent, Mr Winn, came in
from the rear he saw J. W. Brostleld
biding behind the safe and Peter Ab
bey in an humble position behind the
counter, while the lunatic with the
pistol was departing at the front door.
By the time McQueen reached Mr.
Hewitt's office Sheriff Jackson was
awaiting him aud disarmed bim.
HIb mental trouble seems to lie over
bis father-in-law's estate, and he is de
termined to have it settled up quickly
so he can secure his share nf the funds
immediately, or to slay off the attor
neys engaged In the case and attend to
il himself.
He was afterwards arrested on a
charge of insanity, aud when arraigned
appeared to have collected his scattered
wits together and promised to refrain
from such disturbing actions in the fu
ture and go home and attend to his
own affairs, and wus thereupon dis
charged. His relatives claimed that
be wus harmless and of sound mind.
Notice to Debtors.
The undersigned, being greatly in
need of money, is very anxious to have
all parties Indebted to him to settle up.
Parties who are unable to pay would
do well to call aud make their excuses
known and further time will be given,
and those falling to report by letter or
in person within the next 15 days
may expect it visit to the sheriff.
Simon A. Nickkbson.
Lebanon, Or., Sept. 28th, 1893.
Notlco to Tax-Fay r.
The County Board of Equalization
will meet in Albany on the first Mon
day in October, and will be in session
one week. W. F. Dcakins,
Notloo of DlatoluU.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing between the
undorsigned, under the iirui name of
Aldrich & Weeks, at Lebanon, Luin Co.,
Oregon, including the Champion Mill
Company, has been and is this day dis
solved by mutual consent of the parties,
0. W. Aldrich having purchased the in
terest of W. C. Weeks, who retires therefrom.
Tfce business wilt hereafter be carried on by
G. W. Aldrich, the purchaser thereof, who
hereby assumes a3i partnership debts, and
who alone is authorized to collect and re
ceipt for all debts due the late firm,
0. W. AlBRK'H,
W.C. Weeks.
Dated this 2atb day af Aug., 1893.
NO 32
Fatal Skaollojr at Grant's PM.
The following was a telegraphic dis
patch to the Oregnnittii;
Grant's Pah. V rw a a
ing scrape occurred In this city tntr
morning, with the result ti,. t r
Rice lies in the city morgue, shot '
through the head and lienrt Ann til
slayer, Sam Black, is lalely lodged Js
tne city jail. Pile woman in the ase,
who Is a dissolute character i Ttr.-n.
wife, well known as Jet Black, bat th
i,wo nave not been living together for
a year or more. Blank hn hum -.-.v-
Ingat whatever tie could get. H "
warned nice to leave bis wife alone,
but the warning was unheeded. nnA
matteis culminated this morning;"
awiut o o'ciock. ijiae went to hl
wife's house, and, upon entering, fou'n
Rice there with his wife. He opened)
fire, killing Rice instantly.' In 20 min
utes Marshal Keenanhad Black safely
locked up in the citv fail. Pnhlln
pathy here is with Black, who is sail
to be a fair kind of man, while Rice
was a bully and a hard drinker hut is
Is said he is of very good parents, Jjay-T""
-e -..-.Bja vn t, HmDimrreu Ifie rarBP
sheep in the family. Relatives of the
dead man will arrive . from Lebanoa
to-morrow and take charge of the re
mains. The preliminary examination
of Black will take place here to-uioa-
T. L. Rice, of Waterloo, a hmr.l lAr in v
the deceased, left Tuesday for Grant's
Pass, and returned home to-day. He
states that the above does his brothe
an injustice that the woman came to
his brother's house for protections and)
Black is a drunken sot and good-forv
nothing fellow. At the preliminary
examination Black was held in 360tV '
bonds, whiob amount he was uuahle
to furuish.
Jury JLIsl.
The following is the jury list for the
circuit court, to meet In Albany Octo
ber 23rd:
John Gnlbrnith, farmer, Sweet.
J. Burrell, farmer, Watwkio.
H. Bryant, speculator, East Albany,
R. C. Farwell, farmer, Shed J. ,
B. F. Child's, estate agent,
John Wolf, farmer, Brow nsville,.
J. E. Owenby, farmer, Tangent
J. M. Witre.'fariuer, Sweet Home.
W. C. Lassell, lumberman, Harris
burg. Julius Dow, school teacher, Bode
ville. J. L. (jroisan, furnnii', Sbelburn.
C. L. Shaw, farmer, East Albany.
Henry Jackson, former, Center.
E. E. Taylor, farmer, Waterloo.
J. R. Tenipleton, farmer, Halsey..
J. L. Davenport, farmer, Snntiauw
Price Munkers, farmer, Shelburuv
C. M. Grimes, fanner, Harrishurg..
T, B'. Smith, farmer, Halsey.
" Jas. Teari, farmer, Brownsville,
Dean Wheeler, furuier, Centsr,
J. R. KeeWcr, farur, Lebanon.
George Shepherd, farmer, Halsey..
John Wilson, farmer, Center.
J. F. Davis, farmer Hurrisburg.
Albert Umphrey, farmer, Center.
M. Dauiels, merchant, Soio,
S. P. Williamson, farmer, Orleans
T. Malone, farmer, CWfordsvllls..
Wow, Shoe Bhup..
Having opened up a shoe aud reuait- -Bhop
in Lebanon, I respectfully solicit
a share of your pa Iron age. I warrant
all my work to be first-claas, and make
a specialty cf fine work and Indies'
shoes. M. D. Vauohah,
There will be services in the Gusm
berland Presbyterian Church on (he
second ami fourth Sundays in each
month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
W. V, MuOre, Pastor.
Married, at the home of the bride, in
Albany, Or., on Weduesday euinjf.
Oct. 4, 1893, Mr. John A. Hoffman and
Mrs. Ida 0, Dalryiupkj.