The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 29, 1893, Image 6

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H. T. KIKKPATK1CK. tubllaHr.
LEBANON.. . ..... ..OREGON
Judge Morrow Denies Bail lin
Ffre Clusese Cases.
Proposed CoMolidatwii of the Lead
- iuf Street Ballreada of San
Fraacisco fitc.
Salem's indebtedness, $69,500, it
proposed to bond.
Portland's trade outlook it reported to
be wry encouraging.
The cattle on tbe Northern Arizona
ranches are coiling Cat.
Saa Diego county's tax rate is fixed at
?-.&, nigner was ever oeiore.
The opening of the Caw d'Alene
mines is expected in a snort time.
Sheep owners at Duncan's, B.C., have
organized tor protection against pan
thers. The tailors at Vancouver, Victoria and
Kanaimo, B. C, are on a strike against
News has reached Victoria, B. C, of
the seizure of six sealing schooners by
Kossian vessels.
Hop growers in Washington are lis-
charging Indians in favor of whites
whenever a is possioie to do so.
The First National Bank of Los An
gelas has filed a suit at Ban Bernardino
against the Bear valley irrigation com
pany for f 18,000.
The Beno Gazette becomes somewhat
excited over a mmor that a scheme is in
progress to annex Utah and make Bait
Lake the capital.
The grand jury of Tillamook county
failed to find an indictment against Dave
Howard for setting lire to the town, and
he was set at liberty.
Contractslhave been let to restore the
Kan Lois Key Mission. Much of the
erpentering will be done by the F ran
sigcan brothers themselves. ,
nurpruing developments are antici'
Sited from tl investigation into the
ity Bank alfajrs at Lou Angeiiw by the
grand jury now ln progresa " ' j
J1 iiroposecl consolidation of the
leading street railways of San Francisco
will be accomplished soon under the
name of the San Francisco Cable Bail
way Company. They are consolidated
wider a capital stock of 16,, di
vided into 160,000 shares. The deal was
engineered by H. E. Huntington, the
principal argument in its favor being it
would doaway with the haulingof empty
ars and save cutting one another's
throat. There will be one salary list,
fewer cars and consequently fewer em
ployes. The Market Street Cable Com
pany will hold a controlling interest or
a proportion of the stock of eight out of
ten shares.
Judge Morrow has denied bail to the
five Los Angeles Chinese now at San
Cnnnm awaitini the decision of the
United States Supreme Court on their
appeal from the District uoun s decision
janvinir them writs of habeas corpus.
This makes a curious complication. The
Chinese are at present confined in the
Alameda county jail, though according
to Judge Boss' decision they cannot be iu thev hare committed no
rime. They cannot be deported because
of their appeal to the Supreme Court,
and they cannot go free because of that
appeal. The Chinese will bring Buit
against Marshal Gard for false imprison
ment. If he releases them, he will be
Ulilty of contempt of court of the north
ern district of California. Which has re
fused them bail. If he does not release
them, he is liable for damages on the
ruling of the District Court of Southern
California that they are not criminals
and cannot be imprisoned.
Tflmnra. Sanborn A Co.'s fall salmon
similar, just issued, says; "At Shoal
water Bay and Gray's Harbor fish are
scarce. At Puget Sound they were run
ningvery slack until recently, when they
took a spurt and came in in fairly large
quantities. If dry weather continues,
Pnirnt. Round canners will have a fair
pack, but even then it will be nothing
like last year's output. If the rains
some on early, the pack will dwindle
jn tn wrv small Dronortions indeed.
All the rivers south of the Columbia are
having light runs, which improved some
what during the late rainy weather. Ac-...-,1,,,,.
to the latest reports Gray's Har
bor has 2,000 cases, Shoalwater Bay 1,200
cases and Tillamook 1,600 cases. The
quality of fall fish is about the same as
that of previous years. At Siuslaw and
the Umpqua there has been a percepti
ble increase in size. No definite reports
m vflt. At. hand from Conuille or Bogue
rivers. The fall fishing in the Columbia
is fairly successful. Only two canneries
are running. The fish in Baker's Bay
for the last lew days have done well, and
the quantity of fish coming in, if they
ran in a small estuary, would give pros
pects of a large pack. Thev are very
miirh scattered, however, in the Colum
bia. The humpback variety are coming
in very large, many of them weighing
thirty pound-., xdb price uuu
salmon this year is extremely poor, ow
ing to the great qinnuum oi im
now oll'eml at tt.07'4 delivered in New
York. Kali fish will bring about I.IVA
iveretl in Eastern RUiea.
Ahnt 1,850,008 square miles of look
ing glasses are manufactured annually
in Europe.
About 60 per cent of the copper pro
duced in this country comes from the
Lake Superior region.
On lower Broadwav. Now York, in
corner plots land is worth from (15,000
to fxifm per tront loot.
A lump of nickel woighing 4.500
pounds, exhibited at the World's Fair,
is worth half as many dollars.
Boston was the first American city to
?rouuce an American-made umbrella,
hat was over eighty years ago.
An Antarctic whaling and sealing com
pany, designed to operate on a large
scale, is being formed in Dundee.
During, the period beginning July 1,
1866, and ending June 80,1877, the net
exports of gold amounted to $387,270,
.000. A government check for 1 cent, given
during the war to correct an error, is
still in tiie possession of a New York
M. Marie of Paris is known as the
"dog barber." He daily clips from ten
to thirty dogs. Tlie price of a clip is 2
During the present century the food
supply of all the principal nations has
increased in a much greater ratio than
the population.
The Paris Exposition represented an
outlay of something like $6,000,000. The
Chicago Fair represents an outlay of
over $30,000,000.
Of the fl-tti papers and marazines pub
lished in New York citv exactlv one-half
173 are issued monthly. The dailies
numrjer torty-stx.
The value of farming lands in this
country is greatest in New Jersey. In
1888 it averaged: New Jersey, $66;
Massachusetts, $50; Ohio, $40; Now
York, $44: Vermont. $36: Marvland.
$32: Wisconsin. 123. and in some West-
em States less than $5 per acre.
The growth of the oranire industrv in
Florida has increased from a nm.ltn.ion
of 600,000 boxes in 1885 to 8.500,000 for
the season just closed, and according to
conservative estimates the combined
crop will be fullv 5,000,000 boxes, of
which over 4,000,000 will be marketed.
The average price received by growers
ine pan season was $1.31 per Uox.
Mark Twain's dauihter. Miss Clara
Clemens, has written a olav. It is alle
gorical in character.
John Addinrton Symonds, the English
essayist and writer on art. died rich. He
left an estate valued at 75,286, most of
which, however, came to him by bequest.
Bret Harte cannot work excent in se
clusion, and when he is busy on a story
, will hide himself away in some ub
urbarU'?' Hnown Wty to his closest
triends. j
Pro!. Heinrich Kiehert, the eminent
geographer and author of the best exist
ing ancient atlas, has just celebrated his
75th birthday at Berlin. He is in excel
lent health.
Sir Arthur Sullivan, the songwriter,
a short-necked, thick-set, beetle-
browed man, with curly black hair, mus
tache and side whiskers, and is some
what stilted as to manner.
Bishop John P. Newman of the Meth
odist Church, who has been visiting the
missions in South America, has been ab
sent about four months, and his tour has
covered about 14,000 miles.
Prof. Charles Carroll Everett of the
Harvard divinity school will represent
the university at the ceremonies attend
ing the opening of Manchester's new col
lege, Oxford. It takes place in October.
The full-sized model for the equestrian
statue of the late Emperor William of
Germany is justcompieted. He is shown
mounted on a charger led by an angel of
peace, IW casting in bronze will take
over a veax .
Associate Justice uianes r.. renner oi
thi) Supreme Court of Louisiana has ten
dered his resignation, being desirous of
resuming the practice oi law, wiucn is
at once more remunerative and in some
ways more congenial to bis tastes.
ExConirressman John Cessna of Penn
sylvania has been present, at every com
mencement of Franklin and Marshall
College since he was graduated there m
1842, ami ne nas misseu attending nm
two sessions of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania in forty-five years. He is
now 72 years old.
Jenny Lind's private car was one of
the first to be used in this country, and
in the days when she was singing here
it attracted a urea, deal of attention. It
was only an ordinary car, which she
hired, ana trom wiucn sne nao me seats
removed, fitting it up with her own lux
urious household furniture.
Dr. Diefenbach is a Bavarian painter
who refuses to wear modern clothes, and
prowls about the streets of Munich in a
sort of toga. He is coming to this coun
try with the hopes of converting a num
ber oi Americans iu uis lueau, nu ex
pects to establish a sort of colony, of
which he shall be the head.
Ladv Trvon, widow of the late Ad
miral, has refused the uovernment pen
sion of $3,000, which Admirals' widows
always receive. She is aware of the re
sponsibility oi ner nusoanu wr me y ic
toria disaster, and is unwilling to be a
hanahY.ifi.rv of the Government's bounty
under such circumstances. The Admiral
was a Lieutenant when she married mm.
The .lean of the London Lvceum Com-
nativ and the oldest actor on the staite is
Henry H. Howe, a white-haired, liale
man of 82 years. All close readers of
theatrical melange know something of
him. Though an old man, ne nas in re
cent veers taken the part of a gay gal
lant in many Shakespearean and other
plavs. He has been on the stage for
sixty years, and was a protege of the
great Macready and Charles Kean, and
has been with Henry Irving for ten
Foreign Demand for Silver
Rapidly Increasing.
Railroad Earnings Still Show Dla
appointing Results Mexican
Officials Released.
Alabama convicts will be put to work
Secretary Gresham is preparing a re
port on the Hawaiian question.
The promise of immigration to Toxas
is consiuereu to ue very nattering.
The army worm has made Its appear
ance in portions oi lieu uiver county,
Factories are to be built near the Ala
bama penitentiary to be operated by
Nashville will probably issue $100,000
of city scrip to supply the demand for a
local circulation.
The Keeleyites are to have a day at
the World's Fair, when 20,000 of the re
formed are expected,
An Indiana bank which recentlv sus
pended began business on a capital of tti
and failed for $73,000.
The wheel trust, organized less than a
year ago, has dissolved as a result of the
action of outside companies.
Five hundred Presbyterians have left
Colorado for the Cherokee Strip, where
they propose to found a colony.
An alarming epidemic of tvphoid and
intermittent fever is now prevailing at
the military prison, Leavenworth.
The Comptroller of Indianapolis has
gone East to make one more attempt to
sell $1100,000 of city refunding bonds.
Rival electric-light and power compa
nies at Findlay, 0., have consolidated,
and consumers expect increased rates.
No bids having been made for convict
labor in Minnesota, the State has 400
prisoners for whom they have no work.
Rev. Robert Mclntyre of Denver has
requested that hissalarv lie reduced from
$5,000 to $1,000 on account of hard times.
Water has been sellinir at 10 cents a
cupful and 25 cents for a canteen along
tlie uieroxee strip near Arkansas City.
Employes of the Nashville. Chatta
nooga and St. Louis railroad have airreed
to a 10 per cent reduction for ninety
Tlie Pennsylvania Commissioners have
decided to present their State building
!. .,.:.. m.i i. .u,. :
w tne vv v vmcngu tiuer we exposi
tion. Ihe Memphis banks have been notified
from New York that they can have all
the money necessary to move the cotton
Bank circulation increased $15,000,000
in Alienist and 15.000.000 in July, or $20.-
000,000 since the financial trouble reached
the critical stage.
The recent burning of a Chicago
dwelling-house by a prairie fire is a sig-
niucant commentary upon tne magni
tude of that expansive city.
The Citv Judge of Savannah, Cla..
fined himself $10 the other day for being
late, and then remitted the line ou the
ground that " it was his first offense."
Railroad earnings still show disap
nnintinv results. The falling-ofT is felt
in all sections of the country, flO per cent
of the roads reporting smaller receipts
than a year ago.
Mrs. Frank Rheinhardt, a willow of
St. Paul, Minn., has been notified that
by the death of her brother-in-law an
estate in India, valued at $26,000,000, has
been left to her.
New York city's saloonkeepers have
started a strong' movement to abolish
the free lunch. They assert that the
free lunch is a needless expense, which
brings in no adequate return.
A movement is on foot in New York
to form a trades union including the
young women in sweetstutl shops and
retaifstores generally, where the hours
are very long and the girls ill-paid.
Tlie foreign demand for Bilver is rap
idly increasing. The United States has
exnortcd 18.000.000 more of silver dur
ing the past eight months than during
a like period in lbuz,
Estimates are being prepared at the
New Department for the fabrication of
a sufficient number of modern guns for
the woollen vessels which can be used
for cruisers for five or ten years more,
Ex-Senator Thomas W. Palmer has
presented to the city of Detroit for park
purposes a farm of 100 acres, which was
entered by his grandfather in 1820 and
has been owned by the family every
The Mexican officials who were ar
rested for having captured a lot of sheep
on the Kio Grande owned by Americans
have been released, and the Boundary
limits will be settled by a mixed com1
W. J. Davidson has iust returned to
Cleveland, O., after building and start
ing in Siam the first electric railroad in
Asia. The motormen and conductors
are natives, who were trained by Mr.
As an inducement to put wide tires on
their wagons New York taxpayers are
offered a yearly rebate of one-half their
assessed road taxes, provided the rebate
shall not exceed the amount of four days'
statute labor.
The weekly weather crop bulletin of
the Kentucky State weather service
states that th present condition of crops
in discouraging, owing to tiie drought.
J No rain of a general character has fal
' l.n in fCanillplv for nearly three months.
Thomas H. Emlicott of Washington
State lias had his pension increased.
The acting Secretary of War has ren
dered a decision holding that a dishon
orable discharge from the service is an
entire expulsion from the army and cov
ers all unexpired enlistments.
Representative Oates of Alabama has
introduced a bill to annex Utah to Ne
vada. Mr. Oates said: "I have been
thinking over this question a long time,
nnd I believe I have found the true toln-
finn nf n vovinn nmufinn Tl.n hI.. la
wholly within the power of Congress to
carry out. There is nothing in the con -
stitution to prevent it. There is no wav
to destroy the State. That cannot be
done, and yet the future of Nevada is a
serious question. Its population de
creased from 70.000 ill 1880 to 42,000 in
180U in round numbers, and there is no
prospect of its recovering any part of
wuat ii nas lost, tin tlie other hand, ff
the silver-mining industry be further di
minished, there will not be 20,000 people
in the Stato in five years, but it has two
oenatore anu a representative in Con
gress. Utah, just adjoining, has 240,OtK)
population, and is not represented at all
except by a Delegate with no vote. It
is not right that Nevada should have
such nowor in Congress, nor in It fair
mat we snouid keep Utah out of the
Union. The passave of this bill will
solve the question what to do with Utah
and at the same time put life and
strength into the veins of a decaying
State." The bill was referred to the
Committee on Territories.
In reply to a Senate resolution of Sen.
temper 7. directing the Hprrntnrv nf tin.
Treasury to inform that body 'to what
extent the appropriations heretofore
made for the enforcement of the Chinese
exclusion act have been expended and
what portions are now available, and
whether in his opinion it is necessary
that a further appropriation be made by
Congress in order to carrv out the law.
and if so, how much, the Secretary has
sent his reply, inclosing a statement
snowing tne appropriations and expend
itures since im. It was shown that the
balance available the 7th instant for the
current year amounted to $.'l,502, which
includes the unexpended balance of the
appropriation for the last fiscal vear,
$20.61)2. It is estimated that $38,000
will be required to pay the salaries and
necessary expenses of the officers regu
larly omployed to enforce the exclusion
act for the remainder of tlie current
year, leaving an estimated balance avail
able for the deportation of Chinese found
to lie unlawfully in the United States of
$25,502. It appears by tlie census report
of 18H0 that tlie Chinese population of
the United States in that vear was 106,
688. Of this number 1)5,477 were in the
Pacific Btates and Territories. The num
ber who registered under the act of Mav
5, 1802, was 13,243, leaving 03,444 who
failed to avail themselves of the privi
leges of the act. Assuming that about
10 per cent of these would lie entitled to
j exemption, the Secretary findB there
nuuiu nun (uinuiii nuuufc nu,uuu name to
deportation under the law, The lowest
cost for transporting Chinamen from San
Francisco to Hong Kong is K35 per cap
ita, and other expenses incident to ar
rest, trial and inland transportation
would also average, he says, not less
than $35 per capita. If, therefore, all of
those who did not register should be
transported to China, the cost involved
would aggregate in round numbers about
$6,000,000. This, the Secretary says, in
his opinion would be a moderate amount
to carry out the act. He was unable to
furnish an accurate estimate of the num
ber who might lie deported during the
remainder of tlie current fiscal year, the
matter being largely dependent upon the
action ol tne courts. Assuming, now
ever, that tlie courts would be able to
dispose oi iu.uuu cases during sucn no-
nou, tne amount requireu woum not iw
less than $700,000. The Secretary ex
presses no opinions, and makes no rec
We make a speoialty of UNDERTAKING. Calls ansiwevud night
or day.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Or.
W V RKAD, President. OKO. P. SIMPSON, Vise-President. J. 0. WKIT8MAN, Secretary
J. L. COWAN, Treasurer. K. A. M1I.NKK.
Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company
CAPITAL STOCK . 8000,000
Hou. B.8.WKAHAN,
.Hue. Justice of Supreme Court.
Hon. J. W. OtWIOK, Bsuter.
Hop. J. K. WKATHKHKlltll, Attorney-M-Lnff,
J O. Wli-lt-MAN, Enq,, Capitalist,
No two-thirds, tliree-lourths, thirty or sixty-day Disuse iu the Farmers' and Uernhania' FARM
DOllcles. The Farmers' and Merchants' lnsuranue CompHiiy paya the full amount ol loss up t
the amonnt insured. The suhsorlbers to the uapltal stock consists ol farmers, merchants, bankers,
eaultallsts. attorneys, physicians and mechanics, the iarnest amount held by amnK individuals
July 24 laHt David A. Sanders of Ply
nouth, Utah, filed an application with
i M i
the Donnrtniont of Justice for ainnestv
tor violating tlie laws relating to unlaw
ful cohabitation. The applicant says he
did not receive the benefit of President
Harrison's amnesty proclamation, and
for that reason his unlawfulrelationsdid
not ceaao until a few days after the time
mentioned by the proclamation as the
limit, Novoinbor, ihih). He says he has
not violated any law of the country ex
cept that relating to cohabitation ; that
ho has not violated this law for more
than two and one-half years. President
Uleveland is in doubt whether he can
I Pr"l",rly tl,e Prilul. and bofi
' 'ic' R 011 lll8 r"'llrrBU " .I"" to I
Attorney-General for an opinion.
In regard to the account of the inter
view between Secretary Gresham and
the Chinese Minister, In which Secre
tary Gresham is said to have told the
Chinese Minister that the administra
tion did not intend to enforce the exclu
sion law, It 1b stated at the Stato Depart
ment that, whatever the views of the
President and Secretary Gresham might
be in the matter, they would not give
assuranco to tlie Chinese government
that a law would not be enforced while
it remained on the statute hooks, and
that therefore the statement attributed to
Secretary Gresham was inaccurate. It
is understood that Mr. Groshain merely
assured the Minister of the good will of
the United States toward tlie Chinese
government and honed the nuesti nn uf
exclusion would be arranged in a satis-
iBCtory mannor, so that the amicable re
lations between the two governments
would not be disturbed.
The Shasta Route
SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. tralnn lenvo Portland dally:
0:tA r. H.lLv Pnrtlnnd..Ar i a'-fli'TV
IO:-28 P. H. I.V Albdiiv Ar. a'-BH a h.
10:lfi a. M.Uf Hun KraunlM'n.Lv.l 7:00 v, M.
Tlif above triili.H tttmi t n siminns If,,...
Port In ml to Allimiv hii.luiivt: nii. Thuvkhi
Hlitjitcl, lUliny, llnrrill.nrK, Jtinolloii City, Irv
Iiik, Kimeiie niul all NbttlotiK from ItonulmrK tu
nun in in i uiuiubiyl',
Hniwhnry maH-rtally:
"mi-W a" K.IIjV PoKJHlti Ar, 4:2U V. M,
12:46 P. H, l,v Albany Ar. Vi:H0 p. H.
6:M P. H. Ar Kum-lHirg I .v. 7:00 A. M.
I-ocalpamicfuctrtraliia-ilally (fxecittHimilay).
1:3) p. W.i l.v Albany Ar, , IU Jl a. h.
P. M. Ar Ubaimti l.v.i a. H.
8:10 a. m.I,v ....Albany Ar.i S.ttfi p.m.
0:00 a. M.IAf UImiiou U.l p. H.
DlnliiK 'itri on Ogilett Himiih,
BaciimUUlMM RtAniihijc itora AtUohitd i
All Vhruuirli Trnlua.
Bitwsrn Portland ahix.okvai.lib.
Mali train-dally (exiwptmtnday).
7:8fl a. W. i L"v.;,Z..Portlaii(l.,.M..Ar?lT--Vi a. m.
Viilb f. M. Ar Corvttlll ,l,v. 1:U p. n
AUiauv kiiiI f.nrvaltli (mtiiifrtt with tralita
of Oregon Paultln railroad.
KxpreaH train dally 'xitt Htimlav):
4:40 i'.
7:3fi p.
... Portland
:' A. I
A, I
tiailerii Hrat4n. .aiaila
and Kiirnitati bwnbtalnwl at loweat rala trom
I. A. Bun unit, HKOlit, Jobation,
K. KOKHUCR, Manager.
B. P. BOOK KB. Aud. ii. V. A Paaa. AvouL.
Hon. J. L. COWAN,
President Linn Comity National Bank.
M, HTKKNIiKKU, Ksq., Hercliaut.
W. F. REM). Km., Meraiiant.
D. B. MONTIS ITH. Canltallst.
O. F. HIMPSON, Esq., CaplMllst.
V. ' i.. :