The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 29, 1893, Image 4

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor.
Japan hue more miles of railway
than any otber country in Asia,
fourteen new lines are now being
Anothor terrible railroad acci
dent occurred a few days ago about
sixty miles from Chicago, all
through the carelessness of a brake-man.
A one-fare passenger in Phila
delphia can change his street-car
fourteen times on passes, by start
ing from the extreme northern
part of the city.
Aluminum plates are used in
Germany to engrave and etch up
on, and it is spoken of as a proba
ble substitute for zinc and
lithographic stone.
The Pacific coast would like to
see the stiver question and the Chi'
nese problem Bettled. People here
are for bi-metnlism and against the
pig-tails, and congress ought nt
least to remember us a little.
Electricity has made rapid pro
gross in Switzerland on account of
the abundance of cheap power trum
waterfalh. The telegraph and tel
ephone lines of that country are
owned and operated by the govern
Notice was served by the intro
duction of a resolution by Senator
Stewart on last Saturday that the
president would be arraigned in
the U. S. Senate, on Monday, for
aliened violation of the constitution
in endeavoring to coerce congress
into the passage of the repeal bill
Hill Nve truthfully said: "A man
A'lio will use a wart on the back of
his ne,;k fur a collar button, or pas
tint; his mother's grave to save
corn, fall to cross his t s or dot his
i's to save ink, is a credit to the
man who will take a newspaper
from the postoffice and when asked
to pay for it or subscribe puts it
back and tells the postmaster to
, m irk it "refused."
In the estate of MeCullouith & Tut-
bott. final account unproved, and mile
of personal property continued.
In the es'Kte of H. F. Zsluler, real
property was appraised at $7fl0, person
al property 11228.50, partnership
(900.52. Total, $28411.02.
In oo-uartiienihln estate of Zclglor A
Carter, J. P. Carter was appointed ad
ministrator. Bond, $4700.
In estate of Hannah Roliluett, hear
ing of final account sot for Nov. 6th.
In estate of Rout. G. Cochran, Mar
tha A. Cochran was appointed admin
istratrix. Bonds, $17,000.
In guardianship of Wm., Erne and
Frank Cochran, W. T. Cochran was
appointed guardian. Bonds, $2500.
In estate of Owen Bear, final account
set for Nov. 6th.
In truarrtlaiiKhlp of Benl. Reifllng et
al, personal property ordered sold.
In estate of Nancy Gay, Inventory
Died. Personal property, $26T.
Notloeto Delinquent Tax payers.
I positively Intend to collect all de
linquent taxes remaining unpaid after
Oct. Jst, by levy and sale of property
belonging to the delinquent tax-payers.
The taxes must be paid, and after said
date I will make he levies as fast as
myself and deputies can do so, All
those wishing to save a call from me,
as well as the expense of the levy, can
do so by settling their taxes before Oc
tober 1st. C. C. Jackson,
yheriffand Tax Collector,
Great clearance sale at lleud, Peacock
& Co.'s.
We warrant all work done by
at Hardy's.
If you wuiit to get nice fresh bread
go to Peehler's.
Tljrj 8alem Journal pertinently
mirks that the bankers of Ore
gon take too mufh interest in the
-election of the various county
.treasurers, in order to get the funds
ty W ill their banks. There is no
doubt but what the public interests
have suffered in consequence of
this, mm the nlt legislature will
no doubt be culled Upon to enact a
law which shall require county
ofl'uuals to retain the public money
in their care.
Indications ef returning good
tin'S continue to appear. George
A. Macbeth, the extensive Pitts
hnr; :n:i',;"rncturer, says that busi
ness alarm lias been absurdly mag
nified, and, in his opinion, t.
decided reaction is at hand. The
president of the association of steel
manufacturers, J. W. Briton, of
Cleveland, discovers Jhat money is
nmii.iir hack from its hidine places,
and while manufacturers will keep
an eve on Congress business will
improve rapidly by fall. Three
big iron mills, one employing over
Jl.ijOO men, started up one day last
week at Pittsburg, and so did the
establishment of the National tube
works, located at various points.
This is an age of ham and tin
sel. On every hand can men and
womon be seen assuming a virtue
they do not possess, a position be
yond their reach. Men keep a car
riage white toiienng on we yci
of bankruptcy, and women keep
servants in the kitchen while their
husbandB dodge executions in the
hands of the sheriff. Young men
sport fine clothes, fine buggies and
fine suppers, who could not get
trusted for a bread ticket if their
real characters were known. Girls
wear six hats a year while their
old fathers dress in the style of the
and their mothers stay
at home rather than expose the
scantiness of their wararone.
Churches have gaudy windows, sky
steeples, velvet carpets and cush
ioned pews, while the paBtor goes
in his longtail coat to hide the
holes in his trousers. Sham, sham,
sham, is written on every side, and
tho greatest humbug is commonly
esteemed the greater hero. Ex.
Meat Market,
Fresh &JSaltedJBeef Pork,
Mutton, aausagS'JJtso
lona, and Ham,
(ay-Bacon and Lard Always on Hand.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
The borel. eorreot nletirreof THHOM
GOA'S NliW BUILDING, loeeted .t tee
eornor of alith end AUer (or mm
Tl ":.un iusiuioiK huMl the need of
new end OOO.O.O.UOU. bul''!,'"1
II the modern Improvement., with the WM
Improved meohinerT for turelti out me
tropoliun uper. It now he. it. one' Uirt
Iho whole PeelOo CoMt mT luttll feel proud
of It U certain y the nn on w- vu
...? Swk ilftuiJOMIAN li eettled
tht. new home 11 feele like lrln it. ";
friend. beneat. ll tU wjeUI offer
to thoie who renew their .ubewtpMonoe to
tbeee who lueterlbe prior to eeptemoer let.
taeted tM
UaeHly Orejorjiar
BweeeBemwjinweie'el.iiiejierei" ll m i ! e Itiwmmimummmammmmmmimm
Have Your
Job Printing
Done at the
Express Office.
Who always carries a nieoly selected toek of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing
goods, groceries, &c.
If you do not already givn liini your patronage try him,
and you will always trodo at his stora.
In Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank,
8 AmBrlcin
D Sp tradi marks,
Tor information and free Handbook write to
MUMN A CO- 361 liituiiiwAT, Nxw Vdhr.
Oldeit bnreau fnr ncuntm potent In Amentia.
Krery patent taken out b? u u brouirlit baton
tbe public br ftnotioo girw trm or ciioiue Id tlie
tmtiiit gwerinm
Larfert etmilittioii of iny idtatlflft paper In tho
world. SoleiiiliJlT illuatntwl. No tnieliljron.
man ahoiiid bo without It. Weekly, IJ.OO
jaut II.Uiiix morttti Ailrtrami JIUNN A CO
Vuuiduuww, 3tU Jtrowwaj, flw York Uij.
Thlj Hf the dull leeeon ot tU jW. THB
OB80UNUN believe.. bMoaf"' 5l
will U. r..tlT eppreeleted. Fle. rnd In
jour lulxerl tloa o.oon pomIWo. m
ilrltinii PortUnd jrou ere eordljllr
to eeirnd take d trip through our new
HoeMi Addrc.t
mmm mmm co
PJflg pi pin
wrM s stir" Bi.'S: i i VTaJ
H ill IdmM
Fall Term Begins September nth.
For information, ask for circular at the 1'dst-otlice or
S- A. HANDLE., Principal,
I have a LARGE STOCK of MUCK, for Bale at my:
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable'
Ratos.. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and!
despatch. D. W. HARDEN.
-Tfw EI
Paper Hanging and Graining.
Done at this Oflice on short notice.