Y' ' . ' ,- , - ... I 7. , '. V,:.-.,. ..'! Vrt-'; .;' f ' iiE c VOL VII TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oit year.. . - (If paid hi advance. 1 u lwrycmr.) Illi monthH.... Three months Iiitilc C(tllMt.... ... 1 ..2 00 .. 1 00 .. AO 06 -Secret SooletKn. iTk'iianon r.oixin, K).47 1,0 f.-"""'" every HitnWIar. overling at WW FiiHwkU.1I, at o'cU. MU, A.0VKBK8.N. (I. W-CPIf EIW", HMt'y. PKARl.tKHKCCA I.OIHIU, 0. 47. 1. O, O. P. d.y eve-, of each m(,KKIUf0N, K. G. BOI-Llr HAl.TMAHBli, Booty !....,. Ij.i.m. Nil. A'K. ft A. M.-Mm, tiinlavivonliiK, on or tKrfow tlm mil moon , tub Mill!. KI HAHHAOIt.W. U. FIili-hii. Sec. How UimiK, No. W, A., II. W.-MceU voty tc1w av0,,i..K i i;;iTNPVi . C. A7.AI1K, Ucc, SossorVsT's.-Meat toCA. . Hall. Or., ery Saturday svmlinl!. oxral lc uijrd Hatlirti-T of oMli month, mwilim thi third Jrl- tS All brother, "f thefknw of Vet Snuil conimdesntmc . A. K. lire cordially taviaru to meet ttl. M.m0 TMEi CilHl, A.caau, Flmi Scat. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON. ORROON. STOWE&SOMERS Attorneys at Law, TITLKB EXAMINED. 0n.1t Ktlnnx irlvoii FmM ami yf"u Will iirwitlw in nil im wiirlt H"1 K"1'' ofk'cf in (wvhtnbv'k iiiikjk. Lkhanon, Okuoon. leatheriord 8 Chamberlain, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, ALHAXY, Ol! BOON. KE mzr.Eut ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, ALBANY, iOUEOON. J. Jt m'JTT, rney- at- A frrn t-V- ?it LaW", lLUJ 1 " 1 ALBANY, -OUEOON. lie Sun' and Call on HOPKINS BROS., OK Albany, Oregon, Beatiig Stoes'Cook Stoics, Sc. BEST OOOJ)S..jfJf garwtiT PRICMK. Learn Telegraphy. A TRADE. IT PAYS. HCCCKMS Ml'UK. Adtlivnn, J. Hcymwir. (iretmnmn BuililinR. K)l(TUNI), (It'iN. St Charles Hotel, (WiT Miiiu mill Hlierniiui HtroiKfl, BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. Special attention paid to Com nierciiil men. Bourd and Lodging, iw ly to 12; per week i4.50to$ LEBANON, IntlreOiuntyCoiirtofthe Sttteof Ore gon for tlie County of Linn. In tire matter of the estate of! Citation. Jonti H, J. Lovenll, Deceased, f To Theresa Wilnon, Entity Walker, ftartfk Riley and to the unknown heir or hem -of Jurmoiiih Uiveall deceased, and to ttH-etliern known and nn known, Interested In-Mid Estate. Greeting. tin the name of . Ik State of Oregon, You ihsreUy (ilustl and required to appear in the Gounty Court of tlte Stale of Dragon, for til it' County of Linn, at the Court Room 'thereof, al A Ibany, mi the County of Linn I -on Monday the 2nd -duy of October, 1893. at 1 o'cUik in the afwrnoon of that day, then and there to tdiow anise if any you have, why the application of J. H. LoveuIl Ad mitiiHtrator of the cutate of ilolm M, J. Loveall, deceased, to Hell the mil property belonging to said estate, dewrribed an fol lows, to-wit: llegiiniingat-apoiui Seventy Eight (78) rods North of the fiouth-titsti corner of Rielmrd and Louiwu I.. Cheadle's Uontition Land Cluini, Nut. No. Claim No. 55, in Linn County, Oregon.; thence South Seventy Eiht 7K) rods to said oornor.; thence went Kighty-one (Kl)rodu; theuue North Eighty (HO) rods; thence in an Kant emlv eourtietEightyoiie PI) and a traction rods to the ihiceol beginning, eoutaihin; forty 40J acres in Linn County, Oregon, should not be granted. VVitnoHH, the J. X. Duncan, Jude of the County Court of the State of Oreueiu lurtbe t'ounty of Linn, with the Seal Huid Court atlixed, this 18th duy of August, A. 1)., Attest; K.r. Payne, Clerk. Ky II. il. Payne, Deputy. i Heal y HuniiniuiH. In On; ('inmtt Cmirt of the Htuteof Onoit. for tin- (.'iiiiuiyil Linn, liolihiiK Utiuh ut Allmtiy. Hlati! ol Ort'Kun, (iouiiiy ol' Luin, s h, V. 1L Dumini. .1. M. titiitlu ami J. A. KoliurU, Ti'UHtees, -vs. V. C. llHi-tl'Mimn and Carrie Hn!kk'iniiii, his wlt, Jnuh- While, Henry iJt-Uvnlintlur &J. L tltniH, iliiiia' InbliicMh iiihI.t Uii: linn intine mul siyliMil Di'in-iilinlliT. MuiimV Co., T 1'. CnuidaLt doing liiNiiM?w umlur thv Unit mime and stylo ol T. 1'. Crandi'.ll A Co., Unrrotwui. WtHidrulV. Piiill Co., iicorjKtiiilKui, and -ft- HltiiuljcrRur. Iiclfiid antH. To T. P. CriUHhdl. dulng httrifiK'ss undwr tin1 linn liuinc mid siyle ol 'T. V, Crniidnlt A" Co., (hutuI hiii, WiHiilruir, Pratt Cu a ('oinoratiou, and Ss. t htciiiiiiTKiT, oi wim iioiuuuanis. In thu Nimiu' or the HUitv ol Ort'jioii: You are l hrnhy required tiuiiipL'tir uud iiumuoi" the com- I plaint lili-il uKiunsi. j on In thi! tilfovo eutiUed will ; D Uii' liiUday ol tlit' lui'iu ol'Un- mild t'ourl, ifxt , to! low inn Hie i-xjiirutimi ot'tiie puhlKritiioii ol Mils i MHiiiiioi.s, to-wit: tiv the loiii'tli Monday ol OeUib- ' (it. mwi, tin: Hiuue liciiiff the;nl dnyol (letolior, , uud II von hill no u answer, lor wain ihote- i n-iifi iii'iiiniideil in tiie lioiiioluiiit, lo-wli: Kor ! jmlKineiii aji:iiiihtai(tdtfeiidiiiit c. C. Hiieklr- tiiaii, lor w w.w:, alio uileam lliertum ai um rut i of 10 e.i' coin, per annum from Uie'JiHI) tLiv of July, iwu, and the lurthor Mtun of WitiMW at tonieyV lee nwl lor Uitilr eimts and dinlnuiio lueiilN, null ior a decree lor Hie loitrehwure of thnir iiioriaKc, nt nn.uiihi all uiid delouduuus on tlm tollowuiu d'-jM-rihed reitlt'.staii; !i.uiiH:l in Linn (.ouiity, Male ut'tHTjfuu, tu-wti: Lout out (I), two j, llil-ee (ill, .lour (!, tlVe -(ii). six (til, mivcii (7;, elKtu (S), inue. O'J. tim (lt)l. tlloiik No. six Hi), in .1. M. Uulrtlon'.-- lourtii addition n the Town of U'lmitoii. mul lor the relorinuliu'i ot said iitoi'iunjjt' hikI that Haul renl I'sluie bf Hilil, uud lw proceeds of Mild wile .iplilitrd in tum.iiciioii uf mui', judi;i:ii'ul, and iiiuL lite elaim mid InlereHl.-' ol ail ,iuil dehuid aiilft are Hihwoueiu mid jiimor to plaintiffs uairt AWV and lor Mic 1 1 other relic) as io the court may oein meet and i)iiiititlU. TP is piihliealitui Im uiiidtf by ordtir of Hon. lion. H. liiirueit, JudKi' f Hie ahove untUled court, duly made on the M-tli duy of AujniMt 1'iM. and tilwl on Uie li'Jnd ilay of August ISliii. H.VM't. iiAlll.AMi anciTowK A So: ki, A'iiyrt. lor PlaiuiiHV. GoiniuLtuoUig Wedududuy, Sept. 27tii uitd on cueb Miiiulny, UVrimwdny tuid .Ki iduy to mid imdmlhig Fi'ldity, Oct. ;i.J7tlit tlie 8. (lo. will have on ma yxenrwiou ticket, Ltdmntt to Portland uud return, at $5,50 eaeh, which will .limludfi admission to the Northern Pu oitic Iiidtistriiil Exposition. Tickets Are. limited to 10 cluyn from date of sale fortieturn parage. Oli'. gold or silver made iuto ne rings, plus &c, at Hardy's. The only Pure Crcaui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Miiiions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. OREGON, SEPTEMBER 29, 1893. La Orftlid Antl-Chlne... La Grande, Or., Sept. 25th .-The atitl-Chitiew ngltatinn which has been going on In this countv for the pant two weeks culminated last night. An armed mob nf 200 met outside the city limits at midnight, marched to the Chinese quarters, and after looting the houses marched the Chinamen to the edge of the city and ordered them to leave. The immediate cause of the ac tion of the mob is said to be a meeting at Red Pepper school-house, al Sand Ridge, twelve miles north of this city, yesterday, at which inflammatory speeches were made by one Esteh, an attorney, and others. At this meeting the mob was organized and moved to ward La Grande, led by H. C. Cottier, a rancher, and Jos. Truesdall, a saloon keeper, gaining recruits as it advanced until when it reached the city there were at least 200 men in line. Mar shals McLachlan and Ardrey, Con stable W'alden and Deputy Sheriff Lindgreen attempted to quell the riot, but as it wiib unexpected and no pre paration had been made, they were snou overpowered. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of tlie ring leaders. The feature which is causing i he most talk to-dsy Is the heroism shown by Mis. Trumble, wife of the Baptist Chinese missionary, who was alone in the bouse with her daughter. About thirty Chinamen hud sought refuge at her house. When tlie mob demanded their delivery she appeared with a Winchester aud announced that the first man to enter her house would be shot. The mob dispersed. How is This? Something unique even in iheB duys of mammoth premium offers, It Ib the latest effort of Stafford's Maga zine, a New York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition is to send the Maga zine one year for one dollur the regulr subscription price; and in addition to send eucli subscriber fifty-two com plete uovels during ;be twelve mouths one each week. Think of it. You receive a new and complete novel by mail, post puid, every week for fifty-two weeks, and in addition you get tlie magazine once a month, for twelve months, all for one dollar. It is an offer which the pub lisher cttu only afford to make iu tlie confident expectation of getting a hundred thousand new subscribers. Among tlie authors nf the coining series lire, Wilkie. Colling, Walter Sen unt, Mrs. Oliphuut, Mary Cecil Hoy, Florence Marryut, Antiiouey Trollnpe, A. Cum.u Doyle, jiiss Braddon, Cap tain Murryat, Miss Thackery and Jule Verne. If you wish to take ad vantage of this unusual opportunity, send one dollar for Stafford's Muya zi ne one year. Your first copy of the magazine and your first number of the fifty-two novels (one each week) which you are to receive during the year will be sent you by return mail. Remit by P.O. order, registered !!te.- or ex press. Address H. STAFFORD, Publisheb, Htifford's Magazine, P. O. Box 22G1, New York, N. Y. Please mention this paper. owdec akin Knfflnes on Bridges. Prom the Salem Statesman. At least two bridges In this county have iieen broken down this season by steam engines which were crossing contrary to law. Only a fe days ago one near Silverton was broken. The owner of the engine repaired the struc ture but it is said that when high water comes it will readily wash away. Another bridge in the northern part of the county collapsed under the weight of a heavy traction engine, but another of the same kind was immediately fol lowing and compelled the first one to put the bridge in passable condition at once. And the driver of the second machine observed the law so that no liability could attach to him for any damage to the structure. Last week a big traction engine weut across the big steel bridge without taking the precau tionary and protective action required by law. The driver swore he'd be blanked if he cared for the county court or any other court. He seemed to base bis immunity from the law on the fact that a team was drawing the engine it was not being driven by steam. Tlie statute says that four pieces of two-inch plank not less than twelve inches wide and ten feet long, shall be used under the wheels of an engine in passing over a Dridge, and they shall tie used so that two pieces shall he under the wheels all the time. Tlie purpose seems to be to distribute tlie weight over a greater area and also to prevent the toes on the wheels from cutting Into and splitting bridge plank ing. Tlie big bridge was injured by tlie passage of this engine and false work may have to be constructed un der tlie east end to get the structure properly repaired. There is a dispo sition to show the obstreperous driver .that the law bus jurisdiction, even 011 tla orphan bridge. A Good Thing to Keep at Hand. ITroni tlie Troy (Kansas) Chief. Some years ago we were very much subject to severe spells of cholera mor bus; and now when we feel any of the symptoms that usually preceed that ailment, such as sickness at the stom ach, diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the very thing to straighten one out In sueli cases, and always keep it about. We ale not writing this for a pay tes timonial, but to let our readers know what Is a good thing to keep handy in the house. For sale by M. A. Miller, Druggist. Photographs. You can got better cabinet size pict ures ut Crawford & Paxton's in Alba ny for $1 50 per dozen than at other gullries for any price. Our work is guaranteed. Permanent gallery es tablished tor 3:i years. No poor work allowed to go out. Come aud see us. Albany, 1st street. Next door Mason ic Temple. , Nutiee uf UlSHolutloil. Notiee is hereby given that tlie co-partnership heretofore exiting between the umlersiKned, umior the lirin name of Aldrich ,t Weeks, at Lebanon. Linn Co., Oregon, including the Champion Aiill Coni-itny, tins been and is tiiis duy dis solved hy mutual consent, of the parties, 0. V. Aidricli having purchased the in terest of W.C. Weeks, who retires therefrom. Th 1 luisiness will hereafter he carried on by G. VV. Aldrich. (lie purchaser thereof, who hereby assumes all partnership debts, and .who alone is authorized to collect aud re ceipt for all debis duo the late firm. tf. W. Aldrich, W.C. Wkkk.8. Dined this ilih day of Aug., 1893. . For a liiine back or for a pain iu the side or chest, try saturating a pice of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and binding it onto the aflected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary case in one or two days. Puiu Balm also ou it rheumatism. 50 cent hottles for sale by M. A. Miller, Druggist. NO 31 A Ltlr From Los Aogolos.. IM AMK'Lka, Cui., Sept. II, 1808)-' ; Klnlroit Expbess: Will you plense ien4 the F.XPBESB to my address here, 41(1 South Main St., and you will oblige nieveryriiuch. Perhaps you may want to hear something about this country, so 1 will tell yon what! think of it after being here two weeks. til the first place I will say that I like Southern California very irneli, aud Los Angeles is good enough fur me and here I am going to stay, in this city ol the lost angels, in the land of sunshine, the land of the fig, the orange; where the wind blows and the cactus grows. Los Angeles is a city of 66,000 as happy and as contented people as you will Itnri on the Pacific coast, and she is growing like a green bay tree and is destined to be a very large place as she has no city near by "Ol any consequence, so she is sure to lie the leading city of Southern California. Lob Angeles seems to stand and does stand the hard times at the present better than any city of her size in tlie United States. At a recent clearing-house report Los Angeles showed an increase of 45 per cent in her financial business, winch wits the only city in tlnTU. S. that showed uy increase at all, the balance tdiowings fulling off iu all the large cities, which is a feather in her cap during these panisy timeB. The? question is, what is doing it? From my observation of the resources ot tins county I should say that it is tlie fruit 'business, which, taking one year with another, pays tlie farmer much better than anything else. And if Oregon farmers are wise they will pay more attention to raising fruit and not give all their attention to wheat, which has not paid hardly what it cofit to put it in for the last four or five years in Oregon. Cali fornia stands at the head to-day in the fruit business in the United States, hut in a great many varieties Oregon can and docs beat her. Among those 1 might mention is the apple, which even the Californians will ad mit that Oregon leads them, Bartlett pears, prunes, and I am sure on all kinds of ber- rieB; also the Royal Ann cherries. On all these Oregon cannot be heat, and the only reason why Oregon fruit dealers and farmers are not making money 011 tiieir fruit is just because they- do not sell any because they have none to sell ; while' 'alhbrnia is getting the reputation of being the great fruit rais ing state because she raises the ft ti it und does have it for sale. The climate here in Los Angeles is just delightful at present it could rot he better if it was made to order. Tlie population of Los Angeles is mado up by eastern people almost entirely, and comes as near being a strictly American city as any pluce you.can find. To he s.,re you will find a great many Chinamen here, but they have a judge here Judge Ross who lias the backbone to put the Geary law into effect, and here it was that the first Chinese deportation lias taken place, and every day you can see tlie pigtails nmrchect through tlie streets on iheir way to Bun Francisco to be shipped to China, About the best known man in Oregon, among Californians generally is our owl, and original governor Sylvester Pennoyer, who, without a doubt, is truly very popular witli tlie laboring classes and a tuing many that do not labor, and with nil the men I have talked with I have never found any person who has anything disrespectful to say of our governor, and on the other hand I have heard very many, a large number say that he is the coming man .011 this, cous:. These arc simple facta, whatever my own private opinion may be. They all say we have a governor that is not afraid to speak his opinion. I am inclined to think thai the Adminis tration at Washington is not popular in California, and if Mr. Cleveland was run ning for president this lull he would, be beaten 20,000 votes in California, if the people mean what they sny. . Iloumer J think they are a little I ird on out Grover, yet the fact remains th..: tlrov, r Cleveland has reached the high-water mark here and is going down very fust . Tlie woods are full of Populists here, and. they are growing like a snowball and are sure to be an important element in politics in California, and if there was un election to-day they would come so near carrying the state that it would tuke the official vote to decide, and the chances would lie very good that they would carry it- C. C. Il.M'KI.KH AH. Parties who were to pay their en',, soription in wood will please haullha SllttlO uow. ll A . I I