The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 22, 1893, Image 4

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Lebanon Express.
Editor and - Proprietor.
A man will any that you are out
of your depth when you are only
out of his.
General Cheatham is quoted as
saying: "The man who says he
goes into battle without fear is an
idiot, a lunatic, or a liar."
All the large Boston rubber boot
and shoe factories started up last
week, after their usual summer
vacation. This gave employment
to about 20,1X10 hands.
One thing should be said in jus
tice to cigarette smokers. They
paid about $2,000,000 into the
United States treasury during the
fiscal year. Buflalo Courier.
There is every evidence that the
recent financial fever with which
the country has been afflicted is
subsiding, and the country is slow
ly but Burely convalescing. The
recovery will necessarily be a slow
process, but it will be complete in
the end. Ex.
A Chinese immigrant, a laborer,
was landed in New York in viola
tion of our laws and despite the
efforts of the authorities to prevent
his coming ashore. That is proper.
That John Chinaman knew the
hearts of the eastern people were
yearning for him for have they
not said, "suffer the pigtails to
come uuto us Bnd forbid them nut?"
When the members of labor or
ganizations lern to vote the way
tlicy talk, there will be some hope
of them securing what they need
an opportunity to retail) a fair share
of the wealth they create by their
1-ibor. Until they learn this les
son, it will he "all squeal and no
wool," as an old fellow remarked
when he sheared his hogs. Alma
( Kan.) News.
We are not surprised that the
Statesman inquires, "What race?"
3s appears to be a little mixed as
rto what race it belongs to. Oregon
Democrat. Not at all. The States
man belongs to the human race.
It claims nothing above it. States
man. Then in justice to the race,
' which is apt to judge by appear
: anceS; you should have your ears
yt8)0deled. Oregon Democrat.
McKinlev's friends are claiming
that he will carry Ohio by 40,000,
but they talked the same way
about Harrison when he was
booked for the worst thrashing any
president has received since John
Adams was beaten by Thomas
Jefferson. Ex.
The city of London has no park
within it? borders, and yet the
largest recreation ground open to
Londoners is under control of the
city corporation namely, Epping
Forrest, with its 5,600 acres, or
nearly nine square miles of almost
unbroken woodland, forming one
of the most extensive and beautiful
pleasure grounds in Europe.
The Salem Independent is taking
upon itself to go after officials gen
erally and make public whatever
faults they possess. The last man
to get notoriety is Secretary Gregg,
of the State Agricultural Society,
whose removal from ollice is sug
gested on account of the discourt
eous manner in which he treats
patrons of the state fair. It may
be a good thing to have a paper
that will show up such faults with
out fear, but may not be very
profitable business for the proprietor.
A blatant anarchist at a Chicago
meeting held the other day, said
that "in this great country it is a
crime to speak German, but during
the late war it was not considered
a crime for a German to fight for
the Union." The Germans who
fought for the Union, their descen
dants and relatives are just as
ready to.fight against loud-mouthed
blatherskiteB, like this fellow, who
are generally driven from their
home countries for the country's
good, and who begin to reform the
government of the United States
before they get rid of the steerage
smell that follows them. fcx.
Speakii?of the state fair, the
Journal says: "The attendance is
mainly from Salcro and suburbs,
and Polk and Marion counties.
There is a thin sprinkling of visi
tors from other parts of the state.
As a matter of fact it is little more
than a county fair; but the state
helps to foot the bill." The man
agement of late years has been such
as to make it simply a local con
cern. It has now pissed intodif-fe:-cu;
hi.iUo, and it is to be hoped
that the new management will be
able to manage the bankrupt con
cern better and make it what it
should be. One of the first moves
necessary is the retirement of
Gregg, its former secretary.
Internal Revenue Collector
Quinn, of San Francisco, has been
looking up some data in reference
to the Chinese, and has come "to
the conclusion that China is ab
sorbing all the wealth of this coun
try. He figures out that the
present financial depression is due
to th fact that during the last
thirty years the Chinese laborers
in thin ciiiintrv have transferred
$800,000,000 of" American gold to
trie Celestial empire, ana inai h
r camn hank. Everv dollar
that a Chinaman picks up leaves
the country to stay away. Mr.
r.iniim datimates that duriiiK the
last thirty years the coolie popula
tion in tins country nas averaeu
IfiO OOO. On the low estimate that
each Chinaman has earned 1 per
lay, and allowing 25 cents a day
f7,r the Rxnense of each one, leaves
a net income for them of $75,000 a
day. They work seven days in trie
m,.,- nr aftfi davs in the vear.
They are no respecters of the 8ab
liotli Thn. fiverv thirty davs.
they have absorbed $2,225,000 of
the money ol this miuon, or q,-
tHJO.OOU per yew, wincn liuneimr
would make an acKregato
of '$810,000,000, every dollar of
; ivhinli ba cone to China. Te!o-
The scenes in the Cherokee strit
to-day in a measure exemplify our
social, political and economic con
ditions. It is the victory of might
over right. The strong trample
the weak. It in a reversal of the
scriptural idea, for the race is to
the swift and the battle to the
strong. The graphic picture con
veyed by the telegraphic dispatches
of the scenes in the Cherokee strip,
where thousands and tens of
thousands are in a mad rush for
homes, is a fair portrayal of the
conditions upon which the whole
business of this country has been
conducted for the last thirty years.
Portland Telegram.
Seattle's treasurer has escaped
from the state, leavine the treas
ury short some $220,000. Several
of Spokane's city councilman have
been indicted tor "booming. ine
marshal of Whatcom has resigned
under charges; the tr-easum of
Mlniiv fiit.v is tthnrt in his accounts.
The mayor and president of the
board ot public worKs in ine my
of Tacoma are under arrest for
takintr nronertv that didn't belong
or. ... , , -
to them. .tiere'B a pretty whw oi
trim ma flfivfl the Tacoma News.
Portland's city council is lull)' up
to any of tlw places named, and if
f them had their iust dueB,
they would either be in jail or get
ting out nt the country. uispuion.
.Tiwlcrinu fmm the above we are
getting back to the "good old rule
and simple plan: let linn toKe wno
has the power ana let mm Keep
who can."
Have Your
Job Printing
Done at the
Express Office.
Poultry, Hides and
lli..lw.ut ..nuh nrii IimIH Tor IllTltt'VH
geese, tlucks ami cIiIKbiih lit ffltlw of
L.Jaooi'S, mratiey win unions um
stable, -Ith street, AHimiy.
Also hides and fun- of all khiiln
how-lit tir cash.
mi m&
III ! lih
Meat Market,
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, SausageBo
logna, and Ham,
BSjf Bacon and Lard Always on Hand.
Main Htrtyt, Lebanon, Or.
The aboral. aenrree" plotureof THBORR
OONUN'S NKW llUU.UlNli. lxuitl at tin
corner of tilxtl. unci Al . "?"., ""I?',
loar.Tllli OitKlioMAN ban felt tin ami ot
new and gaminodloiH Imllillmj !inlrolli
all the modern improvement, wltlitualate.t
Improved machinery tor tiirnluif out a
tropollun uupfr. It now ha it. and one tuat
llie whole I'aolUo Ooa mar Ju.tlr leel proud
of a. It ! certainly the fin. n on tkeooart.
Now that THIS Oll' uy'ian ei
thl. new home It leeli like alln lu ninny
friend, a benettt. It make. thl. .pedal otter
to tboae who renew their .ubmription, or to
tho who lutnorlba prior to beptaiabar lat.
to Mad the
UVaekJy Oregorjiai)
Who always carries a nicely selected atonic f
goods, groceries, k
If you do not already give hiru your patronage try Kim,
and you will always trade at his store.
In Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank.
Patronize Home Institutions!
Champion Mills
Full New Roller Process.
Superior Flour for Family and Baler's Use.
Flour Kxliaiijel for "Wliciit.
Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Respect.
G. W. Aldrich, Popr.
Santa Academy
Fall Term Begins September nth..
For information, ask for circular at tho Post-oflice or
S. A. HANDLE,. Principal,
I have a LARGE STOCK, of BRICK, for sale at- my
Yard, in the sulmrhs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable
Rates. All kind of mason's wik done with neotiiflt and
despatch.. D..W. HARDEN.
Paper Hanging and Chaining.
Thl. Mac the dull .aaaon of tha M, THB
wlllberaatl.apprlatl. Flaaja Mod l
jour iubierlptloa a.n ai PO"lla. "J3
Tliltlni Portland jrou aaa eordially InvlWd
to ealf juuka trip through our aaw
voM'mHDv oa,
Done at this Office on short notice,
T Chat
. '
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