The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 22, 1893, Image 2

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    University of
Your committee have made a very careful exami
nation of the ROYAL BAKING POWDER,
and are satisfied that it fulfils all the requirements
which the public can make of a baking powder.
For purity and care in preparation it equals any
in the market, and
Our test shows that it has greater
leavening power than any other
of which we have any knowledge.
Prof. Chemistry, University of California, and State Analyst.
Prof. Clumistry, College Pharmacy of the University of California.
All other bakin? powders contain either alum or ammonia.
A Bam for a Wife.
Bonth Broad atreet, from Jackson
street to the navy yard gates, was the
scene of a foot race the other day, the
prize being the pretty daughter of a
sailors' washerwoman. For some time
Barney Burns, a marine, and George
Lindsay, a sailor on board the receiving
ship bit. Louis, which is stationed at
League island, have been enamored of
the bright eyed daughter of the woman
who does their washing. The men were
friends and the girl's affections seemed
to be about evenly divided on the two
ardent lovers. How to decide with
which of the two she should cast her lot
was a difficult problem, but the happy
thought of a foot race presented itself.
The arrangements were perfected and
at 0 o'clock the contestants appeared
upon the course, which was two miles
long, accompanied by a large crowd who
had been advised of the contest Burns
stands 6 feet 6 inches in height and
weighs about 200 pounds, while his op
ponent, Lindsay, is lithe and willowy;
and the sports in the crowd were not
long in determining upon the latter as
the favorite.
At the crack of the pistol the lovers
were off at a rapid gait, and until the
tracks of the Greenwich Point extension
of the Pennsylvania railroad were reach
ed kept well together. The pace told
upon Burns' wind, however, and -he
dropped behind, and when Lindsay
reached the end cf the goal his com
petitor was not in sight. The washer
woman's daughter will now become Mrs.
Lindsay. Philadelphia Record.
English Vortlflcatlons In America.
John Bull is preparing to make things
pleasant for ns. He has been of late
especially active in strengthening his
ontposta near the United States. Biz of
the most powerful modem warships are
to be sent to the North Atlantic squad
ron, the summer headquarters of which
are at Halifax and the winter quarters
Bermuda. Halifax is close to the Ameri
can line and only 300 miles from Boston.
Bermuda is only 850 miles from New
York and is heavily fortified.
At Port Royal, in Jamaica, within
one day's sail of Florida by steamship,
Mr. Bull has some very powerful bat
teries. On the little island of St. Lucia
he has a dry dock, a naval station and a
heavy battery commanding one of the
approaches to the month of the proposed
Nicaragua canal. On all these strong
holds money is now being spent, We
all know abont the arsenal, naval depot
and fortifications at Esqnimaalt, and
the warships in these waters. Uncle
Bull has industriously fortified his out
posts as near as possible to the United
States. ,
The increased activity in this work is
only two or three years old. It must be
costing a great deal of money. It mani
fests a very friendly interest in our wel
fare and show that onr jolly old nncle
has his lienevolent eye on us. We shall
have to watch Uncle Bull, too, in the
friendliest way. We must not let him
outdo us in polite attention. Boston
It is believed that a well planned sys
tem for improving the breeds of cattle,
horses and hogs throughout all Canada
will be soon taken in hand by the ad
ministration. This would add greatly to
the value of the permanent "living
plant" of the people and to "practical
politics" in the best sense. ,
A trained bat belonging to William
Hester.of Spring Hill. Pa., conveysmes
sages like a carrier pigeon. Its speed Is
very great more than two miles a
minute. It recently flew a mile in 27
Recent experiments in Queensland
have shown that mother-of-pearl shells
"? made to produce pearls artlfi
A Hotel Beat.
"Let me look at the letters in the B
box, please," said a man to the clerk in
one of the up town hotels this morning.
The elegantly attired gentleman behind
the marble bestowed a stony stare upon
the other individual and in his most icy
tones demanded:
"What name, sir?"
"Brown Alfred Brown."
"We have no mall here for you, sir,"
said the clerk in accents that froze into
icicles as the words dropped from his
lips. "Yon will probably rind it at the
"This set of bores." said the clerk, "is
the worst that beset us. The men who
lounge in our easy chairs, swipe our sta
tionery and make themselves generally
at home in the lobby are nothing com
pared to the fellow who will have his
mail sentinthecareofthehotelofwhich
he is not and has never been a guest.
The public have no idea what a terrible
nuisance and how much time is con
sumed in dealing with these individuals.
As soon as we get onto their racket we
send the letters back to the postofflce.
Many men will take a room for a day or
night at a hotel and then go to a board
ing or lodging house, just for the pur
pom of having their mail sent in our care
and so they can afterward use our sta
tionery. We quickly tumble to them
and send their mail back to the postof
flce, and in nine cases out of ten this will
freeze them out." Washington Star.
A Great Event Missed.
"Come heah ter me," said an old negro
to his son. "Come heah ter me, sab!
Why didn't yer comedown terdebap
tizin like I tole yer ter? Oughter to lie
'shamed o' yesse'f. Gwine die one o'
dese days, an de ole debil gwine ter
git yer, dat's whnt he gwine ter do.
Why didn't yer come down dar, say?"
" 'Case I went roun ter de jailyard ter
see Uncle Ben hung."
"Look hear, he wuzn't hung terday,
wuz her
"Yas, sah."
"Why, 1 thought dat fack wouldn't
come off tell naixt week. How de he
"Oh, he dropped an sorter shuck his
feet er little."
"Did, hah?"
"Yes, sab."
"Did be ting an pray any fore he
"Yes, sah, an shouted.
"He did?"
"Yes, sah."
After a moment of reflection the eld
man ruefully added: "Confoun dat blame
baptizin, done cheated me outen dis day.
Folks will think dat I didn't bab no re-
speck for dat brudder o' mine, nohow.
I 'spue ter see er pusson wid sich er po'
recoleckshun." Arkansaw Traveler.
Chicago Lead. In tilaa Makinf.
The purchase of 80,000 acres of Indi
ana's best natural gas land by Ohio capi
talists and manufacturers has resulted in
making Chicago the distributing point
for the largest daily output of plate glass
in the world. Several Chicago capital
ists have taken a charter under the
laws of Illinois, the amount represented
being $3,000,000. The output will amount
to 20,000 square feet of plate glass per
day, the headquarters of whose distribu
tion will be Chicago. Chicago Timet.
Ornamental Tree Planting.
For street planting, A. Dunning, of the
Illinois Horticultural society, says there
is nothing better than elm, ash, linden
and catalpa. Where soil is dry, hard
maple is among the best, but on wet
black soil is the poorest, For lawn or
grounds, increase the list in proportion
to the size of the grounds; if there is
room plant some which are not generally
claused as hardy, protecting them for a
few years in winter.
Bo Caught the Pickpocket Who Oave lllm
the Chllla.
He was just in from the wilds of the
"UmtamtH" ward, and the "pull" his
aldt'.rmun had with the chief had secured
his promotion, to the dignity of a control
"fly cop."
The importance of his now position
weighed heavily upou him, and hu strug
gled bruvcly to uphold it. The superior
ity of a fly cop over an ordinary patrol
Uian traveling his beat burned deeply in
his brain, and he looked haughtily at
those erstwhile acquaintances who still
wear the blue coats and brass buttons.
One day the now man, with the unfor
tunate who hud been told off as his part
ner, wore sent down to watch for pick
pockets on the St ajf street cable line.
There was little success until suddenly
the newly made fly cop grasped his part
ner's arm. "There's a fellow I've hud
my eyo on for some time," he said proud
ly, "and now I mgomgtoget him. There
he is, the tall guy with the soft hat."
Theexpencnced man looked and smiled
oddly. "Just as well now as any other
time," he murmured softly to himself.
Then ho said, "I don't suppose you want
any help."
Fired with visions of glorv and the
idea of making n single handed capture,
the new man answered, "No, Biree, I'll
take him myself."
Then his partner walked around the
comer whittling in a subdued tone uud
muttering something ubout "fools having
to take their medicine," although there
wasn't a doctor or sick man in Bight.
The man from the Uniteonth boarded
the car and flashed his star on the con
ductor, who, of course, pulled the bell at
once. Then the ambitious detective
walked opto the tall man and said: "I've
got you now. Come along with me."
The gentleman turned and said: "I
guess you've made a mistake, my friend.
You don't know me.
But 1 do, my boy, and that's the
trouble. Come along with me. I've been
looking out fur you for the last two
The people in the car were staring, and
couple of men began looking for their
pockctbooks. Then the tall man said:
"Well, you d better take me to the
That's just what 1 intend to da I
won't call the wagon either."
He looked for his partner, but ho was
not around. So much the better he
alone would get the credit for the arrest
As they walked over toward the city
hall the patrolman on the corners salut
ed, and the Uuiteenth man was in the
seventh heaven. His bravery was recog
nized. As thoy reached the door of the
central station the officers looked up
from their game of "cincb" and saluted
with a "How are you, chief?" Then they
looked at the capturer, and as thoy took
in the situation a roar of laughter burst
He looked around in amazement. Then
the tall man said: "Now, my man, I'm
much obliged for your company. 1 hope
you'll know me the next time. Uore'a
my card."
It read, "George W. Hubbard, Assist
ant Superintendent of Police."
Then the man from the Umteenth
wrote out a request to be transferred
back to bis beat on the corner of West
Forty-eighth and One Hundred and
Fourth streets, and he is there. Chicago
Ill solemn Oath.
A popular comedian tells a story of a
waiter at a London restaurant who was
sadly given to drink. A party of young
men determined to reform him, and one
day they read to him an imaginary par
agraph from a paper relating a terrible
accident in which an inebriate in blow
ing out a caudle was killed by the flame
igniting the alcoholic fumes of bis
breath. James pricked up his ears at
this and requested that the paragraph
might be read to him again, which was
done, to the evident horror of the poor
man, who immediately went In search
of a Bible.
Returning with this, he expressed a
desire to take a solemn oath upon it, be
moaned the fact that he had been a sorry
tippler and was bringing himself to
ruin, and then swore that never again
so long as he lived would he attempt to
blow out a candle. Million.
Hunter Ham Pugh'l Krror.
Sam Ptigh, of this city, was quite seri
ously hurt near Stillwater, O. T., a few
evenings ago. With a party of young
men he was out coon hunting. They
chased an animal several miles, think
ing thoy were trailing a coon, and when
the animal was treed, Pngh climbed the
tree to knock it down. In the darkness
he could not see but what it was a coon,
and he climbed np close to it and struck
it. To his surprise he fonnd the animal
wan a large and ferocious wildcat, which
flew at him, biting and scratching him
in a horrible manner, and causing him
to lose his hold and fall to the ground.
In his fall he struck a limb, fracturing
three ribs and inflicting other severe
bruises. He will be confined to his room
for some weeks with his injuries, Kan
sas City Journal.
The Moose Invited Death.
A bull moose was recently shot in the
Maine woods which had nine prongs on
one hom and eight on the other, the
spread at the antlers measuring five
feet. The animal apparently courted
death, for, while the hunter who shot
him was asleep by his camp fire, in the
middle of the night the animal came np
and smelled him over and awakened
blra. Philadelphia Ledger.
One time wo stood upon the water's edo
That flowed far ooa Into Its parent sea,
And, there wliilu summer uluslieU on field
and helnti
We vowwl to lovo throughout eternity.
And thou, fond heart, host kept that vow
full well
Throufrhoveryoliangothat protean fortune
Hut I am sunken In the waves that swpll
U'er Soylla'a huldoa rooks and am forgot
What stern mischance hath mapped the
golden thread
That bound thy heart in unison with miner
Unless her soul he Nlobn's Instead,
Whose tears may How as feeliugly as thine
From whom may pardon oome if not from
And yet I dare not ask so great a boon.
Whose life la wreuked like thlue? And who
Hath warranty to sing so sad a tune
Yet cease those mournful sighs, as deep per
chance As ever llido for Mmw heaved:
The future lies uoyonil; the recompense
Of time Is most tor her who most hath
Ono hope I have that absence cnunnt take.
Ono longing that the world can never steal;
When life Is done. III other spheres to wake,
Ami at thy feel a worshiper to kneel.
-St. Ueorge llcst In Uood Housekeeping.
London's Theater Curtains.
One of the finest curtains in this coun
try is at the Lyceum thenter. On It all
that art can do has been lavished. Made
of a rich, beautiful plush of dragon's
blood hue, it hiiugH from the proscenium
arch in artistic folds. The curtain was
presented to Mr. Irving by the liaionees
Bnrdott Coutts. its cost being 1,000
guineas. One thousand yards of plrnA
were used in its mmiutncture, and it
achieved the fame of once being parodied
in a Gaiety burlesque,
Mr. Wyndhttiu's curtain at the Crite
rion is a creation of Maple & Co. and
cost about i'lSU. At the Gaiety the pres
ent act drop is the work of Mr. George
Bunks. The artist's conception takes
the form of a great whitn satin cloth,
with a solitary figure opening two cur
tains. The Savoy curtain is noted both
for its beauty and the artistic manner in
which it rises and reveals the stage. The
act drop at the Adelpht, the home of
"creepy" melodrama, is a curtain which
has nuirked the resting places of count
less pieces of the transiiontiite type. It
represents a scene in Shorwood forest
in the days of Robin Hood and his mer
ry, merry men. London Million.
A certain lin use breaker win contletmieil
iu the i tit ter mr, of tin- hint century In
Franca, anil umlr ijeeullur circtm.Hti.ucpfl,
to 100 yearn in the K'ill"V, ami, stmnjfe to
relate, thin inttn but niwl liin Hunwmiiice
In hi own native province at the advanced
agM of 120, lie being nlmut twenty yoarn of
age when the mhiuhjm? which cnmlemnwl
him to bo .irenilfnl a pimitthnieut was
Jtisdlftlcuitto coiu'eivtt whnt the ftwl
inga must have Uwu with which he re
turned us soon iih i'liiitiifipated from the
shackle winch had e nth ml led him for a
century, to breathe mm more the cherished
air of the wwnea of hi infancy, Bourn, in
the department of Ain, wuh bin native
home; hut time hurl ho uiutdi changed the
axpect of the whole place time he recog
nized it only by the old church of Hrou,
which waa the only thing that had under
gone no alteration, lie hud triumphed
over lawn, bondage, man, time, everything.
ISot a relation had he left, nob a Mingle be
ing could he hail us ttn acquaintance; yet
he wax nob without exiieriuncmg the hom
age and respect lite French invariably pay
to old age.
Jt'ur himself, he hail forgotten everything
connected with his early youth; even all
recollect! oo of the crime fur which he had
suffered watt lout or, if at nil remembered,
it was butatt a dreary vihioii, contoundeu
with a thousand other dreary viaioiw of
days long gone by. Hi family and con
nections for several generations all dead,
himself a living proof of the clemency of
heaven and the seventy of man, regret
ting perhaps the very Irons which had
been familiar to him, and half wishing
himself again among tho wretched and
suffering beings with whom his fate had
been so long associated well might he be
called the patriarch of burglars. New
York Ledger.
The most recent observations as to the.
amount of heat Die earth receives from
tho Bun show that in clear, pleasant
weather 6i6 por cent, of hunt is absorbed
by the atmosphere and only !M, per
cent, reaches the soil. This figure rises
in October to 41 per cent, and sinks to
26 per cent, in January,
A thief stole forty-six large Parmesan
cheeses of the best brand, valued at$(i0C,
from a merchant in Parma. Upon being
pursued ho managed to escupe capture,
but, though out of danger, remorse at
having lost his previous good reputation
caused him to commit suicide two days
after the robbery.
Moralizer The good die young.
Philosopher And we all getting so
olul Uhicago Times,
P f"iViisru-';-J?f
flSH BR 1
TklsTrsee Msrklsoothskttt
SKS2 In the World I
N. P. N, U. 1JA.10-S. F. N. U. No. UK
P s leiij,
Regulator of the Livorand Kidneys
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And All Other Blood sod Skin Disease.
It Is ft nrwltive euro for all thoitc painful, dull-
cute complaint and complin,.!, trnubloa and
weiikueM-coiiiinun amuiig our wlvea, rui.thura
and (ItiiJKutcr.
The ell-'ot in immediate and tout luff. Two or
three dfwtw of int. I'aiuikk's Kkmbi'V ukon dally
Keeps tne moon emu, im itvur itna Kidneys na
ive, and will fliitlrelverudleate Iron, the svKlvni
nil trace of Hern lulu, Suit Khuunt, or any ollmr
lorm 01 inooa ameoae.
No medlrlne over introduced In thin rmintrv
had met wlih Mich ready sale, nor ffiven Mich
universal sHtlcftietlon who never used tta that vi
Thin remeilv liar been U'fd In the hospitals
Oi route limn the old wurld lor the past twentr
ItYe years as h upeclfle for the above dlaeawm.
and It ha and will mire when ul) other o-tuilleu
remeillea tail.
Head lor pamphlet of testimonials from those
who have bVen rttrcd by It mn. PrugKit aeli
it ai l. uo per but tie. Tryltanu be euuvineed.
For aide by
B and II Front St., 8an Francifeo.
Buyers' Guide STORE.
Tub Hi'YKHJt' guide ia mibllMhed the 11 rut of
eaeh month. It in Untied in the In to rest of all
coimumerK It K-vt Mm lowent raah iitiotalloiip)
'V.tryttiiriK in tin- sroovry lint.1. It will aavc
von nidiiov to consult it, MalM frw lo anv
addrtwt on iippllrallnu. Don't be without H,
It flOHiH you nothhix toKt It. It qnotef wlnri
aide price dtrwt to tho conaiiraur. Mention
mi pupur, aiiu rem
ISO Front Htmit. - l'ortland, Or.
Purity and
To Introduce ottr Powder. w bava da.
tonuitwdtodlatrltmto among the conaonv
ra nam tor or oahii phizes, to
tlio peraon orolilb returning on the Irtnrwt
numtwrofcertlllcawaonor bafora Juno J.
1H94. wowlllRiveacaali prize of 9100. and
oUmueit largest, numeruua oibttrprtea
ranging ftotu & US76 IN CAtjU.
Boschec's German Syrup is more
successful in the treatment of Con
sumption than any other remedy
prescribed. It has been tried under
every variety of climate. In the
bleak, bitter North, in damp New
England, in the fickle MiddleStates,
in the hot, moist South every
where. It has been in demand by
every nationality. It has been em
ployed in every stage of Consump
tion. In brief it has been used
by millions and its the only true and
reliable Consumption Remedy. 9
KNOW that Uiculdi'st
ninl lien. I'hulo-i'iiKiav-lnK
olll'.-e In Hun Fran
rlmu was HMnhllrtlu'd
in IHT7 by the Miuimjwr
of til" DKWKY I'.N
tiUAVINO CO., who
huHumirtd tint In Hat
mill lnHt I in provf -nii'iilH-Nforn
ami a Inlt ('(iiiipliitmiiil
of Hit! must iipproveil
tniKililtiury, plidifi up
parafiirj.powiTfiiU'lt'o lilrllKlil8Pi!. iliivlriff
S.F,MeeAani intMlMttMitot.imK Mp.iic and
plonpitr Co. turns out the liluln-at cluns of work
promptly, rWlulily ami at Uniformly mod unite
iulevri for all hlmlu of ongruvf or. I'nhllshKOf holjicd
to Hi' t tip aui'cliil Ihwh-b. Jul printers uud othcra
HlioulilHfinI fur Hiiumlim.fiiUimilcH anil Informiiilon.
A.T.DKWKy.Manmfor.Murkiitat., H, p , Uul,
rrMUiriiirariUt. Ha CmU tvttlt.