The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 22, 1893, Image 1

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    , J! i n '1 .? u 5
" " 111 i ' it-- rui t Mir: i " ;., .-? - ; l .' " : -'.
Onn year , $2 00
(If Mta in wlviiiiBu, $1 flu per your,)
fllx mnntliN , , no
Threw moivAiH ,,,,, ,.,, AO
inglo millet. .-.,. 05
Secret Soolertteis.
I,KHAKON I.O.H1K. NO. 47, 1,0, 0. K,Wftotfi
every Htflunlny ovmiiiiffat Odd Tullnws flail, at
o'dtimii p. m,
A. A. KliKH, . fi.
VKAKUtElWCCA MHMJR, NO. 47, 1. . 0. F.
UtKiunt I. 0, 0. F Hull tlrHt Hud ;tl)lrtl Wwlnwt
flay pwiilHKN f oattli month .
Lmu oLoiMiR, Na,44 A- . A A. M.-Mwtn
Htturiiity HVniii(, on orbefore the tWH moou Id
E E, Hammck, W. M,
Brttior Uuw No. !W. JL O, P. Wv MeeU every
Tuovtny uvtmiiiK W u A, K. Hall.
Wil 1.8. CoifwrNKV, M. W,
OA. Zaun, Hue,
k'j, MKiiimt OAwr, No. m ?nrv ofOrtmio
-Vjhudp Vkt'h. Mwit. 1TIK4.A. U.IhII, Uilmium,
Or.; every rimunliiy waning. ts c!tt tin- third
thtutrdity ofiwclt uumfh, uhh-Uiih tin! third Fri
day IiiHtffHd. All urutfiyix or' Vie HnitN of Vct
cnoisnml finnmrlcHtit'ilH' (1. A.:lt. tin; cordially
tnMuid to muut with the camp.
X. 1). Mo TIlt'K, Cupt.
vA, On ADAM-, Fintt Set.
Attorneys at Law,
itkillecttuiis Kivim ismmjit mini careful atleirtioti.
Wilt iinu'ttre in nil tlii! courts nf lliu matt.
nin'ICK w col'KTRW-s llluCK.
Lrhanok, Okhcion.
" leattorforfl & 'Cliainborlalnr"-ATTORNEYS-AT
- LAW,
W.B M&rKU,
J. 11 WT-ATT.
Attorney-at - Law,
Be Kure4i)iti Cull on
Albany, Ocegon,
EeatiagStoves, CootStoves, &s.
BEST ,U0018. jget
Learn Telegraphy.
AddreSH, (
Oreirouian Bujddine.
St. Charles Hotel,
Coniur Main w& Hhermuu fltrooUi,
BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor,
First-Class in all Apartments,
Hpeuiul lUUiiillun pukl fo Com
nioi'tilul inen..-
Boai-d uiul I.tidglnj!, per day, $1 to I
(2; per weuk R60 to j(l . j
' .'
In the County Court of the State of Ore
Ron for the County of Linn.
In the mutter of the estate of) Citation,
Jonn M. J. Lovcnll, Deceased. (
To Then Wilson, Emily Walker,
Harah Itiley and to the unknown heir or
heire of Jcrmeiah Loveull deceowd, and to
all others known and unknown, intcreeted
In iioid Jtstatt.. firoctiug.
Intlienauieof ; he Stale of Oregon, You
heri'by oited and roqulrtd to appear in the
Cmiity Oyirt of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Linn. t the Court Kfimti
thereof, at A Ihnny, In tl County of Linn
on Moinlay the and day of Oetober, 1893. at
1 o'olodt in the afternoon of that day, then
and (litre to show cai if any you have,
WHjr .Misapplication of J. H. Loveall Ad
iniuit.ratorof the tMtute of John M". .1
LokiuiII, decoaned, to nell the real property
ueionguig to wild onbttc, dciBtribed a fol
low, to-wit: ... r
.MeRinniiiR at a mint SevcnW EWit, nut,
rods North of tl South-cast corner lf
llishard and Louisa I.. Cheadle's Donatioti
Und Claim, Sot. Ha. 2,101). Claim So.,55
ill Linn County, Oregon; thence South
Seventy Eight .J8) roda to said corner;
Uionec west Kightv-one (811 rods:
3orth Eighty () rods; thence in anEast
erulv coiiree.Eighty-one 81) and a imetion
rods to the plaoe of beginning, contalnihg
forty 40J seres in Linn County, Oregon,
should not lie granted. '
Witucss, the i-Jon. J. N. Duncan, Judge
of the County 'Court of the State of-Oregon,
for the Count' of Linn, with the Seal of
Said Court nOineii, thin 18th day of August,
A. 1)., 18113.
Attest; K. I1. Payne, Clerk. J!y II. J).
Payne, )cuiy.
Heal )
In the (,'lruull Court of tlavdtatewr Ofiwn. for
Hie l-'ualily ul. I.i ImldilUf temn aIIiuuv.
Stale ul OKnm, Uouuly M Um. , f. B.
lldllMlltl. .1. M. S.'lt.l( lltnl .1' X U..,uiu
I'laimllls. ' ; J. S ZZZ"'-
C. HacaJiimiui anil l':nrrp Hneklmiiioi, his
win.', wine t,im, Henry Diiltculmtier ,w. 1.
llntiii, lining ImhmtiN, uuilerthe linn imiih and
style ot llitlluiiluiliei-, llmiK &. l.. 'X p. (iruinlitll
duliiK InisliniM miller the linn muiic anil style ul
1 . 1'. Criuiiiull a l.'u., tiurri)tNini. VWimlrult'. frail
Cn a ci,riiatiiui, and N. Weinberger, Deleml
auls. T,i r. P t:u,all ,l.,ti
liitine anil style 1,1 T. I', tiratulall ..ti On., Uurrol
HoiKlrnU. 1'rntt Co., a Miqwoulou, and N.
melnliei'ner, vl snld delt'Tiilimls.
In tin, Niuneiir the unite t,f On,Kiin :-Yini are
hereliy luiulird lu upiwar mid. .answer the cum
,liii,il llletl autimsl yon in tl,e ul,ove entitled suit
ny Hie llral ilw ul'tlie term nl ilniNiiil 1,'iiun, noil
f.uniiiiu i,i ine iiuiinriiiiun ot tnis
slnnHiiiiiK, uwvlt: liy the limi'tli Ali.mltiy nl iiiiti,!,.
or, ism , ll,e wmii Miuj lliessl day ol (lotuter,
m. and 11 jiiii lull so, m aiisner. fur want there
nl, the tiliiliullls will ai,,ly to the court for the
relict (leliuntllell In the coiiuJalnt, m-wtt: For
jinlltiiieiil iwalnsl said ili'feniljini l.'. t1. Hm'iih..
man, fur SWm.llf,, ami intmesi iluirann at the
rale ul III j,ui unl. per milium from the ffiiii day
ill July, INK, mid the lurllier win of tffituw al
liiiiiey s lee uutl Inr tln-ir ,nto and disliurse
inmils. utid lor it decree fur Hie limteliisurc of their
liiiirlpiuc, iisaitiilnsl all said defendants, 1111 tlie
lolliwing diMcrlhud real eMails silualed in l.liui
.iiuiily. muk el 'Oregon, tu-u-lt: !,ms une in. nr
2. llimellll. Ivnr live Hi), six (li, seven 171,
eWit (i lili)e.;ll), tun (HI), Itlnek No. sis 11
n J. M. KalMiiu's fourth nddltlim m t,e Tuvvn nl
Uilslliou, jind for .the reliiniuiliiiu
ul said .murlKUBe U,K , sitld
i i-TOuy kmu. ma UK proii eds uf said stile
twilled In .atlsfuutiiiii uf said liidioiient. and
that the claims anil iiiteresls uf sll said del'eiid
ants arc suI,ncv,I"'iu and junior lu tniullt!'s tnurl
anite and lur siaili other to the eutii'l niuv
seem meet iiiid,eiiiinilile.
'fills imlilleall'iu Is Hindu ,l,y order of Hun.
lion. H. hiiruult, .hnlge uf tile ahiivo entitled
I'l.ur duly m,iih ,ui the liiih dav of Aiigusi ISB,
and llletl on lhe;riud day of August ISSili.
M.iw'i. Al. H1.ANI, null 'ruivt: ,t Sus, nils.
Attys. fur riiiinlilfs.
The plunieoiveninc down like a wolf on
the fold,
With his imdlitils well lade, with silver
and gold,
And for four mortal hours miado love to
the cook,
And 17ohutsetl up in his hosik.
i. -Ex.'
-Buy your gi-ootiries ut PuelilerV uiul
wo money.
'fflid gold or silver made into tie
rtiiHc pins &u., at Uurdy'd,
nJfUn1 MMr Cre""1 11T P0wfe-N0 Ammonia; No'Alun,.
Used lB Millions of H0mes-4o Years the Standard.
mrt l the S
of Marion,
In Hie Circuit Court Of the Slate of Ore.
onn fill 1.1, p flniinlv
qw.., j -- -- y
. M, L, llmeuiMi l'hwitil
" V, '. ,
Mrs. Susan lVehlel OctniWUftt,
Notice Is hereby given, lhat by virture of
an Execution and otd of a sale dtilv
issued out of the abovnanied court in
tlie above entitled aofji to me directed
aud delivered, I willoniftlurday the 23rd
day of September, IB; tthe front door
ol the court house, in that city of Albany,
Linn County, Oregon the hour of one
o'clock P. M. ot said day, sell at public
auction for cash in haiii to the highest
bidder, all the right, M4 and interest of
the above named defendant. Susan Pncnlpr
iu and to the real property heretofore at-
tacnen in the anove entitled action the
same being described as.$llows towit :
Beginning at tho north-east corner of
of block five 8) in J. li: fcalston'sSrd ad
dition to the town TllOWAtVl of Lphlmnn
aeeordingtj the original inaps and plats
.c,,;u, uuw oi rocoru in me tteeoroer s
office in Albany, Linn Cotintv. Oreunn.
and runuingdne south fifty-six and two-
tniras leet, thence due west to ihe west line
of said block; thence forth fiftv-ii nod
two-thirds feet to tlie aorth-westcorner of
said block; thence due east to the place ot
beginning, all of the said urnnertv hrimr
tituated in the city of Lebanon, County
oi i.itin, ana state ol Oregon. The pro
ceeds of said eule will be applied, lirst, to
toe payment ol tfte original costs and dis
bursements of said suit taxed at J24.10
and the oocruing cost . of and upon said
execution. Second, to the payment of the
plaintili's claim auiounifuig to tlie sura of
WW-W in V, S. gold uh with interest
thereon at the rate of per cent, per an.
num in like coin from ie 14th day of July
181)3 aud the overplus iStttiy u he paid to
tlie defendant, Susan I'ofbler.
Hated this nili day ofUupust, 1893.
. . . : , Sheriff of Liuu County, Oregon.
How is This?
Something unique even in these
days, of mammoth premium offora. it.
Ik the latest effort of Stafford's Mmr.
slue, a Mew York monthly of home
and general reading.
The proposition is to end the Maga
zine one year for onedollar (he regular
subscription price; and iu addition to
send each subscriber fifty-two com
plete novels during ihe twelve months
one each week.
Think of it. You receive a new i,rf
complete novel by mail. iot. n.M
every week for fifty-two weeks, ami In
addition you get the magazine once a
month, for twelve mouths, all for one
dollar. It ia au offer which the pub
lisher can only afford to make in tlie
coiilldent expectation of getting a
hundred thousand new subscribers.
Among the authors of the coming
series are, Wilkie Colling, Walter Bea
ant, Mrs. Oliphanl. Marv Oenli h
loreiine Marryat, Antnouey Trollop
. ..onau uoyie. Mm Brnddon, C'ap
taiu Marryat, Miss Thaidtorv ,.)
Jtile Verne. If you wish tt) take ad
vantage of this unusual onnortiinliv,
seim one dollar for Stafford's Maga
zine one year. Your first copy of the
magazine and your first number of the
fifty-two novels (oneeacli week) which
you are to receive during the year will
lie seat you by return mail, iiemit by
P. O. order, registered letter or ex
press. Address
H,8IA?,F0BD' Publisher,
owwtttou's magazine.
P. 0. Box 2264,
New York, N. Y
Please mention this paper.
A Hoy As-alii.
The director 'of oiii of our large cor
porations was In the habit of prowling
around the ofll3e. One morning lie
happened to come across the dioner
pail of the offlee-hoy. His curiosity led
him to take off tbe cover. A slice of
home-made bread, two doughnuts and
a piece of appie-pie tempted the mil
lionaire's appetite. He became aboy
again, and the dinner-pail seemed t'
be the one he carried sixty years aK.
Just then the offlce-boy came in and
surprised tlie old mail eating Ihe pie
he had finished the bread and dough
nuts. "That's my dinner you're eating!"
said the boy.
"Yes, sonny, I suspect it may he;
but its a first rate one for all that, I've
not eaten so good a one for sixtv years."
"There," he added, as he finished
the pie, "take that and no out and huv
yourself a dinner: but vou won't mt en
good a one," and he handed the boy a
nve-aonar bill.
For days after, the old man kent re
ferring to the first-class dinner he had
eaten from the boy's pail. Ex.
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.
From the Troy (Kansas) Chief.
Some years ago we were very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; and now when we feel any of the
symptoms that usually preceed that
ailment, such as sickness at the stom
ach, diarrhoea, etc., we become scary.
We have found Chamberlain's (!,,li,.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the
very thing to straighten one out in
sucii cases, and always keen it about.
We aie not writing this for a pay tes
timonial, but to letjujr ..readers know
wnat is a good thing to keep handy in
me nouse. J"'or sale by M, A. Miller
You can get better cabinet size pict
ures at crawlord & Faxton's in Alba
ny for Jl 50 per dozen than at other
gainies lor any price. Our work is
guaranteed. Permanent gallery es
tablished for 33 years. No poor work
allowed to go out. Come and see us
AlbailV. 1st street. K.y.H,. nr..
ic Temple.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is herein- given that the m-nnrf.
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned, under the linn name of
Altlricb Weeks, at Lebanon, Linn Co.,
Oregon, including tlie Champion Mill
Company, has been and is this day dis
solved by mutual consent of the parties,
(1. W. Aldrich having purchased the in
terest of W. C. Weeks, who retires thei-pfm,,,
Th? business will hprenfler hp eur,.;,l I...
0. W. Aldrich. the purchaser thereof, who
hereby assumes all nartnerahin lpl,i. ,,,!
who alone is authorized to collect and re
ceipt lor all debts due the late linn.
W. C. Weeks.
Dated this :Mib day of Aug., 1893.
Wood Sawing.
We will start our wood saw in Leba
non about the 7th. of Sent. Our nrl
will be 40 cents, 60 eerns and 10 per
cent discount for cash. Special rates
on large jobs. We solicit your work.
Taylor, Stom-kvant & Co.
Pumps and pipe down to Alban
prices. F. C. Avniw & Co,
We will take wheat, oats or hay in
payment for subscription for the Ex
I'KKSS. He bad a sorrel trotting horse,
Which was so pesky slow,
He named him Chinese, after a while,
Leeiuise he wouldn't go.
All parties indebted lo Cruson &
jvienzies lor twine, wi take notice that
oneoentper lb. and Interest will be
added after Oct. 1. These are the con
ditions we will have to comply with
and we don't wish to slight our custo
NO 3)
Another Train Robbery,
HotlOHToN, M'lCU . . .
o'clock this tuning, ffafl he(, uraml
nibbed by bandits a half mile from
BOStoU HtnMflll nbnilt a hull I,,,,,.
Tlie robbers secured 75,000 in cash.
It'.e money was intended for the em-
ployes of the Calumet & Hecla copper
mine.. The express car was lu charge
of Messenger D. Hogan, and there
were no special yuards. The train was
within half a mile of a little station
called Boston, five miles from here,
when a man flagged the train. The
engii.eer quickly applied tbe brakes,
no thought of train robbers- entering
his mind. The man disappeared be
hind the station-house, and us the train
stopped two women passengers got off.
At that moment a masked man jumped
ou the locomotive and nninteri ruvnl.
ver at Engineer Schuler aud ordered)''
him to stop. The fellow pushed the)
engineer into a corner of the nh Jut
grasped tbe lever to keep the engine
moving slowly. Fireman Sutherland
jumped out and was met bv two if iho
robbers, who fired at him, ordering
him back. Two more robbers Iu the
- meantime got on the front end of thn
express car, and with a sledge smashed
in the car door. They compelled tlie
messenger to open the safe. The rob
bers, after leaving the train, disttp-
peared In the woods. Among the
passengers, who weie ignorantof what;;.
1 lla(i 'aken place, was Teller Fish, of
the First National bank of Huneok,
with $40,000 In currency In his pockets,
but the robbers did not know it. Four
suspects have been arrested and the
evidence. against them seems to be
very strong.
Married, at Oregon City, Sept. 10th,
1893, Miss Cora Simmons and W. T.
Ramdell, both of Howell prairie, Rev.
G. W. Giboney officiating. Mr. am
Mrs. Ramsdell are ill the city takii.g
in the fair, and will visit friends In
I.inn and Polk counties, after which
they will locate iu a home on his farm
in Howell.-Salem Journal.
Among the incidents of ehiwi.,rf
tfcal stand out in bold relief, as our
memory reverts to the days when we
were young, none are more nrominent
than severe ' sickness. The ynuug
mother vividly remembers that It w,m
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured
ler of croup, and In turn odministem
it to her own offsnrinir and nlu,,,
with the best results. For sale by M.
A. Miller. Druee-ist.
If reports are anywhere near corrppi
some of the hop pickers who are pick
ing for Dr Davis, near Harrlsburg, are
or were in very near destitute cii.'iiin
stances in the culinary line. Soma ',
families' sole food for two weeks win
nothing but potatoes, which Dr. Davis
hauled by (he wagon load and gave
them away without asking the least
bit of compensation. People may get
hard up but there is no dm, f
starving to death in this coon,,.,,
Halsey News.
Lebanon public school will oieu
next Monday, Sept. 25th, with Prof
Michener as principal, aud Miss Fan
nie Griggs, Miss Abbie Fry and Mrs
Funk (Lute Wiley will occupy
Mrs. Funk's place, lor the present ) as
assistants. It behooves every parent
to see that their children are 'nm.i.
.,. j .... .. . , 7 i-.'j uie nisi, any and started on
an equal footing with every student in
the school. It is with the parents to
make a good school just as much or
more than It is with rl,. ru..i,
Start your children the first day, pro
vide them with the necessary hooks
with which to Intelligently pursue
. . course or study, and then tee
that they are there each and every d-y
to keep pace with their class. Unl- i
this 18 done, no teacher, o mtKter
what the ability, can m.t,. .
i "I
mers. I
- .1 I''-'-
of our institutions of learning.
'r' :.',;'.''';.; :-' ;:.:;'