Lebanon Express. CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR 6KCORPEK TREASURER... MARSHAL ft. A. MILLER, F. M. MIIAER, J. A. ROBERTO. P. W. MOKUAK, f J. 0. BILYRU, ooTOomntKjnsbK. 'G.M. WE8TFALL, City Council meets on the lint and third Tuesday evenings of each month. J. W. Menzies' sister of Portland is visiting him this week. Melvin A. Williams has again entered the Albany college. Lile Parker and family have re turned home from the mountains. ED. C. PHELPS, Notary Public, Waterloo, Oregon. Conveyancing promptly attended to. Busmen with the Land Office, Post-office, 4tr Pension Bureau mill receive apeeial at tention. BARBER SHOP eat Shaven, Hair Out 01 8hampo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO BT. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. Albany Steam Lanndry RICHARDS & PHILLIPS, Proprs, Albany, Oregon All Orders Receive Promt Attention. Special Sates for Family Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Kelunded. R. S. ROBERTS, Agent, Lebanon, Oregon A Scientific American TO I f I f I i ill I f .AI 'MKT CAVPATB. TRADE mark. OESIOH PITCHTr. uTiniunnsiT(nsnQ rree Handbook write to HUNN CO- 361 BROADWAY, NlW YORK. Oldest bureau for wearing patents tn America. tnerj patent taken out by us ia brought before Una public by a nouoe gtrea free of oiLarge to ttae StitMvt mtiau tsmtt circulation of any sc.ent.flo paper fa the world. Splendidly illuntrtted. No iotellidcot man abould be without it. Weekly, fl.'f.OO a fear: ll-Winlx mpntas Addreno JIIJNN 4 CO VuuoiL&uA, HOI UraaUwiajr, ew York cuy. Mineeai Springs Seminary, JLOCATED AT -eSODAVILLE, OREGON.- W. V. McGEE, A. B. Principal First Terra Begins Monday, Oat 2, 1893. GENERAL REMARKS. Sodaville, the seat of Mineral :Springs Seminary, is in Lirm County, Oregon, 4J miles east of Lebanon and 18 miles eouth-east of Albany. It is on a dry, high knoll J mile south of Sodaville Springs. From this building, which is well arranged for school purposes, can be seen some of the most beautiful scenery in all Oregon. Looking north-west and west, down a delightfully rich valley, can be seen Peterson's Butte, which lifts itself grandly 2,000 feet above its base. Lebanon is viewed plainly; Albany can be seen dimly; and across the Willamette Valley the Coast range presents a beautiful picture. Sodaville is a great health resort, The Springs hav ing fine medical properties, besides having the advantage of pure mountain air, Houses for rent cheap; board reas onable in good families. Boys can bach cheap. Course of Study in Mineral Springs Seminary. I. Advanced Course. Albany Collegiate Institute AL ANY, OREGON. Xfltll Term Begins September 13t ' FIBMT YEAR. Firnr Tprm Almhra Rharnrln Mental Bcienceililocutioii ilrstlerm Algebra Rhetoric & Mod'n Hiafy; or Music fiemnd Term Almhra Rhetoric Mental 8cicnce!Elociltlon Wecond lerm Algebra Rhetoric & M(jd,n HWy m M(a,c Third Term Algebra Botany Chemistry El "ai"hip Fourth Term Algebra Botany Chemistry """Sj'lilusio First Term Second Term Third Term Fourtb Term Geometry Oeometry Book-keeping Book-keeping Astronomy Logic Geology Zoology iAnc't HiHt'ry &;Pennianship IKngl'h Lit'ture, or Elocution 'Med'val Hist. Penmana'p, El jEngl'h Lit'tureSoeut'n or Music Political lr I Economy'"""1 History of the jr ., IEiirI'Ii L'guage""1" II. Preparatory Course. , UIVK VX2A.lt. A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. tTSTATE DIPLOMAS TO NORMAL GRADUATES Eour Departments of 8tudy Collogiate, Normal, Business, Primary-Type-Writing and Shorthand are tiiuglit'. For catalogue addross Rev. ELBERT N. C0NDIT, A. M President Don't Fool With Fates! If yourself or friends wish to be cured of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the Genuine Keeloy Treatment, which is the only safe, reliable and permanent cure in distance. Genuine Keeley In timites, with most favorable surround ings, at Forest Grove and Roseburg. IS-Writefor Particulars. Correspondence Confidential. Go and see the Assortment -AT- Bead Peacock & Go X New Store They will treat ou right. Tjela,iiOu mid .Aitmny, Oregon. First Term Second Term Third Term Fourth Term Arithmetic Arith luetic Arithmetic Arithmetic Physiology Physiology Philosophy Philosophy English Gmm'r Kloculiuii mid Ami lysis or Music English Uram'r Elocution mid Analysis or Music .English Urum'riPtiiiiiuijsliip & Composition or Music .English Ciniiu'r Pcmiiiiiislili. & Composition or Music Lebanon Planing 111 Jlanufacturetiand deals In Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Frames, Counters, Shelving, Scroll and Tamed Work of every De scription. Stair Bnllding a Specialty. A Full Stock of Kough and Dressed Lumber on the Yard. Vour patronage solicited, WILSON & CHASE, III. Grammar School Courses. These Courses will embrace Luimuuiru. lienimmhv. TJ. ti. History. HiihII. lug, Arithmetic, Algebra, Heading anil Writing, and will be divided Into three grades, viz: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. IV. Primary School Courses. These Courses will embrace all primary studies, preparatory to the Grammar School, and will bo divided Into three grades, viz; First, Second, Third; and will receive instructions In the latest und best methods of teaching CHARACTER OF THE INSTITUTION. Mineral Springs Seminary is Denominational, but not wtilwiuit. Ills the property of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, held and controlled by the Oregon Synod of said Church. It is conducted upon such a basis as to lie unobjectionable to any persons favorably inclined toward any Evangelical denomination of Christian. The school is open to both Boxes. Students must deport themselves as ladies und gentlemen; thereby adhering strictly to all the school regulations. The First Term Will Begin Monday, Oct. 2, 1893. tuition-Rates per Teum, ok Ten Weeks. In Primary School 1 - . . . 93.00 In Grammar School - . . . 3,50 In Preparatory School In Hegular or Advanced School I " " Instrumental Muslo One lesson a week - 5.00 . Vocal Music alone, per lesson - - . .50 Tuition must Id all cases be paid, or satisfactory arrangements made for its payment, before the names of students are entered on the rolls. W. V. McGEE, A. B., Principal. JOB PRINTING OF ALL KIND Done at this Office on short notice, a xm tip u.uyiu' Bljuciul MuiiiiKer for G. E. HAHDY, Lebanon, Oregon. Watchmaker AND Mfg. Jeweler. Dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. All Work Fully Warranted. Lebanon Meat Market,. WEISNER & BUHL, Proprs. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, Sausage Bo logna, and Ham, "Bacon and Lard Always on Hand. Main Street, Lebanon, Or.