VOL VII LEBANON, OREGON., SEPTEMBER 15, 1893. NO 2 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year. t2 00 (ir paid In advaim, U Hu jk yew.) Bli months.. tt .............. 1 DO Three mniiihR W tagta oopieii , H,.H,...m.H.H,H..... 06 Seorat Sooletre. LUBAHON WTKli, KO, 7, 1,0. 0. f-Wmn fen Sotiinlty evenlug M (MM Fellown D11, at . clock p. m. L A. KKKH.K. G, K. C. PETERSON, Sect'y. PF.4HI.REBKCCA 1-OIKH, SO. 47. 0 F. Meels at 1. 0. 0. F Hall lim aud ; tlilrd TNcirMa .y .ntap of ..el. "teEKMmi N. G. DOIXIE BALTMARHH, M'y beat 0 Lnimlt. No. 44 . F. A. 'M.-Miicb. Saturday evening, on or before the fun muciu in tub month. , T. . HIL1.KH, Bee. Snaor bonus, No. w. i.'O.TJ. Wi-Meotn every Teemlay evening at (1. A. K. Hull. Da. Communr, H. W. 'C. A. Zahk, Rec. Oi'LMikkk Camp, No. W mvofOMufi SoOFVT.-Mfel IiiG.A, R. Hall, Malum, Or., every Saturday evening. ntA the third liiiirriv nfuu-h miuitli. BitwtlllK tile third Kn ot; lnad. All brother of the Hone of Vet era aim mmnimiM in . j. , miv w..j ta"lw" """" w',h UM !JTie Tm:, CP.. A.CSADA1X, First Hum. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW, LEBANON. OKEUON. Weathertord & Ctaberlaln, ATTORN EYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OEEGON. W. R BILTEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKEOON. J. R. WYATT, Attorney- at - Law, ALBANY, OttEGON. STOWE at SON! ERS Attorneys at Law, TITLKH KXAMINE1). Cellefllimti given ffrnjit mid eareftil attention. Will proellce In all the eourts of the state. omttt IN UiiaiTNRV'S BBICK. LKUANUN, Okbuon. FORTBILLER 4 1BVIMG, DliALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, CAttPiCTrf, WALL PAPEH AXD; IMCTUKKKMAMm Unriertaknff a Specialty. ALBANY, OREGON Learn Telegraphy. A TRADE. IT PAYS. HUCC'l'IKH KIT J.IK. AililrcMi, I. r" ,v in ouv, On'UnlilUll llllihlillK. l'OKTl.ANU, OCN. St. Charles Hotel, Ooi-mjr Muiu mid HIhtiphii SlrndlK. BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. HlKtoinl iitU'lition palil toCcnu nituviul UHii. BoBrd and LodgliiK, per day, $1 to (2;i rweek H60toW ClUtlon. In the Osunty Court of the Bute of Ore gon for the County of Linn. In the matter of the estate of) Citation, Jonn 11.41. Loveall, Deceased. To Thereea Wilson, Ktuily Walker, Sarah 'Uilcy and to the unknown heir or hem-of-Jernieiah Loveall doceased, and to all oUura known and unknown, interested in said Estate. Greeting. In the name of . he State of Oregon, You hereby cited and required to apiear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the Court Boom thereof, at Albany, in the County of Linn on Monday the 2nd day of October, BM. at l'clock in the afternoon of that lay, then and there to enow cause if any you have, wily the application of J. H.I jmtli .Ad ministrator of the estate of Joton M.. J. Loveall, deceased, to Mil the r nil property belonging to Baid estate, dew sited ae ol sowa, to-wlt: Beginning at a point Beve ttj Eight (78) irodi North of the South-" m eomer of Richard and Louisa I- Che tiVs Donation .Land Claim, Not. No. 2309., ClaimJ4o.ee, in Linn County, Oregon;, itrence Booth Seventy Kigbt 78) rods t said .corner; thenoe west Eighty-one ( mroda; thence North Eighty (80) rods; t hem in n East emiv course Eighty-one ' (ajand :e fraction rods to rite place of beg suing, .aentaimng forty 40J acres in Lim t K'loauty, Oregon, should not be granted, Witness, the Hon. J. JL Duncan, Judge 01 the County Courtof Uit JSuaeaf Oregon, for the County of Li an, with .the Seal of Baid Court affixed, thi t attii Uay'Of August, A. I)., 1883. Attest; N. P. Payi le, (Clerk. Ky B. M. Payne, Deputy. i Heal Silt lu the V.imitf (lourt af iiw Su' uf OrcgtHi.for inu (Mumyur uuu, n jtaibg lenuc u Aiuauy. Htulvul Orviruu. C Muitv ofLimi. n. W. Doiihcu. J.M.MuUlei tndJ. A. itaiwrti, Ttuhwmjb, I'ittuiunB. (I. C. Htacklumuu and uurlo Jfai41eiaanbJtiti wlfo, Inuic Wlilte, Biaag iM?iniBer5 TTX. Hiuui. atiliiB tillrilinif k uiuter lue lirui namw mid mylef Ituuoiilmfli' r. Ilium di i'i.,T P. CrmidiiU ( (iltiiitiurtinoiwuiui erwwlirni tuuu atin tv k- T. V. (Irundatl i Vo ., jnfrolMm, WodruH', fratt Co,, a ctirixiratioii, aiwl N'. tikiiaburtier, ilefviid- auut. To T. P. Crandal l.dtiiiuF bunlneiw.under tbt firm nnim- and trtyle of T. f. trwidail it Cv., G&rntt- tHiu, ttiKKirun, rr in ttt, a curpumuou, aim ti. HU'tiibnrirer, of a' id WfwK,tuitH. Id thu Nnitiu or the 8tatt uf OKJKnn: You are tUirtHiy n quiruu i w appear and AiiHUr the com i. limit DIihI HWitll iKi vuiiiu lim afouvv tiilillrl Hiilt 'i iy Uii' tlrHt day ti Uu twin ol tin' huU ijuh, next ) tulli-wiiiK ilit.' i'?.iratlim oi lUv )iulllrHtimi ol' iliix mniuiHitiH. ny lue luurtti aiuudtiy ol (M: tott er. ISltU. lite Kiunt! ImjIiu: tlu1 . duv ol October. IWH. ttnd U'yu fnil ho lotuiBwer. fur want thert- uf. the iliiin tilth wiilawly U the court lor the rclltsl (H'luHTUtcd In tJic cHtiiiMiiint, to-wil: hot Judgment. HKiuiiftiuaiuOfrt'iiuutit-c. v. Jiuckie maiL, lor vrs8.Uri, and iuu-reM llicrcon at the run oi fHir cent, wr atmmu iroui tnc itn iiay ol July, lKi, and the, luutkr tiuiu of I'ilnl.Ul at' Uirnev'jifc-f mid lor their mwts and disburs- liutiiUt, aiKl for a deeiwiiir Uw torwkmiireul llietr iiHiriKiU!, iwnKaiiiHt all said deioiiitiinin, on the rotliiWitiKdi'wrllHid realitau-; Hitualeri in Linn ;olli itj, fclute. orUn'KOli, tu-wil: Lots one (1), two t nrw nmriij. live mix (ti, eveii (7, eitfiii.t'M, Jiui wu (it), uioen .o. mix In J. l. KtUfaion'M I'uurlhiuldlllim lu the 'low n ol 1.1'tm lion, m.d lor the ivtoninition ol NJthl itmrtKiiKc ivnn thttt said real Imuu' he .-old. and the roei;.'dr.ol wuid hale iilli ? In mbi Ihlaol Ion of Niid juduitienl, and tliiti I tie riuiuir. mid iutereH o' ull tiiid del'cuil iint'i me !tlhM.'qtieiu and junior 1 . plauilittM inur. KW , ind lor mieh olti-r rrlirl" its to the court uniy seem taieei and eqtiiliihlc. ThiM. iiublloiiiitui i uiade by oi'dor ol' lion. (eo. H. ihiriiett, .Indue of thd above entitled ,'oitrl. duly made on the null davorAinrusi Ink ja;,nd ill ltd on thend dny oI'Aukumi lis:i;t. .t Jt l ftl. it A K I. A NO aiKl mtiWE Km EM, I Attys. lor I'liuulill. 'Xhe vuluo of judicious advurtiMiit; is HkiHt rated by tUv Uiro umouiit f work E. W. Achison & Co., of AUmny, are putl'bijf up, reiirdlesa of the hard times. The marble and rair'" rnu!e inoii-e of tlto Ural l.o be ali.v -d by hard Mines; nevertholcsB tlife Si-'ii in doing aH much work as evtr, ihic, no doubt, tothdr kffping in uynip.tM.y with t he tiuicu and U'Uing ui'"ple know lit, ue they advertise more than any oth er firm iu the mute. The only I- ure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes-40 Years the Standard fiber iff Rale. In the Circuit f ;,urt oftlteSUteof Ore gon, for the Conn ty of Marion. M. L. Rinenuw plaintiff vs. . Mm. Susan I eehler Defendant, Kotice is her eby given that hy virture of an Executior , and order of a Rale dnlv is&aed out . the above named court in the above e mi tied action to me directed and deliver d, I will on Saturday the 23rd day of Septoemlter, 1833; at the front door ot the eour t house in the city of Albany, Laim Coat ity, Oregon at the hour of one o'clock P.M. ol aaid day, sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest biddec, all the rifrht, title and interest of the abnvo named defendant, Susan Peepler, in. anil to the real property heretofore at tached in the above entitled action the tame being described as follows towit: Beginning at the north-east corner of of Uiock five 5) in J. M. Raiston'sdrd ad dition to the town now city) of Lebanon aceordingtj the original maps and plats tbcreof now ot rocord in the Recorder's office in Albany, Una County, Oregon, and running due south fifty-six and two thirds feet, thence due west to the west line of said block; thence rorth fifty-six and two-thirds feet to the north-west corner of said block; thence due east to the place ot beginning, all of the said property being situated in the city of Lebanon, County of Linn, and State of Oregon. The pro ceeds of said sale will be applied, first, to the payment of the original costs and dis bursements of said suit taxed at $2110 and the accruing cost of and upon said execution. Second, to the payment of the plaintiti's claim amounting to the sum of 1138.07 in U. S. gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num in like coin from the Htli day of July 1893 and the overplus if any to be paid to the defendant, Susan Peeblcr. Dated tins lTtli day of August, 1893. C. C. JACKSON Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon. -How is This? Something unique even in ttiesa days of mammoth premium oBers, It is the latest effort of Stafford's Maga ziue, a New York monthly of home aud general reading. The proposition is to send the Maga zine one year for one dollar the regular subscription priee; and In addition to send each subscriber flfty-two com plete novels duriug :he twelvemonths one each week. Think of it. You receive a new and complete novel by mall, post paid, every week for flfty-two weeks, and iu addition you get the magazine once a month, for twelve mouths, all for on ? dollar. It is an offer which the pub lisher can only afford to make in the oonlident expectation of getting a hundred thousund new subscribers. Among the authors of the coming series are, Wilkie Colling, Walter Jics ant, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary Cecil Hay, Florence Marryat, Anthouey Tmllope, A. Ooniiii Doyle. .Viss Hrad'don, Cup tain Marryat, Mis9 Thackerv and Jule Verne. If you wish to take ad vantage of this unusual opportunity, send one dollar for Stuftbrd's Maga zine one yenr. Your flint copy of the magazine and your first number of the flfty-two novels (one each week) which you are to receive during . .ir will be sen t you by return luuil. ltemit by P. 0. order, registered letter or ex press. Address H. STAFFORD, Vuhubhkb, oiauoru's Magazine, 1'. 0. Box 2264, New York, N. Y. Please mention this paper. No Mention Mad. of Miller. The Fame ot Sodavii.le's Springs Spreading to the Athntic Coast, From the Botton Globe, While the state of South CaMiilia is engaged In the llqunf tratfto, the far western state of Oregon has gone quite deeply into the soda-water business. The little burg of Sodavllle is blessed with a natural soda spring, and the last legislature, in its infinite wisdom, provided that, "inasmuch as there Is a great and growing demand on the part of the publh for the waters of said spring," the state would expend $500 to improve It. ' , ThiB, of course, gives the state a first Hen on the fountain and provides free soda for the Oregonians, unless it should be subsequently voted to levy a duty on this natural product of the earth. This action of the state In taking possession of the natural soda spring may very likely be haiied as a nation alistic precedent In some quarters, but itisjustas well for the advocates of Bellamyism not to be too sanguine. One state-owned soda spring doesn't necessarily mean a revolution. A Good Thing to Keep at Hand. From the Troy (Kansas) Chief. Some years ago we were very much subject to severe spells of cholera mor bus; and now wheu we feel any of the symptoms that usually preceed that ailment, such as sickness at the stom ach, diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera add Diarrhoea Remedy the very thing to straighten one out In such cases, and always keep It about, We aie not writing this for a pay tes timonial, but to let our readers know what is a good thing to keep handy in the house. For sale by M. A. Miller, Druggist. Photographs. You can get better cabinet size pict ures at Crawford & Paxton's in Alba ny for $1 50 per dozen than at other gallries for any price. Our work is guaranteed. Permanent gallery es tablished for 33 years. No poor work allowed to go out. Come and see us. Albany, 1st street. Next door Mason ic Temple. Administrators Notloe. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the co-partnership estate of itiirbour A Dalgleish, Wm. M. Harbour, deceased, lias lilcd with the Clerk of the County Court of Linn County, Ore gnii, his final account, and the Judge of suid court has tixed upon the 4th day of September 1893, at the hour of 10 a. m. of said clay lor the hearing of objections if any. to said account, and Ibr settlement of suib estate. N, S. Dululeisii, Administrator Kam'l M. Oakland. Atty. for the Administrator. Dated ut Lebanon, Or., this 2(ilhdaj'of July MH. Kutlue of Dissolution. Kotice is hereby given that tho co-partnership Into' "bra j, between the undersigned, 'ruler lirm name ol Alilrich li Week' lei) nm i,.mi Co., Oregon il Champion Mill Cou-pany, :er .j,;. ,. ,k. solved by iiin n, ,..! G. W. Vldr.c 1 1.h,cd the inter est of W. rentes therefrom. Til e')'ls". 'J breamed mi hv W. AUri baser thereof, who ucreiiy u inersliipdebts, and w'n collect and re- 'ei 1 lirm. O. V. Aujltlcii, W.C. Wkkks. ' Date,i-,. y of Aug, 1KB. Wood Sawing. We will start our wood saw in Leba non about the 7th of Sept. Our prices will be 40 cents, 60 cents and 10 per cent discount for cash. Kjecial rates on large jobs. We solicit your work. Taywk, Stuhtbvant & Co. Th Fruit Situation, From The S;-(emmi. ' At the present time the outlook for iJWli fruits of all kinds seems favora bly The apple ,j Of wt de ficient and Montana deal' " 0r,Ie': "ig apples from this valie" M Southern Oregon. 8. A. Clarke" ship." ped a mixed ear with 130 boxes of an. Pies, last week. The iemand fo, Hartlett pears secure ,.. . . - B'uncjo mi oner of one and one-half cents per pmmd) .".-....uueaiere, but the quota tions from Chicaim r tonn . a box this week, a sharp advance or ah plums and prune have advanced; California has few plums or Bartlett pears left, so Oregon has no competitor for her pears aud late plums. Quotations for Hungarian prunes In New York were fl.30 per twenty-nound growers two and one-half cents for the net. ine liarl fruit company anticipates good prices for Italian prunes, as they oome late and none are grown save In the Pacific Noithwesl. A great nianv vnnm nnk..j . ginning to bear where the growers .,,V p"r m at? "e froit, ana) will be glad to realize fair prices, so tt is thought many car-loads of Italian, Hungarian and silver - j. nun n 111 uu east from Oregon. Right to Th. Point. An editor works three hundred and sixty-five days in a year to got out flfty-two Issues of his paper in. good ' shape and on time: Thai's Labor. Once in a while some one pays for a year's subscription, or few copies, or an advertisement: That's Capital; " And often some son of a gun of dead beat takes the paper for several-' years, and vanishes without paying one cent for it, or even leaving a lock of hair: That's Anarchy. But later on justice will reach the last named creature, for there is a place where he will get his deserts: That's Hell.-Ex. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Kverj-Week. 1 Wheat4c. Oats-20c Hay-$6 per ton. Flour-$0 90 per suck. Chop $1 26 per cwt. Bran 80c per cwt. MidtllingsHSl 00 per cwt. Potatoes 50c. Apples Dried, 8c per lb. Plums Dried, 7c. Onions 2c. Beef Dressed, 4o. Veal 4(ii)5c. " , Pork Dressed, 6. Lard 17J. Hums-1517 nor lb. Shoulders 12c. Sides 15c per lb. Geese f(i per doz. Ducks-M 00 per doz. Chickens $3 00(4 00, ' Turkeys 10c per lb. Eggs 14c nerdoz. Bi.tter 20c p"r lb. Hides Grceu,2Sc; dry, 6c. fHICAC(fAND THE l' WORLD'S FAIR. Send ten cents (silver) or twelve cents iu stumps for a Hundy Pocket Quid to the great exposition; gives In formation of value to every visitor. Street Guide, Hotel Prices, Cb Fares', Restaurant Ihites, etc. Describes tho hidden pitfalls for the nnwarj 'hints how to keep out of them indispensible companion to visitor to the windv eltv and This very will be sent by mail, postpaid, on 1 .if 1....... receipt i.u,,Wivtr, or twelve cents In stamps. Address P. O. Box 22114, New York N Y. Salem's fire department hoo been ordered to drive the horses to II res no faster than a trot, and there is much agitation about it on both shies nftbo question.-Oregoninn. We would aiijr gest that in order to avoid all achlents while going to a fire, that they do not go at all, but keep themselve and their engiue iu a glass ease. A"