LONGFELLOW. Awiike, he lovwl (heir voluw And wtiyih litem in ti iits rhyme, J.tA i he mimic (if their luiiirhter Wnn with film ail tht unit). Though lie I; new tho tonffuea of imtloM, And Uidriiuuuiliiti nit wrre rtar, Tin limit lc ami IJt of lift In child Vhh the mvoi'ti 'tt lor him to hnnr. - Jamim-AVliitt'omb lilley. A Xw ItPl 1 or SHk HimioI. Alt hough well known In the twl branchefl of the hi Ik luxl cotton tradcH, it in not gen erally roalisH. by the outside public that the cost of trjiiiHport of silk ttnd cottoa thrmd is vpiy expwwlve, owin to th grvnt disproportion Iwtwptm the w'ifcht of the rwle or npol and Mint of t he ttilk or cotton wound on them. It hiw been uliown in evi dence before special committee of the house of txmimim t hat in wmie instwiees W ht cent of the weight curried Ik in spools, lflttviun only It rmrwntof real m lk. The same rWmrks apply to duties when export Ug to foreign eotiutries, the bulk of the duty being actually paid on the wood reels, an the silk cannot he weighed separately from them. To remedy this defpet and to relieve the manufaeturer of bin heavy tax, Mr. John KenlH, whowf nania Ih well known in con nection with bootnuikiug machinery, liun invented a spool whifcb, from its lightnewi, is named the "featherweight." Thin spool, whieh i i!V inches in diameter and of the thick ut-HH of u visiting card, in fornied with MirriitioiiK or slits around its circumference, whieh produce ears of petal shaped projec timtN radiating front the center. It in made from celluloid, which is wood pulp ciiem ically treated in order to nentraliste the resin which is retained in the ordinary wood reels and which support inwict life, to the det riment of the foods, especially when exposed in orieutai couutriiw. Loudon Times, On EKparlfintte In a Lifetime. An old lady, wife of a bank president, has out? happening to rnlat--us she does un ceasingly the single adventure of her life. But that was suftieiently exciting to last throughout an ordinary existence. Her home was entered not long ago by a gang of burglar, whose search was for her son, the cashier, to upun the safe fortheui in the bank wxl dtwir, At Ktglit of the young man led away, with revolvers pointed at his head and mirrotmd ed by deKiierate maskttd men, his mother's fright and horror found veut in wild cries and a passion of tears. The rest of the family were gagged, hand onffed and bound to chairs. iShe was tied to n tied and camphor and water left close t band. No one else took any other not ice of her, but as the strange procession moved off on of the ruffians hastily stepped back to where she lay, strxmed over and kissed her ahriveled cheek, inurtnnring in her ear, "I bad a mother once." An incident so romantic that it does not ring true, which it is. New York Times. The Humll Boy llecuinen Thoughtful. Tommy (at the Wirn)I'apa, is thin the finest, team in town!1 Tommy's FatherNo, but there isn't any liner. Those horses, my buy, cost me 800. They're a perfect niatcli, high spirited, good travelers and come of u famous aucest ry. "That's why you've got such a nice barn for 'em, isn't it?1' '"Yen, partly. A pair of fine horses, my son, must lie wmsidered as uu investment, and a good business man always takes care of bis investments." "And that's why you watch 'em bo much and drive on the boulevards with 'em and keep 'em looking so slick, isu't it?" "Yes, that's on the same principle. A careful man is iKiund to look well after his investments and see that they are always in good shape." (After some cogitatiou) "You don't cou nidor me much of an investment, do you, pam" Chicago Tribune., frpttual Motlou Nut Perpetual. Perpetual motion dim not necessarily mean a machine that will run perpetually. That is the literal meaning of the term, but inventors do not bind themselves strictly to it. It is not supposed to be possible to lo away with friction, therefore nothing can be perpetual. The commonly accepted meaning of perpetual motion is a mechan ism that will operate itaelf. Many men have gone crazy in the attempt to invent such a device. The youug Span iard who has Invented a clock which he thinks will solve the problem has a strange ly suggestive mune for a man who is trying to accomplish what the world has failed in. He calls himself Lunal New York Tribune. The Growth of the Finger Nails. The philosophy of the finger nails is a most interesting study, simple though it may appear at ilrst sight. It has beeu computed that the average growth of the finger naila is one-thirty ( second of an inch per week, or a little more than an inch and a half per year. The growth, however, depends to a great ex tent npou the rate of nutrition, and during periods of sickness it is undoubtedly re tarded. It is understood to grow faster in sum mer than in winter and differs for different fingers, being most rap. J in the middle fin ger uud slowest in the thumb and little fin ger. Philadelphia Times. Statistics A ho tit London. London has 1,000 ships and 9,000 sailors in its port every day. It has on an average upward of 75,000 persons annually taken into custody by the police, 27,000 persons living in its common lodgiug bouses, 85,000 persona annually arrested as drunk and disorderly, and more than one-third of all the crime of England is committed within its radius. Exchange. A Short Way. Hiss TwilterMr. Knpeo .has a habit of referring to his wife as "she." Mrs. Dogood Only an abbreviation. Miss Twitter For whatP M rs. DogoodShe who must be obeyed. Truth. . Bashfulness is but an aggravated case of self consciousness, but the unhappy victim -should bo pitied rather than ridiculed and .helped to gradually conquer that which, while it lasts, Is as bad as a disease. Scientific Teaching. Science teaching t-IiouM be progressiva and should start the foundation -as, for instance, in the building of a house. Tho flrrfc stuff is concrete, which is lime and givi.'el. To make lima, limestone or chalk is neethL also fuel to quicken or bum it, requiring the description of wood, the growth of plants and the process of com buHUom Coal, ashes, cinders, breeze, fol low, Tho formation of clay, marble, gran ite, sandstone and plaster comes next In this house will be needed Iron, lead, zinc, tlnplate. Then glass, glue, whitewash, nutty. These materials should be handled by the pupil and the processes shown by means of apparatus. No philosophizing should as yet. be done. About here introduce him to the truly awful revelation that in all the universe, as far as can he learned, there is but ft lim ited number of prime stuffs the elements. Now Are, flame, water may be carefully studied. Charcoal, peat, gas, matches and their an hstances come successively. Then the papering, pnititing, glazing, varnishing. Furnishing would embrace numerous man ufactures and process. The next divinion would concern the per son, with chapters on clothing, food, wash ing, writing, reading. Clothing includes the textile fabrics; food, the manufacture of bread, which would lie an intellectual epic poem, explaining the growth of wheat, the nature of yeast, the relationship be tween the constituents of wheat and the body. The sttody of life and a flower is more elevating than the most subtle game of whist ever played. Chicago Post. Hav rity For Bakhful Mn. Girls, do not lsngh at the mistakes of the bashful man or boy. You have no idea how your innocent mirth wounds him, and there is no use in making anybody unnecessarily miserable. No matter how much a little woman of the world you think yourself now, you can rememtier certain episodes in your past career that make you grow warm from bead to foot just to think of at this far away date, Kven though today your manners are as nearly perfect as possible and your deport ment at all times correct, you can undoubt edly remember a time when toenter a room that held strangers was an ordeal that you would have avoided if you could have done so without shocking the proprieties that in those days seemed such fearful bugbears. Can you not remember feeling that every eye was fixedpon the smallest details of your attire with harsh and irritating criti cism In the glance, and for the time being your feet and hands seemed to have as sumed most unusual proiort ions, and though in other places you knew perfectly well what to do with them they on this oc casion became unmanageable, and you felt as though you were all hands and feet? Isn't the memory of the mocking smile or the titters that went around at your ex pense a hard to Ijear in memory as it was in reality? Therefore refrain from making fun of the bashful men. Exchange. Overt" 0 uctttJun. "It is now asserted by many that a man can ora woman, either be overedueated," said T. K. Harper. "People meet so many cads and cranks who are 'educated1 that they have really liegun to assert that a per son may lie overKiucated- -know too much. Good old American home aense will out grow t his idea soon, I know. It isn't edu cation t hat is troubling the cads and long haired cranks. It isn't knowing too much that is troubling any one. It's the simple fact that a minor knowledge of a hundred arts and sciences has succeeded in bewilder ing these people." "They run to this meeting, and that i o'clock Spencer class, and this S3 o'clock class for flie study of Ibsen, aud that even ing class for the instantaneous acquirement of n supreme knowledge of the German muster works until t hey have become be fuddled. They don't actually know what they are doing, and so they gather about aud talk on a doceu subjects, only to make some poor striving soul imagine that he doesn't know any t lung at all and that they are su prewe. A s a matter of fact, they are wasting their time, and so is anyone else who listens to them." St, IjOUIS Globe Democrat. Our Ureal Country. It has recently been discovered that on American soil the sun never sets. The British have for years sung a song in glorl tlcation of the fact that the sun never sets on the soil of that clime. But, lo! now comes the stars and stripes, which are never out of sihtof the sun. The exact situat ion of t he geographical cen ter of the United States is a surprise to any one who hHs not given the subject careful attention. The most eastern point of the United Slates is tjuoddy bead, Maine, the western, Attoo Maud, Alaska; the most northern, Point Barrow, Alaska; tho most southern, Key West. The center of the quadrangular figure formed by uniting these four points is located at crossing of 55 degrees north latitude and 110 degrees west longitude, about 420 miles north of the north line of Montana. It is also true of the United States as of Great Britain that the sun never sets on our territory, for when it is 0 p. m. on Attoo island, Alaska, it is 9:80 a. m. of the following day at East port, Me. Exchange. 1 Effect of Boston's Streets. Cobble How on earth did those trousers get twisted around your legs so? Stone I have been in Boston and tried to find my way arovtnd the etreets. Life. . , Uulned Their Bu Bluest. Skoptio If this ia such a wonderful specific of yours, why are all the doctors opposed to it? Quack Because when a man takes it he keeps well too long. New York Epoch. The sounding board of pianos, the most important part of the instrument, is made of American spruce and is as carefully chosen as the wood for a violin. It is averred that a sausage and a slice of bread and butter compose the Prince of Wales' breukM five mornings out of CoUffCttng Chined Coins. "The earliest Chinese coins that I have heard of,M said Consul BeiUoe, "date from the dynasty which ruled from 255 to207B.C. "From that time until today these use ful little coins have been used by every monarch, no matter whether he was an emperor of the entire country or king of one of the petty principalities into which from time to time the Chinese empire was broken. There have been over 1,200 oc cupants of the various thrones, royal and imperial. In addition to these regular is sues, if such they may be called, there have been special issues from time to time and also specUl local issues. A wealthy mandarin in Canton is said to have the finest collection extant, con taining 25,000 siwcimens of different kinds." The cost increases as you go backward in time. The cash of this century can be secured at their nominal face value. Those of the eighteenth and seventeenth centuries bring from 1 cent to 10 cents each. Those of the Han dynasties bring $100 each when in fine state of preserva tion. Philadelphia Bulletin. Artificial Maple 8uar. Decoctions or extracts of the wood or bark of trees are frequently used for flavoring simps or sugars. Different extracts differ in taste. The hickory tree, it is said, yields an extract that will impart the flavor of the maple, and Daily's method of producing artificial maple sirup of sugar is as follows: Make an extract of hickory bark or wood by allowing water to percolate through the same. The bark or wood may be ground, or sawdust therefrom used. Hot water may be used, or the material boiled in water. The strength of the extract may be increased by in crease of the quantity of the wood or bark. To one gallon of hot or boiling sugar sirup add. say, three taWespoon fuls of the hickory extract. It is said the effect of the extract is to produce a flavor that renders the sirup indistin guishable from genuine maple sugar. If the sirup is boiled down, a sugar re sembling maple sugar in taste is pro duced. London Public Opinion. PLASTERS. If you are thinking about buying a plas ter, remember that you will place it upon your body and cannot get a plaster that will be too good for you. Allcock's Porous Plaster is the bet plaster made. Your d racist nmv have some other plaster on his shelves which he is anxious to get rid of, or else some worth less imitation purchased at a low price for the purpose of substitution. Do not accept his "just SB good " plea; insist upon hav ing the genuine. Alluocx'b Porous Plas ter has no equal. . Bhandbsth's Pills can always be relied upon. Men make more fuss about their honor on the singe than suywhere else. Tar Gxbmka for breakfast. CHILDREN who are puny, pale, weak, or scrofulous, ought to take Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That builds up both their flesh and their strength, For this, and for purifying the blood, there's nothing in all medicine that can equal the " Discovery." In recovering from "Grippe," or in con valescence from pneu monia, fevers, or other it speedily aud surelv in vigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrof ulous, Skin, and Scalp Diseases even Con sumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stage the " Discovery " is the only guaran teed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, In every case, you have your money back. diseases. wasting "German Syrup" Just a bad cold, and a hacking cough. We all suffer that way some times. How to get rid of them is the study. Listen " I am a Ranch man and Stock Raiser, My life is rough and exposed, I meet all weathers in the Colorado mountains. I sometimes take colds. Often they are severe. I have used German Syrup five years for these. A few doses will cure them at any stage. The last one I had was stopped in 24 hours. It is infallible." James A. Lee, Jefferson, Col. $ DR. GUNN'S IMFEOVID um PILLS MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSC. A movement of tta bowelaMo&dy Is nwery for health. Thow piUu supply what the lyittm laolu to mko It WKuUr. Thoy oun Headaohe, brighten th Eyes aud olear the Cgropleiion better than 00a metioa. They wit mttdly. neither gripe nor alakena other pills fo. To oonvloiie you of their merit wt will mail aamplea free, or a fu& boxfor 88 oeuta. Sol BTrjrwbu, oMuko HwL Co fhUw&itUa. St., SWINGING AROUND THE CIK LE Of the dlsenstvf to which ft In adapted with the best results, Hosteller' Niomncli Bitters, u fam ily meilif'fiii', PonijircheiiMivp in Its mnws, hm 11 i.n uiiii nfHiu (Jiumi; HlU'lMKHt Ml UU- kiunw (it h tuiivorwil pimnreu for bo!Hy ills. Tiilm'lHliTi, iIhIIv tirnt(jiiud fn the ooIumiiM of the .diiily jnw by the proprietor of meiiirine far inferior to it m speetfks, has in a thousand i rm. slices diaKusM'tl the public in advance bv ita iibHUrdUv, and the prospecU of other reme'iilcK of miperior ijiiulHfos have been handicapped by the iretetiNKjn of their worthless predweBsorH. Hut the American people know, because they Imve verilii'd the fitct by the moHt irvliu? test, thin the Hitters poaiiefiHes th virtues of a real KpccfflcineaM'Mol main rial and liver (Unorder, constipation, nervous, rheumatic, stomach and kidney trouble. What it does it does ttioroiiKh ly.and tnatnlv for this reason it is indorsed aud recommended by hosts of respectable mcdicHi men. Death, taxes and the eprays from a street sprinkler are all hard things to dodge. BOW'H THI8! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any CitHtiOf CrtlHfrh thHt nmrnt tui n,ir..A t. li.n. Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKN'EY & CO.. ... , Toledo, O. we, th undendgnert, have known F. J. Che ney for the last it Keen years, and believe him and financially able to carry out any obligations limit: uj 1 nun nun. nr.fi v IK.IAX, Wholesale Drutfgixts, Toledo. O. WAI.DINO, KINNAN fc MAKVfN1, Wholesule DrutndtUf, Toledo, O. HaH'sCatarrh Cure is taken internally, at1 tine directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price. 7fi cents per bottle. Sold bv all druggists. 0ae Knameline Stove Polish; no dust, no smell. Hood'sCures ' I am glad to recom mend Hood's Saraapa rilla and Hood's Pills. I have suffered very much with severe Sick Headache. After taking six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla and two boxes of Hood's 5" ' terrible disease. I know Hood'i Sarsaparllla Is the best medicine I ever took." Mrs. H. M. Lctih, Pine Valley, N. Y. PRINTERSK- -AND- PUBLISHERS -WILL FIND A FULL LINK OF- TYPE Presses, For sale at leweat prices and mostadvant&geou terms at Palmer& ReyType Foundry, Cor. Front and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, OR. Write lor price, mi termi More b.jlni eke-where Hercules Gas Engins (OAS OB GASOLINE) MMai for Power or Pumping Purpo The Gmpest Reliable Gu EnglM on tbeJterkeb Out Of Enomi Met Punk Hood's Pills cure liver ills. 2Se. per box. Metewand W' ji.uuper ttotue. One cent a dose. This Great Cough Cubb promptly cures where all others fail, Coughi, Croup. Bore Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and Aatbma. For Consumpticn it naa no rival: has cured thousands, and will CURB TOO if taken in time. Bold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use BHILOH'B BELLADONNA PLASTERJioC. HILOH'S, CHlt Have yoi CATARRH REMEDY (tor Simplicity It Beata th World. II olla itself from a Beaerrolr, Ho Carburetor to get oat of order. Ho BetterleeorKlectrlo Bpark. II nnewltb.Gbe.per Grade of Oaeollae tban inf ouier EufliM. BXMS TOB CATALOeOB TO PALMER & REY, MANUFACTURER, 411 Sauoni Stmt Sat Framta. bl. AND PORTLAND, OREGON. i&vevouauuTb? Thfa remedvlasnaran. teed to cure you. Prloe,60cte. Injectorfree. Fishing Tackle. Stanard Files, per doz Oregon Tronl Flies, perdoz Beiin'K Flies, ptr doz Split Bamboo Hods, each oem uy man on receipt of price. 0.2fi .SO 1.50 2.H) THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., Portland. Oregon. Catalogues on application. If THIS IS THE TIME TO order your BUMMER HOLLERS. You want the best j that's the o:uy aina we deal in. Brooklyn Hotel 208-212 Bush St,, Sao Francisco. This favorite hotel is under the management of CHARLES MONTGOMERY, and is as good il not the best Family and Business Men'B Hotel in 8au Francisco. Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled! First-class service and the highest standard of respectability guaranteed. Our room cannot be surpassed for nmtnm and comfort. Board and room per day, 91.26, 1.60, fl.76 and 2.00; board and room per week, 7 to jl'2; single rooms, 50o to $1. Free coach to and irom hotel. HARNESS, Saddles, Collars, Wnips and Leather. WHOLESALE, Harnpss, per set, 7.00, 110.00, $12.00. flfi.03: EleKanl tyle, (20.00, 12T..00. Huddles, rawhide covered trees, 4.00, 98.03, f 12 90. 916.W, mo Oa, 9.00, 930.00, H0.00. Flow Harness, 915-00 to 92S.00. Team Harness, fZfl.oo, $10 00, all with the celebrated no wau Horse Collars. Tho "Jim Corbetf cart Harness, pric 112.00, 8et Breast Collars, is a "ltuoek out." Bri die, Hohes, Blankets, Bits, etc. FOR BIG VALUES t$3rjrg? with order to , W. DAVIS & SON, MANLiFACTL'HEUH, 4lo Market Street, Ban Francisco, California. MRS WINSIflW'S SOOTHING mi i vi iiiiivfevii v DTHUr - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING Feraaiebrall Uriinht. S6 Ceatt bottl. fiflllEftl.,FRAZEB AXLE BestiitbeVgridinnrACr IrBANK WOOL8BT, Agant, Portland. Of. THE BEST HARNESS EVER MANUFACTURED ON THE COAST is sold by D0LE-PEAK8ON HARNESS CO., at prices that will astonish von. Only the best Oak-Tanned Leather iiBed, and all work fruaran. teed. Send for line Illustrated Catalogue fkek, IliU Union Avenue (Eaat Side), Portland, Or. 'DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF loore's Revealed Remedy. " '-""u"'. jiaiiunjY iv,j,uaii Rune who pieaaurtj trial nytne ua of S22?,E8.5,K11AIJ!!l) W" myiunbandwasrellev.,! from iuS S MAXUM wusu the twtt doctor 1 oouU et did him no rood. Yours In grautud. MBJj. H, V. WMUI. OLD BI IOBB DBVOtlHT.