t ! 1 Jjebanon Express.- CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR... M. A. MELUIR. RRCOKPER F. M. MII.LKR. TREASURER J. A. ROBERTS. HAR8HAI J. W. MORGAN. OOUVCOMES rj.c. Bn-YF.r, I J. G. BOLES, IG.W.CRrSON, ' 11 U Al'FTPil.T. Citj- Council nKotaon the first nut third TuedoT evenings of each mouth. karHFa 81. In tlx Circuit Orart of the State ofOrr fn, forth County of Of arion. U. L. Kineotan Plaintiff lira. Susan Feebler Defendant, Kotiee ie hereby given that by rirtuve of an Eierauon and order of a sale dulv iasaed out -of the above named court in ttie above entitled action to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 23rd dj of September, 1888; at the front door at the court kaum m the -city of Albany, linn County, Oregon at the hoar of one Schick P. If. at said day, sell at public auction for caeb in hand -to the highest Udder, all the epht, title and interest of the above named defendant, 8nsan Peepler, . m and to Utf red property heretofore at- ; tached in the a hove entitled action the. same being described at follows to wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of f Mock five FS) in J. M. Balsloa'i 3rd ad dition to the town now aiy) of Lebanon according tj the original maps and plats thereof now at roeord in the Recorder's affice in Albany, Una County, Oregon, and running doe south fifty-six and two thirds test, thence due west to the west line of said block; thence rorth fifty-au and two-thirds feet to the north-west corner of said block; thence due east to the place ol aeginnine, all of the said property being ( situated in the city of Lebanon, County of Linn, and Bute of Oregon. The pro-1 eeeds of said sale will be applied, first, to the payment of the original costs and dis bursements of said suit taxed at $24.10 and the accruing cost of and npon said execution. Second, to the payment of the ptaiivfjfi's claim amonnting to the rant of 1138.07 in T. S. gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per an num in like coin from the 14th day of July 1(198 and the overplus if any to be paid to the defendant, Susan feebler. Dated this lTtb day of August, 1.303. C.C. JACKSON Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon. How is This? Something unique even in these ays of mammoth premium often, it fa the latest effort of Stafford's Haga ilue, a Sew York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition is to send the Maga " sine one year for one dollar the regular subscription price; and in addition to .end each subscriber fifty-two eom plete novels during the twelve mout lis one each week. Think of it. Yon receive a new and complete novel by mall, post paid, every week for fifty-two week, and in addition you get the magazine once a Bonth, for twelve months, all for one dollar. It is an offer wbicb the pub lisber can only afford to make in the confident expectation of getting a hundred thousand new subscribers. Among the authors of the coming series are, Wilkie Colling, Walter Bes- nt, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary Cecil Hay, Florence Man-vat, Antbouey Trollope, A. Conn Doyle. Mm Braddon, Cap tain Marryat, His Thacfcery and Juie Verne. If you wish to take ad vantage of thw unusual opportunity, end one dollar for Stafford'! Maga aine one year. Your first copy of the magazine and your first number of the fifty-two novels (one each week) which yoo are to receive during the year will he aent you by return mail, .Remit by r. I), order, registered letter or e press. Address H. STAFFORD, Publisher, Stafford's Magazine, P. 0. Box 5264, Sew York, N. Y. Please mention this paper. Sheriff Sal. Kotiee of Dissolution. Mrr b herelrr given that the .Co Jarnwnhlp awetofrire exunnir between the flMeralirnMl arioer the firm name of Frar AtJPT- qf Leba non. Or., ha fceen and is this d)listf)lved by annual eoinem of the parte. I. p. nettle har ms: purchased the intensK of J. H. frey. who re- p front the bttolaess. The busint will here in be carried on by I. F. Settle, the purchaser IbtWWnf ! Ittt nil! Hanri - . ... .... .,. ,,, ,, ,H-IV, n.uuie at lite partnenmip debut and whtielrme I authorized to.mUw laud receipt for allilettM due the late ' J. H. J'RIV, Bated this 3rd day of Am.lm, ''. Hew are you fixed for tetter-beads Bill-heads, enve'opes, note-heads atatements and tbe like? Don't follow the old style of using onprinted sta tionery. We print everything at this Blue and charge s reaaouable price only. We claim to do as good work lor as little money as any office in the state. . la the Olmilt Court of the Bun of Oreacsv fttr Lion County. .8. Ruskui. pUuituT, Isabella Oakley, 1 Janus H. lolley. aefsndantt. Bora Or an. I Joint W. Brown. Notice s heraby titran that by vtrture of aa Rxecnuonand orderofntle duly lamed out of the above named Court In the above entitled nit to me directed and deltventd; 1 will on Saturday the fctd tlaj of senmuber 1MB. at tbe front door of the Court Boon to tbe City of Albany. Linn Oounty. Oregon, at the hour of one o'oktci P. M. efiaid day all at publie auction fbrcash In hand to the highest bidder, all the right, title and hiunst of tbe defendant Isabella Oaxkey, tn and to tbe property described in sold Execution, and order of tale as fttUowa towit: Lou loaT It free (5) and all (t) of Block tbrty one HI) tn the original Town of Waterloo, in Linn County, Oregon. Aud I will on Friday tbe lHtbday of August 18S8, on the premises shove aoKrlbed. at the hour of out o'clock P. at. of avid day sell In thesmonnet and according tn tbe terms above ezproawd, the story aud one-naif dwelling house located and being upon; the prem iaw shore described. The proceeds arising from sold nles is to be applied, Unit to the payment of theaeenung coats of and upon said Executions, and the casts of tht ptalnllirs suit taxed at Hh.so and the eootsof the sulls of nld defendants. James H Bailey. Esra Orcutt. and James W, Brown against said defendant Isabella Oakley et al. amouuling to tbe sum of IM.90. Second, to the payment of plalolhra -claim amounting to the sunt of tUM and aecnling Interest thereon at the rote ol 8 per cent, per annum hum the 27th ay of June IMS. and the runner sum of fjo oo attorneys fee and accruing interest thereon at the rate of S per cent, per annum from the ITth day of Jane 1KB, and the further sum of SlJSi, his expenses in record ing the notice ofltcu and to the payment of the Rsvecth-e claims of said de fendauta. James JI. Bailej:, Em Orcutt and James W. Brown as ascenatoed br the decree of the above named Court rendered upon tbe inth day of June ltiStt. In the nwpecttve suits of said defendants, James fl. Batiey. Ezra Orcutt and James W. Brown, afraiust labeUa Oakley et at, said claims amounting hi all to the sum of t2n,-.38 with tautrest thereon st the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 27th dayofJune lSXt, and tbe further sum of SJ.I3 for expenses of reeordlng afthenoUeeeof hens, pro rata If not sufficient to pay said claims in mil and tnetvernliue if any. to be paid over to said defendant, losabclla Oakley. Bated this 31st day of July 1899. C. C. JACKSON". Bheriff ot Lion County, Oregon. fHICACO AND THE ' WORLDS FAIR. Seud ten cents (silver) or twelve cents in stamps for a Handy Pocket Guid to the great exposition; gives in formation of value to every visitor. Btreet Guide, Hotel Prices, Cab Fares, Beataurant Bates, etc. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the unwary, and hints how to keep out of them. This indispensible companion to every visitor to the windy city be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of ten cents silver, or twelve cents iu fl tamps. Address H. STAFFORD, PrBLisitBH, P.O. Box 2264, New York K.Y. Please rr.entiou tbis paper. L M. JTDD, Special Manager (or G. E. HAEDY, Lebanon, Oregon. Watchmaker ASD Mfg. Jeweler. Dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Fine Watch Bepairing a 8)iecialty AJ1 Work Fully Warranted. LEBANON Meat Market, WEISNER & BUHL, Proprs. Fresh & Saltei Beef Pork, Mutton, Si 1 1 ageBo. logna, nl Ham, Hf"B aeon and Lard Ala-ays on Hand. Main Street, Lebanon, Or. rhotosrapha. You van t better cabinet else pict ures at Crawford k Paxton's In Allm nv for II 60 per doxea than at other gallrles for an; price. Our work Is guaranteed. Permanent gallery es tablished for 88 yean. JJo poor work allowed to go out. Carrie and see os. A litany, 1st street. Next door Mason ic Temple. .LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. (Changed Every Wot. Wheat 46c. lOataaOc Hay-16 perton. .Flour-) 80 per sack. 4'bop-l 25 per cwL JJran 80c per cwt. MiddlitiKB-tl 00 per cwL Potatoes 60c. Apples Dried, 8c per lb. Plums Dried, 7c Onions 2u Beet Dressed, 4c. Veal 4((tt5e. Pork Dressed, 6. Lard-UJ. Hams lo17 per lb. Shoulders 12c Bides Lie per lb. Geese IS jier don. Ducks $4 m er dor.. Cliiftelts-tS OOfi 4 00. Turkeys 10c per lb. Egire lot- lerdtia. B..tter Sue p"r Ih. Hides-Green, 2(.3c; dry, e- Albany SteamLanndry RICHARDS 4 PHILLIPS, Proprs, -tVlbniiy, Oregon All Orders Receive Promt Attention. Special Rates for Family Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Moitcy litifunded. R. S. ROBERTS, Agent Poultry, Hides and Furs. Hitrbest cash nrioe itaitl fttr turkevs geese, ducks and cliickene atotlkt' of L JikiiI, httaney a"d Altaire'e old stable, 4th street, Allurny. Also hides aud furs uf all kinds i.oL'xht i i; cash. jt Scieirtilie America! i av sr r i iaiMi'qtr- is - asr- liar-v CVET. TRADt MARKS 0E8IC0) ssatcMT, COPVRrOHTa. ouj ror mrormstim one, tree Handbook write to ML'XN CO. 1 BBoaDWAT. Nnr Volts. Olaest Inreaa tor securing patents tn America. Kvery Datem taken out by us ts broukht befiire tbe piuttie or a aottee giyan lrae at oaarge m tns sf nwtifit gwertfan Unrait dmlttimi of my KtcnuHe paper in tbt urid. Snu-DdtdlT lIluatnutMl. No uiteltitroitt masx bmti& be without it. Weklr, S3. Oil m year: tlifiiil DKmifit Aiidttm All NK CO, PaijLit.ut.Hii. Ml hiQwwtj, Hmm KurK Utj. EI). C. PHELPS, Notary Public, WAlKKlaOO. Orkcion. Conveyancing promptly atlenIevJ (u. BiminratH with the lan Oft., PoUjfl,er, or FeiiBiuii Bureau receive -i Ut pt Utuinni. DALGLEISH ft EYEEETT, 1IKALKKS IS Furniture S Hardware, Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Floor Mattings, 4c. -ALSO- Windows, Doors, Builders' Hardv:are, &c, Ac. LEBANOy, OUS Jim. AT COST! For the next thirty days we will sell our entire STOCK .of Spring and Summer Goods, including dress goods, clothing etc. at less than they Cost in the east. We do this to make room for our large Fall Stock. We are now' offering haragins such as never heard of before. The Prices Are So Low That they will astonish you. Be Sure and Call and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere. BENJAMIN BROS. Remember the place In the Odd Fellows' Building 2VKXT TO TIIK POHT-OFFICfc. LEBANON, - - - -. - OREGON. Don't Fool With Fakes! If yourself or friends wish to be cured of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the Genuine Keeley Treatment, which is the only safe, reliable and permanent cure in existance. Genuine Keeley In titutea, with most favorable surround ings, at Forest Grove and Rosetmrg. S-Write fnr Partit'ulunt. Correspondi'Dee Coti-fldentiul. Go and see the Assortment -AT- Bead Peacock SCo s, New Store They will treat you right. LobanOn and -AJbaiiy, Oregon.