WHAT REWARD? So ww ft bos' rami dolIoHtfily brrtd, A lowt. boy ahd ti rofiiWr1 only on Bar fair haml etroked hut ahatwlp, cttirly bmd, Hbe fpuTMt, for bit sako, storm aim cold and MID. What bad b. thf. to An with stiffwlrnff Hut kit brave tutm she'd taught liim to ad mlrtx , Aowhmibtt beard ttw rttimtry'a war cry ring, What oould atiaaayr Ubt uyw wen bwa-oa , tire. tt eflWDMi eoldtcr to the front he went, VootU. bm.HU, Ufa,-Utwtt, bupe, buiu, ell In a brtwth. Into one imtriorlc nfTrlnf bteot. He Same. fftMftt, taui tbe face of doathl And be redoemed bin Base wbera bnllets blied.. Tipping the chatying mlnmnH living wedee; Or, (triaon pauiied, with white Hps, hunger ; klmwd, Ma' brimming eap be drank, hta country's (ilodtfa. Oeath be defied ual death bacmnI him by, TaklpRiMHuirti only scant ami youth; -Then ut twme homo, nor heaved one backward efch O'er all he'd given ap for land and truth, A nomroon nold)r an lie went be came, And yet a hero! Wtio jriviw more Uian all? fie who given all, nor auk for even fiune. What in there, more than bora, such to nail Who be heT There were tbnuitandii enoh at every tnrh. from orown to tip of tnei For eunh, O omintry, what reward ehall be? Ttw irud lake not; Ut their hut tu buetowl And godlike men twae manhood that Uwy threw - Into tbe enale when treeeon ktckad the beam; And manhood t not pnrchawwll ttuy the crew To whom high bouor hi a foolUh dreamt Thin buy and all ble noble feltowe gave What money buy not, paye not for whoa gtveul Tble market talk dishonor every grave. Like ttimony that en would pure hate heaven. O eountry, cherlttb mvlngly all tboae In need. Hut do nut offer luMolt to brave men! ! ve the Imnb ecramble to the abaineleai greed That gaugee manhood by tbe nettle dmo. Lift high eatib hero on a pudental Where honor's euu npon hu browi abaU ehine; fie up the future ahall their abadowa fall To teach oar children manboud le divlnel 41. J. Hat-aav lu New York Hun. THE ANCIENT FIDDLfc. Talluole (Iddlel yon an I; Moon ge lne down an daylight! nigh. Yon kin lauifb au you kin cry - Let fulknee ail know yon le live An feultn de tuune fut dem dancers all feat Wid rbune liifile bntd an ebuue In de heel, You kuowi de cotillion ae well a de roel Come, ecrape up, ole bowl Lef us drivel Den talk to nm. fiddle! ef on'y you try You gu ineto make day eta' awhile foa de eky; Tell elan be forgtttln bit time for to die. An roneter' dU'membeni to crow. Yon ain't got hlt'Hspnrrit of rilnUyo'nama: An dvm needn't liwten what boiler out "tthainet" 11 buun dat dey danoe or fuels poly an lame Whuu yo feels de tecb oMta bow. Mood turn white an sky turn gray Donl yon beab die liddle Nay. Wheel yo' parUnurn, den awwhay, Whirl an oome Uwk to de ring; Ban' all aroun to de lef an right, tieeliu and tool n too ewtr fur sight, For'ard an bark'ard gnehufflln light Talk lo nm, Addle, an eingt Blng, ole flddlel dawn done break, Uawkin birds begin to wnkx Uey gwlne u pick up yo' las' cbnne. Once uto' up nn nu.ee mo' down, Swing yo' purdnem, walk aroun, btop, ole fidilul hish yo noun! For daylight's done folluretl de moon. Andrew Wilkinson In Sow Orleans limes tiemncrat. ' A WtMKlerful risU. Anemones are well kuovro to visitors at aquariums. The animal cno be cut into any Dumber of paru, and each part will develop luto a perfect aohnal, autl the part cut off will be quickly replaced. The Abbe JUrequemure mutllutt-d aim tormented tbetn lu a bund red ways, but with always tbe same result, mid u those who accQHed faitu of cruelty in thus torturf ng the crea ture he replied that 'ao fur from being a cause or Hufferitig to them, be increased their term of life and renewed their youth." The kij of the pray on which the anem one feeds Is often of equui bulk to the Anttxtnl. Dr. Johnstone on one occasion bad urouKbt to him tiu anemone about two Inches In dinmeter, which had inauaxed to wallow a shellfish of tbe sine of an ordi nary snucer. The shellllbb wmi fixed in the stoniHcli of tbe animal so as to divide it into two parts, and the animal bad be come thin and flattened like a pnucuke, All oommufiictttioo between tbe iuterior portion of the stomach and the mouth was Of course prevented, but instead of dying, thenntmal availed itself of this accident to increase its enjoyment. "A new mouth grew od tvhnt hud been the base, and led to the stomach, Hnd the auimal became a sort of Siamese twiu, but with greater in timacy and extent in its uuioul" London Tit-bits. The Professional linr Oat. Tot stock In trade of the professional diuer out it his dress suit and tbe people be knows. Smith invites him because Jones does, and Brown because Jones und Smith do. He lives fnexpeusively, in a cheap lodfflngs or a club, where be never pays for any meal hut bis breakfast. In deed, a diner out who is master of bis pro fession can get plenty of tnvitatious to breakfast, too, so that bis actual outlay on himself may he reduced to the merest cost at bed and clean linen. 1 know one man who, on an Income of leas thau $1,200 a year, wblcb is tbe reutof a bouse left him as sole inheritance by some relation, feeds fatly from year's eud to fear's end and still has money over. And Do one, to meet him at the festal board, would set him down foraoythiux less than a mltlloottire. But he possesses an excep onaliy ample capital. Tbe Income of the average professional diner out is generally nearer 12a mouth than t,2O0 a year. Iudeed there are mttuy who not only feed on their friends, but lodge and dress on money borrowed aa well.-Oor. Pitubiurg BtillaUo. His Umbrella. Mrs, Maria Drummonrt, who for many years held a high poHlrbn in Kntflaml among people of the truest rank. bad. as A dirl, the opportunity of helping a great man in bis wooing. His suit was su(!cetwfu, and he did not forget that gratitude wan due the kindly friend who bud seen bis difficulties and helped him In overcoming them. Mrs. Dnimmoud. then Mba Kinnnird, was staying with ber father at Torquay, and thit her also oame Lord John Russell, to pay thern a long visit. At an hotel near by lived Lady Ribhlesdale, a young and pretty woman wbum Ixrd Russell bad known before, and whom he was always tgwr to visit whenever bis young hostess went thit her. At length his visit oame to an end. and tbe two took their last walk together to invite Lady Ribhlesdale to accompany them home to luncheon. She, however. ban an appointment elsewhere and was obliged to decline. As Lord RuKsel) and bfsoompanion were climbing their homeward path be stopped and said, with a twinkle in bis eye: "I have left my umbrella at tbe botel. W bat shall 1 dor" It was a brilliant day with on t a clond, but tbe sympathetic young lady said gravely: "Oh, yon must go back for it in stantly. We won't wait luucbeon for yon, so don't hurry in this hot snnr He took her at her word, and did not ap pear at the table. Afterward abe was told that he weut back to make his proposal of marriage, and that Lady Kibblesdale ac cepted him. When the lady wrote heron the sabjeot of tbe engagement Lord John Russell in closed a slip of paper (tearing tbe words: "Of course her sister must be chief bridesmaid, and will bold her gloreo, but you must be second bridesmaid, and carry my umbrella. "Youth's Companion. Changes In the Hamas Vote. The human voice changes least of any thing about the Individual affected by time. Who has not recognised an old time friend merely by tbe sound of his voiceF When tbe face and figure are wholly for gotten, or havecbanged so much by reason of "age and disease as to be uo longer at once recognizable, the voice recalls the past and works successfully upon the memory. From the hour when youth breaks in upon tbe piping treble to that when old age re news it the voioe remains about the same, affected by neither sickness nor health, poverty nor prosperity. Friends have rec ognised each other by the voice when not a landmark of individuality was left to tbe eye. I saw a man wholly anahle to recogniie another at the Fifth Avenue botel the other evening after thirty years, and upon tbe first sound of his voice call him by name instantly. The recognition was mu tual, ft is the fault of many not to be able to readily remember names. A few words will almuKt certainly recall tbe name aud urroundiugs-rthat is, if there was ever any earlier familiarity between the indi viduals. 1 have successfully tried that method repeatedly. A little attentlou to this peculiar characterisUc, the voice, and you can name anybody you have known very well without swing him. no matter bow long a time has elnpsed since you last met. Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch. fcliu Itolleil tlio Tea. In connection with tlio Introduction of taa into Knglaml n very amusing story Is told of n certain titled wolnan who had been presented with n pound of tlio finest preen tea. She bad no idea of its proper jirapnratiot), und consequently boiled the entire quantity sod served it up with melted buttrasan accompaniment to a ronst of beef. She wns not pleased with Its appear ance, and gravely informed her guests that, although it bad been cooked for sev eral hours. U was simply impossible "to make those foreign greens tender!" De troit Free Press, Origin of the Word Baptism. There have been many stories of tbe origin of the word and practice of baptism, bnt i doubt whether this ingenious ex planation of its derivation of an old dnrky preacher, which will be appropriate to give here, has ever bnen printed, "It's dee like din," bewys. "De fast thing to dob to apiamtbe body into de water, and den deres a sound "bap," and den when de body rises and goes to de bank yon hears de water a dripping off like tism, tism.tlsra and deres de meaning of de word bap tism!" Chicago News. ; An Expensive Luxury. A creditor called upon a debtor and found biro busy carving a turkey. "Well, sir, are you going to pay me at Instf" . "I should very much like to, my dear air, but 1 find it imposaible. I am cleared oat ruined; I haven't a farthing." "Then 1 mnst say that a man who can not pay his debts baa no business to eat a turkey like that!" "Alasl" said the debtor, as he raised his napkiu to bis eyes, "I couldn't afford ita keep!" Le Petit Parisian. Aa Bxatnplo la Point, De Sappy (entering Aw, say, old fellah, where is it that "fools wuah in where an geals feab to tweadf" Adams (grimly) My office. Life. ABSOLUTS MERIT. No other plaster has been produced which gains so many testimonials of high mine aa those continuously accorded to All ooce'h PoitQDs Plaster, and the only mo tive for these exceptional commendations Is the fact that it is a medicinal and phar maceutical preparation of autterior value Beware of imitations. Ask for and insist npon ALioooK'f, BaAHDBKTH's Pills are a good corrective. " They call love the tender pantoo," said the youi mnu who had J nut acquired another sis ter, " but 1 atrlkes me that it is about si tougb aa potaible." Bow Be Mel gplvy SJm. The way by which i come to know that Bpivy Sims, of Sand Mouutain, was a critic and a realist was short and straight. He came up behind me at a moment when 1 bad on a four-pouud bass with a full hun dred feet of line out; the desperate fhtb was flying out. of ttie water about three cubit every five seconds in spit of all Unit I could du, aud was gradually working its way toward the bushy top of a tree that bod fallen into the stream. Every uugler will nudersUnd what a point of life this win for a dry, matter of fact, uu romantic voice to hit my ear with: "Pull, fell-r, pull; pull tro right Int Yank 'im right outl Let go er tbet air switch an grub -rlinel Ain't ye gotnry striflln er cominun sense inter yer little fricxly headF Pull 'im to ye an git 'im by the gills!" Of course not dreaming that any hu man being was within a league of me, that voice made me turn my head, and wtiHt eta could happen hut a five foot leap by the bass and a break away? You al ways low tbe finest flsb. I made remarks then aod there to Spivy 91ms remarks notcomplimeuUtry to him and be chuc kled complacently. "Little feller," said be, "ef 1 take ye by yer heels and wrap ye erouu tbet tree tlier1 erbout seven leeu times ye'U kuow who I am." It was my turn now to smile and be com placent an 'J amiable, seeing how tall aud broad and bony be was. We made friends at once, even before we knew each other's names, and 1 weut to have dinner with him at his cubiu. Maurice Thompson in America. The Ethics of Getting a Light. Please allow me to suggest that a gen tleman will not, in these United States of North America, ask a stranger for (ire from his cigar; that is, if a gentleman ii one who has a wakeful regard for the feel ings and prejudices of others. lu the Spanish speakiug countries of America, where ceremonious politeness is constitutional, aud every care is taken not to touch tbe moist end of a cigar with tbe hand, (ire is not as a general principle asked from a stranger, though It is often offered. But over there one would shrink from giving a cigar be proposed to con tinue smoking to either a gentleman or a hoodlum who demanded a light. The smokiug community should either carry matches in its pocket or take a dry amoke, rather thun putting a strange broth er to distress of mind by making a request, compliance with which Involves passing a moist cigar into strauge hands, while re fusing the request can hardly fail to puio the applicant. Cor. New York Sua. TBE WAT OUT of won i ntt's troubles Is with Doctor Pierce's Favorite P refer i pi ion. Safely and certainly, ev ery delicate weakness, derangement, and dis ease peculiar to the sex U permanently cured. Out of all the medi cines for women, the Favorite Prescription" is the only one that's gvaraniua to ao what u claimed for IL In all female complaints n aod irregular! tie, perl- ouicoi paint, a if place ments, internal inflam mation or ulceration, benring-down sensations and kindred ailments, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. 6o certain to rare ererv case of Catarrh is Dr. Bage's Catarrh Rem that its proprie tor! make yon this offer i " If you can't be curea, permanently, wo u pay yon aouu caan.' Let This Re a Warning. "That was a horrible tragedy. A girl pa mod the hand of a lover aud be stubbed ber with an tee pick." - "It was her own faalt. The account I read says 'she treated him1 tu an icy man ner.' He merely struck at tbo manner hut had the misfortune tfi bit thegiii." New York Epoch. Bakin&PoiVder Purity and LedveningPower UNEQUMLED ?AH PRFES To Introdaos onr Powder, we have d tennlnedtod'lfltrlbatQ among tbe coniam rt a number or CAHIi PU1ZKS. To tiie person orclnb returning ostheinrgeat comtk'rofcertmcatesoDor before Junl, 1894, wewlilfnveacaeb prtseorfJOO, and tutliftiieitltrcMt, numerous other prlue raoslas torn S tot76 IN CaSU. OOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. The thread that btnrfi m life ! mMt Im. quently nevered ere the meridian of life Is n-Ncura m me oaste oi parsons who neglect ob vious means to renew lit i hue stranftih. Vfntr no less tbe loiirce of happiness Uimii the oonil- umii ui iuiik me, win wormumsiiap. rwwnatfin where tt due nut exist i hoiiRHtxln wlin hv experienced or are cofuliwntlncludtn(C many I'lijBivtnun vi ciu Midline m we onecii oi niw letter't Htomsah hitters bear testimony to it wondrous ettlcacy as a creator of atranitth in feeble constitutions and ritllitauri ftnri shat tered systems, A steady performanre of the bodily (unction, mewed appetite, fuwh and niRhtly re pow attend the use of thin thorough and standard renovant. Ue no 1 cal tonic rep resented to be skin to or reftemblAlt in effect in it place. Itamand the genuine, which is an acknowledged remedy for indlgMtton. malaria, nervoHmean, conatlpfitlon. liver ana kidnev complaints aud rheumatism. HOc; Ket Syrup, 1; Arbukle Coffee, 26c; Mago, 6c; Tapioca. 5c; iU-tb pit King's Buokwheat, 10c; Dried Peaches, 11c; Figs, 4c: Prunes, 12c; Apples, evaporated, lie. KKNI) FOR THK lft PAiiB BTYKK8' OUIDB FK UK, WITH KULb QUOTATIONS. Mention this paper, Address Jones' Cash Store, 130 Front Street, Portland, Or. HOW TVS OHOW OLD. InChtaaffnihev kinsman in nrlann a mnnth for embeieliug a picklwl put's foot and pardon the anarchist who attempted to blowup crea tion with dynamite bombs. , 100 KKWARD, 100. The readers of this miner will hi aImum tn learn that there Is at leant one dreaded dheaite that science has been able to cure in all Its statres, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive oure now known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional dtoeatte, requires a count! tuiion&l treatment. Hull's Caurrh ureis taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood und mucous surfaces of the ayt.ro, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building cp the constitution end assisting nature In doing lu work. The proprietors have so much fsiih In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cam that ft fails to cure, Send for list oi testimonials. Ad dret P. J. OHKNKY A CO.. Toledo. 0. W Bold by Druggists; 76 cents. SOCIETY BADGES. A. FKLDKNHKIM' KK, londlii. jew eler el tbe Kelso North west, keep.. Lnte itock ol ,11 WSCRKTUOCIItTY BAIXlKg on band. Beat good et low eat flgurea. Badge, made to order. Dse SnameilneBtovfl Polish ; no dost, no smell. Tit Gibhia for breakfast. S Vote for Hood's For I am taUsflod It li an excellent rcmely. 1 have been a minister ol the 11. E. Church 40 years, acd have Buffeted of Into yea-a with rheu matism end dyspe; sla Since taking lout bottles tt Hood's tbe rnemousm is entire y '2 cured, tty appotlto U good, food d'gests well. aud I have gained several pounds." Kkv, V. tt Pu FB'.i, R chford, Vt. HOOD'S ClirOO Hood'3 PIII3 euro bilionsucu. 2'e.abox. HARNESS, Saddles, Collars, Wilps and Leather. WHOLESALE. Hmwi per wt, r.00. 110.00. 112 00. SV0 RlAMtit ivle. 120 W. fltto. etaddl rawlil'itjoovernd u en. f w, w w V "-w w , w, sw uu. Plo HrnfMt,l6JXUt.0O. -Vmm Hurnw. fca, FiOO, ftw oo, hIi wiUi the celebrsted no wad Hoe toJlant Tli'"Jtin Corbett'- tart Harnw. price (Hen. ltohw. Hlankt-t, liiiB, et '. CflD DtO 1 A IIICC tnttilslitMnneqnledte lini uiu vni.ui.tf cl-eck or tnuoey order W. DVI8 SON, MANOFAL-rUKKKH, 410 Market Street, Baa Francta'e.O.IitorDla. ill ROLLERS. THIS IB THK TIME TO order your bUMHEB KOLLEKH. You want the best ; that's the oniv kind we deal In Then send your ordei for tbe BEST KCLLER and INKH to PALMKB A KKV TYFS TMLY, PRINTERS AND PUBliISHEHS -WILL FIND A FULL UNI Of TYPE. Presses, Printing Material and Machinct7 For isle at lowest prices and most advantageous terms at , Palmer & ReyType Foundry, Cor. Front and Aider Streets, PORTLAND, OR. Write for nrices and terms before bavin riaa. where FishiiTackle. B.S j IM ... IM Btanard Plies, per dot Dnivnn Trnut Vliata nar rim Benn'H Flies, per dos ..J."1'".'Z.. Split Bamboo Hods, each ..... otriii uy luiui on receipt oi pnoe. THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., Portland, Oregon. : Catalogues on application. Hercules Gas Engins (OAS OB GASOLINE) 19 for Povrer or Pumping Puipoen. Ike Obeapeet BelUMe Oe Ka(lae eutbeUaikeb fjT Ovr 00 Emnra je Rj rMaw. r Mmplleltjr II BeaU the World. II ella lteelf from ft Beaerrolr. Ke Carburetor to gt out of ordeev Ho BatterleeorBleotrle Bparfe. II reae wBh a Oheaper OraDe of OaaoUiie thaa mr a urn roa caTauMim TO CALMER & REY, ManufaotumM WhBMMS(m(,uFriDd)M,bL -ANO-PORTLAND. ORKOON. dSk. MRS. WINSLOWS HT'l f M W J - FO CHILDREN TEETHING . U ( Fwl. trail lr.l.u. ucu.tMla VriLs U 1J? liife k T Annn 01VEN AWAY tothoe awning IT JUUU """' the number ol Vial tora al vvv Ul, Worlll,, Partloulan mi ,tr treatise on PrpTentionr.w T w and Cure ol private Hale andhlfrp Female diseawa all aentl Agents WHiiled. Standard Bemwlv t., Seattle. CLA'S Poison-ivy Pills a, ure cure lor poisoning (mm Iry-rine or Oak. I( not Im proved in 2 DAYi. return the bottle and get your money. Hold by all Druggists. HAVE YOU GOT PILES ITCHIWO PILES known by noistnfe line psmptraUqp, oauso interne Uahiag Wbt'n warm. This form und BLIND, BlAKJBUUiii or fBOTUUEUfO SUEii tllXD ATOSCKTO UR. DO-SAN-kO 3 PILE REMEDY, which mi direotlr on paru ftffeata!. eruuU. fir. IkMeMAkOePbUeutelpaU. DR. GUNfS IKPHOTK) UVER PILLS I MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A novamAUt of the txnrsls tsoh day is neoesMrv tor hetltb. Thew pills supply wlit taa cyttrm laoka to mak0 It regular. They ours Hetdtvihe, brlghUta Uxm Byes and clear the Complexion batter than ooa metios. They act mndly, neither ffripensreloken as other pllle do. To oonvinca yon of their tnertu trill mil eemplns fr, or a fall box for 'JDaents, SolA rrarywasto. Loaanao Hod. Co f hlUdfipMa FRAZER AXLE GREASE Best in the World! j Set the Genuine!! Sold Everywhere!' CBANK WOOL8KY, Aarent, Portland, Or. TUT DCOT EVER MANUFACTURED ON THE COAST I lie DUUi ' "" y doIjE-peaeson harness co., . jfiiuca bun. win MUJUiau luu vmy luo UvM Uak-lannwl LMher used, und all workiunran teed, Kend for One Illustrated Catalogue pkeii. 180 union Avenue (East Side), Portland, Or. HARNESS ma 'IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF RJoore's Revealed Remedy. rJ?,T ' w ' January uj, j oan state wi pieasnra mat oj tut m or IfOOKK'B KKVKALKD BKMBDY my ousband was rcllTd from anoMnaMol AflnnBtiinii ana my yuuuBtDOTOUreaftDarAjyoiJMjfLAAttf AT()HI khku MATIHM wlww tiu test factor I ooakl get did lilra no gol. Youm In miitua N. P. H. U. No. 6(10 -ti. JF. Xf. U. No. 683 9L LD 8f YOV DBDOO"BT.