Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, AUG 25, IR88, &EJW00iOtt. jarAdIUionl locals on Ant page.H Come In for ob work. M. A. Miller carries a complete line of paints nd oils. Robert Montague hat resigned His position In the city drug stoi. Have you examined those new summer suits at S. P. Bach'a. Fmb plea, cakes and bread at Peebler's grocery store. M. A. Miller now ha a complete line of drugs and stationery. Call and examine my new Block of iprlng clothing, a P. Bach. Puiupa aDd pipe down; to Albany prices. F.C. Ayeks A Co, J. B. Cuurtney M. D. Physician, Burgeon and Aooouoheur, Lebanon, Or. Atty. Somen was In Albany two days this week on legal business A flrsbelaes pair of double barni for eule, or will trade for bay or grain. For particulars enquire at this office. 'J. C. Bllyeu aud family were visit ing relatives near Scie last Saturday and Sunday. All persons knowug themselves in dented to M. A. Millar will please ciill and settle at our. Parties who were to pay their sub scription lu wood will please haul the tame now Misses Clara and Lucy Guard, of Albany, are visiting friends aud rela tives in the city this week. i'liunalmen Bilveu and Weetfall have both tendered their resignations, but as yet neither one has been accept ed. All persons who wish to get plums or pruues from me will please leaie their order with C. A. Zahn. My J prunes are very fine this year. 0. H. Wbknckek. Tht young ladles of Sodaville wil give im lee cream social ill the grove next Suturduy evening, to which all are Invited to attend. There are now seventy-four teaim engaged In hauling straw for the paper mill besides a large force f men engag ed to handle it. Win. Hitijer, aged 23 years, while operating a selfbinder on his father's farm four miles west of Creswell Wed nesday afternoon, was unfortunate euorgh to run Into a yellow jacket's nest, aud one of the horses kicked him squarely on the nose breaking it badly. Eugene (iunrd. lieu. Morrow, of the Scio hotel, saw a huge b'urk hear while berrying- on Potato hill and ran him a race just !o see him run. The tracks of both were seen by others, and George, well known reputation for truth and ver-m-ltv was reinforced. Wonder which was ahead, man or bear. Press. On the 19th Inst May Zahn gave lect birthday party to a number of ngi d playmate. May Zahn is 6 years old. A number of very appropriate presents were given her. Nuts, ice cream, ke and candies were served. All had an enjoyule time. Mr. Neff furnished music for the occasion. 1. J. Swan and family and Mrs. Withers and chllrtern and Mr. Harry Everett returned from Newport this week, where they have been for the past week enjoying Ihe sea breeze. They r "port having had a most en joyable trip. More than 50,000 pounds of the new cron of horis have been contracted here this week by Mr. Seise, ofEugne, and Win. Faber, the Albany brewer. Among those who sold areB. Grant, J, C. Tibliets, Jos. Uartholimew and M.ars. Alford. The price agreed upon Is 16 cents. Heven cent was ad vanced for picking. Hrrieburg Courier. Curl Bender, the young man who recently performed the fool-hardy ,.f ,L..,ll;l,ur niirht.lv over the loft v stringers of tbe bridge over the river, was arrested yesterday by Chief of Police McFeron for permitting a wom an to frequent his beer saloon at the foot of Broadlbin street. A couple of The Champion Mill flour is the best In tbe market. Try it. Mrs. Bud Thompson has been quite sick this week. Mim Jenl Ralston is vlaltlug rela tives In Albany this week. We are sorry to report Mrs. Funk till very 111. Hon. M. A. Miller Is in Portland this week. , Born, to the wife of Jerry Gentry, n Aug. 24, 1893, a daughter. It is reported that Lebanon & to have another saloon. Atty. John M. Somen visited: Hclo and Lyons the flrstofthe week o legal business. David L. Fry la expected back, to Lebanon tomorrow. We suppose be did not like R. I. as well as be expeot-ed. F, L. Carman returneti to Lebanon Monday accompanied hy his wife and little girl. He has rented the Munsey residence on Bridge avenue. The Church of Christ meets in the Academy for regular service every Lord's Day In the morning at 11 o'clock. Suuday school at 10 o'clock. All are Invited to attend. I have 10 acres of garden land ad joining Lebanon, part of It lays on tbe inside of the Incorporation, for sale at bargain. Call and get prices and see the laud. W. C. Peterson, I am now prepared to furnish sup plies f all kinds to hop growers cheap. er than they can be bough in Port land, quassia wood wbale oil soap specialty. J. A Lamberbon, Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or. Send your name and address to Read Peacock Co., Albany, Oregon, and mention the Express, they will mall vou a fashion sheet free each month. Mr. Ed. O'Neil iuforms us that the report that the paier mill would close down Is untrue. He said it might hut down for a couple of days to get the large steam engine started, but didn't think they would even do that Rev. Yv.V. Metier, late of Texas, has accepted the president's chair of the Soda llle Seminary. Rev. MeGoe and the editor of the Express was in colleue at the surue time 111 Texas. He Is a good man for the place. The following Is from the Dispatch Cantaiu N. B. Humphrey, who is uuder treatment at tne insane asyiuin. is getting well. He has recovered his mind and is now bright as ever. He spends his time in joking and telling stories, with us much vim as usual His leg Is healing up nicely und be will be out in another month. There died at Newport last week the better hulf of an octogenarian couple who oegau their double journ ey 01 years ago. The day of her death was the anniversary of her wedding. Mrs. Hall was 83 years old and niothe of the wife of Capt. Bensel, collect of customs of tbeVauulna port. Mr, Hull is Hearing 90. A regular organized band of clilcke thieves has been at work for some time in the neighborhood of Sacra- mento. The fowls were carted lo did erent points from Sacramento an shipped to Han Francisco. One of the gang was capturod on the Placerville train but his confedeiates are still at large. . This is from the Salem Independ ent: The general impression seems to be, that just as soon as confidence is restored and horded money once more seeks the channels of trade that wt will see the most prosperous times that have been seen for years. The locking up of money la a loss of Inter eat that capital will try to recover In active Investment. In view of this outlook it Is decidedly belter for those who can to hold their wheat for high er prices. Better prices are surely coming iu spite of anything that con gress can do. This was the experi ence of those who went through the panic of '73 and It will be that of those who go through the panic of "J3. Yesterday afternoon Homer Hi ll, son Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Independence, was hunting with a friend lu Rose dule addition three miles south of Halem. It seems as they were pass ing through a gate the gun slipped through- the slat work that formed the bottom of the- cart aud was dis charged, giving Bell the entire load ill the breast. A threshing crew was close at hand who conveyed the young ............ r i,,i rnni( have recently been carousing there in violation of man to a neighboring farm house, ii... ii.. i.. ,,fl Hi., nronrletor Was ...no.vl'm.lv arrested and was arraign- P'cr by trade and was about ed before Recorder Hcutiin. where he died at 10 p.m. He was a 18 jl years of age. The news of the aeel Go to Zahn's for milk shakes. C. A. Zahn is new making delicious ice cream. Frank Miller is working In the City Drug store this week. Euberg, the jeweler, at the city drugstore, keep correct railroad time. Dr. J. 8. Courtney and family and Mrs. Montaugewere visiting In Al bany yesterday. I have 6000 feet of good fencing lumber in Lebanon which I will trade for hay or grain J. W. TuRfitDQB, Lebanon, Or. Messrs. Pugb and Roberts and fam ilies, returned home from the mount ains last Saturday. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please oome In and pay up, as I need my money. Mrs. Gbo. Rice. Preaching at the Baptist chureh every Sunday at 11 a. ru. and 8 p. m. Sundry school at 10 a . m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. C. R. Lamar, Pastor: Mr. C. H. Ralston spent last Sun day in Lebanon with his family. He expects to move to Portland tbe first of next week. E. B. Crouch and Chas. Stokes are building a new kitchen for the St Charles hotel, the old one having been torn away. Bud Thompson is using the kitchen of the City Hotel while tbe repairing la being dois. An annular eclipse of tbe sun will occur October 9th, 1893. The paths of the annuals being in the Pacific ocean, and running through Lima and Peru, It will appear as a partial eclipse to the western halves of North and South America. It will begin in Lebanon at 10:14 a. m. and will con tinue till 12:45 post meridian. About four digits wil be covered by the moon or one-third the entire surface of the sun will lie hidden from view. The success of Mrs. Annie M.. Beam, of McKessport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoea in her child ren will undoubtedly be of interest to many mothers. She says: "I spent severul weeks ill Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my hustiand being employed there. We bad several children with us, two of whom took the diarrhoea very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy from Rev. Chapman. It cured both of them. I knew of several other eases where it was equally successful. I think it cannot be excelled and cheer fully recommend '(." 23 and 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A. Mi Her, Drug gist . A Polk county farmer on being inter viewed about the extra session of the legislature to puss a law staying execu tions for a year, bit the nail on the head: "As soou as it was kiiown that the legislature was to convene for that purpose, the merchants thioughout the state would Immediately refuse to give credit, and would force collections. They would be compelled to do this because Iheir creditors throughout the East would take fright at the Intention of parsing such a law and would crowd them. The result would be ruinous in the extreme. Governor Pennoycr knows well enough that no such law will I passed and lie has done this all for effect. I think if you could hear him talk to those whom he does not preieud to deceive, that you would hear him chuckle over the matter'" An International Exposition will tic held at San Francisco from January 1st to June 30, 18(4. The sight of this exposition is located In Goldeu Gate Park and will cover an area of about 100 acres. There will be live princi pal buildings. Manufacturers' and Liberal Arts, Agricultural and Horti cultural Hall, Mechanical Arts,' Fine Arts and Decorative Art, Admlnis rratinn Building Applications are being received daily for seperatc and special cons' ructions such as state ex hibits, restaurants, reproductions, side shows, etc. M. H. de Young, Vice President of the National Commission, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, will act as Director General and President of the Executive Committee; the other meinliers of the administration and officer are: Irwin C Stump, Vice President; P N Lilientlial, Treasurer; Col A Andrews, R. B. Mitchell, Hon KJ Gregory, Sacramento; Jacob H Neil', Colfax; Fulton G. Berry, Fresno; J 8 Shiuson, Los Ai.geles; Alexander Badlain, Secretary; R Corn ley, Assis tant Director General. Information formation for mteudiiig exhibitors, maps of the ground.-', buildings, etc., mav lie obtained by applying to the Department of Publicity and Promc- lead guilty to Ihe charge and was , eut was reue.vcu win, gn nw Culifrnill ilerutlonal Expo. finedM and costs. He paid 110. all t Jnoepenncn.e as m, , a JT , rtlo Mllb i Building, San Francisco, Cal. Fresh bread at Zaha'i Rev. Q. W. Gllsiney and wile re turned lo Oregon City Wednesday. S. . Wallace was visiting; In Al bany this week. Kiss Anile Doud, of Portland;, is via lling friends in Lebanon, Miss Fannie Griggs returned, to Al bany Wednesday. i A. 6. Williams returned last week from tbe mountains. T. C. Feebler Is in the mountains on a hunt and fishing trip. , W. F. Read and wife on Albany were to Lebanon yesterday. . Some of the hop growers around here will commence picking next week. , C. 6. Rawlings and wife are visit ing In Albany this week. Rev. M. M. Norton will hold meet ing in Waterloo on the second Lord's Day in September at 3:30 oolock. All are invited. Tbe 40th session of the Oregon Con ference of the M. E. church, is conven ing in Albany this week. Mrs. Burnell and Mrsi.Gibbs, of Puyallup, Wash., are visiting rel atives in Lebanon this week. C. C, Hackleman has secured a po sition in Ban Francisco in the Mason- lo insurance company. His family expect to move down in the near future. Born, to the wife of C, F. Bigbeel near Sweet Home, Aug, 22, a sou. Mother and son both doing well. Old gold or silver made into new rings, plus 4c, at Hardy's. We warrant all work done by us, at Hardy's. Mr. Geo. aud Miss. Grace Chenille are visiting in Lane county this week. Rev. Lougboiioui. pastor of tbe C P. church of Albany assisted by Rev. Wooley, preached iu the Cumberland I church of this place last Wednesday evening. Mas. Charlton of Heppner is in the city visiting her father-in-law, J. K. Charlton. G. W. Cruwmaiid wife and A. H. Cruson are in Southern Oregon on a pleasure trip. J. A. Roberts left last Monday for Springfield, where he has accepted a position of book keeper in his uncle's flouring mill. Dr. Booth and son Willie arc visit ing in Portland this week. The Dr. experts to ivturn today. Misses Minnie and Mima Hamilton left Monday for Newport to spend a few days on the coast. Mr. Jason Wheeler and family of Albany were visiting relatives in the city this week. Mr. Ketehutn and family of Albany are visiting J. J. Dubruille and family this week. Mies Fannie Griggs many friends are pleased to learn of the success she had iu her last examination. She re ceived her state diploma last Satur day. Say if you want your watch, clock, orjewelery repaired aud haven't the cash, bring us farm produce. "Any thing goes" except pole oats or badg ers, at Hardy's. Mr. E. N. Lee, of Junction City, is In the city this week visiting relatives. k He has just recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever . Last Friday fire caught in the roof in tbe kitchen of the St. Charles hotel. The fire company was called but a few buckets of water extinguish ed the flames More I Is arrival. One of D. W. Hardin's little babies died last Friday. It was one of the little twin boys about 15 months old. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mm. Hardin. On Monday evening Hon. Harvey Slielton, one of Linn county's honored pioneers and most useful citizens, died at his homo lu Sclo. He had beeu building fence by the roadside lu the uioriiing aud was found in an un conscious condition about 11 o'clock. He was taken to his sou's house, where he resided and medical aiu sum moned but he did not regain con. sciousuess and at ( o'clock died. Suit has been commenced by the the Frst National Bank of Portland against the Linn County National Bank to recover $1000. On June 15 last a draft was drawn by the Linn Co. Bonk by Instructions of Mr. Cow an lu favor of Fleischner, Mayer & Co., which was paid by th First National of Portland. The draft was returned lo the bank lu Albany for collection, but was not paid und the bank closed its doors, which led to the suit. Prlnevlll ttewi (From Ocliono Review.) Ed Foflner was in The Dalles lost week tiyiugtoell Ins wool but was unsuceisfnt-'-and shipped it cast. About 2S wagon loads of emigrants pass ed here this week going west. Most f tbem goine; to webfont. Dr. Center was called to Shoo Fly Inst Wednesday to attend Mm. Berry, It is a long ways to send for a physician JO miles but the sick lady Is one of the Dr. former patients. A valuable volume was added to our school library this week, . "The History of Oregon' donated by Prof. A. J. Garland., The health of this community is unusu ally good for this time of year. The physicians report no serious cases what- ever. Sheep men say theic flocks are doiatt extra well in the mountains this summer, the range being fine, and is holding out better than common. The dry. north winds that have prevail ed hen for the past few days are having the effect of ripening grain very fast. 8. J. Newsom haB gene to the line of the Three Sisters ditch, where he has taken a tract of desert land.. He Intends fencing and plowing a portion of the land prepara tory to giving it a thorough testwittt all kinds of grain next season. The fruit crop of Urook county is larger thai year than everbefore, hence very lit tle will be shipped in from adjoining counties. This means the keeping at home of several, thousand dollars that usually go abroad for w heat. Last Tuesday morning about break fast time Billy Palmer and Mr. Giles, who were camved on M. D. Powell's place about three miles belaw town cutting grain, discovered a hu-je, silver-tipped, bear approaching the icamp. Billy discharged one barrel of his shot c.u at him but his hearshlp still apiioachid aud when at very s inrt range, Billy let fly with the other barrel, It did not seem to check him iu the least. The bear was de- ( termined to take breakfast with them thinking, perhaps, that free lunch was a necessnry concomitant of Iree trade, but lieing u protectionist did not see it in that light, and taking a stand be tween grub aud bear, he stood with gun presented. Meanwhile the tieor was approaching nearer and nearer until it was so close that liillv put the muzzle of the gun In the bear's mouth. It bit about three Inches off , the end of the gun, or so crushed it that it broke off. Tne bear turned and went into the brush. Billy is doing as well as coulif he expected un der the circumstances. Plineville News. Among other mutters, the Long creek section is now being trented to a rape case, say those- who have just relumed from that section. On lust Monday evening, a young man named Mel DuBtiu, and very well known In this county, overtook Miss Lizule Green just this side of Monument. Both were on horseback and being well acquainted chatted along till Miss Green reached the lane leading to the residence formerly owned by Jack Hinton. When Miss Gicun siurinl to go up the lane, Dustin called to her to stop, saying he wanted to speak to her. Jumping off his horse he ran up to Miss Green and dragged her off the horse, accomplishing his base designs. . The young lady then dragged herself within hailing distance of the house, when a young man came out and helped her in. It Is snid that D.islla bus been arressted and that there Is much excitement over the affair. Henpner Gazette. The West Side, of Independence, figured it out this way: If there Is any ma n independent of hard times It is the farmer who has a good farm and is out of debt. He produces what people must have and when tie sells it he gets just whut kind of money he wants or else he keeps his goods. He can Keep tneni, too, tor tuero are many waj'B he can turn them into money. Take wheat foil an example: If the price does not suit hlin, he can have it ground Into flour, and he and h - neighbors can eat it. It that will not work he can feed if to stock of some kind and drive the slock lo market, and thus be nble to realize a a fair price. The merchant, the man ufacturer and the laboring man Is en tirely dependent on selling which he has. A stagnation lu business eflects them disastrously, but has very little effect on the farmer from henrsay. According to an exchange, a young lady school ma'rm with uu inordluute lehr of smallpox sent a little girl home because the hitter remarked that her mother was sick and had murks or hei face. Next day the child returned and suld to the toucher. "We've got u lit tle buby at our house, but mamma told mo to tell you it isn't catching." the money he had, aud went m jail in : ini ,- -- -v default of the rcmalnder.-llerald. all who knew him. . ., I