Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, Kditor - and Proprietor. The Canadian sugar refiners choir a disposition to combine. The Ctiicagii Fair admissions Wed nesdav were 168.465. The Manitoba and Northwestern nulroad strike is at an end. . The Borden trial cost Bristol county, Mass., about J 14,000. Over 10,000 people attended the state school teachers picnic at Summit, N. Y. An Iowa man claims to have discovered the secret of making Damascus steel. . The chair pushers at the Chicago lair bare given up their tight and gone back to work. Tne rigilhnt, a center boarder, outsailed all other yachts at New fort, R. I., Wednesday. AVe mav expect a good immigra tion from the middle western states vithin the next rear, or as soon as business revives again. There are Buid to be nineteen urscries at Woodburn. This has keen a profitable business of late, and this is one reason why Wood kurn ie a prosperous little city. Some people estimate their im portance by the amount of noise anfuss they make. The eume can Vic said by the donkey. There is (renerally a close allionce be tween these two characters. Representatire Herman re teius his place on the committee ef fivers and harbors, and Mr. Ellis kas a place on the enmmitte on public lands.' Both are pleased iith the appointment. Hop growers are watching the larktts very -carefully. They hould not allow thetcoelves to be uAvwJ by mirages of fabulous priiws, but when they are sure of a (nod tiling they should do the best they ran Cj na;i it. Oregon r.irniers have this year Wn made to realise more keenly than ever before the importance of putting their crops in the fall of the year. Fall grain will average hHtvt than by considerable. . Congress will Vote ou the repeal of the purchasing clanse of the .Sherman law, on the 2Hth inst. The debate until then will be im puliaiitly endured by 60.000,000 people. - Everv nnce and awhile yon bear ff ;. : who gives notice to certain classes ef violators of the law that they must do thus and ao "or the law will be enforced." The Inws should be enforced, or lh?y should not be enforced one or the other. If the are "had laws" rejwal them. If they are go.-.d laws, obey them. In the mountains, near Astoria a faw days ae: a man was shot for a bear. This was a little better than being killed for a jaybird, fcut not much. There is a new law covering this point, and it abo'iid be enforced. Any man who will shoot another for any thing from a hear to a chipmunk w nmit to tie at larjje. The place for him is in the penitentiary or the asylum. .Statesman. . Mr. Thomas Bane, editor of the Graphic, Tesarkana, Arkansus, ha found what he believes to tie the bent reoiwiy in existence for the fiux. His exjierience is well worth remember ing. He says: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of fiux. I tried ainiost every koowu remedy, none Kivi-ie relief. Chamberlain's C'uolic, ( :iiolera and "Diarrhoea liemedy was reniuimeuded tome. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relkf. I continued to use the medi cine and as entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommeudiug this remedy tu an; per8011 suffering with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." and 60 ceut bottles for sale by M. A. Miller .Drugdst. A prominent sheep raiser of this eouuty was in The Dalles a fcw days ago endeavoring to place bis crop of wool on the market, and heing unable to And a wool buyer In the city amused and onmnlt-d hlmwlfby engaging a seedy tramp In cnnveraaUon. The knight of the Mad, mistaking bis interlocutor for one of his profession, became quite confidential, and un bosomed his whole life to his new found acquaintance. He related how he had tramped for twenty yean, al ways being to piek up enough cloth ing to protect his cartas from the in clement elements and to beg, borrow or steal enough food on whieh to sub sist, but the present was the hardest times be had ever seen during his long 'experience, and he could see nothing in the future for him but to go to work or starve. Of course the latter late was must of his liking, and probably has been adopted. But our Crook county friend concluded that If times were so dull that a tramp of twenty years' experience couldn't make it, he had Better move towards hh flocks on the desert, and pulled out immediately for home. Ochoco Review. Prof. Harrv J. Hav, hrs done consid erable work at this place, Sodaville and Waterloo thin week. In his geuial way he makes mailt friends where ever he goes. He will go from here to ludepea denee. BARBER SHOP Best Shaves. Hair Cut or Shampoo at BORUM & KIRKS' Shaving Parlor, XEXT DOOR TO ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treatad. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. The Yaquina Route. 0KE30N PACIFIC RAILROAD, E. W. Hadley, Receiver, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco. Ocean, Steamer Sailings. 8. 8. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Leam Sari Eraucisco, March 14 arid ?4. " Yamuna, " 19 and 20. This (;omii(M-ftrve tlie right to change RIVES PTKAMEKS. Summer "tl:ja" leave i'oriUuil, Wednes day am. Suiuniny at 6 A. M. E. C. Dss. 0. ..-tsr't.' Sahmji. St. Wharf, Portland. I), li. Vaj:ijhs, ien. Ae't, Hun Francisco, Cal. C. . Hoses. . F. t P. A.. CorvaUis. Oreaon. . 55 XL L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE nowt,lp. Bait calf bim la toe world ft umtxio W. L. Douglas aboaaaieaoldwmrwiteta. Everybody Mom mr them. It to a doty yon owe yocnell to gal Um bom valtw tor wnnr monev. Ekxmomlse In eonr lootwear br i pmobsxaic W. L. DouglasShoes.wniob OTA m 1175 lerfewem wo oest mutt at w bm wuaMlaboTa a thoiMenda con tooUly. - Taka Ko Sabotltau. JF Ttrwarv rfr0(t. Son rmotm wlthoot W. U Doujtiiu itame ftnii price Haaipttl ea Wrttom. took for U waea roa bur. W.UI)MlBcktom,II, Sokttr C. C H?.ck:ennan, LEBANON. OK. Li Have Your Job Printing Done at the Express Office, GOOD WORK at LOW PRICES. Lebanon Planing Mill Jlanufaoturoiaud deala iu Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Frames, Counters, Shelving, Scroll and Turned Work of eyery De scription. Stair Building i Specialty. A Full Btoek f Kou;h and DreweiJ Lumljer n. the Yard. Tour patrtmujre wilicited, WILSON & CHASE. ii l Mm mm ill ilW'il iiil.i: 'ItiMlI -K- i' A. " BY TRADING WITH S. P. BACH Who always carries a nicely selected stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnishng go ods. groeries, &. If you do not already give him your patronage try him, and you will always trade at his store. In Courtney's Brick. Neit Door to Bank. Patronize Home Institutions. Champion Mills ARE NOW RUNNING IN FULL BLAST. Full New Roller Process. Superior Flour for Family and Baker's Ose. llotir Ext'lmnirrod lor Wheat. A FIRST-CLASS CHOPPER RUN IN CONNEC TION WITH THE MILL. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Respect. KGIVU US A. TIHAL. Wickes &' Aldrich, Popr's. Santa 1854. ISS THE YOUNG :-: PEOPLE'S :-: HIGH :-: SCHOOL Of Lebanon and Vicinity. First Term begins September 19th. With a Full Corps of Instructors. ITS . Rates of Tuition are Reasonable, And its Methods Alireust of the Tiiutis. Faculty Will Maintain Good Disciplne, And Insist on Thorough Work. Five Courses of Study are Wisely Arranged, Aim! will Muet Every Jml Demnud. Graduates Receive Appropriate Diplomas; Those in Teacher's Course, State Iiplouia. For Circulars, etc., address S. A. RANDLE, A. M., Principal. I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK , for gale at my Yard, In the suburbs of Ibanon, For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All kind of mason's woik done w ith neatness and despatch. A. H. CRUSON MIT i ;PAFIR HWJXG SAKE MONEY Academy 1893. d:w. harden. AN!) GcAINING. i