5 b A CITV DWELLER'S WISH I tore the Irof df thu old oaJc tree, 1 tove thegarnof ttitisuruvsi I love tho bark at' thehiokory, . : Aim! 1 love itio mania1 Juice. . On the walnut's grain I fondly dot, j On the cherry's fruit INI diiio, : And I love to lio tn a narrow boat And scent the odor of pine. A k mel bo I wish some power grand Would invent seme bIdkJc tree With alrfheae points well developed, and Would ennd thai tree to me! rd plant It deep In the Jardiniere That stand In tbiit flat of mine; Td give It ib eentMt, teudemt ear. And whtr It roou with wine. .-John K end rick Bani in Harper Weekly. ALONE IN THE 1I0TJSE. It wn the Mb day of November "Guy Fawkes Day" tu the old English calendar that bang above the mantel in my maternal grand mother long disused room up stairs. In this northern borne to which we bad re omtly removed, falling heir to ft through thai very ancestress wilt, the dweller re garded November rather an a winter than an autumn month, and today the wind bowled asd the rain pat tared with a per latency marvelous to behold. , And, aa it happened, 1 was all alone tn tlie bouse. Father bad gone to take hta russet appleti to market the apples that I myself had helped to harvest and pack Into the barrels--aud was not expected home until tomorrow night at the earliest. Jack, my brother, was in Montreal, fitting p the law office which was henceforward lo be 'his abode. Jean, our hanlfeatured, srosHgrained old servant, had gone home with the "rheumatics," as she termed it, to be treated by a oertalo ancient ludian berb doctor, aud just at dunk fall Peter, our "useful man," bad thrust his shock bead unceremoniously in at the door. "I say, Miim Ruth," he had said, "there's plenty of wood ami everything's all snug tor the night, aud I'm goiu over to Steph enson's, They're in trouble there." "Trouble, Peter What kind of trouble Is the old man sick?" But tn answer to my query Peter only uttered an indistinct remark and went out, lamming the door behind him. i stood in front of the fire, looking down at the glowing embers and pondering with in myself. The Stepheosous, who lived in an old grayHtoue house oo the other side of the precipitous glen, had alwiiys been a riddle to me. The family was small, oou ajettng only of a crabbed old man, bis por tentously silent wife, and two tall, nn gftfoly son, aud wbiit on earth they did with the big, echoing rooms, or bow they contrived to live, perched like eaglets on the aide of the rock, j could not form tbe leant idea. "City boarders," Peter bad ooqr grunted out in answer to my persist nt interrogations. Hut if they kept city boarders, why did they not leave these dreary inouutain fastnesses when the leaves fell and tbe dismal autumn fogs gathered above the cliffs? Altogether, Cttere was a certain atmosphere of mystery about these "Stephenson" that aroused all the Kveiike instinct of my nature. . While 1 still stood thinking, a soft tap Bounded at the door. I opened It at once, never oooe remembering that 1 was alone to the house. "Ye never ottghter'd do that, Miss Ruth' paid the well known accent of Mrs. Gludge, Parmer dodge's buxum wife. "Do what, Mrs. Glodger "Open the door arter dark, when you're alone in the bouse, without oskin who's there." "How did you know ! was alone in tbe bomwf" Ml just met Peter gain to Stephenson's." Oht" said L "But we don't have tramps around here, Mrs. Gludge." "I'm not so certain o' that," said the farmer's wife. "Your folks baiu't lived here as long as 1 have. We're Just nigh enough to the Canada line to have queer characters prowlin about when ye least ex pect 'em. And then there's ritepbensous." "What of Stephenson?" 1 cried, eager ly. "Who in Stephenson, anyway F Do tell me, Mm. Gludge." "Well, 1 declare!" said Mrs; Gludge. "Is It possible, now. that they baln't told They have told roe nothing," said L "Well, It's likely they didn't want to ecaroj ou or make yon nervous," said Mrs. Gludge. "Bat, all tbe same, J thank you Ought ter know." "Mrs. Glmle," cried I, seising her arm, "wbathtltr Uo tell met" "It's a private home," odd Mrs. Gludge, lowering her voice to a whisper, tut though tbe raindrops aud tbe rustling fir boughs eon Id overhear. "A wtmtr" I gaaped. "For people of feeble mind," explained ! tbe womuu, "and luuies," tapping her fore bead as she spoke. I stared at ber. "Then," cried I, "that's what Peter meant when he aaki tb;ifc that" Oue of tbe poor creatures has somehow given em the slip," said Mir Gludge "an English gentleman from Montreal, us baa only beeu there a few days. No ' body known just bow It happened, but happen it did. My man's gone over with a lantern to help buut for him; so has Peter." "He might have told me," 1 cried iudig naiitiy. "Anyway, I doo't think he ought to have left you bare alone," said Mrs. Gludge se Terely. "But you're come to itay with me, Mrs. Glulg?" t "11 less your heart, Miss Ruth, nol Pro on my way to carry a letter to Mr. Rom Dey'e, up the road u very important let ter, with 4iu baste1 writ on it." For in addition to her duties us farmer's wife and mother of a large family of Jittle children, lire. Gludge helped ber husband In tbe care of tbe obscure little country postofuos a mile down tbe road.) "Aud-by the way, Td nearly forgot lt-I've got a letter for fcon too. That's what brought me beru." .. )Forqw, Mrs. Gludger" , stloctivcly J put out my hand to grasp the treasure, whllo tlio woman fumbled prat in cue aud then in another of ber pockets. "It's very strange," said she. "1 mode ftnre I bad it. 1 did have it when 1 started Jiwt at the foot of Gibb's cliff I took out fry hand kerchief to tie around my neck, the wind mine so keen around the rocks, nud I must a-pulled it out with that, nml everything too pitch dark n round me to see. Oh, Miss Ruth, I'm so irryl Please don't report me, there's a goo voting lady, or I shall lose my pi nee!" , 1 swallowed down a great trupof din oomfiture in my throat and tnud to laugh. "Report you, Mrs. Gludger" stid 1. "Of course not. H wasn't your fault. If you bad n't kindly thought of me, and started to bring it oo your way to Romney's, you never would have lost it" "And quite true," said Mrs. Gludge rue fully, "but ail the same I wish hadn't been eo tboughtfuL I'll send the boys out to look for it just as soon as" "Oh, never mind the letter," I Inter rupted. "I dare say it's only from Jack. Tomorrow morning will do very well for that. But, Mrs. Gludge, you'll come back and stay with me till Peter geta backf Jean is away, you know, and" "Yes, my dear, I'll do that," absented the woman, evidently relieved to be let off so easily on the score of the letter, "And it won't be long first It's only a short half mile to Romney's, if tbe wind didn't blow o like alt possessed." Wish a good humored nod she disap peared into the rain and darkness, and I ran back to pile fresh logs on the waning fire. Bank burglars, extradited wander era, a lanatlc at Urge with all these pos sibilities whirling in my brain it is not strange that I lighted a second lamp In or der effectually to banish all lurking shad ows from the angles of the room, aud started nervously when a sudden blast of wind shook tbe window shutters as if with some imperious hand. "I'll go tip to the garret and bring down some butternuts," thought 1, "and then I'll get some cider from the cellar. It will be fuo to crack the butternut and watch the shells blase in the fire, and Mrs. Gludge will like a drink of cider when she comes back all wet and chill." Cheered by this happy thought, I caught up a lamp and flew to the garret of the roomy old house where my father had bestowed ell the nutty treasures of the autumn woods. Somehow, Priscilla, the cat, had got looted Into the garret, aud I had to release her from durance vile, and replace a box or two which she had knock ed off from tbe window sill, before I came down, driving her catship before me, with tbe lamp in one band and an apron f ul of butternuts in the other. Through the open keeping room door streamed a ray of ruddy light into the Cimmerian darkness of the ball. 1 stopped abruptly. Surely I had closed that door when 1 came out, re membering a certaiu trick it bad of slam ming to and fro in windy weather like this. And at the same time a curious con sciousuess of some human presence near by crept over me like an unseen magnetic cur rent. Nor was it a false premonition. As 1 stretched my neck to peep cautiously into the room, I saw seated before the fire a gentleman -a youngish gentleman, pale, blat haired, and, as I thought, rather un settled of aspect. And a decidedly wet and mud bespattered gentleman, whose raiment steairted in the glorious blaze aud crackle of tbe pine logs, as he sat there holding out his bauds to the genial warmth. How bad be gained so entrance Hod I carelessly neglected to bolt tbe big door after Mrs. Gindge's departurer Yes, 1 must have done so, and that was a proof of bow utterly unlit I was to be left by my self. Kor a second I stood there quailiug and quaking, my heart thumping tike a triphammer, a cold sweat breaking out upon my furehead, before I decided what to do. I bad never seen a bank burglar, to be sure, but I was pretty certain this white handed gentleman could not belong totbat race. Aud 1 did not think he acted like any other scoundrel who was fleeing from tbe rigors of tbe law. He must be the English gentleman, gone wrong in bis bead, who bad "escaped" from Stephen son's. 1 was alone in tbe bouse with a maniac; and at tbe idea my heart beat more vio lently tbau ever aud tbe cold drops grew colder ou my brow. With a sudden instinct I decided that there was nothing for it but flight. The worst feature of tbe case was that I oould not get out of the bouse (be it remembered that Peter hod takeu away the key of the back kitchen door tn bis pocket) without passing directly through the room where tbe escaped luuatic sat banking before the fire. This, however, must be faced; there was no remedy for it, aud with one blind rush I precipitated myself through the room, tumbliog over the cat aud scattering a shower of butternuts as I went, aud darted headlong through the door, with au involuntary shriek that might have rent the ceiling, if ever ceilings were reut tu thut way except lo tbe pages of romauoe. DirecHj into tbe arms ofJack, my own brother Jack, who was coming in from the van with a light valise in one baud and a drippiug carriage robe in the other. "Halloo!" bawled Jack, staggering under the blow of my very uuexpected appear ance. "Why what tbe I declare If it Isn't Ruthyl" "Ob, Jock ! ob. Jack!" I screamed, clutch ing at him like the drowniug man at the proverbial straw. "Where ure all tbe folks? What has be come of the stable keysF What have you done with Carletou Y" he depianded. But I paid oo heed to his Interrogatories. "Come, Jack!" i cried; "come quickly! The escaped lunatic! He's right there in tbe keeping room) Oh, Jack, I do hope you've got your revolver!" "What?" roared Jock. "Aa escaped lunattcf Where the deuce has he corns fromf Has he hurt CarletonF" He made a spring toward the keeping room, to whose door stood the tall, pale man, straining his eyes out into the uight. "Where is her" shouted Jack. "Where's whof" said the escaped luna tic to a pleasant, slightly drawling voice. "It wasn't bel It was a hel Aud site cleared the floor in a single bouud, and Oh, I'm sure I beg a thousand pardons!" as he caught sight of me. "But, please, what is tbe matter r" In u second my mental vision became as clear s crystal. I saw it all, aud I euvled Priscilla, the cat, because I could uot van ish under the china cupboard us she did. aud be tfoncl X oould ouly biuU taihaug my lu-itd, and stammer out incoherent apologies amid the laughter of Jnck and tho polilestpologios of the friend whom he hod unexpectedly brought from Montreal with him, aud whose coming had Iwen an nounced, its it seemed, by the very letter Mrs. Gludge had lost, That's ail. There la no sequel to my story. In real life I have found that sto ries seldom do have sequels. I had had a dreadful fright, and they all laughed at meatftrstand made exenscs for me and petted me afterward and said "Poor little Ruth I" Puttier declared that be would never risk such a thing again, and dis charged Peter on the spot but Peter came back to his work the next day just as usual, and he is here still. Mr. Carlton was very nice and apologetic for coming in without knocking to dry himself, while Jack was leading the horse to tbe baro, but be has not ret fallen in love with me as an orthodox hero ought to do. Tbe genuine escaped lunatic was captured uear t Stephenson's and taken to MoutreaL un der the Impression that he was the gov ernor general going to take possesion of bis vice regency. And just half an hour after we had settled down to the cracking of butternut and drinking sweet cider that night, a merry group, a sepulchral knocking souuded at the door and Mra. Gludge's voice was beard proclaiming: "If you please, miss, I've come to keep you comnanyl" Shirley Browne to Fire side Compauion. . Urn Uu Ootid Svum. Iran across the keeper of a little cigar store tbe other day who showed a business Insight that would work a revolution in tbe busiuess of the thousands of small storekeepers in this city and it suburbs if happily they could share it. His sterols away up on Washington Heights, and I wandered tn there iu such stress for a smoke that I was willing to run risks. I was struck ou entering tbe place by its neatness, the f reshuess of the stock and the taste with which it was arranged. Buying one a! his best cigars, I was sur prised to fiud it a tine and delicately fla vored Havana, aud forthwith expressed my approval. "How do you manage to keep your stock so fresh away up hereP" 1 asked. "Yon must bare a pretty good trade." "Oh, yes, pretty good," he said. "Tt isn't hard to get a good run of custom If you only go about it on business principles. 1 don't think because 1 am so far up town that I ought to make an extra profit on alt I selL That idea would spoil my trade. If a man can get a paper of tobacco down town for eight cents he isu't goiug to pay ten up here. He may once or twite when he has overlooked it while down town, but be won't do it as a regular thing. It is so with everything else. He will buy where be can gut it the cheapest. 1 don't blame him, and if I did it wouldn't do any good. I just accept the situation as it is. "The most of the meu that live around here go down town every day, and all of them once a week or so, and to get their trade and keep it 1 have to sell at down town prices. There isn't much money in it sometimes, fur the tobacco meu do cut prices awfully when there are many stores close together, as there usually are, but 1 figure that it is better to get the trade at a small profit than not to get it at all. New customers are always surprised to find prices so cheap, but they come again, aud some of them walk several blocks out of their way. It tickles them to feel that they are not being imposed upon. By baviug such a good trade I am able to keep my stock always frehb, and that makes it at tractive." Verily there is need of reasoning in busi ness, aud a reward for it. too, even in run ning a small cipir store. New York Her ald. (Jumu and Priest, A short time ago the queen regent of Spain wrote to his holiness the pope asking him to grant a bishopric to a poor and humble priest, the sou of a Tyrolm shep herd. The interest shown by the young sovereign in this pm&ant's sou bod its source In au incident winch took place when Maria Christina was a little Austrian archduchess of live years. She was one day roaming about the bills with ber governess when a violent storm came on, aud tbey took shelter iu a shep herd's but which was near at hand. A little boy was am usi tig himself with some pebbles in a corner of the miserable dwell ing when tbey entered. . Reaeuting the suddeu intrusion, the boy marched up to the little archduchess and gave ber a smart blow ou tbe back. Poor Maria Christina, offended and hurt by this extraordinary action, buret into a violent fit of weeping, aud was pad tied with the utmost difficulty. A few years later, when her imperial highness partook of her first comniumoo, she expressed the desire of paying for the dresses worn by some poor commumcants AWoug whom happened to be tbe boy who had once struck her. She remembered bim at ouce. and hearing thut he wished to become a priest she undertook to defray all the expenses of bis education. Ever since that day the queen has been a true friend tu the poor priest, and she wrote to him before asking from the pope the bishopric above mentioned, saying: "I waut you to become a bishop because you know so well how to cressutare." Iu this word, which means the laying on of hands or confirmation, she made a sly allusion to the time when, as a boy, he laid bunds violently upon her. New York Re corder. Jewish Vienna. Vienna Is rapidly becoming the most Jewish city in Europe. In 1885 out of every 1,000 inhabitants of that capital there were 046 Christians and 49 Jews, while this year there are b7o Catholics too? Jews. The other cities compared with this are Hamburg, with V47 Christians to 86 Jews; Munich, with tWU to 19, and Dresden, with m to 10. Only in Fraukfort la tbe Israel- Itisb percentage higher than In Vienna. Tablet. How an Ostrich Hatches Eggs. It is a curiosity to watch tho male ostrich assist the hatching out process. As soon as he sees the beak ortoe sticking through the shell he will tuke the egg up by the protruding bill or foot, lift it two or three feet, aud drop it on thu ground until It breaks. 1 have seen him release two chicks at ouce bydroppingoaeeggupou tbe other in this way. Interview iuSt. Louis Globe- Democrat. GUILTY, YET ACQUITTED. I How a Lawyer Secured n Ten) let for a Self Confessed Criminal. "Well, 1 will tell you of another case," said John D. Townsend, the lawyer, one night while chatting about a strange scene in law courts with me at an up town club. "You will remember a few years sgn that a man named Jeffords, whileserving time Sing Sing, was murdered by a fellow convict who was aggrieved at something Jeffords had said. Jeffords hod been tried and convicted of the murder of his step father, and under the conditions of the law determining the manner of death at that time the governor had. refused to set a time for his execution. Jeffords was therefore virtually remanded for life. The father of the man who killed Jef fords lived in the upper part of this state. and he retaiued me for the defense. I went to Sing Sing shortly after 1 was retained to take tbe testimony of witnesses in favor of my client, I knew that most of them would be convicts, and I wanted to get their testimony, etc, before they gotaway. 1 took the testimony of eight men, all of whom swore positively that my client was in a different part of the yard from Jeffords at the time of the killing. Of course I supposed that I had a very easy case and paid little attention to it until near the time of the trial, which was to take place at White Plains court house, Westchester county. I thought it would be well to go to Sing Sing the night before the trial, to make sure that my witnesses would be in at tendance the next day. While sitting with the warden m bis office, word came to me that my client would like to see me at his cell door. Iwentdown and he met me with the remark: 1 suppose a lawyer ought to know everything about the case he has to band?' I replied that of course he should be thoroughly posted, or be oould not compe tently defeud his client. Well, then,' he replied immediately. I did kill Jeffords!' "Just please to imagine the condition of my feelings! However, I hud but one course to take. I remembered a somewhat similar case occurring a short time before tn England. Counsel defending a mur derer was just aimut to sura up with a certainty of a verdict when he was handed a note from the prisoner confessing his guiltl "In that case counsel asked an adjourn ment in order that he might have an op portunity of presenting to the conrt cir cumstances which bad at that moment come to bis knowledge, and which was of tbe utmost importance to consider. A re cess was taken and the matter submitted to the court by counsel. It was unanimously determined that counsel niUBt proceed to sum up on tbe evi dence just as though bis client had never spoken to him. On the reassembling of court he did so, aud his client was ac quit twll Acting upon this precedent, I submitted tbe evidence I had gathered, summed up without expressing any opinion of my own, and my man was also acquitted! Mrs. Jeffords, the mother of the murdered man, sat in the balcony throughout the triith As all the narties in the case are now dead, I have m Vesttntion in telling this remark able case." New York Recorder. .TO HONOR CRICSSON. It Ciild Swim. At a seaside resort some boys caught a ribbon snke ubout eighteen inches long, and after playing with it for awhile took it into their heada to see if it could swim. They carried it to the pierand threw it into the harbor. The snake set out swimming at once, but instead of coining toward the land it mode for a small yacht lying at anchor. It, could not tret un the sides of the boat. but in swimming about it it came to the cable, up which, to the amazement of the boys, it whs seen to make its way by twist ing around it. The shouts or the boys called the atten tion of tiie only man on the yacht to the presence of the snake, and after chasing the poor creature with a broom about the deck, he succeeded In throwing It into the water itgam. the snake, etui plucky, swam to another yacht near by, but was driven away with na oar. It then started for the other side of the harbor, nearly a quarter of a mile distant, and the men in the second yacht had the curiosity to get into a Bmall boat and fol low it to see if it reached the shore. It swam steadily, going somewhat more slow ly as it went on, but still keeping up its graceful, undulating motion until the shore was gained. By this time it was somewhat exhausted, but it bad strength enough to crawl away among the rocks, and the men who were watching it felt that it bad earned the right to live, even bod there been any rea sonwhich there wasn't for killing it in tbe first place. Youth's Couipunioo. HI Wooden Leg "You wear a wooden leg, BtllieP" Old Billie sat in a sailor's saloon on the east side yesterday afternoon. "That's what." "Where did yon get itf" "In the West Indies, in '66 pirates." "You love New Yorkf" "Depends. Sty, this is tbe most won derful wooden leg in the world." "Looks as if it had seen service." "Has. But that ain't it, All my old pals has carved their names on Bi I lie's old wooden leg. See here. Jim Scott he's dead these ten years; Jack Linn Jack died In the African Klave trade; Tom, Billie Bounce, Harry, S:m Post, Charlie Buss, an Old Grimes an Hawksley an Henshaw. All my old mates. Suy, ain't that grand? I wouldn't sell this here old leg for a month's advance. It's the grandest thing In New York today." New York World. Wheezy Hand Organs. It is usually supposed that tho faint and squeaky hand organs played by woe ful old women, seated on enrbstones and wrapped in shawla, are decrepit from long service in tho cause of art That is not the case. Their builders intention ally leave oat notes, so that they shall sound uioro mournful and touch mora quickly the sensibilities of some people. Organs of this kind are known u -Now York San. New York's Tribute to tlio Inventor of the Monitor, Howtho American mionlodcliahtfcohonof thctr dead, heroes, though reluctant and lowlndoingtlinm iustlco when llv-, lug, is well illus trated tu tho case of John Ericsson, the inventor of tho famous Monitor. For yours Ericsson had a claim of about HMOO against the na tional government for services ren dered prior to the war, and 20 years or more ago tlie court of claims de cided that tho debt was a just one, aud yet today it remains unpaid, several successive congresses having refused to mako , any appropriation Kuicsson'b monument. for the purpose. Yet when It became a question of Bending his lifeless body home to bis native land congress cheerfully spent upward of (100,000 and devoted our war ships to tho service. Just about that time, too, the New York legislature appropriated $10,000 to build a monument in his honor, which will soon be unveiled on the historic Battery amid the thundering of the cannon of the mighty ehisof war assembled in the harbor for the Columbian naval review. The civic au thorities will be on hand, and the Odd Fel lows and the Swedish societies will partici pate in the programme, and there will be speech nmking and a dinner and a ball In the evening, and Americans will show tho world in their own inimitable fashion how. they honor the man they would not pay. The statue to be unveiled is the work or Sculptor J, Scott Hartley. , It is of bronze and 1b over 8 feet in height, weighing 1,600 pounds. The pedeHtaHsS) feet high, of gran-' ite, with polished panels and a rouga, un finished base. All Tkoaght Better of Bim for It, The young man had been with the party sometime, aud he finally rose logo. The others vetoed the proposition. , "Oh, sit dowu!" cried oue. "What do you want to break up the party for?" asked another. "Be a good fellow," said a third, The young man hesitated. "No; I guess 1 had better go," be said at last. "Nonsense! It's early yetl" protested one. "Sit down I Sit dotfn I We'll all be boms before 12," added another, The young man sat down, rested his arms on the table and said: "Well, I'll submit the case to you. You are talking of going to the theater or bay ing a game of cards at the club, and you want me to be one of tbe party. Now, in a cozy little Out on the North Bide there's a little woman" ' "Children sick t" put In one of the party. "No; there's only one, aud he's In good health." "Wife sick?" "No." "Oh, well" "Wait a minute," Interrupted the young man. "I'll leavi :t yuu, but you muit bear the case. T1A le woman is alone iu tbe flat The Imff it k tve and she is sitting there reading Gt newiug, and listen ing to the steps of Lfcuse passing the hauso. I left home at U o'clock this morning, and since then she has been aloue with the baby. Now she hasn't even the baby to occupy her time." He paused a moment to give them an op portunity to speak, but no one said a word. Then he said: Boys, if you think yon want my com pany tonight more than she dues I'll stay." There wus another puuue, and then one of the party took a sip of chamimgue and said: , "I'd rather you'd go home." The others nodded their assent, and the young man said: "I'd rattier go," It was some time later In the evening when oue of the members of the purty soldi "there's a man." And every one knew whom he referred to. Chicago Tribune. Uw to Catcli a nattlesimbe. The largest rattlesnake on exhibition at P. C. Montgomery's drug store was cap tured on Deer Creek, alxive the Hot Springs, by Allen Coultos, a professional snake charmer and wild animal specialist. This snuke bus tmrty-uine rattles and a buttou, aud measured 4 feet 7 Inches In length and 7 inches In circumference. Mr. Coultos says the snake is somewhat shrukeu, seeming much larger when first captured. He explains his method of seen ring the snake thus: When he comes upon a reptile be secures such a position that he can catch the eye of the snake, and between bim and the snake be eeps his bands moving slowly, being careful to keep the snake watching ull the time. After con tinuing this process fur a short time lie claims he can easily pick thusnuke tip, al though he never cures to handle them. Sun Francisco Kxumluer. Supplying Lunches, A number of large establishments In Now York provide suitable bodily refresh meu t for their hundreds of employees. This is given in some part of thu building, un that from the hour of report for duty till tha hour of dismissal t hero is noexcusofor leaving the place. Restaurants hi thesa busiuess bouses for customers uro now quite general. Retail stores that sell every thing within tbe range of domestib req u Ira met t must keep tho customor In good humor and fair bodily trim, and there is nothing like a nice lunch at a low price to do this. New York Li'truld. Item em ii r the Total. Now that the tabulations for the elev enth census are tit once fur all, It Is well enough to recall that formula by which we set out to remember the sum total, Six-too, six too-too, tuo-liva-ought. Titers is no excuse for stumbling over thut Boston Com moii wen 1th.