The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 25, 1893, Image 1

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One your K "
(If pal In advance. B ftt per yen:.)
Bti mnntKv. m ....... 1 JJ
Thrut months .......................... Sn
tBglU CO))iOf(...... ,.-.. 06
Secret Societies.
MUMMONtAMIK BO. IT, I. ft . F.-Mreta
wen Bntimlay evenlnit at (XtS Fellows Hall, l
'el(p.m. A.A.XEffit.N.O.
mRUtraMXA lowtfcsq . .1.0. o. F
Jleott Hi I. 0. 0. F Hall Unit and IttiM Wean
U, eveatatpiof each -f EEwm . .
Lr.Hk o Lome, Nn. 44 A. T. A. M.-Meets
Salurilavcvwiliig.oiiBrbelm'etlu! full moon In
'"""""' .t. ....
F. . ttll.I.RR, 8W-
HfiorUwaK. Nn. ffli. A.o, 0. W.-Moetvcrj'
TfnMUayevtuiliwai . A. K. Hall.
J. B. Thomwo . 'He. .
SnmnrVn'a.-JIrM to.A. E. Bull, Ulianim.
Or.. every stnrav nwoliut. '"j
BatuKlay olea mouth, nuit'Uiift tiie third Fri
day liwtawL All htiiir "f W.eSiiM of ' rt
ararw awl mmndmor the . A. R. art cordially
UivlllloiwlUilto(:iiiiii. ,. .,
C. l. M;rr rrt'E, Capl.
A. cnuuu., Firm sect.
I eattierford S Chamberlain,
Attorney-at - Law,
Attorneys' at Law,
Collection We jmimpt anil tiircfid ; mention,
win iiriKtliHi in all the iwutu of the Wale,
omct: ! ixuMtwrY'KBriicK.
Leiiason, Ohecion.
UndertaktiK a Specialty.
Learn Telegraphy.
MirccKsw hi it
J. C Ml'S'llKMir,
Oregonmii Building,
St. Charles Hotel,
Cornor Main and Slieru'.ttii HHcetii,
BUD THOMPSOH, Proprietor.
First-Class ia all Apartments.
Hpeolal uLteution paid to (,'oiu-
merulal men. 1
1 j '
Board and IiudgLiiE, per day, fl to !
2; por week M.0U lo 6 j.
your real name must accompany
every communication or It will cer
tainly go to the "waste basket." We
do not want your name for publica
tion, lut an a guarantee of good faith.
. Editor.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon lor the Oennty of Linn.
In the matter of the efstat off Citation,
Jonn M. J. 'Loveall, Deceased, f
To Thwwa Wilson, Erniiy Walker,
Sarah Kiej and to the unknown heir or
hem of Jenueiah Loveall deopahed, and to
all others 3cnown and unknown, interested
in huid st ate. Greetirifr.
liithe nameof .he State of Oregon, You
hereby cited and required I appear in the
CuuntyCourt of the State of Oregon, for
the anty of Linn, at the Court Room i
tberedt, at Albany, in the Countf of Lino
on Monday the 2nd day of October, at
I o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then
and there to show cause if any you have,
why'the application ofJ. H. laveall Ad
i nuRBtrator of the estate f John M. J.
LtyveaJl, deceased, to aeU .tbreal property
hanging to said estate, described as fol
lows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point Seventy Kiht (78)
nd North of the 8outheast corner of
Richard and Louisa L. C'headie'g Donation
Land Claim, Not. Ko-flhOft, Claim No, 55,
in Litin County, Orefttn; thence South
Seventy Eight 178) rods to said corner;
thence went Eighty-ons (8l)rtMls; thence
North Eighty (80) rodi; thence in an Eant
ernlv counne Eighty-one 81) and a fraction
rods to the placed beginning, containing
forty i0 acres in Linn County, Oregon,
should not be granted.
WitneHH, the Hon. J. N.Duncan, Judge
of the County Courtof the State of Oregon,
for the County of Unn, with the Seal of
Said Court ailixod, this lfith day of August,
a. D., im.
Attest; N. P. l'uyne, Clerk. Kyli. M.
Payne, Deputy,
i Heal
lu the Circuit Court of the Stale of Orcfton. for
the County ot Litm, holding termt at Albany.
bialeol Oregon, County ui Linn, t a, W. B.
I)nmi-ii. J. M. tSeltle and i. A. HoljerLs, iTUsluei,
C. 0. Havbleman aud Carrie Hwldettitm, aJb
wittt. Iwu- White. Henry iii-uetiiiotler VJ. L.
Hbjw, dotiiK buwueia uiwler tlie linu ntuue aud
1 Htvlt- o; ' i)etiealiulfer, Haft & Co., T J'. Cratidtdl
'j doing busiuew under the firm name aud Blylc of
T. F.CmmlH!! a Co., Uarrotson, Wootlrutt', 1'rmt
Co., ft cunwraliou, and . SteiuDerger, iJtit'uu
antK. To'. . Orandftli, doing biiKinese under the Ann
name aud style of T. V. Craudall k Co., (iarroi
Mt, vViKKLniii", f-'rauco,, a uoriKiration, aud N.
pttt'tulxTKiT, or wud dt'tt'iiflauts.
lu Hit; Name or the WhW ol Oregou; Vou are
hfri'liy rt!iiiirod umpH-ar and auxuer tbn mm
phtuii HU-il iigttiuHt tm In the above entitled ttuit
y the (Irnt dtty of tlief eriu of the said Colt, jivxt
luiluvvintf tlie t'.jiii'Hlluii of tile pul)lieaUtntiI hs
ifliiiimoim, to-wii: by the fourth Monday ot'Uctoh
er.lHiiii. the wnne being the J4th clay ot Oelnlx'r,
.Was. and if you fall bo to ausfter, for wain there
of. the iiltiimitls will apply to the eourt for the
relief demanded hi the eointtlaint. to-wit: I'or
ju lt,riui iit ttKiiitihiMdd defendant C. C. Huekle
wiii. for Sisftuiy, and inlerei.t thereon at (lie
rate of 10 iter eent. per Milium from the tfitu iJay
oUuly, IWU, and the 1 tin her sum of at
W tiey's fee and for Uielr eoti and dihmie
mwitt, aud for a deeree lor tlie foreclosure of their
mortgage, as ttgauiiii all mid defendants, on the
following deM-rlbefl real-wttue; sltutitud lu Jjmt
tir.uty, Ntate ot Oregon, to-wit: hots one '1), two
ai, three (Jt(, four I4H0, tAx (). seven (7). . nine
(it), fc-it (Hi). UkK'k, No. si-x (l) in .1. M. IuI.oii'k
Ituirbti addftioti to the Tivn of Lebanon, mid for
the reformat tint ol Niid inortgnge and that, saki
iviil -jiilate lie mk. awl Hits proceeds of wiiil salt
appMtrd in satiMl'aetion f taid judgment. tnd
ttmt the elaiui and iutewsta of all cuitl deleitd'
.uiiUxse ftitbsetjiiem and junior to plumifftb mort
;j!nge and for sucli other relief as ui the eouri may
iWium tseet and eqiutahie.
Tuifi MiblSiatlun in unSo by order of Htm.
rn, .J hurnett, Judge f the above eiuilled
fwnrt. duly made on the KH-h day of Augunl IW.,
fcil OUid on die '22nd day ' Augm-i W,
a. un'i. M, Oakunu aud !;ttwc. & sos h,
AtiyMot PluhiUfl'.
llr.Ktit'H, of EuhUtu 'Oregon whh vis
it big in tlie city this wwk. j
J98 f It IE
The on y I'we Cix-aai of Tartar 1'owder, NoAruiuunia;No AluM.
Used in Millions of Hyines 10 Years the Standard
A statement.
Lebanon. Ob., Aug, 22nd 1898
Mr. Bdilor:
De Sir: I desire Jto correct and modifj' , the
statement which appeared in hurt weeks' paper
oow ruing myself, it place me before tl ph
lie In very awkwarfl pocltion aud conviys the
wrong Idea entirely. - Nothing could be more
preposterous than the statement that the man
referred to was seriously injured: tUtroagh th
Drs. precaution was not at all out of pOace. Pin
Hcratehes sometimen prove fatal. He was not w
old by several years as was stated, and ai far
being feeble and nnable t fight weJl when he
made the atlaek his boasting reminded meef
Goliath when David went fbrth to meet him and
my chances looked about as slim iiadid David's
chances, but the strong hand of God always up
holds and sustains his children. "The Lord
saveth not with sward and mear for the
battle Is the Lord's." Jt ought to be a reproach
to Lebanon for ever that a woman has been fined
for fighting In defense of her honor and resenting
blackguardism with aeluh. It Is said we have a
law for the protection of women from the iosulm
and vloleneo of wicked men. I fail to recognize
in our laws any protection for such offenses. The
remedy is worse than the disease. The offended
complainant must lay aside her modesty and con
front gentlemen of honor aud repeat the bad
language which is so revolting to all decency,
then when therlminal isoonvicted what Is the
penalty? A puny little fine or a few days impris
onmeuU Great inducement for a woman to be
sara-ifieed, I -am of the ; opinion that the reme
dy which nature has provided is the best "Good
full-grown clubs." My conduct has met with the
approval of all intelligent, right minded people
but there is a umall minority of the population of
Lebanon whose minds are so narrow and com-
presstid that it disqualifies them from taking a
proper view of any subject. The gossip-mongers
andehrunic meddlers who have been trying to
atteudtomyafta:rsever Blnee Mr. Thorn went
east and Jhava been giving me bo much gratui
tous advertising, while their own progeny were
engaged in aumcrous vices and buxy with the
problem of ("how many pickles an ordrnary over
euat pocket would contain placed there when the
clerk is not looking") would better try minding
their own ousiuess awhile and scrape the famish
ofl their own character.
Remember that eurnes, chicken like
Often roost at home; .,
Don't speak of others faults
Till you have none of your own.
Say what you will about lighting, but the vom-
an who meats you to your face as a friend and
tlien snaaks arouud behlud you and strikes her
unsuNpeeting victim with the poisoned tongue of
slander is an abomination unto the Lord. This
class of men and women do not need advertifdn;
they are known where ever they go. Some of the
lords of creation (Noblest work of God, etc.) have
ho far retrograded that they go about the street
prying into women's affaire, watching where she
goes and wondering what her business is, striving
painfully tojereate a seaudale. They forget or
perphaps never knew) that suspicion Is the out
pouring of a corrupt heart and an evil mind. One
of the most deplorable faults which I have ever
taken inbyMrs, Gruudy is that of buying clothes
wearing appearat, spending money for foolish'
ness, as she terms it, realy ought to go to the sup'
port of the Wospel, As to those who are support'
ea by the Gwpet unfortunately we do not enjoy
advantages thai Eve did, as palm leaves do not
stow In Oregon,
Borne people who are ostentatiously preaching
the Gospel are in reality tatling among the
neighbors causing disturbance ot a very grave
nature. Mrs. R. Thom.
Mr. F. (Springer died at his home in
thU city Wednesday evening after a
lingering Hindis witli co8umption.
He was born in Columbia county,
Pent). 60 years ago. He came from
KaiiHas to this place about five years
ago. He is the father of twelve child
ren, eight of which are still living.
The bereaved wife and children have
the sympathy of the entire commu
nity. Kev, M. fiushor will preacn his
funeral in the Cumberland church
today after which he will be hurried in
the Masonic cemetary.
Dr. IrvinKmith, left the 8 rat of the
week for his home in Bhemiau county
25, 1893.
linn. M. A. Miller's Keply.
Below la Hon. M. A. Miller's reply
to Governor Pennoyer's letter to him
in regard to ttoe extra session of the leg
islature whk;h shows how he stands
on the question.
Sylvester Pennoyeh, Governor,
SALEit, Oregon:
MyDeae SiR.Yoursof the 15th
inst at hand asking my opinion as a
member ot the Legislature as to the
advisability of calling an extra session
of, that twtdy for the purpose of enact
ing a Stay Law. After a careful con
sideration of your letter, I would re
spectfully state that while lam de
cidedly in favor of a Stay Law and
would up port such a bill or any
other bill tending to relieve the mas-s
es from the fearful effects of evil finan
'Mai legislation aud unjust taxation.
I doubt the expediency of calling an-
extra session at this time unless an
assurance was had from the members
that a majority were in favor of paus
ing an act in addition to the Stay
Law repeaiiug many of the .appropri
ation luws passed lust winter entail
ing needless burdens on the industries
of our people.
Should you Issue a procolmalion
calling the Legislature together in
extra session, I trust you will in your
message call attention to the various
appropriations which should at once
be repealed. Very Respectfully,
M. A. Miller.
Council Proceedings.
Council met the 21stof August 1893
punuiantto adjournment. All mem
bers were present.
The bond of Messrs. Guy & Mayers,
for liquor license, was read aud ap
proved and license ordered ismed.
Several bills against the city were
ordered paid.
Bills for the relief of Orin Martin
were presented and referred to the
proper committee.
The city Atty was iustructed to
communicate with the S. P. R. R.
with a view to having them place
cross-walks over their right-of-way.
The marshal was instructed to ascer
tain the reasons, if any, why parties
hud not repaired their side-walks as
directed, and to report at next meet
ing. Resignation of Councilman Bilyeu
wits read und laid on the table.
Council then adjourned until next
regular meeting.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing between the
undersigned, under the firm name of
Akirieh Ai Weeks, at Lebanon, Linn Co.,
Oregon, including the Champion Mill
Con. pany, has been and is this day dis
solved by mutual consent of the parties,
G, W. Aldrich having purchased the inter
est of W. C. Weeks, who retires therefrom.
The business will hereafter ho carried on by
G, W. Aldrich, the purciiascr thereof, who
hereby assumes all partnership debts, and
who alone is authorized to collect and re
ceipt for all debts due the late firm.
G. W. Aldhidh,
W. C. Wkeks,
Dated this 24th day of Aug, 1808.
Administrators Notice.
Notice is hereby given iliat the uiider
wigued Administrator of the co-partnership
ixtnte of liuibour & Dulsleishl Wm, M.
Barbour, deceased, has Bled with the Clerk
of tho County Court of Linn County, Ore
.i.'oii, his final account, and theJudgo of
said court has fixed upon the 4th day of
September IBM, at the hour of 10 a. m. of
said day for the hearing of objections
if any, to Taid account, and for settlement
of wiili'estate. N. S, JMiouiish,
, Administrator
Sam'j. M. Oaklasi). ,
Afty. for the Administrator.
Bated at Lebanon, Or., this 301b day of
July '-..
NO 26
Piiebe Keziah Torhet, setiout '
daughter of Prof. David A. Tortwfc
and Olive A.Torbet, was bom in Bur- .
bank, Ohio, April 18th, 1876, ( anfl
died In Albany, Ore., August 21. 183.
n early childhood she gave her hftffc'
to God, and joined the M. 12. ehutoU, ,
South, at Norwood, Vu. As ehegrew
to womanhood, her Christian cfenw
ter became more and more beauHftil,
and all who associated with her felt
themselves in the presence of a truly
spiritual person. At home, she was
always so gentle, so kind, so thought
ful. At school, diligent, modest, anal
retired. She had three homes, one
where her father and mother lived,
one at church and one where her
mansion Is in heaven. She read hr
bible dailey, aud had devotions all .
alone; and this, too, aside from regu
lar family devotions with the others
of the family. Besides performing
her home and school duties, she fouud
time for drawing and painting, and
has left behind her several paintings
and drawings to adorn the home of
her parents. While known by many,
and loved by all, she had but, few in
timate friends, and they were of the :
most pronounced christian ahnracter.
During her last sickness, she never
doubted, but always said she was
ready to die if It was God's will. She
preferred to live and do good, but had---
no other will than God's, bhe sat up
till the last, and watched the setting
sun from the porch on the evening be I
fore Bhe died. Shortly before death !
she said, "Death has no terrors for the j
christiau." Her last momenta were ( I
J u . ....... Wl
verv neueeiui. unu uer iuiu iv leoi Liiu. -'
their loss is her gain Those who
knew her best can but say, "Blessed
ara the dead who die lathe Lord."
A star Ting Preacher.
The Rev. F. A. Smith, of Silver
Mine, Ct., has caused a sensution In .
the town.
From his pulpit last Bunduy he in
formed his congregation that lie and
the members of his family were starv
ing, simply because his salarv was not
After preaching a good sermon and
giving out the regular church notices,
startled his hearers by saying: "I
eometo you this morning with an
empty stomach. I have not had a n.
mouthful to eat to-day, because I ,'"
could not get it. There Is not even a
crust in the cupboard'. For over a
week I and my family have lived en
tirely on blackberries and bread. The
reason my family .Is not hero this
morning is because they have no shoes
to wear. I do not ak charity, but
only that you pay me the salary that,: .
you agreed to, that I may nut starve,
"I have been here two years next
October," said the Rev. Mr, Hniitli,
"and have labored hard to build -up
the church and Instinct the people in .-, ,,.
the ways of rltshtenusnesn.
" H'lm't I said in the pulpit was only
the bare truth, and If It hurts ni.yone ,
I can't help it. Hud I accepted their V
invitation to take a vacation and .
. . . . .
leave the church I would mime my
self liable to churjh discipline, which
says no preacher shall drop his church
without permission of the
president. :
'I have preiicliort here for five :
months, and ohly received tin in cash
and for two long ipnnthb without re
ceiving a penny, so, of course I bad
to get Into debt.
'I won't say they are tryinu; to
starve me, but It looks that way,"
Card of Thanks.
Emtok Exprksb: lit. and Mrs,
Torbet desire to express their appre
ciation of the kindness and 'thought
fulness of the good people of Lebanon
for their assistance rendered ut the
burial of their daughter.