The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 11, 1893, Image 6

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    p-jiv. T'HE U. S. Oovernment Chemictc
1 have reported, after an exami
nation of scores of different brands,
that the Royal Baking Powder is ab
solutely pure, of highest leavening
capacity, and superior to all others.
Tha Angler of the Seine.
The old type of angler, according to
Balzac, was silent, meditative and
crust;. His descendant is, on the con
trary, loquacious, closely observant of
everything but his tty and line and care
lessly amiable. Who would have dared
address the hoary and respected Pierre
when in the act of landing for he really
used to land something else besides tad
poles and old boots or when cajoling
with a fish from his time honored corner
beneath the Pont Royal? No one, 1 ven
ture to say, but the sharp tongued gut
ter urchin may chaff the seedy yet im
perturbable individual who has succeed
ed him, and, what is more, he receives a
return volley of repartee garnished with
Old Pierre, who was perhaps one of
iiw uesi Known figures SO years back
on the quays, breakfasted, dined and
supped off his takes of 8eine fish, which
were mostly dace, carp, barbels and
tench. He had a varied assortment of
recipes in nut possession, and many i
cordon bleu has received a hint fw .Jir.
tag the finny tribe from this ancient fish
erman. No one knew nnntlv wUa n.
how he lived or how he managed to ob
tain tunas tor the purchase of bait, yet
he Was always well Imnnlini urfth the.
most expensive kind of gentles, greaves
ami paste, wnere His successor contents
uimseu witn roe and ul made flies.
Westminster Keview.
Wall Panera.
Wall papers were little used in Europe
nerore me e:gnteenth century, though
mey nau oeen iong uetore that applied
to house decoration by the Chinese.
Those that were first manufactured in
the west wereadaptationsof design from
Italian brocades, and at first they were
insed in an unobjectionable manner, just
as hangings of the costlier material were
employed namely, tofill spaces between
obvious structural lines and so applied
no oojecnon could 'Be made to their use.
On the COntmrV. thR illVOTltinn hwinrrlit
it within the means of almost every
uousenomer to nil blank wall spaces
with agreeable tracery and harmonious
The cornice, frieze and dado remained
intact. Courtis were nrnfaM-tml writh
molding or plaster work, and the in-
tuaw uugub teei inai ue was living m a
built room and not in a bandbox. But
gradually the wall features disappeared,
paper crept over everything except win
dow and door openings, even into the
very angles of me walls, ana tt is noth
ing uncommon now on entering a sa
loon of considerable pretension and pro
portions in una trie walls closely cov
ered with mi nor from flnnr tn railing
save a narrow starting board to protect
the plaster from the housemaid's broom
and a cornice reduced to a meager mold
ing. xuacKwooas Magazine.
aenteneed to Matrimony,
A vonns man and a vrmncr vnmM
were contesting possession of a piece of
property, the one claiming under an old
lease, the other under an old will
"It strikes me." said the justice, "that
there is a pleasant and easy way to ter
minate this lawsuit The plaintiff seems
to be a respectable young man, and this
is a very nice young woman. They can
ootn get married and live upon the
farm. If they go on with the law pro
ceedings, the property will all be frit
tered away among the lawyers, who, 1
am sure, are not ungallant enough to
wish the marriage not to come off."
The lady blushed, and the young man
stammered that they "liked each other a
little bit," so a verdict was rendered for
the plaintiff on the condition of his prom
ise to marry the defendant within two
months, a stay of execution being put to
the verdict till the marriage ceremony
should be completei
This is about the first couple ever sen
tenced to matrimony in a court of law.
Dr. Chadwlek'e Hanging Story.
Mr. Chadwick, who is well known as
an after dinner speaker, said that he was
reminded of a hanging scene in a new
state. A murderer was about to be
"swung or' when a horseman dashed
up. His steed was covered with foam,
and he had every appearance of bearing
an important message. Springing up
the steps of the platform, he announced
that if the person who occupied it would
resign his place for a moment In favor
of himself he would like to say a few
The trembling wretch under the noose
was glad of a moment's respite, and the
horseman proceeded to tell the audience
about some . ' in the vicinity,
"-rthfl- ras the scent,'-
Sen Slekneai on Land.
We have seen several cases this sum
mer of obstinate umisea, brought on by
sailiug. where, under a hot sun and toss-
mg snout on a rough sea, the patient has
Mi uiinonifurta.'ile," but not actually
sick, but on arriving at home has ex -
tun.... ....ft .1 .1: ... I .
mj; aiioiit on a rouuli sea, the patient has
imtiutni mr umireHHing syniptouul Of
seu sickness, without the consolation of
L-n.xm,,., .1... l.i :,, u . ... .
........ ,,A ,n, vitc viuuuit: will ue Over 8S
soon as he reaches terra Brma. Head
ache and a little fever generally accom
pany such bilious attacks for such they
are the hot sun and the "churning"
having proved too much for a sensitive
stomach. A mustard plaster, applied as
hot as can be borne, is au excellent rem
edy; this, with a drop of camphor in a
teaspoonful of water, given every fifteen
uiiiwHsi. win geueraiiycneok the nausea,
and followed by a "liver pill" at night
may often prevent a troublesome illness
Of several davs Thin "lunn ai,.l,naBa u
a cunous thing, and is not at all uncom- pocket line consists of a wooden Host,
mon. Many persons feel decidedly un- aml which some BO feet of stout cord
comfortable after an ocean voyage, who wound. The other end of the cord
experience no illness whatever "on board terminates in an efficient grapnel armed
ship." and it is always safe to take a lit-1 ,uar ,ma" hooks. The whole ap
tle laxative medicine after leaving the ' P""8 complete weighs only five
Vessel as a nravantivn u orull BO j OUncea and in tha tnnat ,vwh.L, -II
Hew York Tribune.
Preferring the Complexion.
A great deal can be done toward hav
ing a Una nn.l .annU , l .
o - vuiupieuon oy a
systematic treatment of rubbing. A fine
tnwal nr a hit nf nxi flunn.,1 U i
ruooing, iwice a day, or four times, if
rapid results are to accrue By degrees
-as the skin gains tone and elasticity
from having thrown off the waste matter
un.,U ujiufu uu uw wasiemaiier
in its ducts that kept it clogged, sickly
And fluhhv th frittnn ..un i
J " lUUtCMC m
ATHlrfTV Tho alrin (uu.n. . - I
aj- - ljuiuo, uui uiuguer, i
but more insistent. If the rubbing is
tnn hard at Rrat hni.A, it ... i; . -
- . w, ,t 10 lutuin w
produce redness and pimples. Even
slight friction will do this at times oa
an unaccustomed skin. But the treat
ment should be persevered in neverthe
less, and the skin soon becomes extraor-
dinnrilv fmn anil amnntl, I ....I: ' n
j uuawvu. uwira UUUie
A Convenient Lnneh Huili.1
Every woman who has traveled knows 1
; . .... ., . 7
the inconvenience of attamntinir tn ut
niuwuTcuicuu; ui attempting to eat
lunch en route from one's lap. There is
the teacup to be held, the plate, a glass
of wine or water and. if nn, ie vurv uio.
gant, a knife and fork. A woman with
a very large inventive genius has invent
ed an en route tea haakpt whi-h n,una
in snch a way that it forms a tray on
sues tap mere is a little teapot at
tached to it, with a side compartment
for boilim? ecrs. so that tt ran !h maila
and eggs boiled at the same time. There
are small cells for hnldim, le, .
aalt and a little porcelain lined dish for
butter. When folded no the tea haskat
looks not unlike the lunch boxes which
Were familiar artisan in nhil,lhnnl'e
days. Hew York Commercial Adver-
A Woman Superintendent.
The momentous nnestinn whotho it
ahonld he a lanv ennrintnnoT,t no.n..
an superintendent has been decided by
. "i uj
the trustees Of the nnrmul nnllMTA Tha
. r Hi'tuuiQ in tiiui mure uuticeame tnan in
executive committee had recommended the matter of dress. To the desire to do
that the bylaws of the college be amend- as others do may be attributed the prov
ed by designating one of the professors alence of almost aU the fashions that
Woman annprintonrlant. . I .l ,
Commissioner I.nmmia aein ha mo.
- , . 7 f-
j if utio tucin
was uu uuuut inai woman snpenntend-
ent was correct, still he thmnht. tha fonn
was not generally applied in institutions
- j -uvamuiMimHuia i
nf ee tnnnh ilinltv oa tha ..1 I
wj we uuiuui bw
leire. He made an amendment that, tulv
be inserted instead of woman. j
Commissioner Hubbell said woman
TU hottof. fwm thn 1J. If
wm j ar. uulu- tinea utiu on metal nes wears out roll
mi" withdrew his amendment, and it is ing stock much faster than one laid on
" " tuyoiuiwuiwa, asw zura ,
An Example of Beslgualloa.
li. Pastenr is devoted tn hia atnntM
and to his family. It was a terrible
blow to him when his daughter married
and left for her new hnma. hnt ha mnM
console himself after a .fashion of his
own. 1
"Well." he said after aha waa anna
with a lone alrh hnt with a ftloam nt
comfort dawning in his eyes, "at least
i snaii db aoie now 10 aevote myselz to
typhoid fever." Youth's Companion.
A Matrimonial Suggeetlon,
Mr. Been there Whv don't vnn oat
Mr. Oldbach No use. Thnra ia nn
woman who will take me.
Mr. Beenthere Of conraa nnt. With
that cast of countenance tnn nan hwrllv
expect a woman to take yon. You must
uute a woman. Texas iiitungs.
1M xiilalnifl ia him uvnr ami oftoa
Wlial auuotl III tie uoy elmtilil bei
How temiwr ami tumult ui aortao,
Amlnaiitfhly wayelntkw,
He Irelenetl, mute and nutat,
Willi enriHul cwoT bluu.
Then: "1 ilmi'i link I'll try IX.
I'd mvrwr lie like ytmr
6. Luounia In lull r'nikla Wiwhlmrtno.
Olendehlp He ween a Uorae unit a lv,ii
A plumborat Numigausett had a horse
si years oiu, wmcn was used fur turry
tag around hia master's material when
thut was necessary, but spent most of it
time in a small pasture. A fox terrier
also belonging to the uluniber, wasao in
separable coutiutnion nf tlw nA hnreo
When the old horse was harnessed to the
cart the dog was ou guard to see that
nothing was stolen from the cart. In
the pasture the dog was always suiffing
aronnd the horse and was never so de
lighted as when the horse would begin to
roll in the grass, which it often did, ap
parently to please the dog, which would
jump about in every direction and bark
for pure joy.
m "u lae "orsewus put in the
barn 'ne aoB lways entered with its
1 frienl and slept on the animal's body
OnA llV tha nainMu.K l .
At night when the horse was put in the
J uu'li""w tUU U1UOI
i """""l howls coming from the- pasture
And fnnnil that tliu ld hnus uutm uu uiini.
There was the terrier on tho dead body
howling out ita sorrow and misery. The
dog remained with the body until it was
removed for burial. Hew York Tribune.
A Pottkat Lire Swing Apparatus.
In 1874 Lieutenant Brunei of Dieppe
introduced his pocket life saving lines, of
which already upward of 8,IH0 are being
used In France, where they now rescue
annually some 285 lives, nevertheless
these admirable inventions are almost
unknown in ourempire. Brunei's small
life saving lines. Hence 1 urge its adop
tion everywhere, especially for officials
and others engaged about our coasts and
uiianu waters, luese appliances could
w iuuuuiy retaueu tor arjout la. ou.
oh, nd anyonecanmakethem. Lou-
Hnn Vunitv K1..;.
ue prontaoiy retailed for about Is. (id.
A Hnnaette lleteetee.
A clever contrivance has lwm invnnt.
"r win ueteccion oi small pieces or
magnetizable metal, such as needles,
tu.ta t! --.I i u:
ed for the detection of small nieoaa nf
iwnorevi MJU UUU I.U1U1, VKi, UUII DUf
1. ...... . -I i , ,
wiiienju tun uuiuau uouy unawares
and hidden themselves in the skin or
an.. : . .
tunuw, iim insiruuient was QB-
vised by Dr. J. B. Williams and consists
essentially of a nartiallv asbttii. mmhi.
nation of small magnetic needles sus
pended within a trlass tuba tha tnha ha.
ing covered with tinfoil to minimize
aiecinc action, except lor a small space
uiiuugo wmcn tne needle can be ob
served. It ia elaimtwl that tha in.t.
mmt ,uffid'tly uel'e !" the
nreBenceof omMiifhth nf an im.h nf .tool
ment is sufficiently delicate to detect the
" . ..
or iron wire at a distance of six inches
from itself. Hew York Telegram,
What Von Shoot In Chine.
A naval officer once told the writer
that pheasant shooting in China
very rair and would be really good if
there were not so many obstacles about
to enjoying it comtortably. He said that
the people were so numerous that if you
u a gun go on almost anywhere in Chi
" you were pretty sure to hit a China-
..if eem "'
wlth.'.8 m"U Pnt as damages
. ! "T way''tfited state
Of mind, and indeed this naval anthnritv
did say that they would sometimes try
to get in the shooter's way on purpose to
get these damages. Macmlllan's Maga-
Imltatloa In the Hatter at Drees.
vunntuwruuw oi numan nature, and In
Ki i. u: ..
uao naiauai since tne nays when our
. .1 j .
nuuuebura uunneu tneu unpre-
Mjnttuus ug leaves. London iit-Bita,
Metal Tlee for Itnerihana-
i.uiuQiiiuo iuuvi tics nave oeen invent
A , i, i , . . . ...
Kumerous metal ties have been invent-
w euu uittuy rauroaus nave triea tnem.
hnt all have, nmuon nn.utiaf,.t.. mi..
principal objections to them are baaed
on their cost and their nonelaaticitv A
. , , ..
tuuuer. new lore xrluune.
Vemptlng Provldenon,
"Marv Juno " anirl tha riulfnta hn.
to his spouse, "it seems like flyin In the
face of Providence to name the boy
Elijah. It sounds too much like the old
feller in the Bible that was carried away
by a cyclone. 1 don't think it's a proper
name at all for this country." Indianap
olis Journal.
Catullus Lucttttius killed himself in a
peculiarly painful manner by swallow
ing coals of fire and supplementing then
with a piece of redhot iron.
Art, so far as it has the ability, follows
nature as a pupil imitates his master, no
that art must be. as it were, a (teetend
ant of Ood. Dante.
The average weight of the Chinese
brain is said to be heavier than the aver
age weixht of the brain of anv other tjoa.
UaiMilnem Nut Ptireliaeabla.
1 Wish tllllt SVerv limn an,l ummn.,
who is convinced that money is the most
oesirauie oi an possessions could know a
poor cr future whom I see almost every
day. She Is the wife of a man reputed
to be worth 10,000,000. Whether this
figure Is ot Is not correct 1 have no
means or Knowing, out 1 am certain
that, like the young man in the Hcrtp
tures, he has great possessions. There
is nothing which money can secure that
this woman may not possess, and yet I
scarcely know of any being whose life is
more despicably poverty stricken. She
is no longer young, and age and its con
stantly Hearing goal-death are full of
terror for her.
In snoh high value does she hold the
worthless, ragged reiuuaut of her life
that she will not ridg in a carriuge lest it
be endangered. As the world, venal
as it is supposed to be, refuses to pay
Continual honiaifn to hr aim lai?a!!n
possession, money, she rinds no pleasure
in ine society or ner Rina. f ailing to
understand that snch power as she pos
sesses is but a trust, she has abused It
with a prodigality thut has resulted in
placing her, as it were, in a desert of
nnldVHll Innplittfttti Mnmimr L.n ,.,!
night she sits in the effortless desolation
wun wmcn weaitn uaa environed her.
The milk nf hntnun lrlnil,iBU If ,t
existed, was long since eliminated from
ner nature, nnu ettort tor others does not
enter into her calculations. TIih
cation of appetite is her one activity,
ami ine monotony or each day Is varied
bv the nrritinn" at attma eumll Imtal A
restaunint. of an elaborate meal, includ
ing iced champagne, and tho eating of it
alone.. I will admit that this is a some
what extreme oiism. atlll it ie a fuiil,fi
aemonstration of the fact that happiness
is a commitm which la not purchasable
Chicago Post.
A Pent Up Longing.
The Well known fant that nnt nf ta
abundance of the heart the mouth speak-
etn, was amusingly illustrated a short
time airo at a lame and fiwhiniii,i h,,ti
on the North Shore. A thunder shower
which came on eiirlv in t.ha avanin, i.
creased to violent nrnnnrtinna anil n,nu
accompanied by a gale of wind which
nnuua tne nnuse anu caused considerable
alarm amouii the anest. Mmiv nf th.a
who bad already retired to their rooms
came out into tne corridors, while the
gentlemen hastened about assisting in
closing windows, fastening doors, eto.
A sudden blinding Hash of lightning
followed by a heavy crash of thunder,
proved too much for the already over
wrought nerves of one member of the
fair sex. Rushing from her room she
precipitated herself into the arms of a
gentleman who happened to be passing
down the hall at that moment "Oh.
save mer she cried "Tha hm 0,111 h.
struck; I know it will
Mistaking her in the dim light for a
married friend of his wife, he disengaged
himself somewhat baBtily from her cling
ing arms and said dryly: "There is not
danger, madam. Hut why do you not go
tO VOUr hUSluillll?' "I haven't a.,u
haven't any, she sobbed hysterically
"Oh. 1 wish I had." Tha mntlinan uhn
tells the story says that the pent up long
ing in tne tone in which the last five
words was uttered was a revelation in
itself, Boston Uazette.
Government "DeadneNae.'
In some of thednnnrtmante t HJaBh
ington there are so many clerks that the
nseieas ones stana In the way of those
who are disnosed tn wm-lr Th. mwUh.,
clorks are a splondid force of experienced
and capable men, but the Tite Barnacles
are found everywhere. Pittsburg Post.
The Mountains era Shrinking.
Four different mnnntain naalm !
Idaho are from thirteen to twnt.thraa
feet lower by actual measurement than
they were fifteen years ago, and it is be
lieved that this settlinir ia amino- nn arith
many others. The idea U that quick
sands have undermined them. New
York Advertiser.
Moral, Oaew Gum.
A man from Oxford mnnlv lnet Mll.
road coupon ticket to the fair and in
quired at the ticket office if one bad been
found. One bad been found, but how
were they to know that it was his. He
asked to look at it and it was shown to
him. He said: "It ia mine. 1 ran nrnva
It eee, the face of It is torn off. Look
here." and hn nnenarl hie voet nnnlat en,l
showed a hpartv mill nf imm anil tha fans
of a railroad coupon sticking to it. The
two matcneu, ana the ticket was passed
over to him. Lewis ton Joursai.
Is a ijARMrBBB preparation in tablet
form for prenerving am. kinds: of
Fnrr without cookiwo. One pack-
age preservea fifty pinte of fruit or
a barrel of cider, and only costs 60
cents. Fruits preserved with Anti-
fermentlne retain their natural
taste and appearance. Ask your
druggist or grocer for Anti-fermen-
it. nor name on
.n.- ., .. , . '
..." ..., e. ieu4.r uee w
seraujli gravel at borne.
11 Playi Bemur for Catarrh hi Ike
e a nan
ttmt KmImI. tn 11m, mnH Hhum
U-WU by dncxlMs or Mut tagr niML,
Ma & T- W muHm. WrMO, IX ,
K, Ai-nANY St.,
Ithaca, N. Ym
Dec. I9,.i88i.
For over 40 years
I have been a
victim of rheu
matism. I waa
persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I
hnve used two bottles, and a man
more free from rheumatism never
walked our streets. My limbs thut
were once stln" and lame are now as
light and limber as in my youth.
Ithaca, N. Y.July 5, 1887.
Suffered many years injury to
hip resulting in rheumntism, muscu
lar weakness and contracted cords.
Two bottles of St, Jacobs Oil re
lieved me so that 1 now v.nlk about
and attend to dally duties at 6a.
I heartily endorse It.
Baking Pontfcr
Purity dtid
To Intrwlaee our Powder, we have de.
termlnedtoilutiltmto among the coneun,.
ere a numbor of OAsll PUIZK8 To
tlie iwrninoriiliili returning w tho Inrmt
nmnlKrofcmlllceWoonor before Juno L
1804, wewillstvoaceah prltuorSlUO, end
t tin next Urgent, nutuonMie oiuurpruee
ram-Ins liooi S3 ui78 IN CABU.
.ft, ULCERS,
these and every kindred disease arkdag
from impure blood snocanraily treated by
that iinver-faUlag and best of sll tonics am)
Books on Bknd and Bkln cv
Printed teetunonjabsrmtnn
application. Addren
-8wift8peclficC(L, ' V
unoioe nice, oo It : Isrue lUlslna, to; lino Tea.
"i KHyrup,lj Arliiii-klnOiiflee.ifHi; Haao,
Si T"!1'.1! aH-" pkK" KliiK'a lluckrhat,
lOci Urled Heeohen, He; FIk, 1c; Prunes. lte;
Apple., evsimralt'd lie. HKNI) Foil TUB it
(iUOTATlONo. llenllou tills paper. AdilreM
Jones' Cash Store,
180 front HI reel, Portland, Or.
CLA'S POI80N.IW PlLL8-A.uro euro lor
pnlxinlntr Irom Ivyrlne or Oak. II not lm-
in,vv in t uais, reiurn the tHittle ana sol
your money, Hold by All DruKiilnuj.
Hercules Gas Enoin
rnifl no n , un, Sp
Mmi or Power or Pumplna Purpoeaa.
Tae Ctaap-et IlellaMe Oas Saftae
ea IhOiMerket.
Our oe iMonri a
Pae- BbnplLjltr II Beats the TVorld.
ae -ia neair mm a Keeerrotr,
Jlo Carburetor to f et out ofordea.
X Batterlas or Xleetrlo rjoark.
II raae wtth a Ohsaper Orade of OaeoUat than ear
wmmk engine.
Sam roa oauuana to
PALMER & REY, ManufaotukuM,