VOL VII TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year... 12 00 (ir paid in advance, $1 so per year.) li mont! 1 00 Three months ,., AO Ingle copies H HinH H 06 Seoret Sooletles. LBHANON U)IX1K. NO. 47, I, O. O. F.-Mceta tverytintrirday evening at odd Follows Hall, at o'clock p. m. A.A.KEBS.N. O. W.C. PETERSON, SeCt'y. peaklueue iinoK, no. 47. 1. 0. 0. Keels at 1. O. O. F Hall fltat and Ithlrd Wcdael--flayoveiilnirA of eaoh mimth. ' W H. A. N1CKKHBON, N. G, .DOLUKBAlTMAltall, Heufy 'tun 0 Umax, No, 44 A. F. St A. M.-Moets Saturday evening, on or before the full nmon In twh month. K. E. Hahkack. W. M, F. . Vuxxn, Hoc. Hoorlmm, No. 3D, A. 0, II. W.-Hen every ITueaday evening at (1. A. fi. Hall. Da. I. A. UmiEnsna, II. W. J. B. Thomfso , Heo. Gs'l, HM Cr, So. 10, 1)lvrORnn 'Somol'VlR'li. Meet InU. A. It. Hull, Uliauon, ' Or., every Hatunlay evening, except the third Haiiinlnvitrinili month, fiumtltur the third Fri day lnitead. All brothers of theSnns of Vet eran anil comruiliworibe (l. A. H. are coriuany Invited to meet with tlie Camp. C. I). Hot 'udk, Capt. A.OBAIIAU, FlrstRagt. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. CARL.ND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON, OREUHN. Chamberlain, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. ALBANY, OREGON. W.R BILTEV, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON, J, B. WTATT, Attorney-fit- Law., ALBANT, 'OREGON. 6TOWE4.80MERS Attorneys at Law., TITLES EXAMINED. e collections given uruiuiit and enrofnl attontton. Will practice in all the courts of the state. omCK IX COUBTKKY'S BH1CK. Lebanon, Oreoon. FORTBILLER H DEALE8S IN ALL KINDS OF MNITURE, CAiBPETS, WALL PAPER AND PICTUKE FRAMES. UniJertakn,? a Specialty.. ALBANY. OREGON Learn Telegraphy. A TRADE. IT PAYS. Address, J. C Hymwr, Orogooian Building, 1'OKTU.ND, OGN. St Charles Hotel, (toraer Main and Sherman Streets. BUD THOMPSON, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. Special attention paid to Com mercial men. Board and Lodging, per day. tl to 12; per week $4.50 to $6 , LEBANON, TO CORRESPONDENTS. Your real name must accompany every communication or it will cer tainly go to the "waste baBket." We do not want your name for publica tion, but u a guarantee of good faith. Editor. What One Seee and Hears at Waterloo. Editor Exi'bess: As youT corespondents from this place seems to huve gone from public g7.e, or retired from the literary Hold, I will try to furnish you a few lines by way of variety. To brain with the W. I). (',.. have again started part of their machinery in the fact ory and will no doubt begin to turn 01 jt long-legged BocitB Boon, for they have go t a whole car load of woet and have darned the fiver bo hard that they made it rut j up atmm for a little wayB. The people lierc hope tiiat there will 'be no further delay with the successful ojieration of the mill or any himlerunce in tbe matter of the regu lar issue of coin from the paymasters of fice. They would, ao boubt, still be will ing to take oruerfl on the stores instead of "'free silver" if tire Go. could not pay "gold." Tbe new school bouse seems to have 'come to a bait and now none can tell when we shall have a thouse in which to train 'young ideas how to shoot." The new church 1b nearing completion. It is a very neat building and it will be a credit to the town and the builder. It will be reudy far use in another month. Tbe young people of tbe Sunday school gave a baskot festival lust Satutduy even ing at which an excellent literary and musical program was rendered. Then the selling of the 'baskets aud eating lunch created a deal of fun and social pleasure. Everything wan very pleasantly managed and the affair realized something like f 20 toward paying for tbe organ and other necessarios for (the school. The Sunday school is a very flourishing one and much interest is beingitaken in it by all. Kev. Plowman preached last Sunday afternoon. Tbeaervloe was the funeral of of Mr. Neuquist son who waa drowned near here few, (lays ago. On neit Sunday Rev. Plowman will preach again. The sermon will be one of a series. Tlforo is the usual crowd of campers and Sunday visitors otxnit tbe town and some times quite a crowd gathers here. Lately we have been afflicted with a number of 3rd rate shows but they are not very well patronised. Our people seem to have other use for their money. For a good quiet reoreution and to have a good time, come to aterloo. Amos Crayon Portraits. The Globe Portrait Go's, agent, of San Francisco, is in town. Look out for him, as he will call on you. All of their work is warranted and their prices are in accordance wiUi the 'times. Photographs. You can get better cabinet sloe pict ure at Crawford & Paxton'e In Alba ny for $1 60 per dozen than at other gallries for any price. Our work is guatanteed. Permanent gallery es tablished for 88 years. No poor work allowed to go out, ome and see us. A Ihaiiv. 1st street. Next dour Mnann. ic Teniple. us T TheodlyPurcCrtiamofTartarPowder.-NoAmmomajNoAlum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. OREGON , AUGUST On south be jhurt across the bav from Newport lives Geo. Witt, a re- speotablecitW Many years ago he lost his wif , mS following tne ample of p Jmy fl)wr unt0 himself a immd life partner. By his first wif 4 ,e was farne B gojj name(j R Larger, .j,0 arrVed at man's es tate w ithont having anything to ruin his reputation. Last aummer B. Ladder returned from a five years resJdence in Eastern Oregon with his or.ediUhle reputation still Intact. 'After a residence of three months, or mereabouta under hit father's roof, lie suddenly became known to fame by an elopement with his stepmother. Toe following telegram throw light on the antics of the precious pair: Sacramento, July 25.-Oonstable Bradley of Vaeaville arrested on a ranch up the river at daylight this morning a desperate character named K. Lander Witt. He had been under arrest at Vacavillefor cattle stealing but was released on Bail. On the 6th of July be got Into a fight with a man Into a saloon, knock ed him down and almost kicked the flead off him. Fearing the man might die he shipped his household goods, jumped his bail and skipped out. After Witt's capture this morning a woman with whom he had been liv Ing with appeared at the jail in Wash ington across the river, and at her urging request she was locked up with the prisoner. Witt is wanted in Oregon and the authorities of that state will be noti fied of his arrest. He is a man about 85 years fo age and is said to have a very bad name. Constable bradley had received letters from Oregon say ing there are two warrants out for Witt. It appears that Witt made love to his stepmother, who returned blB affections and they finally ran away together and came to California. W. F. Hamlin who lives on the Boguefarmln Linn county S miles this side of Corvallis, accidentally shot himself In the ai m while out hunting on Sunday. doctor who atteuded him thought bis arm would have to be amputated. Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of tbe co-partnership estate of Barbour & Dalgleish, Wm. M. Barbour, deceased, has tiled with the UlerR of the County Couij of Linn County, Ore gon, his linal account, and the Judge of said court has fixed upon the 4th day of September 1883, at the hour of 10 a. m. of said day for tbe hearing of objections, if any, to said account, and for settlement of saib estate. N. 8. Daluliish, Administrator Sab'l M. Gahlakp. Atty, for the Administrator. Dated at Lebanon, Or., this 26th day of July 1883. Notice of BlssolMtlou. Notice 1b hereby given that the oo-partnershlp heretofore existing between the undersigned under the Arm uame of Fray & Settle, of Leba non, Or., has been and Is this day dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. I. F. Settle hav ing purchased the Interest of J. H. Frey, who re tires from the busiuess. The business will here after be earned on by I. F. Settle, the purchasor uiureui, ai uw um nwiu, wiiu uatvuj mbbiuiiu. ui, the partanranip debut and whoaloae is authorised to oollectaud receipt for all debts due the late arm. J. H. Frby, I. F. SETTLE. Batod this 3rd day of Aug. 1898, akin Powder 11, 1893. New Versions, "Man wants but little here below." To test the sayings worth, Go up in a balloon and see How soon you'U want the earth. Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, Eating his birthday pie; He hod no thumbs to pull out plumbs They left on the Fourth of July. Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboarp To get her poor boarders a lunch ; When she got there she was combing her hair And left in the butter a bunch. Jack and Gill went up the hill Their pail to lill-oh, dear! They both fell down and soiled Gills gown The pail was filled with beer. Kansas City Journal. Life Saddened Seen. The Pendleton East-Oregonian re lates one of the sad incidents with which human life and experience abounds: Thursday last there arrived at Adams an old man named Welch with an unpretentious tented show. He had a bear, a couple of white owls, and an attraction that really was a curiosity, a little womau who weighed thirty-six pounds, was thirty-two inches in statute, and had lived thirty three years. Although a dwarf she was not deformed in any manner, her body being proportionately de veloped. Tbe little woman was a sufferer from Bickuees. and Frirlav nio-lit , .B... hemorbage occurred that caused her aeatn. A soniewnat sad and painful story then came to lieht. Her. name was Miss M.J. Welch, and she was te old man's daughter. He bad sen sitively kept her concealed all her life until within the last two months, when, being no longer able to earn a livelihood, he was compelled to exhibit her. They left Idaho, where they lived, and have since been traveling. As the father, who Is seventy years old, had no funds, the county authori ties were notified, aud will take in hand the burial of that unfortunate little creature. An Immense Hop Crop. The prospect for Oregon is as prom ising as has ever been known by local dealers, and this year's orop will far exceed that of 1892. Aoording to care ful estimaes, based on the reports of the growers, a prominent dealer of Portland estimates the yield this year at 42,000 to 46,000 bbshels. Last year's crop was 29,000. Theodore Bernheim, the hop and wool dealer, says that the grow crop is In a erowinsr eonrll. Mod. Quotations are 16 and 17 0, and a large number of contracts are being , 8 day whlch to,F nt in closed at 10 tents. Hops are not both- , on ln tlme- TbU "aitl ,0 "'v- .j l ... . . alenf. ii fh Hfunha.na ne ann . ered much with vermin, and verv I It- tie spraying is going on outside of the bottom lauds. There is not a single louse this year where there were thousands last year. Entertainment. There will be an interesting entertain ment at the Afethnriiat Hinmhnnl ThM- dav evemnfi-. Aiiunin. 17 ifioa v I . - 01 o - .vuu, uv PraeitAt,, fJnr. Whil.l r. w . n . ..v. . uov. uiu.r, v. 17. j inrecior V. M D-.i.in U.. n . n r rt - . v .... "omw 1 the Willamette University. TrZ'." "." r. u of roe Willamette ntvAnattv PROGRAMME. Piano Duett Selected , Miss Carpenter, Prof. Kruse Vocal Solo Selected Dr. Parvin Piano Solo Miss Carpenter Voiolin Solo Pmf tram. lecture President Whitaker Vocal Solo Miss Carpenter Piono Solo prof. Kruse Address President Wbitoke Vocal Duett, Miss Carpenter, Dr. Parvin Admission-Adults, 15 cents: children 10 cents. Pumps and pipe down' to Albany pnoes. F.C.Aybbs&Co, There W1W a negro show in JraW last night. bar keepen and their fhllnwr NO 24 Women Bav a Row.. Chicago Aug. 6r j,,, t(1 managers of the Wrrid fair ndulgee? in twother decidedly unpleasant wrangle today. It lasted nearly two hours and during that time many un pleasant things were said and mauy ladies gave vent to their fellings by song. Mrs. Ball, of Delaware, secretary Ht the committee on awards, made long complaint against Mrs. Meredith, chairman of the committee. Among other things she charged that when Mrs. Meredith was unable to attend sessions of the committe she sent her sister to act as overseer when the sis ter had no right to a seat In the com miltee. In the frequent interval during Mrs. Ball's remarks were ex clamatious of surprise from the audi ence, but the sensation came when, In closing, she characterized Mrs. Mertv dith as an "arrogant, malicious, un generous, vindictive, woman. Before she had finished halt the women In tbe house were on their feet, many shreiklng wildly, other hissing aud stamping their feet Mrs. Palmer used her gavel vigorously and called in vain for order, but the excit ed women paid no attention. "Take that back," yelled one large one. "Fni her out," Bcreamed another, and so on pandemonium reigned supreme. Bar ing all the uproar Mrs. Ball stood perfectly calm, smiling se renely. When at length order was restored she repeated the sentcnee. Then tbe uproar was renewed and continued for some time. Mrs. Ball finally took her seat and In ao instant Mrs. Meredith was onf berfeet. "80 far as any difference that exists between Mrs. Ball and my self is concerned," she said "we ear,' settle it ourselves, but when she says I sent my sister to preside over the eora initre she tells that which is absolutely false. Mrs. Palmer finally succeeded In restoring order. ' Th. Southern Pa,a. DropT thousands of Bmplojs. The Southern Paciflo Company in. pursuing a policy of retrenchment has) discharged 1,000 employees which will have the effect of decreasing Jti monthly payroll not less tlinn 7K nnn ThiB wholesale discharge of employee) ui uuuuion 10 me recent reduction) of daily hours of labor In varlon. .h. at Sacramento, Ogden, Frisco, Duns- uiuir, juoe Angeles and HI Paso. For ' Borne time past nine hours been the rule In these railroad shops. me men always being paid by tbe hour. Now they are work! no- piha.-' hours a day which is 10 per cent te- .muHiKv -'I wv uirr , Grave Trouble May Follow. Columbia, h. C. Auir 1. Th state dispensary is likely to create more trouble, and in some planes it is probable that prvine emissariea wllk not be tolerated- The treatment elvers them in Sumpter yesterday, where herttpn nrui anaatta .it. - ...... wwiu TTlfcU lYMU KICKS' , . . une arouaea me ire or Uovernor Tm- .... A-pani'idtcmay be. opened au oidt- nance department for the state stabulary. He says that he is tired o 1 1 . T ... uaviug aiau) omciais insulted, and un- it is stODDed someone will ocn hurt. Just as tbe newspaper men were leaving the executive nham ., Tillman walked over to a cabinet and) opened a drawer. In it were a lot of belts. In another drawer were a lot 0 f Colt's army revolvers. "Thev Wim't. mttun-a. a.... state constables," said the governor I'm going to issue instructions that they shall use those when necessary ' Governor Tillman remarked, ptrintiiljr to a small wooden box. "That's box of cart.rlHown T'm ... .1 ,- s imy ooustaoie to shoot orders for every constable to shoot P'. 1 f 11; -'7 x-. I