The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 04, 1893, Image 8

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    Lebanon Express.
WaV)i1;..... !T....m,A; mim
RKCORI1EU .', Mi Mll.r.KR.
f J. 0. BILYED,
1 J. G. BOLES,
1 0. W. 0RU80N,
Olty Council meets on the lint nd third
ffcesday evenings of jach month.
Itom Ochoco Ratisff.
The meadows on Ochoco will yield a large
tmonnt of hay this year.
The cattle men expect to begin gathering
eef about the 26th of August.
Mr. andJMre. B. R. 8Iayton, Mr. and Mrs.
t. A. Uren, Miss Jessie Welch and Miss
Mabel Blayton left yesterday for the soda
pringson Bantiara.
A. Hackleman has arrived on this side of
the mountains with a large band of young
Cattle. He took tbem to his ranch in the
southern part of tire comity.
M. A. Moore will assarne the duties of
'postmaster on Aug. 1st, his commission
'having been received, H Is re-fitting bis
addlery shop, and will put the office in the
cront part.
Prof, and Mrs. A. I. Garland started
Wednesday for their new tleldiof labor,
Oakland, Douglas county, where they will
iake charge of the public school. Their nu
merous friends here wish them a pleasant
sojourn in their new home.
All the teacbersifor the ensuing year have
heen elected by the school board of this
district. L. N.Liggett will have charge of
the school as principal, Miss Maggie New
man will teach the intermediate grade and
Miss Effa Crooks the primary grade.
Recently a bed of gold was discovered at
the bottom of a 360 foot shaft in the Virtue
mine near Baker city. After removing the
water a solid streak of gold eight inches
wide was revealed. Two miners took out
two sacks of ore worth 110,000, one speci
men weighirtg'WUO.
The rawhide with which Miss Aqua did
such good service on the person of 0. D.
Taylor in the Dalles recently, has keen put
tip at raffle, and nearly all the chances
50 in number have been taken.
The financial statement of the First Na
tional Bank of Prineville at the close of
business on July 12. published in another
column, shows Frineville's bank to be in a
condition wnicn many larger concerns
might envy. The cash on hand at that
date was more than 76 per cent of the a
mount of deposits. This condition causes
all to have implicit confidence in the sta
bility of the bank, and to have no fear of
its going under even if all other banks in
the state should fall.
Shortly before 1 o'clock, Friday, July 28,
Mrs. Dona Cyrus, wife of W.H. Cyrus, died
at her home at Haystack, after an illness of
tour weeks, aged 20 years. 6 months and 6
days. Mrs. Cyrus was a daughter of
-Bphrian Stringer, of Linn countv, and was
married to W. H. Cyrus on Oct. 31, 1882.
Bhc leaves an infant daughter aged tour
weeks, and an affectionate husband to
iourn her loss. The remains will he taken
-to Linn county and placed to rest in Dodge
cemetery near Lebanon.
In the Circuit Court of the State Of Oregon,
for Linn County,
F.8. Busktrk. plaintiff,
Isabella Oakley, )
Jamea H. Bailey. V defendants.
Eira Orcutt, I
Vnw V, Brown,
Notice la hertby given that by TlrtUW of so
Execution and order of nle duly Issued Out of
the above named Court in the above entitled
suit to me directed anil delivered-, I will on
Saturday the 2nd day of September 1BJ3, at the
frontdoor of the Court House in the City of
Albany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of one
o'clock P. H. of said day sell at public auction
for cash In baud to the highest bidder, all tho
right, title and Interest of the defendant Isabella
Oakley, In and to the property described In said
Execution, and order of sale as follows town:
Loss (our (4) five (ft) and six (S) of Block forty
oae (41) in the original Town or Waterloo, In
UnnCoanty, Oregon. And 1 will on Friday the
18th day of August 1893, on tho premises above
described, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of
said day sell In the manner and according to tbe
terms above expressed, the story and one-hair
dwelling house located and being upon) the prem-
Isesabove described. The proceeds arising from
said sales is to be spplied, Srst to the payment or
theaceruiDg costs of and npou said Executions,
and the costs of the pssmtllTs suit taxed at 118.80
id the costs of the suits of said defendants.
James H. Bailey, Esra Orcutt, and James W,
Brown against said defendant Isabella Oakley et
al, amounting to the sum of SM.90. Second, to
the payment of plaintiff's claim amounting to
the sum of 121 .as and seeming interest thereon at
tbe rat of 8 percent, per annum from the 27th
day of June 18SS, and the further sum of 130.00
attorneys fee and accruing interest thereon at the
rateorspereent.perannum fromthe27th day
of June 1893. and the further sum of 91.26, his
expenses in recording the notice of lien and to
the payment or the respective etafms of said de
fendants, James H. Bailey, Ezra Orcutt and
James W. Brown ss ascertained bv the decree of
tbe above named Court rendered upon tbe 27th
day or June 1893. in the respective mils or said
defandsats, James H. Bailey, Ezra Orcutt and
James W. Brown, against Isabella Oakley et al
laid claims amounting tn all to the sum ort!05.&8
with interest thereon at the rate or8 per cent,
per annum Item the 27th day or June 1893, and
the further sum of 88.75 for expenses or recording
or tbe notices or Hens, pro rata if not sufficient
to pay said claims in lull and theioverpluss if any,
to be paid over to said defendant, lasabeua
Dated this (1st dsy of July 18(3.
Sheriff ot Una County, Oregon,
Bend ten cents (silver) or twelve
cento in stamps for a Handy Pocket
Guld to the great exposition; gives In
formation of value to every visitor.
Street Guide, Hotel Prices, Cab Fares,
Restaurant Bates, etc. Describes the
bidden pitfalls for tbe unwary, and
bints how to keep out of them. This
indiapensible companion to every
visitor to the windy city
be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt
of ten cents silver, or twelve cents in
stamps. Address
H. STAFFORD, Publisher,
P.O. Box 2284, New York N. Y.
Please rrentiou this paper.
How is This?
Something unique even In these
days of mammoth premium offers. It
is tbe latest effort of Stafford's Maga
zine, a JNew York monthly of home
and general reading.
The proposition is to send the Maga
eine one year for one dollar the regular
subscription price; and in addition to
send each subscriber fifty-two com-
jtlete novels during She twelve months
one each week.
Think of it. Yon receive a new and
complete novel by mail, post paid,
every week for fifty-two weeks, and in
addition you get tbe magazine onoe a
mouth, for twelve months, all for one
dollar. It is an offer which tbe pub
tislierean only afford to make in tbe
-confident expectation of getting a
tuwdred thousand new subscribers-
Among the authors of tbe coming
aeries are, Wilkie Colling, Walter Bes
aat, Mm. Olipbanl, Mary Cecil Hay,
Florence Marryat, Antbouey Trollope,
A. Conan Doyle, ilss Braddon, Cap
tain Marryat, Hiss Thackerv and
lute Verne. If you wish to take ad
vantage of this unusual opportunity,
end one dollar for Stafford's Maga
rjne one year. Your Bret copy of the .
oagaxlne and your first number of the
flfty-two novels (one each week) which
fou are to receive during the year will
ttvtwnt you by return mail. Remit by
P.O. order, registered letter or ex
frees) . Address
H. STAFFORD, Publishbb,
Stafford's Magazine,
P.O. Box 2204,
New York, N. Y.
f lease mention this paper.
F. M. JHD3),
Special Manager for
Lebanon, Oregon.
Watchm aker
Hlg. Jeweler.
Dealer in Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry.
F ine Watch Repairing a Specialty
All Work Fully Warranted.
Meat Market
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, SausageBo.
logna, and Ham,
lacon and Lard Always on Hand,
Main Srreet, Lebanon, Or.
Changed Every Week.
Oats m.
Hay-$6 per ton.
Flour $1 00 per sack.
Chop fl 25 per owt.
WraP. 80o per owt.
Middlings $1 00 per owt.
Potatoes 60c.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, 7o.
Onions 2u.
Beef Dressed, 4o,
Pork Dressed, 6.
Hams 1617 per lb.
Shoulders 12c.
Bides 16o per lb.
Geese $8 per das.
ducks H m per am.
Chickens $3 004 00.
Turkeys luo per lb.
Eggs 20c let do .
Butter 16c p-r lb.
Hides Green, 2(53c; dry, 6c.
"My little boy was very bad off for
wo months with diarrhoea. We used
various medicines, also called In two
doctors, but nothing done him any
good until we used Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, which gnve im
mediate relief and soon cured him. I
consider it the best niedlolno made
and can cotiHcientloiisly recommend it
to all who need a diarrhoea or colic
medicit.e. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex.
26 and 30 cent bottles for sule by M. A
Miller, druggist.
AT cos n
Albany Steam Laundry
-A-lbaiiy, Oregon
All Orders Receive Promt
. Attention.
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
R. 8. ROBERTS, Agent,
Lobanoa, Oregon.
Poultry, Hides and
Highest cash price paid for turkeys
geese, ducks and chickens atoflice of
L.Jacnbs, ntraney and Mnore'c old
stable, 4th street, Alliuny.
Also hides and furs of all kinds
bought for cash.
T SeiMtiflo Amrieti
pot mrominoo via ttm tf MMtwok writ tfl
Olden (rerun (or Mooring pttenlt in Ameiioc
Brcrr patent taken out by at it brought bofort
Um ptittio t j a doun ftvaa f tm ot tfurg to u
Scientific gmmcsu
UrfssteMslstioB of snr scMaUtstapsf tbe
world. Splsodldlr lllostrslwl. No tntslUisu
soaa should bs wlthoal It. Wssklv, S3.0U a
ytur: tLoostl Eoootbs. Addrsss UUMN a GO
frjiuuuuu, 3tu Drosawair, Ha Vara CUj.
N otary Public,
Waterloo, Oregon.
Conveyancing promptly attended to.
Business with the Land Office, Post-office,
or Pension Bureau will receive special at
Furniture & Hardware
Carpets, Wall Paper,
Ilnioi Shades, Floor Mattings, 4c.
"Windovrsi, Doors,
Builders' Hardware, ko, ao.
For the next thirty days we will
sell our entire STOCK of Spring
and Summer Goods, including:
dress goods, clothing etc. at less
than they Cost in the east. We do
this to make room for our large
Fall Stock. '
We are now offering baragins
such as never heard of before.
The Prices Are So Low
That they will astoniflh you.
Be Sure and Call and See Them Before
Buying Elsewhere.
Remember the place-In the Odd Fellows' Buildina.
LEBANON, - - - - - OREGON.
Don't Fool With Fakes!
If yourself or friends wish to be cured
of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral,
Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the
Genuine Keeley Treatment, which is
the only oafe, reliable and permanent
cure in existance. Gonuine Keeley In-.
titutes, with most favorable Kiirround
ingB, at
Forest Grove and Roseburg.
IQ. Write for Particulars. Correspondence Confidential.
Go and see the
Peacock Mo
ew Store
They will treat you right.
LebanOn and Llbany, Oregon.