The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 04, 1893, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
KiUDAY, AUG 4, 1808.
MfAddltioiial lociils on Unit ge.-n
Come In for ob work,
Try the new drink, Cream Soda, at
Special baking done to order ut Mrs
May Zahn's, .
M. A. Miller carries a 'complete line
of paints and oils.
G. M. Westfall took a loud of Al
bany people to Lower Hoda last Tue
Mr. Baton and wife expects to leave
In a few days on a visit to their old
home 1 u Nebraska.
Dr. Lamhersnn's health has so im
proved that Is able to resume practice
again, .
MIbb Norn MoClain, of Albany, was
visiting Mum Jessie Ralston the first of
tne ween.
Huve you examined those new
summer suits at 8. P. Buoh's.
Marriage license linn been Issued to
George E. Skinner and Vina Galloway.
Rev, G. W . Glboncy and wife, of
Oregon City, are in town visiting
their nuiny friends and relutlves at
this place. ,
Fresh pies, cakes and bread at
Peebler's grocery Btoro.
There was no council meeting last
Tuesday night on account of there not
being quorum. Counollmen Bllyeu and
TCestfull being In the mountains.
M. A. Miller now has a complete
line of drugs und stationery.
Pumps and pipe down to Albany
prices. F. C. Ayeus & Co,
Call und examine my new slock of
spring clothing. B. P. Bach.
J. 8. Courtney M. D. Physiolan,
Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon,
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to M. A. Miller will please oall
and settle at once.
J. M. South, of Eastern Oregon,
formerly of Linn county, Is here for a
few days ou a business trip. He re
ports dull times in Eastern Oregon as
well as here.
Parties who were to pay their sub
orlptiou In wood will please haul the
ame now.
Senator Stewart of Nevada fold a
Now York reporter the other day that
tne Hlitrmun law would be repealed,
and that country was going to Hades,
C. C. Hackleman left last Monday
for Passedina, California. He ex
pects to stop a few days In San Fran
cisco. He goes with the expectation
of finding emp'oynienl, and if be suc
ceeds will send for his family.
The Pendleton East Oregonlan says
that a letter received from Dr. Griffith,
second assistant superintendent of the
asylum, states that Capt. Humphrey
is doing well and there Is prospect of
rapid improvement, The news will be
gratifying to "CapV'nuiuerous friends.
Amid winter edition of the world's
fair Is now assured. The people of San
Francisco have already pledged $850,
800 for that purpose and will raise oon -siderable
more than that amount.
The capital city ean feel oroud to
have gone through the present crisis
without a bank or busluess failure of
any kind. If this record Is kept up it
will be a great feather in Salem's cap.
To become solid city out of a thousand
would boost us up not a little. Salem
A sweet girl graduate thus describes
how a gout butted a hoy out the front
yard. "He hurled the previous ond
of his anatomy against the boy's after
ward with all earnestness und velocity
which, banked by the goat's avoirdu
pois, imparted a momentum that whs
not relaxed uutu tie landed on the
terra flrmu beyond the gout's juris
diction," A settler named Ray Gee, who lives
near Detroit at the eastern terminus of
I lie Oregon Puoiflo while out deer
hunting was accidentally shot Sunday,
by Alex Correll, bis companion, In the
mountains ueur Mt. Jefferson. The
bitter's rifle was accidentally dis
charged by a bush oatohing the hum
mer. The Injured man was taken to
the residence of Nut Bowman, and a
physician from Halom, who happened
to be sojourning there dressed the
wound, whloh was in the fleshy part
of the leg below the knee. ,tt Is thought
the lnury will not prove serious.
Council meets again to-night,
Mrs. Funk is very ill this week.
. The Champion Mill flour is the fcest
i In the market. Try It,
Firemen will remember that to
night is the regular meeting to-night.
Mr, J. J. Dubruille has moved his
family td Lebanon.
B. M. Donaca and family aud Miss
Lizzie, Willie, Chas. and Fay Donaca
returned home from the mountains
this week.
W. J, Guy has built a new sidewalk
In- front of his property on Main
Judge F. M. Miller intends to leave
Jlonday on a visit to his old home In
the east. He will take in the worlds
fulr while gone,
The Church of Christ meet In the
Academy lor regular services every
Lord's Day In the morning at U
o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
All are invited to attend.
The post office at this place done the
largest money order business last
months in its history. They Issued
226 orders amounting to $4229 04, and
paid 48 orders.
I have 10 acres of Harden land ad
Joining Lebanon. Bart of It lavs on the
Inside of the Incorporation, for sale at
a bargain. Call and get prices and
see the land. w. C. Peterson
The Oregon City Herald has reached
our exchange table. It is a weekly
paper devoted to PopuliBt principles
ana is well gotten up.
The Lebanon Electric Light and
Water Co. have trot their water duiiio
In working order and was pumping
water the first of the week. Tbev in
formed us that thev would be ready
next week to make the test for the
Mrs. Hannah M. Newland. who re
sides a few miles north of Crawfoids
vllle, was recently srranted a widow's
pension, with provision fr minor
cnuaren, aggregating tne sum ofts
004.01. This Includes a back nenslnn
since 1880, It having been granted after
a long delay.
I am now prepared to furnish sun
nlleB of all kinds to hop Growers rthenn.
er than they can be bought in Port
land, quassia wood whale oil soap
specialty. J. A Lambebbon.
Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or.
Send your name and address to
Read Peaoock & Co.. Albany. Oreiron
and mention the Express, they will
mall you a fashion sheet free each
How are VOII flvnil fnr'aitfi
olll-heads, envelopes, note-heads
statements and the like? Don't follow
HlA nlft utvlu nt iiiiln ...... ..I...,.. .....
tlonery. We print everything at this
uiiiuc unu uiinigc it reusuiiaoie price
uuiy. vvcuiiuuito uo as gooa worx
or as little money as any office in the
aww, .
Mongolian pheasants aud grouse can
now be killed for vour own use. How
ever don't sell tbem, or you are liable
to pay a tine. Deer may also be killed
except one-half hour before sunrise
and one hour rl'ter sunset. Carcases
must be used, preserved or sold for
A gentlemau who has just arrived
from Walla Walla reports that there
are between 600 and 600 idle men In
the vicinity of that oltv. The out
skirts of the city wherever there Is
timber or shelter is being used as their
temporary homes until they can find
some kind of work to do. Cases of
petty stealing are oontinually occur
ring, the gardens, which are numeron
near the city, being the priuclpal
grounds for operation.
BerviccB in the Methodist Church,
Sunday, August 6: Sunday School at
10 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. Ser
mon by Rev. Janney of theBengal
Burmuh conference. Junior Leagueat
8 P. At. Euworth League at 7 P. M.
Lecture oy Rev. Janney ut 8 P. M.
Subjeot: "The Women of India." No
admission-fee oburgod. All are cor
dially invited. H. Oberg, Pastor.
The S. P. Co. have made a slight re
duction in freight rates between Port
!uud and Roseburg and a correspond
ing raise between Albuny and Rose
burg. This wns Intended to force our
Hierchunts to patronize Portland whole.
sale houses exclusively, no doubt, and
tiius destroy the busiuess of the Ore
gon Pacific. Instead of tills, the mor.
chants of this seotion will raise prices
a tittle aud trade where they please,
as before, and the people will foot the
uiu.- this chunge of rates was ap
proved by the board of railroad coin
misslouers who are paid bv the neoule
und owned by the railroad company.
will the time ever come when the peo
ple arc strong enough to control the
legislature mid abolish this useless and'
ooslly commission?' Review.
Go to aim's for milk shakes.
C. A. Zuta ie now making delicious ice
Rev. Battie has rented the Mesarvey
Kelly, Dunn e 4 Co's. pure prepared
house paint for sale by N.W.Smith.
I have 5099 feet of good fencing
lumber In Lebanon which I will trade
for hay or grain.
J. W. Tubniboe, Lebanon, Or.
Miss Zoe McClain, of Albany, is
visiting relatives in Lebanon this
Frank Miller is clerkine in a drmr
store at Bro wnsvllle for a few days.
The dog show which was billed for
this place yesterday did not show. It
is said that the license were too hi gh.
Preaching at the Baptist church
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Sundry school at 10 a.m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m.
C. R. Lamar, Pastor.
Rev. J. H. Battie, formerly of
Polk county, has accepted a call
from the First Presbyterian church of
this place and has moved his family
here. We gladly welcome Rev. Bat
tie and family into our midst.
Nearly all of the fall grain has been
cut and you can now hear the hum of
the threshing machine in nearly all di.
rections, One threshing man informed
us that the grain was turnnitig out
much better than was expected.
Captain Humphrey's case is quite
serious and bis brother Geo. Humph
rey believes that he will not get well.
He is almost a raving maniac. He
cannot feed himself and does not know
anybody. Portland Telegram.
I. R Borum and John Donaca made
a trip to Sweet Home last Saturday.
They took dinner at the Rowell
House. This was Mr. Borum's first
trip to Sweet Home, and he says he
was very much surprised at that
Rev. L. P. Junnev. for 10 vears a
missionary in India, will lecture in the
Methodist church, Saturday evening,
August 5, at 8 o'clock. Hindoo idols
will be exhibited. Hindoostani jongs
sung. No admission-fee will be
charged, but a oollectlou will be taken.
Everbody is cordially invited.
H. Oberg, Pastor.
Theind quarterly meeting on the
Sweet Home Mission. Evangelical
Association, will be held In Sweet
tionie August 12-13. Servioes ou the
Plainview and Waterloo appointments
on August 10 and 11 respectively at
8 p. m. Rev. I. B. Fisher, P. E. officiating.
The appraisement of the estate nt
ihe late W. 8. Ladd. the Portland
banker, was filed in the county court.
The total valuation was as follows:
Realty, $4,126,260: personal properly.
$8,878,608.95; total, 7,500,858.95. The
appraisers of the estate are: Henry
Failing, John Catlin and J. I.McWood.
Here we are husflilie across the
street and around corneis to keep out
of the way of the bicycle, but what
will become of us now that an eastern
man has perfected an electric blcvcle
propelled by a storaire battei v Th
time is at hand when a forlorn pedes
trian will have to take to the roofs of
the bouses to save hie life. Ex.
Daniel Tarter of Union oount.v w
loaged in the penitentiary this week
under sentence of 12 years for man
slaughter. He was brought here by
Deputy Sheriff J. F. Phv. The fty.
pense to the atate of bringing this con
vict to tne penitentiary was $123.
Aardy Caldwell, a well to do farmer
of Bowling Green, Ky., aged about 60,
married his third wife some time ago
but tbey were unable to get along and
sepurated. They met by agreement
for a division of their h iiisehold goods,
and after an amicable set tlement, Cald
well shot his wife dead and then sui
cided. ,"':'
The street commissioner P. W. Mor
gan bus a force of carpenters at work
putting ill new cross-walks all over
the eity, some of which have been
needed for a number of years; uud he
has served notices on a great many to
fix up their sidewalks and to put in
new ones. This winter will find our
city In better shape for sidewalks than
it has ever been.
The lowest bid for the construction
of the proposed addition to the state
reform school was J. A. Hnzel, $46,098.
This is considerably in
estimated cost of the addition, and it
seems probable that nil of them will be
rejected and the plans tor the improve
ment modified so as to bring the cost
within the figures the board thinks
allowable for It. But ou the absenoe
of both Secretary McBrlde and Super
intendent MoKlroy, no formal action
can be taken.. ,
Jas. Davidson left yesterday tor a
visit at Vancouver, wash.
Hkj if you want tow watch. B
orjewelery repaired and haven't tit
cuslfc,, bring us farm produce. "Any
IhlnB goes" except pB cats or ba&p-
ers. at Hardy's.
Alj: persons knowing themselves In
debtefttouie will please- come in amt
pay Ofli as I need my money.
Mns Geo. Rice.
Old) gold or silver made iuto new-
rings,, pfr Ac, at Hardy.
We warrant all work done hv
at Hardy's.
En berg, the jeweler, at the city
drugstore, keeps correct railroad time.
In a letter received from S. R Nnth.
inger of Lorin, California, he says:
"We are getting along (.retty well in
California but we will return to Sweet
Home before very lone. We like (W
gon much better than this country."
Mrs. Dr. Wallace, who was ar
rested last week at Eugene
on oharge of practicing medicine
without a state license, was bound
over to await the action of the srand
Parties who have been there say the
covered county bridge built last vear
abross the north of the Sautiam three
miles above Mehama and costing $800,
is not used much. There is no road
cut after you cross the bridge. An oc
casional blaze is all the sign of a road,
or probably ever will be. Salem Jour
Last Saturday at Utiion an accident
occurred at the Oregon Roller mills in
which Linn Philips, an 8 year old boy,
lost his life. He was going through
the mill alone having no particular
business except a desire to be around
the machinery. The head miller .
on the third floor when he heard two
dull thuds. On descending to the sec
ond floor the lifeless form of the boy
was lying on the floor with his skull
crushed in and his body otherwise
fearfully mangled. It Is suoDoaed his
clothing became entangled in the ma
chinery. He had been warned to keep
away from ibe machinery,
A Salem man in Portland Saturday
and watched the run oo the bauks.
One man drew his deposit amountiug
$800 and put it in his pocket, When
he got back through the crowd he
found that some one bad robbed him
ofeveryeentofit. A woman put the
money hich she drew in a small
reticule. When she got out of the
jam she curried nothing but the hand
le of the bug; as someone bad cut the
body away with a sharp Instrument,
The crowd was full of pickpockets and
sneak theives, watching their oppor
tunities ta make a profit out of the ex
cited condition of the depositors who
were drawing out their funds.
The Pendleton Tribune says: The
numoeror idle men In Pendleton grows
no smaller fast. Lodnimr
full, feed stables are crowded by the
blanket brigade, and even the ,nnrt
above and below town, swarm with
men, for the most part honest, but
"dead broke" aud eager to work. The
outlook is gloomy beyond words, and
the logic of the situation point. t
harder times yet, while there must of
necessity oe much suffering, aud even
crime grow outof the enforced idleness
of so many men.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, our exami
ner to Turkey, is authority for th
statement that instead of sending miss
ionaries to Turkey, matters could he
improved by having Turkish mission
aries come to tills country. He says
there Is more idleness and dissipation
in uny American city thun tllprt in in
Canstantinople. The strongest drink
trie iuiks indulge in is coffee, and
there is not a saloon in all Constant!
nople. Every man has a business and
milids it without stickimr his now In
to that of his neigh bor. Th Is is ft fnat,
ure of trade which it would be very
uesiraoie to import Into Oregon- Ex
Mr. Ihomas Batte, editor of the
Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, has
found what he believes ;to be the best
remedy in exlGtunce for the flux. His
experience is well worth ram..
Ing. He says: "Last summer I had
a very severe attack of flux. I tried
almost every known remedy, none
giving renet. Chamberlain's Cholic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was
recommended tome. I purchased a
bottle and received almost immediate
relief. I continued to use the medi
cine aud was entirely cured. I take
pleasure in recommending this imd
to any person suffering with such a
disease, as iu my opinion it is the best
medicine in existance." 25 and so
cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller
Congress will meet next Monday,
and we hope we wilr have better
Rev. 6, W, Hill, of Albany, this
week presented his formar resignation
as pastor af the Baptist church of that
eity to take effect Nov. I A com
mute was appointed to secure a suo
cess'.r. Rev. Hill will then, leave for
China as a missonary.
J. H. Erey, of the firm or IW
Settle has sold his interest in the
harness shop- to his partner. Frank
;oerae. Mr. jfrey Intends to start in
! business some where else but has not
!yet decided where he will locate.
Some new comers arrived in Pen
dleton Saturday, per covered wagon,
from lane county, having crossed the
Cascades by the old military road.
They were dissatisfied with all of the
region traversed until they reached
Umatilla county, and describe the
country after leaving the mountains as
bein dried up and dusty. In the
prrty were Mr. and Mrs. WooMen and
Messrs. Halmiro, Enghouse and
Bowers. All will probably locate.
Pendleton E. O.
A crowd of friends of Hon. M. A.
Miller and wife gathered at theii
home last Tuesday evening and gave
them a party in honor of the fifth an
niversary of their wedding. It wns to
have been a surprise but they got
wind of the affair and met them with
tee cream and cake. A most enjoy
able evening was spent, after which
the crowd went to the residence of T.
A. Swan and gave him a serenade in
honor of his 52nd birthday.
John M. Harper, a well-known
farmer of Union Flat, and oM ninneur
of the Palouse country, was hauling
hay from the fleld. The double-tree
broke and the waeon tomrue drnnni,,. :
frightened the horses so they ran
away, the wagon was overturned and
Mr. Harper, falling on his head and
shoulders, brok his neck, death be
ing almost Instantaneous. Less than
three years ago, a brother, Milton .
Harper, met an almost similar death. '
Yesterday afternoon says the Asto
ria Budget, the 18-mouths-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Olsen who lives
near McGregor's mill at Upper town, '
was aocidently drowned by falling
into a washtub. At the time of the.
accident Mrs. Olsen was outside of the.
house talking with some neighbors, '
and on going in found her little Son
dead in the tab of water. ModiealV
assistpiice was at once called In hot .11
efforts to bring the child to life was of
no avail, ; ". . ' t
An Immense harvest awaits th
Blckle in Marlon and Polk counties
The first grain will be m.riit
week. The first farmer who gets In
' Ul or wheat and applies It
paying his debts will be ft mi hit
factor and will do more to stimulate
confidence and increase oourage than
w many mousands who will come
after him. Thereto plenty of money
in the country to pay the market prloe
of anything that will be turned offttae
farms (he next sixty days and put
millions of dollars into circulation.
And It is good money. There will be
some financial stringency and some
people will be hard np for some time,
but the worst is over.-Salem Journal.
The establishment of a woolen fact
ory in Wallowa conntv
be among the assured possibilities of
the county. Acomnanv i.k..i
ganizedfor that ournnae a:JL.7
ions toward shares in the company
-. & ..., uuo tne people of
the county are responding favorably.
This is the first gleam of light to f0.
low the darkness of capital tied up
waiting for policy. May ,0f, v
usher o the broad daylight of pro,!
Sic1.:. 118 ,un --
W. Hortou of Corvallis, hud the
misfortune to loose a horse while cross
ing the Willamette river Frld y sf r
uoon, says the Daily Kew,
place. He was hanlln. ..
bad driven his team on aflat boat l,.
provised for ferPvl ' "
drove his team well to the far end of
the bout 01-der to maUe J
another team and w
might be taken aerostat ,h. ZZ
.mr. Horron drove onto the
boat a loose board MhtA ... .
unhitched from the
animal sprung overboard, 'taking th .
other with him. The t, 1"
nearly to the onnoslte hi, ,
ed and came back, when a skiff
- ugm .,,,0 useand the horses caught,
but before a landing u, .
fructi,us one was drowned, and pulled :
out of the water by bis mate.