THfc HObfi-- My n&iro aniirtyarn never known Tliu iiiwn!y triwHurc of i liti cow; But evwry soft brwe I nil me when ttlm, crimson nmntli-d, mmm aualu; And, waftwl frotu I know uut wtiura, The uwtHitiiuMt of bur bloom 1 share. O Ulowuim nf the fragrant heart, Tin llfo'H btwt Joy ui Joy luipart; 1 With love's imtfousetous overflow To gladden thaw wo uuvur know. And give, and give, ami ttlve like thee, . Ifi wsir faruetful ministry. Marian UuuifUw iu Harper's Uaaar, CHIQUITA. -"Ned" Herries, or, as bis card read, "Ed ward T. HerrieH, C. E.," stood Id the docirwHy of the Kough Diamond and looked gloomily ferth at the rata an it fell aslant the growth and ohapparal on the red soil of the men. Prom the saloon within came the rattle of dice, the chink of glass, the rattle of ooin uud the murmur of deep, hoarse male voices. The Hough Diamond was a most lucrative and flourishing institution in the tittle railroad town of Picture Canyon. on the line of the Union Pacific. It was one of those places which, at that time, sprang up In a night and are deserted in a day along the line of the great road. Indeed, they followed the track, and wher ever track laying ended temporarily there a town was certain to spring upalmost as tf by magic. There were thousands of laborers, rail- roadmen, engliieerNandspecuIators, With them came peddlers, storekeepers, and last. hut not least, the great army of gamblers and saloon men. Borne of these towns were located in advantageous situations, and Anally took on a solid growth and prospered. Others, having nothing to jus tify their existence save the presence of the army ol railroad employees, vanished utterly when that army advanced farther and farther on its mission of conquering space and time and binding east aud west together with bands or steel. Herrics was attached to the engineer corns of the road, Hnd bad been for some time stationed at Picture Canyon, a city of some 6,000 Inhabitants, mostly males, aud which was neaaly a month old, so antique. indeed, that an election for mayor and aommon council wan being agitated by the more enterprising members of the commu nity. Harvard bred, delicately nurtured, ac customed to all the refinements of life which wealth guided by correct taste may give in an old and settled community, the rude surroundings of bis present life bad at ttrst disheartened Hcrries, but beitig, at bottom, a mau of good sense aud pluck and possessing a splendid constitution, a magmllcent biceps, standing six feet aud over In bis boots, the man who bad been Yale's especial terror as "right tackle," and who had filled his seat in the 'varsity eight with more than credit when the blue crossed the line ahead of the crimson, oo Lake Qulnsigiimond, would hardly flinch at hardships which other men bore without complaint, even If at times bis soul grew weary of oaths and liquor, mad dened men aud brawls, and bacon and muddy coffee and hardtack, Indeed, he stow at last to like the wild freedom of bis life, aa all men will do in time, and he was fast taking on the exterior of a genu ine frontiersman when he When he met Chlquttal ChiouiLa was n sprite. She was the true daughter of rocky canyon and desert mesa a genuine child or the bierras and a woman withal. Ber reputed father was an evil eyed old Mexican named Kaiuou; ostensibly a herd or of other meu's sheep; really a gatherer of other men's coins. Chiaiiita kept house for him in a tumbled together "shack," ou the outskirts of the town, and here entertained her father's guests. Poor little Cbiquito. She was brilliantly pretty, witb the rich rose red flushing her olive cheeks, her white teoth Hashing between ripe, dewy, crimson lips, with glorious brown eyes, I ander heavy arching brows, and shaded by i suah long, curling lashes as would make lie's heart ache, especially the heart of a frou tiers man, In whose lite female beauty Is a rich and rare event. Many n dollar had Chiqultn's eyes aud lips brought to old Ramon's sheepskin pouchand still he was at hirst for more gold. It was of this Herrics was thinking, for ae knew C Intuitu, and it was this which, thinking of it, drove him out of the warm and cozy barroom (the only place where he oould possibly stay, save iu his cold and cheerless tent), and forced him to cool his heated brow in the coot, wet wind which blew from the mouth of Picture canyon. He was roused by a voice, a deep, slow plainsninn's voice, addressing him: "Pardncr, you are a good one for a ten derfoot, leastways Pve sorter tackled to you sonce 1 seen the way you whupped that 'ere cowboy chump, and betted him with his own gun. Some tenderfoots ain't got no sand, but you have, en I'll not sea you double teamed on ef I kiu help it, sho's I'm fum Texas which I'm knownas Black Waxv Jim. "Whv. what's the matter" broke in Ber ries on Black Waxy's harangue, as the turned aud regarded closely the call, ath letic flifiire of tlie man beside him. The Texan jerked his thumb over bis shoulder in the direction of the barroom. "In thar," he said In a tow tone, "1 heern soraetulu about about you en en" "Chiqultnf" "Thut'B it. ward. You've called the deal, It's ieht about that 'ere little greaser gal. en you ain't the fust, nor you won't be the larst, I reckon, thets got his hide bored long o' her." "What's un. thonr" "Keep yer eye skinned and don't go nigh old Km no us snack, I've warnea you. Salons. Dard." And Black Waxy lounged away luto the antherluif sloom and mist. "Bold ou," cried Berries, rushing after him. "Tell me, at least, who my enemy in" Black Waxy turned and scanned the vnnni nnffineor ClOBOlV in the twilight. "pete from Denverl" he jerked out, and strode ranidlv Ou, . a brave man, out. nis uioou fierce, bloodthirsty and wicked even In that wicked and bloodthirsty little com munity, Denver Peter he mused, 'bo be is going to do me up because I'm trying to win that poor child from in-r nornme lire and save her for something letter. I fear me, tidwaru, you're in no ud of a bad scrape.' : But the blood which bad ru'-bea so notiy through bis veins when Yule- shouts rang triumphant over the football fluid as the goal was almost won, and which nerved him to dare any odds, take any risk, so long as he could save that game, now flowed again warmly through hi heart. "I'll not he bullied," be said, aha Da frowned and shut close his mouth and olinched his hands. These were ominous signs in Mr. Berries, and even Denver Pete, redoubtable knight of the green cloth as he was, would have done well to have heeded them; bad be kuown young Berries batter be might have done so. For Berries had stalked back to the bril liantly lighted barroom, and had called for a glass of whisky, the while he regarded a knot of men near by who were conversing In a low tone. Among these meu was the gambler against whom Berries had been warned a handsome, pale faced, tall, slen der man, dressed with great neatness in black, and without a single ornament vis iblenot even the belt which nearly every man wore. Be bad a small, keen, hungry looking gray eye, and as he looked at Ber ries he met the tatter's gloomy glance, smiled and turned to his friends with the remark: The kid seems worried about something. 1 wonder if by any chance he has over heard us?'' Guess not he Jest come in a minute ago." "Perhaps perhaps." mattered Peter, 'but we will soon know." Events move quickly in frontier towns. As Berries finished his whisky aud banged the door behind him, Peter arose from his seat. His friends also sprang up, but be made a gesture of dissent. "Mo, boys. Leave this to me. II 1 can't deal with one tenderfoot I certaiuly won't call in aid." But he might git the drap on ye," ptr- sisted one. Peter shrugged his shoulders aud deigned no reply. Be walked to the bar, called for and swallowed a large glassful of brandy, which draft did not even bring a fluBh to his pale cheek, opened the door aud was lost iu the darkness of the night. SECRETARY HERBERT'S ASSISTANT. Active and Versatile Career of Kjt-Con-greynnutn William McAdoo, Ex -Congressman William McAdoo, re eently appointed assistant secretary of the navy, nits nan a re markably varied and picturesque career both in pol itics and out. llv was born in Ire-1 land Oct. 25, 1853, ; was brought to America in early childhood by his Mif cated In Jersey Uity, wnere tne young politician was reared and ed ucated. What the average Jersey City politician Clerical Positions. RiTit!y or wrongly, it seems to be as sained that the Germans, partly becausa of their plodding habits, partly on ac count of their linguistic accompusn- mentB, are more fitted for clerical posi tions than the average Englishmen. Well, THE OLD AND THE NEW. Evolution of the "Hur venter" from wr Bark to the Prenent Time. , 1 1 The original cave dweller dear child of , the working scientistharvested his wheat crop by going out to his field aud gnawing fiff t.hfl hea)n nf the trrain with his active why not accept that fact? If theGer- jaW8, The plan had it advantages and WTLUAM M'ADOO. mans want to be clerics then by all also its disadvantages on the whole, our means let them be clerks, and leave the able projector longed for something bet- Engliflhrnan under the preflsure of necea- ter. Then there arose a thoughtful pai sity to carve out some nobler career for himself. For what is clerkdom, what are its prospects and its influences? I Bpeak from experience, and 1 assert that it is a wretched leveling down, ambition crushing existence. Sooner than bo i clerk I would say to any young man ne ozoic inventor who pointed out that the grain could be pulled up by the roots aud the beads thrashed out in the palm of the hand. This satisfied our esteemed ances tor, and matters ran aloug thus for a few hundred years. Indeed, 1 claim the work ing scientist's privilege to be vague as to years, Let us throw overboard the cave an artisan whose honest dweller, for that matter, aud come along ' . . . i .1 I J 1 H... I - Knrrin urUll toil offers a future or happiness wnony w "- ",u" AimieA frt fh Arm of hpl rlfirlr. Yet it "e w' ,or About two hours later the inmates of the Rough Diamond were startled by bearing shots, cries, oatiiB, the heavy thundering of a horse's hoofs on the rocky soil of the mesa, and then a long, loud "hurra-a-h." Then all was silent , As one man they sprang to tbelr feet and rushed for the door, but ere the foremost man among them could reach it, it was burst violently open and old Ramon rushed in. followed by Pete, from Denver, who. Bwaying and staggering like a drunken man, called for brandy, and tben came to the floor witb a crash that shook the win dows. A babel of voices prevented an explana tion for a long time, and when Peter had somewhat revived he told them what had happened. -.:,,. "Where's Cblquttaf" aome one asked, A spasm of wrath convulsed the features of the dying man. ''Gone," he gasped; "gone witb that anrsed tenderfoot.'1 "Bow did it all happen, PeteP" "He was there when I got there. Cbt quita was all dressed aud ready to go off with him womanlike, curse herl He saw me coming. His horse was there. He waited for me. Oh, the fellow was game enough. 1 said nothing, but opened on him. The girl being there must have made me nervous, for I missed my man for the first time." "And then?" "Why, he pumped me full of lead before I could pall trigger. Bit me Ave times. Then he mounted and swung the girl up in front of him. Old Ramon came up and opened on him. 1 got up and followed suit. Be got back at us once bis last cartridge aud caught Ramon, for 1 beard blm groan. Then the tenderfoot yelled and rode off. Boys, give me a big drink. I'm done for," And when they brongbt the drink a fast chilling corpse was all that was left of Peter from Denver to drink it And Chiquitar Chiqutta wont to a convent in St Louis, and left there four years later a cultured aud magnificently beautiful woman, tone will be pleased to receive any of Mr. Ber ries' friends at her lovely home in the Back bay district iu Boston, aud if you succeed in pleasing her she will tell you of that awful night at Picture (Jan you when a "tenderfoot" from Boston showed how "tenderfeet" can tight when a sweetheart is at stake. And old Ramon f When they looked for him he was gone. Nor was he or Edward Berries ever Been again in Picture Canyon. 0. J. in Atlanta Constitution. does not know about practical politics is scarcely worth considering, and success in that field is proof of no common talents. In 1870 he entered the law office of J. W. Scudder, an eminent railroad attorney, and in the intervals of study and office work con tributed to the local press. In 1874 he was admitted to the bar and soon acquired a good practice. His liberal treatment of poor cli-1 ents made him popnlar, and he soon be came a power in local politics. In 1881 he was elected assemblyman. In 1882 he was elected to congress and was three times re elected, but in 1890 there was a bad break tn his political arrangements. Be bad married a Virginia lady and fallen into the habit of passing much of his vaca tion time in that state. He had invested largely there and had talked of making his home at Lynchburg. The cry was raised that he was practically a citizen of Virginia, and this, with other causes, led to his being set aside by the convention. Edward Fran cis McDonald was nominated by the Demo crats, and the district gave him its usual majority of 5,000 or so. Mr, McAdoo had received a plurality somewhat higher. It is a fine tribute to his personal qualities that the Jersey City boys who went to school with him have been his warmest supporters. He is of medium height, rath er spare, witb dark hair and mustaches. Without any pretense to oratory, be Is nev ertheless a very effective speaker, talking tn a very plain and familiar style. A high compliment to his style of speaking is eon veved in the statement of an admiring con stituent that "any man can learn some thing from it and any common sense boy can understand it." He is affectionately known about home as plain "Billy" and "Honest Billy." It was claimed at the time of his election that he was the youngest man to hold a seat in congress since the days of Hayne and Clay, but two or three others have proved a little better claim to that honor. He entera on his responsible post In the naval depart ment at the age of 80 and amply equipped for it with legal and legislative experience. is not difficult to understand why young men become clerks. It ia supposed to be a gentlemanly pro- j fession, but the black coat, the top hat You may still find old men who will tell you that they can remember when farmers in this country bad nothing but the sickle with which to harvest their wheat and rye. A dozen men worked in single file, and cut and the incipient mustache may all be the grain with one haud aud gathered (ton taken as the signs of shabby gentility. The veneer of respectability is very thin. I remember once being sadly taken down by a vender of razors who stood with his stock in trade outside the bankers' clear ing aonse in a passage off Lombard street I asked him for a strop. Said he gruffly: "It will cost you 2 shillings. the other arm, stopping every "round" to drink earnestly out of a big Jug of New England rum or Pennsylvania whisky. Then came the cradle a scythe with "fin gers" ou it which made the grain lie straight. Many farmers have a cradle yet for corners and odd nooks. .With it one man cut down the grain and another bound it into sheaves. Then arose a direct de- A steak would do you more good.' And sceodant of the paleozoic genius, and in- the man was right. I did not forget the lesson, and I ceased to be a clerk as soon as I could, bnt it was a trial to my reel ings to be deprived of the genteel air of vented a reaper drawn by horses. This was in the 'Hu's, say. A man drove and a small boy sat on a low Beat aud raked off the grain in gavels. Be was practically the same small boy who the citv and to earn my bread amid less I. rYnU tuJmtrltx thuf --.i., tha pretentious surronndingB. Cor. London eutop; valve In the first steam eugine. He Telegraph. J soon lost bis occupation in both instances I in the case of the reaper they invented a mechanical rake. It took Ave meu to fol low on foot aud bind up what the reaper cut down. Still the farmer wasn't satis- 1 fled, bo they made mm tne harvester. Two men besides the driver rode on this, i it was brought np on an endless aprou to where they stood. They bad an awning over them, and were very comfortably situated. Line was in the 70's. Still the agriculturist fretted. 1 Then he got the self binder, which he has Beating Tim by Cable, How he once "beat time," or rather, ap parent time, in a remarkable fashion Is told by Mr. Archibald Forbes. It Is a story of a telegraphic dispatch from the battlefield. In the early morning of the gad of November, 1878, a British division under General Sir Samuel Browne occu pied the Afghan fortress of Alt Musjid, up in the Khyber Pass. Mr. Forbes rode back ten miles to J urn rood, where the held telegraph was, and . sent the news to Eng land in a short message Bearing date 10 a. m. ...v.-- There Is Ave hours' difference of time between India and England in favor of the latter, and the London papers containing thin telegram dated 10 a. m. were selling in Fleet street at 9 a. m., one hour of appar ent time before it was dispatched. Its an ticipation of time, however, did not end here. Owing to the five hours' difference between the clocks of koodoo and JSew Vork the mesnage was in time for the reg ular editions of the New York papers that Bame morning. It was theu immediately wired across the American continent, and owing again to the difference in time between the Atlan tic coast and the Pacific slope the early rising citizen of San Francisco, purchasing his moruing paper at o a. m., was able to read the announcement of an event which actually occurred over two hours later In apparent time some 13,000 miles away on the other side of the globe. Puck, as Mr. Forbes says, processed him self able to put a girdle around the earth in forty minutes, but thia telegram sped half around the globe in two hours lens than no time at all. London News. Where Sealskin Caps Are Made. The fur cap trade is centered in the Freuch quarter. Sealskin caps are less popular than they once were, but some thuusauds of them are annually made in this city. They are made from portions of skin too small to be used In the best sacaues. The trade is highly subdivided. It requires a knowledge ol lurs, and many of engaged in the business are for elguers. Much of the trade is carried on in comparatively small snops sucn as are usual in Uio French quarter. Often the costliest and most beautiful goods are pro duced In shabby little shops where otie would expect to find no more important industry than that of the cobbler. New Vork World. A Black Cat Farm. "I had heard of skunk farms, rattle snake farms and other novelties in the farming line," said Nick Hansen yester Aav tt a. nnrtv of friends who were con gregate about the stove in the court of the grain . . .... ... . . I nn Jin Anrllpju. nnrnti t the Exchange bmiouig, out 1 never heard of a black cat tarn until I went out to Washington. The year that 1 went out there Jim Wardner. an old timer who need to stage it witb Fred yet though he U beginning to Bud fault Evans in the earlv days, and who is quite with it aud talks about electricity. well known to many Sioux Cityans, con- At flrat they tried to tie up the grain , 4,w rim Hack cats for with wire, but it did not work very well, .1..:- t... i nrmmi a and the machines were abandoned, and , ; ' f , . iM others usiug mauilla or hemp twine were stock company to push the enterprise. tried twine or "Acompany was organized with a cap- j, ver, 8tron?, and ta a little larger ital stock of 1200,000. and an island of than a round shoestring. It seldom breaks, about 1,000 acres in extent located in and the sheaves are tied np firmer and bet- Bellingham bay in the upper part of ter than by hand. The self binder is some- Puget sound was obtained to carry on what complicated, but it seems simple the farming. Then a grand skirmish when we consider what It does, it Is the .i viau a.0 Tha Piuifi inost intelligent machine used on the farm. . . . T . ..,.vl ,,! J, if I may so express it. It would make the coast states were ransacked and nearly u jt ,t every incoming train was loaded with tathatttanin,! man 8nn keep hu black cats, which were lmmeaiateiyraa- ,, . . it.nj nri,, i. i., . en to the island or "cat factory.' as we ,jraju w ti nl up. It does not tie a square called it. They were in charge of a num- or "hard" knot, nor yet a bowknot. Bring ber of men, who furnished them with the two ends of a string together for, two fnnfl iw seine fishinu in the bay. and a or tbree inches trom tbelr ends; then, con- certain number were killed during the sidering tlie two strings as one, tie one yeartopaythecu I left, a (rood black cat's pelt was worth . y' in tha $3, and the comjiany was making a mint and it MVW ..give8 a particiei Id thft : ot money, kaivs jurnmnea up tuegauuj into muffs and capes." Sioux City Jour nal . Kentiitff Ball DreMce. There are stores in the city where even- ine dresses are rented. They are made up handsi)mely. with the skirt all fin- ground, and the binder waits for enough ished excent the waistband, ana wun s" w V" """"" "uc"1' the waist itself basted together instead ol stitched. The woman who desires to rent the costume can have tii waist fitted. It is fitted and prepared for her in a way that does not preclude the pos sibility of its becoming refitted for others for other occasions. She rents it tor ine evening, paying $10 or $15. returns it in the morning with the consciousness that she looked at the ball just as well aa her millionaire neighbor. It is rather a severe thing to assert, bnt these trades people do not hesitate to say tliat? men are responsible for the the door of the henhouse is opened, mark Btartinir in of this custom of renting fin- the notes of the birds. The bens are sing- ery. They say that wives caught the ing, "cur-cur-cur-r-r,M as they run or hurry machine it is made by a funny, crafty lit tle thingumbob which turns around half way, opens Its mouth and seizes the cord,, turns on around and lets go sullenly, as if it had half a mind not to. A knife cuts the cord, another thingumbob holds the ends, two arms sweep the sheaf off onto the when it starts ii&elf and repeats the opera tion. It works witb the precision of a fine steam engine, if the hired man will only let it alone. Harper's Weekly. Language of the Barnyard fowls. - That birds use sounds as an Interchange of ideas is well known; a visit to the heu- yard will soon demonstrate this. Long before the sun is up, while the shadows cling about the hills, the shrill cry of the cock is heard announcing the coming of the day, the loud challenge passing from yard to yard, until every cock in the town has responded. When the sun rises and The Influenoe of Mind od Mind. That the influence of mind on mind Is ordinarily imperceptible does not prove that it can not be universal. These are well ascertained material influences which are of universal operation, yet too feeble to be felt ; aud in some cases these, even if more powerful, would still be ordinarily unfelt because they act In many directions at once, and tend, therefore, to neutralize one another. That matter has weight has always been known, but never till within the last few centuries could it have been suspected that, gravitation being universal, every human body must exert au influence upon for it has an attraction for every other human body, however distant au influence which would in certain cases be felt if the mass of the earth aud the inertia of matter were very greatly less than they are. Black wood's Magazine. idea from their husbands, who make a practice of renting dress suits instead of owning them. Everybody knows that it is quite a common thing for a man to hire a dress suit for the one or two times a year when some occasion demands of direction. him this respect to conventionality, yet i suppose thiB same man would be the first to condemn this folly in his wife if he knew it. Chicago Inter Ocean. out into the pasture; but suddenly the gallant cock spies a grasshopper, and with tail close to the ground and many side wise glances aud pretended pecks he utters 'cluck, cluck, ciucRl" rapidly repeated, at which the heus stop singing aud run in his The Valne of Knowing Froneh. French is now taught in all the schools of Greece, a regulation made a abort time ago. 1 have found that French is used wherever 1 go, and that it is as near to be ing universal as any living laugunge is likely to bo. The person who speaks French can get along anywhere in ffiurope, al though he will also meet persons iu all large towns who speak Koglisn. Atheus Hnrriea w hilled at the mention or that name. At UoPi pittaburg Leader, was thft synonym of all that was moat 1 Marriage as a Uf Preserver. A certain set of philosophers, incapable of feeling affection for any one but them selves, has delighted in sneering at love and marriage, aud has argued that bach elorhood is the only conservative state. But their theory is not borue out by the statistics of married and single life in modern times, so far at least as the mas culine gender is concerned. If longevity is desirable, then it is betterthat wesbould mnrrv than remain bachelors; for It ap pears that at every age, from twenty to eufbtv-tWe. the death rate of the Benedicts is very much smaller than that of their nnmated brethren. Gentlemen who orefer a short life aud a oueivy onetoa prolonged leuse of matri monial placidity will probably agree In opiuion witb the cymcul pniloeophers. Jsew Vork Ledger. Now a dark object appears tn the Bkr. Nearer lE comes, and the watchful cock recognizes an enemy. A heu hawk. Does he utter the "urk-a-dordle-dol" or "cut cut-cut?" Not at all. Tbe"cur-cur-cur-r-r" of the hen ceases, aud from the long, swell ing throat of the cock comes "karre karre," with a rising inflection, or something very like it, which says as plainly as possible, Here's a hawk; run to cover," and the hens and chickens do ruu. understanding the warning immediately. Now listen to the mother hen that Is leading her flock about. Note the 'cluck. cluck, cluck," which she utters at near ' Lemon Juice For Bheotuatlsm. A little girl up on the west side was to drive a splendid birthday party one day last month, but the day and the presents arrived ana rouna ner in nea, Daralvzed with rheumatism. She is on ly 7, and her parents and even the family doctor tnougni it a remarKame ana uncaueu lor ma xauy. uu u mterVttl8. It a moCherly song with no fully guarded only child suffered as ter- es)eciai significance, and the little ones do nuiy as the most negieciea uuie morwu who had spent cold nights in the streets and had invited the awful disease iu every way. Finally a doctor was called in, who, among other things, knows a thing or two about mnammatory rheu matism. He sniffed at the array of lin iments, nronounced them "harmless" and prescribed lemon iuice lemon juice, pure and simple a wineglassful every mormng. The little girl is now weii. Here is another bit of medical advice. If you are subject to rheumatism, don't eat eggs. Washington JNews. A Silver Lining. VLrg. Kindlie I presume yon have rather a hard tune ot it. Tramp Yes, mum; but every cloud has a silver lining, mum. Tm not wor ried to death by autograph hunters, mum. New xork Weekly. not, heed it. but suddenly the hen finds a worm and calls out, "cut-cut-cut," in quick succession, which the little fuzzy ohicks understand so readily that they fairly tumble over one another in their endeavors to respond. They know it is a call to din ner. Even the little chicks just out of the shell do not mistake these calls, and pay not the slightest attention to the cut-cut-' ca-da-cut" that comes from the henhouse, where a pullet is proudly announcing that she has laid an egg. St. Paul Dispatch. Where Carlyle'i Ciothei Were Made. Carlyle's own mode of life for London was frugal. He fared maiuly on oatmeal and hams, which he would have only out of native Annaudale, the London article, in his judgment, partaking of the specious, quack character of its environment, tiis clothes, too. he would have only from an ! honest Dumfries tailor, who made them un In lots to last several years and in forma that put them beyond the mutability of i fashion. . C. Martin in Scribner's.