! r-r n Royal v' t Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and delicious flavor noticed ! in the finest bread, cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by tne of any other leavening agent. A BRIDAL MEASURE. Gifts they sent her manifold. Diamond and pearls ami gold. One their tv-aa among the throng Hud not Midas' touch at need. He against a sylvan reed . bet nls lips, and breathed a Boost Bid brijtht Flora, as she comes, Snatch a spray of orange blootns For a maiden's hair. Let the hours their aprons fin ' With mignonette and daffodil And all that's fair. For her bosom fetch the rose Ihat is rarest; Not that either these or those t'onld by any hupitenint; be Ornaments to such as she: - They'll but show, when she is dressed, 8he Is fairer than the fairest. And out betters what is best! Thomas Bailey Aldrich in Century. It Fetched Him. , A down town lawyer borrowed a book from a friend in the same office, took it borne and forgot to return it. Several times be was reminded of this by the owner of the book and aa many times forgot to put it in his pocket when he left his house. At length, stung to desperation by his friend'B gibes, he sat down, and ad dressing a postal card to himself at his residence he wrote on the back of it thus: "If you donot attend to that matter within 24 hours, you may ex pect the worst." "There," he said grimly, "if that doesn't fetch me, nothing will." It did fetch him. It fetched him out of a lute sleep the next morning immediately after the postman's first visit to explain to his white faced, terrified wife that she was not likely to be made a widow. He offered ex planations and took the book back, .but he is not sure that his wife does not believe that he has committed some crime or in some way got into the clutches of a blackmailer. New York Times. , The Deadly Cutlery Trade. ' A foreign statistician has recently compUed figures relating to the bane ful effect of the unavoidable inhala tion of metallic dust by cutlers and file cutters. Assuming, he gays, that in the case of an ordinary active ex istence in a healthy atmosphere the numberof deaths per 100,000 artificers is 100, the figure of mortality result ing from consumption and other lung .complaints among the first named workmen would be 383, and among file sharpeners 396. The death rate prevalent in the cutlery trade would, it seems, be much heavier were it not that the allied hand e manufactur ing trade is included in the statistics. Altogether the number of fatal ter minations to pulmonary diseases among cutlers an4 file cutters nearly equivalent to the aggregate deaths among fishermen trom all causes, including accidents, which are numerous. London Iron. i Deal Balm of (Ulead. The real balm of gilead is-the dried juice of a low shrub. It is said, which grows in Syria. It is very val uable and scarce, for the amount of balm yielded by one shrub never ex ceeded 60 drops a day. : According to Joseph, the balm or balsam of gil ead was one of the presents given by the.queen of Bhcba to King Solomon. The,, ancient Jewish physicians pre gcribed it evidently for dyspepsia and melancholia. Philadelphia Ledger. proving Ills Vase. "But, your honor," said the pris- , " oner, "J am not guiltyof this crime. I have three witnesses who will j swear thatat the hour this man was J robbed 4 was at borne in my own i chamber taking care of the baby. "Yes! yourhonor," glibly answered the prisoner's counsel, "that is strict ly true. We can prove a lullaby, your honor. Exchange. Bating Powder, made from absolutely pure $ Grape Cream of Tartar,- J usew The Faces of Men. Physiognomists tell lis that the hu man face resembles that of some ani mal. Those who remember the late Henry Bergh will have no difficulty in reculling the equine profile aud ex pression of his face. It was remark able. George Eliot was another blessed with the equine expression on her couutenunce. Dickens head and face were often likened to that of a fine dog. In Englund and America, where dogs and horses are more thought of nd better cared for than in other civilized countries, we find more men whose faces are strikingly canine and equine in profile and expression. Among successful men we often see the piercing eyes and long, bent nose of the eagle. This eagle profile, so seldom found in men of commonplace talents, is much admired by physiog nomists, but physiognomists con demn the eagle's face when a woman bears it. The vast majority of men and women of our race resemble sheep, and this accounts for the stupidity and susceptibility of the average man and woman. But those who think or have been told that they look like a horse or a dog must remember that there are "balky" horses and some mighty snappy and ' miserable dogs. Brooklyn Standard-Union. A Holy OIL The love of the marvelous in the thirteenth century was not less re markable in this age than in those which had preceded it In the old French account we read of new won ders in Palestinenot mentioned be fore, and of tho Sinai convent we learn that "there lies St. Catherine, virgin and martyr, in a very fair mar ble tomb, which tomb is so holy tnat a sort of oil from it heals many ills, and the grace of Ood is shown, in that many wild beasts, which are on that mountain, live on nothing save by licking the tomb of my lady St. Catherine and by the manna which falls on the mountain. AtTortosa also was now shown St Luke's portrait of Our Lady, and at Sardenai a Syriac monastery on a rock north of Damascus was the mi raculous image of the Virgin, which distilled oil from its breast. By spe cial treaty the Templars were allowed to visit the shrine and collect the oil, which was in high repute and sold for a great price in Europe. It is often mentioned in the inventories of churches in France as one of the treasures of the church. Edinburgh Review. loss of Life From Disease In Wat. In the Franco-German war the German troops lost less than a third of their dead by disease, while for merly the loss had been four times that from wounds. The following figures gives tiro deaths from disease for every 100 men lost in the cam paign: French in the Crimean war, 79 ; United States troops in the Amer ican war, 80; Germans in the last French war, 29. The small loss from disease compared . with that from wounds in the French army promises much for military hygiene in future campaigns. Lord Flayfuir. Nature In an Unfamiliar Attitude. Sometimes, Almost unawares, one catches nature Id an unfamiliar attitude that leaves an impression on the mind of having learned something distinctly and entirely new. It usually requires a passage through some physical discomfort a facing of rain or snow, or a wading through wet and tangled grass. The unusualuess of the experience is its clilefest cbnrtn. One is generally alone on such trips. There is no one out but those who really love nature, and this gives a sort of proprietor ship in the scene. But, It must be re peated, this feeling must be purchased at a proportionate expense of energy-nature does not Invite an on a June day, Boston Transcript. OVEI'.OROWDED NEW YORK, The Tenement Districts Compared With Those of Other Clllos. A recent censuB report shows that tlierearo 81,000 houses in Now York, occupied by a number of families bo great as to imply that thore are nearly four families (11.83) for every house in the metropolis. When it is recalled that there are thousands of beautiful homes in New York occu pied each by one family only, thut miles of avenues and streets are lined with houses each individually owned and occupied by one family group, it will bo realized to what ex- I tent in other parts of the city orowd ing occurs, when to accomodate an average of nearly four families to each, house 1 the remaining ihouses only are available. , Comparing the condition of New York with Philadelphia tliedifforence is most marked. In Philadelphia the average number of families to each house is one family and one-tenth, as against three families and over three-quarters in Now York for each house, In New York the avorago for each house is 19 people, while in Philadelphia the avorago is not 0 people per house. The death rate tells the rest In Now York it is 28 in every 1,000, in Philadelphia 22 per 1,000. Whilo New York has 19 peo ple to each house, Loudon has only 7, with a death rate 3 per cent lower than New York. The exteDt of the crowding in New York is made painfully apparent by the statement of the national census, which shows that out of a popula tion of 1,600,000 no less a number than 1,200,000 live in apartments, fiats and tenements. Still further is this confirmed by the sanitary cen sus made by the police in which it was found that there were herded in what the board of health designates as the "tenement district" no less than 270,000 families. This number, exceeding a quarter of a million fam ilies, averaging five porsous to each, is so great as to excite surprise that such a condition can exist in the chief city of the new world, where conditions of civilization, as illus trated by the character and number of homes, ought to have their most perfect exemplification. But the facts as presented in official reports, in the death rate and in the person al observations of men and women who take a deep interest in the con dition of human kind in the metrop olis, show a condition of density full of danger, in which the indications toward improvements are few and far between. North American Bo view. Questions of the Perhaps the reader has days when nothing goes upward or straightfor ward, but downward, backward, crookedly, spirally, any way but straight ahead. Never mind whethor these ills come all the same day or not; we all know well that they come. "What are the senses," some old worthy has inquired, "but five yawning inlets to hourly and mo mentary molestations?" What else are they when on an icy cold morn ing, after hugging your pillow for an hour after conscience tugged to pull you up, you arise to find that the household fires have taken that zero morning to turn black in the face and die? How, when you have especial and most pressing work to do or engagements to meet upon a certain day, and when you wake to find yourself in the grip of an all day headache, or other paralyzing ill? Or, in an equally important emer gency, just as you settle to your ab sorbing task, or haply dress for your engagement your sensitive mend arrives blandly on the scene? Bos ton Commonwealth. Paris Skeletons. Paris is the head center of the skel eton trade. The mode of preparation a very dolicate operation. The scalpel is first called into requisition to remove the muscular tissues. Its work being done, the bones are boiled, being carefully watched meanwhile that they may not be overdone. Aft er this cannibalistic procedure they are bleached in the sun. Even the spots of grease are sure to appear when they are exposed to heat. The French treat these with ether and benzine, securing thereby a dazzling whiteness, which is a distinguishing mark of their skeletons. They are warranted never to turn yellow and to stand the test of any climate.' New York in midsummer is not tooihot for them, They are put togotho by a master hand. 1-'---;t A brass rod with all the proper cw vatures suiiporte.the spinal column. Delicate brass wires bold the -ribs in place. Hingefl of the most perfect workmanship' give to the joints a graceful and! lifelike -movement. Cleverly concealed hooks and eyes render disjunction at pleasure possi ble. The whole construction plainly indicates the care and skill of an art ist and a connoisseur. Boston Herald. A Leather Shoe For Uorses. In England and in many parts of Europe propor they have for a long time been using for u horseshoe a rogular curiosity made of com pressed leather. At the factory where they are made three thick nesses of common oowskin are pressed into a steel mold, and while held in position by powerful damps are subjected to a bath of some chemical preparation which tuukeB them surprisingly hard ui'd durable. It is (claimed for these shoes that they are much lighter and last longer than those mode of iron, also that split hoofs are unknown in horses constantly provided with them. The shoe is perfectly smooth on the bottom, no calks being re quired, the impact causing the sur face to adhere even on the smoothest ice. Although, as above stated, the shoe is hard and durable, it is also very elastic, thus preventing sprains and bruises and making the horse's stop lighter and surer. Btraw treat ed with a solution unknown to American and European chemists has been used for horseshoes for centuries in Japan. Perhaps some Amoricun genius will outdo Englund and the Japs by giving us a durable pajier horseshoe. Who knows! Philadelphia Press. Character In the Voice. How much character and signifi cance lie in a voice I I was sitting in an office waiting for its owner to re turn when a woman entered and spoke to the clerk. My bock was to ward her, and she only inquired where Mr. Blank was and said she would wait but I roalized instantly that she wus "somebody." It was not merely the quality of hor voice, deep aud resonant but an indescrib able something in the intonation which convoyed to my ear the intel ligence that I listened to a woman who was the possessor of brains, en ergy and power. When Bho came within my range of vision, I saw a womun of middle age, large, massive, unconventional in appearauce, and with a face ev ery line of which was impressed with the quulities suggested by the voice. When the man for whom I was wait ing came in, he addressed her by a name which 1 instantly recognized as belonging io a woman well known for her stroug and original writings on sociological problems, and the revolation of character given by the voice was justified by the disclosure of hor identity. Boston Advertisor. Energy Great, hut Useless. An electrical writer has calculated that the firing of a small pistol sets free about 600 foot pounds of energy, while a watch consumes about one one-fifty-foiirinilhonth of a horse power, tho onorgy of the bullet being sufficient to keep the time lor two years. An Edison telephone trans mitter requires ubout one one-thousandth of the energy in a watch. It would therefore be worked for 2,000 years on the onorgy exerted in the pistol. A lightning nosh of 3,500,000 volts and 12,000 amperes, lasting one one - hundred -and - twenty-one - thou sandth of a second, would run a 160 horsopower engine for 10 seconds. Electrical Data, Kngllsh Love For Old Churches. The English people have a deep seated love for their old churchesand cathedrals, and they spend money lavishly for their preservation. In the last 20 years not less than $53, 048,140 has been expended in the res toration of these edifices, and this does not include any sum below (2, 500. In London alone no less than $4,101,645 has been thus expended. In addition, $48,038,915 has been de voted in the country at large to the erection of new churches. Another notable fact is that most of the money raised for these purposes bas been derived from private gifts. Boston Journal. Trick of Beggars' Children. The children of beggars are often seen to be covered with tumors and wens, while othorwise they are per fectly healthy. An inquisitive sur geon has found thecauseof the swell ings. It is a trick of the father or mother to appeal the more strongly to the charity of the world. With an instrument like a hypodermic syr inge the, skin i$ punctured and the breath is mown.unuer it causing it to stand out like a tumor or othor ex crescence in-a-' way that would de ceive almost any one. New York Tribune.. F ! AU InOae Pound of CoaL -If a pound of coal is subjected to a dry distillation, and the products and residual treated chemically by the processes for obtaining the well known coal tar colors, the pound thus treated will yield enough of magenta1 to color 500 yards of flannel, vermil-i ion for 2,560 yards, aurine for 120 yards and alizarine sufficient for 155 yards of red cloth. Age of Steel. Too Much of a Hunter. It was one of the late Senator Konna'B ambitions to photograph a deer on the run. Finally ho hadsome boys to go into tho bushes to start up the deer, aud he had his hand on the bulb which governed the camora, ready to press it when the animal should appear. As he heard it crash ing through the brush, however, he dropped the bulb and picked up his gun. As the deer sprang forth he killed it Chicago Herald. The Immigration of The totul at the principal ports was 543,487, of which 118,278 Came from Germany, 60,207 from Italy, 09,920 from Austria und Hungary, 45,494 from England and Wales, 55,274 from Bwedon and Norway, 50,410 from Ireland, 11,251 from Scotland, 0,691 from Switzerland, 62,207 from Hus- sia, 5,337 from France, 10,128 from Denmark, 7,758 from the Nothor lands and 20,889 from Poland and the remainder from Asia, South America ; and other points. New York Jour- " nul of Commerce. One or Lincoln's Dry llemarke. Judge E. Rookwood Hoar, remark ing on President Lincoln's dry hu mor, says that on one occasion a del egation of colored men had waited upon Mr. Lincoln aud were evidently at a loss to know just what to Bay. The president waited awhiloand then remarked, "Well, all who are here seem to be present." This self evi dent proposition broke the ice and removed tho spell from the African jaw. San Francisco Argonaut Instlnetlve Aetlun In Death. The cannon ball which plunged through the head and tore out the brain of Charles XII did not prevent him from seizing hiB sword hilt The idea of attack and the necessity for defense was impressed upon his mind by a blow which we would naturally suppose to have boon too tremendous and instantauoous to leave the least interval for thought Philadelphia PrgnB. i ANTI-rKIIMRNTINB In a n a nwi,Ksn preparation in tablet form for preserving am, kinds or fhiiit without rooKiNH. One pack age preserves fifty pints of fruit -or a barrel of cider, and only costs 60 cents. Fruits preserved with Anti- fermontine retain their natural taste and appearance. Ask your drtiggiBt or grocer for Anti-furmau- tine. Bmitrtly-Jolomnn'B first wife whs the best one he liml. Mrs. Hnmrtly How do you itiinwf Hmnrtly The Hi bio says tlml she wits nuowuinsn in e thousand. f. (M tsfot fjiCf Truly" dipe rahichtnib oTlne woBtcajej, or Pain Bskin&Ponder Purity and LeaveninPoWer ; UNEQUALED. i CASH PRICES To Introduce our Powder, we have dtv trmiuatodlntrlbut4)aij)mg tho oounim n a number or OAHU PIUZK8. To tiio porton orotnb returning tin Um .argent i nnnitwrofoertliicaUsflonor beforo Jhhm 1. 1804, we wl 1 1 rivu fkcaih prhte of 9 100, wia toUiniieitlnrtfoat, nitiiiermirt other vtlim - CL0SSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, On I N. P. N. U. No. 603-S, F. N. V, No. 680 ,1 4