The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 04, 1893, Image 1

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One year. .. ,t2 oo
(If paid In Mlvmv '4i a,,, ,)
tlx months ,,, ,, ,.. 00
Three months M 50
tugle oople" . ,... . OS
n - ',J a
"'iijwiK, ua ITioTo. F.-Weets
every Hatlli day levelling at rflr) Fellows Hull, at
o'clock p.m..
. A. KEKS.K. G.
.0. f mKOH, Hect'jv
ntiBI.RmtKdOA 1,01)111, NO. 47, I. O.'B. F.
Ueo'alI.n. 0. FIIull Ant audjthlrd Weduos
day eveidw, of each month ICK1!M0N K u,
tau 'O Loikie, No. 44 A, ?. A. M.-Meets
Batiirdivy evening, on ornuforo the full.mton in
M- E.F.. HamHaoK.W. M,
F..., Rao.
BoorhowiB, No. !, A. 0, It. W.-Meotavery
Tuesday evening ai 0. A. R. Hall.
J.'B.Thokfho . Hec.
'OK' i, Mmuos flAxr, No. 1. f ""
S0H0fVmJ.-Mw!t fcrlt.A. kVHall, laikanon.
Or., every Balurduy mnlng. 'except tin third
' Halurdayofoaoh mouth, mei'tlng the third Fri
day Instead. All brother of the Bonn -of Vet
rani and comnulusof lira . A. It. arc cordially
A. OIADAI.L, First HCgl.
Wealierlord A Chamterlaln,
Attorney- at - Law,
Attorneys at Law,
Collections given prompt and careful attention.
Will practice In all the court" of thea.
imn in ooubtnkV'b BRICK.
Lkiianon, Orbqon.
Undertakn a Specialty.
Learn Telegraphy.
J. C. Hoymour,
Oregouian Building.
St. Charles Hotel
Corner Main and Hbenaan streets,
BUD THOIPSOK, Proprietor.
, Fjret-Class in all Apartments.
Special attention pultl to Com
mercial men.
Board nud Lodging, per (lay, 11 to
2; par week 4.60 W to
Your teal name must accompany
every communication or It will cer
tainly no to the "waste basket." We
do not want your name for publica
tion, tnit us a guarantee of pond faith.
Notice of ADmlnlstrator'a Sale.
Notice 1 hereby kIvoii that by virture of
an order of the county court of Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, dulv made anil entered of rec
ord in and by raid court on the 9th day of
February, 1808, 1 will on i ho 2Mi day of
July, ISO.'), at the hour of one o'clock p. m.
of aaid day, at the court limine ddor in the
city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, Bell
to the highest bidder therefor for cash In
band, the following described premise be
longing to the estate of Peter Welt, de
ceased: Beginning 68 chains and SIS links "North
of the Southeast corner of Q, W. Klum's
donation land claim No. 89, notification
No. 2622, Township 12 South IUnge sue
West of the Willamette M iridium; thence
WeBt 11 chains; thonoe North 80 chains
and 18 links; thence East U chains;
thence South H4 chains and 18 links to the
place of beginning, containing 87,60 acres in
Linn County, Oregon.
The interest to be sold as aforesaid in
said premises being all the right title and
Interest which said Peter Welt had therein
at the time of his death. The same being a
fee simple state.
. Dated this30th day of June, 1898.
Joseph Wilt,
W. K. Bilyeu. .
Attorney for Administrator.
You van get better cabinet size plctr
uree at Crawford tt Paxton'a In Alba
uy for f 1 60 per dinen than at other
gallrlea for any price. Our work is
guaranteed. Permanent gallery es
tablished for 88 years. No poor work
allowed to go nut. Come and see ua.
Albany, lat street. Next door Mason
ic Temple.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing between the
undersigned under the fir it name of Isom,
Lannlng & Oo., has been, and is this day
dissolved by mutual consent of the parties.
John Isom having purchased the interest
of K. J. Lunning. The business will here
after be carried on by John Isoia, the
purchaser thereof, who hereby assumes all
partnership debts, and who also is author
ised to collect and receipt lor all debts due
the late firm:
Johx Isom,
E. J. Lan.vimi.
Dated this la; day of July, 18113
Notice is hereby given to all whom it may
concern that on the Bill day of March 1893.
the undersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of Linn County, Oregon the
administrator of the estate of John M. J.
Loveall, deceased. All parties having
claims against the above itan ed estate are
warned to present then., with proper
vouches, Within six months from the date
of this notice, to the undersigned admins
trator at the office of Sam'IM. (iarlaml in
Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon.
Janks Harvky Loakai.1.,
Administrator of the estate of John M. I .
Loveall, deceased.
8a'i M. OAauiin,
Atty. for the Administrator,
Lebanon, Or., March 17th, 1808.
1 CtMR
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Two Mere Beantlrnl Monuments.
E. W. Achlson nf Albany called on
ae again to-day, havingjust placed two
more neat monument In our cemeter
ies, One, a family monument of the
Brilliant-Crystal granite for the late
ArtiniUB Dodge; other, a beautiful
No, I Sutherland Falls marble monu
ment at the grave of Margaret Barker.
They are both, as are all their work,
of first clasa material and workman
ship and a credit to the Arm. Mr.
Achlson wishes lis to state that his
firm are prepared to furnish any kind
of marble or granite in the world, that
they can guarantee to give satisfac
tion to their customers, and lays it
will pay anyone wanting work to see
them before pnrcbasing. ,
Try the new drink cherry cider, at
Zann's. It is fine. V , ?
Attys. Somen and Garland visited
Albany one day this week.
" The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam,
of McKeasport, Pennsylvania, In the
treatment of diarrhoea in ber child
ren will undoubtedly be of interest to
many mothers. Bhe says: "I spent
several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after
the great flood, on account of my
husband being employed there. We
bad several children witb us, two of
whom took the diarrhoea very badly.
I got tome of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy from
Rev. Chapman. It cured both nf
them. I knew of several ether cases
where It was equally successful. I
think it cannot be excelled and cheer
fully roonmniend It." 25 and 69 etit
bottles fortWeby M. A. Miller, Drug
gist. '
Wm. Ireland, who resides near
Crawfordsville, met with a very se
vere accident one day this week. He
was mounted upon a good borse and
was engaged in driving some of his
neighbor's stock out of bis wheat field,
and while bis borse was running as
fast as possible, it fell, throwing ita
rider violently to the ground. Mr.
Irelard received several severe bruises
about the head and face, besides hav
ing hie nose mashed as flat as a pan
cake. Dr. Henry was nailed and
dressed the wounds and he is now on
the road to recovery. Brownsville
Administrators Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Administrator of the co-partnership
estate of Barbour 4 Dalgleish, Viva. M.
Barbour, deceased, bos tiled with the Clerk
of the County Court of Linn County, Ore
gon, his final account, and the Judge of
said court has fixed upon the 4th day of
September 1893, at the hour of 10 a. m. of
said day for the hearing of objections.
If any, to said account, and for settlement
of saib estate. N. 8. Daloleish, .
- Administrator
Sam'l M. Qarlasd.
Atty. for the Administrator.
Dated at Lebanon, Or., this 26th day of
July 1893. .
Notice of BtBsolatton.
' NoUee is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing uotweeu the undersigned
nnder the firm name of Fray & Settle, of Leba
non, Or., has been and Is this day dissolved by
mutnal consent of the parties. I. F. Settle hav
ing purchased the interest of J. H. Frey. who re
tires from the business. The business will here
after be carried on by I. F. Settle, the purchaser,
thereof, at the old Maud, who hereby assumes all
the debts and whoalone Is authorised
to colon) taud receipt for all debts due the late
In. J. H. Frky,
I. F. Sims,
Dated this 3rd day f Aug. 1883,
4, 1S93.
A Picnic sit todavlll.
A crowd of ladies went to Sodaville
last Tuesday on a plcniclexcurslon. It
was given in honor of Mrs. C. H. Bal
aton before her departure to Portland.
It was prnounced a success in every
way and a most enjoyable time was
had The following ladies were thre:
Mrs C H Ralston, Mrs F M Miller.
Mrs JG Reed, M-a. G Lovelee, Mn
M A Miller, Mrs T A Swan, Mrs. I J
Kirk pntrlck', Mrs H Baker, Mrs I R
Borum, Mrs Dr Booth, Miss Booth,
Mrs; Haadin, Mrs R C Miller and Mrs
II Y Kirkpatrl'k, of Lebanon; and
Mrs Tillotaon, Mrs 'Jackson and Miss
Ida Jackson, of Sodaville.
Effle E. Garoutte, at ber home near
Lebanon, Or., of quick consumption,
July 80, 1893. Aged 16 years, 3
mouths, 21 days.
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place in our home is vacant
which never can be filled.
She has gone to a happier borne than this
But 01 her gentle voice we all do miss.
Her parting words are sweet indeed to
tell, .
1 am going to my dear Mamma
One Bhe loved so welL
Her love thanks she extended
To all whom were near,
And tried to relieve her sufferings here.
And to one on whom ber
Future happiness did depend
A parting kiss she did extend.
Now good-bye, dear papa, Bitter,
brothers and friends, .
For I'm going to die.
Try a Chnstiar life to live and meet me
by and by.
A Nrab Bblativk,
A fisherman on the 8t Helen's bar
bad an experience Tuesday night
which be will not soon forget. He
bad his net in the river and was mak
ing a drift, when the steamer T. J.
Potter passed on her regular run to
Astoria. Captain Sullivan did not see
the net, ai'd in passing one of the Pot
ter's big wheels picked it up and quick
ly wound It around the shaft, taking
the fisherman and part of his boat
witb It. Fort"nately be was so com
pletely tangled In the net that he was
held firmly In one place and carried
around and escaped being dashed to
pieces. His boat was smashed to
kindling wood. Hie outcries fer help
were beard and tbe steamer was
stopped. He was released from his
peiiloue position and taken to St. Hel
ens in a bruised and feeble condition.
Mr. Wm. Ralston received a letter
from Olex, Eastern Oregon, which
tells of a close call to drowning by three
children not often experienced with
such favorable results; Mr. Gllf Skin
ner, an old resident of Linn county,
was at Olex with his family, where
bis little girl fell into Rock Creek, at
a point where it was quite deep. A
fifteen year old son jumped In after
ber, followed by a younger ton, who
got strangled and caught bis brother
around the neck and they went down.
A young man with a pole succeeded in
getting the girl out and Lonner Ral
ston foemerly of this city, dove for tbe
boys, and at once secured tbe younger;
but it was with great difficulty that he
flually got the older one from tbe deep
hole in which he sunk. They were
rolled on barrels and all brought to,
the older boy not until after about an
i bour'eooBtlnual work with him. The
saving and resuscitation of the three
Was considered remarkable. Mr. Ral-
1 ston particularly was entitled to great
credit for bis part in aaving the chil
dren from a watery grave. Democrat.
Dr. Law hereon Informs us that Geo.
Pope 4 Co. has made arrangements to
let hap men around here to have
money through him (Dr. Lamberson
to pick their bops. He bas also made ,
arrangements to buy all surplus bark I
aroutd here. I
NO 23s-
A Good Move
, It Is said thS youi'ig iadlee oMounof
City, Mo, are subacriblng to tbe fol
lowing iron clad pledge;
The man who takes the red, red wine
Can never glue his lips tj mine; .
The man who chews the navy plug.
Will in our parlor get no hug;
Who smokes, or drinks or cuts a derk,
Shall never, never bite my neck.
Don't you monkey with the cards,
Or We'll never more be purds.
The man who guzzles lager beer ' '
Can never, never bite my ear.
Drink nothing stronger than red pop,
Or in your lap I'll never flop.
If aught but water you e'er taste
Just keep your arm from off my waist. -If
yoa drink wine or other slop,
Youcan never hear my corset pop,
The man who smokes the cigarette
Can never squeeze me yon can bet, .
. A Barbed Wire Cincha Oath.
A few evenings since the young
men of Prlnevllle met In solumn
ooncalve, and pledged their lives,
their fortunes and their sacred honor,
that any young lady, before entering
into matrimonial life with any gent
leman of this town, shall be required
to subscribe to tbe following oath: '
I, , being first duly s worn, da
dispose and say:
That I will never bang my hair,
Nor strike my husband with a chair.
Will never wear my corset tight,
Nor will my dear, dear hubby fight
Always he sweet as sweetest honey,
And never ask for spending money.
Never, never wear a tight shoe.
Nor kick if tobacco he should chew.
To him be kind all my life.
And not complain It he hngs arotiiers
Wife. I Ar;r- r-.' ,
Never daub my checks with paint red.
Nor complain of his cold feet in beil, '
Will build tbe tire on mornings sold,
And if wood's scarce will not scold.
Always have for him a warm dinner,
Though he be the gravest sinner.
All the young men except one con
curred in the agreement, and ladles)
desiring to seal their furture destiny
may stand some show if thev go be
fore Justice liindman and take the
above oath. Ex.
(The two above piecies are published
by request.)
Mrs. W. H. Cyrus died at her home in
Crook county, July 27, 1893, Willi lihw'd
poison. She was known in this commu
nity as Ladonia Stringer. She was married)
to Mr. Cyrus September 80, Ifjjl. She
leaves a husband, little girl, father, mother,
three sisters and four brothers, and a h(ut
of relatives an friends to monrn her
She was born In Lebanon, Or. February
21, 1873; aged 20 years, 6 monthn, anil
days. Tie God to give and tJml to lake
away, and he has taken away a loveil
one whose place can never be filled. She
has gone but not forgotten. Blic mis a
jewel that will shine as long as ineiuorey
lives. Bhe was a loving wile, u loving
Bister, and a loving friend to all who knew
her. May God bless, save and com tort hit
loved oneB who are left to mourn her hiss.
This world is filled with sadnexs, ami tit
hearts hi soriow chilled;
No more will we bear her sweet vmee rail
us .
For her heart in death is chilled.
Farewell dear Donia, farewell,
My heart will never by reconcilleuV
Farewell till we meet beyond tbe skys
Where true friendship never dies.
Dear Donia was but a smile
Which glistens in a loar,
Seen but a little while .
But Ob I how loved, how dear,
We only kuow dear Donia tbou bast
gone, .. .,.'.
And that the same rsturnlesB tide,.
Which bore thee from us still glides n,'
And we, who mourn thee will it glide,
(Other papers please copy .)
Dodge Sale.
At Dodge farm, on the BrownsVilh
Road, Saturday, Aug. S, WXi, at 1')
o'clock a. m. will be sold at nu bile une-
tion a fine lot of driving, ridliur auM
Vw. .tlb 1 ' 1
s'.i uuiovn, uiiiK WWB, vevvtTJ nu a '
bulls, and fine sheep, wagon, plows
and other farming buplimentt. . .