The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 28, 1893, Image 8

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    Lebanon Express.
KKCOtlDKK -. V. M. Mll.l.KR.
(3. 0. BILVKl),
'tt.M. WK8TFA.
City Council meets on the first and third
Tuesday eTenings of each month.
v Sidewalk Notice-
To all whom it may concern, and espec
ially tot
i . B. Thnmnson. 8. M. Hansard. L. Folev.
Joseph Klkins, L. G. Ambler, Ida Men
utes, B. M. W. Hindman. Estate of John
(ins I) am, J. K. Charlton, Josephine Wheel
lw B. Bnrtenshaw. E. P. Wallace.
Urn. MesaiTPv. Dan Hart. J. A. Bnrkhart
A Gottshe, Jennie B. Caldwell, Wm. bcant-
land, owners of (he real property abutting
ion and adjacent to the -following described
streeto in the City of 1-ebanon, in Linn
County, Oregon towU:On the vest line of
Main street between liable and Grant, be
tween Bherman and Ash, between Rose and
Carolina streets, between Koseanrt vine.
On east line of Main street between Vine
and Isabella streets. North line of Maple
oetween .Main ana csecona streets.
North line of eastern continuation of
Grant street, sometimes called Bridpe
Avenue and generally known as the county
road from Lebanon toBcio, between Grove
street A.eastem boundary line of the corpo-
which is more particularly described here
in after you and each of you are hereby
notified that the said City of Lebanon,
Linn Conntv. Ore eon. pronoses to con-
atruct a sidewalk at the cost and expense of
aojacent pro(rty owners, ot the real prop
erty adjacent to and abutting on those
tortious of the above described streets,
aid ortions of said streets where said side
walk is proposed to be so constructed,
together with the manner, form and styte
of mid sidewalks, being more particularly
described as to Howe, towit:
There shall be three (3 tarings four (4)
inches thick by four (4) ittehes wide, eight
j(tj feetlong laid on the ground or other suit
&Ie support under each section of string
7 era At equal distances apart; there shall be
bid on such bearings four (4) sihngers
four (4) inches thick by four (4) inches
wide and sixteen 16) feet long cf red or
S?llow fir; said stringers to be placed on
te bearings at suitable an i equal distances
apart and well secured by being nailed to
,Uie bearings with twenty 120 penny nails,
the decking to be one and a half Iljj
inches thick of red or yellow tir. plank
evenly sawed, and not less than four 4
or more than H inches wide, to be evenly
sawed and closely fitted and well nailed
to the stringers with siiteer -16- penny
nails, all of said sidewalks to be eight
feet wide. All to be done
in a good aitd workmanlike manner,' the
incline of the walk not be more
than two inches to six
-6- feet running grade the same to be
constructed on, upon and along the west
sideofMaio street, as follows: Beginning
at the northwest comer of Main and Sher
man streets, in Lebanon Linn County , Or.
running thence north along the west line ot
Main street 62 feet. ). B, Thompson being
tiw adjecnt property owner,
Beginning at the point 62 feet north of the
northwest corner of Main and Sherman
streets and on the west line of Main street;
running thenee north along said west line
of Main street 19 feet. B. M.Hansard be
ing the adjacent property owner.
Beginning at a point 66 feet south of the
aoutli went corner of Main and Grant
streets, and i tinning thence south 22 feet
along lite west line of Main street. L. Fol
ey being the adjacent property owner.
A sidew alk , as follows: to wit:
bear lux four (4) Inches thick and four (4) Inch
s wide shall be laid on the ground or other suit
stole rojiport at disUoces of five feet and our (4)
inches. Then shall be. laid on said bearings
three Hers of stringers, three (8) Inches thick and
four (i) inches wide and sixteen (16) feet long of
red or yellow flr. tfaid stringers shall be placed
equal distance apart and wellsecured to the bear
ings by nailing them with sixteen (14) penny
nails. Then shall be placed on said stringers
decking one and & half Indus thick of red
or yellow tor plank sixteen (16 feet long not more
than eight (8; inches wide nor leas than four (4)
Inches wide, squire edge and evenly sawed. Ail
,v decking on all sidewalks within said city to be
evenly and closely fitted together and firmly
aslta) to the stringers with sixteen (16) penny
nails; aU of saW side walk to be five feet
filar inch wide, All to be doneln sjgood work
Maulilta manner and the inslioe of no sidewalk
shall be more than two 2) inches to aach six
(8) feet running meamire to be constructed
en, upon and along the following described
treats lowtt:
Beginning at a point on the west line of
Main street, which Is west sixty fet and sooth
forty-two Met from thesoutlvMiooraerof Main
and CarQllua streets, running thence sooth tnir.
fjr-ttx feet in said west line of Main street, Joseph
fOktns being tate adjacent property owner.
i ' Beginning at the south-east comer of lot 2 in
Mock lAiu Ralsfcm's addition to Lebanon, On"
gap, running Umbos along the ssid west line of
Main stnet, nortu sixty-six feet, L. Foley being
Cho adjacent property owner.
Beginning at the south-cast corner of lot 8 In
4oci U In BatstoiVs addition to Lebanon, Ore
goo, tiienoe north along toe west line of Main
afreet sixty-six feet, L. 0, Ambler being the ad
jacent property owner.
Beginning at the north-west comer of lot 7 in
block 14 in KaU ton's addition to Lebanon, Ore
fitn, thenoe south one hundred and thirty-two
eeton the east line of Main street, Ida Measles
4Mug the adjacent property owner.
tVtfnniiig u the north-west corner of Main and
Maple streets, tinning thence west along the
north llaeof Maplestreet one hundred aadflf.
tf-arine ftwt to the alley; also beftuiBf at the
sssrttiest corner of said Maple and Second
statu, thenee east along the north Una of said
flaa-le street one hundred and fifty-nine feet to
Che aliy.& M. W. Uindinan being the adjacent
properly owner.
Beginning at the aoothwtst corner of bloek
tvo. in M. ttatcton's addition to Lebanon,
1nn county, Oregon, rnnnlinj thenee east along
thn north line of the oastem continuation of
tiraut street, sontetltnes known as Bridge avenue,
astd couujMiuly tailed the cousty road from Leb
gma to fciclo, ttouoe 1W (cet east to the alloy of
widl bkxilt, No. 36, adjacent property being the
ffuw-rii- of the esuiAf John Urisiism, deceased .
Beginning at the tonth-eaet corner of block No.
26 In J. M. Ralstou's addition to Lebanon, Ore
gon, thence west along the north line of the a
bove described eastern continuation of Grant
street, If feet to the alley of tatd block. No. M,
J. K. Charlton being the adjacent property own
er. Beginning at the wmth-oMt corner of block No,
36. J, M. Halstons Addition to Lebanon, Oregon.
Thenoe south 88 degrees 46 minutes east 140 feet
aloitg the north line of the above deneribwl east
em continuation of tirant street, to the went bank
of the Lebanon & Santtam Canal, also begtuning
at a point which Is south f degrees it minutes,
east 185 rest from the south-east corner of block
No. in J. M. Ralston' Addition to Lebanon,
Or. Thence Booth 63 degrees 46 mln east W feet to
the west line of Hiatt street, and along the north
line of the above described eastern continuations
of Grant street Josephine Whodbee being the
adjacent property owner.
Beginning atapointwhlchK is bast 1296 links
and south fi08 links from the north-east comer
of block No. 26 in J, M. Halston's addition to
Lsbanon Oregon. Thenoe north 83 degrees 46
mhtntes west 857 feet along the north line of the
abbveTescribed easrem continuation of Qrant
street' B. Burtensbaw being the adjacent prop
erty owner, v
Beginning at a point which Is east 1396 link
and south Wfti linkti from the north-east'eomer
of block. No 36, In J. M. Rain ton's Addition to
Lebanou, Oregon. Thence south 88 degrees 46
minutes east to tho eastern boundary line nf the
Corporate limits of Lebanon, Or, along the north ;
rise of the above described eastern continuations
of Grant streets. The adjacent property owners
being as follows:
E. P. Wallace-SfiS links abutting on
said street.
Mrs. Mesarvey 172 links abutting on
said street.
Dan Hart 142 links abutting on said
J. A. Burkhart 168 links abutting on
safd street.
A. tiotsche 160 links abutting on a aid
Jennie B. Caldwell 168 links abutting
on said street.
Wm. ttcantland-438 feet abutting on
said street.
And you and each of yon are hereby
further notified that the Council of said city
will, on the 4th day ot August, 1693, at the
hour of 8 o'clock p. m. ot said day, meet at
the Council Chambers of said city, and
hear and determine all objections or re
monstrances to all or any portion of said
proposed improvements.
Published and oosted bv onter of the
City Council of the City of Lebanon, Linn
county Oregon. Made by resolution No.
ationted bv the said Council at a meeting
held in the Council Chambers in said city
on the 25th day of July tf 93.
. m. milleb,
Recorder of the City of Lebanon, i
Lebanon, Oregon July 26th 1893. i
Bend ten cents (silver) or twelve
cents in stamps for a Handy Pocket
Quid to the great exposition; gives in
formation of value to every visitor.
Btreet Guide, Hotel Prices, Cab Fares,
Restaurant Bates, etc. Describes the
hidden pitfalls for the unwary, and
hints bow to keep out of them. This
indinpensible companion to every
visitor to the windy city
be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt
of ten cents silver, or twelve cents in
stamps. Address
H. STAFFORD, Publishbb,
P.O. Box 2294, New York N. Y.
Please mention this paper.
i. "m. jcbd;
Special Manager for
Lebanon, Oregon.
Mfg. Jeweler.
Dealer in Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry,
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
All Work Fully Warranted.
Meat Market,
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, SausageBo
logna, and Ham,
How is This? '
Something unique even In thes
days of mammoth premium otters. It
is the latest effort of Stafford's Maga
slne, a New York monthly of home
and general reading.
The proposition is to send the Maga
zine one year for one dollar the regulur
subscription price; and In addition to
send eaoh subscriber fifty-two com
plete novels during She twelve months
one eaoh week.
Think of It. You receive a new and
oomplete novel by mall, post paid,
every week for fifty-two weeks, and In
addition you get the magatlne once a
month, for twelve months, all for one
dollar. It is an offer which the pub
lisher can only afford to make in the
confident expectation of getting a
hundred thousand new subscribers.
Among the authors of the coming
series are, Wllkie Colling, Walter Bes
ant, Mrs. Olipbaut, Mary Cecil Hay,
Florence Marryat, Anthouey Trollope,
A. Comtn Doyle, Jiss Braddou, Cap
tain Marryat, Miss Thackory and
Jule Verne. If you wish to take ad
vantage of this unusnal opportunity,
send one dollar for Stafford's Maga
ilne one year. Your first oopy of the
magazine and your first number of the
fifty -two novels (one each week) which
you are to receive during the year will
be sent you by return mall. Remit by
P.O. order, registered letter or ex
press. Address
H. STAFFORD, Publisiikr,
Stafford's Magazine,
P. 0. Box 2204,
New York, N. Y.
Please mention this paper.
In guardianship of Ruth A Fly, bond of
U200 approved.
In estate of A, Dodge, report of sale o
personal property approved. Petition to
allot real property allowed. Final account
In estate of P J Laforte, final settlement
set for Bept 4.
In efttflta of H A Hlrons. honH of t40nn
approved. A P. Hirons administrator.
In guardianship of Jas, Jeiiie, Maggie
and Mollie Hunter. Qosrdian appointed.
In estate of Annrew Robb, executor ap
(Changed Kvcrr Week.)
Oats 85c.
Hay 6 per ton.
Flour 1 00 per sack.
Chop tl 25 per owt.
Bran 80o per owt.
Middlings U 00 per owt.
Potatoes 0c.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, 7o.
Onions 2u.
Beef Dressed, 4c.
Veal 46c.
Pork Dressed, 6.
Lard 17j.
Hams 1517 per lb.
Shoulders 12c.
Bides 15o per lb.
Geese $H ier doz.
Ducks 04 00 per doz.
Chiokens-$3 00(a4 00.
Turkeys loo per lb.
Eggs 200 nerdoz.
Butter 15c pr lb.
Hides Green, 23c; dry, 6c.
fjjrBacon and Lard Always on Hand,
t Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Poultry, Hides and
Highest cash price paid for turkeys
geese, ducks and chickens at office of
L. Jacobs, Straney and Moore'e old
stable, 4th street, Albany.
Also hides and furs of all kinds
bought for cash,
Notary Public,
Waterloo, Ohkqon'.
Conveyancing promptly attended to.
Business with the Land Office, Post-office,
or Pension Bureau will receive special attention.
Furniture & Hardware,
Carpets, Wall Paper,
Window Stiadss, Floor Battings, Sc.
Windown, Doors,
Bulldera' Hardware, &o, &o.
AT cos n
For the next thirty days we will
sell our entire STOCK of Spring
and Summer Goods, including
dress goods, clothing etc. at less
than they Cost in the east. We do
this to make room for our large
Fall Stock.
We are now offering baragins
such as never heard of before.
The Prices Are So Low
That they will BHtonisb you.
Be Sure and Call and See Them Before
Baying Elsewhere.
Remember the place-In the Odd Fellows' Buildinc.
LEBANON, - - - - - OREGON.
Don't Fool With Fakes!
If yourself or friends wish to be cured
of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral,
Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the
Genuine Keeley Treatmont, which is
the only safe, reliable and permanent
cure in exiatance. Genuine Keeley In
titutes, with most favorable surround
ings, at
Forest Grove and Rosetrarg.
ISuWrltefnr Particulars. Correspondence Confidential.
Go and see the
Peacock Mo
Hew Store
They will treat you right.
Lebanon and .Albany, Oregon,