The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 28, 1893, Image 6

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    Why not, indeed?
When the Royal Baking Powder makes
finer and more wholesome food at a less cost,
which every housekeeper familiar with it will
affirm, why not discard altogether the old
fashioned methods of soda and sour milk, or
home-made mixture of cream of tartar and
soda, or the cheaper and inferior baking pow
ders, and use it exclusively?
Into the world from Car way
Where the year Is Always tuned to MT.
And the wind sounds soft m & lark aloft,
A ooujarer came once on a (lay,
ifany a mystic spell lie knew
Wherewith to turn stray skies to blue;
To make dull hours grow bright as Howen,
And tasks that are old turn light as new.
A touch of his magic wand, and lol
From empty hands sweet favors flow,
And pleasures bloom in lives of gloom
Where naught but sorrow seemed to grow. ,
Out f the stormy sky above '
He brings white Peace, like a heavenly dove.
H la might is sure, and his art 1b pure.
And his narw the conjurer's name Is Love,
-Julie M. Lippmann in bL Nicholas,
After Dinner Speaking.
An after dinner speech should never
t wholly-facetious, unless the speaker
is very facetious indeed ami cuts his
speech short. It should not be frivolous,
even when the speaker is full of frivolity.
It most not under any circumstances be
silly, though there be people who laugh
at silliness. It must not be too long
winded, or highly exciting, or overheavy.
or ultra argumentative, or entirely sta
tistical, or in the least rancorous. An
after dinner speech should be appropriate
to the occasion and delivered on time.
It may contain some essential thoughts,
gome strokes of humor, 'some scraps of
knowledge, some bits of fancy, some
sound reasons, some good whims, some
green dressing and a little fat.
Every ablebodied man of New York is
apt to be an after dinner speaker some
time in his life. It is possible that as
many as 5,000 after dinner speeches have I
been made here during one winter sea
son. One man has a record of 10 of them
for a single week, three of them for one
We have heard some tiptop after din
ner speeches, a few. We have beard
others that were wearisome, inappropri
ate, exasperating, enfeebling or foolish.
We have heard several which were rant
or drivel.
A good many men have won renown
by making clever after dinner speeches.
: Haw York Bun.
Unfortunate Names
"Well, thank heavens, I am plain
Mary Ann again," declared a young
woman to a sympathizing friend on one
of the cross town cars yesterday. "I did
so bate that name Luella. Missus said
Mary Ann wouldn't do at alL She
called it 'outre' or something like that
She declared that I must be given some
romantic name that would sound pretty
for calling. Bo I have been Luella for
half a year, and I'm heartily glad that 1
left her and am going to Mrs, North
west's." To other girl gave a horrified
look at mention of this name. "But, my
dear, she exclaimed, "I worked for Mrs.
Northwest, and I know all about her.
She has a daughter named Mary, and it
will never do for you to be Mary too
She called me Maizie, and she'll probab
ly call you Callie or Humane or some
other ridiculous name." Then both
sighed. Philadelphia Record
' Books Wfaleh Are Not Books.
In this catalogue of books which are
no books biblia-abibiia1 reckon court
calendars, directories, pocketbooks (the
literary excepted), draught boards bound
and lettered on the back, scientific treat
ises, almanacs, statutes at large, the
works of Hume, Gibbon, Robertson,
Beattie, Boame Jenyus and generally all
those volumes "which no gentleman's
library should be without," the histories
of Flavins Josephua (that learned Jew)
and Paley's "Moral Philosophy." With
these exceptions, I can read almost any
thing. 1 bless my stars for a taste so cath
olic, so uu excluding. Charles Lamb.
Waited m the JoeeR For Forty Years.
From England comes an item which may
Interest those who are curious about court
customs. The dowager Duchess of Athoie,
who has been a lady in waiting to the
queen for nearly 40 years, and who was
mistress of the robes in Lord Derby's first
Administration, is acting mistress of the
robes during the months of February,
March and April. The duties of the office
will be undertaken by the dowager Duch
ess of Boxbundie during May, June and
July. The mistreat of the robes attends
the queen at all court and state functions
sad is expected to be present at the draw
ing rooms, the state balls and the state
concerts. The dowager Duchess of Box
burghehas been a lady in waiting on the
qumi for more than SO years, and in length
of service she eomes second only to the
dowager DueheaB of Athoie, the third place
being ulled by the dowager Lady OhurdiUL
DUeipllDlng Letter Carrier. ,
I got even with a letter carrier once,"
remarked a member of little group. "My
office Is several stories up in a down town
office building and about half the time
this letter carrier would leave a letter ad
dressed to me on the floor below with some
other firm, so that I wouldn't get It till a
day later. 1 kicked vigorously, but the
carrier talked back and became Impudent,
and at last I saw I would have to discipline
him. So I looked up a map with an eight
foot width. This I wrapped upcarefullyin
tight roll, did it up in stout paper,
marked tt 'man' and addressed it to my
self. Then i went over to the nostofuce
tnd had It weighed for postage. It cost me
lixty-four cents to send that map to my j
elf, but I called tltat cheap.
"The next day the carrier lugged that
eight foot map up to my office with ill dis
guised resent fulueea. -: Yotl see my office
was some distance out on his route and he
bad to carry the awkward article around
for over half an hour before he could de
liver it.
"I pasted sixty-four cents' worth of new
tamps on it, addressed It to myself anew
and sent a boy over to the postoAice with
tt that afternoon. The next morning the
carrier delivered It again, along with sun
dry muttered oaths. I received it smiling
ly, but noticed a blue pencil X mark on it,
put there, 1 gueaaed, by the carrier, who
suspected my game, I let the mark re
main, but pasted on new stamps and sent
it to the postoffice. On the morrow the car
rier boiled over, asked me tf 1 thought
that was smart, and hinted that be would
make complaint to the postal authorities,
f smiled and began pasting on new stamps
in his presence. He went away swearing
'I kept that tip for a week or more and
then the carrier, being still warlike, I
doubled up on the trips and sent the map
back to the office each morning in time tot
the afternoon delivery. This brought it
to me twice a day, and at the end of three '
days the carrier weakened and pleaded i
for mercy, whereupon 1 asked him if he
thought we could get along amicably. He .
aid be thought we could, and I said 1 was j
wiuing co try. we nave nao no trouuie
sine" Chicago Post
Italian and French Lace.
Long before the date of Barbara Utman't
discovery, the Flemish nuns in their con
vents near Ghent bad discovered point j
lace, and In the end of the Fourteenth and i
beginning of the Fifteenth centuries much I
of this beautiful and truly artistic laoe I
was produced. This triumph of medieval j
needlework was, however, scarcely so
much an invention as a development of a
separate inferior art called "lacls." This
wsa a variety of cut or drawn work, in
which a pattern waa formed by drawing
out threads from a loose, coarse fabric, and
then fastening the loosened threads to
gether with a needle.
Many books patterns for lads and needle
point are still in existence, spreading over
the whole of the Sixteenth century. Of
these the most sncient is the German
Model Buch, which bears the date of 1521.
Vinclolo, s Venetian, also published a book
upon laoe in 1592, in which the transition
from lacis to needle point is very clearly
shown. His pattern are exceedingly com
plex and beautiful, and Venice, his native
city, soon became famous for a peculiar
variety of point hue called Point de Ven
ice, a rose or raised point which supplied a
favorite material for the Urge ruffs then
In fashion.
Point de Venice con ti n ued to be the favor
tto wear of the fops and dandies of tbs
period until Colbert introduced the manu
facture of point lace into France in the
reign of Louis XIV, when Point d'Alencon
very soon equaled and then surpassed its
far famed Italian rival. Chambers' Jour-
Om War to ftave a Postage Stamp.
"I'll wager that 1 can address a letter
and have it stamped and mailed for me
without toucbiiiK it after I write the ad
dress, or without siwaking to anybody,"
remarked a commercial man at the Grand
Pacific, addressing a traveler friend.
"Can't play any of your tricks on me,"
responded the companion.
"No tricks. I want to teach you a point
about hotel life. Watch me."
Bixelow hurried up to the counter, seized
a hotel envelope, aud addressed it, in a
bold, symmetrical hand, to a friend in St.
Louis. Then be suddenly left the counter,
leaving the envelope ready to he mailed
sear the register.
Soon along "came Clerk Shaeller. He
eyed the missive, sized up the penmanship,
said something about the guest trying to
play the house for a postage stamp, placed
one of those necessary little pasters upon
the envelope and mailed it.
"See," said Mr. Bigelow, "I told you the
'gag1 would work in a large hotel. That Is
an old trick played by a great many chair
warmers. The clerks Dud the unstamped
envelopes, and, fearing that a guest had
forgotten to mail an important letter, they
end it. That is one way of saving post,
age, but let us hoDO It will not iDrcmi."-
Oh. what a ntptht for a soul to roi
The wind a uuwk. ami the ttalita ki snnwt
No RcreentiiK intver of leaves iu the wood.
Nor a star abroad the way to show
Do they part In twace-noitl with it HayT
Tenant auil landlord, what do they ayV
Wan It dUdi of sorrow or of relimtu
I heard Juat now a llio rare turned gntft
What if, auliast un the uliorelewi main
Of y, tt sought airuln
The shelter and rmt of the ttde of Time,
And knocked at the door 6f Ita Itoiwe of patnl
On the tavern hearth the embers irlow,
The ianith is deep, and the ftuifurm !owt
but without, the wind am) the imrklwiesky
And nttfht at the gatm where soul would go.
Arthur & Hardy in Atlantic Monthly.
Draining u flurry,
A lady correspondent wonders how her
husband and nmut can dress ao quickly
when tltey are aroused on a steamboat at
6 o'clock in the morning and told that the
boat will soon land and the ears start lui
mediately. She aaya that the and her
duiiKhtera Hud it ImnoHHihlo to Imitate the
celerity with which mattcuUne toilets are
then made. No wonder. In an einerjretiay
man ean drww in hum time than anything
but a flsh; hut a woman la like a roue buah
tn a thicket. She stands In a little wilder
nesa of clothes.
Not one too many, hut each separate
thing an object of attention, is the mystery
of dress, and so tf one la precipitately
aroused, with "Not a minute to spare"
sounded iti her ean and followed up with
growing intensity: "Cam ready I You'll
be left! Hurry, ma'am, hurry t" Is It
fttratiKnthat she should make a universal
bnckle of her hand, and jrraspiiiK scorea ol
scarfs, collars, tippets, muffs, shawls, make
a rush for the train like a smuggler from a
custom house ollicerp
The main thing is to get aboard; the sec
ond, to sit down on the first seat tn a very
smother of laughter at the ludicrous plight'
And then, with tact and skill which only
a woman could command, to transfer all
things to their proper places and uses, In
quiet a way that not another one on the
train suspects that a toilet to being made.
INair York Ledger.
. Leprosy Mot Contagious.
Dr. J. W. Hicks, in a letter to the New
York World, says: In m, soon after our
epidemic of yellow fever here, 1 visited
Havana, Cuba, to see how It was treated
there, and the sanitary precautions, etc.
and during my stay uiuni u tMhoani
tals, and among them was a very large,
handsome building set aside for lepers ex
clusively. It contained about 800 patients
from all parts of the world Chinese, Ital
fans, negroes, Spaniards, etc I spent some
time in studying the disease, and saw
them In all stages, from its inclpiency to
its last stages. The physician in charge
had been there for twenty-five years, and
he said emphatically that it was not eon
tagious or communicable unless hy Inocu
latiou, and that be bad never tried.
All being Catholics, they bad a church
In the grounds belonging to the hospital,
and I attended service with them on Sun
duy morning, so as to see as many as pos
sible at one time, and the people of the
neighborhood came in and mingled with
them in the church, and had been doing ao
for years, and the doctor told me that not
a case of it bad ever appeared among the
The Increase In the Number of .Glass.
The rapid increase In the number of
those who are obliged to wear glasses now
sdays (especially children) is so alarming
that we are at once driven totheeonclu
sion that the human vision is now more
defective than ever before. But such Is
not the case. Formerly spectacles were
thought to be necessary only for the old,
and the Idea of children wearing glasses
was considered the greatest absurdity.
Fortunately this erroneous idea is fast
dying out. With the advancement of
science aud the discovery of certain de
fects of vision hitherto unknown, the pub
lie are becoming better educated and are
not stow to apply the remedy when any
defect of vision is found to exist. But
much still remains to be done in thisdireo-Uon.-Pbiladeiphin
Plotting Was His Stroiig Point.
Borne one suggested, during the reign of
Dr. Keate at fctoo, that Christianity was
not so much cultivated in his establish
ment as the classics, and especially that
the endeavor to be "pure In heart" was not
sufficiently attended to. The doctor ao
cording ly addressed his boys upon this
point, "Be pure in heart, or" (with sudden
energy) "I'll flog you I" As he once flogged
a whole class of examinees for confirma
tion, thinking tbey had come up for pun-
Isbment, there is no doubt that be meant
to keep bis word. San Francisco Argo
Laudanum Drinking.
It Is surprising what one's constitution
ean be made to stand In the way of narcot
ics. From small beginnings it is possible
to go on increasing the doses until a quan
tity can be taken which would kill two or
three persons unaccustomed to anything
of the sort. In the course of a coroner's
investtiration at Sheffield. Ennland. It was
' shown that a man bad been a constant
laudanum drinker for ten yean. Com
menciug with a pennyworth at a time, he
had gone on until he had taken fully an
ounce a day. New York Telegram.
The Primary Planets.
The primary planets are those which are
the centers of secondary systems, consist,
tug of email globes revolving rouud them
in the same manner as they revolve round
the sun. These are called secoudary
planet, satellites or moons. The primary
planets which are thus attended carry the
satellites or secondary planets with them
In their orbit round the sun. Brooklyn
Eagle. , -
An Aeronaut's Carrier Pigeon.
When an aeronaut left Vienna with his
balloon for Russia the society for rearing
carrier pigeons made him take a number
of birds with him. The aeronaut, after
some days' sojourn in Russia, let them fly
and telegraphed to Vienna, at the same
time adding that birds of prey bad pur
lued the pigeons aa far aa he could see
them. Two days later one of the pigeons
returned to Ita cot in Vienna, buying made
the journey from a remote part of Russia.
Ilw Country' lieut to a Kotutit Man,
When y.t'buit.ti M Pike win in New
Mexico iu IWIT he met at Simtii l-V r. otir ,
pvnier, turnley by nauu', fmin htiniKtowit,
K. who wan working at utn trade inure
bronuMe he could not well get away. Ho
had. in INiti. wttiliMiut on the pialnn hunt-,
tug met with a wrier of inmfortuiies, aitd
found tumuli, tn lM or I him, with a hunt
tug party near the mountain. The lit tile
Sioux of the plaius drove them into Hie
high ground In the rear of Pike's peak.
Near the hendwatent of j& Platte river
Pursley found some gold He curried
little of ll tn his shot t touch for months.
He was finally sent by hie onntpaiiiutm to
Sin its Ke in see if they could trade with I
the Spaniard, and ehnae to remain at
Santa Ke in preference to returning to the
bunting party
He told the Spaniards shout the gold he
had found, and they tried vory hard toper j
suade him to go and show them the place. '
They even offered to take along a atrung
force of cavalry Hut Puraley refuted, and
his pat nolle reason was that lie thought
the land wan mi United Butte territory.
He told Lteinetiuit Pike that he (wired
they would uot allow him to leave Knuta ;
Pe, aa they still hoped to learn from him
where the gold waa to be found. These
facta were published by Lieutenant Pike
soou after his return, but no one took the
hint, or the risk was too great, and thus
more than half a century passed before
those same rich fields of gold were found
and opened to the world.
If Pursely had been aomeVtmt less patri
otic and had guided the Bpanianls to the
treasureN the whole history and condition
of the western part of our continent might
have been entirely different from what It
now is That region would doulitlem have
beeu a part of Mexico, or Spain might have
been tn pomeaslon of tt, owning California,
aud with the gold that would have been
poured into her coffers have been the lead
ing nation in Ku repeat) affaire today We
can MtHtlyNee how American and Kuropean
history in tiie Nineteenth century might
have been changed if that adventurer from
Kentucky had not Iwen a true lover or his
native country. Magasiue of American
The Deadly Pilgrimage to Meoea.
An Indiau Journal saya that of all the
pftgriniH leaving Bombay for Meeea and
Aleuiua more than a third never return.
Out of pilgrim who left In tl:nlx
years ending 18MU, ',441 were missing. In
iwh, or I3.H70 who started, 7,m did not r
Th vanrnmnnrtion of thnao mlu
itig owe their deaths to epidemics, starva
tion, aud, tt Is said, murder, between Jed
dah aud Mecca. It Is said, we know not
with what truth, that gangs of budmaahwi
travel regularly hy the pilgrim steamers so
ss to select as their victims such pilgrims
betray the possession of means while on
the voyage.
On the return voyage the deaths range
from 20U to nearly 401) per 1,UX per milium.
This is due to prlvatinu before leaving Jed
dah. to overcrowding and sickness on
board, to Innaniutry ships and want of
supervision, and to the age and infirmity
of many of the pilgrlma. The voyage to
Jeddah is loug, and the allowance of space
betweeo decks Is l superficial feet per
adult, or 6 by U feet, so that tf each pi I
grim lay down and the deck were free from
baggage there would he just room aud no
more for the passengers.
The health officer of Bombay, in his re
port for ItW), describes the voyage of the
pilgrim abtp Decan, on which cholera ap
peared on the eighth day ont from Bom
bay Disease and starvation decimated
the pawwngers 118 perished in eighty-five
days; and of 1,94ft passengers who set out
on the voyage only 1,113 returned.
Tho appearance of the survivors when
the venae! arrived at Bombay was heart
rending. The physically strong had be
come feeble, and the passengers were, with
comparatively few exceptions, emaciated,
fever stricken, scorbutic and dropsical;
and the sufferings they had undergone at
Camarun were clearly and unmistakably
depicted on their bodies. Toronto Globe.
The Karl of Chesterfield was called the
drat gentleman of his age. It waa a car
dlnal point of etiquette with him never to
exhibit 111 temper In company or be remlaa
In courtesy to any guest. But he was
sometimes sorely tried try the rude and
awkward manners of his son, Philip Stan
hope, whom be tried In vain to educate to
gentlemanly habits.
Philip was a great glutton, and couM
not restrain hia appetite even in company.
On one occasion, when his father bad in
vited a large number of titled guesta, an
elegant entertainment was provided. One
of the rare dishes was a platter of baked
gooseberries, snowed over with nch cream.
Philip had been helped bountifully by
Lady Chesterfield, who knew his weakness.
But when a servant waa taking out the
dish In clearing; the table Philip beckoned
to him, and taking it In his hand began to
Up up greedily the rich cream. Lord
Chesterfield waa disgusted, but without
a change of face or voice to Indicate the
tempest within said in a calm tone to bis
"John, why do you not bring a strop and
razor, you see your master Is going to shave
Philip's greediness was checked for that
meai. Exchange.
Make a Banana Peel Itself.
A trick which works on a simple prin
ciple hi to make a banana peel itself. To
do thut all that Is wanunl la a tnttle, a ripe
, banana ami a lilt of paper wet with alco
hoi. Light the paper and drop It Into this
bottle. When the air In the bottle la well
heated set the banana on end on top and
'. let it do the rest Itaelf; as the air on the In
side eoola off and contracts the ouwltlu
pressure pushes the baunna down into
the Dottle until It has drawn Itself out of
its skin. bu Louis Post Dispatch.
An Idea for a Penholder.
Here Is a pretty and new Idea for a pen
holder Take a goose iiulll. or a Chicken
feather. If It is large enough, and dip It
Into a dye of a delicate pale lavender
Paint pausies of different ahades of purple
upon the quill, 'lake It to a Jeweler and
have him tip the eud with a small silver
casing to bold the pen This nmktw a pen
bolder that is exceedingly odd and ue
not apt to he duplicated. New York Ad
How to Cone to a Stop.
When we leiwt
expect them,
accidents will
befall us, a veri
fication of the
old adage that
the unexpected
always hap
pens. The fol
lowing recites
how an active business man was
suddenly brought down.
i CiKcm., 0,-" RMit1y white In lh ict M '
1!(hllnefrom my or, 1 Meppul P
which, turnlnc luddmly muter my loot, threw
me totho ground, wlthMVrlyiprn"diuikl
Sulfcrlnn mowdlnirly. I wu belped '"I" my
t.r.nd my mnii rubbed me moet ly
with raic and kindred remediw, but K no
Headline; a atatlm where Bt. Jacob, OIIokM
tlon of It reeultefl at once In a -relief
from pain, which had
well nigh become unbearable.
I wm out and about my work
In three day,."
halt. & Gent. Man. U. ft It.
K. X.
The Pain 8topa.
My niece, Emetine Hawley, was,
taken with spitting blood, and she
became very much alarmed, fearing
that dreaded disease, Consumption.
She tried nearly all kinds of medi
cine but nothing did her any good.
Finally she took German Syrup and
she told me it did her more good
than anything she ever tried. It
stopped the blood, gave her strength
and ease, and a good appetite. I
had it from her own lips. Mrs.
Mary A. OUttoy, Trumbull, Conn. .
Honor to German Syrup.
Suture should be
assisted to throw
blood. Nothlnr
does It so well, so
promptly, or so
safely as Swift's
For three years I was troubled with mala
rial poison, which earned my appetite to fall,
and I was greatly reduced In flesh, and life
lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and
potash remedies, but to no effect. I could
getrto relief. 1 then uectueu to try
A few bottles of this wonderful I
medicine made a complete and permanent
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
J. A. kick, uttawa, iuu.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
Bwirr Bracino Co., Atlanta, Qa.
Choice Hie, 6u tb; large KnUfnif, 6a; Hue Ten,
Jtto; Kuk Hyrup, l; Arbuckle Coffee, 2fic; fetoRO,
6c; Trtplooa, 6i ; 2B pkn King'H iliKSltwhent,
KKs; Dried hsmjlietj, lie; Fins, l'runei. We;
Apple., evaumittitl. He. HKND FOKl'UK 16-
pauk ni YKiw (i(iii)K fkke, with kuli.
HUUTAT10Ni. Mention thij paper. AddrMt
Jones' Cash Store,
130 front Street, Portland, Ur.
noN b:d3, 6.oo.
Fine Bedding,
Hair Mattresses,
Floss Mattresses,
Wire Mattresses,
aid Pillows.
Buud for CaUlOffitt.
San Fraoclaoo. Cah
MDC WINCIflU'C Boothino.
unto, iiiiiukuii u ovhup
rvMl by all lrcslu. S6 i'.atea battle.
Tho 8polflo A No. f.
(tares, wlthon'. fall, all earn of Oaaanb
bwn sad UImI, an matter of bow lung
aumllug. I'ruvenia atrlctitre, It tolna an In
ternal remedy. Onrea wlipn dveryuuug else
bail fulled. Mold hy all DruKirlAta.
Mr. .. Oo.,aanJo.,Oal.
PAlna It m, San Fiaiclsco, Cal. aai Putlani, or,
Pluo'a Itemerty rbr Catarrh Is the
IteM, Kalit to Hue, and rhwqiert.
Hold (jy ilrutfKtMU or mmi by lunii,
ft T MrWillaJsfpV WM1-ML ftL