Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1898. fWAildltloiiul locals oh first puge.Ml Come In for )nb work. Try the new drink, Cream Sodu, at Zahn's. Attye. Somors and Garland visited Albany one day this week. Special Imklug done to order at Mr May Zahn's, M. A. Miller carries a complete line of paints and oils. Have you examined thoee new Buuimor HultH at 8, P. Buuh's. Freeh pie", cakes and bread at Peebler'B grocery store. M. A. Miller now bun a complete line of drugs and stationery. Pumps and pipe dowu to Albany prlocs. F. C. Ayehs i, Co, Call and exumlne my new stock of spring clothing. 8. P, Bach. . Atty, Stowe left the Ant of the week for an outing In the mountains. J. 8. Courtney M. 0. Physician, Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon, Or. There will be no preaching ut the Baptist church next bunday. Bun day school at 10 a. m, All persons know'.ng themselves In debted Ui M. A. Miller will please cull and settle at once. Bom, In Albany, on Saturday morn ' lng, July 22, 181)3 to Mr. and Mrs. Rev. C. U. Harmon, a nn, Parties who were to pay their sub lorlptlou In wood will please haul the same uow. Born, to the wife of A. Caven- der, 111 Brownsville, on Monday, July 17th, 18118, an 8 pound girl. Last Friday Clint Gordon returned to Leoanon all right. He suys he don't know what made bis dog leave him. Clint bus given up the mining business. Miss Head, accompuuied by her father and mother, left Wednesday for the mountains. Mr. Peacock has charge of the store at this place during her ubseuce. It will only be a few weeks uow un til Oregon's bop growers and farmers will begin to draw money Into Oregon fro. ii abroad. Then the stringency In the, money market, already much easier, will loosen its grip. C. E. Pugh, J. A. Unbolts and their famllee and Mrs. Cowan left Tuesday for the uiounU ins. Messrs. Pugh and Huberts will leave their fumlies at Upper Sodu, and go over to the Muto lus. Duvld Collier, sou of Professor Geo. Collier, of the Stute University at Eu gene, Is now holding the position us draughtsman and designer In Hay wood's elialr.fuolory in Massachusetts, He bus been absent from home several years. Those indebted to this office would confer a speclul favor by paying that little balance duu at once. The uo couui Is small, only two or three dol lars, mid Just at this time would great ly assist us. A. I,. Dyer, a California detective, was in tills city Buturduy looking after Fredericks, wli recently murdered a brukemun, and Is supposea to have killed sheriff Puscue, of California. Ho was seen at Creswell luefl'liursday by several persons and Is supposed to have come nortbwurd, Sheriff No land was not Informed of the mun be ing seeu until Saturday, or else he now would probably be iu jail. A heavy reward is ottered fo the arrest and conviction of the murderer. Guard. Lust Huiiday evening Just before dark a house on Horsehoavon creek belonging to Wallace Post, which was used by Mr. Font as a sheep camp, was destroyed by fire. Frank Post was near the pluce at the time of the fire, and claims to have seen a man running from the building after it wus on fire and khows who the party wus. If this is true he should at once have the party arrested, An incendiary Is the most contemptible heliig In the hu man race, and when oue can tie caught and convicted, no one should hesitate to enforue the law against him, Ooli oco Review. Vice President Stevenson and party passed through Albany Tuesday morn ing. They tnude a short stop in Salem where Governor Ponnoyor mude a speech of welcome, and then they went on to Portland where they spent day, and from there they Went to Taooniu. Mrs. Funk is very ill this week, The Champlsn Mill flour St the best In the market. Try It, Frank O'Nell and hit paitner, Mr Callaghan are In the mountains. C. H. Ralston spent Sunday with his family, but returned to Portland the first of the week. He reports everything quiet In the city. Johnny get your gun etc. for next Tuesday you can shoot birds that is if you are a good enough marksman. One of the attraotlant at Waterloo last' Bunday was dancing both day and evening. The street commissioner is calling for the street and road taxes. He can be found at the office of Sum'l M. Garland. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Lebanon & Buntlam Canal Co. last week, Dr. L. Fqley was re-elected, president and M. A. Miller seoretary. The Church of Christ meets in the Acudomy for regular services every Lord's Day in the morning at 11 o'clock. Bunday school at 10 o'clock. All are Invited to attend. I have 10 acres of garden land ad- Joining Lebanon, part of It lays on the inside of the incorporation, for sale at a bargain. Call and get prices and see the land. W. C. Peterson. I am now prepared to furnish sup plies f all kinds to bop growers cheap er than they can lie bought in Port land, quassia wood whale oil soap, specialty. J. A Lambehbon, Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or, ' Send your name and address to Read Peacock & Co., Albany, Oregon, and mention the Exi'KESf t,ev wjH mull you a fashion Bkeet' (m my month. A 1 0-year old son of Mr. Jester, liv ing throe miles southwest of Oswego, was kicked by a horse on Tuesdov last In the right side, It proved fatal as be lived out a few miuutea. A whole army of men and boys are out hunting a cougar that bus strayed from the hills and is now prowling around Dallas, Polk, county. As yet no casualties have occurred. In the circuit court Wednesday morning at Union, the Jury, in the case of Dan Tarter charged with kill ing bis brother Robert Tarter in Eugle Vallej , brought In a verdict of manslaughter A. P. Neweuist's ten year old boy was drowned in the mouth of Hamil ton creek last Friday evening wnlle In swimming with some other boys. It seems that he could not swim and got In water over his bead, and hie com panions were Just unable to get him out. Every town including Eugene needs aolub for "setting down" on chronic growlers, men, who run the town and everybody in it down. Life is too short to be wasted on such men. Ev ery good oitlzen should put his should er te the wheel and rustle instead of growling. Both are catching, and which hud you rather have flamed into a conflagration. Guard. Last fall I was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhoea. Boon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, wus taken just the same. We used almost everything without benefit, Then I said let us try Cliumberlulxs Colic Choleru and Diarrhoea Remedy, wliioh we did, and that cured us right away. I think much of It, as it did for me what It was recommended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 26 and 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller, druggist. . Oliver Jones, who has been employ ed by J. L. Parrlsh as coachman, cre ated excitement In that neighborhood today. He asked to see Mrs. Parrlsh and told her that if she did not sign her check for $250 in lilt favor that he would immediately kill her, Mrs. Parrlsh, terrified by his words, com plied with the demand, but notified the officers of the affair Jaud they ar rested blui In the Favorite Cigar store a few minutes later. He was examined and committed, to the as ylum this morning. Jones has been acting queerly for several days. Salem Independent. On lust Wednesday evening ut the home of the bride's parents iu this city, Mr. James Burteushuw and Miss Maud I. Eaton were bound together in the holy bonds of matrimony In the presence of both families and a few invited guests. Mr. Burteiisliuw is one of Lebanon's .most respected and promising young men while Miss Eut ou wus one of our most esteemed nnd popular young ladies, and Jlninile is to lie congratulated on winning such a helpmeet. The Express Joins with a large circle of Mends In wlshlug them a happy voyage through life. Go to Zahn's for milk shakes. C. A. Zshn is now making delicious Ice cream. Try the new drink cherry cider, at Zahn's. It is fine. Hon. M. A. Miller visited the county seat this week. Kelly, Dunne & Go's, pure prepared house paint for sale by N. W. Smith. Prof. G. H. Wllks returned to Leb non Saturday from a visit to his par ents in Kansas. The city marshal sold a horse yester day'whlch was bid in by Bud Thomp son for $1.60. C. W, Cobb and family were in Libunnn this week visiting Mrs. Cobb's mother. I have 5000' feet of good fencing lumber in Lebanon which I will trade for hay or grain. J. W. Turning e, Lebanon, Or. , Mr. F. L. Carman has rented J. R. Klrkputrick's residence m Main street where he will move bis family. Wm. Reutherford took a load of car penters and their tools over to Cor vulils lost monduy, to work for Wil son & Chase. A.W. Marks and W. E. Harden went to Cnrvullis this week to work on the buildings being built by Wil son 4 Chase. Mrs. Warner and family went over toCorvallis lust Monday where they will remain during the summer. Mrs. J. f. Stubblelield bss opened a type writing oltlce in Pr. Courtney's building, where she solicits your patronage. A meeting of the depositors of the Bank of Lebanon was held at the bank last Monday. No busluess of import Aiiott was translated. " "" K, M, Donaca and family and Miss Lizzy Donaca, left the first of the week for the montains. rl. m. ' Micheiief" left Tuesday for Eldorado, Kansas to visit his parents. He intends to be gone nntil the latter part of September. Elder 8. S. Beaver, of McAllister vllle, Juniatta Co', Pa., Bays his wife is subject to cramp in the stemach. Last Bummer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. Bhe has since used It whenever necessary and found that it never falls. For sale by M. A. Miller druggist. Two insane putieuts were received at the asylum Monday. One was Mrs. Mattie Kenton of Caleb, Grant county who says she is pursued by two girls who Intend to destroy her. She is 30 years of aje. Mrs. Sophie Walliue of Murshfield, aged 74 years, has a desire to hum everything about her and threatens to strike and kill her niece. She has been Insane often for the post two years. Deputy sheriff William Morelund of Portland brought to Salem H. P. Metculf, a resident of Portland aged 60 years, and placed him in the asylum for the Insane. The Dalles Chronicle says: It is in times like these that the outlay of a few thousand dollars establishes the foundation for monumental fortunes. One requires nerve of course, to buy property when everybody looks for blue ruin and chaoth conditio) s, but on Ihe principle that majorities are always wrong, those who have the courage of their convictions, and the wherewithal to back them, cannot do better than to pluce their money in some of the bargains that are now generally available till over the country Lost Saturday afternoon Esta Hoover son of G. T. Hoover, was killed by a horse falling on him at his' borne at McKay creek four miles from town. He was riding without a bri dle, and was going at a rapid gait, when he attempted to cheek the horse but Instead he run into the fence. In at tempting to leap over the fence the horse fell, turning completely over, lighting on the young man. Dr. Bel knap wus immediately called, but was unable lo reuder any assistance, the Injuries being beyond medical aid. Mr. Hoover was 20 years of age the day of nia death, und was a young man whom all respected. He was burled Sunday afternoon in the Priue vllle cemetery. Ochooo Review. Dr. Laniberson has completed IiIb con tract for casacara hark, total a monnt of bark shipped from Lebanon, 111 tons," He of course has quit buy ing as the contracting firm iu New York do not desire any more. The Dr. thinks he will be able within the next ten days to handle all the sur plus bark left. There Is fully a net surplus of 80 tons. All of these 111 tons shipped have beeu paid for iu solid push, total amount of cua'h paid for same being $8000.00. ; ; Joe Kelso returned this week from the montains. Euherg, the Jeweler, at the city drug store, keeps correct railroad time. W. M. Brown and wife and Mr. Crandall left Monday for the montains ( Say If you want your watch, clock, or jewelery repaired and haven't the cash, bring us farm produce. "Any thing goes" except pole cats or badg ers, at Hardy's. All persons knowing themselves in debted lo me will please come in anf pay up, as I need my money. Mrs. Geo. Rick. Old gold or Silver made into new rings, pins &c., at Hardy's. We warrant all work done by us, at Hardy's. J. M. Ralston was in the city two days this week looking after this bank. One of the trustees informed us that be had withdrawn his offer of $4000. And the trustee also added that sev eral who were at first opposed to tak ing that amount would like very much to get it now. Rev. Bailey fell off of a load of hay near his house last Wednesday eve ning and broke his right leg near his ankle. As Rev. Bailey is quiie an old gentleman this will likely go real hard with him. His many friends around Lebanon will be sorry to hear of his misfortune. Dr. Booth was called and set the bones and at present he is do ing well. Judge Morelard of Multnomah county has written a letter to Super intendent Rowland of the insane asylum asking his views as to the ad visability of committing til? forty i d- - ' tasters to the asylum. Auuerson, the man who was arrested In Portland a few days ago on tbis charge, ha not heeded the warti.l!:; me county Judge, but continues to live on a nior sal of bread and a little wine each day. It is said that the directors of the Linn County National bank have at last reached an agreement for a re organization, and have made applica tion to the comptroler of the currency, asking that the bank be taken but of the hands of the receiver and reopened for the resumption of business. About $100,000, it is said, will be put into the bank to place it on a sound basis again and It is thought the application will be granted. Last week while some of the Leba non bw were out at Rock Hill, Walter Miller's attention was attract ed by hearing a hissing noise close by bis aide, mid, upon looking, saw a rattlesnake coiled up ready to strike within a few feet of him. It Is said Walter never stopped running until he got two hiind gd yards aivav. Don Swan killed the snake, which had seven rati lee and a button. Rattle snakes have become very scarce aiouud here, but hear of one occasion ally. Work on the new Portland union depot is progressing at such a rapid rate that it may be possible to have the station under roof before the rainy season comes on. The superstructure Is rapidly assuming Imposing propor tions. The floors of the north wing ha e been laid, and the steel girders for the next section, the iron pillars and the sawed sandstone for the wiudow sills are all on the ground. The sand has been filled in around the north half of the foundation al most to the top. When completed, which will be about Oct 1, the new union station will be undoubtedly the finest statiou west of Chicago. Mrs. Dr. Patterson-Wallace, arraign ed at Eugene for practicing medloine without having registered, was held in $300 bonds to appear before the grand jury of Laue county. The bonds were promptly furnished. Her husband, Brice Wallace, treasurer of Linn county, was present at the ex amination. L. Bilyeu appeared for the defendant. After the examina tion Mrs. George Croner, of Eugene, brought suit against her for $5000 damages, for administering au alleged overdose of creosote. The Iiarrlsburg Courier gives an extended account of bow the wife of Ed Heurn of that city packed op her things and left for her former home In. the East. The Courier says: "The marriage, which took place at home of Mr. Hearu's parents iu Mllford, 111., August 7th, 1892, was a somewhat ro mantic attain having never seen each other before the wedding day. Fam ily correspondence bad revealed the existeiioe of the oue to the other, and a few mouths later they were murrled Tills is Mr. Heurn's second matrimonial venture, the first having ended jUBt as disastrouly as the second and not altogethei unslmllur, It is said. If this is not enough to convince him that marriage is u failure he mils' be a very tenacious pupil." Mr. Hiram Baker Is learning to rid a bicycle. Mrs. Rawlings spent Sunday In Albany visiting her parents. 1 ' Teams hav begun to pass through Lebanon loaded with people returning from the mountains. Elder if. M. Norton, assisted by F Brampton and others, will hold meet It g (D. V.Jin the grove at Waterloo Lord's Day Aug. 13, at 8:30 p. m. Alt are cordially invited to attend. I will hold a grove meeting at Waterloo over the 6th Sunday of July commencing at 11 a. in. We expect asslstanee from Rev. T. L. Meacher, of Corvallls. We will have good music. Lt all come and have a blessed day together. - C. N. Plowman, Pastor. Wm. Scott was recently pardoned from the penitentiary where he had been sent from Yamhill county for ten years, convicted of killing bis wire, on circumstantial evidence, did not return to his home, as the feeling In Yamhill county is very.bitter against him, He will have to find a place elsewhere. We take following from the Guard: A pedler went over town recently selling a patent article. Among the many who purchased was the wife of a merihant. One day when he went home to dinner his wife informed nlm what a nice thing she' had bought She then learned that her husband had them in bis store for sale for a year, at buif the price she paid for hers. When told of this she said: 'Well, why don't you advertise then. Nobody knows t," "'. . -dhU 6f Police H. P. Miato filed a complaint In the recorder's court against W. Ellis, Vllliaru Nevels and Ala Sh.ejih.ard charging each witH frequenting silwiu, tippling houses and as parties who have no visible means of support. They were brought before Justice Edes who suspended sentence till 10 a. m. Saturday to allow the parties to get out of town. This action was taken in order to clear .the saloons and streets of the lot of worth less fellows, who have no other busi. uess than to loiter around the town a meadance to society. The Chief ol Police will see hereafter that ull such characters leave the town immediate ly or else engage themselves in some employment. Statesman. At a meeting of the scho.il bowil last Monday evening, Prof. Mloheiicr was re-elected principle tor the coming year and Miss Fannie Griggs, Mrs. Funk and Miss Ahbie Fry were elect ed as assistants. All of the old teach ers were re-electtd with the exception of Miss Carothers, who has accepted a position in the Albany school. A cording to our opinion the directors could not have done better in their selections. This will make the eighth year Miss Griggs has taught In our public school, and irs. Funk's third year and Prof. Michener'e second year,, and while It Is Miss Fry's first year here, she has given the best of satis faction at other places where she has taught. Herald: For several evenings about nightfall a young man of this city has attracted attention by mounting and walking over the topmost steel string ers of the big bridge across the Wit lumette. The name of the acrobatic gentleman is Carl Bender, arid he seems to take this fonlhaidy evening stroll at tliat dizzy height merelv for pastime. Lost night he not only walked over as usual, hut stood upon bis head on the narrow rail on the lop of the bridge. A few evenings since lie attempted to stand upon the bail at the pinnacle uf tbe steel lace work, but bis foot slipped, when lie caught himself just in time to prevent drop ping into the placid waters of the Willamette nearly 100 feet below. Some small boys have begun to emu late his example, and have recently been learuing to walk the hand rail of the sidewalk of the bridge. Herald: Deputy U. fe. Marshal George Humphrey arrested Lewis Dyer and J. W. Brown In tills city yesterday on a charge sworn out by 'Charles Thompson and others at Ni agara, charging them with perjury in making false affidavits that there wus no improvements on certain land they filed "pon recently in the land office at Oregon City. It is alleged they jumped the lauds which are now being contested, and which had pre viously been settled upon and bouses built thereon. Dyer and Brown wuived examination before Justice W. E. Curl, acting as U. 8. commis sioner, and were held under $200 bonds each, to wait the action of the grand jury, It Is likely that Sum Brown, sou of J, W. Brown, will also be ar rested today ou a similar charge,