Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor. There is destitution in parts of Kansas, and the wheat crop is a failure in large sections. SOUTH CAROLINA'S EXPERI MENT. There has been no end of fun poked at South Carolina for the Jiind she is taking villi the liquor question by goiing into the busi ness, and the temperance people condemn iu unmeasured terms the idea of a state setting up whisky shops. It must be confessed that the experiment is a novelty and a marked departure from all ideas heretofore advanced on the sub ject. But, as an experiment, it iiiy be worth trying, though we contesB we have not much faith in it as a satisfactory solution of the problem thnt has been controling us for generations. It is an exer cise by the state for its authority for regulating the liquor traffic in another direction than absolute prohibition of sale, the plan of must1 who have enlisted them ielevea to the warfare against its aianifoll evils. Prohibition, does not always and necessarly prqjpibit its failure being largely dueo the idiosyncrancies and personal frail ties of those charged with enforce ment of the laws And the senti ment of the several communities under their jurisdiction. Un doubtedly the same reasons will largely contribute to the success or failure of the South Carolina experiment. Meantime", itsi: out come will be watched with 'inter est. It is not improbable that grrnie valuable data may be en olred from It. The famous his trionic ramark from the governor of South Carolina is more than ser before to be repeated in the Fulmetto state within the next year Cincinnati' Tribune. The SupremeCourt of Minnesota has decided that when a member of an association violates its rule the right of the association to boy cott that member is unquestioned. The banks continue to fail all over the country. The people have lost confidence and they are drawing nut their deposits. This is the only cause that cau be assigned. The proposed midwinter fair in California, would help Oregon, and thousands of people would visit our state either on their way to California or on their return. The Northwest should encourage the project as much as possible. The probabilities are that France will have a war with Hiam, ana he- fore she gets through with it, may involve England andother nations. A Rood htalthy war that would take in Russia, England, France, China una otsm would nave tendency to. make a market for the su plus pooducts of this countrv and raise the price of wheat, or, at least turnish a market tor it. U rg an ill wind that blows nobody lny good. Dispatch. A Portland paper bits the moss back bankers of that J1'? "ho re ei'utly ordered that Jieeafter no checks or obligations agajnst in ferior bonks will be accepted, p1" Spt for collection, the following live hit: Over $3,000,000 of Port- lnd money is today enjoying the sleep that knows no waking in the ''wildcat" towns of Puget Sound, -instead of being safely and profit Wf Employed in the agricultural ud industrial interests of Oregon, which have made Portland a city. What have these dignified pawn brokers, who have grown rich through no effort of theirs, ever dime to advance or build np the great state of Oregon? What light have they to pass judgment upon the builders of the interior? llave they ever done anything either through legislation or by in vestment to build up the interior industries? The answer is no. They are not built that way. They thiiik that the sun rises on the west bank of the lllamette river .,!! Kfti irt Portland heights, and , 1: iiiiiv liver exuress anv felling of sympathy for their fellow man it would probably be on account of his misfortune in living outside of that sacred circle. To them there in nothing of value in the vine y.i 'd, orchards, forests or gold fields of Southern Oregon, the rich altuviel lands of the Willamette valley or the rolling praries of Eastern Oregon, all of which are in ' need of financial air. And as a matter of fact .the interior banks are oft a better financial footing today than a majority of the more pretentious pawnshops. There will be more fruit in iiuthern Oregon than in any other portion ot the state this year; in fact, there will be an abundance of nt.irly every description, and of fiist-class quality too. This is pre-eminently a fruit country, and sooner or later will take front rank with the leading districts of t aliiorma in the race tor public favor, the time is not tar oil when Rogue river valley fruit will have a prominent place on the tables of the nabobs of the Uuited fctates. Jacksonville Times. That is right. But the whole of West ern uregon can malte the same boast, the Southern district excell i ig, however, in raising of grapes, reaches, etc. .- The United States is sufficiently i rich and varied in produc "cif.s, to have its own financial iiit v andcurrency, and not follow -id the dictates of London or any ! financial center. Ex, Have Your Job Printing Done at the Express Office. Representative iyand declares the Sherman law. will not. be re pealed unless ther-j u ctftmge act embodied iu m Rct. The silver advocates re aWHre 0f ti10 fact that if they iet g0 f ti Sherman act aa u depend upon the passage of a soperate law, that it will be vetoed, and they will not take the chances. The administration must rind a satisfactory solution and meet the wishes of the silver men before the Sherman act can be repealed Ex. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, . W. Haniey, Receiver, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco. Ocean, Steamer Sailings. ' S. S. WILLAMETTE VAM.KY. Leave Han Erancihco, March 14 ami 24. Yaquina, tfi and 20. This Comptmy reserves tlie rihtoebftngv sailing date r.-ithout notice. RIVER STEAMERS. SUtuiuer "Hoa" leave Portland, Wednefl ilay and Saturday at 6 A. M. II. C. Day. fieri. Art Salmon tit. Wharf, Portland. !. Vaimiib, (Jen. Ap"t. Han Francisco, Cal. i:. 'ilouult, U. F.AK A.. Corviillig, Oregon. fias A LI 1 17. L DOUGLAS SHOE WILL NOT HIP Brt Oalt BbM) In tbe world for tbe prto W . L . Dou g 1 a bom Mid vry wbi. fcrarybtxly shenM war tbm. It to duty yon oir yoaiMlf to got too boot value for your nonoy. Etoonomioo Inyoni footworn by puioluulng W. L. Douglas tihO60,wblab roprooont tb boot value ot Uio priooo d otUaod mtiowm m tboooando cms toouty. Toke No 8attitaU. JS Hware of fraud. Nid rcddIdo without W, L. DotmUa name nt price lUiuifwd m bouwtu Look twit whm roubur. W. L. Uoogloor Krooktotti Mat. floMfer C. C Hackleman, LEBANON, OB. I . "vim ! SAVE MONEY BY TRADING WITH: S. P. . BACH . Who always carrios a nicely soloelod Btuck of Clothing, Gents' Furnishng , goods, pries,! If you do nol already give him your patronage try him, and you will always trade at his store. In Courtney's Brick. Next Door to Bank. Patronize Home Institutions. GOOD WORK at LOW PRICES. Cup n Lebanon Planing Mill Manufactures and deals in Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Frames, Counters, Shelving, Scroll and Tamed Work of every De scription. Stair Bailding a Specialty. A Full Stuck nt Hoiiiih and Dressed Lumber on ttie Yard. Your patronise solicited, WILSON A CIUSK. ARE NOW RUNNING IN FULL BLAST. i,v, Mow t?niior Process 1 UX1 11UVV - v Snperior Floor for Family and Baler's Dsi Flour Exchanged for Wheat. A FIRST-CLASS CHOPPER RUN IN CONNE( . TION WITH THE MILL. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Respect. GIVE US A XIII A.L. Wickes & Aldrich, Popr's. 1851 San bam iP'A'fra -IN THE 1 Ar,anftmv VWVIVUJI j 189! !S It-" wM IP i IP II m & M' I ll 8 Ply m f tlh i 15,1 1 jj ;ij?Jsfrl LJ ki s If? tfLJ YOUNG :-: PEOPLE'S :-: HIGH :-: SCHGOI Of Lebanon and Vicinity. First Term begins September 19th. With a Full Corps of Instructor. ITS Rates of Tuition are Reasonable, And its Methods Abruuat of tlnMQ'imea. , Faculty Will Maintain Good Discipline, And Inniut on Thnrough Work Five Courses of Study are Wisely Arranged, And will Meet livory Jtwt Dnmand. Graduates Receive Appropriate Diplomas; Those in Teacher's Court, Ktitto Diplomas. For Circulars, etc., address S. A. RANDLE, A. M Principal. I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at m Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonab Rates. AH kind of mason's woi k done with neatness an despatch. O. W. HARDEN. A. H. CRUSON Papefi Hanging anb Gaining mm