The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 28, 1893, Image 2

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Oregon's World's Fair Exhibit
Attracts Attention.
Judge Bellinger Eofuses to Issue
Writs of Habeas Corpus in
the Chinese Cases.
SealBre getting thick in the Columbia
Not s gambling house is being run in
Weiser, Idaho, claims the largest Sour
mule in the state.
Counterfeiters are reported to be oper
ating in the suburban districts of Fort-
r. i? itiii Kd tpnm.
.mercial National Bank of Ogden, is a
defaulter tor tw.uuu.
A branch of the Theosophical Society
of the Pacific Coast has been formed at
run Aownoanu, n asu.
The Nevada State Board of Pardons
has refused to grant any of the many
applications presented to it.
A wooden ware manufacturing com
pany of Michigan is guaranteed $35,000
bonus in lands ana money 11 it wiu
erect a manufactory in Whatcom,
Wash., and employ 100 men.
The owners of the East Wellington
(B. C.) collieries have telegraphed their
unwillingness to agree to terms with
their employes on the compromise offer
ed by the latter; so the mines have shut
down. .
The canture of a woman named Mo-
Caggett at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, who
was engaged in smuggling opium iroin
British Columbia, is reported. It was
found in her berth, and amounted in all
to sixty cans.
Seluilte, the self-confessed shooter of
ueorge Abranasm, a wayside saloon
keeper near Stockton, was confronted
bv his late employer. D. W. McCartv,
who described him as being an easy liar
who likes to pose as a hero.
A deck band on the Australian
steamer Warrimoo at Vancouver, B. C,
was bitten bv a tarantula on the breast.
The poisonous insect dropped from a
bale of bananas into his open shirt
bosom. A surgeon cut the flesh out all
around the Dit
Mariano Gearman, alias Bartolo Gar
cia, was arrested at Tuscon, A. T.,and
charged with the murder of Pedro
Lopez in Tree Pinos, San Benito county,
Cat., on. September 20, 1879. For over
twelve years Gearman has lived in
Tuscon and vicinity, working in the
mines ami irmguuug. xau imn uwi
known as Bartola Garcia, and bore the
limitation of a peaceable and indus
trious man and cared well for his wife
and little daughter.
Judge Bellinger in the United States
JJwtnct court at roniana reiuses w
iwine writs of habeas corpus in Chinese
cases until the customs officers have
decided on their rights to enter the
country. He added: "The govern
ment has appointed qualified officers to
take care of Chinamen, and it is not
presumed the courts are to take the
nutter nnt of their hands. Chinamen
are not imprisoned in the usual sense of
the word, xney voluntarily piacea
themselves in this position and knew
perfectly well they would be subject to
examination on reaching United States
Those who are skeptical as to the
worth of Oregon's exhibit at the
World's Fair will find in the following
clippings abundant evidence that her
Dig inill Mill UUO WUUUU uiv Bbwai.tuiK
no small amount of favorable comment :
Chicago Evening Journal: "A repre
sentative collection of fruits from
the growers of Oregon is arranged
on the east side of the north
hall in a glittering array of glass jars.
Oregon prides herself on her prunes.
Her soil uroducee with utmost im
partiality Italian, German, French,
Iliingarian and her own 'silver prunes.'
When it comes to a matter of size the
State is also well to the fore. There is
a near in her exhibit which measures
9 inches and weighs A pounds; a
irilHa annln W0irhinr Z IWMimlH.
a cherry 'i indies in diameter, and
peaches V inches in circumference."
Cliitmm Tribune: "In the horticul
tural building, Oregon, which was the
first State in complete readiness and
which opened May 1, makes an exhibit
which should be seen by all. It is a
wonderful story of the resources of that
Mate. Its plan ot display is remarx
ably artistic, and shows its many varie
ties of fruits in jar and on plate to great
advantage. In all there are 400 plates
of apples that make the mouth water
, and 240 immense jars oi irnit in solu
tion. Allen; are uiuuawri porno, IjUlllVCB,
ultima, reaches, aoricote. cherries and
grapes, any one of which, except the
two latter, would -do for dessert for a
; mwlium-sized family, mere are ho
cases of prunes, sun-dried apples, pears,
plums, peaches and other fruits. Chi
caffo Inter-Ocean : Sections of horti
.ctilttiral hall contain fruits and vines,
or more properly speaking, the displays
ot the bureau ot viticulture and po
mology. Of the latter Oregon, Call'
fuming Utah and Nova Scotia have
ciwlmgly line exhibits ready for in
: '
Florida's orange crop 5,000,000 boxes.
Spanish laborers average 40 cents a
Rat-catching is a paying London occu
Scotland uses American spinning
The principal food export of Sweden
is butter.
World's annual coffee consumption
650,000 tons.
Over 2,000 printers are employed by
one concern in Paris.
Black tea and green tea are the prod
uct of the same plant.
There are nearly 1,700,000 seamen em
ployed on the high seas.
Hartford (Conn.) electric linemen use
bicycles on their rounds.
Many large bells are now being made
of steel instead of bell metal.
Paper-making ranks fifth among the
industries of the United States.
Bussia has the greatest amount of live
stock of any country in Europe.
The aluminium . buggy, pneumatic
tired, is the latest record breaker.
Some rich men sleep well on silver
plated bedsteads coating $500 each.
One-fourth of the world's silver is sup
plied by the mines of this country.
It is said that 127,000 working women
in New York support their husbands.
Great Britain has but one medical
journal, while this country has over 200.
Over 10,000 persons are employed by
the telephone companies of this country.
There are nearly 600 laundries In Phil
adelphia, 357 being operated by Chinese.
Canes, particularly of the higher class,
are chiefly made in the East End, Lon
don. ,
The value of farming lands in this
country is said to be greatest in New
Jersey. .
Two-thirds of the gold now In use in
the world was discovered during the last
fifty years.
William Deharity, Mayor of Elwood,
Ind., is only 22 years old and probably
the youngest Mayor in the country.
The wife of Parke Godwin of New
York, who died recently, was the eldest
daughter of the poet, William Cullen
Bryant. She leaves four children two
Boris, Harold and Bryant, and two
James Pavn, the English novelist,
writes: "Which of all the heroines of
fiction, if you had your choice, would
you prefer to take to dinner?" For him
self lie thinks that Becky Sharp would
be his choice. '
Thurlow Weed's granddaughter, Mias
Catherine Weed Barnes, the best-known
woman amateur photographer in this
country, will wed Harry Snowden Ward,
editor ,of the London Practical Photog
rapher, and live in that city.
No woman fears a mouse mora than
Lord Roberts, whom Queen Victoria re
cently decorated, dislikes a cat. His
nervous sensibilities are such that he
can detect a cat's presence when unable
to see it, and be is ill at ease until the
animal is removed.
Mrs. Lewis Bice of Frederick, Md.,
has collected enough money to place a
more imposing monument upon the
grave of Francis Scott Key, author of
"The Star-Spangled Banner," than the
flat marble stab which now marks it in
Mount Olivet cemetery, Georgetown.
Miss Mary Mann Page Newton, daugh
ter of Rev. Dr. John B. Newton of Rich
mond, Va., is being much complimented
for a patter upon " Colonial Virginia and
Its Part in Molding American Civiliza
tion," which by request she prepared to
read before trie Historical Congress of
the World's Fair.
A Spanish Jenkins declares that the
Queen Retrent of Spain is so fast a swim
mer that she often distances therowboat
which accompanies her when she goes
into the surf at San Sebastian. II this
is true, her Majesty is certainly a re
markable swimmer, or peahaps th men
in the boat are excessively Dad oarsmen,
Attorney-General Olney, who was at
first supposed to be frosen up in a crust
of Massachusetts dignity six inches
thick, turns out to be a very genial gen
tleman. He attends all the baseball
games in Washington, and whoops and
yells for the home team as vigorously as
the humblest occupant of the " bleach
ers." When President Dwight of Yale con
ducts services in the college chapel he
usually preface his prayer by saying:
"Let ns unite in prayer." At the close
of the last term, however, he rose in his
dimmed manner and observed. " Gen
tlemen, this is the last time we shall
meet for devotional exercises. Let us
therefore unite in prayer and thanksgiv
ing." The Yale men are wondering if
he really meant it.
A successor to Father Damien has
arisen in the person of Pere Sauton, a
Benedictine monk, who has been com
missioned by the French government to
study up as to leprosy. He will visit
leprous districts in Norway, Lapland,
Finland, Turkey, Greece and Egypt, aft
erward returning to France to report the
results of his investigations to M. Pas
teur. Subsequently lie is to set out for
Molokai in the Sandwich Islands, where
be will remain for a time.
The originator of the Concord grape Is
still living in Concord, Mass. lie is
Ephraim W. Bull, now 87 years old and
one of the prominent men of the his
toric town. He was a friend of Emerson
and Alcott, and lias been greatly hon
ored bvdistinituished visitors to Concord
and by horticulturists at home and
abroad, in nis gamea in uncuru lie
still shows the old mother vine of the
(Joncoril irrane. which he developed f rom
the ewds'of a native wild grape planted
just fifty yean ago.
Kissing Debarred in the Parks
of Baltimore, Md.
The Assessed Valuation of Property
la New York City-Mrs. Rod
' ney Ahead of Time.
The big Catholic Congress will as
semble at Chicago September 4.
There are 7,817,4M.9D in the Penn
sylvania State Treasury.
Five women were qualified as notaries
public in Philadelphia last week.
New York city has spent C12.000 in
entertaining the Infanta Eulalia.
The Treasury Department has decided
that the tomato ib a vegetable and not a
Kentucky farmers are talking abont
feeding wheat to hogs because of the
low pneu.
The assesed valuation of propertv In
New York city is approaching the $2,000,
000,000 mark.
Oklahoma has quarantined airalnst
Texas cattle, owing to Texas fever
among the herds.
Many Eastern towns are now making
use of the electric cars for keeping the
streets sprinkled,
The Grand Armv neonle of Ht. Louis
propose to raise a fund for a monument
to General Sherman.
The silver bought by the government
under the Sherman law is worth (56,-
000,000 less titan was paid for it.
Hinckley, the crop expert if the St.
Paul road, says the spring wheat crop
will be me poorest in twelve years.
It is said that neither Cleveland nor
Hill will take any especial interest in
the campaign in flew York this year.
The now vacant position of Chaplain
of the House is going a-beggiug,
but one candidate having appeared so
A decision of a Baltimore Judge that
"no kissing" be allowed in the parks of
that city has been sustained by a higher
The syndicate which boueht South
Carolina's bonds has completed the
$5,250,000 payment, and the State feels
The ravages of the chinch bug in Kan
is this year have aroused the farmers
to a more general trial of the infection
The Mexico Land and Improvement
Company of Kansas City will experi
ment with conee-raising on a large
scale in Mexico,
Mrs. Rodney, who is walking from'
Galveston to Chicago on a $2,000 wager,
is ahead oi time, she sells Iter photo
graphs en route. ,
A physician in Brewsters, N. ., has
invented an electric disinfectant that
promises to be of great importance in
killing disease germs.
Jerry Simpson denies that a deal has
been made by which he is to run fur
Governor of Kansas and Governor
Lewelling is to become Senator,
Of the thirty-four counties of South
Carolina only seven have complied with
the regulations of the new liuuor law of
the State, which went into ellect July 1,
Successful experiments have been
made in several States in stimulating
the srrowth of such plants as wheat,
com and tobacco by means of electric
currents. .
Panama has bad a water famine.
The aguadores, or water carriers, were
compelled to pay about 20 cents each to
have tneir pipotes, or barrels, wasueu
and disinfected.
It is estimated that there are 50,000
men idle in Pittsburg and its immediate
vicinity, awaiting agreements as to a
new scale of wages for the coming year
in the iron mills. ;
The New York Central will furnish
transportation and sleeping-car privi
leges to all its employes who wish to
visit the fair. Each employe can tuke
one member of his family.
A Harvard law student, who acted as
his own attorney -in the case against
him, was sentenced to five days in the
Boston House of Correction for causing
a disturbance in a horse car.
In New York the Health Board has
appointed what is designated a "sum
mer corps of physicians," fifty in num
ber, whose duty it is to visit tenement
houses during July and August anil give
medical attention to sick children anil
poor people who are unable to pay for it.
A significant feature of the Treasury
statement is not a cent of the receipts
for last June were paid in gold certifi
cates, and the May statement.was little
better in this respect. In June of 18112
8 per cent of the receipts were paiil in
gold certificates and 2 per cent in gold
At a recent auction sale of the per
sonal propertv of the late Governor
Samuel W. Hale, of New Hampshire
shares of mining, electric ami oilier
stocks having a par value of (2,700,1100
and promissory notes of a face value of
$57,000 were sold to the highest bidder
for less than $7.
With a view to encourage immigration
into the Canadian Northwest from the
Western States the Canadian govern
ment has decided to abolish the customs
regulations which now provide that in
coming settlers must own their stock
and certain other elfecta one year before
leaving the United Stales.
The appraisement of lots and parcels
of land in the townsite of Port Angeles,
Wash., by the commission appointed by
Secretary Noble has been approved by
the Interior Department. The commis
sion of the geueml land office is now
preparing instructions to the proper Reg
ister and Receiver for the sale ot suid
lots anil parcels of land. The settlers
uudur the law are entitled to purchase at
the appraised value the town lot on
which they live and any other on which
they may nave matle valuable improve
ments. The remaining lands are to be
sold to the highest bidder above the ap
praised vaiue. i ne wnoie townsite ag
gregates about 3,000 acres.
Tin) pension bureau has notified a
great many pensioners throughout the
entire country, who are drawing pen
sions under tho act of June 27, 1890,
known as the independent pensions act,
that payment of their pensions will be
suspended for sixty days, during which
time they tiro required to show cause
why they should continue to draw pen
sions, this action is pursuant to (he re
cent ruling of Secretary Smith that a
pensioner under the act of J une 27, 1890,
drawing a pension for total disability,
must lie shown to bo physically Incapa-
eie oi manual moor, n is estimated at
! the pension office, although the work
lias recently begun, that something over
1,000 suspensions have already been
I Enlisted men in the navy will now
have the privilege of purchasing their
discharge. Secretary Herbert has issued
an order establishing rules and regula
tions for the purchase of discharges au
thorised by the last naval appropriation
bill. No man is to be allowed to pur
chase his discharge while in debt to the
government, nor until he has served
three months. The price of discharge
during the fourth month of enlistment
will lie 25 per cent of the yearly pay of
the applicant; during the fifth month
80 per cent, and so on, increasing 5 per
cent per month until tho fourteenth
month, when the maximum price Ib
reached. During the fifteenth month
the price will lie 95 per cent of the max
imum price; in the sixteenth month 90
per cent, and so on, decreasing 6 tor cent
jwr month until the thirty-fourth month,
when the applicant may apply for his
discharge without payment. No man is
allowed to piircnase his discharge a sec
ond time, and those procuring discharges
by purchase forfeit all benefits due to
continuous service or honorable dis
charge. A discharge by purchase is not
an inherent right, but a privilege which
may be granted by the Navy Department,
The atmosphere altout the weather
bureau has cleared off very perceptibly
since the recent investigation, and affairs
are running along very smoothly, with
very little probability of any further
changes lieing made in the near future
in the bureuu. Secretary Morton said
that he wished to make it popular; in
short, he will insist upon a useful fore
casting, so the farmer, miner, shipper
ami commercial man can derive from it
the greatest possible good. In addition
to cutting oil a number of what he calls
''useless scientists" Secretary Morton
proposes to save money in the matter of
telegraph tolls. He also decided to dis
continue the river and Hood-room work
and at an early date place the river fore
cast in charge of olmervors located on
the principal rivers. As a result Carl
Bams, F. II. Higolow and Thomas E.
Russell, professors ot meteorology, will
lie dropped from the rolls this month
along with a number of clerks and other
employe. In his forthcoming report
Secretary Morton will make two Impor
tant recommendations. One relates to
the inilisiiriiiiinatedistrlbutlonol garden
seed anil the other to the duplication of
experiments by stations, now being done
by the department.
Chief Allison of the manufactures
building of the World's Fair expelled
R. if. iugerstill Hi Bro., a New York
'itoveltv linn, for persistently violating
the rules against selling (roods.
AIiBflHY v
H. R. Hyde,
Carpets! Carpets!
We make a speoiitlty of UNDERTAKING. Calls answered night ,
or dity.
Baltimore Block. Albany, Or.
W. K. KKAIl I'm.ldetlt. IIRO. F SIMPSON, VlM-Pmsldsnt. J. 0. WftfTHMAN, Saoralary
J. I. COWAN, 'l'rea.rer. K. A. MI1.NKH.
Farmers' and Merchants' Instance Company
CAPITAL STOCK. . ...... . ...... . 6OO,0OO
h ni .hi.'ieeof snpreaie Cnim. J. w.itHHIOK. t-a kw.
II tt, 1. K. WKATHKItlf..ltll, Attornsy-at Uw.
J(. WIHTBMAS. Knag.. Ca.illall-I.
Wlllameite aili-y ! and tympany.
No twit fir I titri ourt ... thirty or Ixty-ttay elatnw In thti Farmer.' and Murohaiitt' FA KM
p..) (.,.!. Tli. Ka-iuer.' and M rhn 't.' Insurance Company pay. the full amount of Iom np M
t it mti'int ui irttd. T wlilwirlbf r. to tint capital toca coosl.U of (annum, mfrnhanl.. banieri,
'apiutHM . attiirinty., sttv.lciaii. and mmibauiw, the largest amuuut halll by .iuglu luUlvitlsaui
Ih-.iu nit'iu-
Auditor Aokernmn of the World's
Fair has presented the financial state
ment of the exposition to the directors
covering the period up to June 80, A
note accompanying the statement save
the receipts Bi'nce July 1 were over
$1,000,000, and a largo reduction was
made in the flouting debt since that
date. According to the statement the
total gate receipts wore $2,121,8110, and
the total expenditures $20,610,100. The
operating expenses for May were $1109,
883, and the receipts $719,402. During
June the estimated receipts were $1,600,
820, and the expenses $642,921, leaving
a balance for the two months of $1,127,
417. Oregon Is one of the States that will1
receive daily shipments of ripe fruit and
fresh vegetables In season to renew her
exhibits at. the World's Fair. She Is
now receiving cherries and strawberries,
and the shipments have all come through
in fine condition, establishing the truth
of the statement that Oregon fruits are
good Bhippers. In that State's exhibit
in the fisheries building one of the most
attractive displays of the whole fair has
been holding the crowds about the Ore
gon booth during the past few days.
This consisted of fresh royal chinook
salmon from the Columbia river. The
largest fish weighed eighty-two pounds,
and was the largest salmon ever caught
in the West. These fish wore Ironm in
side of solid cakes of ice before they left
the Coast, and tlioy came through nicely
in that shape. They looked beauties
through the crystal ice.
-VIA- '
The Shasta Route
Kiprea. trahiatoatrs yortlaud dally t
"7:00 r. EivT......Pmtliid Ar.T"':" A. .
10:28 r. ...Allmny Ar. 4:23 A. M.
Sdfi'A. M.fAr Kstt KraiHtlww.l.v.l 7:00 r. H.
Tits buvt) trains Hep only at tlie following
utlo erlli of ItitMliiitt: out Portliuid, Or-
won fllty. Wmallmni, s.iom, Allisuy. TmiKont,
Bhttrld, Halasit, liarrUburg, jHuotlonOltr, Irviug
sud Kusetis.
Kowbsrs mtll rtstly:
Sillll A. n. l.v.,,....l'ottuini ..Ar. i lU r. .
12:46 r. H. l.v.,.,.,...AIuaiiy. ,.,..Ar. I2:l r. V.
tm r. . Ar Kunelmni U. 7:00 A, ,
Albany local-dally iMoopt Sunday),
1:011 r. K.lf.v ....Portland Ar.llO aO a. 1.
D:00r. .Ar; l.T.j : t. ,
Local pammgrtratn.-tlatly fexropt Sunday).
1:20 r, u. Li Allmny Ar. ID M A. u.
'iM V. h, Ar Lebanon.,,, l,v. -M a. u.
11:10 a. h. l. ...Albany ......Ar. :a p. h.
8:00 A. M. Ar.. Ulminitt.... l,v. 2:W p. a.
IMnln Cars an Da-dan Houl.
aund-UlaM Maii!ii Vmn Attaohsd tm
All Tlirouslh Tralai.
Mall train-dally (eieaptHnuday):
7:J0 aH. hV..ortllld."....ArT I S:M A. M
12:10 r. M.J Ar...;.....t:orvlln, U. U:V, r. .
At Albany and ftirvftiiia ouiiihmjI with traloi
ot Oresuu PattiSo rallruad.
Kxpress train dally tMtttpt flmalav ) :
Thv t'cirtlstiil Ar. i : i. u.
I Ar....MfttnnvlllB....l.T. 1 .VIII a. .
Md Kiirutm be ftbtitlnwl at loweii rUa Iron
L A. ttenuett, gnt, Lebanon,
I. P. ROttKRg. Awl. Q. t. tu Anu
v CO.
Hon. J. L OOWAN,
I'reHiduit. Linn Comity National Bank.
M. HTUKNHKKU, Em),, Meroliaut. .
W. F. BRAD. Ins., Hmbani, . :.
I). H. MtlNTEITH. UanltahaL '
Q. t. HKU'SON, Eng., CaplUlfft.