The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 28, 1893, Image 1

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    -v j
(tee year ..U 00
(If paid Id advance, II ftu per year.)
to montliH , .,. ....... I 00
Itirae months,,.,, ,.,., AO
Angle ooplen....., ..,...., n., Ob
Secret 800 let lei.
LKBANON LODOK, NO. 47, 1,0. 0. !.-Me.t
re 17 Hatunlay eveuliw at Odd Fellow Hall, at
TMtwU" at 1. 0. 0. K Hull Unit Mtd;.hM Wuduut-
' """"' T'WmoN, n. 6.
Liiia 0 Loooi, No, 44 A. V. ' 'A M.-Moots
hataruaY evoutug, on or boforu the -DiU moon In
saokmonui. .-.,- ,
r, . win..., 8m.
Hnnrlflwin, No, IB, A. 0, tl. W,-Mcot .very
Timday evening u . A. R. Hall.
pa. (. A. UmtMnK, H. W.
J. B. Thomwo ,oo.
Gift. Mmuos 0m, K'o. M, mv ofOsirao
SomorVlT'.. Heat ki 0. A. K. Hull. Lobannn,
Or., overy Bahmluy evening, except the third
Baturday of each month, mooting the third Fri
day tiiiloari. All brother or "the Hons of Vet
erans and eomraiUmof the 0, A- K. arc cordially
bulled to meet with the Camp. ,
C. li. Mot ouk, Capt.
A. 0AiLL, Pint Seat.
Weatherford & Cliambeilalii,
Attorney- at- Law.,
, Attorneys at Law,
i OoUectlonfi glvon prompt and careful attention.
- Will practice Hi all the ouurtt of the tate.
Undertakng a Specialty.
Learn Telegraphy.
J. C (Seymour,
Oregouian Building,
St Chaflis Hotel
Corner Main and Sherman Streets,
BUS THOKPSOjf, Proprietor.
First-Class in ail Apartments,
Special attention' pnid td Com
mercial men.
Board' aud Lodging, per day, tl to
2; per week $4,M to S
Ymir real name must accompany
every communication or It will cer
tainly go to the "waste basket." We
do not want your name for publlca.
thou, hut as a guarantee of good faith.
Notloo'-of ADmlnhrtrator'a Sal.
Notice in hereby (riven that by vlrture of
an order f the county court of Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, dulv made and entered of rec
ord in and by aaid con it on the 9th day of
February, 181)3, 1 will on the 26th day of
July,. MB, at the hour of one o'clock p. ro
of aaid day, at the court house door in the
city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, aell
to the highest bidder therefor for cash in
hand, the following described premise, be
longing to the estate of Peter welt, de.
Beginning 68 chains and 35 links North
of the Southeast comer of G. W. Klnm's
donat ion land claim No. 89, notillcation
No. 2622, Township 12 South Range one
West of the Wiliamette Meridean ; thence
West 11 chains; thence North 80 chains
and 18 links; thence East 11 chains:
thence South 34 chains and 18 links to the
place of beginning, containing 87,60 acres in
Linn County, Oregon.
The Interest to be sold as aforesaid in
said premises being all the right title and
interest which said Peter Welt had therein
at the time of hie death. The lame being a
fee simple state.
Dated tbisSOth day of June, 1893.
Josu-h Wilt,
W. li.Bilyeu.
Attorney for Administrator.
You van get better cabinet sine pict
ures at Crr.fcfrd 4 Paxtoe'i is Alba
ny for $1 60 per down than at other
gallriesfor any price. Our work is
guaranteed. Permanent gallery es
tablished for 83 years. Ho poor work
allowed to go out. Come and see us.
Albany, let street. Next door Mason
ic Temple.
Notice of Ol.aolutlo
Notice is hereby given that the co-part-nership
heretofore existing between the
undersigned undor the tir n name of lsoin,
Lanning & Co., has been, and is this day
dissolved by mutual consent of the parties.
John Jtrom having purchased the interest
of K. J. Lanning. The business will here
after be carried on by John Iboiu, the
purchaser thereof, who hereby assumes all
partnership debts, and wbo also is author
ised to colluot and receipt tor all debts due
the late linn,
Jons Isok,
E.J. Laming.
Dated this Is', day of July , 1883
Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may
ooncern that on the 8th day of March 1898,
the undersigned was dulv annointed hv the
County Court of Linn County, Oregon the
administrator ot the estate of John M. J.
Loveall, deceased. All parties having
claims against tlie above nau-ed estate are
warned to present their., with proper
vouches, within six months from the date
of ihisnotice, to the undersigned admins
trator at the office of Sam'IM. Garland in
Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon.
Jahbs Hakvey Loaeaw,
Administrator of the estate of John M.J.
Loveall deceased.
Sak'a. M. Gabiahd,
Attjy. for the Administrator.
Lebanon, Or., March 17th, 18SB.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Hoaes-40 Years the Standard.
OREGON, JULY 28, 1893.
l.ace County's Sheriff.
The Farmers Alliance committee of
Lane county have been examining
into Sheriff Noland's accounts with
the oounty of Lone, assisted by Judge
Boise and I. F. Amis, and make a
long and severe report, giving
samples of his charges, and demand
ing that the prosecuting attorney pro
ceed against the sheriff under section
2796 of the code, and also eue blm
under section 2378 for $1200 for falling
to return to the secretary of state his
emolument account, The following
In the report wonld Indicate that the
office Is an astonishingly fat one the
way run: We, the committee, also
find that the sheriff, J. E.NoIand, has
received from tne county the follow
lugaumsof money for bis pretended
services as sheriff since January let,
1893, vlt .
January,.,.. .".. 1 $ 51 10
March ..... .. 496 07
April ". , 3670 58
May 8M7 37
June . 682 61
Claim now before the oonrt 2178 69
Total .410,831 42.
In addition to this he has received
as sheriff large amounts as fees for
services from litigants lu civil cases.
And your committee further find that
the sheriff' has retained in possession
thousands of dollars collected for tax
es beyond the time allowed by section
At her borne, verv suddenly. In
Steilauoora, Washington, July 21,
1888. Mrs. Dr. ), y. Redpath. Mrs.
Annie Kedpath was the wife of Dr.
J. N. Redpath, assistant physician of
tne insane asylum of Washington, and
daughter of J. E. Bridgford, of A
hauy. She was about 80 years old,
and was loved and respeoted by all
who knew her. Accompanied by her
buiband she was visiting lelativea
and friends lu Lebauon about two
weeks before her death. The re
mains were brought to Albanv last
Sunday and laid to rest. The Dr. has
many warm friends at this place who
extend blm their heartfelt svmnathv
lu his bereavement.
Administrators Notlca.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed Administrator of the co.nartnerhin
estate of Barbour & Dalgleish, Wm. M.
Barbour, deceased, has hied with the Clerk
ot the County Court of Linn County, Ore
gon, bis final account, and theJudm nf
said court has fixed unontheith rlnv nf
oepiemoer huh, at the hour of 10 a. m. of
saiaaay tor the bearing of objections,
ff any, to Baid account, aud for settlement
of saib estate. N. 8. Dawlsjish.
Dated at Lebauon, Or., fliis 26th dav of
July UM3.
"My little boy was verv bad off for
two months with diarrhoea. We used
various inedlolnes, also called in two
doctors, but nothing done blm uv
good until we used Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy, which gave im
mediate relief and soon cured him. I
consider it the best medicine made
and can conscientiously reoommend it
to all who need a diarrhoea or colic
medietas. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex.
25 aud 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A.
Miller, druggist.
A Minister Horse Whipped,
Friday afternoon The Dalles was
treated to a highly interesting and.
sensational enisode. Rev. 0. D. Tav-
lor, pastor of the Baptist church and
chief boomer of North Dalles, wss
thoroughly and most satisfactorllv
horsewhipped and chased about tbe
streets uya woman. Mr. Tnylnr is
president of the Wasco Independent
Academy situated there," and acts as
treasurer or tue institution. Miss Hol
oomb. one of the teachers for the nnal
year, was engaged by Taylor, and
wun a laav trlena, Miss iiquie, left
her home In the East and came to The
Dalles a year ago. After the close ot
tne lasl term M iss Holoomb applied
for the salary due her. and. as she
claims was $100 short, Taylor refusing
to pay the balance, and Miss Equie
after being insulted bv the minister
met him In the street, and the blows
rained on bis head. After a struggle,
he succeeded in grasping her wrists
Willi tne ejaculation of "Damn you,
I'll kill you." But be did not kill
ber. as a crowd which numbered at
least 600 gathered and tore his hands
loose, holding him while the rawhide
was tiled most industrioualv hv th
young lady. On being released he
rau for the hills, distancing his tor
mentors, but Was soon overhauled by
one of tbe crowd and received another
benefit. The last seen of him sua hi.
ffeejng form disappearing over the
oiun, wun miss xiquie a good second.
MlssHolcomb and Miss Enuif, are
ootb cultivated voung lady, graduates
01 weiiesley college. Tbey are not
only above reproach In reputation but
are highly esteemed In tbe oommuul-
ty. n a not Inexcusable, that being
denied what tbev claim are honest.
dues and left without funds so far
away from borne and with no male
relative to attend to Taylor's case,
these young ladies went to this ex.
treme. The general sentiment of the
community was clearly evident in the
attiiude of the large crowd which
garnered about tbe scene, among
whom not one frieud of Taylor's was
to be found, with the exception of his
attorney, who was promptly told not
to Interfere. A warrant , for Miss
Equie's arrest was issued, but tbe
charge as withdrawn and she was
put under bonds to'keep the peaoe
A Wonderfal Sohama.
Owing to the stringencv
ey market the bop growers begin to
seeinaiiney will have difficulty in
obtaining the needed mnn in
hands for harvesting their crop. This
staie or analre puts them at the mercy
of the bop buyer who sets a price on
the hops and compels acceptance on
aocouutof the buyer's denoalt hln
the only ready cash obtainable. It is
proposed to remedy this by issuing
money that will be acoentahle hv th
laborers in bop fields and merchants
in surroundings districts. The plan is
something as follows: The farmers
are to issue bills of credit in the ri.
nomination of $1 each to the extent of
$100 or less according to their oredlU
These bills are to answer all tbe pur
pooes of any kind of monev in the
districts in which they are issued, and
are redeemable at the hop exchange of
that district. To this exchange all
hops are to be delivered and sold, and
bills called In. and returned In th
party issuing tbem.-Salem Independ
Dodge Sale.
At tindiwi farm. An r.ha nrnu.a.,tl!A
ivuwi, oaturuay, Aug. 0, Itm, at 10
o'clock a. m. will be sold at publio auc
tion a fine lot of driving, riding and
work horses, milk cows, beeves and
bulls, and flna alinwrt wium.n ninDn
and other farming impliments.
Eumor has It that there is to ha a1
weddlhg on tbe 9th of next mouhL but
the Express is not going to give it
away. Notmuoh. I
NO 22,
Ht, Jefferson Smoking;.,
ThUfsdajf emiiVg tiie people 0
Prlneville had a most beautiful view
of the grand old snow peak whieh Is
visible from this place, and it had all
tbe appearance of being an active vol
cano, and no doubt the epectueie wit
nessed here on that evening is what
those have seen before when tbey have
declared tbe mountain was belching
forth fire and smoke.
Heavy clouds covered the sky at tbe
time but bad risen just to the enmit of
the peak as tbe sun sat in the west,
leaving a clear strip of sky at tbe hori
zon. The clouds In the west were all
crimson and gold, while the snow on
Jefferson looked like polished silver,
and the shadow of the mountain left
a dark streak on tbe clouds, reaching
from the peak high in the heavens,
small and dark at the lewer extrem
ity and gradually grew broader tut
lighter as the eye followed it upwards,
very much resembling smoke issuing
from a chimney. The sight was grand
in tbe extreme, and bad one been im
aginative he could have easily be
lieved Jefferson was pouring forth fire
and smoke equal to the most tnrb.
lent volcano in the world. Ochoco
A Bl( Snit.
The Guard mentions tbe suit against
ifrs. Dr. Patterson-Wallace as follows:
Mrs. Cynthia A. Croner, this after
noon, entered suit in the circuit court
of Lane county against Mrs. Dr. Pat- '
terson-Wallace, late of Albany, fo
malpractice. The complaint alleges
that tbe defendant claimed that eta)
was skilled lu medicine and therefore
co-nmenced to treat plaintiff; that she)
gave tbe plaintiff an overdose of crs
sote which blistered the mucous
membrane of her mouth, throat aud
stomach, causing depression of the
heart and other organs; that she haa
suffered much bodily and mental pair
from the same, and is now unable to
partake of any nourishment, by
reasourof taking such medicine. An '
by cause of said treatment sHe has
been oompelled to expend $78 for the
service of a physician, $30 for nurse
hire and has suffered damages In addi
tion to the amount of $6000; therefore
plaintiff asks for judgment In the sum
of $6106. The plaintiff has retained
the services of Attorneys E, B. Bkip
worthandA. C. Woodcock: and
defendant, Attorney L. Bilven. On
the subject of her right to praotioo.
airs, vvauaoe nas taken the prelimi
nary steps In Portland, and has alsns,
diploma frem the Ohio American
Health College of Cincinnati, showing
that she has been fully iietructed In
the vltapatbie system and amply qual
ified to practice iu the treatment ami
eure of all dieases; also by "vlrture of
religious organization and second In
corporation, we also constitute ana)
oroam her minister of the gospeol
life and authorise ber to nmsu-H ani
solemlie marriages according to raw,
w aitenu lunerais and to lawfully
pvuurm mi ministerial oineea."
A man giving the name nf Tnh
Pearce succeeded in passing three
forged checks on three Alhanv fir.
last Monday night; one on Rea,
riaijo, rnr s; one ,m f.
Wallace for MO: and one on ft 11
Wills tor $30; making a Iota) of $99.
He had to buy some goodB at each
place In order to get the cheek
ed. He forged the name of John Mor
gan tne brick mason, claiming he baa)
own wonting ror him and ot tbe
check after the bank bad closed.
D. Andrews has sold hU
till abOD Which ht hnnvhi . J
Bros., to F. I,. Carman B V
VanAukin. late of Washington, ifr,'
viuio is a practical tinner ado)
Mr. Carman has bad considerable ex
perience In that line of busiuees. Tbe
urm win go under tbe name of Cat.
man (Jo. The Expbbss
welcome them Into our midst