If AN EXAMPLE OF IMPUDENCE. la This Tale ii Vine l Carried to the Apel nt the Miibllaie. Blie was a very tweet, pradovu old lodyi liormannoni wwe full of dig nity; when she conversed with a young man it wus a distinction for him; when she conversed with a girl it wiut an honor for that girl. When I first knew that old lady, she Uved in a large house and kept a car riage: she gave rather stately dinner parties; she had rather formal re teptions; nhewaB the queen of the quarter whore she lived. Everybody connected her, and all those who had the privilege of her friendship loved her. Suddenly she lot her great house and gardens and removed into quite a small villa, with a little garden; also she gave up her car riage and limited her household to oiio servant. And she gave no more parties. , U was: understood that this dear old lady had lost her fortune. But nobody knew the facts, nor could anybody auk. .' She retired to this lit tle villir and continued to have re ceptions, at which tea and home made cake were the only luxuries offered Also, there arrived at this juncture a niece, of whose existence no( jrw hod previously been aware. She was not nice, this lady; it is no fault, to be no longer young or good looking, but one ought at least to lie well bred and good tempered. Now, after a year or two, during which the bitter tongue and the bad temper of the niece caused continual misery to the old lady, there came a time of sickness. It was the plague of influenza. Many of us in the quarter bad It very badly, among others the old lady's niece. For the old lady's suke, not from any love of our own, we were shocked to leara that the niece was dead. A month or two afterward the old lady told me a story. She said; "You know that I lost all my money. It whs lost for me. It was my man of business who stole it He forged power of attorney and sold my stocks; he gambled with the proceeds and lost the whole. When there was no more, he confessed ti rob bery. But, he said, to prove the es teem in which he held me, he had brought his only child with him, and be would leave her with me until butter days. So he kissed my hand and left me, and that," she ex plained, "is the reason why 1 had to leave my dear old house and to receive this poor creature whose un fortunate manners and bitter tongue mode me miserable all day long. I have often thought" Here she stopped, and thinking of that sub lime and unequaled impudence I, too. have often thought. New York Becorder. The Cowboy' Murvelons Memory. "Of all men in the world not ac counted prodigies I think the cow boy's memory and intuition ai the most marvelous, "said E. H. Cunning ham of Indian Territory at the La clede. "I have witnessed feats of memory performed by cowboys that apieor preposterous when related. For instance, I wob on a drive from the Texas Panhandle ti the territory a few weeks ago with 7,000 cattle. Twelve men comprised my outfit We bad a couple of big stampedes, and after we got the frightened cattle rounded up, how do you suppose we were able to tell how many were missing) You naturally think we went through the laborious task of cutting out and counting them, and that's where you are mistaken. "Every one of my 12 men was so thoroughly acquainted with the herd that either of them could, by getting on an elevation so as to get a clear sweep of the entire herd, toll exactly how .muny and the kind of stock we had missed in the roundup. Not only that, but be could pick out all the stray cattle that had got mixed in our bunch without seeing the brand. It is a marvelous accom plishment, and one that is attained ouly after long service in the 'bull punching' business." St Louis Globe-Democrat. Impressing mLiesioii. During my second year at the Jef ferson Medical college, Philadelphia, 1 bud a classmate whom it would not be uncharitable tocall a dullard. One of the professors was in the habit of taking the boys unawares and quiz Bing them. He .said to this fellow one day: "How much is a dose of f" giv ing the technical name of croton oil. "A teaspoouful," was the ready re ply. : ' - The professor made no comment, and the fellow soon realized that he had made a mistake. After a quarter of an hour hesaid; "Professor, 1 want to change my answer to that question." "Is's too late, Mr. ," responded the professor, looking at his watch. "Your patient's been dead 14. min utes. "-Cor. New York World. THE COMING MAN. Oh, not. for the great departed Wlio formed ouroountry's lawk, Anil mil for the bvavosl hoarted Wlio uloti In froedom's oause, ,,, And not for some living hero To whom all bend the knee, My mtino would raise her long of praise Hut for the man to be. : For out of the strife which woman la pnaelng through today , ; A man that is more than human Shall yet be born, 1 ay. A man In wjiose pure spirit No dross of self will lurk; A man who Ii strong tooone with wrong, A man who Is proud to work. , A man with hope undaunted, A mull with godlike power Shall come when he most Is wanted; Shall come at the neoded hour. He slisll silence the din and clamor Of elan disputing with clan, And toll's long light with purse proud might - Shall triumph through this man. 1 know he Is coming, coming, '1'n help, to guide, to save, - Though I hear no martial drumming - And see no flags that wave. Bat the great sou) travail of woman, ' . And the bold, free thought unfurled, Are heralds that say he Is on the way The doming man of the world. Mourn not for vanished ages .' With their great heroic men. Who dwell In history's pages And live through the poet's pen, For the grandest times are before tu, And the world Is yet to see The noblest, worth of tills old earth In the men t hat are to be. -Ella Wheeler Wileoi In Now York Troth. In His Pocket For Fifty Year. Mr. S. T. Fulton, who recently oame to Du Bote from Sinicksburg, Indiana county, carries in his trou sers pocket a brass medal that has been with him for more than 50 years. When be was a young man, more than half a century ago, he was teaching school down in Cam bria county, and while there Mat thew W. (Jibson, a young Catholic priest, became his fust friend. Mr. Fulton is not a tathouc, but wnen he left Cambria county Father Gib son gave him the medal that he still carries. It iB a round piece of brass about the size of a half dollar and engraved on both sides, but now worn almost smooth from having been carried in Mr. Fulton's pocket so many years. On one side is the head of Mary, the mother of Christ, and the letters "0. P.M. Mother, Pray For Us." On the other side is the head of Christ and "Man Sidvator." The young prieBt who gave it to Mr. Fulton informed him that it had come from Rome and had been blessed by the pope. Du Bois Courier. Evidence by Photography. An instance of the safety and cer tainty of photography as a witness occurred at an inquest. A servanv fell while cleaning a window and was killed, No one saw the accident But her employer, who happened to be an amateur photographer, took a photograph of the window before anything was disturbed. This pho tograph showed the position of the sashes, the wash leather, dusters, etc., on the sill, and satisfied the coroner that the girl was sitting outside at the time she foil and wa not leaning out from the inside. It is suggested that the time is not far distant when a photographer will lie officially at tached to every division of police. Louisville Courier-Journal. The Position or a Sister. A sister is a sort of a guardian angel in the home cirole. Her pres ence condemns vice. Sheisthequick ener of good resolutions, the sun shine in the pathway of home. To every brother she is light and life. Her heart is the treasure house of confidence. In her he finds a safe adviser, a charitable, forgiving, ten der, though often undeserved friend. In her he finds a ready companion. Her sympathy is as open as day and sweet as the fragrance of flowers. Exchange. Some Maine Mothers. "Talk about the decadence of Amer ican families I" exclaims our Ashland correspondent. "There are now liv ing within a radius of 10 miles of Ash land 8 American women who are the mothers of 102 children, 80 of whom are living in the enjoyment of good health and sound miuds." Lewiston Journal. The state of Cumpem'-liy, Mexico, offers to all families of immixrmtta a premium of 110 for every member of Buck families who is more than 10 years of age. It is stipula ted, however, that the families must con sist of at leant one married couple, and a guarantee must be given that they remain two years in the stale. Life and Strength Arc pi von to wotik and frail children in wornler ful mtvtncr by Hood's bwrnutuUln. Mr. lid- wara mioort, .Lawrence, Mtuu.,sayB: "Ourdittigh tor, Etta, had little RtrooKth when a baby. Wlitm two and one liiuf yars old she hud lio qutmt tatntluf MpelU We Have her Uood'aBanttinarllla. Bur Koueral uaaltri im .roved tmtllahe beoairo h emit by fliidruggod, We give her Bills. iiilUurU Hood's arilla oeoaslonally now, wU&aevttt hUo oomplaiui of I Hood's Pilleniro Constipation by reatorlug the ueiuiUtUic ttutlou of the aUmimUtry cau&i. ttmtiireu itiutug. A n-fisJw HOITT'S OAK GROVE SCHOOL. Hoitt's Oak Grove School, Millbrae, San Mateo i-ounty, Cal. A first-class home scnool for boys. Beautiful surroundings. Superior Instruction. The best of care. I ts graduates for W.m are admitted to thefitate University or Stanford University without examination. Number of pupils limited. Fail term commences August 1. Send for catalogue, and mention this paper. Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. P., Master, ex-State Superin tendent Public Instruction. ptiv.fnln.lsts hjlt that active exercise of a man's arm. and chest promotes the activity of his mind. Perhaps this Is why pugilists do so much talking. DECIDEDLY SHAKY. A tremhHmr hand, an nneertaln itep, fldjreH- nesii, Indicated by restless shifting from one place or ponture to another, usually mental an noyance at unexpected doibch, are among the iwli.iatiom o( extreme nervousness. These Houm trifiitijr, but the health of men and women in thia condition in "decidedly shaky," liable to be overthrown disaHtroumy by causes which ine vlJtorouH nujfnt aeiy. io iorwyme ner vous HVBtem (funeral vitror must, through the medium of reinforced diffontiori and a renewal of an impaired power of sleeping at night, be raitea to a neaitniui atannara. a jfuarnrueeoi thii Is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, which re established digestion, bile secretion and the habit of body on a permanently regular basis, thus renewing that bodtlv equilibrium, which Is followed by a gain of utrength and nerve tranquillity. For Kidney complaint, rheuma tism, neumlgia, and a a preventive of the first attack or subsequent return of malarial disor ders, this medicine is without a peer. Thrice daily take a wlneglaasf ul. "Dori'tyoti think," the mother said proudly that-her nlavliiE shows remarkable Hnitthf' "Yes," replied the young man absently, " but ahe was a lung time getting to It." . EXPERIENCE OP AH ICX-OHAJtPION. Athletes and men who take ordinary out door exercise, euch as walking, running, bicycle-riding, Jumping, swimming, tennis, etc., are often the subjects of acute troub le. The experience of an ex-champion walker will be of interest to all who are af flicted. Harby Beooks writes: " No. 'M Bast Nihkteektb St.,1 N bw Yobk, April 2, lHSfi. f "Numerous statements relative to the merits of different plasters having been brought to my attention. I take this oppor tunity to state that I have used Allcock'b Poboos Plasters for overtwenty years and firefer them to any other kind. I would urtberuiore state that I was very sick with catarrh of tbe kidneys, end attribute my reoovery entirely to Alloouk's Poboos PLABTBH." The whisky trust, which was supposed to be on the brink of death, turns out to be full of spirits, KUFTURB AND PfLKB OUKBD. We positively on re rupture, piles and all rec tal diseases without paki or detention from busi ness, Ho cure, no pay. Also all .Private dis eases. Address for pamphlet Drs. Forterfleld Losey, 888 Market street, San Francisco. Chicago's best brand of June weather is on tap, every prospect pleases and only the rail roads are vile. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the lat few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a (real many yearB doctors pro nounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly faihiift to cure with local treatment pronounced it Incurable. 8ci enue has proven uatarrb to be a oonsti tut tonal disease, and therefore requires conutitmiwnal treatment. Halt's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only cons tit utional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In doBes from lendropstoateaspooQ ful. It acts directly on the blood uid mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars aud testimonials. Address F. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by druggists; 76 cents. Use Enamellue Btove Jlhtb ; no dust, no smell. Tbx Gibhjea for breakfast. A DISTURBANCE tent what you want, if your stom ach and bowels are irregular. That's about all you get, though, with the ordinary pill It may re lieve you for the moment, but you're usually in a worse state af terward than before, This is Just where Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do most good. They act in an easy and natural way, very different from tbe huge, old-fashioned pills. They're not only pleosanter, but there's no re action afterward, and their help laats. One little suKar-coated pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective three ror a cauvanac. tjonaupa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, DiEziuess, Sick and Bilious Head aches, are promptly relieved and owed. They're the amalleet. the easiest to takeand tbe cJutapeU pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give uatiafactiou, or your money is returned. You par only for the oood you SOCIETY BADGES. A. FELDENHETM KR, Leading Jew eler ef the Pacific Northwest, keeps a large stock of all SECRET SOCIKTV BADUK3 on hand. Bent goods at low eat figures. Badges made to order. . IlllitS. WINSLOW'S SS6 - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ForMlelrlllPHgUU. ttbi'vaUatwUla. HAVE YOU GOT PILES ITOHTNO PIMM known by ttolrtnr Ilk perapiMtluii.oauae intoua Itohiuc whfu warm. Tliia form aud BLIND. Bt.KBmNft or PKOTB-UDLSa flUKS Y1ELDATONCKTO DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, Which auts directly on part nffooted ftlMorba tumora, allays itctiiaff,efTiwttnf pormtKiontauro. Price Me. BruxKlnli eriaaU. r, Btftako,ghilad)pUia, J Vonamapeivea aud people who have weak lunge or Aath- ma.ahoulduae ftBe'aOurafor 1 Consumption. It DU eurd E rhontsuidi. fthmi notlnlnr. I I ed ont. n m not naa to cake. i Bold everywhere. i i NITERS AND -WILL FIND A TYPE, PRESSES, Printing Material and (Uineiy For sale at lowest prices and most advantageous terms at PALMER & REY TYPE FOUNDRY, Corner Front and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, OR. gtf Write for prices and terms before buying elsewhere. 2ScttU bOct&Harjd $1.00 per Bottle? One cent a dose. TmB Gbiat OotTQH Ccke promptly cures Where all others faiL Coughs, Croup. Bore Throat. Hoarseness, whooplnf Cough and Asthma. For Coesumptica It has no rival: has cured thousands, and will cuki Tou if taken In time. 8old by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lama Back or ChsC use BHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTERS CATARRH REMEDY. lave tou Catarrh? This remedy Is iruaran- teedtooureyou. Price. &0 eta, Injector free. "August Flower" "One of my neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, has been sick fer a long time. All thought bimpastrecovery. He was horribly emaciated from the inaction of his liver and kidneys. It is difficult to describe his opear auce and the miserable state of his health at that time. Help from any source seemed impossible., He tried your August Flower and the effect upon him was magical.'' It restored him to perfect health to the great astonishment of his family and friends." JohnQuibell, Holt, Ont. FRAZER AXLE Best in the World' Get the Genuine! GREASE Sold Everywhere! FKANK WOOLHBI VBANK WOOLHBI. Agent, Portland. Or. $75.60 to $250.00 IftXnU'17 B. F. JoHNflos & Co., Richmond, Va. YOUHO MEN I The Spoclflo A No. I. Ohmm. wlthou. tall all oasea of Aoi hnn nod !, no maltr of huw loaf PUUlUJIlfJ, I I BTCUUB "UIUIUIB, UflllK Mil III terual remedy. Cure wtien everyUuiig 1m haa fulled. Hold by all Dmsgistt. UauufacbirerKTluABcliueiihetitMedlcltM Prlco. S.W. Co.,SaoJo1Cal. THIS 18 THE TIME" TO order your SUMMER HOLLERS. You waul the BE9T ; that's the o'Jly kind we deal lu. Theu send your ordei lor the BEST ROLLERS and INKS to PALMER it RElf TYPE F'DKY, Portland, Ob. .jr Mi isn ift i-m i RS n'fl rHlLOH'Sl II' llliESS. "IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. ASTOBtA. OBBHON. Jflmmr. 10. I mm UU Itii nlumiw ,h.t ho tVi. a( MOOKK S RKVKALK1) R.EMKDY my husband was relieved from an olil case ol RHKI'MATIHM aud my youugestbormredonarelyollNFLAMMATORV RUar", MATUK wlisn (he best doctor I oould get did aim w good. Yours lu grl'-' :. MRS. M. V. j' V BOLD Bt TOOK DBCaOIHT. , PUBLISHERS FULL LINK OF- Hercules Gas Enoin3 . (OAS OB OABOLIKB) Mad tar Power or Pumping PurposM. Tb OMapest Reliable Oat Boflsa oathsMaiJaU Wvr 81mpUcltr It Beats the World. ' It olU Itself from a. Beserrolr. ' Ko Carburetor to pst on t of ovdatv . . j Vo Batteries or leotrlo Haarlu niwwlthaCrwOradeoroasolliiltliaBaar otusr aaiua, awns ros oaTaUMim o PALMER & REY, ManufactURM Ui Iumm ttmLtu Fraocist.ttL - .. asd : , . ; ... J-OKTLAUD, OBKOON, . j , FISHING TACKLE FOR 1 '' ' ' ' Rods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Leaders. F to., of the Finest Quality. :' .-SEND TO- , ' ' THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO. 03 First 8t., Portland. Or.' gW Send lor catalogue. . , , DR. GUMS ONION mup F0R COUGHS, COLDS ' AMD CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. . 1 n rnUinii ramllr of oblldrcn, my only rtm tdy for CouKtis, Colds and Croup was onion syrup. It ltluituefreetiTSti-diy m it was forty years, wo. Now my grandchildren tike nr. Gunn'a Onion Syrup which is Alrody prepared and more nlaaaant U the taste. Bold everywhert. Largo bottles SO oonta. XaaanoiutMlitutefWlb Ttwre'i nothing MgoodU RL00D POISON A SPECIALTY. BypbUia permanently cured In 15 to 3ft days. You can be treated at home for tbe same price and the Same guarantees, with those wbo prefer to come hore we will contract to cure tlmm or refund money nd pay expense of com lug, railroad fare and hotel bills. If we fail to cure. Jf you have take a mer cury. Iodide potash, and still have atliea and pains, 1H ucouaValehetiiii mouth, More Throaty rimplesiC'oupcr-t'oloredUjioU.tflcersonany part of tbe body, Unlr or J lye brows ralllnc ut. It Is this Syphilitic BlJJOlk POlNON that we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obstinate, cuaca and challenge the world for a case wecunnot cure This disease bus always baffled the skill of th most eminent physl cluua. s$.OO.oOO capital tKthlnd our uncondl-' ttonal fruaramee. Absolu(eroolsB()ntsi'alO(loft, appllpfttlon. Address oofi. Jil,HFltV CO., ItlXH to lt)31 Musonlc Temple, Chicago, JU1. fj Out op Encmi am W Pimp. , i