The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 21, 1893, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1808.
WAddlCional locals on first puge.q
Come In for job work.
Try the new drink, Cream Soils, at
Special baking done to order at Mm
Ha; Zaun's,
H, A, Millar carries complete line
of paints and oils.
The Klckapoo Indian Medicine Co.
are In Solo.
Ed Quin n, of Albany, was In Leba
non Monday.
Have you examined those new
summer suits ut 8. P. Bnoh'B.
Freeh plea, cakea and bread at
Pecbler's grocery store.
M. A. Miller now baa a complete
line of drugs and stationery. '
Pump and pipe down to Albany
prior. F. C. Avers & Co,
Call and exumlne my new stock of
spring clothing. S. P. Bach.
The carpenters are at work' putting
the water tank on tup of the tower
this week.
J, B. Courtney M. D. Physician,
Burgeon and Acoouohtiur, Lehunon,
Turtles who wore to pay their suh
orlptiim In wood will pleuse haul the
same now.
Mm. Mayor, and little girl Musel and
Btellu Zeis, of Albany, left Wednesday
for Lower Soda.
All wrwins know'.ng themselves in
debted to M. A. Miller will please onll
and settle at once.
The pump for the wuter works bos
arrived and will be put in place In a
few dnys. It is a fine piece of
' Mrs. J. M. Marks and sou Wlllurd,
left Tuesday for a few weeks sojourn
at Yaqulna Bay for the luttors health,
bo fur over 4.000,000 pounds of wool
have been received at The Dulles this
sonson, and 2,11(10,000 more are expect
At the open meet lug of the Good
Templars lust. Monday evening a large
uunilier of friends were prevent, and a
very Interesting time was enjoyed by
A pleiumnt Lawn Party will be
given this Frldny e 'enlng by the O. K.
Boolety on Mr. Montague's lawn. Re
freshments Lemonade, Hz. Don't
fall to come and spend a pleasant
J. C. Mnnr, a retail drygoods dealer
of Corvullls, has filed a deed of assign
ment for the benefit of his creditors.
W. 8. H u fiord being numed as assign
ee. The assignor begun business
about eight months ago and conducted
it altogether on the cash busis, The
deed shows liabilities of $4000 and as
sets $:'0iki. "
Mr' M. E. Ileum, stntlon agent at
Jefferson, formerly of Lebanon, was
recently made the defendant in a suit,
by Mr. Gardner, superintendent of the
Portland Boys and Girls Home, for
possession of Mr, Hearn's little
daughter, Bessie. It appears that Mrs.
Heurn, who Is divorced from her
husband, placed the child In that in
stitution from which Mr. Heurn took
her and placed her in the care of his
mnl her where she has every care. The
ease was dismissed. Herald.
The Medford Mall says: A Eugene
girl recently found a lot of love letters
written bv her father to her mother
many yenrs before they were married.
Tne daughter reud them to her mother
pretending they were of recent ditto.
and substituting that of her own name
for that af her mother's rfiid the name
of young man well known to both,
for her father's. The mother was very
much disgusted, and lias foubiddeu
her daughter to go with a young man
that will write such nonsense and
sickening stuff.
The gold und silver problem has
already Innden one viotlm In the In
sane asylum. This Is Andrew Dressen,
a man 40 years of age, hulling from
Portland, He has a system by wbloh,
with the yelks of eggs, he makes gold
out of silver and insists that there is
no need of froe coinage. He Is so dem
onstrative at times iu his endeavors to
convince people of the success of his
system that the services of a straight
jacket ure needed. He also says that
lie believes the bible to he made out of
cotton, but us long us the hens hold
.out the gold and sliver question will
remain solved. Statesman, . I
The Champion Mill flour Is the best
In the market, Try it.
Judge F, M. Miller Intends to leave
the first of the month on a visit to the
L. M. Wheeler returned home from
Seattle Tuesday. s
A. Melvln Williams preached at
Sodavllle last Sunday night to a good
W J Guy and Llle Parker and fural
lies left yesterday for the mountains for
several weeks outing,
Attorney Somen returned home
Wednesday from San Francisoo,
where he went on business in regard
to A. F. Hamilton's estate.
The Church of Christ meets In the
Aoademy for regular services every
Lord's Day In the morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday soliool at 10 o'clook.
All are Invited to attend.
Chas. B. Mantague, a prominent
citizen of Lebanon, is the guest of Mr.
Smith the hardware man. He is as
sisting his daughter Mrs. Davidson, as
a practicing physlolan. Salem Inde
The Gift of God Is the subject at the
Baptist ehurch next Sunday at
p. m. All are cordially Invited to
these servlres. C. II. Lamar,
M. Koshland, a hide buyer, was sen.
,'enood to 2000 days In Jail or to pay
flue of $4000, for using warehouse re
ceipts for wool and hides he did not
possess. Hie attorneys nave given
notice of an appeal and Koshland Is
now out on $0000 ball.
I have 10 acres of garden laud ad'
Joining Lebanon, part of It lays on the
Inside of the Incorporation, for sale at
burgaln. Call and get prices and
see the laud. W. C. Peterson.
I am now prepared to furnish sup.
plies of ull kiuds to bop growers cheap
er than they can be bought lu Port-
laud, quassia wood whale oil soap
specialty. J. A Lamberbon,
Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or.
Send your name and address to
Read Peueook & Co., Albany, Oregon,
and mention the Express, they will
mall you a fashion sheet free each
When Thomas Kay returned from
Alaska Inst week he brought with him
a white 'tone cane, which bad been
presented to him by the governor of
that Northwestern territory. The
cane strayed awuy last Tuesday but an
advertisement in the Statesman
brought it to light and to its owner.
It is made of two long pieces of white
polished bone deftly joined at the
heud of the stick Is of disks being of
varying thickness. The Alaskan na
tives who make such canes ohurge $15
apiece for them. It is a unique walk'
tug stick. Statesman.
The Southern Paolflo Railroad Co.
bus Inaugurated a new tariff system
that will efb'ct ull the lines In Oregon,
and will reduce the tutes of ull local or
short hauls considerably. The maxi
mum rate will tie twenty cents per
hundred pounds on shipments of all
kinds in less quantities thun cur load
lots; fifteen cents per hundred on ull
kinds of merchandise per carload.
Hereafter all shipments will bt subject
to the western clasBiflcution instead of
local classification as heretofore. This
western system that is used all over
the United States. There will be no
change in the local rates except that of
a big cut.
Last fall Iwus tuken with a kind o
summer complaint, accompanied with
a wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after my
wife's sister, who lives with us, was
tuken just the same. We used almost
everything without benefit. Then I
said let us try Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
whioh we did, and that cured us right
awuy. I think much of it, as It did
for me what It was reoommended to
do. John Herteier; Bethel, Berks Co.,
Pa. 26 and GO cent bottles for sale by
M. A. Miller, druggist.
Speaking of the Salem bridge the
Dallas Trausorlpt says: The structure
Is said to be gettlug into a ratljer raok-
ety condition; the belts are loose and
need tightening, the floor is so badly
worn that horses are now Breaking
through, and It is otherwise becoming
dangerous. That Bomebody will he
responsible for any accident that
might occur, comes without saying;
but we have It from good authnilly
that no part of the bridge belongs to
Polk county, nud that she does not In
tend to draw on her treasury for any
needed repairs. The question of own
ership appears to be u mixed one and
It. would not be surprising to see it,
end In un unpleasant litigation.
Go to Zahn's for milk shakes,
C. A. Zshn is now making delicious Ice
Try the new drink cherry cider, t
Zs hri's. It Is tine.
Larry Wilson has moved Into his
new house west of the warehouse.
Messrs. Wilson A Chase commenced
work an the Corvullls buildings last
Kellv, Dunne A Co', pure prepared
house paint for sale by N. W. Smith.
G. E. Hardy 1. making a little en
gine, which Is horse power, and is
a daisy. Call and set it at bis store.
Miss Llbble Carothers baa accepted
a position In the Albany public school
for the coming year.
There are more people passing
through Lebanon (his summer on the
way to the mountains than any pre
vious year.
Messrs. E. B. Crouch and Chas.
Stokes returned home last Saturday
from Oakland, Or. They report
times lively down there.
Mrs. J. F. Stubbleheld has opened a type
writing oftloe in Dr. Courtney's building,
where she solicits your patronage.
The trial of John Watkins. W. H.
Watkins and J. L. Connett, of Sweet
Home, charged with horse stealing
was set for jesterdav at 2 o'clock.
Homers and Garland to defend, and
j. n. wyau to proseenre.
Chas. Smith, and three sisters,
Misses Iva, Ola and Pet, left yesterday
for a few days outing at Lower Soda.
Persons who nave chittem bark are
requested to bring It In rl ht along.
I have plenty of money to pay for it
with. J. A. Lambkrson-
One thousand men to unload
Schooners, at the Monogram.
Geo. W. Simonds and Ida M. Ross
were married lust Wednesday, at the
residence of the brides parents. Rev.
H. Oberg officiated. We wish them a
pleasant journey through life,
Some of our merchants are talking
of huuling their freight from Albany
by teams, as it can be done cheaper
than by rail at the present freight
rates; besides giving the work to home
men instead of incorporations.
Elder S. 8. Beaver, of MoAllister-
rllle, Juuiatta Co', Pa., says his wife
Is subject to cramp in th stemach.
Last summer she trie d Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Dlurrhoeu Remedy
for it, and wits much pleased with the
speedy relief It afforded. She has
sinoe used it whenever necessary and
found thot It never fuils. For sale by
M. A. Miller druggist. .
On Thuieday Leon D. Hedges, an
employe at the Jefferson sa w mill,
met with a most unfortunate accident.
He reached over the edger with his
right hand, trying to straighten a
board, and unthinkingly laid his left
hand on the saw. Quicker than
thought the band was cut entirely
aoroes just back of the thumb, only the
Bkin keeping It from dropping to the
ground. He was taken to Dr. Hawk's
oftloe and the wounded member
amputated at the wrist. He stood the
operation well, and will suffer uo seri
ous results byond the loss of his hand.
The Eugene Register says: Ora
Wood, a son of A. E. Wood, mourns
his foolishness by trying to carry on a
circus perforuirnoe on a moving street
oar. Thursday evening he was amus
ing himself by jumping on und off of
the street cur ub it was going up Elev
enth street. He missed bis footing
once and fell under the car and one of
his legs was ci.uglit under the wheels
aud severely crushed below the knee,
but fortunately the bone was not
broken. A number of boys about
town have been in the habit of engag
ing In this dangerous sport, and it is a
wonder soma such accident has not
happened before.
Antoiie Joseph ' was recently mur
dered hi Southern Oregou for hie
monoy, which was not found. The
Giants Pass Courier tells of his bank
as follows: A joist had been very
neatly mortised and into the cavity
the sum of $1700 bad been neatly
placed, each $100 rolled In paper and
tied with a airing. These packages 1
was then packed arouud with, cotton
rags aud the lid of the mortise neatly
slid Into place and held in position by
a small screw, which was not visible
to the cauBul glance. There was the
sum of $250 found iu a purse thrown
amongst some corn cobs In another
part of the building, und it is thought
Antoue placed this there to he mote
easily found by robbers, whe would
thenjieslst In their search. If the lo
cution ot the coin hud not been previ
ously known o.v Ins nephew li would
perhubs have remained hidden f,lt
many yours yet. ..
D. W.Hardin is In Corvalll this
week doing masonery work,
W in. Cowan of Albany has got an
appointment under Black In the Cus
tom House.
in berg, the Jeweler, at the olty
drug store, keeps correct railroad time.
. License has been Issued for the mar
riage of Geo. W. Simonds and Ida M.
Mrs. Dr. Clara Davidson has decided
to locate' In Salem, the (Express
wishes her success.
J C ttllyeu and family will leave this
week for the mountains. He Intends
gofng as far over the Metolas.
Say if yon want your watch, clock,
or Jewelery repaired aud haven't the
cash, bring us farm produce. "Any
thing goes" except pole cats el- badg
ers, at Hardy's.
All persona knowing themselves In
debted fo me will please come in anc"
pay up, as I need my money.
Mrs. Geo. Rice.
Old gold or silver made into new
rings, pins Ac, at Hardy's.
We warrant all work done by us,
at Hardy's. ,
C. E. Pugh and J. A. Roberts and
families will start - Monday for a few
weeks outing In the mountains.
Mr. D. F. Sturtevant who Is
running the Cheadle ranch, Is now
making cheese. They always 'urn out
the best there is in the market. Geo.
Cheadle is helping in the factory.
The school directors will have a
meeting tomorrow to elect teachers for
the public school for the coming year.
Prof. Michener will probubly be re
elected as principal.
Mr. Rawllngs informed us that tiny
Intend starting the water works the
first of next mouth, Lebanon will
have as good a system of water works
as there is lu the state, and It is some
thing Lebanou .Should be proud of.
Mr. J. M. Ralston, of Albany has
oflered the trustees $4000 for the bank
buildingat this place. Mr. Ralston is
a good mall to run a bank and the
Express Would be glad to see him
open up one at this place as we surely
need one.
Prof. Michener aiid Miss Fannie
Griggs returned home Inst Friday
from San Francisco on the steamer.
They report having had a delightful
trip. Miss Griggs was very sick com
ing back. Prof. Michener Intends to
leave in a few days on a visit to his
home iu Kansas.
The Saturday's ball game between
Albany and Portland the latter team
wou by a score of 19 to 12. Iu the
Sunday's game Portland again won in
a soore.of 7 to 4. The only runs made
by Portland were 7 in the lirstiiiuing.
At Salem on Satuday Oregon City was
defeated 12 to 8, und on Sunday Sulem
also won. This places Salem In the
lead, huvitig won 8 and lost only 4
games, while Albany has won S aud
lost 6.
The receipt which Treasurer Mets
Chan gave to the treasurer of Linn
county some time ago on receipt of a
draft for $16,000 which proved to be
worthless, has not yet been returned.
At the Linn county court last week
the matter of surrendering the receipt
wus consiaereo. duc no action was
taken. The exaot condition of the
Linn county bank 1b not yet known
and the county court of Linn county
is waiting to know what it will do
with reference to the draft it Issued
before suspending before It actB to re
turn the receipt which has been duly
died witli the clerk aud is a past with
the county records. There is no doubt
that the county will surrender the re
ceipt If the draft is not made good by
the failed hank. Statesman.
County Treasurer V. L. Arriugton
of Douglas couuty, is reported to lie
$23,029,31 short ir bis accounts. The
t-easurer hus resigned and the county
court has appointed W. A. Frater to
fill the vaoansy, Arrlngton sureties.
Hyman, Wollenberg aud Aron Rose
have not made good the deficiency
and the county court has ordered that
action law be brought against them
f r the reoovery of the amount due
the county. The sureties are abund
antly able to pay, but the stringency
of the money market may cause some
delay. Investigation of the books is
not yet completed and reliable Infor
mation cannot be' hud further thun
as above slated. The Roseburg Re
view says. "Mr. Arrington'wasseen
by a reporter yesterday and he stated
that he had turued all of his property
over to his bondsmen and bad filed his
resignation. 'He was at a loss to ac
count for the deficiency being so large
and did not n where the money could
nave gone to as ne nad uot speculated
and lost it."
Setioirl 1titort.
Following Is the report of Bohoot,
district No, 79, term beginning March
20, and ending June 23, 1803;
No. days taught 70.
" " atlendaiice954. j
" " absence 88.
" boys enrolled 4.
" girls " 12.
Total No j8. .
Average dally attendauoe-M.
Deportment good. '
No. visitors during the term 31.
Those neither absent imp tutvfv il...
Ing the fl.-Bt month!
Abigail Wood 'Oliver Wt r
tl Wood, George Mayfleld'. Millie
iieio, uavid Mayfleld, Wlld
Mayfleld, Mary Pickens.
Second month. A 111 Oil I U.wtft All
t'njl, VII-
ver Wood, Lucrelia Wood, Mill
Wood, Millie MavflVM tv...m ...
field, Wllday Mayfleld.
Third month Ahlni iv,j r
He Mayfleld, LInnle Mayfleld. '
rnose not absent nor tardy during
the entire term:
Ablgal Wood and Millie Mayfleld.
Mrs. O. F. Biobee, .
A .u.
. rviuiu, WUO UUIIIM l'flM fl riot ha
learned, arrived at Rtot wit.. ur..n.
Tuesday forenoon on a bicycle having
come from Fort Sherman, Idaho, a
distance of 270 miles, on u,.. r
$.500 that the Journey could bo made In
our uays. tie lert the Fort Saturday
morning, and conseouentlu h-H .,.
al hours to spare. He made ninety
muesmenrst duy's ride. The ma
chine ridden was an old style "safe
ty witn an ordinary tire. Walla
aiiu statesman.
The following notice WUR rAceivnrl m k
the Prineville News office: nw
day noon the Agents house at Yvarm
Springs hiok fire from a defective Hue,
it is supposed, and in an incredibly
short time was burned to tne ground.
considerable .part of the contents
were removed by the Dromnt efn,n
the family and friend?. Some rooms
could not be reached, however, und a
great many valuable
stroytd. There was no insurance on
eitner government r personal prop
erty. Mrs. W. B. Cose, livine on the old
Finlayton pluce five miles east of town
while going dawn tue cellar stair
yesterday morning, in some unus
countuiile way lost her balance and
fell to the bottom, striking on a stone
jar, bruising the side ol her head and
face, breaking the 'molar bone and
everely lacerating the ear. Dr. Maston
wus called, dressed the wound, and al
the present time Mrs, Case is icsting
quietly, although euffeilug severely
from the injury. Albany Democrat.
A lady customer culled at one of the
leudinc stores in Borlow the other duy
with a view to purchasing a pair of
overalls for her husband. The oblig
ing salesman, who ulte a bunch of
politeness, proceeded to show the
lady two or three; styles of overalls,
dwelling iu the mean time on the good
quality and makeup of the goods. Iu
hir exulierant overflow of words he
said: "Madame here is a pair you can
wear over your pants, and they will
hot look unbecoming If you wear them
without pants." The lady assured the
young, man that her husband gener
ally wore the breeches, whereupon he
became unconscious. Three Slstcrsi.
0. 8. Van Duyn formerly of Coburg,
writing from Heppuer says: The out
look in this section is very gloomy,
taking in consideration the low price
of wool and the shortase of crons. In
the past few days we have been favor-
ea witn rain, wntcti will udd greatly
to the yleldB of wheat, while hundreds
of Bcres will .not be cut. We have
in our waretiouses some three million
pounds of wool. No sales have been
made yet. A greut deal bus been con
signed for six und eight centj. Mer-
cliants, rarmers and wool growers ure
very blue.
A baud of gypsies passlnr thrnuirN
The Dalles the other day had with
tliem a little girl answering the de.
scrlption of the little daughter of J.
W. Miller, who was stolen from fiuni
mervllle last year. Mr. Miller Is now
on their trail. After arriving in The
Dalles, he made Inquiries, and the de
scription of the little girl was very
nearly that or bis little child. He hus
a piece of her dress, which, it is said,
was found at the gvnsv cam u. near
that city. Yesterday before the arrlv
al of Mr. Miller, the gypsies left their
ca up near the East End. and .were
seen the following day near Dufur hy
u treigliter. It is expected they ure
niukingfor Prineville or the Barlow
road over the Cascades; but I hey niuy
be overtaken, and Mr. Miller is urjitd
by motives tliut will admit of no