NLjanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATR1CK, 3iltor - and - Proprietor, Six reporters are laid up in Par isian hospitals as the result of too Close contact with the mob in the (recent troubles in the French capi Ml Oregon is getting mighty bare of bopH ot the loaz crop. The new nick will have a clear field, and we hope to see good prioes realized. "How is it with you?" asked the editor , of a subscriber who was dying in arrears. "All looks hrjglit before me," gasped the sub scriber. "I thought so," observed the editor, "in about ten minutes you'll see the blaze." The keepers of the gambling indices at the popular Eastern benches are complaining of a very dull business. ' This is a consoling feature of the quiet times. A meeting in progress at the colored church in the Fielding Barnes neighborhood in Platte county, Mo., was broken up by the appearance of a ghost. A murder was committed in the vicinity last Christmas. John C. Pelton, the first super intendent of public schools in ban Francisco, in his old age, finds him self surrounded by poverty. A number of leading citizens of that city are raising funds sufficient to support him in his declining years. This is a worth object. Some men's success is founded on a shock, which they receive when they begin to comprehend how scrub stock or methods have nearly ruined them. The winds v. of adversity have tp blow hard enough to nearly knock the home down before the owner will put up the right sails to utilize the wind. Kiiral Sew Yorker. - the 1WI telephone patent expired In 'ufh, but an exchange sayn: The fruVfli, overing broadly telephone ;iweiver ybkh i held by the Bell Telephone Company, xPireB J''r.v :S0..1SM., Until the expiration of.thl8 .PLK-ntlue manufacturer or tuevb! an Sieotrie sji'UlKhig telephone of any jinn tical usefuIiH becomes liable to prosecution from this monster monop oly. ; : An exchange pertinently re marks: "The reform Bchool, four miles out of Salem, is to be enlarg ed and its capacity doubled. -Wonder it any of the Salem people will enjoin this work. It is as much in violation of the constitution as the erection of the Soldier's Home at Eoseburg. The constitution says these institutions must be located a' ?-;- -i four miles out or one mile out is no more Salem than one hundred miles would be." Question: Cannot you put a a piece in The Sun that will stop tiu everlasting and tiresome talk ofovervbodv about the weather? Answer: We do not desire to put a ,to to this talk. The weather i a thing of abiding and practical interest to the whole people. It nflect the health, the businecs, the crops, the industry, the prosperity, rmil the pleasure of ftie country. The "tate of it is important to ev erybody. People will continue forever to talk about it. It is a theme of the first importance and interest. N. Y. Sun. During these progressive days the Siidians seemed to have absorbed more or lets the true spirit of the age, and are making remarkable strides along (lie pethway of edu-iilion. The pro ficiency that Is being made among the ludiun pupils at Chemawa is a matter of general comment, and now comes a Pendleton exchange and says: Havina, a bright and Intelligent -Indian girl, the daughter of Cash Cash, llie venerable ex-judge of the Uma tlllas, came home Monday from Pen nsylvania, where she has been pupil for over a year at an Institution where Indian pupils are educated. 8aviua, who U 16 years old, speaks the Eng lish language Intently, reads and writes with ease, and possesses other aUalmnenta that many white girls envy. Upou her arrival she was taken out to her borne by Ed Bristow. Fall ' ing health compelled her to abandon luf studies. , f Hervlces at the Jiuptiat church every Mmotiy. Kiuiflay scikmiI id a. in I'mtcliiiiK 11 a. ni. and 6 n. m. Y. ', U.' Junior S-.1U p. in. Y. P. U. 7 p., in. rrayer mtwmiK ueaiieMiuv s p. in. Everybody Is cordially Invited totlow services. u. k. IjaMak. tumor, Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS ft PHILLIPS, Proprs, AltH,ny, Oregon All Orders Receive Promt Attention. Special Rates for Family Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Uctunded. Ft. S. ROBERTS, Agent, ljbanon, Oreyron. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, , E. W. Hadley, Receiver, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Vallov Points and San Francisco. Ocean Steamer Sailings. 8. 8. WILLAMETTE VAM.KY. Xwive Han Krancisco. March 14 anil 'ii. " - YuuliiiiH, " 10 and 28. This Company reserves the right, to change sniii:.p ihit wiihout notice. . RIVER HTKAMKRB. Steamer "Iloaij" leaves Portland, WetlneK tiiv and Saturday at li A. 51. H. C. DaV. (ieil. Ag t, Salmon St. Wharf, Portland. D. R. Vai ohs, Oeu. Ag't, , Ban Francisco, Col. C. 0. Hogd, O. F. 1. A.. Corvallin, OreKon. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ljin'1 Office Oregon city. Orejwn, I Jan. a, 1IMJ. Kt,tiff u Imn't.v riYrn that the loll.twiHK-ilttmed pettier ha Med notice' of his intention to make tfiwl pn.o'in Mtoporl of hih claim, and thatwilil pmoftt iU U-mwIu before thu Clerk of Lino County, at Albany, OreK-m, on March 17, 1W3, vU: . JAHI'EK D. HOI.FE, Pre. I) S No HW.forthoW.KofS.W.K.N.E. y. of k. w. ,. n. w. y, am. t. Si. sec. w, t. n o., K. 1 K. He naraeslhe Mlmrimj iriyieaM to prove hl conliauoo- n-vMItnee ution aooeunivauatioiwiio, Jaiiil.Yll: WullaaiJ. Muniali, wruitno ricaeiih Aolinr stitt. ami John llinehart, all of Sweet 1-iatie. J.j-01 (., Ores'-o. . , J. T. AWEItW.N', luifiwer. lADlFS 2 nn '"MM 7. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE BeMOaU aixM in the world tor the prtoe. IV. L. DnuulaflBboMar0Boiavrybf. BrwrlwlT aoould wm im I daT jon owe ronnU to r tS bat nloa lor our noiWT. Boonomls In your tootwaar by purohutng W. L. Douglaa Bhoes.wluob tanramt tba Dot lu at In vrloa 4- mUHdauora. a tnauMnaa oan taauiy. W Take Mo SnbitltoU. t flu(MaJ. Wmu, ffMinlDB WltbOBt W.L. PoUKlMnamewiO prtaafUmad ca botuau. Look lar K woaa rou uuj. W.X.Daaku,BnMktan,lllM, Bolabr C. C Hackleman, LKHASOS, on. 4lW x t&0 evicts rask ii. run Have Your Job Printing Done at the Express Office. GOOD WORK at LOW PRICES. 4 V Lebanon Planing Mill Manufactures and deals 111 Sashes, Doors, Blinds; Frames, Counters, Shelving, Scroll and Turned Work of every De scription, Stair Building . Specialty. A Full Stock of Hough and Dressed Lumber on the Yard. Your pnlronsjro solicited. , WILSON & CHASE. M a.Ea-!- mm Mill zh iff EirS 1- Ml IS f Wiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiim 'I 'J if If ft - Wt , ,aaia"gi? BY TRADING WITH S. P. BACH Who uIwavr ciirriuH a nicely t'Itclu(l Block of Clothing. Gents5 Furnishng - n 11 a. M. goods, groeries, &. If you do not aliwly pivo Viim your itroiiage try him, and yim will always trade at his store-. In Courtney's Brick. Rext Daor to Bant Patrorwze Home finstitutions. Champion Mills A TIE NOW lirXNINU IN" Fl' LFJ'.LAsJT. Full New Roller Process; Superior Flour for Family and Baler's Use. Flour lCxc'SiaiiRfod for 'Wlin,t, A FIRST-CLASS CHOPPER RUN IN CONNEC TION WITH THE MILL. Satisfapti'iii (.itmruiiti'tid in E.wry Ilosjioct. Wickes & Aldrich, Popr's. i854.Santiam is rriii2 YOUNG :-: PEOPLE'S :-: "HIGH :-: SCHOOL Of Lebanon and Vicinity. ITS First Term begins September 19th. Witii a Full Corps of Instructorf.. Rates of Tuition are Reasonable, And iln Methods Alircatit (if the TiuiUH. ITS v Faculty Will Maintain Good Dfcciplne, Ami liittint on Tlmruugh Work. Five Coursas of Study are Wisely Arranged, iViitl will Meet Kvtirv Jtmt )tiincui(l ' IT . Graduates Receive Appropriate Diplomas;: Tlitfst' in Ti'itdior'a Coursu, Httttm UiptomM. For Circulars, etc., address S. A. RANDLE, A. M Principal. I have a LARGE -STOCK of WrilCK, for al at my Yard, in tlio stilmi'liK of L'liniton, Far Sale at Reasonable Rates. All kind of uiitsoii's woik dniia with neatness and despatch. V. HARDEN. A. H. CRUSON SAKE MONEY iHlllililW j i mi aV ' Academy 1893. 2(1.