VOL VII TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 0m year ,-S1 (If In advance, BIW per year.) trmomliH - 1 JJ Three month. ,...,..... jj Ingle coplea..... .............. Seortt looletles. Hlicbanon Lomm, no. . i, o. ft r.-i , very(laturty evening at O4 MlotreHe at 0'oUkp.m. A.A.KBKH.jte. w.o.H!rBos,'r. FKAMRBBWA WORK, SO. 41. 1 , fl 0. T. afMWati O.O. r Hall lint and;lhi id Wednen- DOIXIEBAl.TMAMH.Secly torsi olm!,!.4 A. A. M.-IHeeta Saturday ofeuuig, ou or betore the lull moon In Mcb moul. K. 7 Hi(. W.. 11, t. .muni, fee. HoorlDs, So. . 0, 11. W.-Mmterj 7uenMyavnihal H.A.R. Ilall. J. .Tanan ,. . mim Ca, o. M. !tv ofOasoo oaBoeVsjrtt.-Moot In a. A. . Hall, Latauiov, Or., every iBatunlay evening. enit lln tMRl Saturday of each month, meeting the third Krt Sw InMead. All brother, of the Hn of Vet mm and mroradesta the U. A. H. are cordially wiled f meet with the Wmp A.OaDAU,Flntert. PROFESSIONAL. SAMLt M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW. LEBANON. ORBOON. Veatherford ft Cbusbeflaia, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.S BILTEV, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. S. WYdTT, Attorney- at - Law, ALBANY, OREGON. STOWE 4S0MERS Attorneys at Law, TITLES EXAMINED. Collection, irieenpniim and earetttl attentloa. Will irrwlice in all the oouru of the state, mot i oouimnsY'i saxst. LKBANON, ORBOKW. 1. R. E1S1SG, rtaxweeaor to R. L, MuClure. Shaving Parlor. In Ilnnejnrd'ea New ' jlulldlu. First-Claw Artist in attend anoe. Uot and Cold tt)ui wiih Shower at all times. ; YoiiB Pathonaok Sdliuited. MISSES BALL Albany Oi-eir" Are the leading Milliners- Of the Vallej; HATS' TRIMED IN THE LATEST STYLE When visiting Albany don't fail to give them a call. LEBANON, TO 'RESPONDENTS. ' Mit real name must accompany ' Toryoonuntinlodtlrin or It will eer- tstfnly go to the "waste basket." We to m want your name for publics- tloa, tout as a guarantee of good faith. Editor. Notice) of AOmlnlstrator'a Sal. Sotloeh herrAy mveti tint by virtureof an order of lhecotrmy court of Linn Coun ty, Oregon, ihtlv mude and entered of rec wrd in ami by said ennrt on the 9th day of Mbrusry, VM, I will on Hie 29th day of Jar', M, at tlx liour of one o'clock p. m. of aaid day , at tire court hounedoorio the rirty of Albany, Linn Comity, Oregon, mil to the highest lidilor therefor for cash in hand, eta following ileM ribed premises be longing to tlieestate of Peler Wert, de oeased: Beirjiurirrjr. 88 chain and 36 lints North fthe Southeast corner of (. W. Kluni'e denial ion land olaim No. 119. notification No. 262. Twnshi 12 bkrutii lUnge one Went of tlio Wllluniette Meridean; thence West 1! dtp inn; thence North 80 chains and la links; thence Kant 11 chains; thence South 84 chains and 18 links to the place of beginning, containing 37.rtf acres in Linu County, Oregon. The interest to tie sold as aforesaid in aaid aremiees being all the right title and Interest which win l'eler Welt bail therein at the time of hit. death. The same being a fee simple state. Duled r,hU30th flay of Jrtne, 1898. Joseph Wai.t, Administrator. W E. Ililyeu. Attorney for Administrator. Photograph. Yu oati K t lietter eaUnct. aize plot- ureeatOrawfonl A Putno't In Alb' iiy for f 1 SO per tltiu-u than ait other gal tries for any tiriiw. Our work ie guarantwil. IVrnmiiciit gallery tabllahed fur till ycara. No poor work Unwed to so out. ('"trie am) see tie. Albany, let aiivrt. Next floor Mawm- lo Temple. A mile atianre- Last Tin-winy evi'iiing Clint (Inr- dott'e dux, "Jlmm e'1 returned tn Leb- auon hi a bud J okinir oundltlnii, and nearly starved, which raiwii eniider. able uneaidner about (imdon. He left July Mb alnue with his do(r for the mountain!) on a prospecting trip, and aa the Aug wns never known to leave him, anil Clint raised him In the mountains. I' wrm ntmnire that he would leave him mill w tlicw wae something winne. 'lerk Kimhroufrh left Wedlrewln.v ft tin- nmuntalna to search for liini. ('lliil'n many friends inLebmioti tjiink therein Miuiethlng bad happened l hint. To h,v the least It is lil'li ''iip'. Not!" i'f tJl1nlL' Notice 1 herehv rie v,ershil herein!""- e underslinte.1 un-w -J,, Lamtlnirit I',,,. lie. I dissolvufl by ifiuf sil Jobn Iwnu ln l " of K. J. Jsinntiiv. '' I.' after bo earrlnl " purehasnr then-iW. 'i ' -.partnershiileM' f1 ised tocolloet ttie, ie.;. the late rriii. Bated llnVK iluy : lie tn rr fiwett the .of Iy..-e, li.JM '0V l' e .ihrtew, '.e t teres! ! Hill here the j n,r- r i ti.i- nil ii.ji is due lotl IpoW. V. il. l.AN'Til, ' lely. tun. my r are vreua of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alu. used m MUlions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Mas -.-- .. rt - - OREGON, JULY 21, The Five per Ceat Faad. The secretaiy of state baa computed the urea nf i he several eountleaof the state aa required by the act of 1893. and baa apimrtloned the money In the S per oent. fund arising from the sale of government land in the state among the eountlea of the elate according to area. The amount payable to each county is aa fallows: Baker. .t W8t 36 Benton , t Clackamas 11B6 07 Clatsop mi 81 CohiniWa. .............. .. 61 76 Coos, .' ' 1078 04 Crook 6747 63 Curry......... 1U16 78 Douglas ..,.......,...,.i . 8495 83 OilliaaV. M72 27 Cirant 8616 16 Harney 766S 16 J ackson...M. Josepbine.... Kaiamath ........... Uke, Lane Lincoln .,............. Una -. Malheur.. Marion Morrow ...... ...... . . Muitnomah .....n.v... Polk ......... Hhernian ........ Tillamook............. UroatUla Union Wallowa Wasco ....................... Washington Yamhill. ; 1914 17 1177 86 4193 08 6496 70 1789 67 68284 ' 1264 92 672463 7SS81 1390 72 392 00 464 89 659 89 802 67 2013 66 2022 49 1800 46 2088 99 479 23 48s 68 Total .164300 21 The secretary of state says he will promptly send warrants to those counties that have promptly paid the taxes of 1898, and wll' not haateti to make the state pay money to certain counties thut withhold what they owe U the state. Some of our counties make a practice of deferring payment of overdue taxes, thus causing the state to pay Interest on warrants (or the lack of funds, This la Unjust to the other couutiea that pay up prompt ly, and the authorities propose to re quire payment of Interest tin unpaid balances to nffiet the lots caused the state by such non-payment. Another National Bank for Albany A large nuiutier of leading capital ists of Albany, have lolned together and have applied for a charter for a National Bank, wbieb will be organ" l?,ed Justus soon aa poMiihle. . Ample cnpltal will lie subkcrllxxl and the huHineis placed on a sure basis. Probably the bank of Oregon build ing will Iv rented until Its building is placed "ii sale when it will be bought i) ml lieconie the permanent place of business for the new banking bud- The enterprise Is u good one and It will he solid and secure from the start, sod Ih nssiiKiS of plenty of business, fur there i a ileinaml for it. Its or uanirjitioii .will do much to restore xifidence ami nitike bettej times iitre. Hein'it. , How are you fl xl for letter-head DlU-hesds, envelope, note-headss atatenienta and the like? Don't follow ihenhl .4yl of using unprinted ata l lom ry. We print everything at this orthv end nhnrge a reasonable price only. We claim t lo aa good work for us Illtlo money s any oltloe In the rale. 1893. 1 Dodg Sale. At Dodge farm, on tVia Rrowhlrille Road, rjattrrday. A'.is. A. iafl.1 o in o'clock a. m. wIII..'m sold at puMic auc- uon a uue iutu arivtng, tilting and work norsei, ' milk cows, beeves and bulls, aid fine sheep, wagon, plows and. other farming implimento. Counoll Prooaadlnga. Council met last Tuesday evening in an adjourned meeting. Roll call and all the members pres ent except G. M. Westfall. The assessment made by the city re corder for street purposes was read, and by motion was accepted. The committee previously appoint ed to examine the condition of all aide walks and cross walkg made their report, and by motion the report was accepted, sod the following persons were ordered to build walks in front of their property. J(H Whltebee, Wal lace, Mrs. W D Mesarvey, D Harte, Gottshe, J W Bcantland, J C Cald well, D C Holt, Jos Elkins and J B Thompson. , . A large number of persons were ordered to drive the nails down in their sidewalks, and that thev be served with written notice. On motion the marshal was ordered to repair all cross walks that need it. The city treasurer made his annual report which waa placed on file. Bill of J A Roberta for $18 was al lowed, and warrant was drawn on the treasury for the same. The Telephone and Telegraph Co. Bled their acceptance of the franchise in accordance with the ordinance, and the same placed on file. Council then adjourned tn meet on July 20. . The Soldiers Home Case. Attorney General Geo. E. Chamber lain, who returned yesterday from Salem, says that in the supreme court application was made to have the In junction case of D. C. Sherman vs A. J. Bellows etaal, placed upon the dock et for bearing this term. In disposing of the application the court said In substance. "There are other cases of equal public importance being pressed for bearing at this term In advance of this case, which are entitled to prece dence If any are to be advanced. Tak ing into consideration the undecided oases already submitted and those now set for bearing, in all of which opto- Ions must be written, it Is apparent that If the case Is now heard It could not be examined or decided before the beginning of the October term, and hence It is thought better to postpone the hearing and have the case set for argument on the October docket, when it can be beard aud determined while argumeut Is fresh In mind." This Is the injunction suit brought to restrain the location of the soldiers home at Roseburg. Herald. The Llaa Comity Bank. ' Mr. H. M. Beall, the newly appoint ed receiver of the Linn County bank, arrived yesterday and will take charge of the bank. A notice to depositors and others interested, signed by the comptroller of the currency and also by Mr. Beall, will be found In the Herald publishing columns. Mr. Beall was seen by a Herald re porter and questioned concerning the policy In clearing up the business of the tank. "I reached Albany today and have not yet fully assumed charge of the bank," he said, "It will probably be several days before any business to ward settling up the. affairs will be transacted. As to whether or not the collections of the bank's securities will 1 be rigidly pushed I cannot say. I am ; simply a creature of the government, ; aud must act on instructions from the treasury department." i Mr. Beall was formerly cashier in 1 The Dalles bank, and thoroughly un I derstands the situatiou. It is safe to I say that the collection of the $200,000 on the banks securities will tot be pushed so as to create any business iilafiiKhuiiAa ThsvuA nnxHolnrn,! iii-leli j uiovuiuKuw, luvag nutjutiiuvcu ifu I the business sav it will probably re- ...r. , . quire a year or eignwen monuw w aet- tie up tne busiuesi. Herald. WO 2f Depositors Meeting, The actual depositors of tlif Banlt of' Lebanon Is hereby nailed to meet 4a the hank building on Monday July 24th 1893. at one o'clock p. m. foroo aultation. None but actual depositors; or their legal representatives will b admitted to the meeting. Many Depositors. About Hair a Crop. Reports from grain dealers and mill, ers, covering six principal wheat-producing states, producing two-thirds oi the total crop, Indicate that they will furnish about lM.OOO.OOO bushels thlf. year, against 230,000,000 last :year. Ohio and Oregon are the only stares which will raise as large a crop a last year. Indiana promises an average) crop, Michigan nearly an averagat. Missouri two-thirds, Illlinois a trifle less than two-thirds and Kansas otia half. Tkenev wheat will not mnve aa early as usual. The sections whlcli usually ship early have a Door cron. Over 60 per oent of the farmers say iney win now or are not disposed , sell at the present low prices. " ' V ' Jim Lotaa Arrested. James Lotan, ex-collector of custom of the port of Portland, gave himself up to the United State marshal ai noon on Monday, to answer the charge of two Indictment preferred agnms him by the federal jury1, . Roberta Paddook, deputy inspect or of the custom's service, was arrested before noon, en the same charge as preferred against Lotan. The charges against both menTefo the effect that they were engaged fri conspiracy against the United (Jtatesi There are two accusations made by the grand Jury. One that they de frauded the government of revenue duties due on certain quantities of opium brought Into this port. f1 The 'second allegation Is that they larfded Chinamen from off steamer from British Columbia ports on fraud ulent certificates, Charles Cardlnell, a deputy In the) custom house was also arrested on the same charge. All the men were re leased on $2000 bonds each. Inflict ments have also been returned against several other alleged smugglers, Tho are not yet under arrest. Bomo of them, It Is understood, live at Astoria and other places. Much exoltemen has been caused by the wholesale ar rest of prominent officials on so gray cnarge. Mr. Lotan declined to make an statement beyond he was Innocent ot the tbarge. notice; toTkeditohb. Notice is hereby given to all whom it mar concern that on the 8th day of Murch im. tne unaersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of Linn County, OreRnn the administrator of the estate of John il, J, Loveall, deceased. All parties liming claims against the atiove naired estate are warned to present then., with pronr-r vouches, within six months from (he iinte of this notice, to the undersigned ailiniiis tratorattheotHceof Bam'IM. Garland in Lebanon, Unn County, Oregon', Jakes Habvit Loasali, Administrator of the ertote of J.ilm M- f. Loveall, deceased. Sau'l M. Uablasii. Atty. for the Administrator.. Lebanon, Or., March 17th, 1893, "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhoea. We iiwxl various medicines, also called In two doctors, but nothing done him any good until we used Colic, Cholera bih Diarrhoea Remedy, whieh gave ltu mediate relief and soon cured him, I consider It the best medicine iniui,, niiucau conscientiously recommend it I ti all m tin nnA - J; i " uccu n UlUrrOOett OF Ml III mediclr.e. J. . Hare. Trenton 'IV fir .. .a a-n .. .. 1 "u ou cent oouieg for sale bv M A Miller, druggist