The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 14, 1893, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY, J PLY 14. In.,
(Additional IiicuIk oh rlrst pagcl
Come In for nh work.
Try the new drink, Cream Soda, at
Special baking done to or at Mm
Mil' Zahn's,
M, A. Miller carries a complete tine
of paints Mid nils.
The Klckapoo Indian Medicine Co.
are In Soin.
Have you examined those new
ummer suit" at S. P. Bach's.
' Fresh pies, cakes and bread at
Peebler' grocery store.
Atty. Somen In In Portland this
week on business.
M. A. Miller now bus a complete
line of drugs and stationery,
The Industrial Legion meets at the
G. A. R' Hall to-night (Friday),
Pumps and pipe down to Albany
prions. F.C. Aybiis 4 On,
Call and examine niv new stock of
pring clothing. 8. P. Bach.
J. 8. Courtney M. D. Physician,
Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon,
, W. H. Wheeler, of Independence,
and Fred Wheeler, of Monmouth, and
their fniiiilieii were in town this week
visiting their parents, O. W. Wheeler
and their many friends at this pluce.
G. M. Weslfall, Bud Thompson and
Mr. Kirkemlull, lett Saturday for a
few days (lulling in the mountains.
Parties who were to pay their sub
scription lu wood will please haul the
same now.
J. J. Dubrullle has rented Dr.
Foli y's bouse on Main street, where
Mr, King now lives. He Intends
moving to Lebanon In the near future.
Ail persons knnw'ng themselves in
debted to M. A. Miller will please rail
and settle at once.
J. M. Dnnuca returned home Tues
day from Pomona, Calif, where he has
been for the pnst six mouths. Join Is
much Improved in health and reports
having had a line time
The Salem baseball team defeated
the Albany team on t he Albany
grounds both Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday's game the More stood S to
9, and Sunday, 4 to 8.
Irwin Smith, a young farmer, of
Benton county, advertised III an east
ern paper for a wife. It resulted in
an engiigemeut with Mollie E. Little,
of Kansas. Yesterday the young lady
arrived in Corvallis and was met at
the depot by the young man. They
Immediately secured a license and
were married. While such marriages
are hnriiidous affairs, though perhaps
little more than marriages generally
Last full I was taken with a kind of
summer complaint, accompanied with
a wonderful diarrhoea. Boon after my
wife's eistur, who lives with us, was
taken Just the same. Wo used almost
everything without benefit. Then I
said let us try Cliamberhih's (.'olio
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which we did, and that oured us right
away. I think much of it, as it did
for me what it was rcoommeuded to
do. John HerUlcr, Bethel, Berks Co.,
Pa. 25 and 50 cent hottlo for sale bv
M. A. Miller, druggist.
Port hind Dispatch. Monday of lust
week R. ,1. Me IFIIIiams, a merchant
of Elgin Union county, was sprink
ling the street In front of his place.
Another clttaeii passed by and Mo
Wiilliims playfully turned the hose on
lilui. This led to a nuftle aud fight.
The city marshal interfered and (breed
MeWllliams intc the house, but the
latter returned witli a pistol and shot
at I lie nftloer, sending the ball Into the
latter's right arm, tearing the flesh
away from the wrist to the elbow.
MeWllliams was held In t760 bonds.
This conduct was a surprises to the
people of the little town.
A 'prominent clergyman In Bostou
needed an errand boy, so he udvertlsed
in the want oolumn. Oue reply read
this way: "I seen you advertised for
a boy. I atn one. I can do things as
you want 'em, and can hustle. Most
folks ain't got no use for a boy botes
hcl how hard times is. I want the
Job. Joe White." Tills ratliei shock
ed the minister, but It uiiule an im
pression. Of uiiui," letters tills one
hold Ills attention, It pulled ou both
his curiosity mid nyiupntliy, and he
took the boy's frank and original way
of putting It. "Joe" got tlie ob.-Kx.
The Champlwi Mill Hour h the best
In the market. Try it.
One thousand' men wanted at the
Monogram to unload schooner.
J. 0. Bilye has put hi a new walk
on tlie north aide of M property on
Main street.
Mr. I. Benjamin returned home
Tuesduy from, a visit b Port land.
W.. C Faulkner, rieriy of this
place, has leased a hotel In Oregon
City. Mr. Vaulkcr Is a good hotel
There will be all open meeting of the
Good Templars next Monday evening
in the (i. A. a. Hall, to which the
public are invited. A good program
will be rendered.
The Church of Christ meet In the
Academy liir regular services every
Lord's Day In the morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
All are Invited to attend.
I have 1 acres of garden land ad
joining Lebanon, part of it lays on the
inside of the incorporation, for sale at
bargain. Call aad get prices and
see the land. W. C. Peterson. :
I am now prepared to furnish sup
plies of all kinds to hop growers cheap
er than they can tie bought iu Port-
laud, quassia wood whale oil soap a
speciality. J. A Lambkhson,
Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or.
Bend your name and address to
Read Peacock & Co., Albany, Oregon,
and mention the Express, they will
mail you a fashion sheet free each
There lias been a new side walk
built in front of IbeMcCalley property
on Malu street. The walk adjoining
it on the south is In bad condition and
should be looked after by the marshal.
Several families arrived in the val
ley in the last day or two from across
the mountains, most of whom went
over tjere two years ago. All unite
m saying wehloot part of Oregon can't
be bent.
Services at the Baptist cburcb every
Sunday. Sunduy school 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Y. P.
IT. Junior 2:30 p. m. Y. P. U. 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p. m.
Everybody is cordially invited tu these
services. C. R. Lamau. Pastor.
Au examination of the affairs of the
euxcnded Linn County National
Bank, at Albany Is reported to show
assets of the bank sullbieut to pay de
positors and all oilier debts iu full.
and stockholder the par value of their
stock. Statesman.
At an adjourned meeting of the
city council lust Friday, Mayor C. H.
Ralston hiitidcd in his resignation,
which was accepted. Hon. M. A.
Miller was appointed to fill the vacan
cy. Mr. Ralston has made a good
mayor and we regret to see blm re
sign. Mr, Miller has filled the office
laTore aud is a good man for the place.
Geo. Pope & Co. of Portland, through
their agent Dr. Laniberson of this
place, bought all of last years bop crop
In and around Selo. They payed lojct
for the same.
The 1st quarterly meeting of the
Free Methodists' will be held at their
church lu Kodaville, July 1 4th at 8
o'clock p. m. Preaching Suturday at
11 a. m. and 2:30 p. in. Official meet
ing Immediately after the afternoon
services. Preaching at night; love
feast Sunday at 10; preaching at 11;
sacreuient Immediately after preach.
Ing; also preaching at night,. Rev.
B. F. Bmalley, chairman. .,
J. H. Bbo wn, P. C.
There was weighed at Dufur last
week by Mr. Haines, Sr., of Nansene,
a span of colts that are not beat In any
country. One a Belfoundered filly 2
years old, weighing 1160, and the
otlu-r a three-fourths bred English
Draft colt, 18 months old sired by
"Hprotelxwo Dandy," owned by R.
Blgmau, weighing 1130, measuring 8
feet 6 Inches around tlie heart and is
uearlj IB hands high. The latter will
this year take Its chance against all
of Oregon's flue horses, and will cer
tainly raise the 1200-pound balance be
jore October 1.
"My little boy was very bad off for
two months with diarrhoea. We used
various medicines, also called in two
doctors, but nothing done him any
good until we used Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave im
mediate relief and soon cured him. I
consider it the best medicine made
and oau conscientiously recommend it
to all who need a diarrhoea or colic
nirdlciiie. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A.
Miller, druggist, ''
flo to Zalin's'-for milk sank.
C. A. ftahn W-mw making iMickii ice
Try the new dWtifc cjieiriy cider, at
Zu tin's. It is fine.
Mr. IC. P. Weir, of Jordan valley,'
was in town this- week and says that
he is getting along fine over there.
Kellv, Dunne & Go's pure prepared
house paint for sale by K. W. Smith.
Mrs. J, K. Stubolntiold line tned a type
writing ortire in Pr. Gourtnoy's building,
where she solicit yflue patronage.
Persons who hava ehltnmi bark are
requested to bring It in rlitat along.
I have plenty of money li pay for it
with. , X. A. Lambkkkon-
Rev. Alexander Scott, of Albany,
will preach in the- First Presbyterian
church next Sunday, mooring and
Euberg, tlie jeweler, at the city
drugstore, keeps correct railroad time.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
water works.
The new Evangelical church at
Waterloo Is under good headway, and
when completed will make one of tlie
neatest little churehes in the county.
Mr. Settle will again ran the Leba
non warehouse.. JaB. M. Settle will
attend to it;, Every farmer in this
part of the county knows these men,
and know that they will give the best
of satisfaction...
At a meeting of the Jefferson insti
tute the following teachers were em
ployed for tint eombig school year:
Principal, Prof. Louis Ilarzee of the
Sodaville seminary; first assistant,
Miss Minuia Watkins, ot Linn county,
and primary, MrsSteevea, also of Linn
Mm. Jn'm Powers, of Santiani, who
was thrown from a buggy the 17th of
June and. bad two rilis broken and
ntherway seriously injured, was In
town Saturday to consult Dr. Lam
berson. Mrs. Powers is a daughter of
vVm. Bkeltou, of Sweet Home.
A boy iu Polk county found a nest
of tlie raost beautiful of domesticated
of American birds, the golden-winged
woodjiecker, or "flicker," in an old
apple tree.. He has taken out an egg
every day for 35 davs, the bird faith
fully Liylng another every lime the :
nest is robbed. Ordinarily the flicker
four to seven young. AH w riters con
sider thorn a liarmlesss bird, destroy
ing large quantities of worms, leaves,
borers aud insects.
John Abnrii, of Oswego, set flip to
some old rubbish lu w hich there hap
pened to I a number of cartridges,
filled Willi Hue bird shot. He soon
was made aware of the fact and re
ceived In nil parts of his body over 130
grains of shot A doctor succeeded in
finding about 30 of the shot, but the
remaining 100 are buried too deeply iu
various parts of bis anatomy. The
Oswego Iron-Worker, which ehronl.
cles tills incurrence, states that Mr.
Ahor is slightly disfiguied, but still In
the ring.
There is a movement on foot to se
cure the entry of Canadian cattle into
tlie United States, which is now pro
hibited by the quarantine regulations,
so that cuttle exporters tn Canada may
ship their cuttle oy New York, Bnstoii
and Portland, where the freight rates,
they say, are from ffi to $8 lower thar
iu Montral. It is thought an arrange
ment can be made to send cattle
through In bond. The exportsof cat
le from the Dominion have run up to
about 100,000 annually. (
Mr. Peterson, who received tlie con
tract for building tlie Masonic temple
of Corvallis, has withdrawn his bid,
and the contract has been let to Will
son & Chase of this city, the next
highest bidders, $8331. They will go
over there Monday to continence
work, and . will take about fifteen
carpenters from Lebanon to work on
the building. The Express Is glad to
see tills firm get the work and hope
they will come out with a handsome
profit for themselves. Ana we are
also glad to see them give Lebanon
men the work.
The newspaper business In Astoria
Is full of Interest. The Budget says:
It is getting to be fashionable to go up
Suit river. It Is said that the poor
old Astoiiau Is preparing for the
journey. She has been on tlie ragged
edge for a long time, and mortgagee
has undermlnded tier constitution and
huugry creditors have gnawed at her
vitals that she la frail aud almost
ready to totter over Into the boneyard
where lie bleaching the bones of the
Advocate, the Independent, the Gate
way Herald, Pioneer, Transcript, the
liabo sheet, Bulletin, Shipping List
I and the fresh and odious carcass of the
defunct Examiner, which died of star
vutiou and an .overdose of gull on the
river. '
Rev. Bishop, ofPortland, was In the
cliy yesterday..
Grandma Ralston returned home
lust Frlilry from a visit to her child
ren In Portland!.
Prof. Miehener and Miss Fannie
Griggs are excelled home today from
8an Francisco.
The Telephone Co. bave got their
wires into the edge of Lebanon, The
men are camping Just south oftowu.
Hon. M. Ai Miller was In Portland a
couple of days Uw week.
F. M. Jack ha been apjioliited as
postmaster at Bsownsvllle by P-esl-dent
Ctas. Johnsotiy of Salem, was In
town this week lewklng aller his prop
erty. He now nwns tlie three new
cottages bull toy J. A. Beard.
E. A Turner broke 2 out of 25 blue
rocks at the shost of the Salem Rod
and Gun club- at the Morning-side
shooting ground yesterday, B. W.
Harrit and C. Di Gabrielson broke 22,
aud S. Ryan 10. The contest was for
the silver medal. Mr. Turner has won
It five time- and Mr. Harrit seven.
Whenever a. contestant secures this
medal eight times it becomes hie per
manent property. Statesman.
A little child of Mr. ami Mrs.
Hedge, from. Albany, who are the
guest of Mrs, Hedges' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. V- Howard, met w'th a
painful accident while attending tlie
celebration at Smithlied. The child
walked up tea horse hitched near by
and caught, blm by the tail. This
frightened the animal and he kicked
striking the little child one side of the
bead, knocking it senseless. It has
' developed that the child was not
much hurt, ,tbe kick nrovhig a ghiui-e
blow. Junction City limes.
The following from tlie West nearly
duplicates. UoliUiniili's deserted vil
lage: Four people were left in
Florence u tbe 4tli to watch each
other: Mssdauus Materson and Mor
gan, and- Messrs. Kyle and Wilson.
They celebrated by congregating and
bemoaning their sad fate. But to do
something patriotic, Mr. Kyle read
the ten commandments which he mis'
took for tlie declaration of Indepeiid-
' ence and. Mr. Wilson, in his dazed
condition, played the Dead March in.
bnul on toe cornet, thinking It wit.
Hail Columbia.
The tramp who beats Ills way ove
therailnwl lines on brakebeams is not.
so beeuvud. If there Is a ccllis'nu, oi
the trau is ditehed, tbe tramp is gen
erally a vii tim. He either loses his Ufa
or else it biidly injured. A few day
ago a trump who was doubtless steal,
ing a ride was killed neur Scappooee
by a Hurtlier Pacific train. He wa
notouly killed, but was literally cut,
to pieces and fragments of the body
strewn along t he track for a long dis
tance. The corner's Jury held an iiir
quest over as much of the remains, us
ooilc be collected, but was unable to
arilve at any very satisfactory con
clusion,. Nobody witnessed theshoek
iiitf accident and nothing could he
found by which it was possible to
identity tlie person. No blame was
attached to tlie railroad company, as
the deocasrd was evideutly a tramp.
So the coroner buried the fruiiuif nts
at tlie expense of the county.
Statesman: John Downing, who
claims to be a stone cutter by profes
sion and who has been a resident of
Portland of lute, attempted to get off
tlie 11:17 train yesterday nornlng at
this city while It was In motion. He
alighted quick enough bat in such a
munner as tu nearly cost him bis life.
He boarded tlie blind baggage at Port
land and upon his arrival at the tie
pot platform iu this oily got down on
the lower step. As the front end of
the baggage err got opposite the elec
tric ear lie jumped nft'uud was thrown
head long onto tin- platform, knocking
him senseless. He was carried into
the gentlemen's waiting room and the
company's physician was summoned
but did not arrive until after Mi.
Downing had recovered consciousness.
His face on the right side was consid
erably bruised but otherwise he es
caped Injury.
Salem Statesman: Chief of Poiice
H P Mlnto arrested Ed Cusick, a ticket
seller for Banger & Lent's circus, last
Wednesday night- Cusick was charg
ed with beating a party named Town
send out of $15. It seems that Town
send in buying a ticket gave tlie seller
a $20 gold piece and lu return received
three U bills aud the rest lu silver.
The discovery was made a short time
after and tlie ticket seller was arrested
and was brought up before Justice
Edes. Cusick refunded the money
claimed by Townsend and t lie case
against him wus dismissed upon his
puying the costs,
. .
Mr. C. H. Ralston has accepted the
position of weigher and gager under
Black al tlie Custom House In Port
lam). '
John A. Beard; formerly or lhla
place has been npRolnted by T. J..
Blkck as examiner in tlie Custom
Hon. E. R. Bkipwwrtb, of Eui;onc,
was In the city Wednesday visiting:
Ms parents.
Bay If you want ywr watch, clock, ,
or jewelery repalredJand haven't the
cash,. bring us furmoproduce. "Any
thing goes" except polecats or badg
ers, al Hardy's.
Horn, to the wife out Silas Gentry,
on July 0, 1803, a daughter, weight 1
11J pwunds.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to me will please come in and
pay. up, as I need mymouey.
Mfc. Geo. Rice.
Old gold or silver made, into new
rittgav pins Ac, at Hardy's.
We warrant all work done by us,
at Hardy's.
Rev. J i. Ooergand family have re.
turned from Cauby ciimp-nieeting.
Mr. Bushong, of Portland, will
speak iu the Methodist church, Sun-,
day evening, in behalf of Home Missions-.
Services In the Methodist church
Sunday; July 16. Sunday school itt 10.
a,,rm Preaching at 11 a. m. Junior
leage at 3 p. m. Epworth leajwa us .
7 p. m. Address om Home Mission,
tv. Mrs. Bushong at 8 p.m. All are
cordially Invited to Uvese sarvlces.
'V i Pastor. 1
The Salem Statesman says that at1
tlie Salem Building aud Loan Assoda-tloa-.
meeting J2000 was loaned at 12. .
months, 5400 at seventy-six. The one
at Ii20 months interest- in advance wa
the high water murk for tlie Associa
tiou since its organization four year,
ago the first of next November, There
is some demand for, a fifth series of
stock, and this will probably be issued
before long.
An Oregon City, dispatch taysc
Township 10 south,, range 5 east, in
the Santiani Linn county,
ou the Oregon Pacific railroad, wa
opened yesterday for settlement. The
oltice was besieged, eurly this moriuug
l.y i early one hundred applicants.
This lowusliip is-, reported to be very,;
heavily timbered and of a soil which
will prove very uruductive if culti
vated. '
Saturday nigltt two hand curs of
employes, of the Oregon Pacific, were
running from Albany to Corvallis,. On
the way Thomas Smith, who was
pumping ou the front of the first oar,
lost bis balance and lell oft undo lbs
wheels. Both ears run over him and
he was picked up dying, Hi body
wus taken to Corvallis, where U. was
embalmed, and will be sent to Iowa.
The deceased was a young man. who
only recently same from the- East,
and bud only been working for the,
O..P. a short tune. Djiiiocrut. :
News wus received at The Dalle
Suturday from a settlement nsar that
pluce, culled Ten Mile, of tlie killing of
a man nupied E. W. Wilheim, by his
22-yeur sou, William. Wilheim was a,
man 55 year old, who has not been
living with bis family for some time,
Yesterday be returned borne and
quarreled with his wife and reached
for a gun to shoot her. Tlie boy, see
ing their Lives in danger, struck his
father on the bead with a club, killing
him instantly. He went to The
Dalles Suturday morning and gave
himself up to the sheriff, who, with
the coroner, has repaired to tlie scene
of tlie tragedy.
W T Porter was appointed guardian
of John E Porter, insane.
In estate of Ruth A Fry, a guardian,
R A Fry wus appointed guardian.
In estate of Andrew Rnbh, will was
admitted tu probate. Jaue A Robs,
was appointed executrix .
In estate of II' O Cooper, H ti Hew
itt wus appointed administrator. Bund
f 1600 ,
In estate of Hanery Hirons, A P1
Hirons wus appointed administrator,
Bond 14000. .
Edward Diirbin wus formally adopt,
ed as tlie child of D E Stanton and
wife and name was changed In Kd.
ward Durbiu Stanton.
Vice President and Mis. Stevenson
started on a tour Tuesduy morning,
They go lirst tn Chicago, then to
8alt;Luke City anil thence lu Sun
Francisco. After a brief stay there
they will go to Portland. They wlTl
return early in August. A few duys
later they will go to Washington to
reuiuiu during the special session.