The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 14, 1893, Image 3

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"Miss Jsnnyl"
"Well, Mr. Tressalyf"
"I'm thinking of going to housekeeping."
"Are ymi, Mr. Trcssatyr"
"Yen. The fact is, I'm tired of boarding,
and I think it would be a nice change, and
nd I fancied you might recommend a
"A housukeeperf What sort of one, Mr.
"Oh, somo nice old woman or other
omebotly who oan make a snug little
Jenny's eyas sparkled, and her pretty
brows contracted with the momentary
twitch. '
"I think I can recommend the very per
son you want," said Miss Hope, curving her
"Can your Oh, Mine Jenny. I shell be a
thousand times obliged to you. I'll engage
her immediately, and I can look np the
house afterward, you know. Who la ehef"
"Well, it'a my aunt. Miss Zerulah riant.
She's staying here now, and it has always
town her ambition to assume the charge of
a gentleman'a household. I'll call her at
once, and you oan settle preliminaries as
oon as you please."
Miss Jenny swept out of the room with
the steps of a tragedy queen. Luke follow
d her with his eyes until the door was
closed, and then leaned buck in his chair
with a deep nigh,
"If I only dared ask that girl to marry
Mies Plant was feeding her gray parrot
when Jenny came Into her room. She was
not young moreover, she was not pretty
and she wore spectacles and a "false front,"
yet Miss Plant was still an the qui vlve for
chance in the lottery matrimonial.
"Anut, dear," said Jenny demurely, "I
have just received a proposal for you."
"For mof Oh, go 'long!" tittered Miss
Plant, dropping the lump of sugar she was
about to regale Pretty Polly with.
"No, but Aunt Zeruiah, I'm In earnest."
"Who Is Itr" said Aunt Zeruiah, putting
her hand on her heart and mechanically
feeling to see if her glossy black curls were
all straight.
"Air Tressaly. He wants to go to house,
keeping and needs some ludy of mature
judgment to preside over his household so
go in and eee him."
Miss Zeruiah waited to hoar no more, but
made a drive for the door, leaving Jenny to
finish the ministration to the gray parrot at
ner leisure.
The Limits of Human Hearing,
Wo can do a great deal to cultivate
the oar, but we can do nothing to ex
tend the range of sounds which the tym
panum can receive. The ear may have
great keenness of perception, may hoar
sounds extremely email, distant and
faint, and yet be always deaf to any
noise, however loud, if it is lower or
higher in pitch than the tympanum is
made for. Various experiment show
that about the lowest, or what in a mu
sical instrument would be called the
deepest bass sound, consists of 124 undu
lations in the second, and the highest of
rather more than 6,000. Human ears
have not all the same compass. A party
of young people, all with exoellont hear
ing, may go into the meadows, and some
will hoar the shrill note of the common
grasshopper, and some will not hear it
even faintly, but simply hear nothing at
Dr. Wollaston believed that "human
hearing never extends more than a note
or two above the cry of the common
Gryllus canipeBtris." He gives a scale
of sound which he found to be inaudible
to some ears. He found that some people
could not hear the cry of the bat, nor the
chirping of sparrows, which is four oc
taves above i in the middle of the piano
forte. Not to be able to hear this last
note he considers to be very rare. He
believes the whole range of human hear
ing to be compressed between the deep
est notes of the organ and the highest
cries of the insects, including fully nine
octaves, the whole of which are distinctly
audible to most ears, New York Home
Cultivating Color In Cats.
Never have cats held so important a
position in the animal world as they do
at the present time. In days gone by
pussy's chief value consisted in ber capa
bilities as a mouser, and so long as she
accomplished her work satisfactorily
that was all that was required of her.
Nobody troubled as to the shortness of
her face, the sire of her ears, or the
lengt h of ber tail. Every one was per
fectly satisfied with her sober gray coat
and four white feet. Her green eyes,
too, we all took quite as a matter of
course. But now a very different state
"You sent for me, sir?" said Miss Zeruiah. of affairs exists. In manv instnnme her
tripping into the parlor and sinking with i propensity for mousing only composes
SteMrT'" l'" "" e""5'ol'ir,PIx- one of her numberless characteristics, if
"Y! aald Luke unconsciously. ,i e mMt arieteratic specimens
wished for a capable bouekecr. IJo you delf to ca,tch mouf 1L
think yon would be willing to take uharge 1 he markings which are now produced
of my homer" in our cats are certainly wonderful. We
"lea," giggled Miss Plant, hiding her have striied tabbies and spotted tab-
A treVnhllnp hand, an uncertain step, flilgctt
ness, iniiicatea by restless shifting (rom one
piaee or posture to another, usually mental an
noyance at unexpected noises, aie among the
inoicauons ot extreme nervousness. These
scum trifling, but tho health of men and women
in this condition Is "decidedly shaky," liable
to be overthrown disastrously by causes which
the vigorous might defy. To fortify the tier-
runs sysu'm general vigor, must, tnrongn tho
medium of reinforced digestion and a renewal
of an Impaired power of sleeping at night, be
raided to a healthful standard. A guarantee of
ui,s is nosietiers wiomacn Hitters, winch re
establishes digestion, bile secretion and the
habit of body on a permanently regular basis,
thus renewing that bodily equilibrium, which
is followed by a gain of -trenail and nerve
tranquillity. For kidney complaint, rheuma
tism, neurslgla, and a- a preventive of the llrst
attack orsuosequent return of malarial disor
ders, this medicirift lawithnnt a n,.r Thrira
uauy i&kc a wmeglasslul.
HleVs-1 always buy the Clarion. It gives
you the news in a nutshell. Wicks Yes, I
know: a nutshell would hold all the news It
Every good thing has its host of imitat
ors; every genuine article its counterfeits.
The imitators always choose the most val
uable and popular article to counterfeit, so
that when they claim their sham to be
equal, or as good, or the same as " So and
ho's," the public may depend upon it that
" So-and 8o'e " article is the best of the
kind. The sham proves the genuine merit
of the thing it copies, and never has this
been better illustrated than by the imita
tions of A LLcoex's I'oaoiis Plastsbs.
Am-cock's Poboits Plasties is the stand
ard oi excellence the world over, and its
imitators in their ory that theirs is "as
good as At.ioot'g's" are only emphasizing
this fact and admitting "Aumrs's " tn h
the acme of perfection, which it is their
uigneat aruniuon to imitate, ins diner
enoe between the genuine and these imita
tions, which copy only general appearance,
is as wide as that between copper and gold.
The only safe way for purchasers is to
always insist upon having Alumcs's Pob
oits PlASTBKS. 'i'hev are the onlv nerfRor.
We have for sale cheap on easy terms.
1 new 8-column folio or 6-coliimn quarto
Improved Country Campbell Press. Also
1 new 9-column folio or 6-column quarto
Improved Country Campbell Press; both
complete. Also 1 second-hand Country
Campbell Press; will print 6-column
quarto paper; is guaranteed to be in per
fect condition. These presses run easily
by hand; will do all-round work; hand
presses or other machinery taken in part
navmenf. Tf VflTT t k. :
write to PALMER & REY TYPE F'DRY, Portland" Ob. " 7
Customer Is this pure ground coffee von sold
me? (irocer Ol course it is.- What makes you
vu.wiuoi i iouuu some gravel ID it.
We positively cure rupture, piles and all roo
ts diseases without pain or detenUou from busi
ness, So cure, no pay. Also an Private dis
eases. Address for nam nhlM Om hnterH.IS A
Loser, MS Market street, Kan Francisco.
she How was the new opera? lie A perfect
duo nay a vacuum? lie o atr
Hushes in a llluo edged handkerchief.
"That is, if you don't think me uuuiaideu
ly in so Bonn giving my conseut."
Luke stared; he thought Miss Plant a
ery odd woman, but nevertheless he went
"I am vnrv nni-tlcnlai' nlwint. m nrr T
amppose you understand all thine little de- j but not least blue blue, or what tlieun-
taiiar' initiated would undoubtedly term Blate.
"O' course I do," said Aunt Zeruiah. "I ' being one of the most fashionable shades
can cook first rate, though I say it who
toes, the stripes and spots so clearly and
regularly defined in the best cats that it
seems difficult to believe that it is all na
ture. The colors, too. aremost.l)eATitifnl
-the rich orange delicate chinchilla, jdS EffSrT SEE
uuoij iw&iua suiusc, yiiu reu arm lafiv vuiars iu it'siimoniais. Address
r. J . Ull tsity 4 CO., Toledo, 0.
If Bold by druggists; 75eenui.
in lu
There is more catarrh In this seclion of the
oonntry than all other dUease. put logether,
and until the la-t few years was supixut-u to be
incurable. For a great many vesrs doctors pro
nounced it a local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by cou-tamlv failing tocurewilh
local treatment pronounced it incurable. Sci
einie has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoon
lul. It acts directly on the biood and mucous
houldn't say It. My notice's as clear as
"Well, I think we may consider this as
an engagement."
"I calc'late so," said Miss Plant, again
mg reitige in ner lilac bordered kerchief.
among the pussies of the present day.
onaon Lady.
The Habit of Keeping a Ulary.
Upon the whole, the habit of diary keep
ing docs not deserve to be decried. If the
diarv be a veracious Monirl nf nnhlici.vnt.B
1 should like you to come assoon as nos- It miiv at snv nt u,rvn n nn .vUn.iu in
aible, as I wish to engage a house inunedl- prose writing and precis to the writer, and,
uu t.ue uiucr uuua, 11 me utary oe merely
ately," said Luke, rising.
"Oh, certainly," smiled Miss Zeruiah,
"When is it to be?"
"When is what to be?"
"Why, the wedding?"
"What wedding?"
"Why ours, to be sure! Ain't we going
to lie married?"
"iy good woman," said Tressaly, turn
parocuiai, uouiestic or even peraoual in
tone, the same may lie said of it, with this
added qualification that at least in the
last case it may act in preserving a human
Among my papers and books I found the
other day an old yellow brown diary of my
great-grait-grandmother. Until that mo-
iiig reowiue roots, ot nis nair, "here is rneut I had no more Idea of the old lady
time enormous mistake, I merely wished than of Julius Cesar's nurse. But when I
to eugage a housekeeper, I never dreamed read of her journeys to and from Bath,
of proposing to you!" which she much affected, and where she
"Well, lam sure!" shrieked Miss Zeru- "see a great deal of Company;" of her loss
lah, every false curl bristling with her agi- on Thursday, Anril the second, 1767, of one
tatlon. "I'll have you to know that I don't pound four shillings at cards; her payment
need to go out to service, and I'm as good on April the. second of one shilling and ten-
s you be any day of the weekl And if ponce for "face wires" whatever they may
you calculate to Insult a poor, lone woman have been; of oleven shillings on April the
you'll find out you've waked up the wrong thirteenth for "Chare sedan, no doubt
passengerl I'll prosecute you, I will, you and Gloves," and how, on leaving Bath on
good for nothin dandyl" the eighteenth of April, she gave the maids
And Miss Plant rushed furlonsly from ten shillings and sixpence, and the bath
the room, leaving Luke lu a state of anion- "servant" she was evidently a poor hand
lahed bewilderment difficult to describe. at spelling, dear old soul-another half
"Upon my word, here's a pretty misun- guinea. Then I seem to see her dim shape
erstundlng," quoth Luke aloud, "fancy assume material tone.
mo married to that old maid. I'd rather
" Does Mr.Lynch suffer from chronic thirst?1'
Oh, dear, no. lie doesn't wait long enough,"
CseEnameluie Stove Polish; no dint, no smell.
Tar Gibmia for breakfast.
FredT. Herrlll.the Pioneer Bicycle Dealer of this
toast? lie is reliable. Write uim-lorUiuid, Or.
The reputation of being a good fellow never
helped a man at a bank.
Tbtj GaiAT CotTOH Cubb promptly cures
where all others fad. Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and
Aatbma. For ConsumpUco It has no rival;
has cured thousands, and will CURB you If
taken In time. Bold by Druggists on a guar,
antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use
Thlsi Hmarlirls n.op.e..
teed to cure you. Prioe,50c. Injector free.
H ftVfl Vf ti i )u In rrh 9
order your SUMMER
ROLLERS. You want
the best ; that's the
only kind we deal in.
Then send vour order
A movement of the bowels each day u neceasarr tor
health. These puis supply what the oyitem lacks to
matte It regular. They cure Headache, brighten th
Eyes and clear the Complexion better than ooa
metloa. They sot mildly, neither gripe nor Jetten as
other pills do. To convince yoa of their merit w
Will mail BampVifree, or a full box for 26 cents. 8ol4
varywlure. Bosaalto Med. Co., f hlUdelptUa, Jt
obi ins nenuineiBiiiriiir
FKANK WOOLHKY, Aaent, Portland, Or.
siiiiwi siiisubwil u oYHUr
F,r sale by all llpacrl.U. SS Ceata a bectla.
The Speoiflo A No. I.
ftnrea. withnn full. u mu r
tiwn and (jlleek, no matter ot how long
tenial remedy. Cures when everyuaua elM
has failed. Bold bv all l)mi '
rrfew. 93.0.
Co., Baa Jose, UU.
a you re a weak
or alliuir woman:
that there's only
one medicine so
sure to help you
that It can be guar
anteed, its Lr.
l'ierce's Favorite
Prescription. In
building up over
worked, teeoie,
delicate women, or
In any " female
complaint" or
eakness, If It erer fails to benefit or
cure, you have your money back. It's
an Invigorating, restorative tonic, a
soothing and strengthening nervine, and
a safe and certain remedy for woman's
Ills and ailments. It regulates and pro
motes all the proper functions, Improves
digestion, enriches the blood, dispels
A Good Appetite
h impnrtod by Hood's SamapartUa, wMch tonoa
tiros builiiMK) hl.uh-l mui Mr. Deiivir.
(lypoijitt, for I ttm now priit1y well.
HOOD'S PIUS r purely vmfc'nhlo, a-l du nnt tioid by till (irjgUta. 2&o.
Hercules Gas Enoin
MM for Powf or Pumping PurpoMt.
Tb OhMpMt Itoltab. Gas Sagta
m Mum
Out or Cnvhian
FlM VlillF nrwtf r-itv'a aalrA t Vinon 9 .t J i. - ti i.
board by all odds, for- Hushl What's "a.Z .Tr."
hni j i J ftua rfHiorei oeftiui au tireiigm.
TtaoundUKeasunnreiiaedi. T.,,1,. ZTJ'SS I Nothing else can be a. cheap. With
walkadslralKhttotliedoorwheuoethemy keepadiaryjbutforgoodness'sake.donot I y P'T onlT tot the good you get
wnuue souuu prooeeueo auo oau((Ut miss got Hysterical in your oonnduuees with itl
Jenny Hope's two little resisting hands ere Ail the Year liound.
ahe could escape from her ambuscade.
"Don't,Mr.Tresallyl"saldJinnybetweeii The Eaploslra Ammoalt.
her bursts of laughter. The new explosive called ammonite i
t! fJ' ufdauntad,J' " probably the most useful and reliable yet
JIXZIX Aunt tbastpower,!, fr frL
Zeruiah after allf" said Jenny, the brown dtt8er In manufacturing and in use,
yes brimming with fun. "Why, I thought and reoeut teate made with ltin En8
you wanted a bousekeeperl" , land nave resulted in the railroads tak-
"So I do," quoth tiie valiant Luke. ing it for transportation without tha
"Then why don't you marry Aunt Zeru- usual restrictions pertaining to eiplo
'it!' . , , , I wvea It is not injured by exposure to
Becauae I had rather marry you." the jr Md wU1 not decompose. Its in-
"No, It isuTnonJense, Jenny," said Luke, ! u"nunluI Dlt 18j percent
tooplnn down to get a better look into the of mono-nitro naphthalene.-
blushing, averted face. "Seriously. Jenuv. r"-"-----!
wUl you have mef No you shan't go un
til I have had an answer, my heart's little
queen. Yes or no will you marry mef"
"I eupnose so," said Jenny, with a
mischievous sparkle through her downcast iUo dig s Ion so thatall symptoms of Dyspe.
lluil,M,tt-.h. la If oii ,.,! a,,ne 7,,lul, .1. a i, . .
can't oome to an understanding!" i Robert W.W.Deuvlrof 23s
Luke Tressaly did set up housekeeping rranklluSt.,Loug Island
some three months subsequently. And be 'city, N. Y., says: "For
ays he likes it better than boarng. Buf- two years I suffered with
toloNews. ' , ieou'.d find
,, . ' uoouroloriL Ibeganto
l he surveying party upon the upper Hood's Sa-saparlll.
Yukon river in Alaska has completed it ' 8U, in one month I nod
luuors, ana returns to St. miouaeis by that Ho it's Br aosrl
boats as soon as possible in order that it
may return home on the revenue outter
Bear. .
Wes- llmpUelty It Beat the World.
It oils Itself from a eservotr.
Mo Carburetor to get out of order.
Vo Batteries or Electxlo Hyark.
II nos wlta a Cheaper Grade of Gasoline tiiaa aay
otuer liiuglus.
aaxs roa eaTAUMOa ts ,
PALMER & REY, Manufacturim.
41t tMMM ttrttf, hi Frtit(t,
., " 1MB- "" '
at prices that will astonish you. Only the best
Oak-Tanned Leather used, and all work guaran
teed. Send for fine Illustrated Catalogue roifm.
180 Union Avenue (East Side), Portland, Or.
Mil PltlflC CTGUE COB,
Morrison Street, Pollard, Or.
Itloore's Revealed Remedy.
WmSrVv" ,h" by the use of
ffiffifEl"1" KEM&UV my husband was relieved 1mm an old ease of
il.'?S.L,.?.A'ISM and my youngest boy cured entirely of INFLAMMATORY RHKfT.
A1" waen tae beat oootor 1 oould get did him uo good. Yours In irrstituiis.
The P ioneer Dealer of the Pacific Coast, with
main store at 32 Washington street, sells the
beat and most reliable machines made in Amer
ira. Over 600 new and second-hand Cycles for
sale or trade, cash or on easy payments. Write
hiui before you buy. 62-page illustrated cata-
logue tree lor uie asKing,
run stoca oi utcvcie sundries anrt Nnit. inJSn.t), i. oi
, Baking Ovens, etc. LIVE AUENT8 WANTED EVER Y WHERE, "