V : W . - ' j tlffi JIS J ' VOL VII.' LEBANON, OREGON, JULY 14, 1893 NO 20' TERMS OF'SUBECRIPTION. far , , ......aa DO (If til.ii (lvluwe,9 fcilMiryea'..) imonthk. ..,,...,.., i m Ytaiie niimlliH ..' .;.... ... m ngki m....,m.'.' ,UZ3t .' Seors iooletles. IW'IJ Hatunlagi rmutoii t OcW Fetklwiittiall. II A. A. KKtW X. 0. " LrftANON lOIW. So. 47r1. i1' O.F Meeti kick p. lu. ' ' W.C.FETKsWKfteiit'jr mM,MN( U)nflS,N0.,l-O. O. F. , at 1. 0. 0. riall Am aa :thrt Wedaaa. "ay evenliiaan'rttt)i tnoBlh. M.A. KKXEMiN.K.fi. DOLLIKIUimRHH, twul'f Ub fi Imwrt, No. 44 'A. F. M.-Minti, "BatunUyewiB,, on or beluetUw moon in atiti biouUl. l'"'B.'K.Baaus.W. M, T. : Usuiav, fee. BiKirljnwx .Do. 1, A, tl. r MlMttVMT Tnell wuiiua it u. A. BY flail. Pa. I. A. lunanwx, H. W. J. B. IBMrtim , Bee. '. Ffnawa Our. So. iio. 'wv eroittn SanavVsnia Meat In a A.'KiSltH, Lebanon, Or., eawy 4Hturtlay eveaBiMi. -.!pt the thmi IMUurdavofcauih niuMh. auHitinr the ttitrct Fri day saHttiati All bnM4MMiriteNiHiH of V4 nmaaiu.ai'inroleaiN' UVt. AJel. am corriiaAly iBVUVA UlOfcJCl K'ittl UH'OHimi K.VMot am. Cast, A-OmiMix, lit Rqa. TO CORRESPONDENTS. ' Your mil name mart accompany every communication r It will cer tainly go to the "wande basket."" We do not. want your wsme Tor publica tion, Imt as npiMTO'irtnemf irmxl faith. KlltTOR. Notice or AiDwnmMrator's Sat. Notice is iMKrrt rtrni ( Imt by vlrturc o( an ordcrba cur.ury'rMirt.of Linn tVmn tOrgmvhiHr,.ade!Aoi entered rfrec. miiatlirarrHuttm tlmSthitay of Fehnianp1)l.I .l..n Vmh Aav r J uly, vm, w Hipi hmit f one o'ckn p. m. OI FUlMIUV,! lhP1IKTt ItmtW. Amin tl.B filv.itirw 'l.iiiii liioimv llmnu, u.117 tonteWithM lli4tT ibeicfor Teh ini iiw,iwiiiiii,aiax lwribl Ke. loiicmr le (tarMtite of Pew Welt, r- PROFESSSDWAL. 8K.ML. M. 0'HLAND, . ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANOV. OBS0ON. leatberforf t tobtrliln, ATTORN EYS-iAT - LAW, AiBASY.nilKEOON. . V.R Bltl'EV, ATTORNEY - AT- LAW, a.lba, mmo$, ; . - J. R, vrtTT.:. Anorney-ait- Law, ALBANY, iftREGON. STOWE4VSOMERS Att orneys sat Law, TITLES EXAMINED. GoUmUnnK Ktvon minipt And ffnreftil AtUintioll. Wd.iriuitli:it In All Uk- omru of Lbe Ants, omen m m mntr&u brick. Lrbanon, Obbuon. J.R.E11G, SBowwior to R. L. Mut'lure. Shaving Rarlor. In IInnwnr1M Tiew First-Glass Artists in attend- wee, not- ana c out JiatAs with tolwwer aiau times. Yol1 P AfHONAGK Stl,l(Jll'.), f bnSoiit.r,i.tit1)fii,r i.r i w. Kim,!-. nirlSonlhiul Haini Kn. M. otiflratiui K.'&!2, TownWiin ISMniiii. L Wri,f iiw'Witi'uiieti Mmlncii; tl.u at BrUmns: tlii N.ntli SO rlMiim and 118 link,: thfti.n Kat 11 l!n.. kii,titli!liiiliiii and M Biiluito'tlie 1r-of:hfiniiin, conuiiiiiit,l actb In LAnti imuty Wrcgini. T,hi! irrtorwl to l mM an iifbmiaiil in oM mnirr-.lH-ii'a all tli rit title and uMimi whn n,; peter Welt kail therein a tliriiiiwiriii ilnth. The aam Ming a aarfaiinjikHitatp. ' i ;K'l'W.K)"M.'iiyfJne);iS8. ' Juaarii traj,!, Adminintwtor. ( W.B-llaVwu. . Attorney for Admiuiatiaaor. '. , a ',! Mlrutaiatratrla !. j Saeitifa.iiei!by ifirwi thai tie tunder- AUMnd Jlllllll1llit,trutM 4- .1.. ...... GeMBBtB.ftlrKlnii. AM i,. SmmTrr( ttie Cmmty flwrt for Un y.,wcion, amy madf aadnxemi of IwMJieWli dar of Man-h iui l;... siaf, aulboriiiim and directing 4im A- anatanararix to r!l th, real eatatetielsng- Will aw I he 8th ilav of Jnlv iwi a; a. ru. 01 mud ilav al rtw dwn flretV)iirt Honwin the t'f Al baoy, lion county. 0-gn, Ml art fnb- mi to lli nntliciit Imli vratu f tiu. rutW, tJtilt and inierwii mid iteait.it Im.) at (aw4nac of liia deutli, in nut to Ml- lullar4acr Kt l rctawfaia-if Beii'g at IheJCorth Went aamner f uk b. . 14 ot Section 21 in Townahin It, 8. R. I W. 1 if tli VVillainMlw Mwiiilim Oreamn, ilirmv Soutli 240 nal; twura EaatMjwht; liftcv North 1K roalu; tance GaataVimta to tli'lwrf betciiihaiiyc, .n taining Xacrca morf nr le, all in Unn cotnirj'.Orapm. Twnoarf niIpoiif Inilf cash ui kaml ,(d one half in our year with K iwwi1ia. ot, Wd imyniciit miiwI hr nutate... on tlie im niiM'a. Thta34lidu.vof A.n. 1I8. 1I1,Y Sown K, AilliilniiOatrla;. Wiumtitroui 4 t'n.i)iiit:Kuis. nyi. 1'ir Iwtuv. How is This? Somttliliia; a-.iilqti,, ,Ven in thw dayaofinawiwoai rtn-iiiluni nffcra. It l tlie lltt ..j;, rt ,lf Stafford1,, Ma)?a. ilni', Hem Ywk mwitlily of hotw andgeneiHilireajlin,;. The ! ifCfltl.111 ia In wild the Maga Elneouo yar fur one dollar liic rorular niAwirirtiirn prj,v. rt jn ili(m t0 send wk ulHcrilir tlftyo torn ipletK liowrb. durinir tit Iwvfwmm.th. nm-etiiit w-k. Thiak of (. You ivivlv. a eoinnlwc uwm by mail, post paid, Kry wtK ror n fly-two weeks, and In ddltlan you ifet the niagailn once a inontli, for twelw moiitha. all for one dollar. It ia an offer which Uie puu liBlWniii tHily afford to mafee in the WHltlileiit expectation of getting a hundred thnuwiiid new wiliacritiera. Am.i(t the authon of the coming n,r, are, tikle Colling, Walter Bea ant, Mr. Oliphani, Mary (li Hay.i ....en. arryt, Antnouey Trollope, A.iConu Doyle. Him Braddon, :ap 'tain Marryat, Mian Thackery and Jule Verne. If vou wlh tn tuk. .a. vantage of this ummiml opportunity, end one dollar for KiarT.,ni. u ' ine one year. Your flmt copy of the "-Kuiiie ana your Hint iiumtwrofthe flfty-two noveU (aiieewli week) which you are to imit, during the year will he sent yon hv return r.,il o..i. P.O. order, ;r.-Kltered letter or x- pmai. Aanreaa H. STAFPOKD, Pubushkr, Blafford'a Jlagazlne, P. O. Box 2264, New York. N. Y. JSeaae mention thla iaper. , Counoil Prooeedlnca. Council mot. 1... ua iA r8iiW i M7or Mlller ,nthe hrir. v.. nuu mi uie -memoera were The rtHiinivr uuKttu..A ui . a... ly report nf the fiimnues, whiih waa flfltUPUl nl.in.irl at. plaUru tine ,,(., Iheuialter of the nuxlaiice of Dr J.aiiinerBoii'i midence waa called up and uelng read, on motion the same M Hi nnii-r-(t In lu. u I...I...1 i i mm. , V "i inouciinianve with the ordinance in alien casea made and provided. Ordinance Vn at - chiae toTncT:..h:,."l,:i," - Coinpany for the eoutoruction of the poles and wires within the Ineorpora "SSl wf ,read three time nd pwied. The Chief of the Fire Department waa present and made a statement In regard to some repairs needed on the ; ? : ; j wiwu toe cuiei was ordered to have the same repaired. By motion a warrant was ordered fn?S .thJ road Sni ,treet fund lorjkitt 60 in favor nf innUr.i r.,A . correct an error. . I he following bills were read and Lebanon Electric Co, SdO: P W Mor- v-w, aiuri x ruen, ai; m 4p lnd, t6 50; FM Miller, $14 99 July "h" lheU ""ourned unt" ton'ght, The Hero In Stripes, Deputy Sheriff BfilcklUy and" fm. rel, of Douglas county, passed through Alkny with the self confessed "Hero" Gen. E. Richardson, the tevernl times over attempted train wrecker. He f"elo Salem to' remain as,, ,t,,eB. ....riore,gnt years, and will prh, ably learn a trade In ihi n.... . , ""in jtuer he was turned over to the warden .iiieiiuary tne shackles which bound his feet together a n " xiaviLtUUVW nd the handcufla taken off his wrists. Innnrdiately he reachorf .. ook from u secret pocket In his pants -a, -urn. me snacKle hud encircled It, a portion of a case knife ... i.i. -t. of which had been notched to use as saw. He said that 1m t.-... make an attempt to cut the handcuffs should opportunity nil on the way to Salem. Fat Man's Race. MISSES BALL Albany Ofiron Are the leading M i 1 1 i ji e r Of (lie Valley 9tl' f li.ai.ut;. Nod i (hereby ifivfn' t liut the '.erehlp bmi'tofoir cximiig lair.w. tlav iiiidcrigiM nn.ii'i tl. ,r a'w,, UniilngC'o.. lifH I..-1-I-. k. .1 , hfa, diiolvctl by nrilmil c.n .-ci I nftiie laimi. John laom harlig..- nMwl t',.. I., ....... ofK. J. Uiming, Tl.f iM...na after be curried on l.y 1,.'i f,,,,, 4. plircliancr tliercof, l I n I i"d y iism nurtnerMliindeliia.il ' wh.i iii-.if. irad tooollnctaiiil ibk.j tnr all ,i, the late firm. ' If nil ii'HJior- Itated this la .I,, li'I'v '. ' I''. J. Laxmu, fiHICACO; AND THE WORLDS FAIR Send ten cent (BV(,r) or twe,w cents in ataiiiDa for . u..j.. n.i . Ouid to the great exposition; gives n. formation f value to every visitor Htreet Guide, Hotel Price., Cab Fares .---u,h itaiea, ete. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the unwary, and hints how to keep out of tltein. This ooi.pensitiie companion to every vh.it.ir t,, ,ht. Mll)y vi be sent by mail. o' ten oems silver, or twelve cents In ajiinpa. AJdreaa H. STAFFORD, Pitbushkr, P. 0. Box 22.14, yrw York K. Y. I'leaae n eiillor. thia parer. ' Notla. I Lkoanob. Jk., June 21, 189g. O'Hce of the Ulianon A- Kanii.m r....i I'o. Nulioe ia liereby given to all whom n may cvrnvrn, that, on the irf A.. July at 7:W p. m. at the nffloe of Peteraon 'S ijurland in Lebanon, Oregun, Tliere will I held the regular annual meeting of the stock ho.H.rr the Ix-unoii Bantiam (.anal Co., a( hieh niecling aeven direct onof aai.lconi.ai,y vlll lieelnctrd. I.. Kul KV. Pres. M. A. Miu.iii, Ki..lv How lire you fixi .l ), lettei-headg .ll-liiii,a, ei,velo., note-heads i Mtetiienia and (lie ili(? )ol,.t f,w : he old style of ualng uii.i hite.i ata ! """'rv- .w Prlt even-thing at this I on hv mid cltaigH a reasonable price .lily. Wecliiliiitn it., good work ; Kir as little money n,,nv office In the . -tale. HATS Till MED IN THE LATEST STYLE When visiting Albany don't fail to give tlieiw a call. To brake the monotnnev T,it. evening, some of our cititizens got up a fat man's race. The distance run was one block, or about 260 feet; and the winner was to leoeive a sack of flour. J. H. Frey, -Keleey, Jas. Sharp and P. W. Morgan entered the race. J. W. fiuyacd Chas. Smith were appointed Judges. The race was won by J. H. Frey who got the sack of flour, but It was very close between he and Kelsev. Our marah.i altogether too fat, and consequently be was net -iD It," he dropped out about balf way. " Die, rrvllls V.a T-iimnn r i . - !.. ii, jljiiii, eaujner ? r mornig,ji5 j T iV mi. unuKDHT OT WIT. Ud Mrs. Frank rrviiJt .Ja i. . - ' I ; IX world h. - r ""u tu uiewream or it1lon'n th Pdieof Immor- ...,. in. remains or little Lona uju.cuy win m rent in the Ma- MOniO OemetMrv mi W,l .......I i .. . . , "wii-wuij in tne presence of eympathiiing friends of tile hereaved imm.,,.. One more loved one Bweetly (ieepihg, . Dear little Lona gone before And if faithful we will meet her, Safely on the other shore. Y,! kno.w h' !- forever With the blest Redeemer to dwell; Biit how aad it in to sever Heart that we have loved so well. Often In the eve we'll gather ltoiind Hie iireside dear and lone, .'!! ."lf. 88 we K' together or the loved one now gone home. One more loved one sweetly sleeping. Our darllng baby gone before. , Vet, we Jov at the thought of meeting Bye and by to part no more. J. Stlewer, of Jefferson, lost ten One milch cows a few davs aim h li.,.. some old white lead cutis where they u.u nc mem. The lead poisoned them and they died in a abort tim i spite of all the medical assistance he oouia give liietn. Old can. tan a dangerous article to leave arouud. CaptAd Ghapman, the old Indian war scout, has made a standing wager of $1000 that he can with a horse beat any bicycle from Vancouver to Snleni and return. This was hri)Ught about by some bluster made by a fancy blcyo. Ilt lllllt a blCVcle Waa animal,. ....,IUi iu a akin Poivden TTvrUt, M-ir v"um'"t" '-NoAmmouiajNoAluni. Used in MillioM of IW-40 Year5 the Standard horse. Chapman is a good rider and iinderalunils a liotse. Hu has silenced 1 lie blusterer of Vancouver. Dispatch. UI the stiine the bicycle with the right mini on it wo-lil undoubtedly win. I'hotographs. Y.ou oan get better cabinet size pict ures at Crawford & Paxton's in Alba ny for $1 50 per dozen thau at other giilhies for auy prim.. Our work is guaranteed. Permanent gallery es , laullshed for 3,'i yeaiti. No poor work allowed to go out. Come and see us Albany, 1st street Next door Mason-1 1 1 JVmple. I Captala Hnmphrej'a Con,llrtB. Captain Humnhro,, .m..j ... .. - i-".j .'num. wen after the amnutatlon of hi. t.. t.. . .. . ..... tin, vteu- uesday afternoon, says the Pendleton tiast Oregonian. and hi. . . - - ...w iTmuveu on a stretcher from the transfer bouS- . to his room iu the Golden Rule hotel. , 'ufered mncb P"' during the night, but this morning said that he seemed more like himself than llUny tlme du.,g the ardent. Although very encouraging. Even was In desperate pai wlth hi, f(? crushed and bleeding, "Can's" n,M -PlHt prevailed. Jon bX hta bedside, and remarked thTh i ZZ:?vmlmmM --utyou , they de't cutoff th Atlastaeeouniatupj Wish for his rennv. ....n . . leesbegraUfied. ' A Slch GoW Fliiifc ' Fresh fuel was added to the gW rich strike made by the ni, Brother., who are well "kno' "Ptlngou anoijp,": Cerfleldln lb. 1.1,1 .. . F T - ".i.iiuue a sirhet in Josephine county, when they covered a ain . ' nl9 thev ttb v " ,ro"1 ''( tney took one him .....1,. nd a larm amnnnt Hon upon which h, 1... rum ors have staked tl 2 Ph.ce, bed contain,,,;: hT chunks of navino,.,.(.. t. .... , "?" " """0y now of jam miner's Inches of water can )u. i....... . . " ' . "v "-''HI I Iff II, 'I I) A etrangestpartofthe find s that it .... ,,.er ot a placer bed thai w famous for ila n,.i....... ' n oijyiirti aim iisestt:;7...r.n-)''--''' Kold dust was taken f,-, ,, present w,,c,s will f,,,,,, sM J Panyat once and ,,, t(, wm,k ir property ,,,r,,li( wlll Dr. J. M. Taylor, a Well known ,,,(. Ing man of Souther,, n i.l he above ,,., that it is the rlche.i, tl,t , . . eectonforso,netl,W.-Oreg;,;i:;.,m NOTlUK-lo CUKfUTOUS. , Notice is herehv a; .,.,, , ;i ., concern th,,, .,,,,. ..... """'' may . unde.ig,;;,;-;;;,;-,, v County Court of Un ,.! e ., adnuiilstiatorol ti,,.. eaale , T , ! Uveall. dm,,.,.,, .1 " nM.l. claims agui,18t ,!.,. ! '1 ! warned ,0 present the,. J, ' vouches, -.ftU.'Cu.nK' f this notice, to the undei-aig , ,,,, ratorattheofflceof tium'l ? ij, , lrbanon, l.i e,y, oren. . . . , Jlr-6Hveui:Ai,L Admin strntna nl ,1,. . . lveali, deceused, ' '" M- J-, ,- Sam'l M. Gablakd, Atty.fortheAdininisirutor Lebanon, Or., March IVth, J8B8. :