Lebanon Eipress. CITY OFFICIALS. AYOR . ....C.H.K ALSTON BKX1RPF,1!.............F. it. M1IJ.KR. TRBASUKKR ..J. A. ROBERTS. MARSHAL..... P. W. MORGAN. (J. C. BILYEX1, OOUNCIUtEN Vttrtbll. ; Q. SI. WKSTFAI4 City Council meets on the first and third Yweday evenings of each month. Circuit Court. W, B Peacock vs Bnodgrass Bro,tL woaTsry ot money; attachment; nrdiot IW plsintiff against W P Kail for M76S. A P Black bum nil Can and C H Gooq, continuation ; sale confirmed. Estate of Otto Serfling; order of probate reversed. State vs Vi Yuen, turn Biok, Hon Chor; htm Biox plead guilt and fined HOD. In dictment dismissed as to Wa Ynen and AorChor. lathe circuit coart Andrew L Arnold, convicted of Anon for burning the bam of Alexander HcDoi:ald, was sentenced to Jilt jean in the penitentiary, and waa tak- to Baleui by the Sheriff. Sullivan, the Chinaman, who plead tuilty 4s aasualt with intent to kill a Chinas worn a with a knife, was sent np for two Tears. Case against K J Uniting settled, and receiver of Ieom. Lanning & Co discharged. la the matter of the assignment of Clark 3xoe; contiuued. L Calovao ts school district So 32, n oarery of money.attachment; continued. Cffa Kleinhammer vs Fred Kleinham- aaer, divorce; divorce granted plaintiff without costs. OP Burkhart vs Nellie C Rnrkhact, di vorce ; divorce granted with costs. K L Curtice vs A T Curtice, divorce; di tores granted. Ualinda Young vs Kester Yonng, di vorce; divorce granted plaintiff with . eus tduy of minor children without costs. - W B Feacobk vs Btiodajass Bros, et al, recovery of money, attachment: on trial . Harford W Smith vs Minnie Smith, di vorce; continued. E t Crandall & Co vs C C Hackleman, recovery of money; default and judgment, Bute vs John D Wsssom, assault; con tinued. In the circuit court Saturday, the case of the injunction suit of D. C. Bhennan, of Saletu, vs A. J. Bellows and other trust ae'a of tbe Soldier's Home, rest raising the state from lo cating tbe home at Boseburg came op before J udgesBarnett. The ease waa submitted without argument. A de murrer -was overruled and a perman ent injunction granted. The ease waa at ones taken to the supreme court The decision, If sustained by the supreme court, will be sweep ing iu its character, as it would in volve the legality of tbe location of any other state institution at any other place than the state capital. The wishes of the people, as shown heretofore in the location of various state institutions at several towns be sides Salem, seems to be that all such state institutions should not be at the capital, and if this is to be the construtioD of the state on this points constitutional convention will doubtless be called soon to remedy It. J. C. Boyd, of Springfield eolo ny scheme and other things of like nature has commenced suit against E. W. Allen and wife to recover 120.000. Il is claimed that defendant, by word of mouth and by letters written, were instrumental in preventing Boyd be ing put in charge of the horticultural display in the Oregon building at the World's fair grounds. As a result Soyd estimates hie pecuniary loss by failing to secure tbe position and the detriment he alleges hU good name to have suffered thereby at 120,000. The trouble, it is said, bad its origin during tbe cotton exposition atKew Orleans several years ago- Register. C. E. Carter, alias Rose, tbe murder er who achieved considerable notoriety in Portland and Kaleru last January, has again been respited. His execu tion waa due last Friday, but it is understood that tbe event has been postponed until July 13. Carter, alias Mose was arrested at Portland by De tective Hiinons, on a charge of murder, committed many years ago at Law rence county. Ho. He at first denied bis identity and all knowledge of the crime of which he was charged. How ever, after tbe arrival of tbe officers from Missouri, who knew him person ally, the prisoner gave In and con fessed he was the fugitive wanted. In his case the "law's tedious delay" seems to cut a very prominent figure & shooting bee, at which no one waa tort, occurred at Sweet Home yester day. The result will be a forced visit of some out to Lebanon, And possibly to Albany. Frauk trust, who lives near Boon's ferry, Clackamas county, underwent a surgical operation a few days ago at St. Vlucetit'i hospital. For a long time he has had an abnormal growth of the abdomen, so much so tint it reached nearly to his knees when standing erect. The operation con sisted In making a transverse incision and removing about fifty pounds of fat. The patient withstood the opera tion with tbe aid of an anesthetic aud Is now apparently doing well, with rery prospect of recovery. There are but few similar cases on record .-(Portland Dispatch. HOTICK TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that on the 8th day of March 1S0S, the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon the administrator of the estate of John M. J. Loveall. deceased. All parties having claims against the above named estate are warned to present thee, with proper Touches, within sU months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned admuw- trator at the office of Bam'IM. Garland in Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon. ; Jambs HaavR Loaiaix, ' Administrator of tbe estate of John M. J. Leveall, deceased. Ram'l H. GiBLiSB, Atty. for the AuniiBistrator. Lebanon, Or., Much Ota, 18. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Chanted Kwy Week. Wheat-69e. Oats 85c Hay $12perton. Flour II Oil per sack. Chop 11 25 per owt , Bran 80c per owt. Middlings 11 00 per owt Potatoes 50c . . Apples Dried, 7c per lb. Plums Dried, 6c. Onions 2c. Beef Dressed, 6c. Veal 45c. Pork Dressed, 7. ' Lard-124. Hams-12j5I6per lb. Shoulders 10c . Bides-Tl2c per lb. "tDeese 8 per dot. Ducks S5 00 per doz. Chickens $3 OUA 00. . Turkeys 10c per lb. Eggs 15c wroxm. Butter 25c pr lb. Hides Green, 2Sl3c; dry, 6c Poultry, Hides and Furs. . Highest cash price paid for turkeys geese, ducks and chickens at office of L.Jaeobe, Btraney and Moore'e old stable, 4th street, Albsny. Also hides and furs of all kinds nought for cash. ED.'.C.J PHELPS, N otary Public, Waterloo, Orkoon. Conveyancing promptly attended to. Business with the Land Office, Post-olBce, or Pension Bureau will receive special at tention. . Learn Telegraphy. A TRADE. IT PAYS. SUCCESS SURE. Address, J. C. Heymour, Orcgouian Building. PORTLAND, OGK. P. M. JCDD, 8lecml Manager for G. E. HARDY, Lebanon, Oregon. Watchmaker V AND Mfg. Jeweler. Dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Fine Watch Bopairing a Specialty All Work Fully Warranled. We beard of a serious runaway, that of J.J, Hnllida had at Muddy creek, bridge near his farm. While driving upon the bridge a China pheasant flew up soaring h Is team. The team started to run, when one of the horses Jumped off of the bridge and waa Instantly killed. Mr. Holllda waa violently thrown from the hack, but not badly hurt. How one horse can get loose front another when both were har nessed seems queer. Mr. Holllda was In luck not get killed himself. Hulscy News, Fhotooraphs. You oan get better eabinet siae plot ures at Crawford A Paxton's in Alba ny for $1 50 per down than at other gallrlea for any price. Our work is guaranteed. Permanent gallery es tablished for 88 years. J5o poor work allowed to go out. Come and see us. Albauy, 1st street Neat door Mason ic Temple. ANKzLEBANON, LEBANON, OREGOK. Transacts i General Banking Business. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. Exchange sold on New York.Ban Francis es, and Portland and Albany, Ureaon, Oollecaons mads on lavorable terms. DALGLEISH 4 EYERETT, DEALERS IK Furniture & HardTsare, Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Floor lattings, 4c. -AI.80- Windows, Doors, Builders Hardware, &o, die, LEBANON, OREGON. Selntifle Anertcai Agocy far sfinVsMlliV. Hr tnfarauiina mri tVaa iimsihitnar mm 8KUhN M CO- 9Q BboAUWat, HKW YUHK. tMt trama for Heurtoc punt us Amcsitm, iter Mttnt Uko out by m it brouiirtt bulor tlM PUssilt trJABOieeN Clffja tlW tf sJttMl tts UM hitztilit mtim world, eiiiendidt UlunraMtt tio Inteliuttjat Bao should be witboH u. Wtiy, S3. OO ft nr: $1 60 months. Ad4rM MIINN A (XX run unit, Ski Htxmiwvf,Hm lock CUj. A SPECIAL OFFER! Th hovlint3orrne' ntirttm of TRK ORB mJ -Uhri NntV iUHLUIN', loold t tka oriHM of ..UtK mill K r itrtau. ior maiir jaa-.THi: OKK'tOSUN hMt h omd of list and oooimdimu bulUltiic trnibraolitc II tli mrri . iiirvnuwuU, wltbtb iatt tniruvrtmmiitinftrvf(tr ttirntnf out m trooolitun ir'r, H uow has It and 0110 that Ilia whole Pacific Coart mar Jutti; faclproui m H it ea-talob' tba fla at lha aoaai, firm that THK OK ! AV i ttM lu flil new bum tt fouia I'k riviug lu many frfnnrta n tmuetlt, it makxa thin HpAolal uffur to thoie wb ritw helr ubmrlpfaon, or to UeeK!y Oreijoiiaij Tls Mac the dull Mon of the rm, TBI OKKOONUN Mi-Mo tMsefltot thla kind will to arsatl; spiirMlstod. f leaM send is jour ubM,rli,tioii uMutuu mi poMibl. m hes vutttos Portland you are eortllttlljr IdtIWiI esss sallsls "" eur tmm Q mmm en, i jt an Aues at saaa I Yawatn MaeirtV I r MllflH ITI4IT1 I aJ Iff I liU III 1 II P ; Don't Fool Witi Fakes! If yourself or friends wish to be cured of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the Genuine Keeley Treatment, which is the only safe, reliable and permanent cure in existence. Genuine Keeley In timites, with most favorable surround ings, at Forest Grove and Roseburg. a). Write for Particulars. Correspondent! Confidential. W.C DAVIS, (SUCCESSOR TO G. W. SIMPSON.) ALBANY, OREGN- Carries a Complete Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots' and Shoes, Furnishing Goods and Groceries. Premium tickets given with every dollar e worth of goods, cash purchase. Special discounts allowed on all cash purchases of Clothing, CloakB, Blankets, and all other winter goods. Highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce taken in exchange for merchandise. Go and see the Assortment Read Peacock & Co New Store They will treat you right. Lebanon and Albany, Oregon.. Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS I PHILLIPS, Proprs, Albany, Oregon. All Orders Receive Promt Attention. Special Rates for Satisfaction Guariintoed or Money Refunded. R. 8. ROBERTS. Agent, Lebsaon, Oregon. -AT- X LEBANON Meat Market, WEISBEK 4BUHL, Proprs. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, SausageB logna, and Ham , p.- ' If n ItyBacon and Lard Always on Hand. Main Street, Lebanon, Or.